12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, Jenvery 7, 1967 20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale > 20--Real Estote for Sale |20--Rdal Esfote for Sale /20--Real Estate for Sole Berore You Buy see | DIRECT FROM OLIVE HOWE GUIDE REALTY LTD. | 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 BUILDING LOT 1. $4,800 or a lovely 75 x 200 ft. lot on paved road outside Oshawa. Cash preferred but wilt talk terms, Buy now -- build in the spring. RANCH BUNGALOW -- ATTACHED GARAGE tl, Just listed, on iewnaeviane 2 bedroom home in exce cation on Cochrane St., Whitby. Large fenced landscaped lot, paved drive. Owner transferred For appointment to inspect -- call today. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 Simcoe St. S. 723-8144 FERNHILL AVENUE Only $16,900.00 -- 542% N.H.A. resale, 6 room brick bungalow, oil heat, attractive 57 x 134 foot lot. Handy to Public and High schools. Call Margaret Lee CELINA STREET 5 room brick home with gar- age, close to Holy Cross school end church. New fur- nece, included in the pur- chase price are stove and refrigerator. Taxes only $180.00. Carries for $100.- 00 monthly. See this todey and make on offer. Call Pauline Beol. HOLLYWOOD KITCHEN Full price $17,500.00, 3 bedroom family home, built- $1,500. DOWN -- TRI - PLEX | tl. Is oll we are asking for this real money-maker. Situated in the north east oreo of city. Three separate ga yee iy trances, st Peehrooms. Look! Only $19,500| full price. Quick, cal! and ask | for further particulars. OWNER BUILT HOME 1V. This immoculate 2 storey/ rick home with finished recre-| en room ond 2 car garage is now too large for owners. Pro- gerty is cleor, will teke reason- dg down payment ond hold one mortgage for the balance. Lorge hollywood kitchen, na- rab fireplace in 21 ft. living room,tlso two extra large bed- rooms. Call tonight for appoint- ment to inspect. PLEASE READ THIS Vv. A family home 'you will be proud to own in the north west crea. Three blocks from "'Educo- tion Corner' ot Rossland and Stevenson's Rd. Less thon two blocks from shopping and bus. House includes living and din- ing room with built-in china cabinet, kitchen ond three good size bedrooms. Priced at $17, 300 with reasonable terms, Let us show you this house tonight. NCOME PROPERTY Vi. This exceptionally well !o- coted bungalow features a most comfortable basement. apartment complete with its own bathroom ond kitchen. Paved drive and garage. The lot is large enough for two families to enjoy. The in stove and oven, close to Public and High Schools, shopping and transportation. See this one today. Call Ethel Tronter. $18,500.00 FULL PRICE Oshawa Blvd. N., spotless 3 bedroom brick bungalow feat- uring large family sized kit- chen, beautiful landscaped lot. Paved drive and garage, many added extras. Open to offers. Call Dolores Ross. 4 BEDROOMS Whitby -- Brick bunga ow in good area near schools and transportation. Beautifully decorated. Priced to sell ot $14,700.00. Down payment $3,700.00 and best of oll it is N.H.A. financing at 6% %. SARICK HOMES 3, 4, & 5 BEDROOMS ALL HOMES DETACHED Re ge DOWN TO ONE NHA MORTGAGE Bungalows, Split Levels, 2 Storey, Some with Walkout Basements, 2 Car Garages, 2 and 3 Washrooms., FROM 18,995 FULL PRICE Office and Models on Central Park North. Go North from Adelaide Street East and wetch for Serick Signs. BUILT, BACKED ond SOLD BUILDER ! ! ! Prestige Homes Harmony Village Walnut Court off Florell Drive. Harmony Road South, east of Donevan Collegiote. "LUXURY LIVING" Features Include @ Large ravine lots with year round stream @ 2,300 square feet finished floor area @ 400 square feet of recreation room with notural field stone fireplace @ Sep- arate dining room with bal- cony @ Built in dishwasher @ Radio intercom system @ Wall to wall broadioom in fiv- Ing room, dining room, hall end all bedrooms @ Two cor attached gerage @ Quiet paved court @ Plus 33 other special features too numerous to mention. TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT HOME NO CASH NEEDED OPEN HOUSE Open 9.a.m. to 9 p.m. BUY NOW | DIRECT TO YOU BY | SARICK HOMES SAVE $2,000 K. R. BELL 883 WALNUT CRT. 723-6541 (ONT.) LTD. 723-8201 Act now and please ask for Tina DelGobbo, PERSONALITY PLUS: In this executive home in Whitby. Notural stone fire- place, 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, 2 , at~ tached garage, patio, sunken garden. Move up in '67. Ask- ing $30,900.00. To inspect call Helen Bryant. 