Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jan 1967, p. 4

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Beatniks But Minority PAY TRIBUTES Many sincere tributes are bureaucracy is thus growing at more than double the rate of in his State of the Union, gave his official sanction to the new standards by eliminating arma- ments. rather than asking the rich for aid. There is confidence having to support their elders. They want comfort and afflu- ence guaranteed and secured CHINA 'ALERT' invokes Mao as warning against excess although "we must rat (}) ge OTTAWA REPORT CANADA EDITION UANUARY 1967 ne ees WHIT ' ss : j : he shawa Sines B Hats Lost IT'S ALWAYS TAX Civil Chaos Ne 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario -- rass a Os : Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited : ew anger B T. L. Wilson, Publisher At 55 - Year Mark ) E. C. Prince, Associate Publisher s WHITBY OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1967 oviets Told 1967. meeti By PATRICK NICHOLSON the ne Rodger agen Mark's U1 66 " Moe by MPs of all parties, who grew as held } That "Yellow Cars' Issue etn s2ciiin rere and ein ot, THE WRN "abesdeaaole es eee parlor. 1 ellyerhas_depriv: e Cana- i Sud- dies aued forces in two years er Me i gree WASHINGTON (CP) -- What Price presi of more experienced senior of- member of Parliament. He was Te hon pg or Rus- ite a Should Now Be Resolved ici ri wens, gryes coment wt i ta gi chia a a oe eer was ar . agemet 3 his death last week in his 69th * Tht i ' 4 totalled $2 : ; world wars. On Jan. 1, 5, 6 iv i t is is one of many questi ; The "yellow cars" issue was one sors and fleet cars. Assorted addi- Canada had 90 active officers dae Ba ag adil Boda being asked in Washington givings Vy, of the most one-sided in the Osh- tional equipment includes sanding of the rank of brigadier, or its Rodger took over Sudbury where observers do not pretend most " awa election campaign. Candidates machines and pavement markers. -- in the other ser- wee Do yer are to knew a whether. China is oe seeking office were constantly Some of the equipment is scheduled The premature retirement of ~ hp gale agit the sakings of civil ee, or Miss La questioning the number and use of for maintenance on a mileage basis, Rees hansial , Donald pee ency in 1953, and he held it at at ee these city-operated yellow vehicles some on an hourly basis. A control . a ee cer of anne who Lees og Roeacsassey ie sumed, have contingency -plans Not and those involved in the adminis- board has been devised to keep track have taken off their uniform. achievement was in 1958, when broad eranat of cece Jacaues 'tration of the day appeared reticent vehicle. ro copy aed rd peg = of the Diefenbaker sweep was including the Vietnamese war edged as | to reply. "Close control over maintenance iy aecuetlone Nae vay oe por tlgg Sbocs gg Siar pe Sino - Soviet border rela- a, The consideration of the most' and scheduling has resulted in large gficers who held, or had held, majorities all over Canada; yet aay ge jes wi wa ea by Concer economical: and efficient means of savings for the city, Civic Adminis- e posts of deputy minister of jogger that year more than Phase tage y to predic' tha katoi ; A ational defence, deputy com- ¢rebjed his winning majority of A rastic civil convulsion among ts thi operating such equipment is com- tration reports. The savings are ander of NORAD, and chie? by Sie ar dante Ae bal) the 750,000,000 Chinese, ak certs this mon to most cities; Ottawa, for in great part the results of getting of.staff of the army. seemingly irresistible Diefen- MH pie pegs ovine that a Mr. Abr instance, has developed a system 'greater productivity out of each Many of these retired in pro- hater tide. gree of the traditional Chi- tours dur shingle ' v8 ' , test against Hellyer's policy of As a past president of the ies tee nese regional separatism has peared wit which is being widely publicized. each vehicle. unification of the three ser- Canadian Pharmaceutical Asso- '\e reemarged fréry under the root ian capital has pooled all Some of the cost savers developed vices; the balance were ree ¢jatj s took a keen ; of the divided Peking Commu- . bbe Bc 7 h fii fiv by the Ottaw l are dye in the tired under his policy of junk- pata ol field, ), nist hierarchy. Unite self-propelled vehicles from five by the & poo ing a brass-hat when he reaches nq in recent years had been a : Y] As American officials study city departments and now rent them gasoline, after it was added fuel the age of 55. Many of these stalwart of the important. par- eas ae LIVIN hyd latest reports with admitted It look: back to the departments. consumption dropped; rotation of were at headquarters, perform- jiamentary committee studying ; a fascination at what might be United Ap : fo aait ; . P ing comparable work under. 