CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE Transport department pilot Gordon McAninch (left) and flight engineer Bill Way examine shatter- ed cockpit window from the department's Jet- star aircraft (background) which "experienced delam- ination" Monday, forcing the plane to descend rapid- ly from an altitude of 31,000 feet to 10,000 feet. The plane was carrying Health Minister MacEachen and Rear Admiral THE OSHAWA TIMES, Inesday, January 18, 1967 15 at 7 ie day night. eral government the first stage of the system the transport department is instal- ling a radio system to manage traffic in the St. Lawrence be- low Montreal. He told the annual joint con- ference of the Dominion Ma- rine Association and the Lake Carriers Association that the radio system would provide in- formation to shore operation This safety system, based on very high frequency radio links the St. Lawrence River, a ship-|and shore operations centres, ping conference was told Tues-|should be in effect during the _ coming shipping season. John Turner, federal minister) C. M. Jansky, a radio and without portfolio, said that asjelectronics engineer for the Lake Carriers, argued against proposed new maritime radio- telephone systems supported by the United States government. SAYS THEY'RE PREMATURE Mr. Jansky said the new sys- tems--single sideband radio-ele- phone sets recommended by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission -- were premature and would cost U.S. and Can- adian shippers millions of dol- Archbishop {iio zo¢ cu To Havana As Convener WINNIPEG (CP)--Most Rev. medium frequency, high fre- quency, and double sideband radio-telephone sets on LCA vessels. DMA vessels also use this system. Mr. Jansky said he is sure the new system eventually will give better results but the LCA St. Lawrence Ship Traffic To Be Integrated By Radio MONTREAL (CP)--The fed-|centres and enable each vessel intends to/to know the position and move- establish an integrated system: ment of the other. of traffic management for ship- ping on the Great Lakes and system extending from the Gulf) of St. Lawrence to the Lake- head. This might include some use of radar. "to regulate the flow of traffic by laying down times and move- ment 'and speeds for individual ships." Arts Council Urges Culture TORONTO (CP) --The On- tario council for the arts Tues- ~~ urged the government to bring drama, music and ballet to the province's elementary schools to develop an intelligent |and creative arts audience. The council told the legisla- ture's committee on aims and objectives of Ontario schools that most Ontario residents know 60 little about the arts that they can't tell good from bad, cultural activities in the chief of U.S. naval air reserve stages which could make up a| fi complete traffic management|\., in his home at Glenview |Province. The aim of the system was Dies In Fire GLENVIEW, Ill. (AP)--Rear Admiral Richard L. Fowler, 53, training, died early today in a |Naval Air Station, navy spokes- jmen said. Bringing school children in direct contact with artists would create "within a dec- ade" the audience to support Canada's painters, actors, writ- = musicians, the council said, "HOW TO STEAL A MILLION" AUDREY HEPBURN PETER O'TOOLE -- COLOR "DOCTOR IN CLOVER" Leslie Philips -- Color Mon. to Fri. Show Sterts 7:30 ss5S00e gant PLUS @ Bec BI Set and Sun. Show Starts 6:30 FREE IN-CAR HEATERS CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE @emewm-ane 668-2692 -- 282-3969 go to Havana to take part in Nova Scotia Lieutenant- Governor H. P. MacKeen to Ottawa from Greenwood, ary of a successor to Rt. Rev. Howard H. Clark, Anglican Pri-| wants to push back the dead- mate of all Canada, shortly will|line to 1977 at the earliest. He figured it would-take this the consecration early in Febru-|long to perfect the new system. Mr. Turner said the govern- Romualdo Gonzales - Agueros,|ment is studying other possible Bishop of Cuba, who died last N.S., at the time, Trans- port Minister Pickersgill has ordered an investiga- tion into the incident. (AP Wirephoto) year. Archbishop Clark will act as convener of a metropolitan coun- cil which has been set up to keep the diocese of Cuba in Thailand, South Vietnam Similarities In Conflict By FRED HOFFMAN nous, as they were in South BANGKOK, Thailand (AP)--|Vietnam at the start. Striking similarities exist be- In both countries, the central tween the Communist insurgent|0vernment has a history of be- movement now being fought injing remote and to a consider- Thailand and that in South Viet-jable extent disinterested in the nam, which grew into a major|Wellbeing of country peasants. military struggle. But the differences between the two are