Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1967, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA 'TIMES, Tuesday, January 10, 1967 SPORTS BEAT | By Eric Wesslby |Capacity 48 Rinks Vie In Three-Day Bonspiel Bo Fo Times Sports Editor By GEO. H. CAMPBELL meet Bob Timbers of Uxbridge|tertainment and dinner, follow. , ROW MANVILES = oon ere Bob MONTI Associate Sports Editor in today's early play. ing their first game. Following] tor"imalana oc° pert Het sim' Clarke nearly bon The 33rd IR SM Trailing 9-1 at the end of|their second game, club stew- Stan Burton and Karl Bertrand, skip, 7. tional Hock Unforgettable! That's about the best way to describe lrauchin "Trowhy. Oshawalour ends, Father Pereyma'sjard "Dick" Eng served a full-|, STAYNER .-- Doug Walker, Jim Pace, 'And cent Canada's C ial Hockey Tour t at Winnipeg last bee Day fi $F et on |rink, with Dean McLaughlin at/course Chinese food dinner,)3; MIDLAND -- Ray Asselin, Wm. Yorks Chicago Bla week. Victory by Canada's national team was certainly the \derway yesterday sith « full the helm, made a great come-|chicken chow mein, '"'sweet posi Laurie and Armand Robil- tender Ed highlight of the week, a week filled with many thrills. head Gt steal, when 9 tll -- LP wa Pig Bong of and sour le sale OSHAWA -- Fred Etcher, Jack Sheritt, York Range Friday's victory, as you know if you watched the game on entry of 48 rinks faced the bar- P odfellow' gal b wade Bonspie' oo Jes us {van Parrott and Jack Elliot, skip, 7s collect: the television, was achieved through hard work by all con- rier in® quest of the coveted nk th th oe baa eter "ees Keel was i ssi ) bs come jrcart aoe a their perfoi cerned, with both teams, Canada and Russia, playing a main prize, or any of the! stip Jack Elliott pon two i tae heaies iaviing all) pAVONLEA Pipe ORT cet a *eThe. NHL bruising and sometimes chippy brand of hockey. other four available trophies--|fine draw shots on the finallto attend thr traditional bon-| Rhodes, skip, 9: CANNINGTON--Wilmot $500 to the with accompanying prizes. in hi * | Miller, Bob Ward, Erle Arksey and Gor- DETROIT RED WINGS' Jimmy Skinner created about Indicative of the great inter- ata Rockit'a icesndler' tetstalceschates each a oreo Brown, skip, 2. » epee the biggest controversy of the tournament when, in a story est in and popularity of thislontry and then the Oshawa|of General Moters of Canada, 'som crant and Kei Sew, skis Nt cava Tae in the Winnipeg Tribune, he claimed international hockey annual Oshawa Curling Club) ¢o,rsome disposed of Neallwith a handsome gold "Curling| ROYAL CAN'S. -- Jack Wear, 'George phate 30. was a bore. Of course, he made the observation after Classic, both the main floor and|/prown's stayner rink, in their|stone" tie tack, a handachelaes ee NHD stati watching Canada walk all over an inept United States upstairs were crowded With' vecond round. : souvenir of the 1967 Three-Day| OSHAWA -- Jack' Naylor, Austin wil- indicate th team. While that game, and others involving the U.S. large galleries of curling fans.) 'jy the secondary event play,|Bonspiel. jshire, Dean McLaughlin and Father might as team, was a bore, the same could not be said for the who were rewarded with some/s,, the Fittings Ltd. Trophy,, Today's winners stay in elther| Gerding Dex Urihary Bar Mackey Mikita righ other games. It was good hockey, exciting, thrilling. And, excellent igre meg Fie COM-!rred Chenier's rink is the only|the main event or Fittings Tro-|@d Ted Sellers, skip, 1, With the Skinner's claims to the contrary, there were super stars. a ag aie abcialgne local foursome in the running.