Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1967, p. 20

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eX 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Januery 11, 1967 |chiffons. The tent, or its | Active Women jenn became obvious that the|where the) handicrafts I had' sme-study course which willl GREAT FESTIVE TRAIN |scaped grounds hgyepan T 5 anageeinass jconservative A-line equivalent, jfabrics that were needed for the|been doing all my life be- -ovide women all over the GERALDTON, Ont. (CP)--A|of se town -- y a teen. 3 ( al E s G R tu has many versions. Sarmi cre- | Are Creative {interior were not available com-|longed," said Mrs. Beinecke. country with that same teach-/mooseburger barbecue has been|agers' committee. Form vening wnhs e m jated a full-blown strapless gown mercially." "I could see it as a thriving ing program that's available at{planned for this Northern On- FOLLOWED BIRDS A composed of sequinned silver By ROBERTA ROESCH | sHARED KNOWLEDGE centre for hand-weaving, hand-! yantucket. tario community for October,! The cranberry is thought to i. As New York Fashion Favorites | ribbon and lace over pink silk! "I personally believe in| To overcome this hurdle, Mrs. Soar ama and. fine em- "There is a growing need and when the centennial . train 4l-lhave been named after cranes, I |chiffon. Orange puffed mate- Mfg Pring ee ee ot oe pemeten decided to use her : linterest for this sort of thing," |tives. Other projects under con-| because early aaniers saw the 7 lasse -has flowing back panels|Mary Ann Beinecke of New/knowledge of weaving to teach) RESEARCHED ISLAND said this attractive and creative|sideration are the Ontario va-|birds eating the berries and so : By MARGARET NESS _jof completely feathered gowns.| and jong sleeves. A winter navy|York and Nantucket. "And my |the craft to untrained islanders With this as a vision and goal, ewrcigghvingg i ey in women |riety show, a fireworks display,|learned they were not poiso- pa NEW YORK (CP)--The floor- |The base is "'chiffon pierced|silk faille skirt teams with ajown way to follow this credo|so that--in addition to providing|Mrs. Beinecke became a primelwho are active. jopening a new library in land-'nous. The length evening gown is still the/with trembling ostrich fronds|long-sleeved white satin bodice.|is to create things with my|needed fabrics for the Jaredjorganizer behind the extensive] «1 sic feel," she said, "'that| Z - tiqui elegant dream of every fashion-':, contrasting or matching col-|And @ white satin tennis top and hands." |Coffin House--they could also|handicraft projects now going every woman who sets her mind | ture conscious woman. ea flaring skirted gown sports tiers} By anybody's standards, Mrs.| learn a new way to earn a living|on on the island. To start things Hd can have the satisfaction' You Are Invited to Attend M It's glamorous, provocative of black skirt flounces. |Beinecke--a guiding beacon in|during the winter months, going and growing, she involved : creating beautiful objects ; i ° Fp and makes you feel mare femi-, Coty fashion pot winner! Much of the news for preg ee present resurgence of handi-| So with an associate designer, |herself in study and research, Crnfesionally or for personal | Re ional Holiness Meeting pet nine and pampered Geoffry Beene Pate uces 8 /is in floor-length evening coats.|crafts taking place on the his- she started training the weavers|obtained experts to teach ¢he Detection. There's room for g Ami Soe Fecal Je & oomiunt: tubular pink wool jersey with al They" re considered more fash-toric island of Nantucket--has|and organized Nantucket Looms|women on the island who are evervbody to be active in this The snike. pink ostrich hemline and cuffs|ignable than fur coats. |been producing things with her|to handle the work, Later the|now instructors, organized ae . Thursday Jan 12 - 8:00 P.M. th . This winter the long colum asd wadiosind won dieus "They have great chic," says|hands for as long as she can|looms grew into the present|classes and collected personal- x -- , tion is the important silhouette, |CHIFFON POPULAR | Pauline Trigere, who says every Femember. Cloth Co, where' fabrics arejites for seminars and lecturers.) |. 6) FoR BABIES Speaker -- Lt.