Kings League two each. Bryant ; scored a basket rple team. ewley 2 scored 16 d White team toa er Gold as_ they 4 point second half game. rano, Tutton and ided out the scor- te with six; four pints respectively, y Cooper scored Vinterink two for | Kennedy scored to give Red team with first place Scoring for Green arry Horruzey and ur points each. WLT Pts, 6 4012 6 4 012 5 5 010 37-0 8 1G SCORERS Pts. 152 135 ski 117 ki 109 108 95 94 cords will mark the 18th arance for the 38- t winger with De- ngs. all - star games record that may natched. Maurice 'hard, the retired Canadiens, played 5. six players still NHL with 10 or ances, but all are none are close to _ They are Red to Maple Leafs, 'vey and Alex Del- 1 of Detroit, "ail n Beliveau, Mont- nie Geoffrion, New 's, 11 each, and ost of Montreal will be in the ll-star left winger Iso will take part, he will be with RECORDS holds the records | points, 16, most nning teams, 10, minutes, 21, and ll-star to draw &@ y. e shooting for two 'ds Wednesday-- d most assists. He with Richard for with nine and is ith Kelly for most even. -star games have rior to the open- L season, but offi- * decided to move ¢ to mid-season to ing with baseball vhich are at their tober. "TERNS COLORS Z BROOKS entire room or true-to-life birds lors. rs add spar- embroider feath- d tones. Easy rm 7295: trans- - color schemes. = CENTS (coins) rn (no stamps, ce Brooks, care Times, Needle- | Front St. W., t. Ontario resi- sales tax. Print 'RN NUMBER, oSS. | BEAUTIFUL . DESIGNS in lecraft Catalog! shions, afghans, ry, toys, gifts, erns. Send 25c, heirloom quilts tterns in color t Book 2. Quilt. 1 60c. Juilt Book 1 -- tterns. 60c, < é | By CARL MOLLINS il LONDON (CP) -- Oxfordshire farmer Michael Smallwood, |jang Smallwood says the system may trates jwell be the seeding style of the either {should think this method might! Aerial Rerial Planting By Farmer' Beats Seggy English Mud rial ' used aerial seeding to beat @ 4owed-to° cover the | wet fall and winter that barred use of heavy implements on th Farm Aviation Ltd., seeding has been tried a} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Jenuary 18, 1967 33, | umn because he was bound by{and a fourth is being modified contract to provide that muchiIn addition to engineering seed wheat to a buyer next year|changes to the wings and pro- and his land was too sticky for |peller, the forward of two cock- conventional planting. pits is fitted with a glass-fibre The wet earth had to be har- hopper to hold a payload of up air-dropped to 700 pounds . Trailing edges of the wings seed and Smallwood was able to ha use a light harrow without bog-/are fitted with pipes and a ne | ging down. By early January,/Series of nozzles for liquid |mired down by soggy English 4. at a . , ' NAS CAIBGH CaDOvE: ahBLL oe that sowed --Smallwood's the crop was well established, |SPraying and an open-ended box weather, has risen above the!orgn has seeded about 1,000 mud problem by having his 4 aie alte athe Sih wheat a under the plane's belly for solids y he acres altogether with wheat and NEE 2 SEE ading. Se ' ' jwinted wheat sown air- harley since late ga beat NEED MORE SEED spreading. Seeds drop from the {plane. Meee: mre "The costs have been higher, HoPPer into the spreader and } Although he turned to aerial' COSTS MORE of course," Smallwood. says," blown. backwards through iplanting in an emergency, Normally, the firm concen- 'For @ start, you need more |fan - like vanes, spreading .in on aerial fertilizing, with fertilizer and slightly more seed |SW4ths about 17 feet wide liquid or solid chemicals, |in broadcast sowing from the {rom an altitude of about 40 future on big farms using adapted versions of the air. I'm not sure yet what kina | feet | "L don't know Western Can-|Canadian-developed de Havil-/0f a profit the operation will LITTLE TAKES OVER ; ada," Smallwood says, "But Ij!and chipmunk training plane show. Rich Little is host of CBC- Farm Aviation has three con- TV's new In Person show, Sat- i HOCKEY These hockey players may never make it to the Na- tional Hockey League, but they still enjoy the game. Immigrant © Swept Into | 7 Designing HALIFAX (CP) -- Eleven years ago Tony lIammatteo, came to Canada from Italy and was hired as a sweeper by a shoe manufacturing company in Montreal. Now a Canadian citizen, he {s the sole designer of his own shoe manufacturing company, employing 68. Mr. Iammatteo has full confi- | dence in Canada's shoe manu- facturing industry. "We have picked up a lot of ground