Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1967, p. 13

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sionship Play) eral show in -Saskatchewan's service guild agreed early Sun- y9, 1967 REOSRSSRSSR GER RR RR RRRR RRR Ree ee ReRRaeeaReaaeseoeeneeeeenesnen: : | Index 67 | ee IGE i t === . Scheduled Inco Seeks Or e | a8 ie Get epi , ing a one ee eats | REGINA (CP) -- The most ina er ers DAY'S STOCKS | BUSI . ambitious industrial and min-/ In Queensland NEW YORK (AP)--The wire HANDS NESS SPOTLIGHT history will bé undertaken next' gy VINCENT MATTHEWS | The urgent need for nickel in day to submit a two-year con- Toronto Steck Exchange--Jan. 9% 10:40 Net | tract off de b Quotations in cents unless marked $. Stock Sales High Li sm. Ch' i i _ 5 7 2 nros- tract offer ma 'as : Inerable. s-0dd' lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr---Ex.| maihiat cw an beg rl ei bated e fall in Regina. Canadian Press Correspondent Australia has stimulated pros ated Bree le by The Associ rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is Y 1, 1 ndex as been filled as & MELBOURNE CP) e ' ' t i Ss ' sae 9 --E Bel! Phne 1565 $474 47" 4714 = Ve Index 67 has been filled {ELBOU (CP) -- The|Pectors. Last April Western Pee On Enters ORTH | Samal 1 ka ome ar 1 sequel to the highly successful /Australian company with the Mining Corporation discovered for a ratification vote. Union | Bramal w= 229 145145145. | me "Midas touch." Broken Hill nickel near Kalgoorlie in West-/negotiators earlier rejected the Q102 MINES Brazilian 206 $10%2 10% 10% | potash show in Saskatoon last) as cn, Me Aatped oe offer 62 Brdg Tank 740 400 400 400 e ry Spi |Proprietary Ltd., is! joining,@™ Australia and production 1s : : ; : 10:40 Net Brdg Thnk p 25 $4) 4] 4) -- 7% year to promote the' potash {n- i z yn expected to start there in mid-| The contract which expired at ) tock Sales. High Low a.m. Ch' ! y | forces with the International |©XP* : hai ers s 9 ge BA Oil 1440 $34% 3412 34¥e + Ya ] \d , ; 1967. In: December, s Ex- Midnight Saturday will re 3985 Accra 0 13 13°«13 BC Forest 225 $20% 20% 20% ustry, Nickel Co. of Canada to inves-|!967. In- December, Metals Ex- ! feet Goin ae main 49643 All Pitch 100016 16 16 | Can Cem --- 390 $36. 35% 6 + 1 By DENNIS ORCHARD value of all goods and services| Disruptions in Zambia, The department of industry and Queensland. -- 'oN north Queensland. expected to Take "pout es 10 Am Larder 1000 33° 33 33 Ce et ag ee turned out in Canada. Congo and Chile, main suppliers |commerce and the city of Re-| Broken Hill Pty.--or BHP as, 1" another major Canadian © Ort' out 29752 Amy er 1a lk ae a) Gan Perm" 100 $10% 0% low 4 14, OTTAWA (CP)--Many of the| During the third quarter, the|of copper besides Canada, made|gina, Index 67 is designed to jt is known in Australia--has |DUSiNess deal in Australia, the The aoreemient t6 suhmie th mK 64 Ang U Dev 3000 71 70 70 --2| Cdn Brew 1182 $70. 7H 74> eigoods that cost Canadians more|GNP's over-all price index went|that commodity scarce. Thelencompass the entire minerallmade most of the major min-|Montreal firm of Combustion aia Heel ae, ae nash bugil UTH wo ee 8 BL cote we eae 3s Ly |in 1966 were also being sold by|up one per cent. Free of the ef-|price during the third quarterindustry of 'Saskatchewanleral discoveries in Australia in @™S8imeering Superheater has sare; wit er to union mem- 85 Atl C Cop 1000 95 95 95 © Hydro 225 $18 18 18 exporters at impressive prices /fect of export price changes, the|of 1966 was 32 per cent higher|through a mineral symposium|the last decade. It is the coun-|"0"., 2 contract worth about Ss wi hout recommendation Q3 Bankfield 9500 12 112 12 + % © Imp Bnk 200 $58 58 58 -- lin world markets. GNP index would have gone up|than at the same time a year ' ab, Be af Doser " * /$66,000,000 Canadian to build/ Came after a' negotiating ses- 186 Bar 1000 4 40 40 ! 