41, safety and cost of drugs, of ee gee one of the major events so far f , y Pei ey 3 y s gs, fall well The result, as outlined in Civic vehicles equalized mileage and similar conditions to the tasks Wa ne nad been vice-chair: = in the $0th cuniety, Seats eres ra Administration, is that five book- hours and this equalized deprecia- of civil servants, who of course yay. is being read into Russia's re- ae keeping sections have been replaced tion charges; automatic transmtis- nar poef rhping Panga 4 a al It is being speculated here by action. To date by one. Specifications for new sions on all fleet cars greatly re- not command a tank in action, Feige clus Gs wine Lee wet woNganse SEEKING SUPPORT . vehicles have been standardized. duced the number of "clutch jobs." rato gg ot Oss eee Liberal stronghold of sudbury i VOL: . 2 ams i in tne with word that Chri Purchase and maintenance of all Ottawa gave the pool system @ 40° stem illogical and waste- 1 ee ee tae MAN OF THE CENTURY buro is on the road in the Soviet Mrs. Re city-owned vehicles has been co- two - year trial. Operations were fy} to throw out the chairborne arate that {i waa huodaey 'witch Union, taking their analysis uf dent of | ordinated. Vehicle operation costs reviewed and the program was commanders 10 years before o1s strong non-party personal -- mruimniniiannsimnnnnsnnemnn nnn ¥nmnas nem naan pela ---- . regional WMS, aft of all five departments have been given a permanent greenlight. It lie arr cy aa following, ines than LT omapen errata toead ae ani -- : " . Pa - : Hey Rig? support, which enable im to a specia -- hints Gn Ot : riegtidsange mr sng ol mo le beg ce vale te Ge petesd win in 'recedt years. FOREIGN NEWS ANALYSIS bs sees aah for a vod members e city-owned vehicles (in Ot- tems in Nor merica and the sav- s : * " Pinance Minister Mitchell 'communist conference, dealing $111.48 ws ; A . try? Especially now when our ; mainly with China, which has tawa they number 50) are controlled ing it has brought to Ottawa is cal. dudernmanned forces ace losing seg Fogg tn tienes sata ae 4s ee --" by the staff of the vehicle pool. culated in "thousands of dollars strength at ae rate of 500 men ing and for no over-extrava- : i S Concedes To Chan e capitals. church m Operations are planned by the pool each year. paid etn Se have 80 senior sance in spending. . ® Soviet leaders have spoken of and Grov i . s simi ¥ ies may Sail ~nati i ' his cabinet the 'new dangerous phase" A letter pecan ea so eapane og a ie spit pemanieighaed officers, Fes map i bro Ph pli socge paceing abet By PHILIP DEANE Coolbiititiny th 'deuiionsie atl; wane epee tek Senedak tht CHL whithy. ¢ = ee ae : AE rahe 7 he DEERE ee ee oar a eel rsing gorse is preaching to Canadians: be- Foreign Affairs Analyst in the purchasing of allies that like an election 'manafesto-- special significance is: at- asking ¥ ing for the equipment in use. The the criticism which has-been Jevell- experience is lost to the nation. ~tween June 1965-and July 1966, The United States has is, is also being buried and --* ve ron a or tached here to the recall of Church ir accountant also schedules mainten- ed, there is reason to doubt that Many of them have already the ministers increased their changed significantly in its att- under-developed countries will ire nrohleme of law and order cuinese. enveys.from._abroad centennial : te dedi ; ir civill in Civil service staffs by 5.6 per tud the problems of law and order 'and the two-week postponement Reve-D ance and all cost data for processing they are. One change is indisput- hung up their civilian hats in ' vas cand tudes from the Truman and not be able to count any more for local ities -- wer Hitehd mgs top offices in private industry cent, or 11,900 employees, and isenhower years of containing y cal Communities were requested by China in the pe- by the computer. : able. The critics of but afew weeks \1i44 values--and pays well for increased the total dollar pay- communism. The U.S. has re- 0" P laying one superpower i %% Fe FEBSOnE . the riodic talks conducted with U.S. St Supervised through the pool are