Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jan 1967, p. 19

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"" | Harmony UCW Presents $2,500 To Building Fund It was decided at the Janu- ary meeting of Harmony United. Church Women to pre- = isent the church building fund 3 Phare per in November. siduced the & |Ste jwith $2,500., the balance left in jthe treasury in December. | Mrs. Alistair Fulton presided jand Mrs. R. J. Luke and Mrs |Roy Terwillegar led in the |devotional period | A date was set nual bazaar and for the an turkey sup- Mrs. C. E. Twining intro- Reverend and Mrs. phen Wilk who gave a brief outline of the stewardship pro- Wemen THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 18, 1967 19 SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for | | | The arrival of the haggis, carried shoulder - high by Gor- don Young and John Houston will be heralded and led by 'pipers Robert Wilson and Bry- ant Pollock prior to the Burns' \Supper, sponsored by the St 2 |Andrew's Society of Oshawa on Friday. A light concert and 3 \dance will follow the tradition- lal meal and toasts. | | Miss Rose Fairhart, acting president of Shoreline Chapter, National Secretaries' Associa- tion, welcomed David _Conway to the chapter's supper meet ing last night when he spoke on "Preparing for the Auditors.' During the Ukrainian Christ- mas and New Year celebra- lions, members of St. George's Catholic Women's League re membered those in hospital. A special Mass at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, was cele brated by the Reverend J. C Pereyma and the CWL dis- tributed gifts. Ukrainian pati- ents at Oshawa General Hos- pital, Hillsdale Manor and con valescing at home were also visited. Going the rounds were Mrs. Matthew Maykut, Mrs. Stanley Smysniuk, Mrs. Wil- liam Vetzal Sr.. Mrs. Steven Bogucki, Mrs. Steven Sombyk Mrs. Stanley Mozewsku, Mrs Michael King, Mrs. Mary Na- Mrs. Stanley Mozewsky, Mrs horniak, Mrs, Joseph Kozlinsky, Mrs. Michae IBlack. Chauffeurs included John Tyrkalo, Stanley Michael Black. Chauffeurs {cluded John Tyrkalo, Stanley Smysniuk and William Vetzal, gram which they were working nes ;)on in the church, The Adelaide PERSONAL Women's Department |} Bernard Sharpe, Mrs. Jack Mc- Carnon, Mrs.. George Tanton, Mrs. Arthur MacPherson, Mrs, Mervin Perkin, Mrs. A. Ivan- off and Mrs. John Cincurak. Among those holding reser- vations for the 'Centennial Capricorn Ball" ta be held at the Jubliee Pavilion are: Mr.. Mrs. Murray Powell; Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Sutherland; Mr, and Mrs, Colin) Ashton; Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Wendorf; Mr. | and Mrs. George Jones; Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Chrisomalis; | Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shutka; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hart; Mr. | and Mrs. Arthur Winter; Mr. and Mrs. John Fallaise; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heney; Mr.| and Mrs. Ray Weeks; Mr. and Mrs. W. 'P. Schoneau; Mr. and Mrs.. Howard Cook; Mr. and Mrs. Ken MeWilliams; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Campbell, of Whit- by The Mary Elliott Smith Mis- sion Circle of First Baptist Church met at the home.of Mrs Ralph Hopson and Mrs. Harold Parrot gave a talk on her irin to Africa. Next month the meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Edgar Anderson Valentino Scores With Spring Styles ROME (AP)--Valentino, the young Italian designer; had plenty to celebrate at the party he gave early today after the Showing of his spring and sum- mer collection Valentino's was the best so) far of the Italian couture col-| | | | CROSS : COUNTRY JUN DOLLAR SALE SAVE ON MEN'S SPORTS JACKETS Ga avout JACKET AND GET A PAIR OF SLACKS Imported and domes- Glen checks, tweeds Plaids, bold tic in windowpane_ checks, houndstooth and nail- heads Carefully tailored in easy-fitting two and three button styles, many natural shoulder jackets included. Shades of brown, grey, McLaughlin Association was well at- lections. Everything was chic, new and wearable. He told two completely differ. ent coat stories. One was fitted at the top, tightly belted at the waist, and then swept into a flare or a skirtful of pleats. The | other was a whirling tent coat that fell from small