more numerous-- and in every case favor the West against the Communists. Local police and government: functionaries in both countries have a history of corruption and exploitation of villagers and peasants, But there are fundamental As in Vietnam, the rebellion differences, some of which are in Thailand is said to be sup-|rooted deep in centuries of tra- ported and fostered from North/dition, history and institutions, Vietnam and Communist China. The Thai insurgents lack the Canada Cows communion. The council was formed to act until a self-gov- L America can be established. Ippe u Cuba has been a missionary Canadian holstein cattle breed-|cations between the church and ers shipped 23,832 animals|the island have been difficult worth about $14,400,000 to 22|Since the 1961 crisis when the countries last year, stein - Friesian Association of|munist state. Canada said Tuesday. shipped was second only to the 28,000 exported in 1948, the as- sociation said. Average value was $650. ade touch with the 19 churches com- prising the world-wide Anglican erning Anglican Church of Latin district of the Protestant Epis- copal Church in the United BRANTFORD, Ont. States since 1901, but communi- (CP)-- the Hol-| United States severed diploma- tic relations with the now Com- The new bishop will be elected The number of animals|at a convention of the Diocese of Cuba to be held Feb. 3-4 in Havana, It is expected he will bd consecrated the following In 1965 exports of holstein "e FREE DELIVERY e On Any Order Over A Dollar And Introducing George's Special Pasta Al Forno @ Now Under New Management The Town and Country 15 Bond St. E. 723-1821 TE PE ALL COLOR SHOW Wn LoTR RODGERS G HAMMERSTEINS sg BORNE BIR 2ND- BIG HIT DRIVE-IN THEATRE cattle totalled 23,468, worth THE SCREEN'S MOST Thai officials say China be-/patriotic glamor of the Viet gan trying to bring off a Com-|Cong--they cannot, as the Viet- munist takeover in Thailand 17/namese guerrillas, claim to be years ago with the establish-|carrying forward a war for in- ment of the "free Thai move-|dependence. ment" and has greatly intensi- Thailand never was a colony, fied its efforts in the last three|as Indochina was under the years. French for a century. Thai in- Thai Premier Thanon Kittika-|Stitutions evolved over 600 years chorn asserted in mid-Decem-|of nationhood. ber that his government has NO FERMENT EXISTS "definite evidence" to prove that North Vietnam is support- Although there is discontent ing and nourishing the Cammu- in the northeast, observers say, nist terrorism. INSURGENTS INDIGENOUS Most U.S. and Thai authorities "the villages are not in ferment a seething mass of discon- tented people just is not here," The Thai government is an say the insurgents, whose num-|authoritarian one, but while bers are generally estimated at|there appears to be no great en- about 1,000, are largely indige-|thusiasm for the military-led government, there seems to be no great resentment either. Although 39 - year - old King US. Vietnam| Bhumibol is only a constitu- |tional monarch, he is a unifying influence among the people and s View Scored | ieniss.iisuence en the Not even the Communist in- VANCOUVER (CP)--Chester | surgents criticize the royal fam- Ronning, a former Canadian diplomat who made two Can- ily. adian peace-feeler missions to Hanoi, said Tuesday he be- lieves United States policy in Vietnam is based on an out- dated political theory. Mr. Ronning, 71, said United States attitudes are based on the "'fallacious belief in some quarters that communism is a united force bent on world con- quest." Fruit Crops Increase In '66 TORONTO (CP) -- Fruit pro- duction in Ontario increased in 1966 for every crop but sour cherries and peaches. Figures released Monday at He said the Communist world] tne annual meeting of the On- is splitting along national lines. "Communist bonds of ideo-| ers' tario Fruit and Vegetable Grow- Association showed that logy no longer hold them to-|peach production dropped to 41,- gether," said Mr. Ronning, a/713 tons from 47,775 and the China-born expert on the Far|gross value of the crop to East. He taught school in China|$1924,000 from $2,240,000 in prior to the revolution that|1965, A flood of Australian turned the country Communist.|canned peaches on the Cana- He said China and the U.S.jdian market was blamed for see the war in Vietnam in to-|the decline. tally different terms and since Sour cherry production was there are no negotiations in|/reduced to almost half of 1965 progress, there is no opportun-|volume, 5,682:tons from 9,844, ity for one world giant to find|but rising prices kept the value common ground with the other.