ago are now in the drivers' seats at ---their abilities. While Hellyer we by a8 'ie ooo bit laxed in its 20 years as a world e erhid 4 aun be dine peed aute Me 8 Healer oo officials at Warsaw. ' i ificati i i i rappi The Liberal 'ministry of all leader. i i ; P ; Ie : 85 different types of classifications city hall. We have reason to expect Page gt Raid in SCOPE a buvenucrati" (it. contains whoa are nee Gee themselves, Mr. Joh said, world affairs. Feeling more se- sciik Susu a goal wen an of equipment. Included are snow- the "yellow cars" issue will be re- : ih Maia five former senior civil servants that appear immature, thi but he also said that they should cure in the nuclear stalemate, 4; h i follow: 5 N ; their early 50s, Prime Minister PP! ature, this may ot be helped to menac the American people are not spatches to Premier Chou En: as folio blowers, plows, pickups, compres- solved early in their term of office. Pearson is re-enlisting into the Plus several other former gov- be only because wars bring to ae ip wee area ti lai. This message, assertedy Past p cabinet a top brain in politics ernment employees) has ex- the front the military and their 2M0ther; in other words, they Prepared to give priority over directed to the militant Red Law; pr in his daily he. One By them panded the civil service by one- civilian rooters, men seldom ave been put on notice that pgirogg a ngs re ge cn Guards conducting the Chinese secretary, must be crazy. quarter since it assumed office characterized by subtlety. fun nd eat gi ag vnericane want freedom yrom purge on behalf of Communist David Wi less than four years ago; our Otherwise, President Johnson, provements in elr jiving : party Chairman Mao Tse-tung, tative, A Boy State Secretary Judy LaMarsh who are afraid to live do not de- being paid on Parliament Hill to our population. policies. Rolling communism jin America that Russia shares against the exhaustion of re- Spare no effort to smash the had some sound advice for beatniks - serve to live. rh in Europe has been defi- this yiew that the poor must sources such as water or imme- ourgeois reaction line." Blair P the other day when she urged them = Miss LaMarsh told a group of nitely abandoned to be replaced choose between guns or butter. 'diate and tangible threats such ACTS AS LINK Associati¢ ; p y co-operation withe European as crime. Chau. has 'been watched ts Tr not to withdraw from society when Ottawa students to make sure they enace 0) or eace Communists, co-operation both "GLOBAL SHERIFF 'The threat of a surprise world - jink with ihe Chinees Ieadeshic -- i ith certain el ts « oma ah attite commercial and political. Com- No longer will America play war launched b: si ae e Chinese leadership drive this Heap gent Ma pe in a ak really are where the action is" and mon interest between the U.S. the global sheriff arming gd longer seems teesibe 2 the fearful that the Mao purge of Last m n it. Certainly, as she pointed out, not merely on the sidelines grumbl 4 and Russia not to mutually an- deputi epar r cin wii party officials might lead te : 4 ; le Ss y an- deputies prepared to take an American who now sees, thanks ed over withdrawal is a negative approach ing about the rules for the game. It Posed By hina Recedes nihilate one another has been anti-Communist oath. Even to to better communications, that ke ag gpm val among to life and perhaps even cowardl i ; conceded for some years; Mr. Communist Cnina, Mr, Johnson he shares with the Russian istry and agriculture, pre : P P ¥- is good advice. By HAROLD MORRISON t parat a th ., Johnson now concedes they also conceded the eventual right not common concerns that have bo ae UCW It reminded us of what someone Miss LaMarsh also spoke of how car. 4 : party apparatus and the more have a common interest not to to have such American deputies little to do with world dom- °° once said to the effect that those , ah Ji Canadian Press Staff Writer spectacular loss of faith in ynbatance one another's budget as neighbors. inance and most to do with a, 4 key question for the U.S, is Membe impressed she was "by the fresh - 11. much of the Western ™&0's Preachings. ; in an arms race. And the parts of Mr. John- better life. the impact on Vietnam. Is Mark's winds of your ideas". This is the world can sympathize with the , It is still possible, despite all China, for example, more or welcomed tar more pertinent point. plight of the Chinese masses, Mis failings and his unfulfilled less likely