in the last five years and are definitely ahead of the, United States," he said in an'! interview here. The American industry was geared for mass_ production | while Canadian companies con- quality. ree ¥ an 7 (> PLAYERS WITH LIPSTICK They're a few of about Slacks instead of hockey 100 girls who play in the pants and the occasional five - team British Colum- smear of lipstick separate bia Girls Hockey League. the girls from the boys. | ) : (CP Photo) | ™WO JOIN CHURCH Bryan were ordained as ated 'LINCOLN, England (CP) --jcan priests on the same day. the! Former grocer Harold Taylor,|Both now are curates in 60, and his 26-year-old sonidiocese of Lincoln. |time and money ona really big year's scale farm." Canadian wheat board, an offi-joutside contractor, considerably |cial said he had never heard of |higher for a farmer who nor- planes being used for other than|mally uses his own machinery. |crop dusting in Canada | to doubt whether acrial sowing}more economical as the area! would be considered econom- covered increases, a spokesman jical,"' he said. 'Seed wheat can for the air firm said. be expansive and a farmer Smallwood, who raises grain be just the answer for saving few times before but not on this |verted Chipmunks in operation urday nights after the hockey. DRAFTSMEN ESTIMATORS We require the services of Draftsmen with 2 to 5 years exper- ience, preferably in the Mechanical Field for our Engineering Dept We also require on Estimetor, preferably with some knowledge of blueprint reading. This man will be required to estimate work mostly from architect's drawings For both these positions, the ideal candidates should be in their twenties We offer good starting solaries and excellent 'prospects for ad vancement to the right men Reply in confidence, providing complete details of qualifications experiences and salary requirement to Personnel Department Porcelain and Metal Products Lid. 15 Colborne Street, ORILLIA, ONTARIO. Costs are slightly higher than At the London office of the for conventional seeding by an "T tend|But aerial sowing becomes | might be wary of wasting it by jand beef on about 450 acres at broadcast sowing from the air."|Bletchington north of Oxford, But at least a dozen English|had 30 acres seeded and fer- farmers besides Smallwood haveltilized from the air in late au- | Public Apology to Mr. Finley Dafoe This is to advise that this Committee, due to on error by the press and beyond our control, inadvertently omitted Mr Dofoe's name from our published slate in the post civic election. We regret the omission of Mr. Dofoe's name, he being a yalued member of our Committee. Citizens' Committee Creek Valley Conservation meet the man IN STEP with BEST BUYS He even enjoys shopping because at Glecoff's . you get a very pleasant atmosphere along with personal service and GOOD BUDGET SAVING PRICES. Mr. lammatteo says his shoes, ; retailing from $18 to $25, are designed for the 17-to-30 age group--the young woman who doesn't mind paying for style and quality. He sees a market abroad for Canadian-designed shoes but adds that his com-; pany can't keep up with Cana- | dian orders. | The manufacturer says he en-| joys designing "way-out shoes." | Knee-high boots were the most! popular for winter wear. | "They're popular for the sim-| are} ple reason that dresses short and the boots go with them." The highest shoe heel he de- signs and manufactures is 1% inches. The heels are set back, toes rounded or square, and | daytime and evening shoes dis- tinguishable only by their ma- | terial, He might choose a bright | suede or fabric for an evening | shoe, with solid leather for day-| lige. His winter shoes are de-| signed in all colors but pastels. | "Color is much more im- portant than two years ago. 1| now use blue, wines, bone and| the tan family for winter." Storm Drain. Idea Studied | SASKATOON (CP)--City offi- | Meials in Saskatoon are investi- "gating a new method of sewer | Sconstruction, aimed- at cutting | Osts. Normally, the construction of Sanitary and storm sewers fol-| lows a circuitous route through | ity streets. | Under the new revolutionary | ethod, devised by the Saska- engineering department, sewers would be con- underground beneath city properties using a rect cross-country route. City Engineer A. F. G. Car- oll said the proposal could ave millions of dollars through reduction in length of sewer Ines and therefore the cost. Checks have been made with ome Saskatchewan government epartments where enthusiastic terest has been