-Colonel Alfred Simester, of th often with skinny long sleeves,! Last year chiffon blanketed|Woman should own a long wool! "I began by embroidering woven, designed and sold under| Currently she is busy planning ¢ Divisional Commander from Toronto, 'mie in many cases strapless. ithe minvkee, It's still popular but evening coat. |when I was a little: girl," she |the direction of a textile design-|the details of a school where) BUCHAREST (AP) -- The 'i Oy at bonds aha hapr ao ae 10k tends| not dominant. Chien Gan be| This winter she cuts them in lsaid. "In college, I majored in|ing team that also handles the|women can continue their edu-/Communist regime of Romania Music by ala pat a ve ands an eg igre t simplicity," jextremely feminine in slim or |Tedingote shapes, falling open inlart and started to do hand- hand-printing of the fabrics. _|cation in new concepts of em-|has turned to cash incentives to Oarawe songet Pianne Th more to elegant simp | ding silhoustt la tall, slender pyramid at the|weaving. When I was married| "AS the newly-trained weav-|broidery and creative handi-|increase the declining birth- : : Cani says the Ps ge cd ge i vt ge Ane SUNOUE Er front, as in a dark green woolland had a family, I studied, |ers started to produce beautiful |crafts. : rate. From Jan. 1, 1967, moth-| The Salvation Army Citadel wom Dior- re ig age ade te ieee lope . = Ponte me coat over an eggnog crepe|worked on hand - weaving at |and decorative cloth, I began to} In connection with the school,|ers of three and more children 133 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa oe nay poten the strapless! Bete Peaidinly haee ose dress. home and visited mills when- realize that Nantucket wasishe is also busy setting up a!receive a grant of $166. : - png |OEeSS: eee 1d." viepcaiaitica ve | evening dress or they comple- |formal in a high-waisted gown jever < coy ; turn ment the important dress sil-|with a cross-back of jewel) NONE CHALLENGED HER | Later when Mary Ann's hus- Tibo houette of long fluid lines. In /bands. Blue over green chiffon) ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE, |band, Walter Beinecke Jr., a a | op some cases there is a rather|covers a blue silk column,|Alta. (CP)--Electeds mayor. of|trustee of the Nantucket His-| SHOP SPROULE $ & SEE : son cover-up look for evening with|Movie designer Jean Louis ac-|this western Alberta commu- ge Site tger gg sr, mon long sleeves." jcents an ocelot printed chiffon|nity of 2,800 by acclamation, |in the restoration Pegeebile eee na Fabrics in the slim silhouette|with mink collar and cuffs. And|Helen Hunley describes the | Jared ~ seieets "ana tae y) 5 a ee ae See ee oe . include a fluid grey silk crepe| |Branell's canary yellow chiffon|post as 'rewarding, challeng-|mence in hanak : | mith ahoastrl ng straps, also a|flows from a bodice of purple|ing and never dull." Before go-|accrued wove itself into real BLOCKBUSTERS! j move pink silk twill with jewel- [beading and yellow silk thread.|ing into municipal government | opportunity. - } Ho embroidered bodice, a lime) Not all formals are slim{she sold farm machinery, auto-| 'While the mansion was being e . | 1 crepe with one side slit high|beaded columns or fluttering'mobiles and insurance. lrestored,"' she explained, "It AY ° i] HEINZ Universal Sockeye : striki above the knee, and a pistachio games eco oe -- : --s Pre: j ais four-ply crepe with inverted \ @es . : pe eas snADED | Cutting down on food isn't the answer to f , a ag' ye pgp Pace c cutting down high food bills. No, Me'am! \ ' any Oe eve Sore Your best bet is to shop ot SUPER SAVE Compare at 46c! - 20-Ox, Btl, Compare at 65¢! - 14 Tin near = P eagle por Pog where you get MORE LOW PRICES, more ' ae eading j often. Our STOREWIDE LOW PRICES and ; in the neckline, hem or on the EXTRA BIG SPECIALS give you DIRECT C C | coutu sleeves. One handsome floor- | ACTION for stamping out high prices! Come . bouti length skimmer. is Malcolm see if shopping here isn't the right way -- in. A Starr's all-over beaded green the ONLY way -- to cut your food bills him silk organza with jewelled band-| down to budget size. | had | ing at the high, round neckline 3 i saw | and around the miniature b) : merg sleeves. i Fringes of persimmon and STOL gold beads accent the neckline The and cuffs of Jane Derby's net tion gown, completely spangled in i tweer