Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1967, p. 36

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DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNER AND NOW, BACK 'TO THE OINNER TIME: SH ! "LL TOSS A COIN +s HEADS, YOU GET THE RAISE IN SALARY, AND TAILS, IT'S TAILS-+ Ty YOU OON'T GET THE RAISE HOW COULO I CONDUCT A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS IF I' oI OUMB THINGS LIK@ THAT? PSSTS-AH SMUGGLED INA SHIRT Full 9° K CHOPS, 7O KEEP YO'GOIN" TENDERHEARTED TO M4 | EAT WHILE SHE'S 9 if o> I'VE CHANGED MY MINDSZ, rie ADOPT IM, INSTANTLY! CHARLIES BLEW UPA CULVERT, CDR. SAWYER, BUZ SAWYER LUCKILY © King Foatures Syndicate, Inc., 1967, World rights reserved. (44 Led [ZARGENTO! YOU CRAZY Coyote! HOLD YOUR FIRE/ NAN LSE NT May THEY'VE FELLED Ea) TREES ACROSS THE Epo! | BRD AME THE FBI POUNCING ON US, SHARA@ THEY MUST KNOW HE'S : HERE! SECRET AGENT X9 THEY yen NOW IT FOR URE, YET! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 11, 1967 BRIDGE By B, JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. i East-West vulnerable, NORTH @K1085 6 1092 As1074 EAST Opening lead--jack of hearts. A declarer is aware of all his combined resources as soon as dummy appears, but the defend- ers have no such advantage at the start of a hand. x It is only by careful thought and by giving each other all the information possible about their holdings that the defenders can overcome the natural handicap of defense and earn all the tricks their cards entitle them to take. Consider this case, for ex- ample, where careless defense |would permit declarer to make four spades, while proper de |fense, would stop South dead in /his tracks. let's assume West leads a 10 CHANNELS *PERFECT RECEPTION e NO ANTENNA ENJOY THE BEST IN TV INSTALL FOR '67 Oshawa "OC¥ENEG--=o Limited With Cable There's More To See TV 600 KING ST.E. «EAST MALL), 723-5278 heart which East wins with the king. East must obviously shift jto a diamond; the question is which diamond to return. The proper play is the eight, but let's suppose for a moment that East returns the three--in |line with the general custom of a suit. South would play the king which West would un- \doubtedly win with the ace. Unfortunately, once the de- jfense arrives at this position-- 'and it is only trick two--the contract can no longer be de- |feated. Declarer loses a heart, I0 UKE A with you /? NOW wear HAVE I DONE ?/ tr 6 ABOUT YOUR Scarecrow /! JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE JHE REDOLENT PASTURES OF THE ORIENT GIVE THIS DISH A POSITIVELY HYPNOTIC AROMA... ONE SAYORS IT AS NIRVANA, IF NIRVANA COULD BE BOTTLED! {T ISN'T JEALOUSY ON JULIE'S PART -- SHE HASN'T A JEALOUS BONE IN HER Bopy, YOU WILL BE WAFTED FROM THIS DROSS TO \ ELYSIUM ON THE. WINES IVE JUST DISCOVERED SOMETHING! Distributed by King Features Syndicate. CHAS. 1». KUHN: fl Channel 12--Peterborough | 10:30 P.M, Channe) 11--Hamiitea %--Sports Hot Seat Channel 9--Toronto 11:08 *.M, Channe! 19-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2 Channel 7--B: Weather, Sports er 11:0 PM, Ehennel eeeneely 11.25 P.M, Channe! 3--Buftale --Plerre Berton pap PANE é--News, Weather, WEDNESDAY §:00 P.M. 11:38 P.M: 2-8--Johnny Carson 7--Movie 4--Movie 1.35 PLM. 3--Movie 5:30 P.M, 11:4 PLM, 12--It's About Time Uwe sys ale 3--McHales Navy --ounsnane 3-6--Music Hop 11.45 PLM, 2--Passport Two 6--Flemington Park 12--Woody Woodpecker N--Movie 8-Superman 7--Laramie 6--Movie 2--Woody Woodpecker 6:00 P.M. 12:00 A.M, T--Twiligne rnestre 1l--Mystery Theatre é--Green Hornet 48-12--News, Sports, 11--NI Mares Ath. Weather --Night Life 3--Provincial Aftaire 0:38 P.M. 12--Laredo 1l--Plerre Berton 4--News; Weather 3-6-9----News 2-4--H THURSDAY 5.30 A.M. li~Albert J. Steed 9--Romp: 'oom Girl Talk 9:00 A.M, 11--Little People 9--Uncle Bobby @--Pastor's Study 4--Bonnie Prudden 3--Ed Allen Time 2--Boro's Bi 7--News Weather | debia Sports 9:9 AN. 7:30 P.M. 6--Gloria | 12--Winners' Circle 4--Love of Life 9--Andy Williams 36-11-12 -- Ontarlo 8-2--Virginian Schools $--Jack LaLanne 10:08 A.M. &--Lowell Thomas 6--T.B.A. | 4--Lowell Thomas 7--Batman 6--Peggy Neville | 4--Lost In