shown, but the gality of the idea has not yet en determined. City Commissioner C. L. Me: } eod said that if a provincial | udy proves the idea feasible, | will be taken before council | r consideration. | Mr. McLeod said the question obtaining easements on 'all) residential properties under | ich the sewers would be tun-! lled would have to be investi- | ted, but he emphasized there | Duld be no effect on the} operties themselves. No build-| Bs would be moved because | sewer would be constructed | IVE PACKED TOGETHER | apan's: population | GLECOFFE'S Grade "A" LARGE EGGS Dempster's or Buttermate Doric Australian 99° Seedless RAISIN Ib. loaves for corm 99° La 31° Glecoft's Custom Blend COFFEE BEANS 1 Ib. bag New Lotion 20 oz. bottle .. Gey LIQUID DETERGENT oe 49° BREAD 24 oz. loaf .... 19 pis idpal GLIDE 'New 24-ox. ~¢ 2 tor 25 STARCH, save Push Button SPRAY AS SOUP MIX .. Mountain View Choice Canned 28 or tins. BFOR OO THIS WEEK ONLY GUERNSEY MIL 2 quart carton . Fresh Pork Shoulders, with er without Dressing, Ib. PIZZA PIES 2 Family Size for 1.00 Fresh Ground Hamburg THIS WEEK IS MEAT BANANAS 2 iss, 25° G 'ARSE 3Q¢ FRESH CORN yo. 6 'Coss GARDEN FRESH ecgumuiaele 10 oz, tray 3 poz. 99° SUNKIST SEEDLESS ORANGES, good size .. Pepsodent Tooth Brushes ...,..- . Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Reg. 1.19. Spec. ....-.... 1.04 Face Cloths, Reg. 25c each. Spec, 2 for 39¢ . 39c - 49c - 69c - 89e 174.Riston Road S. LOTS OF FRE density. | per square mile, is one of} highest in the world. ' 24-lbs. for ; Sas Swift's Cold Cuts, 6-0z, Pkg. Canada Packers Sliced 49° Macaroni Cheese, Pickle and Fig be OR) oe Pimento, Dutch Loaf, Mock Chicken Wieners ¢ ON, Bari rere prin an 99 4 PKGS. 99° WEEK AT GLECOFF'S STARTING JAN. 23rd -- OPEN 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MON., TUES. & WED. -- 'TIL FURTHER NOTICE GLECOF F 5 SUPERMARKET GLECOFF'C CASH PAY CHEQUES AND BABY BONUSES OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. ee FROZEN FOODS MORTON'S COCONUT CUSTARD PIES MORTON'S MAC and CHEESE Dish 3 for 49° a a KITTY LITTER, Reg. 59c for .....1......... 45¢ MODESS, Reg. 53c for 39e Lady Patricia Hair Spray, Reg. 99c¢ for 79c Hilroy 300's Jumbo Lined Refills, Spec. 75c + 8 8a fet ete te terete + SHOP BY PHONE CALL 725-3445 E PARKING DRUG STORES These SPECIAL BUYS Good in this Head & Shoulders One dandruff shampoo that really works. 77° MEDIUM TUBE Sugg. list 89e Scientitie medicotion works quickly, for hours, to help break "itch-cycle" ... check itching relieves itching medicinally, urge to scrotch, thus breaks vicious "iteh-seratch-itch cycle." even membrane itching quiets the You con get fast blessed relief from Itching, rashes, dry skin eczema . . . even embarrassing mem brane itch (vagina! and rectal itch- ing). LANACANE'S medicated formula Quickly calms irritated nerve ends, f ho ting: And LANACANE soothes raw, in- flamed tissue, checks harmful boe- teria growth, helps speed healing. Greaseless, vanishing, pleasent to use. Why suffer? Get LANACANE, WY4-on, 1.35, Start your children on CHOCKS The Chewable Multiple Vitamin 3.88 100's - Sugg. List 4.75 area until Saturday, January 21, 1967 Special this week ! KLEENEX Facial Tissues ONLY 16° MEGGEZONES | Comforting relief from sore throats, coughs due to colds AND NIGHT MADE Ik LONOOM, ENGL / i lt FOR DAY 69° COISOM A COL! SPECIAL LOW PRICE ¢ BEST QUALITY Curity* Absorbent Balls ¢ For baby care © For cosmetic use a | t . \] el} tb . ; 100 balls -- Sugg. list 59c.... Sug. Wet B96. cess fines Fruit-Flayoured Aspergum Pain Relief In Chewing Gum Form 16's - Sugg. list 57¢ 03 New Dawn Hair Coloring 1.87 DEODORANT Shampoos in! Sugg. List 2.25 RIGHT GUARD by Gillette, 5 oz. -- Sugg List 1.29 Pepto-Besmal Relief for upset stomach 8 ox. -- Sugg. List 1.25 MODESS New! Milkshake Flavours! METRECAL ator 1.39 4 sins 1.19 LISTERINE Sugg. List 1.09 Colgate Tooth Paste Sugg. List 1.19 -- Manufacturer's Special 1.09 VICK'S FORMULA "44" 12's ¢ 3 oz. -- 6 Bude) (See i ee 2 for 89) Sung. Liat Vi28 ks eas 99 DELSEY ON A LAXATIVE MERRY-GO-ROUND ? a sig ec roe Nature's Remedy ...... +» + tomorrow alright rolls ¢ Sugg. List 2/33e ...... a eee 2 for 31 SPECIAL 69¢ SPECIAL 1.39 Eastview Law's Karn's Lane's Pharmacy 1204 Wecker 28 King St. 302 Stevenson Rd. 573 King St. E. Drive East North 725-3594 725-3525 723-4621 723-1131 and 2 Jamieson's McCordick's Mitchell's North Simcoe 241 King 360 Wilson 9 Simcoe Pharmacy St. Eost Rd. South St. North 907 Simcoe St. North 725-1169 725-8711 723-3431 723-3418