LRTI Ea SSB for ow 1970 | to e er of its ed by in the '0. But th will ised in Lough- rform- prove. vity. ut exe 1 leade luding crick- Ts, as ts, chnolo- n used muscle fat, sures. iS 14 ah ring! jack- lacks, most Cro- attern ~oins) amps, care ecle- Ws resi- Print BER, 'UL, Sin alog! hans, gifts. . tO- quilts color Quilt- tas DONALD DUCK YOU'RE OVER- TRAINED, DUCK! I WANT YOU TO REST AND RELAX UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE BEFORE THE RACE! BLONDIE oor HEAR HIM AT THE f REFRIG- ERATOR? Wot rights @ King Fontores Syndicate. fen, 1967. SOMETHING, DEAR? DIDN'T YOU aon 43 a' OH, SURE ENOUGH: }!) FORGOT JANE ARDEN LI'L ABNER TRY TOGIT THIS ¥ THROUGH YORE, UE ay HAIN'T YORE. SON, NO Monee AH BIN ADOPTED BY I$ BEAUTY OFA CAR,AN! THIS'BEAUTY OF A---WAL,THIS }{ NEEDS A LADY WHAT OWNS ITY? oe A) pP.- ; RS wi? Saree 7 /k sb Lilaat QUICK! FELL TREES ACROSS THE CHANNEL, SEE THE TREES BLOCKING THE CHANNEL, \ BUZ SAWYER & CHARLIES ARE ALSO ACTIVE IN TRYING TO TRAP THE BOATS DOWN THE RIVER, NO WORRY, THE RIVER IS BROAD AND DEEP HERE. WELLGO Jim 4 AROUND THEM, , 'eS = 1b \ you ARE NERVOUS, BEARDED ONE.....L£ WAS NOT TRYING 10 HIT YOU WITH THOSE BULL ges. ONLY HAVE ALITTLE FUN. SON -- PAPPY!! nes CORRIGAN DIES 7] INA CRASH-THE di pose ot Eke seeder... SECRET AGENT X9 i] FBI WILLNEVER te i] BE ABLE TO PROVE ;| HE GOT TO ME AND CAUGHT ME STOP HERE! THIS WILL DO NICELY / | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Janugry 13, 1967 17 r aE BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) j BIDDING QUIZ You have the following hand, neither side vulnerable: | OQ Y8 A902 a K10068 1. You pass, your left hand opponent passes, your partner bids One Spade, and your right- hand opponent bids Two Clubs, What would you bid now? 2. Your partner bids One No- trump, and your right-hand op- ponent bids Two Hearts. What would you bid now? 3. Your partner bids One No- trump, and your right-hand op- ponent bids Two Diamonds. What would you bid now? 4. Your partner bids One Heart, When you respond Two Clubs, he jumps to Four Clubs. What would you bid now? 1, Four spades. Of course you could double two clubs and beat it badly if that were the' final contract, but there is almost no chance of LHO and your part- ner both passing two clubs dou- bled. The opponents are likely to discover a heart or a dia- mond fit if you double, and it is better to try to prevent this liom happening by jumping to \four spades. | It would be wrong to bid only three spades, which partner can pass. It is hard to imagine four losers, once partner opens the bidding with a spade. Your hand takes on a new hue when he bids spades, and it actually be- comes the equivalent of at least /an opening bid. 10 CHANNELS Oshawa 9OOCCHEG=--=6o Limited *PERFECT RECEPTION bd ENJOY THE BEST IN TV There's More To See With Cable TV NO ANTENNA INSTALL >>-C¥C3-3==(0( FOR '67 600 KING ST.E. «EAST MALL), .723-5278 2. Three hearts. Most players |treat a bid of two spades or |three clubs in this sequence as 'not forcing, and it is therefore |necessary to make a bid certain to lead to game. You hope part- ner will bid three spades, in |which case you_will raise him \to four. If his rebid is three no- trump, showing a double stop- per in hearts, you pass. If his rebid is four clubs or diamonds, you raise him to five. 3. Double. Game is not cer tain, even opposite a notrump, and the best thing to do is grab the sure profit. You will prob- GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER Re MICKEY MOUSE 1...2 THINK I SMBLL SOMETHING BURNING IN THE KITCHEN, OMAR-- TELEVISION LOG LIKE THIS, CAN YOU SPEAK OF HUBERT "lably beat two diamonds two or three tricks, possibly more, if A C.0.D, PACKAGE = THATS FOR MY MOTHER AND SHES TAKING A BATH--YOU'LL. HAVE TO WAIT= that becomes the final contract. 