125° $1538 15% 1538+ Me kd ae Ae & Led pact ; 2 yearjand the secondary service in-jtry's biggest steel and iron pro: |) 4 ! , : sion that lasted all day Sat 1 Bethim 775 695 690 690 +8 | © Marconi 200 485 480 485 --s| In many instances the boostionly eight-tenths of one perjearlier. In this case Canadian |dustry by means of an indus- ducer but in the last year it)°" install four boilers at a 4 Sand ont ty Satur- 2 BL Hawk 1400 80 8) 80 CPR pr tas Set, 57,,, S72" + %* at home could be blamed on the| cent. producers were not only. able to|trial exposition. has also entered the oil and nat- |PoWer Station at Liddell in New Gay and until the early hours of Brule tet 9cy ap om tye'| © Petrotin 120 siila 1 144 {change in the world price. One government economist enjoy higher sales and revenue,| > nee : atare tigek a : ° way by South Wales. Sunday. Federal mediators as- Brunswk 1649 950 940 950 +10 | C. Pet 20 $lia Wa Wa + Me Bic wey distorti that bit: whee" wi bl : The symposium will feature ural gas fields in a big way by : sisted in the negotiations North East cere ee te ae Sak chen * is sits tae ize | But federal economists say |S8YS yt eae ce ibd ye is babs wae ne Keep technical papers on all phases discovering, in a joint venture The wire service unit, Local Pass Pass Tung 10750 155 148 155 +8, Chrysler 210 $37 (37 «(37 \that in terms of what was eco-|; makes the price per egy Sp Steady to their customers 'of geology in Saskatchewan--|with the American oil company Liberals Name 22 of the AFL-CIO Amerivan pag Cioen 30 1 We ie os Columsi p 220 $194 N94 vr + vg NOMically good for Canada, oh acaees a ee the coal industry, metal min- Esso, substantial oil and gas re- Newspaper Guild, has an- -- seven of Cdn Keely 9500 5'4 54 arg a Cominco 220 $32'4 32'4 32% + % Was better for the consumer to a ti bd ae le of a LUMBER MORE EXPENSIVE. "8, petroleum and natural gas, serves off the Victorian coast. | Vi Pp . nounced that ite 'negotiating cane Go ae wan aa Se a nadity that ees illions Canadian lumber' was more and the industrial minerals) BHP has been prospecting for) VICE ~ resident committee was authorized to arkable hand canale. 200 wow + % Corr anae +00 Sms 34 a -- | uarantee shose Behn ae ek for Eanai during 1 fn bet, expensive around the world in/Such as potash, sodium sul: two years in the area where the TORONTO (CP) -- Robert Call a strike "when and if Rebner, West Cariboo 500 24 24 24 ~-- 1 Con Pap w 1295 875 870 875 +10 lars returning to the country. ise prices alone. Slost buvers|the second quarter and news: phate and salt. nickel was found, near Rock ag - deemed necessary." curred in the conn Bd ae a ae bred Soa ine Spee cps hd ce This kind of price change usu- wale paying 10 'per cent pinke print in the third quarter; in| The industrial expositidn will hampton in central Queensland. M. Campbell of Toronto has ' 3 mpionship in Coniagas 7400 58 58 58 Corby vt 150 $22 2 2 ally had little or nothing to do Sane Al : |these instances pressure existed feature all facets of industry|It has asked International been appointed a vice-president C Shaw 39500 41 «= «014 +194) Coronatn 125 150 150 1 ) for Canadian wheat in Septem-! 4 e t t at) € Bellek 1500 74 132 J'a--'4\ Coronin 2p 100 300 300 300 40 with domestic inflationary pres-| ber than they had paid on the|!" Nag vac Pah in|from extraction, 3 sa re, Nickel 10. re _ we of the Ontario Liberal party. » bid by Mrs. C Callinan 500 812 8} a Coron: 30. 