CAIRN ener ne nnewenagecy 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, Jenuory 13, 1967 5 WHITBY DAY -BY -DAY Nearly $300 Contributed By UCW Unit Members -- OS ger board to replace Mrs. Finn. atin ste proposed making $12,700,000 WwW . Capital Expenditur | HITBY -- AJAX P P e pee Association and member! | PLAN NURSING AID S A $2 |of the Pickering Township Plan-| ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- The et At 52,015,000 Area 2 Business Administra-, : yas congratu- available in cash grants for ning Board, was elected by the New York board of regents has WEST ROUGE (Staff)--Pick-|school to be built immediately|tor Alfred Tyas w i ering Township Area 2 Public,south of the existing Dunbarton|lated by the board on_ his nurses in training Governing : : ; : j : School Board -Wednesday ap-|High School on White Sideroad,| appointment to the County Edu-|body of the state's educational ] WHITBY (Staff) -- The first/worship service, and Miss Mar- proved a capital expenditure plus provision for an eight-room|cational Consultative Com-|system, the board says there is 0. 1967 meeting of Unit 5 of St./ion Bromell read a scripture. | forecast of $2,015,000 for cen- addition to the existing Bay, mittee. a growing shortage of nurses. Mark's United Church Women| Olive Robinson and Mary) tennial year. Road School on Liverpool Road. oie snonenanennat anette NE was held Monday in the church |Underwood were re-elected sec- The forecast is up $37,000 : arlor. Leader Miss Mildred|retary and treasurer respective- Aber Md tend CHAIRMAN ELECTED ; Pp from 1966 but last year the Evening Programs ot 7 & 9 P.M. - What Price presided and gave a read-'ly. Florence Heard was elected { board returned $300 000-of u At the inaugural board meet- BROCK : ing. me visiting secretary and Margaret | nih "ing Donald Quick was elected WHITBY Saturday Matinee Starts 1:30 yr Rus: 8 Eng used funds to the township ; io civil The treasurer reported that|Smith social convenor.. Mem- ; Maj s sts se as chairman for centennial year : the year's envelope givings bers decided to save on a vol- \, leded items in the forecast/with T. R. VanHouten, last "Shesaidshe'd ¢ : la\" esti totalled $252, the carpet furt untary basis to gi evto the car-| pemcluded 8 new 20-room senior year's chairman, as vice-chair- prefer to share her 'So would I, hington givings $16.80, and thank offer- pet fund. man, apartment with a girl." retend home and 12 hospital visits. Misses Marion and Marjorie School Officials | Elected as management com- ; hina is ings, $35. There were sever|Bromell served refreshments. 4 mittee chairman was Mrs. house and 12 hospital visits.|The unit expects to gain two Sheila Vierin, T. R. VanHouten sale oF Miss Laura Pellow led the!new members. Go To Conference as finance chairman. Ross ee a i Deakin was elected as buildings oe PICKERING (Staff) -- A.\ang i . . . , rae property commtitee chair- 1 -plans Ross Irwin, Pickering District plans Noted Pianist To Present Concert | High School Business" Adminis-| ations, Jacques Abram, acknowl-\symphony orchestras in »the trator and Assistant Adminis-- MEMBER RESIGNS e war edged as one of the top pianists | United States. His brilliant per- trator Jack Upton will attend) Jt was also announced the r rela- in North America, will be the|/formances have been heard by the 24th annual conference of poard will los Mrs. Pat Fi featured artists when the Whit-|millions on nation-wide broad- the Ontario Association of | at the ead Tani : Mr predict by Concert Association presents|casts and telecasts as well as, School Business officials nie has pn agentes ms the second in its series of con-jin the concert halls of both Niagara Falls, Jan. 15 to 18, : aed certs this Saturday at the On-|North and South America and! The conference will be at- a ped ge Gare oy that e tario Ladies College. Europe. : tended by business officials! publicity committee and. man- L Chi Mr. Abrams has made many, His concert will be one of the |from Public and Separate!agement c tt She | . tours during which he has ap- highlights of the concert season \Sc : sen th ee Dae we awe m has peared with more than 30 major|in Whitby ; in la seg