4. Four diamonds. A slam is clearly imminent, and the ques- tion is how or whether to reach it. The diamond bid shows first- round control and interest in a slam; if you wanted only a game, you would bid five clubs over four. The next step is up to part- ner. If he cooperates by bidding four spades or four notrump, you are on the way to six or seven, but if all he does is bid five clubs, you must give up be- cause of the probability of los- ing two spade tricks. cette we Mig YOO-HOO/SIGN For) | = THIS, LADY ? LUTT TTT YOUR HEALTH ONIONS ?!! TF OF L. AT THE PEAK CONDITION BUT LATELY NOBODY ERITICIZED ME OR EVEN MADE ME MAD.' N HA 3 MH © Kine | eatwsen Syudient, Why VOGT. World rights veanrved. tional problem solved?--Mrs, K.B. Emotional Storms Hike Blood Pressure By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I am 35 and Is this as dangerous as high causes? Is it possible to tell) when your préssure is up, say from headaches or the heart Would it help to is far from The abnormal pressure--and the figures you cite are high--is the important thing, regardless) One potentially favorable Subduing those emotional furthermore (if- possible) learn- ing to accept such a problem' can be far from easy, pr and individuals vary widely in the way they respond to nervous diets originally was created for stress. Some take such tensions'an opposite purpose? A liquid pretty much in stride. Others diet high in protein, vitamins are so sensitive that blood pres--and minerals was devised for imore calmly. If there is some- always had normal blood pres-|thing we cannot age) a sure until a severe emotional|must try to bear up under it) : crisis sent it up to 175 over 145.{and not let it upset our lives)' kill last October after an ate Later it went back to normal,|and our health. I grant that this but when the problem came upjadvice may not be easy to fol- again, my pressure soared low, but it is valid. Yes, a person can often sense ja rise in blood pressure by such blood pressure from other|symptoms as thumping heart, headache, ringing in the ears, a sense of fullness of the head, lor a flushed feeling. Dear Dr. Molner: I am take phenobarbital (which the slightly confused. I have been nee prescribed) . suchitold that birth control pills are times even though the emo-|used for medication to regulate jthe menstrual cycle and other jdisorders. I was under the im- | pression that they were used for |what the name implies, birth |control.