90h ah ah a yr -laverage in 1965.-The price of| World markets left room for the|sources to the Marty phases of/uate the find. If it is confirme Mr. C ' bold, consid- Eon' Nichol Pd | Ge ae a 1c 2s S14 1 1m sures -- the Pushes and pulls Breage Canadians alta werit |increases. ltechnology and service re-'that the find is commercial the 'oronin oadina malted G = HAVE BLADDER IRRITATION i already ¢ Rambler Pa 18s 185 18s ie Dist Seng 405 $3514 3586 ASN Ne blamed for the rising cost -of up but from an economic point; From a statistical point of quired by primary industries. two companies will collaborate president of the fornier Torn itn tre made miserable by common Leo Me with a mini- tin Felis 10 1M io 41 | Boece I en ee ee of view it was worth it. view, export prices were 3.4 per Officials expect about 500 ex. in developing the field, and Yorks Liberal: Association, | iitation caused by a germ, Escherichia t partner had Sop-M v6500 2% 2514 254 t's Dotasco 1115 $2039 20%e 203% But it is one of the factors} International conditions dic-|cent higher in the third quarter hibits and 3,000 delegates from SMELTING NEEDED The Canadian Press errone-, *ches,muscular pains and disturbed sleep ; 4 agnes 25 $5% Si Sh P ; nis nia: % . "le ® , a ries 5 SMELL INMIR SSR AOE? anadle § | caused by yand ] r irritations, sg Atte Craigmt 125 $13% 13% 13% Dosco 200 $9 9 9 + redo Pe siclagi id te Nigger bse Nils other Pca oa Atl be, ee hy aoe hese ar tukoae a PD BHP sought out the Canadian ously reported Friday that Mr.) try taking 2 little GYSTEX tablets with " ; byl Ppt oes 4 +2| Dom Store 385 sip 18% 19 + ve lation Of price changes in the|/during 1966 of great benefit to)? Pp mponent of the aie! company for its @xperience in Campbell was appointed presi-. days, CYSTEX isa cleaning urinary antle ich North rowp p Domtar 2635 $16 16 - 16 gross national product, the Canada, trade statistics reveal.,|GNP for the same period was) A general committee set upi,i. n cee ee sts septic, also an analgesic pain reliever for raised to o's a eel: 1 Sia ae Bia st Ve warunes ------ 4.4 per cent le dex 67 : -g, nickel. The ore deposits are in dent of the provincial party. | Rieumatism, Sciatica Paints Headaches Deer Horn 500 2) 2) 21 Exquisite 265 $7 6% 6" | igs ie ae {to plan Index 67 hopes to pro-\4° complicated structure and a Gordon Blair -of Ottawa is Backache, and muscular Sains, Get Elda 51519 133. 127 131 +4) Exquite w 600 100 95 100 | A price index of personal, ex-|vide a full technical program CYSTEX from druggist, Feel better fast, East played Denison 51B $58 58' 58\% Falcon 145 $894 8912 894 . penditures, representing costs\including about 110 San smelling process would be president, } Bechen ; Discovry 200 135 135 135 --1/| Fam Play 165 $32% 32% 32% Itaci maa : 2 Eee: BOO Speakers needed to take out the metal. ad. a Rebner per- Dome a? ta Mk + 4) Fed Grain 100 $64 64 6M -- oe Spay ay on retail pur- who will present papers on Sas- International Nickel will yin the trick! lon . 4 21 +2) Fleet Mig 000 68 68 68 +2 chases from day to day, was up katchewan mining and second- f ob ; Dunraine 6500 44 43 43 -2 q = 7 : . carry out' most of its metallurg- T this extraor- Set Ol © 3 be: ed eo 10 | ae PO Sa |3.3 per cent. ary industry o F GM 1 y . 3 ; ' ia » g re- Rebner made Frobex 10/0. sats =) | Gear GRR A es bd . | For this longer period, export ical investigations at its re Saad ab no Giant Ye 200 as ms tas -- 5 Godyear p- 75 $3946 3914 714 | on inues n 1g Ca. e |price changes actually proved to search establishment in On- PURCHASING DEPARTMENT a diamond. Guan 00 3 8 1 | Grin! oe ee oe +e 'be a stabilizing factor in the| Electric Workers -- '2%9., The Canadian company nd West won Conan $0210. 