THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, January 6, 1967 15 120--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale CENTRAL "|LOVELY THREE-BEDROOM home in 5,000 SQ. FT. | WENTWORTH 26--Apertments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent ONTARIO ]} |north-west section will trade for five- : PARTLY FURNISHED, three-room For Prestige Living of Floor Space MANOR 24--Stores, Offices, Storage|26--Apartments For Rent | |20--Real Estate for Sale _120--Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER etca Realtor Limited | REAL ESTATE LIMITED 20--Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. day | MUST SELL. $1,500 full down payment on n 668-6226 | this 2-storey brick home on Albert Street, MAIN FLOOR apartment, one bedroom, jonly minutes from Holy Cross or Central " full basement, two. entrances, complete- y private, $85. monthly. Centrally lo 728-7676. lor six-suite modern apartment building. | Apply Box 53029, a Times. basement apartment, shared bath, on ndas Street East, Whitby. Telephone in Downtown | area |Collegiate, Presently being used as 4 Serving Oshawa & District bedrooms. All rooms large but requires Ip Wanted ESS now open in county. Trade well t opportunity. Full h's, Dept, A-310-189%, 1, Henry, Montreal. ED by leading food arn up to $200 per and willing to meet and transportation involved. Write Box d Female nted Fak NE RR dresser has the op- e staff of Modelle ant. | on. Telepnone my own home) for ich ath. Tele- te for Sole Vith 16 Simcoe mS: 723-5281 GEORGIAN DESIGN 1. For a home with character, |. this one fomily 7 room, 2 storey brick, features an elegant cen- tre holl plan, spocious panelled entrance ahd gpen staircase. Gracious 22 ft. living room with natural fireplace. Richly ponelled dining. room. The second floor has two twin size bedrooms and two smaller ones Heated attached «garage. Hot water oi! heating. Situated on 6 lot well shrubbed, hedged ond landscaped. You will be im-) pressed with this home. Call us today to inspect. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL for over 31 years 723-2265 VACANT NOW $16,900.00 Eight year old three bedroom brick bungalow with recre- ation room and asphalt drive situated in 'the North West, only 4 blocks from St. Chris- topher's and Woodcrest Schools. Call-tonite for inspec- tion. ~ SPLIT LEVEL Lovely solid brick home in éx- cellent condition. Three good size bedrooms ond an almost finished recreation room. Nicely landscaped lot on a quiet crescent. OWNER TRANSFERRED Seven room, 2 storey, four bedroom home with attached garage. Good N.W. area. Close to Public School, Early possession. 40 King St. E. ONE LEFT $2,300 down, balance on 1 6%4% N.H.A. mortgage, large new 6-room electrically heated, 2 storey, semi-detach- ed. Move in on N.H.A. ap- proval, choice north end lo- cation. MELROSE STREET $18,900. 3 years old, well decorated bungalow, living room broadloomed. LAKEMOUNT STREET Newly listed, beautifully well kept, 3-bedroom split level, garage, broadioomed large living room, lot well londscap- ed. Must be seen to be ap- preciated, monthly payments only $97! includes taxes, call now for appointment to in- spect. FAREWELL AVE. Lerge 2 storey, 6-room, 3- bedrooms, on double lot, paved drive, sunporch, large 723-2265 or 723-2008 evenings, Schofield: Aker Limited. |some decorating. Full price $12,900. Cal! TRUST | George Twaites for appointment to see at RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR 10 ACRES Beoutiful building site with good woods, small spring fed stream and good pond possi- bilities. This property will cost much more insthe spring. 