--Mrs. K.C, These hormones were used 'for the other purposes first-- and still are. Their effectiveness thing about high blood pressure in preventing pregnancy was from emotional causes is that! noted later. if the emotional storms can be quelled, pressure is reduced./the cycle can interfere with Some of the physical reasons| conception. Temporary use of for H.B.P. are less easy to con- As an example, irregularity of |the pills often gets the cycle straightened out after which *|He had been beaten to death 'expelled Muslims. Black Muslim Feuding Fatal ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP)--Three persons have been killed in vio- lence apparently resulting from an internal dispute in the Black Muslim sect. Police said Andrew Hoffman, 33, and his wife, Christine, 28, were shot Wednesday by two unidentified, pistol - carrying young men as they returned to their home after buying gro- ceries. The body of Roy Tyson, 27, was found earlier Wednesday in an abandoned canal near the Mississippi River in the Illinois section of the metropolitan area. with a brick, police said. The two men who died were Monday, police said, the home of Clyde X, St. Louis and Kan- sas City, Mo., Black Muslim leader, was set on fire with gasoline - filled bottles. Police are seeking the Muslim leader for questioning in connection with the slayings. Hoffman was charged with murder and assault with intent tack on three Muslims. John Moore was killed in the shoot ing. Hoffman's brother, Time othy, and Clyde X were wounded, BAN TEAR-GAS GUN KUALA LUMPUR (AP)-- City police in the Malaysian capital have refused to allow a lipstick-sized tear-gas gun 'or women to defend themselves against street assailants. They say they fear the device might fall into the hands of the thugs. Or try lemon juice. Or try hydrogen peroxide. If these or anything else will actually re- Move the spots, I'll be sure prised, but you can try. Note to Marriage on the Rocks: Unless a_ psychiatrist can help you, your problem be- longs to a lawyer, not a doctor. SALLY'S SALLIES conception becomes possible. Did you happen to know that one of the popular reducing |invalids who had difficulty eat- Sedatives, including the onejing ordinary meals, and hence large quantities or too often. The important goal is to find Channel 13--Peterdorough 9:90 PLM, | 11:00 A.M. Channet 11--Hemiites 1)--Rat Patrol | 9--Lone Ranger Channel %--Toronto 7--Phyllis Diller 8-2--Secret Squirrel Channe) 6--Rochester 2-8~--T.H.E, Cat 7--Casper Channel 7--Buffale 10:08 P.M. 4--Superman Channe! 6--Toronte 'l--Merv Griffin 3--On Safar! berm a g-Run For Your Lite 11:30 A.M, rolect 20 | N--Your Home Channe: %--Buftalo 712 Oe ork High Garcon and ial 3-Time Tunnel ee Sam 11:00 P.M, Popeye ae. 119-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 9--Beatles 12--Three Stooges Weather, Sports pt Magoo N--Family Theatre 11:20 P.M. Slane Rinair 8-Superman 4--Viewpoint Hawkeye icriipper I Pierre: Berto LM eed Pierre jerton Movie 6--News, Weather, Sports bra vib hg wakes ' 5:90 PLM. | 11:30 PM, 7--Milton the Monster 12--F Troop 2-8--Johnny Carson 6--On Fafari Stat tine etd 7--Movie 4--Road Runner .M. 2-8--Cool McCool Passport Two wis P.M | ee -M. 11:40 PAM. | 12:30 P.M. Me Nem tports With | 12_Bourbon St, Beat 11--Supercar | 7--Movie 9--Movie 7--Magilla Grilla &=It's About Time 4--Skiing with Stein 6--Supr 6 §--Seaspray 11.45 PM, SE mnie Lindell é--Movie ' 6:30 P.M, 4&--Movie 2-8--Smithsonian 12--Iron Horse 11:88 PM. 1:00 P.M. liePlerre Berton 1 i sf 11--White Hunter %-63--News, Weather hove 7--Championship Sports 12:20 A.M. Bowling $4--Huntley-Brinkley 9--Movie 4--Rural Review News 1:00 P.M. 3-6-12--Golf Classic 4--News 2--Movie | 2-8--Animal Secrets 7:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M, H--It's About Time SATURDAY M--Sir Lancelot 9--Phyllis Diller 8:00 A.M. &--Movie j Wonderful World 1--Outdoors Unlimited 2--Sea Hunt | 6&--TBA 8--Davey and Goliath 4--Bat Masterson 2--News, Weather 4--Captain Kangaroo 2:00 P.M, 3 2--Clutch Cargo N--Vise 4--People Are Funny 8:30 A.M. 7--Movie | 3--WMonroes 1--Schnitze! House rer ae "epadte 7:20 P.M. 9--Cartoon Playhouse -612--Curling 7--News, Weather, Sport:| @--Three Ritelbyy 2--Wells Fargo F| ahr 7--Rocketship 7 2.90 P.M. 12--Ret Patrol ig 2--Hercules | N--Interpol i 1i--Time Tunnel | 9:00 A.M. | 2--Bachelor Father Ld 9--Iron Horse | 4-Fun to Learn | 3.00 P.M. 3] | 28--Tarzan | 2--Mr. Magoo 11--Outdoors Unli = --Creen Hornet | 9:3 A.M. 9--Hi-Time i 6--Rat Patrol | 11--Sonins &--Shell's World of Golf 4--Wild, Wiid West 63--Ontarlo Schools gee ed it World of rT ol 8:00 P.M, a ny 2--Greatest Show 7--Time_ Tunnel . FR chic A.M. 3:30 PAM --Stingr | : ; eee Sere cP intuanes N--Gadabout Gaddis H A 8:30 P.M. 7--Popeye, Gumby 7--Pro Bowlers Tour i cari is it oO 6--Ontario at Expo 4:00 P.M, i 9--Mission. Fae ladle dre 11--Wrestling 4--Hogan's Heroes 2-Sinbad Jr 9~After Four r) bas . &--Dobie Gillis See en. hones 10:30 A.M. 4-Golf Classic 9:00 P.M, li--Hobby Time 6--Roller Derby 12--Movie 9-4--Space Ghost T.BA. 7--Rango 8-2--Space Kidettes 2--Wrestling é--Movie 6--Cousin Bill | s .M. 4--Movie 3--Popeye and Gumby | 9--Wide World of Sports 3--Girl from Y.N.C.L.E. 7--Beatles 8~Bowling again. ACROSS DOWN 1, Shelter 1, Bundle of from the grain sun 2. Greeting 6. Strikes 3. Linen 11. Famous vestment I lady of Troy 4. River in thumping? 12. Proof- Scotland moe reader's 5. Half anem ISINIO|O\Z I EIEIS mark 6. Armadillo's 21, Capital BSL EMR 13. German bony plate of river 7. Narrow Sene- Yesterday's Answer 14. Nimrod roadway gal 33. Lear's 15. Man's 8. Skill 23. Apex faithful nickname 9. Eyes: slang 24. Harbor follower 16.Ceremony 10. Drinking 25. Region 36. Payable 17, Father: aids 26. Trick- 37. Herd of of the cause. colloq, 14. Boisterous takers whales 18. Motion- merrymak- 29. Bargains 38. Poetic verb pitcure ing: slang 30. Live coal 40. Cerium: scene 16. Grate 31. Flower sym. 21, Moisture A 22. Lave Tre preEmrerl | 23. Swiss river: 4 poss, " GY 1% 24. Griddle. Za trol. cakes > S/A\% 26. S Z t 27.Girl'sname [iS GZ UY 16 Y iid 28. Wharf bc £4 inhabitant [16 9 ye! 29. aig Y o) We 32. Overh 33. New Zea- VY A Ve, land parrot = |// Y 24 23 U, sure soars. 34. Related to 17 across 26 Y 21 Z OY, 35, Norms LA 4 37, Asian 28 Ae? ead | desert 3a. Trimasa 22) (772% Wyyy** tree 4 C4. 40. Sleeveless 35 besos Ar {3 wraps 41. Marks to 39 j*° let stand rr) 42. Abrading 4! Y material rary * you' mention, can help the pa-|to build them up. tient relax somewhat in such} Later someone got the idea episodes, so it is reasonable for|that these liquid foods, since you to take it at such times.|/they included most necessary However, sedatives can't do it/nutrients, could be used as a all, nor should they be taken in|safe reducing diet. Odd, isn't it?) 4 Dear Dr. Molner: Is this soap) | \, (advertisement enclosed) good |some way of resolving whatever for removing 'brown old-agé your emotional problem is, and spots from the skin, or is there ceed better?--Mrs. L.W...| Try the soap if you want to,! - ak How long will you be at the draft beard?" ee