210 210451 Greyind 7s som So e+ GNP price component of about | already is searching for miner- REQUIRES --) -- rd- j y i \- 3, | on jf . t could: now Same 'hs oe oo as] tee ce gw Se | LONDON (AP)--Gold hoard-| A major row is developing De-/nalt of one per cent it you ac:| Threaten Strike (oon dt%crns various parts INVOICE AND EXPEDITING CLERK y return and Granisle 00 S40 500 50 -- 8! Hawker pr 210 $04 04 04 ing continued on a large scale tween Britain and France over cept the thesis that export prices| pape pil oo a tiie (MALE) : ren: Pri yo | Hays Ona 250 $9% 94 9% | really work an t of ixty| mineraiticn area, tne Diack: y made nine Gulch, 4000 124 10" 12s ied Dae. ae aaa BN ka in 1966 but probably not so the price of gold. sca te iol ge a influ BRANTFORD (CP) -- Sixty stone Ranges in Western Aus- SALARY RANGE -- $4,783.00 to $5,437.00 per yeer (for out the A-K a im» 6 © 41) Home 4 oT ideale rgb large as 1965, a British gold France's Finance Minister This: hay te itp Noma th ay. members of Local 105, Interna-| +). 14 « 3614 hour working week). 5 that Sirs Hastings iis 70 170, 170 4 - H Bey Co 30 $1644 16% 16% dealer's report said Sunday. Michel Debre is reported ready |alyses "techs ce ey Cathe ore seb cee BHP is intensively interested Under the supervision of the Purchasing Agent; to receive ond the ten of Heath an ne i 139 Husky Ol a sie ee Bet it said the hoarding, plus the to call for an increase in the for the year, whith show 'that Saturday for strike action j in finding nickel in commercial prepare species for meeeee to Treasury for poyment; acre inger z a ] oll 116 $59 y y ; . q | ori ;, x ° b a tities beca ts"subsid- pore-ana submit commitment reports to lreasury; maintain jueen, which Huds Bay 200 $65 45. 65 imp. Tob es BHA 3 i 5 os v, absence of the Russians as sell- price of gold when the finance|ttade-oriented Sompanies have 'necessary tosupport their de- te oon as ace 'the ie and carry out expediting function on all outstanding purchase the natural Hydra Fx $00 21. 212} tt lind Accept - 500 $21 20% 21 + % ers, accounted for\a drop in| Ministers of the 10 leading in-|found it toughest to raise prices./mands in wage negotiations "© ' He eal "i i aie publi at case she 1s0 1 Ts te 48 | ina Mer o6 ele od gold reserves of counfries in the dustrial nations and represent-| Domestic industries, produc- with electrical contractors. NEE OE ne ee a Set Should} full high school includ lal, Some ce- have gone Jaye Exp 4500 20 19 70 Ind Wire 1050 $5. 5 § +5 International M Fund, atives of the International Mon-|ing for the Canadian market un- si Australia now imports its hinge Atan charter Ady ose asitceals inaeel Will otha vials Me &' Be ls pad ty ue ' - 5 International Monetary Fund, Bae * vary: +i A conciliation board report is nickel inly f New Cale- counts payable experience and aptitude for figures desirable. himantine to Jelex 1000 25% 25% 2514 +114 Inglis 930 $9% 94 e+ Ya mich 4 etary Fund meet here later|der varying degrees of tariff ; nICKe!, Mainly trom New Vale sabe 'she Jen fa hk oe a ee ius. 7, this month to discuss the grow-|Protection, were not as badly|€xPected this week, after which donia. In 1965 these imports|{ Attractive welfare benefits will be provided. ve lost the Jowsey tooo 35S ge yee a" ya Soleectest ing shortage of world money|hit by a profit squeeze during|® Strike date could be 'set. 