34 ACRES A good porce! of rolling land with small bush; spring and pond site. Balance of land is excellent stone free crop land in-high state of cultivation. This presents a wonderful opportunity for a purchaser to sell two ten acre lots and have his own 14 acre porcel free, INVESTMENT PROPERTY Put your dollars to work for you in this four-plex, Excel- lent returns and full asking price is only $21,500. laa {residential south-west Whitby. Ideal for NEWLY REMODELLED $300 DOWN, $75 month. Four - bedroom, two-storey, kitchen, dining room, tiving room and bathroom. 25 miles northeast of Oshawa. Large lot. Immediate pos- session, 723-654) $1X-ROOM, two storey house and garage Available now. Bloor East district. Te THREE BEDROOM houke. Fireplace, ovs furnace. West Oshawa. Immediate pos- session. Telephone 723-2573. NINE-ROOM spacious older home off Simcoe Street, for subleting, light housekeeping rooms, boarders or fiat. Low downpayment or rent. Don Stradeski, Realtor. 723-4651. garage and new_ furnace General Motors. Thirty 4. Call Bob Johnston, 725-9365, Real Estate Ltd. near school, 22 years old, $6,000 One NHA mortgage, 6'« per cent. 725-3347. bedroom, ranch style bungalow, gerage, ate possession, Phone 1. SMALLER TYPE spilt level home in $1,000. DOWN. Six-room, iVe-storey with fee! hyc north Central. 725-1423. § Possession. FOUR - ROOM heated professional of Metcalf fice for rent electric heating, full basement, immedi- $95 MONTHLY rents 725-0433 or 725- house, close to Oshawa Shopping Centre Telephone | Third Floor -- both passenger and freight elevator services SEE: ; 41: L, WILSON OSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East Phone 723-3474 WAREHOUSE FOR RENT. 9,000 square Heat, hydro. Loading dock, office Central downtown location 25-8640. Reasonable rent $iX-ROOM HOUSE, north-west section, TWO STORES or offices and two, two down. becroom Call Telephone after six, 725-251! apartment entrally located. PRIVATE SALE -- custom bull! three 25-----Houses for Rent large seven-room separate and public schools. 723-7463, two bedroom ithe discriminating home seeker desiring electrically heated house for lease, cen |the best. Reasonable down payment. Full tra! location, price only $15,700, Call Bill Johnstone, sma. ossession, deal Immedia for able family $90. | | depend- | FEATURES SPACIOUS SUITES AND BALCONIES LARGE WELL EQUIPPED KITCHENS LAUNDRY ond LOCKER ROOMS on EACH FLOOR TWO. ELEVATORS SEPARATE FURNITURE ENTRANCE FENCED IN PLAYGROUND CHILDREN'S PLAYROOM CLOSE TO CHURCHES, SCHOOLS and SHOPPING BUS SERVICE ot YOUR DOOR WITHIN EASY WALKING DISTANCE to GENERAL MOTORS. RENT INCLUDES @ HEAT @ HYDRO @ DRAPES e cated, Telephone 728-76 iN BEAUTIFUL residential ares, three APARTMENTS | 'sisi fas three-piece bath and natural fireplace, " Available immediately 623-540 ULTRA MODERN, one-bedroom apart- ment. Completely private. Garage. Stove, refrigerator includ Lovely residential | area. Ciose to bus, $95 monthiy. Telephone | 725-3411 | Entrance controlled by | closed circuit TV Free hydro ond electri¢ heat Sauna: Bath r three furnished rooms. Suitable couple or single girl, Telephone 7 |TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. Sulle Jable for one or two working girls, Wash- ing facilities, $15 weekly, Telephone 725 Swimming Pool Rec Room pees unfurnished apartment, + parking Private ene heat and hydro supplied, i adits. Avaliable now, 798. THREE-ROOM en orated Fobrie Droperies y a trance, wate absta' Telephon TWO-BEDROOM apartment, porch ate entrance, In Whitby, Telephone 668- 4849 SIMCOE NORTH, corners Stove pr | Telephone | | | Close to shopping, school | and churches, | VISIT "LN CONTESSA" 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481. one block from ir three-room apartment, frig and ate entrance, self-contained, 725-1932 until 6 pur UNFURNISHED self - co |three-room apartment. Centra! lecation, Available immediately. Apply Black's r between 9 am. + 6 p.m, Wednesday, 9 - 12 ned, heated adie: week da THREE ROOMS, suitable for two peo ple. Central, Telephone 728-5125 mornings 9-1 pm. Il. This home has spacious