14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jenuery 9, 1967 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants Accountants, Financial Trade Bulld- ing, 167 King ie East, see veg On- tario, 725-3509; Hopkins, CA; H. E. Beadle, CA; E. kee CA YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND © fered Accountants. Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 52' Simcoe North, Oshawa. 728-7371. WILLIAM . HALL, 8. Comm., ~» Charter- ed Accountant, 36/2 rey Street East. Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. : GORDON R. DAY, Certified General Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa $hop- ping Centre, 725-9953. BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Servic plete bookkeeping service, Se brat North, 725-0297. Res. 723-7605. Street JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun- tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street East. Telephone 723-4833. | ERT HOSMAR, Chartered Accoun- ie: 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa Ontario. Telephone 723-1221. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- Char-| Art | PORTRAITS ART SUPPLIES CUSTOM FRAMES CLARK STUDIO Open from 1 p.m. 325 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY 668-4497 Barristers : JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Barris- ter and Solicitor and Notary Public. The 286 King West, parking Commercial Building, Oshawa, Ontario. Client able. 725-4716 or 725-4717. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, ic, Solicitor. | Money to loan. Office, We King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232, FRED R. JONES, LLB, Barrister and) aaa 86 King Street East, Suite 307. | Residence 725-0351. ND. McLAUGHLIN, B. ( tse Barrister and Serer 22" &t E. 723-2231. Res. 723-0944. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN ) nd HILLMAN| Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King Street] ~ East, Oshawa; Humphreys, QC;j Boychyn, GC, BA, LLB. Office residence: 725-4604; Whitby, + 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and other first mortgage funds available. avail- 'OF 4 King Building Trades |Mortgages = =--=--s--s--=--_--s--«| TV--Radio Repairs REPAIRS CONSOLIDATE B Pay Mtl ALTERATIONS $1,600 vescecess $22.94 VV ADDITIONS | $2'500 <2....... $34.23 to $4,000 $50.97 SERVICE HOMES - OFFICES - FACTORIES Mortgage exomples based on COLOR Rec Rooms and Kitchens 15 yeor wen: : o Specialty. -- ! ue g Bagh ates BLACK and WHITE d di n nt borrow- FOR Jamies ANE) SON) Sc riorte | THEBEST CALL fi A Rsdeliacte concen reducing balance. Properties OSHAWA HOME must be within a city or town IMPROVEMENTS all Custom Built Kitchen--Bath- C.A.C. REALTY " ote room -- rec. rooms -- and Oshawa Shoppi Cent all General Rencirs ' ae nok «28-169 ° ie - a Bee ese _ lareements purchared and'soia' tense] CLEARER, SHARPER and | Henicks, Barristers, 31 King Street TV RECEPTION CARPENTRY = "New ano repairs, biock and cement work. Free estimates 728-7680; repairs, Roofing and Construction, Carpentry Jarae and smal! jobs. L. and H. _Tis 6937, CARPENTRY TRIM WORK--REC ROOMS ADDITIONS -- Ri R. H. COM OOF ING PANY COURTICE 725-3219 --. Telephone 725-7064 iCartage CONTRACTS WANTED - Oshawa area, unloading, tratier shunting and and Ta delivered, 725-262 |REMODELLING, trim work, cupboards, B. Comm. | recreation rooms, and stairs. Free esti freight Tractor rental. IC FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail- YOUR OWN --labie. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock |ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --!Street North, Whitby, 668-3338. roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, _fire- - places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby, ee ' ; wri Money Wanted > ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles,| WANT TO RENT A BAND? Rock and pact ROOSEYELTS Rou VILLA WAS ONE oF GH RIDERS, SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK B oF THE PYRENEES REGION ox UNE BAY OF BISCAY DRINK WINE ATTHE BASE. AME WINE $Q) Out IN A FINE STREAM, ARE Hig COWS AS LIVED AND AS COMMO' Le ? NO. ae +9 Kine Festa Brediania Tans TT, Well vghe memo By R. J. SCO IRS every} Bitsy ES: = H- BRED LONG- FERTILE NM STOCK M Pour ay A DID Hon FLOURISH Ib fot ALASKA UNTIL' WH MAN CARPENTER 100 BICAME PLENTID 15--Employment Wanted |18--Male Help ' Wanted aa¥ "CARE available in my home. H week. Telephone Whitby 668-6782. TYPING OVERLOAD. Typing done Olive, to North GM. 723-6524, LADY WILL care for children in CARTAGE AND HAULING, also moving pak any odd jobs done. Very reasonable. 