THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Jonuary 10, 1967 5 | WHITBY -- AJAX 'Council Will Publish Mayor Newman Sees Snow Removal Bylaw WHITBY (Staff) -- The haz-|trouble; etc., that they could ard caused by snow on the side-/ignore it. : WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY ~ S Council Will Complain ike About Crossing Gates WHITBY (Staff) -- A driver|casion a car leaving the Dun- ser walks was raised by Councillor; Feeling of council was that 7BUYING FOR BILL WORFOLK f just missed. possible death |lop plant stopped at the cross- when his car came within fourjing because the barrier was i icrease : ax '@ | aa Don McQuay at Monday's meet-|this was not possible but that : 0 : feet thy Moye dar by down for a freight train to pass. ing. About one-third of the the public would understand the an ss ou Mie ie After it had done so the bar- fi 5 town's sidewalks were wun- spirit of the publication, The the Dunlop Drive CN rail ¢ross-| :0- tose and the car <a this was gratifying, develop- cleared two days after the snow bylaw provides that snow-clear- WHITBY (Staff) -- A predic- tion of a tax increase of six to ing, said Councillor Tommy Ed ment had come from within, came down, he said, and they|ing work done can be charged make a oo (forward. Th barri , : a 9 eee r mack wards at Monday S meeting Oe iucielintule acd ore (eight mills and a "hands off indicating the confidence of were slippery and dangerous. to the owner or occupant. Whitby Town Council. lcar was hemmed in, while an|¥@"ming to Oshawa on the ques- their present industrial citizens.| He knew someone who had a The motion was carried. REAL ESTATE of us Councillor Edwards asked express iain wat 'thundering tion of amalgamation between "We have not yet reached a pad fall because of it. a s eee a cop- council to write the CN and] itr vithin four feet of it, said| Whitby Town and Township desirable position. Even with 16 asked if council could take TREES LOOK BACK : 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby 'en we complain bitterly about the Councillor Pawaeds were given by Mayor Desmond the picture I have indicated, we action to ensure, for the sake! The olhaat livi thin ia th HOMES--FARMS of clae danger caused because the)" : . ; Newman at the inaugural meet- face again the prospect of a six of elderly citizens, that the snow| world th Meat tl eh e : BILL WORFOLK ACREAGE & BUSINESS recent crossing 'gate closed too quick-| Council agreed to write. to|ing of tofn council Monday. oy Sight mill increase Ge tol a He moved thatlar Califone ee SALESMAN ogah ly. He said that on this oc-|CN relating the incident. | The question of amalgamation continuing pressure of increas-| ih, appropriate parts of the by-| -- ee _ pee Mayor Finalist In Jaycee Competition sure couei" greatest deaics too much the need for us_and la" b® Published. aks ayo ycee mpetition tion and skill, aR cid. They other. municipalities to become! apn gees ge Fag bbe Mayor Desmond Newman|tempts to enhance the lives. of looked forward eagerly to re- aware of the tremendous up- a8reed about) on that has been chosen one of 10 fin-|Canadians and, or residents of| opening their conversations with surge in costs and be prepared but was wotried that the Moh nena alists in the Ontario Jaycees|Ontario. The three final win-|the newly - elected township to take action," he said, people who should be Hears | / come project to find. Three Outstand-|ners will be honored at a ban-| council. e -- the elderly -- would be the| ing Young Men. He was enter-|quet Jan. 21. MAKE OWN DE oN COSTS ones to sake Oe cope ; away hitby Junior Chamber! A CISION ayor Newman mentioned seriously and perhaps risk their) . oy maven warner) Councillor Tommy Edwards/ «rurther we are hopeful that particularly the increasing cost|lives by going out shovelling| we ted: The purpose of TOYM is to said at Monday's town council /the city of Oshawa, mindful of education. They would no 'snow. 5 will reward Ontario's young men for|meeting that it sould commend! surely of the good of the whole longer have the budget of 1867, He wondered if publication of | , $7.04 outstanding achievement