0 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jonuary 18, 1967 ULTRA MODERN CROCHETED PLACE MATS The richly beautiful, the this place mat an_ ultra self-addressed stamped en- the Needlework Department heavy crocheted motifs give modern look. If you wish velope and ten cents to of this newspaper asking for. i instructions please send a cover cost of handling to Leaflet No, C-7065. New Divorce Bill have been deserted by their of the Senate and House com-|not be interpreted like the soda- husbands will have grounds for| mittee on divorce, told the Ca- biscuits-in-bed mental Will Free Women |spring is approved. Already Deserted | Robert McCleave, Progress:|April and will cover a number said. ive Conservative member of 0f areas including cruelty and He SARNIA (CP) -- More than parliament for Halifax and a desertion. mental 60,000 Canadian women who member and former chairman said grounds such illness, broken mar " * INCLUDES LIFETIME SHOPPING MEMBERSHI cruelty divorce if a new divorce bill to\nadian Club of Sarnia Monday business we find in the United oy drug addiction and the case be presented to Parliament this night the new bill will be pre- States, but cruelty in the strict! of one partner being @ habitual sented possibly in March or'legal sense of the word," he criminal in and out of jail all| the time and the matter of a/ as three-year voluntary separation -|will be "quite debatable' sub- "The cruelty section should|riages caused by drunkenness jects in the bill to be presented, | JANUARY SALE CHILD GUIDANCE By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD You have read and heard of the wide prevalence of cheating by high school and college stu- dents, and may have been ap- palled at it. One method of at- tacking this problem has been the so-called honor system. The student signs a pledge in the honor system that he won't cheat in a test and that he will report any other student he sees cheating. From various reports, it seems that a good number may keep the first part of this pledge jbut far fewer the second part. Reporting others who cheat runs counter to the notion of good sportsmanship and the dis- like of being a tattler. Strange as it may seem, a student who counts it dishon- orable to get help in a test, may consider it honorable to give} help. Sometimes in a relatively small student body the basic; jidea of the honor student per-| meates rather effectively the) | whole student body. | , Published studies have re- |vealed that while there may be much cheating in a class taught by certain teachers there may; be very little or none in a class| taught by certain other teach- ers, P Cheating Is Leaning On Another Honesty Is Standing Alone Some teachers in high school and college devise various tests comprising problems the student may solve while using as many textbooks and other sources he may wish to use during the test. But even these teachers may find it practical to give some tests which may be answered in a word or two--chiefly mem- ory tests, on which cheating {may be relatively easy, espe- jcially in crowded classes. {ENCOURAGES CHEAT We would like to think honesty the best appeal against cheating at any grade level, primary grades. upward. But most children today grow up in a culture in which the notion widely prevails that anything you can get away with its right; and with the growing emphasis on grades with college entrance and a diploma so highly prized, this notion of winning the cher- ished grades, tends to grow. Moreover, some parents from the time the youngster is in the primary grades onward, would rather see the child winning good grades by cheating than to getting poor grades. These | | 1 --DANCEY' |parents ald and abet their child from the; in cheating. However there are some par- ents who are seriously con- cerned about the immorality of cheating. Perhaps they repre- sent the "remnant" which the Good Book talks about. Since these parents are concerned, they should look into the grades their children earn on the work these parents do for them in their homework handed in at school and graded there. LEARN EARLY An ideal which parents and teachers may emphasize effec- tively with children in the ele- mentary and higher grades is self-reliance. Any child at 3, 12,/ or 15 may get pleasure from} doing things for himself. The more he may choose to strive in| this direction, when in the Grade 3 high school or college. Suppose he wins more and lmore approval and consequent satisfaction in acieving at play) or work from what he does him- self, and not from what others do for him, As time goes on, when he faces tests and examin- ations in school, he will be more ready to seek approvals, and rewards for what he does| on his own. When. we parents or teachers talk with him about temptations | to cheat, let us remind him that} when a person cheats, he is leaning on somebody else, that high degree of self-regard; but that there is great personal re- ward from self-reliance. ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q. What hope is there for checking juvenile delinquency and crime? A. I give the same answer I gave in 1935, printed in the now- defunct The Forum Magazine: "Not inthe police-and--courts of justice can we put our great- est hope for checking crime, but in parents--provided they will face about and train their chtl- dren in the nursery in the alpha- bet of inhibitions." KEEP SAME SHAPE Freeze drying, unlike con- ventional dehydration, changes the appearance of food little, so that a freeze-dried strawberry looks-almost-exactly like-atresh one. Phone and Stretch Your Dollar CHAMBERS FOOD LTD. 933 Ritson Rd. $., Oshawe -- coll ot NAME ADDRESS DATE Has Your Food Dollar Lost It's S-t-r-e-t-c-h-? 723-1163 ( Chambeu, Guaranteed To Save You $100.00 Year THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF 1 am interested in your food pion, Please have your Representative FOOD CLUB PHONE ry * Urethane foam Meade exclusively for Chambers by the oldest of chest type freezers. ond largest Canadian manufacturer PLUS CHAMBERS GUARANTEE ON FOOD SAVINGS for brand, including their week-end specials at any time of the month. We also guarante to raise the price of a single item on our food list for the month it is issued. %* 10-year warranty on unit. * Buzzer alarm warning system. * Dry wall construction. * 100% acrylic finish stain resistant. * All-steel construction one piece wrap around cabinet. %* Two baskets and divider. * Floating lid and lock. * Over 400 Ibs. capacity. We guarantee all items sold at Chambers to be lower than the four largest chain stores, brand insulation. e not WOONONA IGANG GOON GNP IOAN GAO OD Phone now or visit the plant nearest you ! OPEN EVENINGS Tuesday, Wednesday Cs FOOD CLUB Thursday and Friday 'til 9 p.m. There must be a reason why more families choose Chambers over any. othe Scarborough Plant Oshawa Plant Cooksville Plant Peterborough' Plant Burlington Plant 65 Underwriters Rd. Oshawa, Ont. Wharton Glen Ave. 765 The Kingsway 3121 Maoinwoy . Scarborough, Ont. 933 Ritson Rd. $, Cooksville, Ont. 277-3643 Peterborough, Ont. Burlington, Ont. 751-5200 723-1163 Oakville - 822-2080 745-246) 637-3488 @ Extra privileges including instant chorge. Sickness and Accidents Benefits, ete., available ap additional cherge te q a : | Canada's oldest food club -- established over 25 years OPEN DAILY Monday through Saturday 9 am. to 6 p.m. r Food Club Weston Plant Signet Drive Weston, Ont. 741-7900 - 677-3090 ualified purchasers. UPSIDE DOWN... *'spunjas Ou -- saBuoy> +x® OK) "UO!}2a/aS Jseq JO} AjJDe PUDY UO eg "W'yW 00:01 3© '4i6| Alonure 'Avpsany] 'Mossowo) Buy from doing so he can't ¢njOY 2 | Sage Te *}DJS ---- a]DS @OYUS BAAS 4/85 $,AaD2UDG 4D doys oF > Spuaplaip Nod Add j!M 4] "Sa21Jd Jamo] PUD Mo] -- MO} aADY 8M -- jUajDAaId O§ BD YUM -- Sadlid net sayBiy JO podajsul esno22q ---- asodind uo uMmop episdn 8 8/4) SeA +s umop apisdn ain sadlid ino ay DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 18 SIMCOE ST. S. 96 YEARS at 85 SIMCOE ST. N. Conti PAINT SALE LAST 3 DAYS Thursday, Friday and Saturday SAVINGS UP TO 0: PATTE'S OPEN FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. NEW PARKING LOT ON WILLIAM ST, E. PHONE 725-3529 Sur Oshawa submitt ALBE) The fir Street Ur for 1967 \ C. Lee, p Mrs. R two solos, ised'? an Again Th Membe the cong) be preced per, Janu ST. | The fir: year for § Auxiliary with Mr president, Mrs. H. successful making a It was ¢ sale at thi per, Febr one eveni meeting e Mrs. J} that Corp all memb brated in Wednesda a.m. New of for 1967. DAUGHI A cente' vailed at eral meet of Isabell: Auditoriun Bonfordi, Plans fo party wer day, Febr torium wi as chair! Coyne, c Terr