Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jan 1967, p. 5

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ars 3? ie Fathers, to mislead ten. Their spelled dif- 'ial docu- us group up of men y young at nfederation rtrait was ' when the ere much » the Fath- places of no living have been Bernard, etery, Ot- ron Chand- stery, Dor- | - Charles - de - Ka- ir William st. James, tor Louis rles, Que- itchell, St. an, New- am Henry aint John, e Pascal - de - Chi- vard Whe- in's, Char- 't Duncan Cemetery, the pro- 7 Fathers > to a lot. ys it can With their le 27 are: ge Archi- ; George Cemetery, xander ui, King- Pe Be Ty Cemetery, ir George te - des- Montreal; t. James, Soles, St. wn; Rob- Amherst, r, Forest Sir Alex- t, Mount Montreal; ay, Sher- Charlotte- lon Gray, _ Victoria; jland, St. wn; Wil- ry, Camp n Mercer Aprtglican, B.; And- facdonald, St. Dun- wn; Sir ld, Cate it.; Jona mp Hill [cDougall, ; Thomas te - des- sir Oliver sant, Tor er, Sher- ; William Eleanor"s, n Ritchie, Fairview, shea, Bel- Nfld.; Sir ey, Fern- V.B.; Sir - John's, Ta ans 'ace. It is cow might ely would ry has nu- igidly ad- not giving nuch of a to a non- concession e of a bar- aid is the ountry a8 Oo acquire the pledge » do away is a multi- and an At- SIVE ; likely to zreeing to issile de- has actu- sapable of olaris and ore they et cities. therefore, a political mbarrass- le that de- ; vast ree an effec: le system it it could economic ELLS O. Britain }-7527 WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY Chamber Will Discuss County Town Carnival WHITBY (Staff) -- The Coun-| The guest speaker will be ty Town Carnival, next August,|Gordon Riehl, an Oshawa char- is one of the activities likely to|tered accountant, who will talk be discussed when the Whitby/on chamber of commerce ac- Chamber of Commerce puts for-|tivities and how the group can ward plans ag 1967 at its an-|be improved. nual meeting Jan. 18 at 7:30) New officers and a board of pm. at Kathleen Rowe Public directors will be elected for the School. |year. Ash Moores, a bank mana- The chamber which organizes|ger, is expected to be nominat- pin expects to feature ed for the presidency. motorcycle racing, yachting) The meeting is open to the riding, children's amusements,| public, as its purposes include and other events, linteresting the public in the President Jack Woodward will|chamber. It represents every preside. He and the treasurer|sphere of merchandising, busi- will give their reports on the|ness, industry and the profes- chamber's work in 1966. sions in the town. Coroner's Jury To Probe Youth's Deat An inquest into the death of|15, of Altona Road, Pickering, a boy killed when his horse ran|Who was out riding Dec. 16 into ® moving train will be held|"" his horse apparently pan- 4 icked at the sound of a CNR Jan. 18, at the Whitby OPP freight train and ran into it, building. Dr. F. A. | Cuddy of/kiling itself and its rider. The Whitby will be the coroner. tragedy occurred at Woodview The boy was Ricky Grigsby,!Road, north of concession I, IODE Day Planned At Expo '67 Mrs. John Davies, regent of Members discussed the possi- House of Windsor Chapter, bility of obtaining space for IODE, informed members at group's functions at the former the eaingig meeting, held at Whitby Court House. the home of Mrs. John Wall,' Annual report forms were dis- that an IODE Day would be tributed. An executive meeting held at Expo '67. will be held Feb. 6 at the home A letter was received from of Mrs. John Davies, 806 Henry Ronald Archer thanking the Street. chapter for the scholarship he! Mrs. Jeanne Hughes gave a received. A letter of thanks was wig demonstration. Mrs. An- also received from the literary drew Glenney thanked Mrs. club of Henry Street High/ Hughes on behalf of members. School thanking the group for Tea hostesses' were: Mrs. support given towards its mag-|Clarence Freek and Mrs. John azine "Muses 1966," | Wall. Band Auxiliary Installs Officers The installation of officers|Mrs. Curtis Brown; social con- was held by the Whitby Brass|Veners, Mrs. Alvin Church and Band Ladies' Auxiliary. Mrs,|M"s- Norman