2882. three year old for companion. Five day my home. Ten years' office experience. and Catholic and public schools. RETAIL SALESMAN required by local branch of jave "in Letters, statements, envelopes, stencils, dicta, Reasonable. Call 728-5346. large Canadian Company. Ex- RELIABLE WOMAN will care for chil- cellent 'opportunity for a dren in her own home, vicinifgeRitson- young man between the ages Telephone 728-9120. of 21-27, with Grade 12 LADY WISHES TO.CARE FOR children} ©ducotion of equivalent. Ap- in my home while mother works. Close plicant must be ambitious, willing to accept responsibil- her} ity and have a neat business- Secretary Senior Clerk CLERK TYPIST quires the following, business administrator, 1 -- SECRETARY | SENIOR CLERK | to act secretary to purchasing 8--Arrticles for Sale ~ EXPANSION. and roll, rhythm and blues, country and western. Clark's Studio, 10 Richmond RENOVATION SALE St. Booking Agency, 728-3892 Now on! Tremendous Sav- WANTED -- Music settings for "rie | ings! Smooth top mattresses Prefer BMI or ASCAP composer. If In- terested call 728-9820 after 5 p.m. Nursery | Schools : TODDLERS PARADISE Day Nursery School Opening January Ist derful method of Register now, For ment call 723-0734. appoi plies. Telephone 725-2521, tional words 24¢ each Charge--10 per cent additional charge if not poid within 8 days. Method of Counting -- Less thon 24 words counts as 24 words; each word initial, figure or abbreviation counts os one word; phone number counts two words. BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.25 per insertion with 25 cents addi- tional charge if not paid within 8 days IN _MEMORIAMS $2.25 for the first 35 words ond 5c eoch thereofter plus 12c per line of verse; 25c additional charge if not paid within 8 doys. CARD OF THANKS $2.25 for the first 35 words and 6c eoch thereofter with 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 8 doys. COMING EVENTS $2.24 per inch (display); $1.75 for the first 20 words and 6c each thereafter (Word Ads). ICTION SALES es PER INCH PER INSERTION, WORD A DEADLINES 8 p.m. BAY neaagag LOST AND FOUN! 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION IN MEMORIAMS. ond CARD OF THANKS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ° 1 column--4 p.m, day previous; 2 col- umns or larger -- 10 a.m. doy previous. CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION advertisers as soon as possible, we ac- timates |Gardening and Supplies "This & That" ICE SALT WATER SOFT SALT SNOW. SHOVELS CALCIUM OHLORIDE WILD BIRD MIXTURE WILD BIRD SCRATCH SUNFLOWER SEED BIRD FEEDING STAI STRAW TIONS PURITY DOG MEAL MASTER DOG FEEDS PURINA DOG FEEDS PET SUPPLIES: BRITTANNIA MALT AMARYLLIS BULBS COOPER-SMITH COMPANY 16 Celina Str 723-2312 72 eet 3-1139 Delivery Service Established 190 Call Joe, 655-3733 9 TREES TRIMMED and cut down, Limbs Any advertisement cancelled before! cut off. Call 725-4955. PuBlicg#en will be charged one doy's FREE To TRIM? Call Sim. or 111 cut 01 |them down. Free estimates. 725-5118 or BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 728-0610. : While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the|TREES CUT, very reasonable, Free es: cept no liability in respect of loss or damaged alleged to arise through either Instruction _ failure or delay in forwarding such re- plies, however caused whether by negli- gence or otherwise, The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 doys. REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT. BE RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER. TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWIS! THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE! THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD- VERTISEMENT NOR PRICE CHARGE FOR A_ SINGLE IN- fo! The Oshawa Times reserves the right 2 classify advertising according to it proper classification. The Times will not be held responsible actual error occupies. matter correctly, but assume no liability re: pu pl ony form are contained therein IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's Column 6--Marine Equipment 7--Swap and Barter Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column 1i--Pets and Livestocs 12--srticles Wanted 13--Articles for Rent 14--Business Opportunities Ly eek ed nts