| phy secondary play, while los-| PETERBORO -- | "Dutch" Pemmett, games awe cad pas oid an extra - end| vey, beat W. J. Ward's Wes-|ers drop into one of the other/tetiow, skip, 11; OSHAWA ral way point, g ton rink in their first round of|three events, for The Times|Wetherup, Ted Reed, Tom McDewell and point lead 1 DON'T THINK for a minute that Skinner and his Detroit cohorts couldn't use a couple of the European players. Czechoslovakia's Vaclav Nedomansky, who is on New York Rangers' list, was the pick-of that team, but there weré others. Jaroslav Holik and defenceman Jan Suchy were tournament standouts. And Russia's Via- cheslav Starshinov and Alexander Almetov are also good hockey players. to decide the ultimate winner. A DOZEN SURVIVORS Every rink played two games in Monday's opening action, with the result that an even running for main event honors, when play concluded in early hours' of this morning. dozen rinks were still in the|play, Turner putting on an al- the|claimed seven ends in succes- this event. R. "Max" Steele's rink from Elmvale, with L. Turner as their skip, scored an. exciting victory in their Fittings Trophy most flawless display as he sion, all with a one - shot count Bi » skip, Trophy; the Duplate Trophy) NRRL pi aul Carey, Jack and The Frank N. McCallum watson, George Rumney and Bob. Law- Trophy. ive "ay Eas bald -- Mike Scaletta, Following are the complete) Zory jcaleita, Bill Pattison and Lyal results of Monday's games-- UXBRIDGE -- R. St. John, Stan Cain, M. iT ; RS, McLAUGHLIN TROPHY |BELLEVILLE -- Cotante Boxer illo _- Ae lege osee oond il Benn and T. A. Carruthers, skip, 3. ' elson tn ave er '* a | OSHAWA -- Ed, Disney, Alex Mackay, } - Ward, Ed. skip, 10; OSHAWA -- Norm Ward, FO-/Ken Conlin and 'Bob Patte, skip, 9) Wil Coul AS IN THE past, Russia tried to throw its weight around i a hs 7 : itty Oscar Barker: or |SARNIA -- D. Kell, Tom Fee Wy 4 Doug Haig's Midland rink,/and then survived a last-ditch] + | Trowbrid d Bob' Robb, skip, 6 oars ue ae ae er 7 ee KNEE S READY FOR SEASON 1966 champions of the Oshawa|stand by Rodd Foster's Port xovecs 'Tom Rushton and. Gord' Bow- UNIONVILLE -- AI Clancy, Ray Mc VANCOU' Phir ied " - i ° i, 125 iN -- J. Hi , J. | Gee, > ists, just told them to pick up their tickets and go home if Baltimore Oriole outfield- paired a knee ligament and ican League's batting, a to at of wip oo for a well - earned pelle sthody, We te Ward, skip. ia, sr PETERBORO "OOLE pa Fleming, tt they didn't like things the way they were. The Russians 'oo Fr pd or removed a bone chip, and home run and runs batted -\Jast hour, due to. being en-| Each of the 42 out-of-town |iocx. Ken. Roberts end. Len wouin Moy kn ai tacular hal quickly changed their tune. It was about the only sour ; Hall-of- Robinson said he's been in titles, leading Orioles to |gaged in current OCA Gover-|rinks were guests of various|#i?.,f) QMtlttY Chris *Schmerie and, ,SOULEVARD -- Bryan Petrie, Bob night he he note among the teams, although Friday's Canada-Russia | Famer Joe DiMaggio that : General' ti Leseeg 'dea sac | Moe Squires and Al Kotelko fessional fo ame was 8 chippy affair, with sticks creeping higher as | his injured right knee is | TUnning for a week: Robin- the league pennant and a |tet - General's Cup competi-iclub members, for home en-\ciave nich, sie 7. skip, 9; ROLLING HILLS -- Vern Blan. Fleming, be , coming along faster than son, traded by Cincinnati World Series triumph over |4%- 'a' Cininnwi : i Mane ee dian Footbe @ game. progressed. t j Roy Grant's Unionville rink, eg Fairbanks, skip, 7. 