O'Leary. | WHITBY -- AJAX Six Ex-reeves Attend E. Whitby Inaugural COLUMBUS (Staff) -- Six! Councillor Douglas Marlow|Beath; Game Commission -- former reeves of East Whitby|suggested better recreation|Councillor Henry, D. Branton, |Township attended the coun-| facilities for children_and_sen-|N. Mepstead,-W.Sutton, E. J. cil's inaugural meeting forjior citizens, and the improve- Harlock and Roy Brown, |1967 and 1968 and each of them| ment of parks. He also thought SBteas recalled past events in the}a Committee for County Af- BOARDS APPOINTED | : township as well as wishing the fairs should be formed. Industrial Advisory Commis- new council success and mak-| The council passed a bylaw/sion -- Councillor Evans, ing some suggestions for it to\ authorizing the borrowing of Reeve Howden, D. Clark, G. work on. '$165,000 during 1967, until the - Planning Board -- | The fo Reev taxes ollected. : Hancock, Neil Smith, L T. Onision, . E. Ga | depends W. Beath, D. Roberts, Reeve \imer Powell, Walter Beath,, CHAIRMEN NAMED Howden (ex-officio), and Coun- W. W. Pascoe, and Neil a The full council sits on all cillor Marlow; Poundkeepers-- Smith, The 1967 Reeve is John| Committees. The following | J. H. Pascoe, G. Hayes; Live- Howden. were appointed chairmen -- stock Valuers -- G. Hayes, Building Up! In Pickering PICKERING -- The number and value of building permits issued by Pickering Township last year showed a marked in- crease over the previous year. Frank J. Prouse reported to council this week that 838 per- mits, representing an estimated value of $33,713,381 were issued in 1966. During 1965, 581 per- mits, representing an estimated value of $8,002,985, were issued. Fees collected during 1966 totalled $55,764 compared with $15,720 during 1965, Permits for 606 dwelling units were issued in 1966 compared with 317 in 1965, representing an estimated, value of $78,200, were issued. These included two dwellings, averag- ing $14,000 each; seven home building and: five private ga- | Finance, Legal, Salaries and|T. C. Glaspell; Fence Viewers Pag coe ee Planning -- Reeve Howden;|-- C. Werry, M. Mountjoy, Ken jough, opened the meeting with|0ads and Bridges, Under-| Powell, D. Beath. | prayers. |drainage and Sidewalks --) Central Lake Ontario Con-| | Deputy Reeve Lee; Property,|servation Authority -- Gordon} PROPOSALS OUTLINED |Street Lights and Garbage --|L. Corner; Central Ontario) G P . Reeve Howden outlined some | Councillor Evans; Relief, ae Planning Board -- Reeve! roup roject | |proposals he hoped to sec | fare, Hospitalization and Pub-|Howden, W. Beath; Central accomplished this year and/lic Welfare -- Councillor Mar- Ontario Regional Development} | Deputy Reeve Ross Lee ad-|low; Police, Bylaws, Fire Pro-| Council -- Councillor Evans, D. |dressed the meeting briefly. tection, etc. -- Councillor|Clark; Warble Fly Control | Councillor Alan Evans looked) Henry. Inspector -- W. Holliday. forward to the completion of; Representatives appointed by Council agreed to the prepa- the centennial project, and ask-|council were: High School ration of a bylaw exempting ed council to back the efforts|Board -- Roy Brown; Commit-|certain farm lands from' taxa- of the Central Ontario Region-|tee of Adjustment -- Vernon | tion for 90 per cent of the taxes al Council on which he was one| Powell; Cemetery Board --jfor street lighting and fire pro- of the Township tives. 'Evans, I. T. Ormiston and W.'the Assessment Act. WHITBY CLUB CALENDAR | Kinettes Plan MONDAY, JAN. 16 | WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18 | 2 Co-Op Credit Union banking | St. John Ambulance; Salva- March Of Dimes night; 1st Whitby Scouts; Whit-|,; A by Baptist Church Explorers; | 1" see areyer ane Pine Blair Park Vista Ratepayers|Study; St. John's Anglican|Cjyp and its chairman Kinette Association; Gardenview United|Church WA; Benevolent Re-|Barbara Wallis are making ar- Church Women; St. Mark's|bekah Lodge 132; Knights of/rangements for the 1967 March United Church Women Unit 9;|Columbus Council 4895; Ontario/of Dimes Campaign. : Pentecostal Church Women's|Ladies College Castle Chapter.! On the evening of Jan. 30, Missionary Council; St. John's! Kinettes members will canvass Anglican Church Men's Club; THURSDAY, AN. 18 all of Ajax, in the hope that the |Girl Guide of Canada Whitby| Whitby Baptist Church Cubs; | public and. industry will give |District Association; All Saints|Salvation Army Women's Home| generously to help make the Society | | Anglican Church Evening Guild.