to get directly in by their he g fv mies * ord erosion of Mao Tse-tung's for. "demands, that Mao could con- T valvnne Mekinn It has been developed expertly by tress, erected mainly for the found all his enemies through ODAY IN Stands Reversed B Howe What is the meaning, ff any, day at th BA dg Publiher The Guelph Mercury, emphasizing purpose of self-defication, can egg ig the Chinese any. # of the silence so far from army Pied ng ' , General Monoger : hee ; . But Mao now isa man of 7 ™ that beatniks and all those young be viewed with a sense of sat- \io.6 reasoning is rumored to HISTORY oe ee Mrs. _H. C. J. MeCONECHY, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times people who withdraw from life real- ly make up a pretty small majority. isfaction and relief. The manner in which Mao has been conducting the leader- be shaky and who tries to con- jure before the masses the childlike magic that all good By THE CANADIAN PRESS Macdonald Without Upset Modern politicians usually went to London in 1866 to try to It can be argued that a China troubled internally is less liable to react to harder U.S. blows t North Viet but the Du lestablished 1871) and the Whitby Gazette and Most young people today are tak- ship in recent years, combined ; ; Jan. 13, 1966... Sucse al meniay icham wceene ing a much more lively interest in With the growth of the Chinese i - ey pee Mata The population of the Come in for a great deal of dissuade the British govern- contrary also can be argued, of- Members of Canadian Dally Newspaper Publish. : : nuclear arsenal, give rise to the thoughts Saar, which had been sev. CTiticism if they change their ment from allowing Confedera- ficials say. pple, Bled ebialFdhg Peg chor affairs than they ever did when we gioomy prospect that China Ind 4 the fact that Mao ered from Germany in the minds about important issues. tion to take place. While Joseph | Canadian and other observers H entitled to the use of republication of all news were their age. They are more would become an_ increasing Ce ee post-war reconstruction of Yet great leaders such as Sir Howe is acknowledged to have ind as : : good queen Cc whether local army command: despatched in the paper Neagle to it or to The eu menace to world peace. Now, found it necessary to unleash 1919, held its promised John A. Macdonald and Joseph been one of Canada's greatest Associ I local Pile ; a " ; ; Aone calishen iherain: Ai rights of toes! der peg Ree ars Th « with internal convulsions, that the Red Guards on mysterious plebiscite 32 years ago to- Howe reversed their positions a statesmen, his opposition to ers in China might choose to ORONO re Se eee ee ee ins 488. Univenity long wit e Mercury "we threat has receded, at least enemies popping up from al» day--in 1935--and voted by Umber of timés and got away Confederation was petty. Dr. give their loyalty. portance Avenue, Toronto, Ontario; 640 Catheart Street have a tremendous respect and ad- temporarily. most every dark corner, sug- 90 per cent to rejoin Ger- Mew ber ae oe see ca Charles Er ocd he eee North Vietnam has much at but econ gnrreel PO. carriers m Oshawe, Whitby, Ajox, tniration for the majority of young Mao likely will be too busy gests that his magic was not many, by then the Third ar the Prairies "are of no getting the limelight Mon tica gin sapeested. as well. ing lives Rickering, Bowmanville, Brooklin, Port Perry, Panc® neople we meet. There is little rea- fighting the tiger at home to working. And it may be a sig- Reich under Hitler. It was recent value to Canada." Four Howe told a friend: "If yo Chinese aid might dwindle. the Durk DEE GDS ONS) eC cater Erikilion, : nificant reflection of his weak- the dictator's first real in- Ni : : ; ; you = The choice then might be ad- Crop Im ggg Ohad OUatceton, Claremont, son to be concerned about a few take oniihe Husslan beat ¢ me ening status that the only prom- _ dication from an unbiased vai ol ne Worked £0 Yak as CIESUE AT? GE aut 10s ditional soliciting of aid from annual 1 allel gk ryeet ond Newcastle not over beatniks who turn away from the American eagle. All the evi- inent men the Red Guards have source that he was giving ¢ radon deg bale hag cule sia a geen "+ at Russia and elsewhere, or a de- main sf gutside corrier delivery orea, $15.00 per year. rewards of meeting life on its own dence points to a decisive split not besmirched is Mao, his wife the German people what 4, cited The Red River Upris- Tupper, came and stood by the ision to thove toward peace lagher ft Fs00 Per voor, USA ond farcign' 82700 88 terme" in the Chinese hierarchy; the and his ae onggag and ey Winioi " ager ing now. In 1864, Sir John voted .door and collected the shill 'alks with the U.S. as the lesser aha" aig » USA, E weakening of Mao's grip on the heir-apparent, Lin Piao. @ reintroduction of army a oainst Confederation at a spe- ings?" of evils. KG : a ee conscription, at the same ae ; ay grown fe aorta Le LUT tnt tnt mmm SO time reassuring France he fee Coates ver OTHER JAN. 13 EVENTS: as econo! 