as aol bie signing due to a move to Mont- v6 he roof 7 and will be conducte y G.!real from Bay Ridges. i aa : Douglas Spry, president of the} By Low PR --_ D N T RUN ommu : yron Lowe, former presi U it dA ] 10 000 B ] Obj s if jassociation and an official of!dent of the Bay Ridges Rate | _ ae nited Appea F elow Objective < !the Department of Education. | Hate Boies axe : ed mitted It looks as if the Whitby|about $24,800,. although a few) |, Special features of the con-,~ Pe ere en eee my sek 7 ht be United Appeal Fund is going to|more donations are expected. | iference include panels and eae : a : be far fall well short of phage Members of the Appeal Board! ROTARY CLUB AIDS AJAX LIBRARY workshops relating to business ; f , ; pe ae Ps worry target this year " jmet last -- and eae the At an Ajax Rotary Club David Karry. The cheque Complex. Mr. Karry said ee a ae ee pur- : A igi gee en £2 Loto a's re- a jsituation, but no wihding-up ; F the children's room would Chasing and testing of materials To date the fund stands at'date has been fixed. j luncheon Thursday, the will PAY for furniture for catry a special plaque a8 Well as discussions concern- R ¢ president, Matt Millar, left, the library's children's honoring the gift from Ajax {ing all phases of school board g : . i (| presented a $1,500 cheque room at the Ajax Library Rotarians. administration. aS 'd inst Christmas Offering Totals $111.48 & to. Library Board Chairman in the new Ajax Municipal --Oshawa Times Photo Hes Association is comprised : F cto Mrs. Ron Morris, the presi-|"Our project as a Church is to| s ie ea sloped ih thi tale ane | sis of dent of Faith Baptist Church|have one week of Missionary fees er of school systems | gional WMS, after opening the first conan Je aero ny eop ee ose | meeting of the new year with|more to Missions than we 'did d cession and suggested that the @) TO nming a special greeting, informed|in 1966." cost of the water would be pro- M world members that the sum of| The guest speaker, Mrs. J. A.| ° hibitive to farmers situated be- lealing $111.48 was received by special| Nicolson, challenged eac h| tween the first and second Con- h has Christmas offering. The money|member to live a deeper Chris- cession. She said that she had en ee some will be divided "among the|tian life and let God work| ge fi sag gee All Sa esm q church missionaries, the Hicks|through their hearts, to be) i : aie ' rs. McPherson was advise ; : ken of and Groves. labedinnt Chiistlane. ets ©| "PICKERING (Staff) -- Pick-| Mr. Lloyd told the hearing cluded the rate would drop to she would only pay on a maxi- hase" A letter was received from{each one to charm their house-/2718 Township ratepayers that there was an emergency)?5 mills over the entire area, Mum of 200 feet frontage since ; A ; ; The} turned out in large numbers in| agreement with Scarboro for the her land was assessed f OM Whitby. Centennial Committee|hold for Christ. ; e ~. was assessed as farm FR sking what Faith Baptist] A ti tf a an attempt to block an exten-|West Rouge area which could 20-YEAR PROGRAM land. She was also advised that) Ss' at- evech intended 3 d in vith a? . tang volley's| SiON of the Township water area be switched in when the water| Poulson agreed that it might if her land were to be sub- all of centennial ei ag elas ie chars of di oi at an Ontario Municipal Board level in the filtration tank be- take 20 years to service the en- divided at a later date she' S | D E N T meead. ev Deteee-20-=Scott quoted ens: 8 reiresh- | hearing here Thursday. came too low. He said the|tire proposed area especially in| would then be forced to pay for 1 P R E emen | The township applied for the quality of the West Rouge water)the northwest corner where the remainder of the frontage: Us. , i lenlargement of the water area|depended on - turbulency of rag already had an ade-- Mrs. McPherson said that : St. Mark Ss Hi-C Elects Executive |because of proposed 3,000,000 howd pagal "4 ned system ig ov supply from exist- people along the second con- . 4 , ; . ; f gallon reservoir to be situated Nad no flushback system. 