| League; Faith Baptist Church| 1957 campaign a greater suc- | rages. Fees totalled $156.50. Hospital Is WHITBY (Staff) -- Members of Whitby Canadian Legion Ladies Auxillary, at their Janu- ary meeting, decided that their Centennial project would be "Whitby General Hospital' and "Auxiliary Bursaries from the Provincial Command." The president. Mrs. Phyllis representa-| Deputy Reeve Lee, Councillor} tection in 1967,,as provided in| Norris, chaired the meeting and| announced the Jan. 25 meeting --------- | would be the 22nd birthday din- jner. It will be held at the Legion | jhall, followed by the installation) of officers with Mrs. Gertrude Willams, Zone Commander. Oshawa, officiating. The sick convener reported AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax Kinette Mrs. Vernon Moore and Mrs.| Albert Bruce are in Oshawa General progressing satisfactorily and that Mrs Lorne Bradley is at home, sick. Members were reminded the Hospital | birthday dinner will commence! at 6:30 p.m., sharp. In December last 16 permits, |. additions, a fire hall, a hydro) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, January 14, 1967 5 Forbes Heyland Elected District Board Chairman ere Aitennia sad tthe BOWMANVILLE -- J. Forbes;brook by Dr. J. W. Wright,| was fined $300 hired in fee g 11967-1968; and Hope Township, |istrate's court for impaire a nine aa care Nichols, 1966-1967 term,|driving. Magistrate Gerald Levy e ° hacih " : 8 Darlington trustees are C. E,/also prohibited Fouts from driv- school board this week, at the ajjin, Garnet Tubb and Mr.\ing anywhere in Canada for inaugural meeting. Heyland. four months. Fouts, traded re- Mr. Heyland, who has been a_ Clarke Township is represent-,Cently from British Columbia member of the board since 1955, |ed by Carlos Tamblyn and Wil-|Lions, was arrested Dec. 6 after represents Darlington Town-|liam Carman. Cavan Township| his car struck a lamp standard ship, He was re-appointed by is represented by Reg Fallis. after mounting an eight-inch Darlington Township to serve' Bowmanville will be curb, repre- FEEDING THE WORLD FINES. FOOTBALLER VANCOUVER (CP) -- Dick | Fouts, 32, of Toronto Argonauts, former defensive end of the If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance, "JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-7567 another three-year term from sented by A. A. H. Strike, D. 1967 to 1969. He succeeds W. C.!4. McGregor and LL. A. Parker. | Ge Godda pocord what neve ui ue ares The United Counties council|/crop was 9,300 million- bushels Elected vice-chairman was E./is represented by M. Paterson.lin 1964-65. ; M. Creighton, the separate! -- - ssc Sat Laas school appointee to the board. | Mr. Creighton was appointed by Port Hope for "1967. He has SAVE ON served on the board since 1960. Port Hope's other two trustees jon the board are: W. FE. Tram- 'ermerestmoicd ere! -- AUTO INSURANCE 1965-1966-1967 term; and J. T. McCreery, who was re-appoint- ed recently to serve another three-year term from 1967 to- 1969. is Newcastle is represented by J. R. Wright for 1967-1968; Mill- A Complete J Plumbing and s J Heating Service @ Esso Heating Equipment © Kitchens COMPLETE © Bathrooms COMPLETE RENT-A-CAR SERVICE | | Now Available in PUBLIC : ; An executive meeting will be Rex Hopkins presided. held Feb. 9 at the home of|/TUESDAY, JAN. 17 Mrs. Morley Smith, 203 Craw-| A}-Anon Family Group; Whit- forth "Street. The next general] by Whittlers TOPS Club; Whitby meeting will be Feb. 13. Shrinking: Violets TOPS Club; Tea hostesses were: Mrs.|Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club; Morley Smith and Mrs, Sténley|Red Cross work room; Faith Redfearn, Baptist Church Pioneer Girls; Women's Christian Temperance Union; Almonds United Church Women Antique Club; Ajax Kinettes. Officers for 1967 are: Presi- dent, Mrs. Morley Smith; -vice- president, Mrs. Horace Cart- wright; secretary, Mrs. George Foster; treasurer, Mrs. Stanley Redfearn; press correspondent, Don't Do Homework, Parents Advised The superintendent of public schools, Harold Hempstead, was guest speaker at Palmer- ston Home and School Associa- tion meeting. His topic was "How to Help your Child to make good Progress in School. Mr. Hempstead advised par- ents to let the children do their own homework, assistanse to be be given only when r d them read out loud to you. A lively question and answer per- iod followed. cee Add Names Mrs. Ellie Speck, dent, appointed three volun- May. They are: Robert (Bob) Davies, Norman Hancock and} Mausies Combourne. WHITBY (Staff)--The names Tea host were Mrs, p.\o! two pupils -- Danny Greer another very important factor is to help your children by letting Roxborough, Mrs. H. Boettcher,and Lloyd Cullen -- will be and Mrs, D. Denyer. added to the Grade 8 Honor "Evening Group; The) teers to assist with the work for H R Hee Mark's United Church Hi- pete book ees hrh ap oig the "Fun Fair" to be held in 0 onor 0 bdaslba se 'habilitation Foundation for the Women's Missionary cess than last h i , : lety | st year when ap jwork night; St. Mark's United! proximately $850 was collected | Church Women Unit 3, Lin. Ajax, | FRIDAY, JAN. 20 | Anyone wishing to volunteer Red Cross Senior Citizens' |0D@ hour of their time on Jan. . 30 in the evening could contact Club; Pentecostal Church Young People's Christ Amb ¢:- a genie Wallis. sadors; Co-Op Credit Union M vd eine sor the 1967 banking night; Salvation Army| centr Ra! ated Campaign in Timbral Brigade. entral Ontario Branch area, | consisting of Halton, York, Sim- | SATURDAY, JAN. 21 Preoe) Peel, Ontario, Northum- berland, District of Muskoka, mites baa" Army Young Durham, Peterborough, Hali- | burton and Victoria, is $380.00. SUNDAY, JAN. 22 | This was announced by Mrs. C. WEDNESDAY, Refreshments The Annual. Meeting of the Whithy Chamber of Commerce will be held at the Kathleen Rowe Public School on et 7:30 P.M. The guest speaker will be MR. GORDON RIEHL The general public is cordially invited. NOTICE WHITBY At DONALD Travel Service 102 Brock St. South 668-8931 Rent a car for your next out-of-town trip-- JANUARY 18 will be served. | Disabled. 0 Lod The total Ontario goal is $820,- rono ge /000. (The Ontario March of Dimes is the Foundation Fund Officers Set FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street N. Rey. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, minister Roll, it was announced by Mrs. | SENT TO FARM Ed. Saunders at the meeting of ORONO (Staff) -- A good rep-|. CHICAGO (AP) -- Chicago SUNDAY SERVICES New Models--Frée gasoline--One Million Dollars Liability Insurance--No Red Tape. Parents Take Part In Spelling Bee The main attraction at Kath- leen Rowe Home and School Association January meeting, chaired by Karl Schaaf, was a spelling bee with Earl Fairman acting as spelling master. More! than 70 parents attended. Winners were: .grade four, Linda Wenzel; grade five, Ste- ven Milburn; grade six, Elaine King; grade seven, John Ebare. WHITBY PERSONALS Sue Reed and Shannon Law,! of St. Mark's United Church|day, 852 Byron Street North,|read by Finance Chairman Mrs. | Mather; Junior Deacon, Bro. | Hi-C, attended the 10th annual) C¢lebrated their 47th wedding) Murray Brown, and adopted.) Wayne Bailey; Inner Guard,| conference of "TOC ALPHA"! at Park Motor Hotel, Niagara, Falls. A full report will be given at the next Hi-C meeting| bration party at their resi- Mrs. Ronald Greer, Mrs. T. W.| McLaren. held in the youth room of St.| Mark's Church, Sunday, at 7 p.m. | Mrs. Otto Jewell, 212 Arthur Street, is opening her home Monday evening to St. Mark's United Church Women Unit 9 for its monthly meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pettes and family visited at the home| of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.| George Fisher, Milton. They also enjoyed following the Bruce Trail in conservation park and viewed five buffalos.