6% N.H.A. RESALE North-East orea. Only 7 years old, full price $22,900.00. Carries for $83.55 monthly. principal and interest. This four bedroom split-level home has two complete four-piece bathrooms, living room, din- ing room, family sized kit- chen, attached gorage nicely landscaped lot. To inspect this lovely home coll Shirley Moskel, today. FRANK REAL: ESTATE LIMITED 21. King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawe ond District Real Estate Board BOWMANVILLE 3-bedroom 1% storey home on lot 65' x 130'. Good loca- tlon, Asking only $12,500. OPEN # A.M. to 9 P.M. Member of O.D.R.E.B. financial arrangements are flex- ible as vendor is leaving the city. We invite your early inspection. 4 BEDROOM -- NORTH WEST Vil. Only a few homes in this section of our city meet the reeds of the young adult family es this four bedroom split = on Jane Ave. Two bathrooms to overt the traffic jam, attached garage, economical oil heot, beautiful family sized kitchen. Full price only $23,900. GLAZED BRICK VIII. This "spanking new' three bedroom bungalow situated on Oriole Court, features a holly- wood kitchen with a comer win- dow -- handy for keeping on eye on the youngsters at play. Living room has stippled ceil- Ing. Lots of cupboard space, di- vided basement with fruit cellar. Buy now -- choose your own color scheme. CLOSE TO GM NORTH PLANT x. Here is a bargain for you bargain hunters. Snug | little rame two bedroom home on Mary St. This home is situated vot too far from schools, hos- pital and General Motors North Plont $12,000 -full price. Look it over and see what you think of it OWNER TRANSFERRED X. The owner's wish they could toke this home With them when they move. We can't blame them. The kitchen in this 4 bedroom split-level is a home- enaker's dream with built in oven and counter top range, stained cupboards and corlon flooring. The "L" shaped living and dining room are fully car- petéed, also the master bedroom and hall. The fot has been pro- fessionolly landscaped = with fenced backyard and potio. A large down payment is required, but monthly payments are rea- sonable. Full price $22,300. ECHO'S NEW HOMES "In The Heart Of Oshawa, Whitby" 18,590 FULL PRICE 6%% NA. -AJORTGAGES DOWN PAYMENTS FROM -- Terms. BOWMANVILLE Summerfield. Court -- 2 yeor old brick veneer bungalow, 3 picts on lot 50' x 117'. 4-piece bath, oll furnace. $17,500.. -- 'Terms. BOWMANVILLE Veterans Avenue -- 3-bed- room bungelow, double gar- oge. Nice clean home. $14,- SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 TWO STOREY Central 6 room brick home with garage, paved drive and patio. Home in good con- dition and immediate posses- sion. Full asking price only $15,100. N.H.A. RESALE Asking $3,000 down ond full price reduced to $16,900. Three year old brick bunga- low with built-in stove and oven, rec-room and bar. Large lot and paved drive. INCOME HOME Two family 9 room brick 134 storey home on a good size lot ond large cement block garage. Two bathrooms, cov- ered patio, built-in break- fast nook and two kitchens. This is a one owner home and built by present owner. Full price only $22,500 with $5,000. down. Inspect the above by calling 728-7576 or call after hours for one of our courteous sales- men. ee Pe Also duplexes at $2,295. down with 634%. N.H.A, mortgages on ravine lots. Alf Gold Medallion General Elec- trie Heating. MODELS and INFORMATION ON FAREWELL ONE BLOCK NORTH FROM DEAN L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LIMITED 723-0321 VALDEZ COURT XI. Starting et $1,660 down payment. Close to shopping, schools, orena and churches. | ] Six ond three-quorter's percent mortgages available with good terms. Built by Wallis and Zygoch!. Coll 723-5281 for full pertl- culars. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m After hours call: Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Jack Graham 728-2634 Leon Manitius 728-2754 Steve Englert 728-5581 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 El. Ann Thompson 728-4731 Walter Mittler . 