'were valued at $3,000,000 Cana- | Apply IN WRITING ONLY, giving full details of oge, educa- ace of dia Kem Kotla 1100 380 380 380 = | int Uni 100 $277 -- |, The report of gold transac) ia. |the year, indicating that com-| The union's demands include dian. But, with the introduction | tion, experience, ete., not later than 5:00 p.m., January 13th, art tricks K Anticon 4700 N45 0 us + 9 | (till Br 210 S295 296 294 tions in 1966 came in a report ®UPE" petition is less rigorous at home wage parity with electrical last February of decimal cur-] !967, to: cicada hal L Dulauit 2715 Sida ta 4 | Infor Steet 428 90 aso." as'? 19 Of Mocatta and Goldsmid, big jthan abroad. They had a better|workers in Hamilton, who re-rency with nickel as its base The Personnel Officer, 0 have two Lorsgs 300 tor 0 ins | Inv Grp A 1700 $914 914 9% London bullion dealers in the BUSINESS BRIEFS jchance of succeeding when they | ceive $4.36 an hour. The present/for the coins, the nation's needs City Hall, Oshewe. earts to jus- Louviert -- 2 2 20 | jen € So to as as Hambros Bank group. tried to charge more in 1966. 'rate in Brantford is $3.70. 'are substantially higher. q pong 5 19 195 +8) Kelly DA: 200 470 470 470 Referring to reports of wn da Mi Ltd "i id. She could Madsen 1100 100 100 100 --3! Lont Cem 1025 480 470 480 | Noranda Mines Ltd. an " e for the exami- { had Manok MS 1000 74 74 % -- | Lay Fin 950 $6 5% 5% French pressure fc il/nounced Sunday it intends to 5 suai bid Martie 1000 Rr 2 2 i Lav F 2.00 25 $18 17% na +1 |nation of the position of gold in}make an offer to buy 51 per t that Fast's Maybrun 800 15 15 15 dx 3 Lob CoB 100 sea an a {the international monetary sys-/cent of the outstanding shares singleton pi ~ a : ane] ayer aS Se OM am po id British Seep said:|of Essex Wire Corp. of Fort| " : r) oe Ya 10¥e 102 "In these circumstances we)Wayne, Ind. Noranda will offer if West had Metal Min 200 110 110 110 MB Ltd 590 $23) Va + 4 . piped es, his heart Midrl 14000 '3914 Bers 'Bove tavs| Mopna El 2225 'save "ava "ave + v4 Would expect 1967 to be another|Essex Wire shareholders cash p Min Ore 17000 194 19 19 --'% MLf Gard 25 $25% 25% 25% -- %\interesting year for the Londonjand securities worth an esti- bilized b | nobiliz y Moneta 2500 60 6 | MUfMills 1900 $17 17. 17 |eold ket." | ng lead. Of Mt Wri 1000 21 212 | Maritime 25 $22 22% 2% gold market, mated $60 in U.S. funds for r was lucky Mutha 3200 143 140 141 +1 | Mass-Fer 4000 $25%e 24h 24%+% As to the problem of world|each of 2,040,000 shares. Share- he queen of Nealon ni Stoo y : i" Mat dieres aes ie is te + y/liquidity, the circular said: )holders will also be given war- s one of the nee a he oe Melon B"' 100 Sita 1. 10% "Little progress has been made|rants enabling them to buy up conex w Le ee son $19'% 19% 19% --V ; | ards, but she N Goldvue 1000 614 6¥% 6h 4 '4| Montex w 150 165 165 165 5 /0n the question of what form a 4 sy regs ne 2 ind of luck N Harri 12500 16¥2 16 16 -- Ye) Moore sis $99 6 ©«89 + %|new reserve unit should take, or| Noranda at $60 U.S. for the firs led when ac N imoct ame M2 27 ME _ || Morse A 190 $1944 19% 194+ We by whom At should be adminis-|five years and a higher price va an 8 " modicum of cheese, eon le. poy sit iy Radel etter 4 51 | European countries are re-) BANK MANAGERS HELD Norgold 800 7 We Wh | Nor Ctl @ 310 $135 13% 13% | FIN CANS rs. Rebner Norlex 7000 24 2% 2441) Ogilvie 1100 $12% 12% 1234 |ported ready to take part in) four more arrests were or- oth Norpax 2500 102 1 w+ Oshawa A 225 $24% 247%-- 24% contingency planning but not to! . : = 1. Northgat 1050 460-455" 460 +10 Pac pte 570 $11% 14 14h + Ve put any plan into effect until the dered in the Intra Bank affair ay wane 2 10 4 Wh-- 'ac Pete w 600 375 375 375 : ti a id rO WIN Opemska 850 995 975 995 +20 | Pembina 310 $11 10% 11 + % balance of payments position on i urday. The four are Intra's : Orchan 0 38 3 34 won Ce ye is OF three assistant general manag- buters) -- ; te pa | th ountries are in bal- ; ¢ Osisko 1000 "49 49 «-49«-41¥4| Price Com 800 $12'4 12% 12% e reserve coun Jers and its chief accountant. t grimly to ba tik sean 20 oe Se EO gg ance, \Intra Bank, biggest commer- 4 wo ! in ir A %y i oi 0 gp lead Reeriess 300 4 ta 13% 4 ta Rapid GOA 100 "$8%4 85 Bat iy Looking ahead, the dealerjcial bank in the Middle East, ine Point 790 $52 51% 51%+% Revenue p 25 $21 2) 2} aid deflationary measuresjhas been officially declared cS Placer 275 $3) 'othmat 11S $24% 24% i -- Y ' "A cing fistten aa. Royal Bnk 368 360% 69% 4974 v4|WoUld probably bring Britain s\bankrupt. The arrest orders tinal d OT ated he NE ghd ee ei 300 $10% 10% 10% -- "balance of payments into bal-|came as part of a government h ee 4 fey. Quemont 7200 990 900 900 tty | Shell Invw 700 jas yas 74g yg' ance this year, but 'the United|investigation into the affairs of nh ha Radiore 1500 67 66 67 +2] Shell Can 1450 $22% 22% 22%4 |States appears to have no hope|the giant bank, which closed in aN behind, was Rio Algom 25 $23%4 20% 23%4 | Simpson $130 $147 14% 147" + Ye! of achieving equilibrium so long/October because of a lack of "a4 he close to Rio Ald ¢ w 50 $10% 10% 10% + Ye) Southam 100 $33 32% 32m+% in Viet lready cash. It had deposits of ny ox Pipes aoc Roman 118 $15ih 1515s Sfeel Can 1855 $2i%e 212 e+ 4/88 the war in Vietnam con-jready cash. A Seabed at oy ae . as 410 415 +10 | Thom NP 1100 $19% 19% 19% tinues at its present intensity."|more than $200,000,000. ': aoe left. Sil "Miller 300. 320, 320, 320 + § | Tor Dm Bk 100 $58% 5% 58% -- ve ---- x Nie REPORT Silmi 0 ava 14a 14¥e | Traders A 670 "$9% 9% 9% +36 . Neue he manager reed Moe Bl te +3 Trader, 66 w 400 210 210 210 +10 | . H s 67 a Bes j = ransair 0 Se be 6% : world fly- bale # Pe Seer aN | tr Can PL 2120 $2i\2 24a 241 Couturier Jacques elm, ' * 5 s f Thailand Sullivan 500 97s 378 os | the mt oe Sta rk oe ; t Texmt 12000 82 rans $1754 17% 175 . nesday.. that Tes ad 81 8! +1] Trans PPL: 100 $74 Tin 7% M ed B F h W ld r 1 fs 3 23 23 --1 U f le la fight Mex Tomita ts vos vs =| Uh gat 3 Sine She Ih ourn y Fashion Wor orre. n U Corp pr 2 $23 @ 2 Un Keno 1710 310, 5 : , Umberto Upp Can 2000 148 i we a | yee 35,75, +%) PARIS (Reuters)--The fash- ay and evening weer, in every , an, sai F 46 46 «46 ~-- Ya! Wainoco O 1750 195 180 195 +10 |{ ld tod ¢jfabric from twe to white West Mi ; ion wor! ay mourns one of |14! sed a bout ie a ee | Woe SB ee nits leading figures couturier|™ink, and he also introduced 12, but, he ey 1200 126 125 125 "| Westc'st 10S $252 2514 25a te Heim, 67 oh died jerepe evening suits strongly e proposal Zulepe 100001 Ih WATT | weet" 19 Bo ge me + |Jacaues Helm, 67, who died injechoing the elegance of the 1s only $20,- | Weston A 10-819 "19 "1 jhis Paris apartment Saturday|1930s. pe SZ ' * OILS, GAS | Weston B 200 $20% 20% 20% + % night. | Heim inherited his couture es- SS Soe Cb a 3 AGAIN Am lowe 700% ok ameul vee ee Heim, offjeial couturier tojtablishment from his mother Dae ZA ~ ie eS ¢ nd aan Asemera wh 538 315 | Sales to 11:00 a.m. 1,095,000 birgpey Jharles de erm ed from 1958 to 1962 he was Ke @ O AD the Sovie' Cy Gas A ce wife of the French president, |president of the Paris Syndicate 3.0 re A eaten - : 1600° 545 $40 540 FOREIGN TRADING pe phate i } * AS hg ronson C,Homestd " 530 269 269 269 +1 | Agnico 100 135° 135° 135-43 vi aAMighly original soreness eve Couture Designers. AAS > COND ¢ enrique £4n Sp 497 $31%4 31 314+ %_ Denison 300 $59 59 59 + %) who Awo years ago introduce e resigned from the syndi- COA OXD f jont 37 Dick * | . . . " one: af ~ eo" 1 an Inter- Cent Del 380 ia . 