yopemele Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate For. Sale 20a--Summer Properties 21--Farms for 22--Lots for Sale 23--Real Estate Wanted 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses Rent 26--Apartments for Rent Rent oreueks for Sale 33--Automobies Wanted 34--Automobile Repair Bu: Ib, SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS, 453 Simcoe St. Janitor Service CELLARS CLEANED oOuT. Trash taken! In the cases of display advertisements @W4Y- of advertisement it any inaccuracies in your bills or for MUSIC LESS Guitar Lessons -- $1.50 Drum Lesson -- GUITARS RENTED 50c Weekly 942-5282 728- BEYOND THE MUSIC LESSONS by qualified instructors r all instruments. Alto Mu S$. 725-1501. Telephone 723-2997, for more space than that which the Money to Loan The publishers -- g eae endeavor to reproduce all adverising | WILL LOAN you up oe "$5,000 ata asonable rate of interest to any other rpose providing you are s oyed and have good credit Mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for first and second: mortgages, Open mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages ond agreements. for sale pur- chased M. F. SWARTZ 2612 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Ist and 2nd Mortgages PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Why not consolidate oll your low. poyments with a mortgage loan. For complete details DOUG, TERWILLEGAR, Mon- oger. BRANCH REALTY INVESTMENTS LIM 51 King Street East, Os 723-1157 Res cITY-\ WIDE ¢ COVERAGE | at low cost Is what ik) get with yo eo ga Phone 7a now for an i 4 ONS $1.50 3892 sic Supplies, --_ | SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service Ward, 204 Chesnut Street consolidate worthwhile teadily em- 723-4631, cost call ITED howa 725-6210 728-6254 FROBEL --- MONTESSORI Let your child enjoy this won- teaching. int- Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- Harold H. Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, | 285 Simone Street South | We do RECOVER your CHESTERFIELD at modes cost. For FREE ESTIMATE call, 728-3651 INTERIORS by wae 39 Simcoe St. N. RE- UPHOLSTERY by experts. lished 20 years. Workmanship gu: teed, Free estimates. Credit terms. tresses re-built, furniture _re-fini eaane Upholstering, 287 Dean Avi 725-03 CHES LDS re - rial for re-covering. Slip covers Street, 723-7212. t Corner Bond 728-5143 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION New Sets ALCAN 2--Personal __ SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 728-5154 9a.m. to9 p.m TV. Rentals~ ar Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668- request the best, TOWING daily. 728-7711 $28. High back swivel rock- ers $29. Pole lamps $10.88. Bunk. beds complete $65. WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. "SAVE MONEY -- if your cor won't go or is stuck in the $now or is in an accident -- OSHAWA 24 hour Call as low as $3. Long dis- tance towing as low as 40c a mile one way. Nee 50c N.A.L RUTHERFORD'S 3 room groups, Living Room, service. {S----Articles for Sale |2a/ER CENT OFF all pinking shears | agent. Must have short hand in accounts and experience payable work, and scissors this week at Singer Sewing | Centre, 16 Si CRIB, large, gara massage unit, USED BRIC Can be pur Phone 983-55) RANGE, , 30' $50. Telephn | Goodrich, 88 USED TIRES, most | imcoe Street North. complete. High chair, Telephone 723-4841. Nia- | Il -- CLERK TYPIST Must have shorthand, ~ The Board of Education re- immedi- ately, for the office of the home five days a week; age 1-4 years. Montrave and highway 401 area. Tele- like appearance. Soles ex- phone 728-4246. perience an asset but not nec- Ce aE op Seer : -- essary. Successful applicant 17--Female Help Wanted will complete training pro- RE. gram provided by us, Write Box 53030, Oshawa Times giving complete details of ex- perience, past employment and qualifications. All replies are kept confidential. PRODUCTION CONTROL MAN Production cental depart- ment of a local fabricating plant, requires an experienced production control man. The work includes shop loading and expediting. Experience with gantt and bar charts an advantage. Ex- cellent prospects and benefits. KS from demolished scheol.; Apply in writing stating edu- chased very cheaply. Tele- | . d a4, W. C. Evans, Orono. | sonen ONCEUE nae WRITE Inglis in good sala ; , Usiness eae. administrator. BOX 54016 all sizes, King Street West. 725 ia." |9--Market Basket | APPLES, second grade, and Delicious, $1.50 bushel. |containers, Algoma Orchards Ltd., Thick- son Rd. N., 10--Far }DEAD "AND Up promptly. Whitby. mers' Column CRIPPLED farm stock pick Margwill Fur [Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hampton 263- |2721. Licence. 