7 anyone thought it would. Reds to Baltimore prior to Los Angeles Dodgers. 1965 winners, were also a late Ld ORILLIA -- L. Engewnd, Tom Clarke, his dazzling SUNDAY'S MEETING in Montreal between Canada and | An operation Nov. 22 re- last season, won the Amer- (AP Wirephoto) kt, dus te the death eters I er ine Jfhartin and Roy Hewitt, skip, 117 decision GAs Russia actually provided fans with a better brand of of his mother, Mrs. "Andy" L | é Master, Jerry Hunter and Bob Kenney, the Minnes hockey, with Canada forced to come from behind once @ Grant, late last week. a Se as Shans, Can Os "T made! again. This could be a good season in international com- Cc e re) However, Bob Lawrie's I B d B 5 1 Vj t John Kerr and Al Parkhill, skip, 11 weekend," t petition for Canada, although coach Jackie McLeod still y ULSS1 coicrrite ink winners of the! AN Da OYS OL VICTOLY erste alee et Ing said in zes there's much work to be done before Canada can main event in 1964, was among ; gh eae I've Ang win the coveted world title. A win and a tie against , |the 12 survivors. Others were} pat Thrasher and Jim Peters|Vic Hooker and Bill Farley|more, George caneeet wa Line ice Finks in M Russia at this stage doesn't mean too much, because the ® Dave Geroalmy's Peterborough| scored two goals each to lead|rounded out the Printers' scor-|Macke%, skip; 11: STRATHROY--Steve "Tm defi refereeing at the World Tournament could create serious rink; Len McMullen of Union-| undefeated Bad Boys to a 5-l|ing Bob Stiles and Ron Gard-|A! we football sg difficulties. 16 H i I Kel ville; pag rhage bales onion win over Quality Fuels in the|ner contributed two assists|gnrsr'and vGto fan wins: Fleming ' : his urray Ss 0 > i ame of an Oshawa|each. -- M. Si wher ea #84 4 vl DANNY O'SHEA got into action for Friday's game lal Kotelko, of Toronto Boule-\ePerorS 500 Teague double-| sao sovs s, ouatiry rusisr | Stlecdrs etd te Turner, akipr pido against Russia, and the former General earned himself a | TORONTO (CP) --: Canada'sjbe much tougher in the worldjlearned to forecheck and stick\vard; Lindy Mackey of Lind-| header at Civic Auditorium. The|FIRST PERIOD. lien vaunt Salli Ged Gor vene ot "eX pair of penalties. That's one thing the Ajax native will |national hockey team. had. the|championships-in March." ___ |with. the. Russians. even. _after|SY; Don VanLuven of Union-|-ccond game produced a four| ',B24 Boys -- Thrasher (Young) 16.00] skip, 13; PORT PERRY -- Neil Malcolm, ME vie have to overcome if he's going to grab a regular spot. |jupper hand on the Rusia Na-| The Russians, who meet' the|they pass." iville and Bob Timers, of Ux-/ooa1 effort by Gene McAvoy|s33 and Chasreweski hee dim Bairé, Bill Cornish nd Rode Foster, ---- ee Penalties against the Russians and Czechs can be disas- |tionals in two games during the|C anadians in an exhibition| The Russians arrived here bridge. as Hawks trounced Dodsworth|SECOND PERIOD 'OSHAWA -- 'Bill Smith, Don Marks, yea wi trous. Sunday, in Montreal, Danny played centre on |last five days, but what will/game at Maple Leaf Gardens|Monday and immediately can-|~ypee OSHAWA RINKS Printers 13-4. ' 5, Bedi Boys He Burke (0. Goris) 1726 [arin te) BOREAS en an mentee ' Flemin sa power plays when Gary Dineen was playing the point. jhappen when the chips are|tonight, have tied the Canadi-|celled an afternoon practice be- th ing day's two-| Harvey Burke cashed in the|. Penalties