garage, fruit trees, SEE this ag oe fi: Ltd. rooms, storey and a half design, COUNTRY LIVING one today! | 728-1086, Schofield-Aker Ltd. ___|monthly. Telephone 725-755 | " cece Street, six acres of land. The inside $2,500. DOWN OUR ee Ss [DON'T BE 4 rent siave, put your month. HAMPTON -- Four-room house, large STOVE ond | SHELDIAN Seaniha we lahore Gull seine nee ville. needs some finishing ch decor-| 2 year old six room brick bun- | OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE |MAY H git geinny OR BUY |v. ROvRenE, Fearn SOV ca VE ierapipenenan, build cupboards. Telechene | REFRIGERATOR | MANSIONS Or room and board. Parking, TV. Tele ating. Furnace is only three) ~ galow, located on a '65 x Dial 728-4678 Foe e8 Ae eg. only evaen | FOUR-ROOM bungalow on Taunton East,| © PARKING TWO - BEDROOM apartment in triplex, 9:50 years old, Outside is finished in| aluminum siding. Call tonite for 200' lot in on orea of fine homes. Marvelous rec. room Eldon Kerr 723-9178 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL | 728-1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. FORCED SALE to settle estate, lovely oil heated, $65, monthly. Telephone 723. THGEETEDROON house, near shon- THAT'S NOT ALL Digby Avenue, Available January 15, eee Bea | ' ae d welcome, Swimming po south :-GM. Children welcome and 3 bedroom suites an One ch site Sai Please rhone 728- opp all the details. area in basement. oe Pe Bob Johnston 725-9365 Tom Houston area brick three - bedroom bungalow with 7 pee tere Kiny Since Swaine sinltan acineas throom with ty. Ear! -287 recreat m. Asphalt drive and large Ping centre on King Str one-bedroom apart. F,ARM "BUILD IN THE bathri wi vanity Be Frank: Frankfurter 728-5416 Allon Thompson 728-2870 te ital ib lt Asp ath rive 8 Aini8 | Telephone. 728-9530 Two boths in all two ond ment, near South GM, young couple or possession, Call tonight for John Osborne 728-5836 Charles Choytor 668-2291 gtecog call Bill Johnstone, 728-1086. $60, MONTHLY -- 89 Nassau Street. Six $ $ $ three bedroom suites two girls preferred. Telephone 728-5215. alt ae) SPRING" further information. John O'Driscoll 725-8585 | Ralph Schofield 725-5067 | Schofield-Aker Ltd room house, no furnace, Telephone 725 : BANTING AVENUE, 108 -- Three-room . onsiders Jack Hogan 728-1554 | Office Phone 723-5221 COLLEGE PARK area. Four bedrooms, 0332 or 723-9210, after 6 p.m ce} apartment, private bath and entrance, nt or house "I this beoutiful fot In $9,200. FULL PRICE Joe Maga 725-9191 ONS ore ° i two storey home. Extra washroom. Built- FIVE LARGE ROOMS, newly decorate CALL 723-8701 728-7942 available now, Telephone 728-7050 after . on yt " in stove and oven. Bow windows. Owner jois of kitchen cupboard: heat, ce 4 pm $4 8,000. Kedron. Lot size 100 ft. x 150 $1500. DOWN MEMBER CDRED moving, Call 723-4481, Don Stradesk Real: {csi location, $100" monthly. Phone 728 FOR SPECIAL . ADELAIDE WEST -- two-bedroom ; d the builder will build Lorge six room, 2 storey " or 2539 : apartment in apartment buliding. Refrig- RES ft: on uilde ' d MLS. se ~ MONEY-SAVING BONUS ROYALE Bone 7 hey earlier if you so desire. |~ home. This home is very neat We list exclusive on : SUBURBAN HOME. ' acre, three bed- THREE-BEDROOM, 1'%-storey, with ga be > erator, stove, broadioom. Telephone. 725- me. Barn, | and clean and you can have SAC setts ana Tee rooms, garage, close to school. $13,500. rage, Close to schools and buses, shop: APARTMENTS 485 -- Call 723-4651, Don Stradeski Realtor ping. Apply 105 Nonquon Rd ; THREE ROOMS, three piece colored bath, NEARLY NEW IV, Four Years old, 5 room immediate possession at only $90.00 per month. -- LTD. REALTOR 725-484] COLLEGE HILL. New bungalow, deco. GARDEN HOME -- Three bedrooms, rec rated. three bedrooms. Hollywood kitchen, roem twindow, Realtor laundry room, refrigerator, stove Cali 723-4651, Don Stradeski and dryer. Children welcome. Telephone 728-0510 WENTWORTH MANOR newly decorated, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments monthly To Telephone THREE sandran linoleum, $45, Suitable for one or two persons. 