8. cession would not be able to Gentlemen: ement St, Mark's United Churchlior representative, Margaret|hetween the First and Second Lloyd said that there was no On a home assessed at $5,000 subdivide until sewers were in 1966 regarding anes@ Hi-C Club executive for 1967 is) Smith; | press correspondent,|/Concession on Rosebank Rd. fire reserve of water in the the rate would be $12.50 a year|built inthe area and at the to our discussion 'n 167 ju En: as follows: |Bruce Williams, pianist, Wendy! 'The Ontario Municipal Board township and that if the filtering! for 20 years and when water did| present time there was no town- Further 4 marketing plans for vaitied rtedly Past president, Sh annon| Williams. Vice - chairman, BD. Jameson,|system at the Sherman Scott/come the local improvement|ship plan indicating when our sales and ™ strenuous classitie Red Law; president, Lynda Hall;| Hi-C meetings are held each) who conducted the hearing, said/ plant became incapacitated the rate would be $6 per frontage sewers would be constructed are embarking on a local. newspaper: hines¢ secretary, Sue Reed; treasurer,|Sunday at 7.30 p.m. 'in the/a decision would. be handed entire Bay Ridges area would foot. After that the homeowner anywhere in the township. We be mpaign in the loca is nunist David Winter; junior represen-|youth room at St. Mark's| down in the near future. be without water. would be responsible for bring-| advertising carr will reach the peop" -tung, tative, Andrew Roblin; sen-'Unied Church. | The present water area of the) The proposed reservoir, said ing the water from the road to Classified pisaseen gs ht and by so doing galas ltownship is from the Searboro Mr. Loyd, would have the his home, One-Stop in their homes every "19 . | sales boost. . jboundary to the town of Ajax capacity of two and a half) One ratepayer asked if a slid- n : uct a red ' h the Boy Scout Troop~Plans Paper Drive | ana north to Highway 401. The| dines ine dally capacity of the|ing scale had been ee DECORATING should give our age les efforts in 67 and Blair Park Vista Ratepaqers|papers. It is hoped the re-|new area would include the) scott plant and would provide for people who would be receiv- Keep up the good war d Advertising Association 6th Whitby Boy|SPonse will be as good, if not| township west of Pickering vil-| fo, doubling the populationing water immediately and : dditional Classifie ase Scouts Troop will hold its paper |Detter this month. lage north to the second Con-| south of the Second Concession those who would not be receiy-| SHOP with @ d running early. rship drive this coming Saturd Resi Ss are inded to} © | which now stands at over 20,000.' ing it for a number of years.| we'll be off an dye 4 ve Ing Saturday. leave bundles secured with/ pEsERVOIR NEEDED PETITION FOR WATER He was advised that no such @ Wallpaper end Murals 4 te Last month the boys collect-jropes and left near the road} Li Lloyd 7 es scale had been worked out. i d fi At the hearing, Oliver Lloyd.) 'Tonship Engineer Paul Poul- @ Custom Draperies t ed over five tons of news-'for easy pick-up. > | Pp 4 : Another ratepayer suggested mon; consultant engineer for the/ so, said that people in the pro-| that th (een ¢ 88 @ Broadioom pod . is Fy ai ror] : ae bina posed added water area had) entire rhconlthg aia te PAba Pees @ C.I.L, Paints and Varnishes \s ica at reservoir i i : i ' UCW Unit Planning "Lucky Luncheon" 112 .ine4 es eet, Theres |Petitoned council for water and. tha if the extended water serv-| @ Beniomin Moore Paint $. is Members of Unit 10 of St.) Boys' presence was missed due ent time the Bay Ridges area is| people on Rosebank Road could| <°* attracted new industry the . Is Mark's United Church were|to illness. | served directly by the Sherman| be served immediately. entire township would benefit. | DODD & SOUTER e or welcomed into the New Year| Members were reminded of a Scott water plant; while the) jj ratepayers at the hearing COST PROHIBITIVE DECOR CENTRE LTD. y ine by their new leader, Mrs. Edj"'lucky luncheon" Jan. 26 and West Rouge area is served by|opposed the extended water) Deputy Reeve Jean Me- 10% Byron St. $., Whitby McKim, at their meeting Tues- also of a general meeting Feb. |a filtration plant which at times| area but Poulson said that the|Pherson said she owned 54 PHONE 668-5862 any, day at the church parlour. 