576-2345 Marilyn Fi itzgerald 668-5313 Roy Flintoff 723-3454 Evelyn Cassel 725-3710 Leonard Bisselt 725-2070 Judi Knocker (O'Donnel!) 723-8771 George Nymeyer 728-4241 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Reoltors, 16 Simece St. & CANADA INVEST NOW IN A ARMSTRONG HOME designed and built by Cana- dians with Canadien mater- lals, for Canadians. Several styles now available for im- mediate possession with os low os $1,375. DOWN 634% N.H.A. mortgages. In spect these homes now at, FOREST GLEN HEIGHTS HARMONY ROAD NORTH opposite Eastdale Collegiate GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 500. -- Terms. Chores °. Rankine 728-3682 i bloc! =! : yh be Jerry Coady 723-6356( room sare" a with Tony Zakarow 725-4366 prac Ao" Oumar | Anthony Siblock 725-4362 ton "919,500. -- ge OPEN HOUSE Call 623-3393 IN CEDAR RIDGE N.H.A. Bungalows AFTER 9 P.M. Split spre Pig Rod Kruge 723-7900 | Ranch Bungalows Clare 'Mecullough 723-7843 Two Storeys Buy your new home in one of Oshawa's newest ond finest north end locations. Com- pletely prepaid services in- cluding underground wiring and . landscaping right to OPEN 12 NOON TO 7 P.M. Come to the model home lo- cated 2 houses west of the Church on the north side of Taunton Rood at Simcoe Street. J.B. McMullan & Co. 725-3557 REAL ESTATE LTD, RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 515 Brock St. South WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE 668-5853 TRI LEVEL CHARMER No binoculars needed to get a close-up look at this real beauty just listed. Beautifully maintained, this home will modern kitchen with lots of cup! 'ds, colored, built-in G.E: table top 'range. Broad- loom in living room, dining room and master bedroom. Aluminum storms and screens. 6' board basket weave fence at rear, Lovely living room with bow window and walnut ponelled wall. These are just some of the features you will see when you call Audrey Moore 668-5853 or 668- 4088 to arrange an appoint- ment to view this home. SAVE $3,000 LUXURY HOME Brand new 4 bedroom, 2,400 square feet, 2 car garage, natural stone fireplace. Ex- | tra large recreation room, wall to wall broadioom, Stone front, lorge ravine lot. Will accept your home as down payment. One mortgage for balance. Immediate _ posses- 723-6541 LOVELY THREE-BEDROOM home Paoghs tel peel all trade for fiv we Tare bulldh Apply Box 53029, Oshawa T! eae Fes MUST SELL. $1,500 full a mi this 2-Storey brick home on 2 hae only minutes from Holy Cross or Central Collegiate. Presently belng used as 4 bedrooms. All rooms large but requires some decorating, Full price Stee. Call a Twaltes for appointment to see at 723-2265 or 723-2008 evenings, Schotteld. Aker Limited. $300 DOWN, $75 month. Four - bedroom, two-storey, leat dining ri living room and bathroom, 25 northeast of Oshawa. Large lot. immediate pos- session, 723-6541. SIX-ROOM, two storey house and pidge ead Bloor East districh Tele, phone NINE-ROOM spacious older home off Simcoe Street, good for subleting, light Hostheaind cl Reid boarders or flat. Low downpeymen n° or Stradeskie" "Realtor, 723- 4651. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, section, near Arete 2% years old, $6,000 down, egy: IA mortgage, 64 per cent. Call rent, Bon peivace SALE -- custom bulit fhree- bedroom, ranch style bungalow, gerage, electric heating, full basement, immed : Possession. Phone 725-0433 or +05. SMALLER TYPE spilt level oe In residential south-west Whitby. Idea! for [hd discriminating home seeker or ear - etc. 20c--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent PIGEON near PETERBOROUGH JANUARY SPECIALS Outstanding Values COTTAGE and LOT LOW as $100 DOWN -- BALANCE LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS commence MARCH 1967 Practical for Year Round Liv- ing, Excellent Roads Snow Ploughed, -- Hydro, Tele- phone, Grocery and Mail De- livery -- Near Good ing Areas and Bus Service, Low Taxes, Good Neighbours liv- ing Year Round. Activities All Year -- Ski- Tow nearby, Skating, Good Fishing, Boating, etc. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $4,995--Cottage Partly In- sulated with Lot sur- veyed 75 ft. x 200 ft., 3 Bedrooms, Living Room, Kitchen, Bath- room, Wired, Inside Toilet, etc. $5,995--Cottage Insulated with Waterfront Lot surveyed 75 ft. x 200 ft., 3. Bedrooms, Liv- ing Room, Kitchen, Bathroom, Wired, !n- side Toilet, Kitchen Cupboards, Tile Floors, DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED -- SAVE --ORDER NOW. May be seen by SPECIAL APPOINTMENT ONLY ANY DAY by PHONING or WRITING PITTS HOMES end COTTAGES LIMITED P.O. BOX 222 COBOURG, ONT. TELEPHONE COBOURG 372-9494 21--Farms for Sale reste 50 acre farm. Four bedroom brick house with w water In. house and barn. rele $18,500. Write Box 66, Port er 23--Real Estate Wanted URGENTLY REQUIRED Select city, home and rural property for cash buyers. DON STRADESKI REAL ESTATE 63 King Street West 723-4651 best. Reasonable down pa . Ful price only $15,700, Call Bill Ventana, 728-1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. DON'T BE a rent slave, put your month- ly payment to work buying this large six-room home -- now. Don't walt till prices go up In the spring, Only $1,500 down, full price $10,500. Hl Bill Johnson 728-1066, Schofleld-Aker Ltd FORCED SALE to settle 'tatate, lovel: brick three with LISTINGS WANTED. NOW SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 recreation room. Asphalt drive and Pedi lot. Situated In the north-west, set g $16,900. Call Bill Johnstone, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd. PRIVATE -- Rent or sale, seven-room brite home, oll spose garage: Fo For fur- HAVE CLIENT with all cash wishing to purchase bungalow or two-storey home Bl fish ad King and Adelaide, Simcoe and Wilson Road ger Please call 728-5103, W. 0. Martin Realtor. oon iS WANTED - Deon. ranted tor as paid gy hepboclbl room, 2 bath- payment. Call Earle Alten "yarn: oKelth Peters Ralty Lim- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- low down tbl pt Colonial type three-bedi loom ing Centr Bpepent apartment. Vendor will rad rst mortgage on your terms. Call Keith Ltd., Realtor, 725-484). BEFORE BUYING or rei] any prop- " Boga lf Clare McCullough. Free estima' W. Frank Real Estate. 723 7843, Write 591 Oshawa Bivd. N. HOUSE and 10 acres on Thickson's Road. $5,500 down. Telephone 723-6053. COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE. This lovely home located on a large ravine lot is being vacated na owner. Cut Possession. Darling Kitchen with Looe fied 'end oven, 3 charming bedrooms. Asking $19- 000.00 with excellent terms to " buyer. For further Information call Margaret Hall, 723-1358, Schofleld-Aker Limited. PRIVATE, $12,900. Three-bedroom ae two-storey, full basement, new oll fur- nace, large kitchen. Immediate posses- sion. Low down payment, low monthly payments, 723-6541. $1,000 DOWN. Six room older home, near north General Motors with geregé ond new furnace. Two weeks possession. Call Bob Johnston, 725-9365, Metcalf Real Es- tate Limited. ther Interne aise siXTEEN NINE aa brick Bune buyer. Carl Olsen, Realtor, 723-1133, 24--Stores, Offices, Storage 5,000 SQ. FT. of Floor Space in Downtown area Third Floor -- both passenger and freight elevator services SEE: T. L. WILSON OSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East Phone 723-3474 'eee ceueneniatsnitereseseesaresinmnsoomien WAREHOUSE FOR RENT. 9,000 are feet. Heat, hydro. Loading dock, ry Central. 725-1423, FOUR - ROOM heated professional of fice for rent. ene ee location. Tent. 725-8640. WHITBY -- Byron South, cottage on 111 foot frontage, zoned R4 for more Infor- mation call Perry Real Estate 723-8123. Joe Barnosk! 723-5787 Andy Keys 728-0196 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 COURTESY INTEGRITY SERVICE by Real Estate Ltd. $915. DOWN See these brond new homes on Waverly St. south of King ond just west of the Oshowa Shopping. Centre. BRAEMOR GARDENS 3 and 4 bedrooms priced from $20,600. houses this weekend. Stevenson Rd. N. to Annapolis ond then west to Waverly St. CRESCENT 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms. Your choice of 5 dif- ferent models. Priced from $21,200. Go east on Adelaide St. to Central Perk Blvd. N. and then 1 block north to Orange Cres. ORIOLE STREET ORANGE $1,654. DOWN NEW QUALITY BUILT 3 bedroom brick bungalows N.H.A. FINANCING on quiet court near Oshawa Shopping Centre Priced from $17,950 full price JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 TWO STORES or ohich si bedroom apartments, centrally te cated. jh after six, 