4-C-66 |250 BALES OF STRAW ai Soc. per bale. | Telephone 723-5370. |1,500 BALES OF STRAW for sale at 40c. |per bale, Call Brooklin 655-3050 or 655- | 4603. i 1--Pets and Livestock €OZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep-| nas, rotors 248 Quebec St. Ma Oshawa, rie Murduff will Jan. 9th, be Removal of superfluous hair n 10th, "etleddesc dtl Bedroom, Di Room. $399, GREER AND KELLY, Barristers Bai [Dentistry eo _|At few and used materia, Reseete|, FURNITURE AND $499, "$599." $699, boxy itors, ' ni f f . citors, etc, 14K phones: J. M. Greer, (| Sirgeon, 178 ing Pops oapental; rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. ie terms. Immediate delivery or QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, QC, : 22. Simcoe S. | i 5332; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 725- | For call [Rug - | - Upholstery Service Fane oyawoy. : lp king | ese Ae Rutherford's r Vv WER Aerial Service. j Lae = PROFESSIONAL F ti 156 Simcoe St. South tes, CLASSIFIED RATES JORESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted suits, RUG CLEANING fast service call, 60se16lor TIRaaI¥ ot coals, dresses, Beautifully tailored slip- 104 Byron Street S whit i sore AP insertion of 24 words, 1.20; | Covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2972. 2 Day Service bin lnk i CITY TV televisions, radios, Cash -- ; : ---- f ' : dditional words, 5¢ each; 3 consecu-|DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, Suits] Free Pick-Up and Delivery Well - Drill seas service and repairs. Service five insertions of 24 saat a26 a ddi- | Coats, Dresses, etc. Work done profes- Hing. -Digg rg a dept. open 7 days a week. tional words 131%c¢ eac consecu-|sionally. Mrs. McNamee, 668-8756. WELL DIGGING by machine spectal-/ Also T.V: towers, color and Hee acna at BS RON Banna (Monell Mica oh iia Angus-Graydon izing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest-| black and white T.V. Anten- installed. Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m Call 0500. All work guaranteed. BILLIARD TABLES - 725- |horse. Pony. jequipment, c |ALL TYPES | $25. down, 94 jherds, pups. Show mare in foal to quarter Pinto. Jothes, Western Ashburn, saddles, 655-4662 72-1101. |ST. BERNARD puppies, + registered, ex- |ceptionally well | Wonderful guardian }hold for Chr' marked, $75. for children. Whitby 668-5435. will istmas. | CLIPPING "SERVICE, all breeds, | poodles jour specialty. Free pick up and delivery. WAITRESS, steady days, |Dachurst Kennels, 655-3881. r work; lowe Estab- upholstered restyled. Free estimate. See our mate- made to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles ment. jaran- Mat- shed, enue, and | 725.6196, class, Call 725-8914. Sales. and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS of washers, dryers, etc. @ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE ALCAN 452 Simcoe S Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 Expert. repairs to all makes ranges, FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES five. WANTED -- ride to Ryerson for LADY REQUIRES ride to Alax. ing Harmony Road-Olive Avenue area around 7.30 a.m. Telephone 728-4073 after 11th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 RIDE REQUIRED to North Toronto, ar- riving approx. 8.30 a.m. Phone 725-1425. YOUNG LADY wishes ride to downtown Toronto, arriving at 8.30 a.m. Telephone Leav- 3--Sportsman's Column for the home (Genuine Slate Beds) CHAPMAN BILLIARD SUPPLY 1186 Queen St. W. _ Toronto 3 _ Rebuilt Transmissions | GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP |8 [Broad 114 Elgin East, TINY WHITE | toy female poodle, 576-2610 Oshawa Transmission Service 1175 Nelson Street | cat grooming. |ARE YOU PAYING too much for clip ping? Call, compare. Guaranteed super- | RELIABLE WOMAN to care for two chil- | lo! dren while mother works, preferably live- Ae he line Telephone S7&-4kI6 company benefits. 8-4:30 HOUSEKEEPER FOR HOME with three) P-™. |REGISTERED MALE Brittany Spaniel, jeight months old, Apply 475 | Street. Oshawa. [REGISTERED THOROUGHBRED mare,, seven years ol lent breeding. Garden Hill id, well mannered, of excel-| Mrs. V. 4R22. Kew, telephone ------|POODLE puppies, "toys", Lundilu Ken- nein TOWR Oe sors THachonel [eiet experienced with groceries, typing. and a half m $90, registered. 