Donaldson 18.57 | Rutherford, rs Stonehill i = Bnei "y 'et f O'Shea drew one minor penalty but otherwise committed jdown at the world champion-/ans 3-3 and lost 5-4 in their two) cause they said they were tired. [mons vik ial *yButler's fifth Bad Boy goal, on a pass|'s sad Boys < Peters 407 OSHAWA GOLF I've been I himself well. He knows now that he congress the a ear eee -- ee: Stier, bd * a barig bie rnebigid bsnne telat from Oshawa Golf Club/from brother Bob, as they|,5 Quality Fuels -- Chaszeweski (Pren- | Frank Simpson, Sore Haatiney ene Hel - eight years m, but he wasn't alone. n e@ sO easy injis! eir Canadian tour injnight and scheduled to practise ; i é Fe " |Butler, skip, 9; LAKEFIELD -- Gord uy 4 : cre Ragher ir peng poe ger him in Friday's im- |Vienna," said Canadian coach|Kitchener against the Canadi-/this morning following 3 work.|2nd two of the a sgn re Chavehweeki sountba the '- 4, bad, Bor, Peters {ssinapury) 1232 Coyle, George Lord Bob McCracken and 'an : portant game, "They tell me you usually have to be with Jackie McLeod in an interview)ans Thursday night. out by the Canadians. Fag Feed ana Mwather J bY itor Quality Fuels, in a fast|®! 744, Romenui 174s ; '| imnirey "Lloyd Schmelzie, John . ing pie the team a year before getting into the tough games," he posigaod a ee Lecited c Gleecun mec we eee bt ii bce which far os Cen-| bereyma. 'land well-placed game that saw eins MAKs, 13, DODSWORTH 4 Sin, is, PARIE =o Lawrence Boe and my far r ca wl ; i said after the game Friday. ; beat and tie the Russians in|Montreal Sunday night," said|last week with wins over! Pesend Bes prow age mee B soma pe chatk-| Hawks -- Watt OW, Bragieny 411 [and Harvey Hays, skiby 4 vee STARTED 5 di " 3 |' s ne) 4 ; ord . | -- Mel Jones, Bill Lockie, an THREE PLAYERS make Canada's team a far stronger /Conads, Dut they're bound fo'MeTeod. "Our Dove have/Gnited. States, will be without/it their first game and then/ed up, thelr teventh ge |dearte™® Meter (Stes, Doo. BRIGHTON, Jin sch Crem vine ge SS can aioe, i how on a in Di have forward Gary Dineen tonight|Whipped Ray Webster's OCC with tne: BK in. (on Openoe (vee) iki |George Coling and Jack Dingle, skip, 5." a he pee a + oo glia Disses quesacs P rt P Fl ' Ti because of a torn rib cartilage rink in their second round. They be gan ga ge os i te Nradley (Powis, Ever. | i FE coped Round uke Wasue Rob " ; easily over Ss % 6. Hawks -- e | f oe eS . Ad y evident in that wingers Billy MacMillan and shee Cusson, 0 erry yers 1e iy ag ee Bit' MeMiL Dodsworth Printers. McAvoy eat de oniaciek nog U MeMullen, 91 R. Couttie, &. came an Ne who weren't big scorers last year, are the main scoring * - L k H ] picked up a pair of assists for] 3°} = er (Yahn) 14, Keith Jewitt, 9; Ed. Rhodes, 8. n subseq threats this time. And once Brewer rounds into shape, he vee at pace eg) age uke e ps a six - point night. Gaylord/1s.s9 gl ed adel Iuepeeeld caseictd URC ets. Hiade atiay Melee plosive rut should give the club the best defence outside the National ee S em n 0 ot i rea e, is expected to be in} Powless also had a six-point!,,,cneiies -- Farley 10.31, ©. Brad-| Murray Roberts, 12; Ken Conlin, 7%, CFL record Hockey League. In fact, it's probably better right now Le hp whe 'sructinel: with Esso To Win effort, but they all same Me SECOND PERIOD - i Nokes 0) ROY. Mant Canadian a t. | . 