7. All unclaimed dishes will be| produces inferior water. Ontario Water Resources Com-|acres north of the Second Con-' army The worship service was con- auctioned off. A delicious lunch-; ~~~ mission had insisted the town- - --~------- scrum ee rmannstvimcrestvecncedl any? ducted by Mrs. Anstey and eon was served by Mrs. Anstey Harvey Graham, and Joe ship do something about the ex- "hina Mrs. H. Bonnetta. Mrs. H. 'and. Mrs. Bonnetta. Wygerde; isting West Rouge Water sup- ihe Durham County Farmers Clarke -- Don Staples, Walter ply. Pierson, Gerald Brown, Bob| Poulson said water pressure |Chater, Bill Tamblyu, Roy Saw-|in the township dropped to 20, yer, Seldon Parker, and New-|pounds during the peak sum-} ton Selby. mer season. | : tion H Livestock E tohn Fito Gary datterp, Gar'| Mitchell told Whe water, soargs| | fohn Fayer, Gary Jeffery, Gar-| Mitchell sai e 2 | sar @ar ives oc xpert net Rickard, Wes Yeliowlees,|on the area south of 401 would' . t6 : Arnold Geisberger, Bruce Tay-|be 3.1 mills over 20 years but ORONO (Staff) -- The im-; Considerable information was lor, and Ron Bickle. that if the new area was in- portance of building an efficent] recorded, and any farmer wish- h at but economical setup for feed-|ing a copy of the Association's e | well, ing livestock was stressed at|annual report may secure it & ! the Durham County Soil and|by contacting the Department e » ade Crop Improvement Association! of Agriculture, Bowmanville. from annual meeting in Orono by| William Allin, Mel Wood and ee ee 1 de- Main speaker Wallace Gal-| A. 0. Dalrymple will represent eace lagher from Laurel, Dufferin) Durham County to the East ssser County. Central Soil and Crop Improve- We Invite You to STEP UP! to the Great Car for 67 Mr. Gallagher said home- ment Association for 1967, Bev grown feed should be produced|Gray, Port Hope, will also as economically as possible. In| attend. a leaflet handling 200 to 250 The official delegate to the steers, the main feeds were) annual meeting in Toronto Jan. | @) haylage, the whole crop of bar-| 26 to 27 will be Mel Wood, past ley and barley silage and corn president of the Durham Coun- silage. The correct use of these ty Association. feeds with proper minerals, Field crop work in the county formed the basic portion of the will be fully discussed at the cg ration, he said. annual directors project . plan- diye PROJECTS DISCUSSED ning meeting in the Department here Harvey Wright, Soils and of Agriculture office, Bowman- der- Field Crop Specialist for the ville, on Feb. 28. Ontario Department of Agricul- DIRECTORS NAMED ture in Lindsay, led in the dis-, Local farmers elected direc- : re- cussion on 1966 projects, and tors were: Cartwright -- Rich-| City was assisted by A. O.\ard VanCamp, Bob DeJong, 1000 Dalrymple, Agricultural Repre- Glenn Larmer, John Bonsma, ; sentative for Durham County. Glenn Larmer, John Bosma, | ) ; '| _ SOUTHSIDE SEAFOOD | ag 409 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY PH. 668-2721 || i] Specializing in All Kinds of Seafood Dinners. Live Lobsters | ex Weekly. Store-Wide TLL DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. is WHITBY 668-5862 Corners -- Turn South FREE DELIVERY Open Friday 'til 9 P.M. Fe rT TTT TT TTT TT TTT a WEEKEND SPECIALS | ve (TAKE-OUT ONLY) icks Y, s a Cc 4 Chicken Dinner | . 2 Pieces of Chicken -- Serves 1 | A s s i % Chicken Dinner 175 | 4 Pieces of Chicken -- Serves 1» Above Orders include French Fries, Cole Slaw, "Roll and Honey: i CHICKEN-IN-A-BASKET | | (CHICKEN ONLY) DODGE '67 . . . the greatest Dodge ever, is here now! Luxur- fous appointments; great styl- Ing; performance beyond com- pore; and selection of models to suit every taste or budget. See! Drive DODGE '67 now ! They're here ! DODGE features the orl- inal and $EAR/S0,000-MILE pow- er train warranty! You know it's great! . . made by Chrysler! proven 5$- 1 Street West of 4 ¥y arte sevens 1 ' Scitsewctees 3 to3 2.29 Nv RIMSIDE GHRYSLER DODGE Our New "Lobsier Trap" Dining Rooia ME soba ee eee ' is Now Open on Sundays -- from 12:30 to 8:00 P.M. ! Jo 6 pence as