725-2511. WHITBY -- Commercial Dundas Street East, 70 foot frontage, with 8 room Solld home, operate business and nt here. Call Perry Real Estate, 723-8123 NEW bungsiow -- ee centrally < cated In Whitby. je between S$ and 6 p.m, 668-4081, 25--Houses for Rent Prac htt Re cee dt ee NEWLY REMODELLED two bedroom electrically heated house for lease, cen- tral location, ideal for small my path oli 2 Ustad ee hly. Telephone 7: iso. THREE-BEDROOM FoUR-RGOW pina on aan end [26---Apertments For Rent 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Aportments for Rent WENTWORTH MANOR FEATURES < SPACIOUS SUITES AND BALCONIES LARGE WELL EQUIPPED KITCHENS LAUNDRY ond LOCKER ROOMS on EACH FLOOR TWO ELEVATORS SEPARATE FURNITURE ENTRANCE FENCED IN PLAYGROUND CHILDREN'S PLAYROOM CLOSE TO CHURCHES, SCHOOLS and SHOPPING BUS SERVICE at YOUR DOOR i WITHIN EASY WALKING DISTANCE to GENERAL MOTORS. RENT INCLUDES @ HEAT @ HYDRO @ DRAPES @ STOVE and REFRIGERATOR OSHAWA'S FINEST APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED POOL COMFORT CONDITIONED Double windows for noise and draft control thermo- | @ FOR RENT e@ Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: | Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3.p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 CENTRAL, FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, ee $95. monthly, 1 2925. MODERN THREE-ROOM _spartment, private bath and entrance. Bus stop -af door. Stove and refrigerator. Parking. Adults, $75, monthly. Telephone 725-6473, TWO-BEDROOM apartment in small bullding, crilbgeiclial Stove, TV outlet, and parking. Available stat in each suite. February 1. One child welcome, $110, monthly. 728-6803. FOUR: arate apartment, ane < Las Private bathrcom, central: located, OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY Available now, Apply 131 Celina Street. SAT. and SUN. 11.a.m. to 7 p.m. |WHITBY -- Livingroom, kitchen, bed- Oshawa's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6' x 18' Balconies, 20' x 18' com- bination Living and Dining Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 2 Olde English Decor Lobbies. Bus stop at door. Model suite Broadloom by ANGUS GRAY- DON, Furniture by WILSON'S FURNITURE. PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS 1221 Simcoe St. N., 725-9934 room and bath. Pleasant modern apart. ment with private entrance. Reasonable rent. Adults only. Telephone 668-2064. THREB-ROOM furnished apartment, cozy_and central, heated. private entrance. Phone 725-2539. THREE ROOMS, bright apartment, un- furnished, private entrance, heated, newly decorated. Centre Street. Phone 725-2599. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, with stove and frig, private bath and entrance, Telephone _ 723-6321. OneEBI elf. part. ment. Refrigerator lick stove. King Wile son.area. Telephone 725-0394, FOUR-ROOM ground floor apartments vicinity of Wilson and King. Heated, $85, monthly. Telephone 728-1603 days, TWO, FIVE ROOM apartments, th g erator, stove with each, Heated. $80. big pene: Apply 300 igh Street, Apt @ PARKING THAT'S NOT ALL $$$ CALL 723-8701 FOR SPECIAL MONEY-SAVING BONUS WENTWORTH MANOR 275 WENTWORTH ST. OFF PARK RD. S. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR The best value in apartment living can be seen at ° @ REGENCY TOWERS ® 349 MARLAND AVENUE PH. 725-2227 AND an, @ PREMIER ® 321 MARLAND AVENUE PH. 728-6722 MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE & FRIDGE BALCONIES CLOTH DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE HYDRO BROADLOOM IN HALLS ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING QO eececeeeceece @ LSE T OSHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS Whitb) or neti apartment, private bath. Four miles north of Oshawa. $ultable for adults. Telephone 263-8835. ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments In new apartment buliding. Electric heat Large balcony, stove with bullt-in oven, refrigerator, and many extras, 95 Taun- ton Rd. East. 725-9328 or 728-0123, THREE-ROOM furhished spartment, pri- vate,.entrance, _Apply 284 Chadburn. THREE-ROOM 'apartment with refriger- ator and aby $75 per month. Near town. Telephone 7: OFF MIELEROR -- Duplex 15' ving room, bedroom, kitchen dinette, Refrigerator and stove, drapes. Parking. Adults only. THREE-ROOM apartment, good location Heavy duty stove and refrigerator, TV antenna. Located' at 240-Ritson Rd. South. Apply 214 Arthur Street. FURNISHED thre-room, _ self-contained apartment, private bath, hydro and heat paid. Adults. eager space. Chitral, Telephone 725-04 x 20, and rugs, 026. TWO ROOM, ceaay furnished apart- ment, on third floor, Close to hospital, north General Motors, and downtown, All conveniences paid. 728-7263. THREE-ROOM ete for rent, frig, stve ck dryer. $85. 360 Windsor Ave. 728-5367. Wilson Plaza South, seus. One bedroom apartment. $122 monthly, heat and hydr included. Close bd Pali Genera! Motors. Telephone 723- a ROOM anartment, downtown, sieo tric heating, stove and refrigerator. im- mediate possession. Telephone 728-3546. ONE-BEDROOM basement Near lake. Telephone 728-1169, apartment, RENT 1, 2 and 3 bed- rooms. Immedi- ate occupancy in modern apart- ment -building. Ideal for bache- lors. Families with children welcome. DIAL GET MORE FOR YOUR RENTAL DOLLAR CAVALIER APARTMENTS A lovely place. to live. Modern and convenient, with electric heating. The features of this beautiful building must be seen to be appreciated. FREE TAX! SERVICE BY APPOINTMENT CALL 128-4283 for appointment or see Henry at 340 Marland Ave. Apt. 111 MODERN two-room apartment ee ly furnished, etchor appliance etc, Ideal for two young ladles, 'avaliable We mediately. Telephone 725-2549 or 723-1427, NORTH OF SHOPPING CENTRE -- One | bedroom, unfurnished spartment, eer private bathroom, entrance, Parkl Ideal for cai or @ne person, monthly, 725-6106. CADILLAC NORTH -- Threebedroom, modern brick bungalow, $135. monthly. Guy LeBlanc, Realtor, 623-7461. TWO-BEDROOM apartments, possession baad Telephone 723-6134 er 72> LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment, ene cellent location, wall to wall broadioom stove, 'frig, laundry facilities. Ploese Phone 728-5282. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply 68 Wayne Street, Apartment 9, anytime, Also one for $80 per month, ONE-, TWO- and THREE-bedroom apert- ments In modern building, centrally lo cated, Intercom, id children under 12, Telephone 725-867 CENTRAL -- can beaioam seif-contain- ed apartment, stove and _ refrigerator. Early possession, a as Bole ahood, 728-5123 or 725-8333. richie Two-bedroom spartan, walle to-wal si laundry facilities, drapes,' Blectric, heet Included In rent, 'Telephone 7282387 after p.m. THREE BEDROOM upstairs apartments, modern heated, In new duplex. Close te Oshawa Shopping Centre, avaliable Jane vary 31, apply 574 Cartier Avenue. COMPLETELY furnished bachelor apart+ ment. Suit two ey or girls. Quiet street, Close to hospital and north Gen- ini gen Utilities supplied. $50. mon- Vr 72 723-2347 $$$ $ START THE NEW YEAR By Moving To GRENFELL SQUARE SPECIAL BONUS TO EVERYONE MOVING IN JANUARY heated, $65. mon' ping centre Ba Be Street, 's100 1 penny: } 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows with $2,- - 500. down you can fi own @ 3 bedroom home. East on King to Melrose, south to Applegrove and then 1 block to Oriole St. 370 ADELAIDE ST. E. Looking for something a little different? Take a look at this lovely home which offers' electric heat ond a minimum of malnten- ance, SAVE MONEY UY OR TRADE Direct From ARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS 3 or 4 bedrooms, low down payment, Olive - Ha Open weekends or call for 'ap- pointment, ony time. 723-0575 728-1678 728-1656 DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS An average 300 mililon one of -- throughout the gaily newspapers are sold id on any given weekday. That's bg 'S$ smert Business to ad- vertise In The Times' Classified Section - It's so popular. It's the one place people look for your ad. To get your otter before peed subscriber-readers at tow cost, lust diel 723-3492. OPEN HOUSE 12 Noon until 7 p.m. New NHA Homes Be sure to see these beauti- ful_ bungalows. Ritson Rd. South to Wolfe St. and fol- low Open House Arrows. J.B. McMullan & Co. 723-6461 725-3557 TIMES Classified ACTION ADS for RESULTS Telephone 723-3492 723-3474 Open Monday - Friday Saturday for all other departments 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Telephone 728 pve LARGE one newly decorated, lots of