4 | . ¥ assists. Bob Watt, Bu ly Yahn,|,% -- Donovan (Gardner, Dan- Don VanLuven, 10; Ken B » 6 than: Ge Dettot contingen Sunday night's action in thejnet, for what appeared to be|the team regan thet m4 , |and Bob Everett all contributed 10 Haws -- McAvoy (Powless) 8.41 Bob Timbers, tor Bilt eee % gg ag er CANADA AND Russia meet twice this week, in Toronto Town and Country Hockey|the winning goal but the refer- oh gs " P m ty Mi ir at Gord Luke scored four goals|two goals each, as singles went aL pris waged (Fowles) Wa | FITTINGS LTD, TROPHY _ His 9.7-ye tonight and in Kitchener Thursday. Two more wins for |League produced very littlejees ruled that the puck had| 9) ee my tines' said Me-(t0 lead Duffs Esso to a 9-7\to Elwood Bradley, Wayne] Penaities -- x. Bradley 9.14 D.-Bred:| Monty Kemoy il; bob Reber ke in 1963, wi Caneda would do wonders for the club's spirit, and give |change in the team standings,|been pushed ahead by a glov- sa dpe retary bse bee win over Dennis Arseneau|Bradley and Brian Fletcher. |!ey, Gardner 16.32. iva Gite oe Tek. Cones: yards and s ; z with Mister TV Towers nosingled hand, making the play in-|L€0d. referring to a December/7 1. i. whitby Commercial|Everett assisted on three goals)js Hawks -- ¥: Ted Sellers, 11; Bruce Bradley, 7. was a reco dit Play in y 3. Hawks -- Yahn (Watt, E. Br ; fide taBhcal atid the team a big plus when it arrives in Vienna for the tournament there. "I flunked ; } adiey)| Gord Brown, 14; Lew Wilkinson, 7, World out Robson Leather 3-2 andileligible. | «4 | Hockey League play on thejfor a five - point performance. |5.14 Arm. Robillard, 12; Dr. Racher, te orld Tournament. Al's BA getting their first point} Wayne Kutasiensh and Ray|the tryout. ff yada are just! eekend, | 'Tim Donovan scored twice|{¢ Dodsworth -- Farley 846 = | | Karl Bertrand, 11; Claire Rich, ' of the season, when they ex-|Stinson were the goal-scorers getting too good. | John Tran, Mike Sheedy, |and assisted once for Dodsworth] 16. Dodsworth -- Donovan (siliey Gard: | dace' Renee Trar Five Tie G Pla e Qi -- Bean i --, pa id Al's = gong er John : John Woodward, Brian Fletch- 17 Haake -- Everett (Mavoy, Powless)| Skip'. Besar. $y From Balam 6 erry yers for a 2- e.|Vernon and Dave Bradley scor- er and Gord Forester scored v7. : | Max Steele, 9; Rodd Foster, 6 ames Cadillac Billiards won 5-3 overjed for Port Perry. I t the other goals for Esso. Ron s Penalties -- none. Jack Fraser, 7; Al Reddoch, rs ] Quality Fuels. CADILBACS WIN nves Ors Moore scored twice for Fuels 0Ca. ers a y First ® Robson Leather checked)" aioe Billiards' di dof and Al McDonald, Ernie Stone- n ovice urc 0c. e hard from the opening faceoff Ouality Waste, (n the t ere C) In Pl a offs man, Bob O'Brien, Greg Hef- N re) T | C E 4 se a ATMS te en, Tate hea YOUS ims aani coe | Place Well : : : an big POOR PAS H Q ed up a goal each. E Novice division of Protestant Rae, two each and Smith, See-|close defensive play of both rd age fl - ge Pog ne Investors Sydicate nosed out| Royal Hotel and Ottenbrite's g Pho . Church Hockey League played|leg, Morris Wilson and Love.|clubs making it almost mono-|* Bat Giscch aieat sf sais /AC® Bowl, over the weekend, Men's Wear tied 3-3 as Pete| Ninety-eight boys and _ girls , will take five games on the weekend and|The First Baptist goal was|tonous. : : d es b wo goals|+, attain a playoff berth in the|Bedard scored twice for Royallentered the Eastern Ontario Q Canadian' _ a ig Rporteseeht ' scored by Richard Prichard. t Play opened oe ne Aye final a i "etete'a reo pede Toronto Major 'B' Bowling|and George Mitchell once. Aime|Zone, "D" Class Slalom com- 4 Feb, 11-19 ng st. bea orthminster; St, Paul's beat King St. 4-1){rame, in spite