725-6473. "four ionths. A very loveable pet. 12--Articles Wanted SKATE EXCHANGE, bought and sold. 16 Bond Street West. sharpening. Best prices, new and used, Hockey equipment, Valley Creek, |4--Motorbikes 5--Trailers HARLEY-DAVIDSON chopper 1966 Suzuki, 80 ¢.c. Both In perfect run- ning condition. Telephone 728-9694. and also He aid Road E. R.R. Hampton Siding, windows, doors, ings, stonework, railings. years experience awn. NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. pairs to all makes. New hoses. Jack Lees, 728-6956. SMITH APPLIANCES SERVICE. or small, we repair them all, fi Free estimates and pick-up. 728-1742 or 723-0011 ROOFING, HOME Septic Service on calls. West, Walter Whitby 668-2563. "1Su rveyors. tario Land Surveyor, Prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. TV--Radio | Repairs 24 HOUR SERVICE T.V. RENTALS HOLMES ELECTRONICS PHONE 668-5679 Harris Aluminum Sales Phone Oshewe 725-6064 16 _Siding Experts, Lowest Prices Phone large Call any- GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer washers ans ranges. Free estimates. Call IMPROVEMENTS. DONEVAN AND ID FLEISCHMANN, Commercial blue TELEVISION -- RADIO | Re- 942- On- "STARC \ Park 5. corre Most Eyinrude motors. week. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., Brooklin, 655-3641. RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundays 2- 4 P.M. BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot at 401 and 28 ~ Grew Traveller bo Open seven days RAFT," 7--Swap « and Barter tubs, toilets, sinks, cabini H. Chinn, Hillside NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE $6.88 ct condition... @ Parts extra if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra, e BRAKE SPECIAL popular cars. First ats, a TILT TRAILERS, new, '57 Chev sedan|{elevision, "a-T pick-up, Sta Wagon, 20 per cent off |UP- all basins, 'piping, fittings. ets, and Asphalt shingles, chimney repairs, alum- i inum and asbestos siding. Complete TV| fied ads dally Sed TIEN CAG On are antenna service. All work guaranteed. Telephone Ajax 942-3756, 8-- Articles for | Sale H. FLIM AND'TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin 'Street East. Phone WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL 725-688) Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- LOSE SOMETHING? Place a lost ad in| Mouth, Pontiac. We correct classified to reach the finder. Dial 723-| wheel alignment, inspect and 3492 for an ad-writer today. correct castor and camber, ~~ |_ @lign. toe-in and toe-out to FOR SALE -- USED TV SETS A-1_ condition TRIO TELEVISION 728-5143 35 Division St. GOOD USED 28-440) yer Valley Creek GOOD USED Highest prices. Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526. FURNITURE. What have 16 Bond Street West, FURNITURE wanted, etc. Call anytime. MacNeil's 13--Articles for Rent Tables, Chairs, Tv TOWERS SPECIAL Fendt toot. tower es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee structure, all-channel antenna installed, i $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal East, Just east of Ritson Road. Wear, Men"s Formals, White MATTRESS BARGAINS. Ali types of mat-| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top mat- tresses, $29.; crib mattresses, $9.88; tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away Wilson's cofs complete, $19.88. ture, 20 Church Street. TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, two end|reducing machines, sick room. supplies. mat Furni-| tables,' one coffee table, two table lamps. | All in good condition. awa Times. BUY AND SELL -- good | Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, niture, appliances, Simcoe' South. 723-0011, TYPEWRITER -- Royal, electric. $125, Mackie's Van and working order, Storage Ltd WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used Sear's Second Shop, 10.Richmond Street E. IGUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 Alcan Furniture and Appliances, '| 723- 3271. 728-7860, furniture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street Hand | |WHEEL CHAI Aid Rentals, 1 Box $7293, Osh- | ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred |peopie? Oshawa Tennis Club niture |quets, and appliances. One location only. Pretty |parking. 