455 PLANES LOST BY U.S INFILTRATION INCREASES f2ce"ana'torraine: and be. °t architect. Gate coat hoc wise ak Sua We sace and Lorraine, and be- Joseph Howe also. reversed ture opened session which set steers, t gan ae ae ste his position about Confedera- Price of bread. YEARS AGO heyinge, ° e ° e land demilitarized under tom. but in the opposite direc. _ 1837--Fire destroyed a large ioe. ir Raids Slow But Fail To Halt North Viets tescirciveiuses ter, se piscy'Meces and oar of Saint Jom, sp 28 YEARS AGO, Le ve pe on Bandtord Fleming arranged a -- 1838--W. L. Mackenzie aban- January 13, 1947 retaken : any : goodwill tour of Canadians doned his base on Navy Island. e i i BY BOB HORTON in fact, the rate actually has however, has created deep- most were repaired within two 1848--The Hudson's Bay through the Maritimes before -- 1849--Hudson's Bay Co. isaaeh in bone ae res ration, h WASHINGTON (AP) -- For almost doubled, to 8,800 a seated uneasiness among con- or three weeks, or bypassed Company acquired Van-~ the Charlottetown conference in Vancouver Island for seven poles on the downtown section PROJEC' 22 frustrating months, U.S. month, gressmen and some military quleny ea couver Island. 1864, Joseph Howe made a stir- shillings a year. of King and Simcoe Cts. where Harvey planes have bombed and 'strafed --The North Vietnamese gov- "or io ak Pgs gi Bn gad Ags eee First World War phim aro S Halifax support- Ry ah ia sod turned at Hal- it is proposed to install under- Lal - i ' igh- has ted all over- ; ressmen Who W 4 serv: : ing Confederation. ifax for Nova Scoti : A ; ario Rath Veinam's roads, 'hehe erment has selected all overs mins stoppedynetaly char: threat four hours, Track cn Pity years ago today--in "fan an', 1865, only a few "AMFePuivy.counel, Landon, Nt MAE: tre in ' 'a a ' little, if any, indication of man J. William Fulbright of the voys often merely drive aroun: -- The Russians re- months later, he began daily agreed that Supreme Court of h i i " cussion | oe gets oo. "at quel changing its mind. Senate foreign relations com- bomb craters in highways. pulsed German counter-at- attacks on Confederation in a Canada would final court of Pees Pati? oan ane tay was as vs ae : se eg --The raids have generated mittee, fear the raids eventually tacks in the Riga sector; Halifax newspaper. He even appeal. Council, an increase of $4,000 Dalrymp! avid As Ape will draw China into the fight- Turkish forces were routed over last year's grant ' sentative Almost as quickly as the tar- worldwide criticism of the ing and trap the United States By DAVE McINTOSH in the Caucasus in a sur- : a gets hacia ten he Lope United States ons ney in a major Asian land war. tong ee Now prise fltack sarthwest, of ° . +s vane Age pel DEA Vly da ey ascending scale, fueled by No Another group. of influential at the Americans ate appar- alkit. é tt t R l t up, restocked, overhauled or dis- Vietnamese charges that planes Pe cie a military men ently winning the military upper Second World War. er ovie e a 10ns January 13, 1932 carded. have deliberately bombed civil- is demanding that the raids be hand in Viet Nam, informants Tw eer beh bd s Mr. H. E. Bradley has been Unlike the Second World War, jan areas -- an accusation bd extended to primary targets, es- in this Far, East listening post 4 Pd Tal © vapiaadin. LB Ho F T. iti pontoon eg i aan 409 | when the Allied goal was to hemently denied by the U.S. de- pecially North Vietnam's major are talking of a new danger deer a cine coed pe or ransl 10n Si g nice "hate pecia crusn the Germans. and Japa- nese, the objective of the cur- rent campaign is to stop, or at least curtail, the flow of troops and equipment into South Viet- nam, convince the Hanoi gov- ernment that a military victory "is beyond its reach, and thus impel the Communists to ac- cept repeated invitations to ne- gotiate peace terms. To that end, the United States has expended 455 aircraft at a