|of the crop almost the same. He said Chinese intervention Meanwhile, the value of the in the war was unlikely imme-|sweet cherry crop was up to diately because neither the U.S.| $736,000 from $494,000 the pre- or China wishes a confronta-|vious year, and the value of tion. plums and prunes up to $209,- CHINA SEES CIVIL WAR 000 from $121,000 in 1965. Pear production was 2,073 Mr. Ronning said China re-jtons and the value of the crop gards the conflict as a_civil)gi14,000. , about $14,000,000 or an average of $600 an animal. The association said overseas cattlemen want Canadian hol- steins because they give more milk over a longer period than other breeds. aie Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 Lean Smoked PICNIC SHOULDERS BONELESS SHANK STEWING BEEF or MINCED CHUCK STEAK SEMI BONELESS PRIME RIB ROASTS LEAN SLICED SIDE PORK PEAMEAL BACON Ends Centre Cuts u 79° war in which the United States is directly and illegally inter- fering for its own purposes. Sir John's Drama Festival Windsor In '68 WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- The a Nephew Dies|s msivte%,"ec approves the expenditure of TORONTO (CP)--Hugh John | $20,000 Macdonald, 96, a gtand nephew Mayor John Wheelton in- of Sir John A. Macdonald, Can-/formed council the board of ada's first prime minister andjgovernors of the annual am- a noted criminal lawyer, diedjateur drama festival had ap- at his home Tuesday. proached the city with a re- Mr. Macdonald figuredjquest to stage next year's largely in the Communist partyjevent here . trials of 1930-31 after the RCMP The mayor said Tuesday the had seized party files. He got|city clerk's department would acquittals for all the party/promote the festival--if council members he defended. During his career as a crim- inal lawyer, Mr. never lost a murder case. agrees to the expenditure. The. city will have to pay Macdonald |$4,000 in cash with the balance of its expenses to come from He served briefly as Crown|ticket and program sales and a prosecutor under the Conserva-|grant of $2,100. tive government of George S. Henry. Mr. Council was told the CBC Macdonald alsojmay pay up to $40,000 for taught for a number of yearcjrights to televise the six-play at the McGill University law] festival, echool. drama competitions. based on regional st 99° 12 KING ST. EAST 723-3833 a 49 69 LEAN SLICED SIDE BACON 78: 77° e lb 2 » 1,00 $ 2 a Box Office Opens at 7:00 p.m. Show Starts at 7:30 p.m. Children Under 12 Free A Ys LWAYS A COLOR CARTOON Last Times Tonight -- 2 Features IN-CAR NO EXTRA cost fantasti¢ voyage HEATERS AT THIS WEEK THE GEORGIAN on RR rere me enero geen aOR x The Oshawa Little Theatre My Name !s tem BEATIE c comice dra "ARNOLD Wisk by MARION DENNIS Come end Meet meend my Family en Thursday, Friday and Saturday January 19, 20, 21 et 8:30 Sharp et the Eastdale CVI Theatre Harmony Road North. Tickets $1.50 available at... HENDERSON'S HARLEIGH'S LTD. Book Store (Oshawa Shopping (Downtown) Centre) AND AT THE DOOR ON THE NIGHT OF THE PERFORMANCE MAUREEN LANGRIDGE "ROOTS" %) AS 'io eecetsaacacs acccsmannaned COLOR re __ ma ANDREWS: i 3 > =< OSee Seceeceeases Cyr y a satel itSla wer |iz%ano stpcent H HAMMERSTEIN tt | ERNEST LEHMAN $ |@690909S 00 © 0000908088009 09 O20 02ES 8 00 C888 CCrrees FREE LIST SUSPENDED SEATS AVAILABLE AT BOX OFFICE OR BY MAIL. B EVENINGS (Sun. thru Thurs.) $1.75 EVENINGS (Fri. end Set.) 2.00 MATINEES (Wednesdoys) 1.25 MATINEES (Set, end Sun.) 1.50 FREEZER SPECIALS HIND QUARTERS OF BEEF, Ib. ........ LOIN OF PORK Baby Beef LIVER «<0 uw. 89° 10 to 12 Ibs. '6 average, Ib. .. 65 10 tbs. 49° MINCED BEEF, fb. .... 6 ibs, BOX PURE PORK SAUSAGE ......... 3.75 CUT UP CHICKEN eeneene LEGS OR BREAST IDEAL DAIRY 2% 3 Qt. Plastic Jug PLUS 58° DEPOSIT BUEHLER'S GUERNSEY GOLD MILK |". ..---.---- 10 Ibs. ot ....... 49° LB. 10 tbs. SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 49° 5 tbs. SEASONED BEEF dsinilintcasdt Ra IOS 2.16 CUT end Wrapped FREE OF CHARGE 2 King St. East 723-3633 SHOP & COMPARE avn TAGE PND I Tl ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Weekdeys et 7 & 9:35 -- Sat. from 1:00, Sun. from 1:30 THE NEW ODEON THEATRE 39 KING STREET EAST HVS AAS OR MORES Fin ag REMY REMP- KARL MICHAEL VOGLER- ANTON DIFFRING = CHRISTIAN FERRY tuo tan ELMO WILUAMS cy OH GULLERIO ten BEN BARMAN a BASTUO FRANCHTNA uy ty DAVID PURSALL nt JACK SEDOOM a GERALD HANUEY cand sess mes mes on meses wos» CINEASCOPE Cofor by Det NE ENT AR RESORT Re PRATER OER ORTTNSS:| PHONE 725-5833 STARTING TODAY YOU CAUGHT THE"PUSSYCAT:., NOW CHASE THE FOX! VICTOR MATURE BRITT EKLAND stu it i Music BURT BACHARACH Produced by Delegate Productions A 6, and Naney Enterprises, Ine, PANAVISION'(COLOR by DeLuxe|**t: UNITED ARTISTS TIMES 1:40--3:35 5:30--7:30--9:25