in|the 'Jaycees for advocating|atea, and recognizing that this when $9,295 was sufficient to run , ld include a state- | e zero. their chosen pursuit where|someone from Whitby for this! is seth " y toro peel celia = P shoot h sale nus a ching pene with heart such activity enhances or at-|position. ciations which will happen over cent in the dollar was enough to| SS" SY Pe lous of : Z the next few years and all of meet that commitment. ia | . . . "4 / which will finally accrue to the "We need concerted action, | | ; -- Resident Complains Of Peeping Toms | betterment of Oshawa, will find: MAYOR DESMOND NEWMAN and just as I believe that one! 1967 i> is ie i: ee Ee i | ee ie | Ea fea a | i | G4 yn dol- Because of complaints about/on the street was over half a|the patience born of wisdom to : man and one group can make wed a "Peeping Toms" at the extreme |block away, he said. He thought|/€ave us free to make our own dustrial development in 1966 a difference, so I believe all CENTENNIAL | g . south end of Centre Streetl|an extra 'light would discour- | decision," he said. were the highest in five years;men and all grownups have a | | roll ila South and Highway 401, Whit-|age the "peepers" or at least). 1" the area of development,|and for residential development responsibility. 1 would--wish to SUGGESTIONS | nickel by, town council, were' asked|make it easier to catch or|bullding permits issued for in-|the lowest in five years. While|see a still greater interest de- @ viyeLLA SHIRTS @ a have onday to install a light at|recognize them. | | velop among the town's citizens,/§ @ ARROW -- SHIRTS and ia the corner of this street and! The letter was referred to| | for each of us, whether he holds PORTS SHIRTS ted the service road. the chairman of the Fire and! 1 | office or not, surely wears aj @ McGREGOR HOSE R ! a od The request was from Har-|Community Services Committee | ore h orma 10n oug pore of community responsi- f @ TERRY WILLIAMS -- MO E PROOF IT PAYS TO SEE CASHWAY FIRST ! bd : old D. Rowley, who owns 1121\and the town engineer with a| * | bility, in these 'enlightened SWEATERS : eure Centre Street South. The area|copy to Public Utilities Com- . . |times. The greater the number, | @ CROYDON COATS Shep new ef your choice of 2 area stores end are: your * it, For was very dark as the last light|mission. y jax ouncl ors - praise _ gio to move} @ ERCEMAN'S FORMAL week off right 1!!! Many more values than shown here ! y |the larger and larger moun- s will | " tain, -- Ree ee eee igs Town Leases Land To Yacht Club AJAX (Staff) -- More infor-jpass them on to other council' press COMMENDED : se Town council, at Monday's|merly on the Whitby Malleable|mation for councillors and less|members. In an effort to bring the work USS > - Shue meeting agreed to let " the|Iron and Brass Co. property --|for the public was advocated at; Owen Ashley also suggested OE the counell Mo peep 'S ike Whitby Yacht Club Jease 3.5|to the site, This building will|the Monday meeting of the|that the mayor call meetings fore the people they would seek EEVE \ aay be acres of town-owned property,|be painted and renovated and|Ajax Town Council. /of council as a whole to famil- |, poem . a th ey Biicatt eg MEN"S SHOP 4 ' \ Ke a, for $10 per acre per annum,|used as a club house tempor-| Councillor Owen Ashley sug-|jarize new councillors with the | PS 1 spe or fe PUDNCANOD o Hl) eform- starting October 1967. The prop-|arily. gested that not enough infor-|yarious projects of council and| fin. aunhe TA Bonga wake ee On @ eS y cana erty is in the Gordon Street} Reeve George Brooks said osha gS coming Page pred poled to ask questions | Mayor Novena who pian apna sll : | . area. the club intends to erect a e finance and legis-| without embarrassment. Bartel ag vf npg tei | ' a self on The yacht club intend i building. 