persimmon and gold. J } Stolet Pat Sandler's ankle - length penis tank-top silhouette dazzles with there aurora sequins over nude chif-) thick- fon, with added glitter in the| thing rhinestone rounded neckline, | FRESH SLICED i an td since tak vietund antl ' Specially Selected-Value Checked Tender Young "'Picnic Style ou hem. 7 orang Nat Kaplan frosts a heavy dee white crepe with beads at the DOWNTOWN C 0 «} K E iy C C Ths -- V-neckline and hem. 5 KING EAST ated But Jewelled effects aren't the | | OSHAWA s = ~ - gated : look "7 -- Ponce , 1B ib wide esigners st ike feathers KG. PKG. Shoulder Cut oa Pauline Trigere created a group Tender Meaty -- Extra Lean Butt Ground from Red Brand Beef -- Fresh Hamburg j by K R -- a re > a S PORK CHOPS _,. 69*| MINCED BEEF e., "Bye LAMB CHOPS... a _ ¢ rie For a Pleasant Change -- Ideal for Baking erie | BEEF HEARTS ,. 49*| NECK BONES 5 ». *1| CHICKEN WINGS 3... * = Fresh -- Never Frozen Well Trimmed -- Alweye Tender Wo PORK SPARERIBS --..59°| PORK BUTT swum > Pl iat oe ho llallaaaliaal Co ee ee ee oe The RED BRAND BEEF -- CANADA'S FINEST GRADE a ® FRESH FISH not FROZEN i are Front Quarter | Side of Beef | Hind Quarter @ BARBECUE CHICKENS sity W Kresge's Special . . . i 49s Ib. 586 Ib. 68s Ib. i OYSTERS | cent 0 LADIES' NYLONS Cut end wrepped FREE pak -- 2 a eS Se Se a ee a ee ee ee es es ee plan to Seomiens mesh, see oi eae, ers ionet Foto SAVE 20c ... . REGULAR 24¢ LOAF... SLICED Eliza Buy now end se' survey 2 aes: - Super Save BRE AD Full 24-0z. Loaves 5 for 1.00 conies page | SAVE 16c . . . SUPER SAVE PKGS. OF 8's "The HAMBURG BUNS or WIENER ROLLS 41.00 oe REG. 79c . , . SUPER SAVE Aunt Mary's Raspberry or honey ie the fe ¢ J -OZ. ¢ lepa " DIARIES... || TEA BAGS 68 Pv cwira: "ey JAM _» 38 se FIRST GRADE CREAMERY Swiftning ; . . Pure Vegetable... 1 Ib. pkgs. The | YORK BRAND... COMP 2 FOR 45¢ LOMBARD PLUMS 5 T™ 1.00 for the New Year Its fun to keep a journal of your daily affairs, appointments and special dates! Treat yourself to a diary from Kresge's: 5 year Diary with lock liminar:' SHORTENING om 000 = we 8i valid. 3 FOR 1.00 About Pinwale corduroy boxer ponts with elastic woist- bend and two pistol poe- kets, Sizes 3 to 6x in ax UTTER LB, PRINT sorted shades. ae and key, Warwick Perpetual Diary or 1 Year veyed Diary with lock and key. E, D. SMITH'S... COMP, 396 & 430 .__- 1.52 Value . . . FREE cause f KRESGE'S JANUARY SPECIAL COMET CLEANSER with thee, om IVORY LIQUID '<i° might 1 "1,07 Pi Min PIE FILLING 3 FOR 1.00 | REGULAR 49c! WESTON or SUNBEAM 39 with the purchase of 2 GENERAL ELECTRIC LAMP BULBS ot regular price. ' CHOCOLATE fF LADIES' SLEEVELESS GUEST CAKE EACH 45¢ STORE HOURS In | é PRINT | : Open to-night, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and OTTA LISTERINE | WHITE GRANULATED [Pes SAVE... . REG. 39 a Soturday Nights till 10:00 P.M, ? mini-ski | -OZ. @ AMPLE FREE PARKING @ igh s TOOTH BLOUSES SUGAR ous, xc O9* |Peanut Buiter ',, 35° Sent cincts, ASSORTED SPONGES Each bag contains one to three sponges. Ideal for home use! PASTE Sonforized cotton shirt blouses ot this Low Kresge's price. Perky Kresge's Special prints and colors "frolick over these sleeveless shirts in sizes 4 tubes ranging from 10 to 20. 1.17 each... Ne. 1 WHITE FROZEN FOODS Park i SAVE 4c LIBBY'S \ i | VEGETABLE FIXINS FOR STEW teacher | poe 49° not mad BAG At Hij | iene oes however a 0K hg 5-LB. ter. Pri MEN'S DURABLE shan FIRM CO ING ONIONS Ueuceas F RENCH FRIES BAG 1.00 oe ANTS : | ° 2 willing -- TTP WORK SOCKS | CRAWLERS and awe 27¢ Off King Size SAVE 10¢ . . . ASSORTED COLOURS INGERSOLL he say i} i Fy i J ing "fe . }; Warm servicgabie work wxcks inf SODPHURS )7; '4 : | Royale Facelle Paper Towels} | CHEESE SPREAD "at m WELLE f 'oacrereintrces vith uray vite SSR Seats ent OXYDOL 1.66 2.. 1.00 WH FaEE COASTER HA Ae pl EGMEE A eaten. Sita 1), Weicht 216-008. |) RY S Tals eae eee Wey" exot. Ome io" ney we : side leg openers. Available in sizes 12- @ 4 BS 18-24 months. or EAR ; pair... _ | A \ : ao BIG | | UPER a SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED Me in ri é usive trainir | DAY | SOWNTOWN STOR To sve YoU BTN ophaws SUPER SAVE tis : ' 5 : OSHAWA KRESGE'S © SHOPPING CENTRE [Foner oF KING 41 RITSON ROAD, La, ll 'i ept. 4 t , oF : gen.

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