Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1967, p. 5

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a ~~ onan ait. Edi- n to dis- ents. eased in 1 corres- d to cen- ill before entatives me law des up to * publica- president e or con- nt-- says , but all ubject to ispatches on minis-. t which t Kwame ined cen- er, then h Africa n incom- The gov- fects the y expell- ' photog- spleases. for any ationality 2asons. rriers on imposes on what it or teler ntry. Afi blication ) govern- CA 1 restrie spatches, ic presss Commu- ided coh- cember. as with- ernment hip had rship are ign cor- spatches is of re- here has 1 in tele- OPE of West- art from of with- ion at ula was al's cen- nin's got rert cen- ispatches re moni- ispatches ers. Two ts were s for in- sources sent. In- p isetight ncoming law, ef- ished di- lifted the shers for it offend \pril, at the mon- ral mag- editions IN Y | PRESS ate lot- ) years to raise truction 40,000 10 shil- 1 large PS were d over public the last thquake in Ca- [rols "on vices in its and vn. ar day--in an offi- ent Wil- present Central jotes to tacking to bar- Var ago toe an de- Duich aApanese sumpur, e ships i their ratroop- of Ce- WHITBY DAY -BY -DAY | Chairman Urges Drive For Equality Of Grants WHITBY (Staff) -- Separate School ratepayers must prod the provincial government for equal per pupil payment with the public schools, said Adran Goverde, Chairman of the Whit- by Separate School Board, at their inaugural meeting Friday. "This is the duty of all Cath- olics. The Whitby Separate School Board has in the past two years operated without standing committees. I feel that today I must ask my fel- low trustees to institute a stand- ing committee on finance, whose task it will be to draft a real- istic budget and then effectiv- ely control it during the year. ADVISE BOARD "This committee can then advise and inform the board at all times during the year of its financial position. With- out a stringent control on the purse strings the system may not survive," he said. Mr. Goverde said education was the most important neces- sity of the age. Economists forecast that today's stude:{s would have to change their occupations up to five times Club To Maintain Floral Displays Members of the Whitby Gar- den Club, which will hold its 19th annual meeting this Thurs' day, are looking forward to a year of expansion. At the request of the cen- tennial committee, club mem- bers will look after the plant- ing and care of the flower baskets which wil be hung in the business section next sum- mer. The baskets will be a spe- ja good trustee, ' during their productive lives. "In -our automated society, there will be no place for those | who lack the knowledge or the} 'skills which technological] change demands. Since elemen tary schools must provide the} foundation of any further edu-; cation it is in my opinion, the' most important." 'SCHOOLS MORE NECESSARY) ! Many public school support: ers were trying to ban all re-; ligious education in their schools and could not even agree on a| common prayer for the child- ren, he continued. Those trends were making separate schools| § jeven more necessary. ak | "I believe that it is import-| § ant to the Catholic child that |his or her education be based on our fundamental Christian 'principles and therefore one cannot separate religion and 'education,' said Mr. Goverde. After outlining the duties of he said: "I am confident that this Board can approach all questions be- fore it with an open mind and = work together to make our ter, No, 35, Royal an system the best in this Proy-| Masons, for the ensuing ince." year were installed by Ex. Comp. Thomas Tompkins WHITBY (Staff) -- It is high- ly likely that Oshawa and Whit- by branches of the Victorian Order of' Nurses will amalga- ;mate. At present, Oshawa has |three nurses and Whitby, one. Dr. R. Rowsell, president of ithe Oshawa branch, explained) Tuesday that the VON is anx- ious to extend its services to provide home nursing in Ajax, Pickering Township, and Pick- ering Village. | It has petitioned these coun- j cils for financial help in provid-; . | Clarke Township | | Names Committees ORONO (Staff) -- Each of the members of Clarke Township Council briefly remarked on prospects for the coming year at the inaugural meeting. Rev. f R. C. White conducted the de- =4 votional. KEYSTONE CHAPTER, RAM, OFFICERS INSTALLED Officers of Keystone Chap- The _ following committee ,members were appointed: Prop- erty and Finance, Orme Falls and Frank Gray; Road and) Bridge, Earl Walkey and Rod VON Amalgamation Seen | For Whitby and Oshawa | ing an extra nurse. Said Dr. Rowsell; "They are considering our request, and if they are willing to come in, 1 think a merger will take place." The two branches, between