723-7726. parties, BOUGHT AND SOLD -- good used "wr. 14--Business Opportunities SARGEANT'S. RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, $, 725-3338 Linens, Dish- RS, hospital beds, | walkers, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. for ban- weddings. Bar, kitchen, | Tl - Good | | LAY OFFS? WHY NOT GET INTO RED OF Mcintosh, Spy, Bring own! -- Farm, OF HORSES FOR SALE. "| CLEANING woman wanted, one « North Whitby | BOARD OF EDUCATION 555 ROSSLAND ROAD WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIO WAITRESS. DAY SHIFT Also" Th P.M. to 7AM. Shift Apply MR. CAMPBELL | GENOSHA HOTEL ; SUPERVISOR WAITRESS For night shift. Cor essential. Apply 1867 restaurant at 401, ond Courtice road TELEPHONE 725-8231 SHOWCASE COSMETICS offers excellent) and up, |Pportunity for making extra money at) your own convenience. Smart aggressi women, full or part-fime. Telephone 7: in person to Silver Whitby. pply Breck Street South, Milton |SChool-aged children, live in, woman with lone child welcome. Telephone 725- Call for Appointment 2667 after s p.m. |RELIABLE MATURE woman requir 942-1 540 to ied three children, all day and one child half day, northea: district. Call after 4.30 p.m., 723-6995, 723-6216. xcellent salary. State experience and| sie |references. Write Box M54024, Oshawa | BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready |Times, for training, talking strain. Apply T. two mornings a week. jarea. Telephone 668-4334 lunch counter No Sundays or nig! WAITRESS wanted, light grill work. work, bape ure: Apply Crysal Gr 2 P*King St. 18--Mele Help Wanted ACCOUNTING CLERK A new position in the Accounting Department No Phone Calls Please "no weekends. Grill, 1628 | two in school | Tool and Die ~ and OSHAWA TIMES z Set- Lis Man Familiar with Production Milling and Lathe work. Capable-of -scheduling work ond directing operators. Permanent position with usual | compony benefits. 8-4:30 p.m, Call for Appointment 942-1540 _fentraloh 'Canosa Ltd. | MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Must have good mathine shop background and preferably with Tool Room experience. ive 25- | Permanent position with usual a) st | __Centralab Canada Lid. QUALIFIED Makers for clean modern plant Top wages, benefits Permanent employment. ht ili Apply L&L TOOL CO. LTD. Simpson Ave. South Bowmanville or write P.O. Box 329 Bowmanville Cost Accountant of an'expanding furni- With R.I.A. degree or equiva- ture manufacturer. To be lent, ager but not oe : f e pre- sential, for expanding stee responsible for the p fabricating plant. Permanent paration and analysis of all labour production and marketing reports. Posi- tion offers. opportunity position, good fringe benefits. Must be prepared to re-locate. When replying, please give full particulars to past ex- for advancement. pees: age ond marital Applicants should , be Apply to aggressive young men ESCO LTD. under age 25 who have completed Grade 13 and are currently enrolled in R.L.A. Port Hope, Ont. REAL ESTATE CAREER Wonted -- two Real Estate agents for Oshawa. Experi- ence preferred. Join one of Canada's largest Realtors, Experienced manager to help Apply In Writing To: MRS. A. RIDDELL SKLAR-STANCOR you, Strong promotional as- WHITBY, ONTARIO | sistance. Contact: Lloyd G qe gece = Lee, F.R.I. vice-president of H. KEITH LTD., 181 Eglin- ton Avenue East, Toronto 12. 487-3333. ~ Route Salesman Used Car | Telephone direct Manager ___|South, 723-1671. | YOUR OWN VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, ? brushes, etc. Pick-up, detivery, 942-0213. | BUSINESS : Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering. a TYPEWRITER, $30.; portable, $20.; ; electric, $75.;_ adding machine, $25.;| G00d opportunity for mech- electric calculator, cash register, $35. chanic and wife to acquire 723-4434, garage, snack bar and sep- APARTMENT SPECIALS - Beds, ene arate house all for $21,500. ressers , cribs , Stoves was ers $15. 16 Bond Street West, 25 Bond Requires some modifications Street East, Valley Creek, 728-4401. but structurally sound. Avail- TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. structure,| able with down payment of all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Television,| only $6,000. with 7% mort- 728-5143, FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted "tree. Guaranteed trouble-free purchase from Western Oil 725-1212. winter if Company. FIBREGLASS FENDERS from $19.95 and up. New and used auto parts. starters and generators. 