1 te, |lation committee to other mem- jmended the press for its cover- | , articu- y: club intends mov-|proper building at a later date. : IN CAMERA lage | 7 ing an L-shaped building, for-|The lease is for five years. bers of council. |HELD a ; 2 se " ] ith the | Ashley said that many items! In Ajax, committee of the Eig gh epee --_-- be ho OUTSTANDING |were brought to the committee |whole meetings are always held | able at his office at the munici- sans Goverde Heads Separate School Board }for lengthy consideration and/ i ---------- ol ef . a ; lent iH Adrian Goverde was elected} The members of the board rected gf ay Ad gi pg gyeo? Mg ge gee anyone who wished fs aie For the Man | ee ghana th nual meet commen ar, Hanes, Mar see mints he fovngsertary for hang [eas any mater afcocem™. Be] Ge Good | deter. School Board. The meeaelh and Mrs * Patricia Ferro: often the members were un-|cOmmittee meetings should be| sald. ed - Shule opened with prayer by Rev.|building, Harold Pineau, Ken-|2W8re of the background. taken inte conetipration rut! He ented his address hy mea- Judgment K. Driscoll of St, John the Ev-\neth MacDonald and Mrs. Mol.|_ S¢Mior Councillor Ashley|added that he felt councillors) tioning the work of the Centen-| | ble, in angelist Church. His worship lly Hughes; research, Mrs, Mol-\SUggested that a secretary be|should not feel peg about}ntal Celebrations Committee, | "Canada's best shoe mokers" 4m V GROOVED giehad Mayor Desmond G. Newman|ly Hughes, Hamish Munro analemPloyed to sit in on commit. |aaking questions: In open Coun-/and suggesting, too, that coun: m. ¥- administered the oath of office! Kenneth MacDonald; board-tea-| eetings to take notes and|Cl. , pag Mbit taht de isu tari Mi dB armbani | 'a across t ; | | Wheteral Isaid he hesitated/a recreational director to co- ] : © the newly elected trustees.|cher relations, Harold Pineau, 4 ; " With | cS ea be- Morgan O'Connor was elected| Richard Sandrelli and Hamish| to put additional paper work/ordinate the efforts of all twon | 1 1 was as ts tha oilice at ves chaltings. lateate ioe Dutch Royal yng, | ee said groups concerned with com- | 4' X 8' 4 x7 i : | eputy Reeve ary Reld/munity recreation. | eec0ece EACH IN cés in . | said council could meet more | | " . Top. K of C Council Plans Centenary Events| Nu tials Held often-as a committee of the | ia | each in crates CRATES It does The Knights of Columbus| February will be a very busy! Pp Wie S00 SUE ne ae Ae | R | Council, No. 4895, Whitby,|month as on the itth, it will be| THE HAGUE (CP) -- Queen|ieiniing ihe woke | «ROYAL HOTEL § I I ps will ; , i streamline the work. : | ORDERS OF LESS THAN CRATE LOTS ADD 20c SHEET started its Centennial year with|the annual anniversary dance Juliana of The Netherlands and)" Hominique Brunelle agreed) | ouble- numerous suggestions _ being night. |Prince Bernhard today saw the|ang said. committee. of the|_ WHITBY SHOE C made regarding the second half| "Monte Carlo Night" will be|third of their four daughters,| vhole meetings should be held|* rown of the council year. held Feb. 24, . arrangements|24 - year - old Princess Margriet|t) familiarize the new coun-|), LOUNGE & DINING ff Double Coat White -- Choice Of 12 x 12" or 16 x 16" Sizes! _-- Several chairmen were ap-|have been made by co-chair-)Francisca, who was born in\cijiors with what went on be- LOUNGE 'itteal pointed to carry out projects|man, Brothers William Goverde|Canada, married to a Dutchifore they were elected. is OUNG | pot--it now being set a The ae Harold Watters. commoner. : Reeve Henry Polak agreed|i festuring . . « | send retreat, to Mary Lake, will be! Past Grand Knight, Frank) Although the wedding was not|with having minutes of finance i RON CAREY | SHOES | 2 fe jcommittee meetings circulated 119 Broek St. S., Whitby | 668-3476 Open Fridoy Till 9 p.m. Feb. 3 to 5. Brother Andrew;Canzi has been appointed on/a political issue as in the case Miller is the chairman and|the Whitby Town Centennial|of Margriet's two older sisters,;and said council should be at the Honky Tonk piano made a strong appeal for mem-|Committee and will report at/it was marred by the throwing | aware of the more cogent ENJOY SNACKS IN OUR bers to try to have-at least an-|the February meeting on the of smoke bombs by youths aslitems dealt with in committee.