them, already cover Whitby Township and are trying to ex- tend to East Whitby also. Dr. Rowsell said they hoped eventually, from the point of view of economy and provision of proper services, to merge the whole southern part of the county. Sale Of Land TORONTO (Specil) -- Ux-| bridge township's committee of! adjustment has been '"'lenient" with Wellington A. Yake's ap- plications to sell pieces of his farm on Lot 15, Concession 3 of the township, the Ontario Mu-, nicipal Board has commented in rejecting an appeal by Yake. | The township committee had Carveth; Planning, Frank dismissed tha most facent an Monday night at the Whitby Miner, J. Standing, from Gray; Fire Protection, Rod) @smissed the most recent. ap- Masonic Temple. The new left, are V. Ex. Comp. |Carveth and Frank Gray; Man- heal areal of ahd. Vane nik officers are: seated, from Percy Price, secretary and agement Committee of the Cen- ale is the OMB. but the left, Archie Taylor. IPZ; Ex. Comp. Thomas Tomp-_ | tennial Project, Orme Falls and Sa iehald. the ULB ae Harold- Douglas, H; John kins. Frau Gray. daclaion berauis tt "anal be 4 Howard, Z and Bruce --Photo by Denis Studios, | Orono Community Hall Board CCC! 4 cial endeavor in honor of Ca- nada's centennial year. The club will also look after the boxes and plantings at the town park and the traffic is- land at the intersection of Dun- fas "Gok Wants Hews: | BOWMANVILLE (Staff)--Set. y Alan Barker, now in charge of One of the features of the/Bowmanville OPP, has been annual meeting will be the|appointed head of the OPP showing of pictures of Hawaii|qivision at Ottawa. He has been OPP Officer Transferred and Bermuda by Miss Marg-!at Bowmanville since April, aret Stanlick. 1964. Sgt. Barker, who is 45, was OPP Detachment Reports Accident Drop |'07. 274 educated in Toronto. The Whitby detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police reports the first seven days of this year showed an improve- ment oyer the same 'period of last year as regards accidenis. This year officers of the de- tachment investigated 21 acci- dents in which six persons were injured. During the same per- iod of last year there were 32 accidents whith one person killed and 12 injured. Sixty - seven drivers were checked last week. Of these 31 were warned and 33 charged. Nine drivers were charged as the result of traffic accidents. There were 51 general occur- rences, including one break and enter, two thefts, seven :in- RAF on flying duties, he joined the police force in 1945. He was stationed five years at Cornwall, three at Vankleek Hill near Hawkesbury, then at Simcoe, Bradford near Barrie, and then at Woodstock before being promoted 'o_ sergeant taking over the Bowmanville detachment. Sgt. Barker, whose main in- cellaneous occurrences includ- ed complaints of farm animals wandering off the road, -- lost and found property, three blood relays..and several minor do- mestic complaints. In the past few days offi- cers of the detachment have noticed a large number of mo- torists with windshield and side windows so covered with dirt that it was almost impossible to see inside the vehicles. classical music, is married with terest outside police work is|completed by the first of Feb- School Maintenance Staffs Granted Salary Increase PICKERING (Staff) --The;school in Pickering Township. {Pickering and District High/At the present time, the build- /School Board held its first regu-jings and property committee of lar meeting of the year Tues-|the board is investigating prices jday night at the Pickering High/on two or three possible sites. 'School. Most of the meeting! was taken up by familiarizing . new board members with board! Ajax Plant Workers | procedure and policy. | a | Final approval was given to Get Certification a board-union agreement with the non-academic staff in the} AJAX -- The Ontario Labor {three schools including Dun-!Relations Board has certified \barton and Ajax. The agree-|Local 647 Milk and Bread THE ee ment provided salary increases|Drivers, Dairy Employees, DANA ANDREWS MOTION jtotalling $700 over two years|Caterers and Allied Employ- PICTURE 'for the members of the Can-jees, --affiliatedwith. the Inter- as |adian Union of Public Em-|national Brotherhood of Team-|| | the 3 WITH 'ployees. sters, to represent all em- F THE FEAR It was disclosed that the six- |Ployees of Monarch Fine Foods room west wing of the Ajax|Ltd. at Ajax, except office staff |High School addition would be|and some others. | ruary and that the board would|the Canadian Union of Public| The OLRB. has also certifi] of Management, Frank Gray, |Rod Carveth; Centennial_.com- mittee, Roy Foster, Earl Walkey; Clarke Township High |School Committee, Roy Foster, Earl Walkey; Game Commis- sion, Rod Carveth, Orme