Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1967, p. 8

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jenuary Wi, 1967 Go d 0 ks S year pay as MPs, |. The Opposition acknowledged|"'the score." Speaker Lucien! sixth-ranking minister behind) The table, of precedence Is FOCI AMANO = raon utran, uccessor 'Mr, Gordon, 61, resigned as|that Mr. Gordon's return to the|Lamoureux ruled that question|Mr. Pearson, External Affairs) based on the order in which * finance minister in the fall of pest ed 2 couple. of iat out oforder but Frank Howard|Minister Martin, Trade Minis-,cabinet ministers were sworn On Return To Liberal Cabinet |1965 because, he said, he gave new. duties have, not. been (NDP--Skeena) kept the ex-|ter Winters, Transport Minister into the cabinet, |Mr. Pearson had advice about! snelied out. ~ |change alive. Pickersgill and Defence Minis- The exception is Mr. Pearson : OTTAWA (CP) -- Walterjsumed sittings after a Christ-| Calling the 1965 general election f | He also wanted to know Mr. ter Hellyer, All five had been| Who outranks them all as prime = a SRS eS : ' : | Gordon. reappointed to the cabs mas sdiournment which failed to produce a gov- STARTED EXCHANGE Gordon's duties so that MPs cabinet ministers in earlier Lib-| minister. He has been a cabinet PICKERING BEACH (TC)-- Pupils Reward pe Mbt : sa a ggicean sa 'ernment majority in the Com-. Davie Fulton (PC -- Kam-\would know what questions to eral administrations. minister for a shorter period ' The construction of the new |inet last week by Prime Minis-/ The prime minister also an-| mons, loops) started the exchange by/|direct to him. | Mr. Sharp, who succeeded than Mr. Martin who first he. Mr. Pearson retorted with a|Mr. Gordon as finance minister\came a minister in 1945. Mr, ity i s MOUNT ZION|ter Pearson, now outranks his|nounced reappointment without; He was a inted ister) sayi yl Minis fire hall in this community is} BALSAM AND iter pp ppoin a minis er) say ing that Trade Minister Gents Aber becage'a talcis, successor as finance minister, |change of the 16 parliamentary| without portfolio by Mr. Pear-| Winters, in a television inter-'smile, without mentioning any in 1965, ranks seventh behind : Thane (TC) -- Gail, Carolyn and Ste-|s unter Wey. Eropyawon ie: es Disney, Lloyd Harbron| Mitchell Sharp, in the official secretaries, MPs who act as|son last Thursday. Mr. Pearson view, had been unable to say duties, that the anpoir'-~ his predecessor, When oth ter in 1948. O1 menced during Christma§iing Glen Jones have been|table of precedence. special aides to the prime min-|said at the time that Mr.)what Mr. Gordon would he do-|*". Gordon simply "underlines en were cabinet ministers be- ree et ee ain's week, The new building will be presented with awards for per-| Mr. Pearson tabled the list of ister and cabinet ministers. The Gordon would be taking on sen- ing. the unity of the govern 'ore, Mr. Sharp also had ranked SPORT IS BANNED men pext to the old building. Htect Sunday School_attendance|cabinet rankings in the Com-|job gives them an extra $4,000/ior responsibilities in the gov-| He asked whether Mr. Pear- the Liberal party." _ immediately behind rial It is against the law to hit Cani \last year. Imons Monday as Parliament re-|a -year above--their$18,000-a-| ernment, i son had yet told Mr, Gordon' Mr, Gordon was listed as|Gordon. a golf ball in Toronto parks, ord Executive Elected MYRTLE (TC) -- Officers of the United Church Women, in- stalled by Rev. W. Patterson, are: Mrs. William Patterson, honorary president; Mrs. A. C. McCulloch, past president; Mrs. Allan Downey, president; Mrs. A. Van Hoorn, first vice- president; Mrs. FE. Rodd, sec- ond vice - president; Mrs. N. Couperwhaite, corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. Fyers, re- cording secretary; Mrs. Olive Harrison, treasurer; Mrs. Mc- Culloch and Mrs, O, Leane, pianists. The members of committees are: Mrs. Rodd and Mrs. Har- I} : ¢ AG rison, program and literature; | / \ ¥ ; Mrs. Harrison, membership; yjomare, 48-FL- $ 00 48-0Z. Mrs. Cooke, social functions; | CHU 01 TINS | CANS / " yepramyauaury > MARTINS \ | TOMATO JUICE APPLE JUICE 89" SAVE UP TO 23¢ OVER OTHER BRANDS FEATURE PRICE! a f A&P BRANDS ARE EQUAL TO THE BEST -- YET COST YOU LESS A« PINEAPPLE- DRINK SAVE UP TO 4e 48-FL- 3 7 | GRAPEFRUIT OVER OTHER BRANDS OZ TIN ¢ iii SAIL DETERGENT 3s ues. one sncrox 19 |] AsP aun PEAS rarunt rice 2.2% 29: | A:P TOMATOES ee, = Dott & Je ABP tn geo 7 ot Ste 2e . 