|) LOUNGES OR BEVERAGE ROOMS) other candidate attending. |progress of same. \the young couple was returning a oe ones : Catholic Activity Chairman,| Grand Knight William Laval-|from the church. INCREASED COST SEEN ; BROCK Now Playing -- One Complete Maurice O'Connor, announced(lee then made an appeal for| Controversy and incidents also|,, M@Yor Harry M. Smith sald WHITBY Program Each Evening At 7:30 || 6Y, mu CIRCULAR SAW THE [ES] | 4 DEVELOPS FULL 1 H.P.! carton TIL E & 1 CARTON OR MORE OUR PRICE LESS THAN 10'%z« FOOT -- SAVE AT CASHWAY! 1s that a corporate communion) more help on Bingo nights, he |that if council started receiv- and super wil be held Jan. 29/also thanked all chairmen who rig sg ea ge posed minutes from the finance after the 5 p.m. Mass. |had done such a good job for 4 committee it would eventually | prince and the 1966 wedding Of | end up with receiving minutes 22.85 The council's Centennial din-|the first half-of the year which! p,; i é ner meeting will be held Feb. 1|finished up with "Open House"|grncest Cienet yore Acermat|from every committee and ANDREWS MOTION at Columbus hall at 7:30 p.m./for three days before Christmas P Sable thi SPers-/board and it would get too ex- ; Margriet's husband {s 27-year- yA URE | with Brother Robert (Bob) Col-|and the successful New Year's|ojq Pieter Van Vollenhoven,|P°ns!¥e- as PICT OUR PRICE QUART e on lins chairman of this event. dance. who courted and won her at\,..%¢ mayor said that commit- Towns WITH | SINGLE FACE 500 SQ. FT. ROLL Lavien Universit mil oth|tee of the whole meetings were the AR e | 500 SQ. FT. S tB tt] D . Bi S yeen University while already being called when im- : THE FE ] 5 75 egev cout Bottle Vrive Dig HUCCESS --_[ were students there. The Roval| portant items warranted it FLASHER AND THE HORROR HORN. "-- = ia ; i | Gazette announced that he had" Gjark Mason s sted that | aa aap Blair Park Vista, previously|Street area residents gave ex-\been made a member of the: Mason' BUBEC? eee | 30 RANGE HOOD 19 ay | known as the 8th Whitby Scouts| cellent co-operation. Royal H sit he: & t(2, committee of the whole | COPPERTONE WITH ALUMINUM FILTER & We! rts to hi e " |Royal House, but he was nol\meeting be held to allow com- bs . Dk Troop, now the 6th Whitby) A "Paper Drive" for all of/siven a title and remains Mr.| nities cre coc ES BY shat wba ul gam sce a HORRORS ||| cEDAR CLOSET LINING 5.25 inde bottle drive. In spite of snowy|starting at 9 a.m. All troops will| : what they were doing to coun-| OUR PRICE CARTON " conditions and drifts last Satur-|be out. |COLD CUTS CROWDS {ell members, eee CARTON COVERS ABOUT 16 SQ. FT. day, the boys knocked at doors; In case of inclement weather' Street. crowds were smaller aye Smith suggested. that With Patrick O'Neel Agri am received a good response. |the drive will be held the wih expected, probably due a wkibe ther wranten taore Suzy Parker | ' ce 4 lair Park and Anderson' lowing Saturday. freezing temperature. The two)" : . | Galle C . S . H ld A S M k' ceremonies--a civic wedding at Sk ee ee Begins 7:30 ADULT. ENTERTAINMENT 2-PANEL BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY 2-0 x 6-6 | f the town hall and a Protestant : ommunion Service Held At ot. Mark's re ine st ine iatncentury st |mectings of the whole could bel] All Color Program Begins 9 P.M. LOUVRED 2-6y6-6. 15.65 arned: "Renewing the Covenant"|anthem by Stainer entitled "Al-| Jacobskerk St. James' Church-- pecainulated gh items were | 3-0 velop- was the theme of the com-| pha and Omega." jand the 14-mile bridal proces- ; | = 2 x6-6. 17.10 B ir sov- munion meditation at St. Mark's' It was announced that the|sion were broadcast over tele- | acdeces Mev hess Showa : of our United Church, Sunday morning|Sacrament of Infant Baptism|vision and radio. | A C | | . EACH when the Sacrament of the|will be steered et Sy omp ete | Per Set .... $2.40 Eban Lord's Supper was celebrated.|and that the annual congrega- . | . . | : tb the The choir, under the direc-|tional meeting will be held, Jan. India Observes | Plumbing and | _------>4. PLAIN BI-FOLD DOORS AND 4-PANEL ALSO AVAILABLE ard tion of Gordon Harle, sang the! 25. | H 2 . ] in : | Heating Service | . WHITBY PERSONALS | Anniversary | jx wm envi You Te POST FORMED COUNTER TOPS to {n- Blair Park Vista Teen Club|Mrs. Paul Hatfield. The adult) NEW 'DELHI (AP)--India ob- |] @ of the held its first social event of the|representative was Dave Brod- served the first anniversary of Kitchens Ste U Arboriteor Formica!