Space 7:45 P.M. ; | 6--Provincial Affaire It-Ed Allen Time 8:00 P.M, 11--Movie 7--Monroes 3-6-12--Green Acres | 8:90 PLM. 4--Candid Camera | 34 10:30 A.M, \--Morning Time 9--Hockey 6 9--TV Bingo 4--Beverly Hillbillies 7--Donna Reed 3-6:12--Bob Hope 9:00 P.M. 7--Movie 2-8--Concentration oe ae 11:00 AM. 9:30 P.M, 11--Mike Douglas 4--Gomer Pyle o-- Mr. And Mrs. sip Staal fa 4--Andy Griffith | 11--Merv Griffin 24--Pat Boone |2-8-- | Spy 4--Danny Kaye TELEVISION LOG a News, 4--Skiing with Stein 7--Dating Game 4--Dick Van Dyke 3-6-12---Chez Helene 2-8---Hollywood Squares 12:08 NOON 12--Cartoon Party 9%--Toronto Today | 7--Money Movie | 6--Luncheon. Date 4--News, Weather, Sports Sports) 3_Popeye and Pals 8-2--Jeopardy | 12:38 P.M, 12--Movie N--It's A Match 28--Eye Guess 4-6--Searcn for Te morrow 3---News; Weather; Sports 1:00 PLM. 9--Movie. --Theatre HUBERT eas --~y ELLI? WHERE IS YOUR COAT ? PUT IT ON? You'LL CATCH COLD! @--Dialing "rad Dollars, Girl Talk 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 2--Merv Griffin I PUT [TON FREDDIE -- HE'S BEEN SNEEZING ALL MORNING! 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroe 5:55 A.M, 7--Dialing for Dollars -- 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Reach for the Stars -12--Canadian Schools 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12Business of Farming 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--To Tell 4--News 9--Movie --Movie 11:38 A.M. 4 9--Magistrates Court 3-6-12--Zorre 1:30 PLM, 8--Let's Make a Deal 4-6--As the World Turns 2:00 P. 7--Newiywed Game 6-4--Password 2-8--Days of Our Lives 2:0 12--Calendar 9%--People in Conflict 8-2--The Doctors 7--Dream Girl 4--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 PLM, 1--Marriage | Confidential 9--Words and Music 7--General Hospital 8-2--Another World 3-6-12--Take 30 3.25 P.M, 3.30 P.M, 1--Farmer's Daughter 9--It's Your Move 7--Superman Show 3-6-4-12--Edge of Night 2-8--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, 11--Super Comics 9--I Love Lucy 8--Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas 4.0 P.M. 11--Munsters P.M, The Truth YOUR HEALTH Vitamins May ease in the back of the pelvis. CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Farewell 6. Strikes with the and 11. Pennies 12, Net-like material 13. Indian social class 14, Place of worship 15. Killer whale 16. Enlarge 17. Varying weight: India 18. Storage place 19. Half an em 42. Restrain 43. Estate DOWN 1. Approach 2. More costly 3. Engrave 4. Girl's name 5. Employ 6. Blemish 7. Soothe 8. Canadian province: abbr. 9. Dishes 10. Placid 16. Vacillates 18. Plead 21. Contend Indies . Poem . Satiated . Withdraw from business . River in Georgia LW INTE IS mE IAIRTATS| ISIPIEICITIR] LUSISIUIE] tT} IPIRIOIV I TOIETR| PRBEI IE) HIE IBIATLIE|S} JOIMIETRI IMIOJAIN EA] IBIAISIS} UIMISTETR BML TATPTS) JALTIVIE MMOILICIAy Yesterday's Answer 30. Crudest 32. Command 35. Warmth 36. Otherwise. 37. Swine 39, Extinct bird It showed up in x-rays. medication for it then, but I and some drug along with it Re) the disease.--Mrs. C. A There are two ailments called TE | Paget's disease, and quite dis- eo similar. Your description makes clear that this is Paget's disease of the bone. This is a peculiar disorder, and usually found in older peo- ple. There are areas of often- ing and destruction of hone, but there is also a natural tendency of the body to attempt to re- pair it, so the affected area may be either very soft or very hard. The cause is not known, and in many instances the condition PIETT) HIATRIAN To LIOIOIF} ISIYIPISIV} 20. 3-legged 2 stand Jad is discovered only through 2 10 x-rays for some other purpose. 22. Comfort 24. Rocky Y The course of the disease varies considerably. It may remain Mountain sheep Y, quiescent; it may _ progress slowly; or invalidism may re- 26. American Indian 16 sult from fractures of softened bone, or from bone pain. 28. Redact MUGGS AND SKEETER ANY TUME YOU NEED HELP ) BANK] > 7 © © King Feammes Syudioata, lac., 1967. World fights reimeved. 