| This underbush trail is approx- imately six miles long and is still being developed. It is a favorite trail for Scouts out- ings. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Peggs, 823 Green Street, were: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Brooks,! Mrs. Nellie Rowden, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowden and Mrs. Nellie Dayle, Oshawa. Mrs. Alfred Bruce, 515 Dun-| lop Street West, underwent surgery .at Oshawa General Hospital. | The Blair Park 'Vista Rate- Payers Association executive met at the home of the presi-| dent, Leonard Pridie, Rose- dale Drive. Arrangements} were made to hold the nomina:| tions and election of officers | Jan. 16 at R. A. Hutchinson school at 8 p.m. Members are reminded that this is their chance to voice their opinions | |ing at the tea table were Mrs.| |the Sinclair Home and School Each winner was presented! Association. with a book. | Mrs. G. W. Bryant, Home Th i by ME Bloke tee, The jun.| and School Council representa- urged members to be ior banner was won by Miss|tive, Burnett's room and the door|Present at the next Council prize by Mrs. Ewart Avison. meeting to be held Jan. 24 at Miss Kidd led the junior choir| the E. A. Lovell school when an in two selections. |interesting topic on 'Rural Kin- Arrangements are being made dergarten'"' will be discussed. for a skating carnival and! The nominating committee, homebake sale, Mar. 3, at Whit-| consisting of 'Mrs. G. W. by Community Arena. |Bryant, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Archie Campbell and Mrs. W. Greenwood, will present the 1967 slate of officers at the April meeting. The budget for 1966-67 was Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Holli- anniversary last Sunday. Their|The door prize was won by daughter, Mrs, Norman Eick-| Mrs. P. W. Allcorn, meir, assisted by Mrs. Arthur) A-skit, entitled "What Price Budd, arranged a surprise cele- Tidiness", was presented with | Bryant and Mrs. Art Smith tak- ; ing part. The skit portrayed two Numerous relatives and) ohisdren, very careless and un- friends were present to offer tidy about the home, who had their best wishes. A corsage! no consideration for their moth- was presented to Mrs. Holliday er who obviously was exhaust- and a boutonniere for Mr.) ae P Holliday. Gifts were also pre-| Sented. Rev. William Patterson id Gs er recited a fitting poem. Assist- lengthy discussion The parents' attendance prize Leonard Williston, Mrs. Wil- . u liam Grylls, Mrs. Fergus) Was won by Miss Beach's Grade Curl and Mrs. William Mac- 3 and 4 room. Lunch was Donald. served by the Grade 3 mothers. Walter Qzanoski, Sr., 860 KEEPS ONE ROLE Byron Street North, is con- HS 5 valescing at his home after a Fig Bags ~ Fetes recent-stay at the Oshawa Gen-| 0°" iced in , 1S Ee eral Hospital. ers since the role was created for him in January, 1961. The many friends of Frank Roberts, 311 Byron Street North, are sorry to learn that he is in Oshawa General Hos- pital suffering from a fractured hip as the result of a fall. FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Locel Service Contractors SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 Miss May A. Newman, bus!- ness administrator and secre-| tary treasurer, Whitby public! school board, and her assis- tant, Mrs. Kay Swain, will at- tend the 24th annual conference of the Ontario Association of} school business officials to be) held at the Sheraton - Brock| Hotel, Niagara Falls, Jan. 15) | eae SPP gta POT. : WHITBY. /BIBLE \ CHAPEL ee --\------ 1! Worshipful Brother Wilfred ed from continually picking-up) all THIUIIUNIUNNIIIINUNIN0N100001010101010110000010111011111h resentation from Ontario dis- trict attended the installation|Black Hawks of the National ceremony held by Orono Lodge, | Hockey League assigned centre No. 325, AF and AM, Thursday Fred Stanfield to their St. Louis levening at the Orono Temple. Lape in the Central League Installi t Tuesday. The Hawks went two |Installing Master was the Very players avec the NET, souadl |limit with the recent return of Red Hay from retirement. cal ; club will continue to carry one installed: | Worshipful Master, | ertra player with either centre) 11:00 A.M. MORNI 7:00 P.M. EVEN PASTOR'S SERMON: Hawke. The following officers were 9:15 AM.