of the fine per-|** . ; F >| League. Rosseau, John Vesters and Art|petitions at Kirby, 20 miles them here 4 on goals by Mark Cruwys,|with goals coming from Mc-\formance by the two goalies, while pacing Cadillacs to their) "Gorq Steele with a fine|Rennick scored for Ottenbrite's./north of Oshawa, on the week- OSHAWA a major w two, Greg Barkley and Tim Climmond, two, Eddy Simpkins|With Bob Robinson, Bob Mur- fell Pecan . get gy hoe five - game total of 241, 316,| Ottenbrite's held a two goaljend and - host club Oshawa LIONS CLUB In on 13 Erevan, Torry Gevis was in the | and Bob Sutherland while Ran-|'a¥ and Larry Hoard scoring ZoRkeGsiern tor ha ahi other|969, 254, 217 for a total of 1,288,|lead rhid-way through the third}found themselves well repre- > setenten | : oe €ldy Patton scored the King st./for the winners, while Junior ee eee Harry Bryan ana|Was the big bowler for the In-jperiod but Royal Hotel came/sented. ? Will be sponsoring @ srianelil shutout. ' goal. White scored for Robson Leath-| ce Bevan wored lar Gath vestors. : back to tie it up and go ahead| Oshawa placed in the first GOLF SCH pies ig Bes ; sau canning toe Northminster shutout Simcoe |*" Fuels y waa Bowl . ae oh eg before Renick replied with the ae Pag 9 ; oy legge 4 OOL the task ¢ t. h goals rom | St, 3-0 on goals by Bruce Blight,| if Babee with Nick/tying goal. CHASE G5 JOA EG Wes er Senior. David Gill got the shut-/The shutout went to Joh Abd al si 12) row margin, despite Dave Bish- Maidlow and Chris Langmaid be Liat Gat an the St Wack'a net U ohnicome from behind twice, to/TV Towers, S11 Hie 5 i ' Li Beaudry i Bowes in the Northminster|cai ; ; op's 250 for Investors. Devitt Scores Two tied for third. Of 60 entries, ons St. Paul's and Christ Church | goal eee A) eee he ey ee: 3 3 1 7) In the second game, Inves- Oshawa placed seven in the , the army Pc geeoa lp ge ggg Aol BA squad, who gave this one|Quality Fuel, 349 (> oh we OT ih Har ' tee tes Centennial Centre sports offi Hart { 1 for St. Paul's| Southminster downed St. An-|their best effort. Robson Leather, 24-3 s , alli F I 1 T i rience will art was in goal for St. Paul's| , : , Near the end of th inte BA old Ballem's brilliant 240 for) FOF impala 1le Brad Jackson of Rainbow 86 RUSSETT ' and Brian Lawton was the drews 7-1 as Bill Knight scor-|,) end of the game, /Al's BA, 9 6 1 Ilseven frames,' in relief, the de- Ridge ski club finished first in ting the 1 Christ Church goalie. ed three goals while Doug Nor-|4l's BA put the puck in thel W LT Pts.Jlciding factor. Steele had 316,| John Devitt gave Impallas|the over-15 class 'and Chris : COMMENCING 4 Games. Albert St. humbled St. Luke's| in Paul Kent, David Sher- Sobil rolled 284 and Brown 258,|a tie as he scored both their|Rinnell of University of To-|¢ _ JANUARY 23rd, 1967 Original 4 pees oe scoring " ised ae tie ae scored C di t U s T Ed Brown, in anchor posi- ie Ms gon ble Acotians "e second at ey were the Instructions will be given by the on he oss an ober' mall who} 5 arren sco- tion, did a fine job to give|in alarie mployees' jonly entries to finish the event. ul given dy, 7 scored two goals each and Gary|red the St. Andrews' goal. real nion rounces Investors the third game, 1140|Hockey League play. Acadians'} Synthia Hillock proved to be MARLEY. TRUDELLE. 