shoulders and a tiny top Belts were important in white patent leather on a brown wool coat or frequently a tor- toise shell chain. \ Dark brown turned up again! and again, best of all in linen day dresses the color of bitter) Officers elected for 1967 were: honorary president, Mrs olive and blue. Sizes 36 to 46. Home and School Night of Cards N. T. Holmes; past president, |tended. Those participating in Mrs. C. E. Twining, president,/pianing the party were the Mrs. Alistair Fulton; Ist vice- president, Mrs. Michael Your- president, Mrs. Neilson Green- kevich; the general convener, 2nd vice-president, Mrs.! Mrs, Henry Bickle: social con. Gemmell; secretary.|yeners, Mrs. Reinhold Weigel C. Pierson; treasurer, and Mrs. Nelson Vaillencourt: | W. Topping; corre- ticket convener, Mrs. Colin \sponding secretary, Mrs. Doug- ashton: prize convener, Mrs las Greentree and pianist, Mrs.| Robert Booth and candy con- L. W. Martin. vener, Mrs. William Roth. Dec- peers : --~|orations were done by Mrs. FLOORS COUNT MORE (John Mcintosh and Grade 6. Thirty per cent of Canadian|Room hostesses wgre Mrs. homes own gas -or --electric|Jack -Penfound, Mrs. Robert chocolate. They were accompa- \clothes driers, while 54 per cent! Booth, Mrs. G. W. Willmore, nied by little white waiters own electric floor polishers. 'Mrs. George Jackson, Mrs.) jackets, also in linen. SPORT COATS SAVE 29.50 SLACKS 1.00 13.95 34.50 1.00 13.95 rove" 39.50 1.00 13.95 SPORT SHIRTS 2 For The Price Of I Custom Range Deluxe Range AT THE 77th ANNUAL installation ceremonies of the Daughters of England, last night, the District Dep- uty, Miss Mary Hurst, a member of Empress of Walker receives her collar and jewel of office adjusted by Miss Hurst, installing officer, watched by Mrs. J. W. McDonald, secretary, centre and Mrs. William Mitchell, treasurer, right. --Oshawa Times Photo |night were: vice-president, Mrs. | India Lodge 26, was honored ; ¢ hin Colorful Ceremony Marks 77th |2"2"trsi"secteary. nire 3. High Risk Floor |W. McDonald; treasurer, Mrs.| . . Is Saving Babies ° | W. M. Mitchell; chaplain, Mrs. Installation For Local Lodge Hany taytor: 'ist guide, ate. | | Wood; 2nd guide, Mrs. Thomas) HALIFAX (CP) -- The High |Murrall; 3rd guide, Mrs. George Risk Floor at Grace Maternity |Madder; 4th guide, Mrs. James Hospital here has passed its {Horton; pianist, Mrs. Thomas trial period with henors. Topton; trustees, Mrs. Horton, The floor provides special fa- oe : Miss Mary Hurst; auditors, cilities and care for expectant A recent project is helping the Mrs. Frank Mills, Mrs. A. F. mothers with health complica- CNIB. Last year for the first Tadd, and Mrs. William Kirk- tions, are the deg a pre- bride; press "secretary, Mrs. «tt has been very sented an annual bursary to aj wills, lt ae a ak graduate student of the School; -------- oe isk ott ital ft for the Blind, The first person to chief of hospital staff. SA Home League Six hand-picked nurses give receive the award was Mrs. round-the-clock attention to pa- Announces Its Jean Johnson of Oshawa. ' charter in 1895, Miss Mary Hurst in her first |tients, about 20 of whom can be handled at one time in the * . unit. Centennial Project Many women lose their babies because they have not had Their purpose was to provide official installation as the new companionship and help for District Deputy, installed Mrs. The Salvation Army Home proper pre-natal care, Dr. Tup- |League across . Canada _ has per says. themselves and others in the E. C. Van De Walker as Worthy chosen as its Centennial proj-| 'For instance, they may have new land and to prevent home- President. sickness. The lodge has since, Other officers ect, 'to raise $30,000 to build ak ig condition See | i +,.| Here they may come in for ex- ; nome: in Northern BuBne --< |pert care, perhaps three or four jlumbia for Indian girls, the) jonths before the baby is due.' Oshawa Home League was told! The Salvation Army hospital at its opening meeting of the,is also making its knowledge New Year. javailable to nurses Sige rai -niain.