kitchen cupboards, oil heat, cen- pad location, $100 monthly. Phone 725- THREE SEOROON lasiorey: with ga- 'age. Close to. schools and buses, shop- pd Apply 105 Nonquon Rd. GARDEN HOME -- Three bedrooms, rec. room, laundry room, refrigerator, stove ~ ave Children welcome. Telephone CONMIERETAL gate SPACE spertment living cone Treail- er Sales, Simooe Street "North, Telephone 723-9534 or 723-0692. TWO - BEDROOM house avaliable, an beautiful resort ares, low rent, retired couple preferred. Within hour's eeiving distance of Oshawa. Write Box 53561, Oshawa Times. BUNGALOW FOR RENT or sale, Olive Fei Wiison area, Telephone 723-0575. THREE - BEDROOM, six-room house. Central. Bbsiclsaled 7%-S125 mornings, 9-1 p.m. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, plus kitchen and bath, In vicinity of Civic Auditorium; Pointy, security deposit, only $129.00 References. Please tel Fawes" after 6 p.m., Immediate sion. BRICK BUNGALOW, three bedrooms, TV antenna, quiet street near South Gen- eral Motors, school, Shopping lvgdin id ele- ie '% posses- FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM @ Oshawa's Largest For Prestige Living LA CONTESSA APARTMENTS @ Entrance controlled by closed circuit TV @ Free hydro and electrie heat. Seuna Both Swimming Pool Ree Room Fabric Draperies Close to Hed oh id school end churche: VISIT "LA CONTESSA" 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 -- room apartment, three piece bath, private entrance, ery. Breas Ne ig and heat Included. Apply 6 THREE- -- epartment for rent, frigy del pn oe hay $85. 360 Windsor Ave. Phone/7: 7, Wiison Plaza South. THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, pri- vate bath only $85 el For more particulars Telephone 728-5 WHITBY -- second = apartment, three rooms and bath. Immediate pos- session. $110. monthly Includes heat, ee water. Perry. Reel Estate, 723 THREG ROOM and bath heated a ment apartment, stove end refriger atu entrance and parking, Tdehas FURNISHED apartment, bed-sitting roors ane kitchen, ena bath, heat, light end water, garage. Lady preferred. Telephone 723-1055. ONE BEDROOM gad Hed Sa end refrigerator, balcony. and fydre ere In rent. Teachers 725-6155 days 725-4389 evenings. pi one bedroom apartment, stove, refrigerator and Hira Hip decorated no damage deposit, nd Broo Pye ld bird innmediatelye 170 Pe Park Roed FURNISHED two Ground floor suitable 'tr: working or two men or girls. Private 'entrance, and hath, parking. Telephone 725-8352, COMPLETELY furnished three rooms and bath, TV, heavy duty stove. Soft water. Adults only. Telephone 725-3667, 209 Gren- fell , front door please, WHITBY -- Large three bedroom apart- ment, malin floor of duplex, quiet area, children welcome. Telephone Suites @ French Provincia! Kitchens @ Frdoor Parking Available @ Outdoor Guest Parking 1 and 2 Bedroom Furnished Apartments CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT AMBASSADOR @ 1 and 2 bedrooms @ stove @ refrigerator @ dloom in halls @ inter- For Rental Infor please phone 723-5111 380-385 GIBB ST. fous service. phone 723-3366. SIX-ROOM HOUSE for rent, located. Phone 723-7596. TWO BEDROOM house neer north pient, $95. available Febrvary Ist. Write Box 53210, Oshawa Times, EIGHT ROOM house, central. tfedin ad now, could sublet apartment. $130. mon! ly, apply 261 Bloor Street West or iia 1327. centrally ROYALE APARTMENTS com @ F.M. @ Balconies @ $99 and up @ Immediate possession. Close to shopping centre and all schools. 728-4283 Apt. 111 340 Marland 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Available anytime. To view please telephone 728-5282. THREE BEDROOM pene with ga- rage, $120. per month, Oshewa. Responsible couple only, one chi wel- come. Telephone 728-0110. FOR RENT or sale, five room house with garage. Apply 287 Richmond East. 12 ADELAIDE Street East. Four room house, garage. Large a kn ein fo stores, schools and REGENT ARMS Immediate Occupancy One and two bedroom apart- ments, close to Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Adults only. 723-6455, 723-6944 pg lease. $90 Snag wiley youu bsg . Apply 126 for key. Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. SHELDIAN MANSIONS 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. Swimming fool, opposite south GM. Children welcome. Two baths in all two and three bedroom suites. 