_A Good Selection of Colors. a id the new year with a dance held at/hagen. ithe Tashkent pealing 38 e Bathrooms p R. A, Hutchison School featur-| : iquietly today, concentrating on ry ee ing the "Bad. Habits." The; The Unity Club Past Noble) more pressing internal prob-' COMPLETE 6-FT. 8-FT. 10-FT. event was much enjoyed. Win- Grand (Rebekah) annual dinner} to the Chrysler Way of Life e e e ners of spot dances were: Otto . . - hit oga h oo Pakistan generally ignored the | PH. 668-2991 : aor . i Janice By Lede) 4 Kk - MTS. anniversary, but President, Mo- ' ' Gh Gus dawn ait bare? Russell Saunders will preside. | hammed ie Khan in a.mes- Pauaee SIAR a ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DISCOUNTS UP TO 41% OFF Shaw. Winner of the draw was) « " jsage to Soviet Premier Alexei moe c other Steve Nichols. tuntie wale dg hg eld Kosyzin said India is blocking | 4 / bh, VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILES AS LOW AS 6% uP oe Pheserion wiv: Mr, ant Qe) moeting Of R. A. Hatchdeon| 7) DO" re es which f, t 9x9x1/16"! Jet Carnival . . . Charcoal . . . Black Marble! > that Mrs. Michael Pridie, Mrs. Mal| Home and School Association. |plunged the sub-continent into } - Sean age : ' ld not Femia, Mrs. Reg Donnithorne,, miss Winnifred Boys is a|war in September, 1965. WH TBY fol be EACH uld be Mrs. Raymond Hawkins and) patient in Western Hospital,| : HEP 8 FEET LONG ¥ C Toronto. APPROVE POLICY CHANGE) '° lid in Co il N | Visitors at the home of Mr.' WHITBY (Staff) -- ' Whitby! g NEW COMPACT: Dert is en eltogether new kind of Economy Grade X S to do unc! AMES Jana mrs. John Paul, 1010 Dun-| TOW" gpenee approved | 8 RE TIREMEN pect ay bedi peagiig tage ; inent. | das Street East, were Mrs. 0 ectae Se ere : Spruce and Pine ANY QUANTITY ester- Board Members 32°?' and her. son, Kevin, | this kind of improvement 1 SAVI N GS Bart provides for plenty of room; plenty ef fuxury; plenty of per- : : | Windsor. * | formance and comfort. Dart else gives you @ choice of 2-door hard- WHITBY (Staff) -- The town! og ere gata ae aaah sa tows veut be' Sommpled 'te beceme @, teeceer. toomly Wie YARDS OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. |! _ | . 10 low "1 id b ie wi council, at ieee |EXPENDITURES FORECAST : AG COMMISSION e'DART NOW AT NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER-DODGE, BOTH AREA D oo eager ing Monday night, passed by-| WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Locel Service Contractors DART FEATURES THE NEW _ IMPROVED 5-YEAR/50,000 MILE POWER TRAIN WAR- RANTY AND 2-YEAR COMPLETE CAR WAR- RANTY ... BACKED BY CHRYSLER! laws to make appointments to| Public $¢hoo1 Board's five- various municipal boards. The) year forecast of capital ex- SURO BUOENS | WES: penditure is as follows: 1967-- AJAX "Hwy. 401 to Ajox Exit No. 66, south on INO LoADING CHARGE | Whitby High School Board--; D. en Hobbs; 'Whitby Plan! $515,000; 1968 -- $100,000; 1969 ' NO REDEMPTION FEE i -- William in, |-- 000; 1970 -- $150,000; W Harwood to Station Rd. and West to 161 yn Mase 1a oa ' SA DON Ss Dowty Road. Phone Ajox 942-1221. 15 for term ending. 1969, and Har- 1971 -- $200,000. Town council old Brown, for three - year|Monday referrde this to the term; Whitby Public Library|Treasurer and. Finance Chair- Board -- Mrs. E. Manders, for|man. one - year term and Mrs. Greta} Lee for three years. ' FUELS FURNACE OIL -- | STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby CASHWAY CENTRES THROUGH ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU! VICTORIA and GREY TRUST BROOKLIN At Highways No. 7 and 12, north of Whitby. Phone Brooklin 655-3313. NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER D CHECK LANDLADIES Council resolved to appoint) « computer is programmed | TN. « WHITBY ONT John Majcher to the Committee} a Sinn et a as ie 668-3524 WHITBY -- ONT. | > THE SAFE Lo WITH MOLT of Adjustment for a three-year|'® XeeP : | : 668-5897 | rent within 50 miles of Expo 67. > S coe term,