725-2162 1175 Rebuilt Nelson St. FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur- niture. Pay only $15 monthly. Unbeatable value! Barons' Home Furnishings. 424 Simcoe S. 1967 SKI-DOO snowmobile by Bom- gage on bolonce. For further information contact L; Sun Oj T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for less money. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E Uust East of Ritson) 723-8131 «723-8132 each Quolity Royaline. 4 wheels. e WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL °Including weights per ae | i PUT AWAY a tidy sum by renting that eg Also. transmis: | oe als Phone 723-3492 and place anjsion for '58 Chevrolet, rent ed in The Times, phone 648-6293. apt, for SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-651.1 bardier, world's largest producer of soft soil vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, now on display, United Rent-All Mariné;'| Oshawa's only authorized Ski-Doo dealer, 535 King St. WHOLESALE AT HONEST CAL'S Balance of new furniture. mattresses $19., ae fore stove | TREMENTI $99., E. at Wilson. 728-5565. Overlea Chesterfields 1 THORNCLIFF SQUARE 924-4111 SHUKER ot | Company Ltd. Blvd., Toronto $119. by 1423. ANTIQUE team drawn two-seater sleigh ed. 725- |Paved and fenced parking lot, 100' by and horse drawn cutter. Also Ford trac- tor. All in good Millbrook 932-5533. condition. FOUR MATCHED wainul office desks, | 1 year old. 2 regular and 2 smaller size, Reasonable, also office chairs, $123, Telephone |Realty Ltd., 16 Simcoe.'st. SKATES! A large selection of new end used. Also key equipment, bargain priced hockey sticks. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street East, 725-6344 181', Close to Si (S6 cars pe lars call Lloyd |DANCE HALL cluding stove, [Priced for qui Call 723- | telephone 728-7003. jouth GM. Now fully rent- r shift.) For full particu- Corson, 723- mele Guide South. with "living quarters in- refrigerator, pop cooler. ck sale. For particulars BARGAIN -- New Kuba hi-fi steric. One| mo iL) 6864 th old, nice apartment size. sale, Asking $236.75. Telephone 723- standard, Sacri- Tele Action Classified FOR RESULTS Times Ads 7. Ford dealership (1,000 new FOR AGGRESSIVE LOCAL units annually) in prosperous COMPANY Ontario community of 150,- Guaranteed salary, vehicle 000 is looking for Manager supplied. Our requirements: to produce 800 Used sales per year. If you are ambitious, exper- jenced and profit-minded --~ Must have ability and desire for better earnings, age 25 or over, married and 'bond- able. For appointment call able to appraise; buy and sell 723-0461 at wholesale prices -- train Canvassers also required for and direct used car salesmen local area. -- we 6ffer generous salary, bonus and profit-sharing that adds up to $12,000 to $15,- 000 yearly earnings. We are also looking for (1) new and (1) used vehicle salesmen. Excellent salary and bonus-profit agreement. All other benefits including OFFICE MANAGER Required immediately by Gen- eral Motors Dealer in Bow- manville. Must be capable of taking charge of office and its duties, including ac- counting, bookkeeping etc. Call: W. McMEFCHAN 623-3396 For an appointment REAL ESTATE SALESMAN* We require experienced real estate agent. Preference given to someone who specializes in new home sales. For confi- car furnished. Aply in confidence -- giving complete personal and exper- ience information in resume. BOX 52954 OSHAWA TIMES cs 23-3492 dential interview contact Bill McFeeters, Schofield - Aker Have Your Own January Clearance Sale With "Action" Classified Ads-- Phone Today ~~ | TEEN-AGE ORGANIST, ~| MORTGAGES ARRANGED 118--Male Help Wanted age 14-18, re quired for group. Must have own equip- ment. Telephone 668-4402. x WAITER, experienced for cocktail lounge and beverage room. Must have good ref- erences, steady position. Apply Manager, Hotel Lancaster, 27 King St. » Oshawa. |19--Male and Female | Help Wanted PART-TIME _ X-RAY TECHNICIANS Must be registered ond ex- perienced, Film Processor Recently Installed. to MR. B. "HOLDEN Administrator Memorial Hospital Bowmanville, Ontario | 623-3331 EXPERIENCED hairdresser has the op- portunity to join the staff of Modella |Hair Stylists from Jan. 1 on, Telepnone 725-4531 TUTOR wanted (in my own home) for grade 10 student. French and Math. Tele- Phone 728-9746 after 4.30 p.m. WANTED -- Assistant superintendents, wife full time, husband part time for modern adult apartment building. Write Bx 54126, Oshawa Times PHARMACIST for dispensary in group medical practice. Must be capable and willing to manage entire pharmacy and drug ourchasing requirements. Write Box 54008, Oshawa Times REAL ESTATE rious, honest and career for an indust- reliable person who can be trained fora satisfying future. We have an immediate opening.Inter+ views in strict confidence, Contact Doug- las J. M. Bullied Realtor 723-1168, |20--Reol Estate 5 for Sale 'SCHOFIELD-AKER Realtor .Limited | | Servicing Oshawa & District for over 31 years. 