728-7942 UPPER DUPLEX leated unfurnished. Living room, bedroom, kitchen, private throom. Small room suitable for den. Four large closets. Hospital area. Pow session February |. 723-7500. THREE-ROOM Auroisbed, apartment, prie vate entrance' Apply 284 THREE-ROOM apartment ee ed ator and stove. $75 per month. Near town. Telephone 723-6006. ie HILLCROFT -- Duplex 15' x 20% iving room, -bedroom, kitchen and dinette. Refrigerator and stove, rugs» drapes, Parking. Adults only. 725-3026. THREE-ROOM apartment, good ey Heavy duty stove and HAT oa antenna, Located at 240 Ritson Rd. South. Apply 214 Arthur Street. FURNISHED three-room, iol pgheg apartment, private bath, hydro and heat paid. Adults. eta space. Central. Telephone 725-04 TWO ROOM, easier furnished apart> ment, on third floor. Close to hospital, General Motors, and * aeluatablad All: conveniences paid. 728-728: SUBLET. One bedroom Sara $122 tial heat and hydro included. Close He 0 South General Motors. Telephone 723- FIVE ROOM apartment wit pact Eo Whitby, immediate occupa: roe apply at 417 Byron $ St. ew White THREE ROOM apartment, ground floors $85. monthly, Telephone 723-5618 or ap- ply 503 Albert Street. COMPLETELY furnished apartment su! able for couple or two working orig no children. All wagtiaigctons ch to south G.M. and bus stop. 728-6) Hib liddeiobniag bachelor Samet park ty ry. Large living room with iehigete bedroom, private bath- room. Stevi PRossland area. Bus ser- vice. Possession February 1. 723-7500. FIVE ROOM apartment, heat hydro and Howerd Street jwater Included. Apply 481 | Telephone 725-7577 -- 26--Apart PARTLY PARTLY FU yaserment apar >undas Street 08-6224 226. a FLOOR basement, ' "private, $85 cated. Telephon (W BEAUTIFU! arge thermosta -nreepiece bat available _Imrn THREE-ROOM newly decorate trance, water, ecstainers and Telephone 728-2 FWO-BEDROON vate entrance, 4849. SIMCOE NORT ners, nee itove, priva' Telephone 725-1 UNFURNISHEC three-room spe available Imrr Ladies' Wear | week days. We THREE ROOM ole, Central. Te 2.1 pm. CENTRAL WH keeping ppb, Or room and Two - BEDRO on Digby Aven One child wel 5316. NEWLY FINIS nent, near So two girls prefer ADELAIDE \ apartment in a erator, stove, | 6851. Bile noo newly decorate monthly. Sultab Telephone 723-3 THREE- OR private entran immediate po: FURNISHED ft tral. Telephone p.m. centrally locate preferred. Priv $416, THREE ROOM epartment, he: monthly. imme Orchard View THREE ROOM phone 723-6245. TWO BEDROO 84 Simcoe St. Heat and hot | Simcoe Street ! 998. -- WARM apartment in | equipped with Drapes supplied room. Near ©: Available about 2570. FREE iE RENT - room all conven services, clean 725-9872. NEW APARTM and refrigerator One NEWLY DECO! ment for one East end of cit 728-5567. TWO BEDROOA pipet edt three quiet tri-plex, ¢ Refrigerator, "ste included. Avallé phone 723- 723-4932, BACHELOR Al refrigerator, ul trance, laundry @22 King Street AVAILABLE IA apart room. Heat, hyd dry facilities, | after 5 p.m. AJAX -- ae rt Sar schools 'and | 942-0130. TWO BEDROOA elor apartment, ro, _retrigerator 5325 after 4 p.m THREE and ty heated, Immedi: drive trom Spacious playgr TWO BEDROOA facilities. Apply Road, Whitby. 27--Room ATTI FURNI Available Call betwe 82 PA 72 CLEAN, bright, rooms, central, Telephone 723-17 THREE BEDR¢ men. Self-contal 4 4 pm. TWO single roor to south Gener weekly, Telepho SINGLE furnish venlent to buse 668-4952. LARGE bedsitti Heges. Suit two Whitby 668-5065 FURNISHED b: chen. Suit two ¢ keeping. Near s at door, Teleph FURNISHED h piece bath, pri Wilson Rd. Sou ROOM FOR R Lady preferred. HOUSEKEEPIN and refrigerator Close to Simcoe 725-3756. qerey -- La with kite apes, barking Parking. FORNISHED | middle-aged bu: man. Board op etter 5 p.m. SINGLE ROOM! private $10. Wh ATTRACTIVE kitchen end lau Close to transpe erea, Shift wor' ROOM FOR R rates. Hotel res nightly. Lunches weekly rate if ¢ Simcoe St. N. WANTED -- On fully furnished | ers. Close to So 668-5825 evening: 23 ELGIN STF room for gentle ning Close to rar ae PRIVATE ROOD man. Close to dustries, Telephx FURNISHED ro close to North Brock street es 8 am. to 2.30 723-2050. FURNISHED Ri for gentiermen, Ritson Rad CENTRAL, 23 tegerstor, Salt a above address,