fence department. What the raids have achieved in hampering enemy operations is pure guesswork. But military men, and many congressional leaders, believe strikes aimed at disrupting supply and transpor- tation facilities have reduced by 59 per cent the amount of war material delivered to Commu- nist forces in South Vietnam. Military men believe a supply shortage is the main reason for port, Haiphong. U.S. planes are unleashing bombs, rockets, missiles and bullets at the rate of 50,000 tons a month, almost matching the country's airborne firepower of the Second World War, and triple its rate in the Korean War. WANT CITIES HIT Congressional and military critics contend this formidable They say South Vietnam will eventually want to invade North Vietnam and that the United States will have a difficult time restraining the southerners. Any land attack on the North might bring in the Chinese. It is often forgotten, inform- ants say, that Vietnam is one country. It was divided at the 17th parallel by the 1954 Geneva conference, supposedly for only countries planned post-war trials for Axis terrorist of- ficials in London; the Axis desert army ended its re- treat at the Gulf of Sirte; the defenders of Bataan fought na 24 - hour battle against Japanese tanks, BIBLE By ARCH MacKENZIE WASHINGTON (CP) --Pres- ident Johnson feels the world is in the process of transition everywhere and he continues to hope that this includes shifts. to better relations with Russia. His analysis is a major reason for stalling off another expen- sive round in the nuclear arms race, he made plain in his State of the Union address cost of more than $500,000,000, the declining scale of enemy expenditure of munitions is be- two years. "Know ye that the Lord He Tuesday night. spent air munitions at the rate unit actions. The Communists ing wasted on '"'cheap"' targets, About 1,000,000 _hortherners is God: it is he that hath made He has other international have not launched a big offen- and that American pilots and fled into South Vietnam and us. and not we ourselves; we targets, despite the tremendous of $2,000 a minute around the clock, and lost 200 to 300 air- men. GOAL NOT ACHIEVED There is some evidence that delivery of supplies and weap- sive since 1965. BOMBING FEARED Interrogation of captured Viet Cong guerrillas and North Viet- namese regulars also shows the planes are being sacrificed to an exercise in futility. They want the bombers to de- stroy Haiphong's harbor facili- ties and Hanoi's factories and major power plants, all now ex- would eventually like to go back. South Vietnam's Premer Ky, for instance, is a north- erner. Persons here who keep in close touch with the situation-- are His people and the sheep of His pasture." --Psalmc 100:3, The strain out of life and the sting out of death is re- barrier created by American involvement in Vietnam and corresponding Soviet commit ment to the other side. A preliminary estimate of the new 90th Congress indicates an also in transition,' said the president. "We have avoided both the acts and the rhetoric of the cold war. . . . Our ob- jective is not to continue the cold war but to end it." Mr. V. O. Hipwell, Truck Sales Manager, for General Motors and his staff, formerly of Walkerville have been moved to Oshawa where GMC trucks will be manufactured. a That great That's why Seagram's V.O. is the largest-selling Canadian Whisky ' taste / Y% Y, Yihee ons to Communist forces in the penta Egy gee bomb- empt from a list of targets and it's a vital subject here be- moved when we come to sit alliance of southern Democrats field has been reduced by the ing more pre bea Meslath Re whose major items must have cause enormous China looms at the feet of the dear shep- and strengthened Republicans : 2 bombing but in their larger ob- tactic. Air attacks are regarde the approval of President John- ver everything in. Ahia--way herd Yonud cela 8 ahi" Gre COUIG,. "titten he: peasidential: "4 in the world 0; jective the raids have failed. as the most effective weapon for gon. they' believe the Americans Beata Ure ee 1€ aspirations. : ¢ Infiltration of troops into sapping enemy morale. Officials say U.S. planes have have learned patience ia Viet- good shepherd that giveth his "Our relations with the Soviet ¥ knocked out 6,000 bridges, but nam. life for the sheep. Union and Eastern Europe are depesnersnen South Vietnam has increased; Lack of clear - cut success, 4

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