| throughout Nova Scotia. is Mrs. yaam yeinte explain-| tering post-graduate courses 'ied the project and announced | i, obstetrical nursing and, in i|that the Oshawa group's share the spring, will give courses to was $700. groups of nurses in care of the * It was announced that the| newborn. Sunshine Circle was' collecting) ~~ 6 'lused Christmas cards and) PLAN FOR PRICE members were asked to bring; The most valuable wild furs their's to the next meeting; that jn Canada are lynx and otter, there would be a treasure table which cost up to $37 each from ale February 14, in charge of|the trapper in Ontario. Mrs. Edward' Kitchen, to which}- a the members were asked to! donate any unwanted articles; and that Mrs, William Saun-} ders was still collecting used stamps. to help the lepers and) that if anyone was unable to deliver them to the Home League to please call 723-9479 and they would be picked up. | Mrs. George Beard reported | that the total attendance for} 1966 was 2,864. Mrs.. Kitchen and her Sun- shine Circle were in charge of WIFE PRESERVER the meeting and showed color-| Save steps by keeping a small ed slides of the different sea-|basket --decorate it if you sons of the year. A prayer poem|wish -- at the stairs to collect! 'composed by Mrs. John Mc-|stray items that must be taken :|Lachlan was read. down or up. E. E. Grist, vice-presi- dent; Miss Hurst, accepting a gift from the president; and Mrs. F. T. Glover, past- president. In the upper pic- ture, from the left are: Mrs. A. F. Ladd, grand trustee, looking on as Mrs. Van De on the occasion of her first official function as District Deputy. Shown in the lower picture from the left are Mrs. Harry Taylor, chap- lain; Mrs, E. C, Van De Waiker, president; Mrs. Last night in a colorful cere-|through the years, developed mony in the Orange Temple, into the benevolent lodge of to- the 77th annual installation of day, helping wherever help is officers of .the Daughters of, needed. England, Empress of India Lodge No. 26 took place. In 1890, 31 men and women, newly arrived in Oshawa from the Old Country banded to- gether to form the Empress of India Lodge No. 26, Daughters of England and received their New... cereal with banana for your baby Buy One Sport Shirt and get @ second Sport Shirt for only 1.00 MEN'S HATS success- Tupper, installed last The manufocturer forbids us to use his name, but you will easily recognize the quality, in these hats. In colors of black, brown, grey and charcoal. FIRST HAT 10.95 EXTRA HAT 1.00 SAI 9.95 SAVE... OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT @ NO DOWN PAYMENT @ NO INTEREST @ NO CARRYING CHARGES from Gerber...of course! ane Gerber ; » MIXED CEREAL with BANANA A package of pure pleasure. Mixed Cereal with Banana is downright delightful when mixed with milk or formula. Specially prepared, too! Cereal and bananas are deftly combined during processing so every flutfy flake has uniform flavor and nutritive value. Nutrition addition. Like all Gerber Cereals that you mix with liquid, this cereal-fruit combination is enriched with iron for its blood-building quality and important B-vitamins to help spur growth. Mother-and-baby tested. This new product was tested by a panel of mothers and babies. The satisfying results? Mothers, babies and toddlers were all smiles. But isn't that typical of the extra care you expect from Gerber... the company that specializes in good things for bab | LIFE LINE 576-2111 With Your Telephone Pastor-- Rev. Fred Spring E. '% ¢ USE YOUR CREDIT e UNN 36 KING EAST AND OSHAWA DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -Thurs. and Fri. until 9 CRUISE DUO ads depict a charmer in a swim suit, that is a good starting point. This horizon- tally striped cotton velour pullover shift matches the one - piece swimsuit with striped cotton velour torso top joined to solid boyleg nylon double knit trunks. The white webbed belt adds a nautical pristine fillip to the orange and turquoise color combination. --By Tracy Adrian Packed with Inner-foil Wrap... to prevent moisture All sorts of advertise- ments are flooding the travel sections extolling the fun advantages of cruises to some far distant isles. This is all delightfully tempting if one has the wherewithal and the time. If you do, fine! Take off and go! If you doen't but have a vacation coming up -- well plan ahead. Begin with your wardrobe. Since. most of the @ Daily M And Prayer @ Be Sure To Call " 3 Babies are our business...our only business! Gerber Baby Foods wiacara FALLS, CANADA Today Open Friday until 9

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