7 Kern Acale 1000 zs ge cae the /tunic dress and colored |cate in July following a dispute os ni a ee re i ress match S Utah ir. 2F S10VA 10M Tova 4 Va} Mncoate 200 200 200 | stotkings, now almost a uniform over the publication by a news- (7 5 ; and lasted ine woe we cl fot the mini-skirted brigade. | paper of photographs of his de-| , rs. Botvin- Eero. , $00 297 292 294 +1 NEEDED REFLECTION | He was one of the first to signs before they were exhibited '. Se? aor we . Piaing 2100 11% 186 te ' IVER, England (CP) -- Two show knee - breeches for both'at DS SNOW Sie, per: : 410% 10% + % fire engines raced to a Buck- : Int Helium 450 340 325 325 Mill City 100 255 255 255 eg ae factory only to! anee 09 223° 223 223 ~ -- 2 /find the fire was four miles Permo 3000 27%2 272 27'4--1 IES Place G 800 193 19 193 4 4 |aWay at West Drayton, Surrey. seal Prov G 22181 580 560 570 +10 |The people who turned in the Range. 600 9 - Scurry Rn 925 $214 21% yi) |alarm at Iver had seen the| bs] % Spooner. 2400 63 63 63 +1 |flames' reflection in the local! dna St 22 8 M+} itacory's windows. | anso 500 350 350 350 -- 8 | ----_--_-- ausaeneneanneaaamees Wespac 1100 15% 15% 15% M 0 i F | N T E if E ST W Decalta 2100 360 350 250 W Dect w 200 185 is ies +81 MEAT WITH OIL | | INDUSTRIALS | ' Abitibi 565 $10%4 10% 104 + DIXON s Acklands 100 $5 Alta Ges T 125 $32 32 32 OIL 0 Alta Gas w 200 660 660 660 +30 L menial ae me ee if The wraps are off something special » a 3520 $30% 30% 30% + % 313 ALBERT ST. / 2 . can pr 125 $37%% 37% 37% + 'i Alumi = Anite ® 58 in fy ay | 24HOUR. SERVICE rgus 7250 $14%4 1442 Ite Cee fee eo ts 723-4663 SAVINGS DEPOSIT RECEIPTS The wraps are off Le Chateau Le Chateau Champlain is the latest Al Sugar 675 $9 2, a SERVING OSHAWA OVER | Champlain, Canadian Pacific's addition to a chain of hotels that has lo Elec 5 5 | : Ce aT Anata eee 50 YEARS Lu Redeemable ANY time ' newest hotel. Located on Place du won the acclaim of travellers from Bank N $ 300 $647 6458 6478 + % | Canada in the heart of Montreal, sur- all over the world. eee ee ee -- Interest on daily balance i epg he feed Sonn ad opi Of course, we offer travellers more 'ti "67, Le Chateau Champlain's dis- than fine hotels. During Centennial hritis. It O/, | an fine hotels. During Centennia nic, being OVER 40 YEARS. EXPERIENCE! [| MINIMUM DEPOSIT $5,000.00 | tinctive architecture makes a notable year, with Canadians travelling more laring up | | contribution to the eity's skyline, --and getting to know each other Toke advantage of It! 24 hour ser- ff | Destined to be one of the world's -- better--our trains, planes, and ships ise type of vice; and radio dispatched trucks ff} GI ARAN I y | RI IS i | great hotels, Le Chateau Champlain _ will be at your service. xn making always on the ready td serve you. ff | captures the cosmopolitan spirit of determine tL Fuel Oil Budget Plan available, FEDERALLY INCORPORATED AND SUPERVISED Montreal. The hotel's unique exterior ; op best sup- NOW IS THE TIME | design and elegant interior appoint- acific prospects TO CONVERT AND CALL | Capital and Reserve $25,000,000 ments offer a new standard of inter- oe 5 lis, fever r Deposits in excess of $350,000,000 national service and tion. Serving you in so many ways. s, . , . ieee McLAUGHLIN noe, Hemmatees, Sune ' n the side 32 King St. E., Oshawa ex' COAL & 110 Tel. 728-1653 || €XPO67 eal 723-3481 ee --_ SUPPLIES KING ST. W. oie sere ee 1967 U6? nd cripple 4 - > % * t '

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