4 denly we bctege Heo, teow oa Mark' irre GAMES e . to 1135, with Steele rolling his goals vere scored by Bob Watt|the only entry to finish in the -- ro Short, Paul Wiltshire picked up} 260. Powell's 266 was best for|and Bob Boission. over-15, girls' class. Miss Hil- i : the shutout for Albert St. can ia et ie ma Oshawa Dairy J uveniles Ace Bowl. _ Monzas defeated Belairs 5-4/lock skis for the Toronto ski : renee west Territ ®t. Andrew's edged Harmony! (oi), a with fh y, 'al The fourth game went to Aces|in the second game of the|club. HARLEY TRUDELLE . track and 10 oh 8 gel moored Wy Ron eee eed Jat! Ante -Worlirs: Credit: Union an and Prod: dchall: soared tortie," °° 1mm, With, Powells) daubiahentor 06 soals by Gory) Weads Lanwie oe he. eT oo eet atcorniog Hart and the goal tending of| picking up the shutout MON UEl geod Oana Dairy 80. in\Houdaille all scored for'rolling 286 to top the field.|McCullough, two, Bob Fry,|bow Ridge ski club took top We've Joe Hoskin. R : seh an Oshawa' Juvenile, Hockey|' Stan Ball and' Dan" att |Sobil had 258 for Investors, |Brian Taylor and Ken Mason.|honors in the under-15 class |™ ------ 9 Canada for PEE 'VEE GAMES loa ant oan Rantets $1100 acs, game Monday. In ai-lench tallied crice for Hatilgg ie ni came lores Frallck and fa mamankloomwe okt clab fale Ae natn p Wes' iount scored freely asian Gaekes Whalen, Stephen| other game, Hayden Mac and McLellan, with _ single trey Saiate Sa ete hisnane irared io Beleies ey -- -- dis aud owen ae JUDO INSTRUCTION oliked ang 15-1 on goals by Gray and Os-'Elliott scored the Rangers';40nald downed Tony's Refresh-/goals going to Roger Blouin|63, offsetting | Powell's 243, = : i in each pr bore, three each, Taylor and! goal. ment 4-1.° and Gerald Coe. Wayne Pat-lpest for Acer 5 Senior Instructor -- Leo A. Haunsberger Competit Nigel Alan scored two goals field replied for Canadian Tire.) The day's total saw Invest- 3rd Degree Black Belt territories a, for Credit Union while single| Goalgetters for Hawks were|ors mow down 5,731 pins against 0 a A JUNIOR "3B" HOCKEY Secretary of Ontario Black Belt Association lumbia's_¢ 7 D Y S SPORTSCOPE markers went to Harry Morri-|Ted Koss, Robert Snider, Fred|5 491 for Ace Bowling. Steele's sererse Notional Director of Judo. in Canada couver, P, son, Brian Lack, Paul Brock.| Sadoway, a" aoe wa 1288 was easily the best, with JUNIOR JUDO PROGRAMM be airlifte A , Bi ison, Walter|Brownson an ris Wilson. | Rall 891 for 36 fi ° So- RA Calgary, HOCKEY |games at Oshawa Children's! Gy ua a eg | hae pe or 36 frames; So E A a rabke and Neil Studley. Charles Randall notched two/pjl 1053 for 45 frames, Bisho j and Winni Piacoa g py cog omer tes Dave Mosier, Steve Jarrell; for Local ©1817, Dan O'Brien|ggg fori 41 frames; Brown aR For boys ond girls sixteen years of age and under team will rer » 890 ICE SKATING Bill Smart and Elliott Beharrei|and Richard Harrison one/for 39 \yames and Taylor 279 AT 8:00 P.M 1 series of Senne tour classes Fort Willia "OHA Junior 'B' Metro League) Oshawa Figure Skating Club|Scored for Hayden Macdonald each. for 13 fkames. . one Se : and North -- Whitby Lasco Steelers at\-- at Civic Auditorium, 6.00/while Jim McIntyre counted | -- prince: ge and Terry) O'Connor Bowl and Banquet puch teas saliea : BADMINTY Toronto York Steelers, York|P.m. to 8.00 p.m. |for Tony's. uynde, scored for Duplate. Agencies are the two other Commencing Thursday, January 12, 1967 Montreal Arons, 430 pon In Major Midget League) Novice All-Stars topped Wood-iteams, to reach the playoffs Oshawa Crushmen ' riper OHA Junior 'B' Lakesho: WEDNESDAY action, both games ended in a|view Park 4-1 in a pee weejin this section. Next week, In- At the Harman Community Centre » point for Q League 8 scotia nasa HOCKEY tie. Kinsmen drew 