723-2265 i"? | OWNER TRANSFERRED 4 BEDROOMS 2 YEARS OLD Lovely 2 storey brick with ! attached garage and paved drive. 4 piece and 2 piece baths. Marvelous kitchen with plenty of room to eat. Home also features a dining room. Asking $21,500 with good terms. Call tonight for ap- pointment to see, LaSALLE AVENUE $16,500.00 Immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow with garage, Hard- wood and_ corlon _ floors throughout.. Large recreation room. Broadloom in_ living room. Asking $3,500 down. For further information, eall now. OWNER TRANSFERRED and must sell this immaculote 3 bedroom brick home on Beaupre St. 'Large family siz- ed kitchen and living room. Tastefully decorated bed- rooms, allow plenty of room: for the growing family. Rec. room for your added enjoy- ment. Nothing for you to do but move in as possession is immediate. Owner will take reasonable down payment and hold mortgage for the bal- ance. BUILDING LOT--$5,000 Now is the time to pick up a good 'lot if you are planning to build a home next spring. You'll find it hard to beat this one tocatedgn the south- east, overlooking the City and Lake Ontario, Call us and see this now, SWIMMING POOL Plan now for next summer and let us show you this spa- cious 3 bedroom ranch bun- galow with double attached garage and beautiful finished rec, room, with fireplace. Many other extras, and you'll love the private backyard with your own swimming pool, for next summer. Exclusive Brookside Acres area, $9,200 FULL PRICE $1500 DOWN Large six room, 2. storey home. This home is very neat and clean and you can have immediate possession at only $90.00 per month, For full particulars call 723-2265. Marg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Moible Boudreau 728-2233 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Mel Dale 623-5638 George Twaites 723-2008 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1736 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Members of the O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST & SELL MLS. 360 os St ae Oshawa BOLAHOOD. BROTHERS. LIMITED JONES AVENUE 4 BEDROOMS 7 room, 12 storey brick. Features fireplace in living room, 4 bedrooms, 4 piece and 3 piece bath, paved drive, garage, fenced lot. Choice location. Real value. $17,200. to inspect and make an offer call Roy Yeo TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! Ltd, deytime 723-2265, evenings 725-1726 | 4OW TO GET IT: If you do not find the "Wanted" ad and get iti Dial 723-3492, a fem you want in the Want Ads, place a|NEED HELP in a hurry? Place 4 Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492, 728-5123 101 Simcoe Street North 2 Help 20--! 16 Ot hot \ low . South For 1 WW, In reside rooms area. breez room firepl living this o Wi, Sr compl emon drive quiet Rd, sc ily or payme § IV. TI room | lotest stairs stairs @ quick IN V. Clo: ond ti storey rooms ¢ tion. N oerial v boards further IS IA Vi. Th ranch o cor gor ploce in Full din built-in large be of cupbr luxury powder | covered, with bar loom. Si shrubbed time. Ca "RELUC VIL. > Thi tronsferre Three be: bedrooms Family ro loom, mo ing home for full ¢ pointment LOT Vill, 125 for large between \ is the last cent. Clos ate schoo! us for mo) SPOT FIX. We in tion of this G.M. Sout with Holly tractive cc $17,600 down, See A REAL X. Your w lywood ki loundry in bedroom b back and scaping is way pavec finished. « ' turns coole! x 13' recre dren playin ing. Priced CAF XI. on this ty. More th corner with Simcoe . St a store wit! separate du 'erty. Worth Call us for c KING ST. PRC 33,000 zonec Xi land frontage. on and one cated in cen Excellent lo cial, profess Apartment d for more inf se Call 723-52 culars, Open to 9 p.m, After hours | Judi Knocker O'Donnell Italo Bortolu: Jean Peacocl Jack Grahar Leon Manitiu Steve Englert Ernest Muelle E!, Ann Thor Walter Mittle Marilyn Fitz, Roy Flintoff Evelyn Cassel Leonard Bisse George Nyme' Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacoc! Dick Young GUIDE REALT Realtors, 16 §