31: OMATO KETCHU oii, Sin Qe AcP INSTANT MILK cain, (09 Mrs. Rodd, Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Bulley, kitchen. Prayer Service BROOKLIN (TC) -- A com- bined Week of Prayer Service was held in St. Thomas Angli- can Church with the women of the United and = Anglican Churches taking part. The service was conducted by Rev. Taylor Pryce, rector of St. Thomas Church. Rev. George Mundy of the United Church delivered the address. Officers Elected BROOKLIN (TC) -- The 1947 officers of the Friendship Unit of the United Church are: Mrs. G. Burlison, leader; Mrs. A. Booth, secretary; Mrs. A. Stocks, treasurer; Mrs. R. Eckel, program; Mrs. R. Hum- hreys,. flowers; Mrs. R. Son- ley, Mrs. S. Stewart and Mrs M. DeHart, visitations; Mrs. A. Reynolds, nursery; Mrs. R. Shortt, expense; Mrs. R. Hod- son, upper room; Mrs. F. Dis- ney, Mrs. R. Sonley and Mrs, Kay, quilt committee; Mrs. R. Eckel and Mrs. M. DeHart, nominations. Reliable Unit BROOKLIN (TC) -- Mrs. A. Parrinder was elected leader of the Reliable Unit of the United Church Women. Other officers include: Mrs. W. Ter- stall, secretary; Mrs. L. Stan- ley, treasurer; Mrs. R. Saun- ders, social convener; Mrs. O. Jackson, Baby Band; Mrs. H. Dennis, visitations and Mrs. W. Reid, program. m5 Sunshine Unit - JANE PARKER SOUTHERN ' JANE PARKER " PECAN PIE RAISIN PIE sane Qe ca. Bef BROOKLIN (TC) -- Officers for the ensuing year were elect- ed at the annual meeting of the ee \ Lend-A-Hand Unit. They are: Mrs. John Batty, leader; Mrs. Jack Patterson, secretary; Mrs. L. Belyea, treasurer; REG, PRICE EAC _ - Mrs. L. Stevenson and Mrs. R. \ pats = aie (Oe REG. PRICE EACH 49¢ -- SAVE 6¢ Mowbray, program and Miss " ~ Doris Batty, visitation. ] dane Parker Reg. Price each 590 -- SAVE 100 Jane Parker Sliced CHIFFON CAKE 49 WHITE BREAD «124: | (LEMON, ORANGE OR BANANA) SOMETHING NEW FROM JANE PARKER Welcome Pastor BROOKLIN (TC) -- Rev. John Burgess has assumed his duties as pastor of Meadow- © @ & = Pip Church, Mr. and dane Darker men: Beles lent 280 <= SAVE Jane Parker Toasted Cocoanut rs. Burgess will live on Mont- BREAD e 23 gomery Street. A social eve- i aie tn Phage ' GOLDEN CAKE och Qe Jane Parker Babka Reg. Price each 790 -- SAVE 100 (a toasted cocoanut topped vanilla-iced golden eake) COFFEE CAKE 99 iiVis FOOD CAKE 49. CHEESE ROLLS re 25 ' (A vanillariced Devils Food Cake, torped with chocolate Jane Parker Bakery products are baked in our own bakery by A&P master bakers ning is planned when mem- SOME R bers of the congregation will A i Y meet their new minister. E ON Assist Hospital AUDLEY (TC) -- The Com- munity Club has made a dona- tion of $20 to the Toronto Sick Children's Hospital. The club will hold a skating party Jan. 21 followed by a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert come Every A&P private brand product Dig New Well In our store is guaranteed to be better than eee (tC) A oon oe or the equal of famous national brands." the well, which is 27 feet deep, replaced one which began. to cave in. Pick one! Try it! Back To Normal . . AUDLEY (TC) -- Traffic on Agree or it doesn t cost you a penny. Westney Road North is back to Noam Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! FLORIDA FINEST EATING TEMPLE, FULL OF JUICE, EASY TO PEEL, No, 1 GRADE, LARGE SIZE 120's ORANGES | @ --39: roles pollowing the construc: We 7 d f ° lon of a new rallvay bridge e re proud of our private brand products. gress as many, ax seven ve: They're our finest values. - trucks, were held up. To Secure Prices WHY DO WE-HAVE PRIVATE BRANDS? car Mia on sara ar. r t an rs. Marwoo . bog' Peete Riggs -- bd Brands like A&P, Ann P ag' e, di ane P arker, Iona, GaSe tar tenesling Sail Detergents, A&P Coffees, Yukon Club stage at the community hall. ' Mrs. Ralph Larmer will con- Beverages, Super-Right Meats and others. tinue as leader of the 4-H Club and serve as the WI represen- tative on the recreation board. Council Meets They help us to live up to our pledge... to provide _BUACKSTOCK (10) ~ Rev. the best food to the most people for the least MEXICAN VINE RIPENED, LARGE SIZE, EXCELLENT FLORIDA FRESH GREEN FIRM HEADS, votional when the Cartwright amount of money. Township Council and _ school board held a joint inaugural meeting. Dinner in Port Perry) followed the meeting. TOMATOES »25- | CABBAGE +12: ------ NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P ---- NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P ------ , Are A&P private brands a good redson for shopping A&P? McINTOSH, ONTARIO GROWN, CRISP, JUICY ASSORTED COLOURS APPLES sco 3Q | Port" |. a 59 A ---- Nowa priceo wiowen at aay ---- MUMS 4 MAPPING FROM PHOTOS ; VICTORIA (CP)--Axel Kin- near, chief of air mapping in They re one of many! the British Columbia depart- ment of lands, says federal and provincial governments are ex- perimenting with color photog- raphy to see if it is worth the extra cost. Color aerial photo- graphs are sharper in focus and show more detail than those in ? black and white, : :

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