--"FAITH TIDINGS" Radio Broadacts 13 50 on your dial, 9:45 A.M.--WELCOME TO BIBLE SCHOOL "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" DE LAVAL COMPANY LTD PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO Take Pleasure in Announcing the NG WORSHIP SERVICE ING GOSPEL HOUR Appointment of Bro. Floyd Nicholson; Senior | : - | Wally Boyer or centre Lou An- Warden, Bro. Charles Trim; |gotti being designated an alter-| WEDNESDAY | PRAYER, PRAISE & "There's Alwoys |Bro. Carl Billings; Chaplain, | |Bro. Gerald Duvall; secretary, | Right Worshipful Bro. Herbert EVE., 8:00 P.M. PASTOR'S BIBLE CLASS a Welcome at Faith' GORDON L. CORNER FARM EQUIPMENT R.R. 1, OSHAWA, ONTARIO |Junior Warden, Bro. Roy Win-| ROCK Created To 0 Individual Duvall; Director of Ceremonies, | Worshipful Bro, Joseph Walker; | Senior Deacon, Bro. Sterling Requirements jter; treasurer, Very Worshipful |22°°- oF \ AGES BROCK Evening WHITBY Soturd Bro. Alan Heard; Senior Stew-| jard, Bro. Robert Johnson; Jun- * i " i lor' Steward, Bro: done ice STAFFORD BROS. Pha nf hat "$0 would I." As your De Laval Dealer for Sales, Service, Tyler, Worshipful Bro. Arthur| LTD apartment with a girl and Installation in Ontario County. "eckisht sWorshiptul Bro. W.| MONUMENTS ;Gordon Bunker, Oshawa, re-| |sponded to the toast to the} 668-3552 |Grand Lodge proposed by Bro. | 318 DUNDAS EAST Sterling Mather. | Whithy Centennial Centre Board Inaugural DINNER & DANCE = Saturday, February 18th, 1967 = At The Centennial Building = 416 Centre St. S., -- Whitby GRANLEY COMPANY Presents _ CARY GRANT (1 mile south of Columbus) Programs ot 7 & 9 P.M. PHONE: 655-3177 jay Matinee Starts 1:30 A complete stock of Milker Equipment, Milker Parts and Farm Sanitation*Products i are now available at their place of busi- ness. For all your Farm Dairy Requirements, i Phone or call Gordon Corner. METRO JUNIOR "WALK - DON'T RUN" 6:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M.--Sundown Hour 7:00 P.M.--Banquet -- Dance $10.00 Per Couple Dress Optional Tickets may be obtained from:-- MR. F. N. McEWEN, Secretory 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron ot St. John Whitby Rev. W. J. $8. McClure,- B.A. Mr, B, G. Devereux, Organist SHUUAAEAAUUUEREA AANA ALATA TEETH TET ETATT TTT TTI dl Sienna ces test aan FUL ka "HOW GOD SPEAKS TODAY" Nursery Kindergarten and Junior Congregation during Divine Worship EVERYBODY WELCOME HH Uincent of Rome as HOCKEY SUNDAY, JAN. 15th 7:30 P.M. ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH | Centra & Colborne Sts. Rey. J. M, Smith, B.A, B.D. Miss Ila Newton, Deaconess Mr. Gordon Harle, B.A., Organist 11:00 A.M. INFANT BAPTISM SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. & 11:00 A.M, TOM LAVENDER BEAUTY SALON 6. Blair Park Plaza WHITBY d WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: Rev. John MeLeod Organist Mrs, W, ©, Summers, A.T.C.M,. and help the association to ob-| tain a park for the area. ell WORK TOGETHER The National Film Board and the CBC are making a 90-min-) ute color movie in Quebec, Starring Alexandra Stewart of Montreal. 4 For Information re Other MEETING AT R. A. HUTCHISON PUBLIC SCHOOL (4 blocks south of Blair Park Plaza) SUNDAY 11:00 A.M.--Family Bible Hour and Sunday School PERM SPECIAL! 10% Off All Perms Limited Time Only For Appointment --Ph. 668-8591 'SO oS POUL CCCLCL LCCC ec Services, Phone 668-4576 | SUULUDUUUUOUUUGLOLAAAAL 11 am--'A Mon With A Hidden Core"' 7 p.m.--"'The Folly of Indecision' 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Bible Study and Proyer Wed, at 7:30 P.M. f || Whithy Lasco Steelers om VS -- Etobicoke Indians Whithy Community Arena ADMISSION ADULTS $1.00 7 PLM. ENGLISH SERVICE STUDENTS WITH CARDS 50c EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rey. Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M, English Service and Sunday School ay

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