31. French Z GY JUDGE CASE article 32. Metallic 23 Consequently how a_ patient should behave has to be judged in view of his particular case. He should be kept as active as circumstances dictate, since physical activity stimulates hardening of bones. But he equipment should be careful not to fall because of risk of fractures. $8, Give in 39. English This is important. In some cases, physical therapy may be poet 40. Expunge necessary to combat muscle weakness if the patient is not 41. S-shaped able to exercise more or less normally. There still is no specific treat- recently read that Vitamin C Help - Disease Of Bones By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: My husband|ment since we don't know the now is 72 and several years ago|cause. However Vitamins C and was told that he has Paget's dis-|D plus a diet high in calcium are used to encourage new bone |formation. In some cases pain- His doctor said there was no|suppressing medications may be necessary. Hearing aids are frequently |required because of the high in- could be beneficial in regarding|cidence of deafness in these pa- \tients. | | Dear Dr. Molner: Mrs. Feel Silly' wrote to you about the jsore in her nose. I had the |same trouble years ago. A spe- |cialist found I was allergic to perfume, and in those days we put perfume on a handkerchief, |which made it very bad. One of \the girls I worked with had a very annoying cough, and it stopped when she stopped Msing perfume.--Mrs. L. . | The above letter is pvinted |a diamond and a club, and that is end. of the party. Now let's go back to Fast's play at trick two and have him return his highest diamond, tne eight. West should read this to be East's highest diamond and he should therefore refuse to take the king with the ace. He now knows that South has the K-Q and that winning this trick would probably destroy any chance of defeating the hand. In ducking the king, West pins his hopes on the possibility that his partner has either a club trick or a trump trick, in which case a second diamond lead from East will cut de- clarer down to size. West has to think this way if he wants to give himself a chance to beat the contract, Flyer Ace Keeps Lead By THE CANADIAN PRESS Although held to a@ goal and two assists in two games played in the Ontario Hockey Associa- tion Junior A series last week, Derek Sanderson of Niagara Falls Flyers maintained a com- fortable eight-point lead in the scoring race. Sanderson has 23 goals and 33 assists for 56 points. Gary Unger of London Na- tionals picked up two goals and _|two assists in three games to hold down second spot with 26 goals and 22 assists. Mickey Redmond of Peterbor- ough Petes, the league's top goal-scorer with 27, is tied with team-mate Gary Monahan for. third place, each with 47 points. A close battle exists in the goaltending department with Gerry Gray of Hamilton Red Wings holding a small margin over Ian Young of Oshawa Gen- erals. Gray has a 3.21 average while Young is 3.28. The leaders (NF -- Niagara Falls, L--London, P--Peterbor- ough, H -- Hamilton, T~--Tor- onto): Sanderson (NF) Unger (L) Redmond (P) Monahan (P) Lorentz, (NF) Vanderburg (P) Tremblay (NF) Speck (H) Meehan (T) Atkinson (NF) Mercer (L) SALLY'S SALLIES not to point a finger at per- fume, but to remind readers |that unsuspected materials may 'cause allergic reactions. Dear Dr. Molner: What is the brane of the knee?--C. J. B. The synovial membrane lines all joints, including the knee. It secretes a fluid which serves as a lubricant. When irritated, the membrane secretes excessive fluid and swelling results. Dear Dr. Molner: What can I do to stop pyorrhea? Would a mouthwash help?--A. R. Pyorrhea is too dangerous to your teeth ta try home treat- ment. Go to your dentist with- out delay. Note to Mrs. S..H.: You most jcertainly should not have been criticized for having. your boy treated for glomerulonephritis-- or for any other kidney. dis- ' purpose of the synovial mem-|} | "Sorry, no orders today, The finance company just gave the boss one," order. Damage may: not show at once in x-ray. But unless the infection is thoroughly cleared up, there is great danger of permanent and serious kidney damage. Within sm "aged hen r injunct

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