Falls; Orono Community Memorial Park Board, Orme Falls, Rod |Carveth. | Cemetery Board, Earl |Walkey, Frank Gray; Com- imunity Recreation Centre \Board of Management, Rod Carveth, Orme Falls; Newton- ville Community Hall Board, gross violation' of the town- ship's subdivision control bylaw) if any more applications for sale of the Yake land were granted. | "The committee of adjust-| ment and its predecessors have| been most lenient in granting} the transfers that they have,") |the OMB said. |Orme Falls; Durham County/ Federation of Agricul-| ture, Frank Gray; Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, | Roy Foster. | WHITBY Program BROCK. ow Ploying -- One Complete Each Evening At 7:30 FLASHER AND THE HORROR HORN. This, it is pointed out, is not only an offence against the Highway Traffic Act but dn ex- tremely dangerous _ practice. Drivers are urged to take a few seconds to clean the glass and check their windshield washers. This precaution may secure premises and six driv- ing complaints. Thirty-five mis- save a life, quite possibly your own. two married daughters and yg receive a complete report on|Employees a its |office employees of Brock Dis- sons. The oldest, who is 18,'the addition progress at is following in dad's footsteps--| February meeting. trict High School The entire addition is ex-|Cannington, except the secre- to |tary-treasurer and above. he intends joining the force as a cadet when he finishes high | pected, weather permitting, to represent Board, all| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 11, 1967 5 WHITBY BOWLING| WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE (Thursday) Triples 660 and Over: Fred Hatch 793 (333); Bob McAllister 777 (337);' Roger Reeson 776 (298); Doug Rowden 774) (283); Des Denyer 772 (280); Ed Brush 760 (343); John Bruechle 722 (286); Frank Kapuscinski 711 (267); Ed Samanski 703 (255); Bill Wright 698 (268); Bill Jordan | 692 (298); Wayne Allan 692 (279); Warren Watson 687 (260); Bill Collins 680 (248); | Keith McDonald 675 (261); Ab Samanski 673 (283); Doug Allan 672 (251); Jim! Atkinson 671 (269); Don Duncan' 671 (266); Bob King 670 (311) Team Standings: Diamond Insulations 3, Mercantile Dept. Store 3, County Bowl 2, Ken Smith Const. 2, K of C 2, Firemen | (B) 2, Legion Old Sweats 2, Post Office 2, Legionnaires 1, Firemen (A) 1, Kaiser Aluminum Co. 1, Red Wings 1, Whitby Hardware 1, Shorty's Cigar Store 1, An-| drews 0, Deboys 0. | WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE (Wednesday) Triples 660 and Over? Bill Shearer 720, (273); Ozzie Moore 725 (324); Bill Phillips | 709 (296); Jack Townson 684 (250); Hans | Zimmer 677 (257); Ed Brisbois 674 (265); | Jack Scott 664 (288). Team Standings: Bathurst 3, Wilson's Food Market 3,. Rambler's 3, Whitby SIRLOIN STEAKS CAPONS LOIN &. COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE BREAD CANADA PACKERS RINDLESS -- SIDE BACON -- open Mondays | Restaurant 0. Police Assoc. 3, J. B. McMullan Real Estate 2, Storrar Ltd. 2, Lambert Oi! Ltd. 2, Whitby Barber Shop 2, Jim's Stage Door 1, Joker's 1, A and T Motors 1, Mitton Machinery 1, Andrews 0, The Golfers 0, The Oilers 0, Golden. Gate One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom @ C.I.L, Paints and Varnishes @ Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF Bey dee DISCOUNT PRICES 24-0Z, LOAF Ih. 79: 99° GRADE "A" LB. » 49: 3 ..; 1.05 3 uss, 95° 2 con 3D* th. I3° at school, be completed by the beginning of September. FARM EVERY CORNER The board also intends to dis- 60,000,000 acres is farmed. WATER IS FIXED The water content of the About 49,000,000 of Britain's|close in the next six weeks the|world remains constant at 326,- isite of the new proposed high!000,000 cubic miles. Begins 7:30 All Color Program TECHNICOLOR With Patrick O'Neal Suzy Parker Recommended os ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WHITBY MEAT MARKET | We specialize in HOME FREEZER -- Cutting i We specialize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS -- Cutting WHITBY PLAZA -- Whitby Phone 668-6941 e All Meats Government Inspected e EXAMPLE Reg. 950.00 Sale Price With Approved Trade ADMIRAL 23" COLOR TV 769. Reg. 229.00 Sale Price CHESTERFIELD 179" Many Models To Choose From & EXAMPLE y (Yoonomee INVENTORY AND FLOOR MODEL SALES .:: ALL MERCHANDISE PRICED TO CLEAR! : EXAMPLE Double Doors With Approved Trade REFRIGERATOR 14' FROST FREE 290.00 \ BETT Y EXAMPLE INDEPENDENT SALES SERVICE (WHITBY) LTD. ER HURRY For Best Selection HAIR DRYER Reg. 15.95 SALE PRICE .. MANY, MANY OTHER ITEMS DRASTICALLY REDUCED TO CLEAR DURING OUR SALE INDEPENDENT SALES & SERVICE 309 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY WHITBY PLAZA - 668-2081 _ (WHITBY) LTD.

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