1-1 with|game as Kelly Gallaigher, Ken|yestors meet Don Mills Bowl y Halifax, 1] Bese ve Oshawa Crachmen at|y QShawa Minor Assoc. Midget|Lions while Kiwanis _and|Morden, Terry Thompson andlat O'Connor Bowl. aD VS. ae On Wolfe St, lottetown, ye Osha League -- Local 222 vs Letter|Rotary played to a 3-3 dead-|Bob Small scored. John Stain- and Steph« ag iggy oe 8.00 p.m. Carriers, at 6.00° p.m.; Fire-|lock. ton tallied for Woodview. Pepmest my be made for the series of 10 classes lection poi eartenie's <i 9 ~ >. jer fighters vs Ideal Dairy, at 6.55| Eric Howard tallied for Kins- OSHAWA T Peterborough Don Byes f or for individual classes (75¢ per class) provinces. fis pin. St. Marve ys. St.(P-™i, Rose Bowl Restaurant|men and Allan Monks replied Novice All-S IMES ADULT JUDO PROGRAMME Badmints ved he at Las se nd st {YS Canadian Legion, at 8.00/with Lions. | NOVICe -ytars Games pla Gregory's at 4.58 p.m: apd St pam. and Navy Vets vs. Wings,| John Goodwin, Lacy Shri t 1 PICTURE Adults 75¢ --18 and Under 50c FOR MEN AND WOMEN = 10 a.m. ~ St. ' VS/at 8.55 p.m.; all four games atiley and Joe Rockboufne trig- un 3 1 f a pe Holy Cross, at 5.35 p.m.; alllgsnawa Children's Arena. gered the Kiwanis goals while trounce oron oi RE-PRINTS CHILDREN under 14 F REE hier e mune nd Tt ere ote three games at Children's : ; F : on ten consecutive Thursdays and four ¥ CYO League--at Civic Audi-|R08er_ Richard, Rick Mitchell) Oshawa Novice All - Stars | ' : aur Arena. ...\torium, 6.00 p.m. to nie uy |and Mike Clouthier scored for|trounced Toronto Ted Reeve Available At ; __ FROM 8:30 - 9:30 P.M. will be at Civil Service League -- City : ye ene " P.M) Rotary. , 21-0 in an exhibition hockey if accompanied by an adult Commencing Thursday, January 12, 1967 and will \ ee ell at ek & ICE SKATING In Bantam League action,|game recently. NU-WAY PHOTO Payment may be made for the series of 10 classes eS aa 71 eed ade b ih y Du-| Public Skating--(adults only)|Local 2784 whipped Houdaille| Ken Morden sparked the Osh- SE v (7.50). or for individual classes (75¢ per class) Basketba pont at 10.00 p.m.; both games/a+ Civic Auditorium, 8.00 p.m.|Industries 5-2, Bathe and Mc-|awa attack with a six - goal RVICE REGISTER AT THE FIRST CLASS ba Bote at Bowmanville Arena. to 10.00 p.m. Lellan topped Canadian Tire|performance, while Jim Duig-|] 95; x; 12 and once Oshawa Minor Assoc. Major- #1, Hawks downed Loc nan scored th ing St. E., Oshewe At Harman Community Centre -- W , Will send 4 ; s downe al 1817 scored three times. Two y e Ole OT. Bantam League -- Police Ws-/BASKETBALL 6-4 and Duplate beat Rangers|goals each went to Terry Thom-|| 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 24 players soc. vs Westmount Kiwanis, at) COSSA Lakeshore 'A' League! 2-0. son, David Duignan, Robert § x 7 -- 1.25 each TH URSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1967 for each te 7.20 p.m.; Canadian Corps vs|-- Dunbarton at Ajax; Picker-| Steve Hercia scored twice)Small and Garry MacLean, ; : ; day, Feb. Fo Hada at og . a ing at pearies and Riga for Local 1784 while single|while singles went to Garry gil angered ' Orders ror further Information: contacts : "vale bal lambly's Beverages vs Scugog/Anderson. at Bowmanville; all}counters went to Craig Baum-|Wiltshire, Kelly Gallagher, or More Pictures The Oshawa Ri tion Dept., i Onley De Cleaners, at 9.20 p.m.; all threslgames at 4.00 p.m. and Lorne Whyte. Ricky Simp-'John Hoefs and Tim Moris, icine acta ad poll gc 'a

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