723-078 2 view Ey apne g OR FOUR-ROOM apartment, | 'a | | | | Available anytime | brick bungalow with Hollywood ee amet Si 4 tab kitchen, beatiful bathroom with) | OPEN HOUSE | | PRIVATE -- Rent or. sale, seven-room COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE _ plus please telephone 728-5282. private entrance, garage and parking. prick' Junga- ity, 10 ft. living room| | es | brick home, ol! heated, garage. For fur- apartment. living quarters. Cook's Trai 75 WENTWORTH ST : Immediate possession, Telephone 455- 4-pc, bath a heat sae ' i a in "NI 185 ACRES jther information telephone 728-1773 er Sales, Simcoe Sireet North. Telephone be : REGENT ARMS wot s sking $16,- eee ta W racrention toon. Beef farm. Close to town, |SIXTEEN NINE immaculate brick bun- 723-9534 or 723-0692 OFF PARK RD. S FURNISHED iwe-room apartment, cen J oa i | z ¥ : ' a ji im eer cree erie ral. Telephone 125 ings, 9 - rybigp lb lenonaed REAL ESTATE |. Excellent buildings, large barn /28m, San"uaun'sayments call Earle mesic cee. somntonns Oonawa Immediate Occupancy |3'm | Ke Allen 725-7782. Kelth Peters "ee y4 | | | One and two bedroom apart- (WHITBY -- One - bedroom apariment, | mplete in every way 7 ail diliata Carseat as- with steel stanchions, water Ralty Lim-| Telephone 725-948. OWIN halt drive, fenced backyard 1 p.m. until 5 p.m, LIMITED bow! and pool barn, 10 room led. _ TWO - BEDROOM house avaliable, in ments, close to Oshawa Shop centrally located. Couple or two ladies ome irr Bow- 4 " 21,900. A brick house with every ¢on- (CHOICE country property, minutes from beautiful resort area, low rent, retited ping Centre. Adults only, preterred, Private bath. Telephone 668- Priced taonly $21, n venience. Honestly. they're |oshawe, three bedroom, large lot. Close | couple preferred. Within hour's driving START THE 6416 : ' : y y Asking only distance of Oshawa. Write Box 53561, 723-6455, 723-6944 THREE ROOM, 'self-contained, healed centres. All ces. "Asking TOME All modern ecrea t/i-on 'age, double inspection can be arranged by calling tonight. SOUTH EAST: OSHAWA V. Four bedroom home situated on a large lot 50 ft. x 216 ft. with a double private drive, large finished recreation room, 3 MODEL HOMES -- Decorated -- AT PINEWOOD TERRACE 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member of Oshawa and only asking $27,000 with easy terms, Cal! Idso Weirsma 728-5683, TO SETTLE ESTATE We are authorized to offer for immediate cash sale, large 7 room brick. estate house, jfo schools and. shopping. |$12,900. Open to offers. {Crawford 723-1021, Joseph Bosco Realtor | 728-7377. }€LOSE TO shopping centre, three bed }room bungalow. Garage, lot 207 ff. deep |with fruit trees. Priced at $13,900. To seph Bosco Realtor, 728-7177 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- iow down Dath, in payment, Colonial type three-bedroom, $100.00 immaculate Monthly, ; THREE - Contact Joe Oshawa Times BUNGALOW FOR RENT or and Wilson area. Telephone BEDROOM, six-room sale, Olive} 0575. Central. Telephone 728-5125 mornings, 9-1) linspect call Murray Boyle 723-4270, Jo-/P.™ EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, plus kitchen and vicinity of Civic: Auditorium security deposi only References. Please telephone $129.00 NEW YEAR lapartment, heavy duty wiring, $45, monthly. Immediate possession. Apply 22 Orchard View Bivd. @ FOR RENT @ |LARGE one bedroom to hospital. Apply Buckingham ments, 498 Simcoe Street North, ment | THREE ROOM apartment, bath. Phone 723-6245 TWO BEDROOM aparime __ Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. my Apart: Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room . ond Board. Office Hours: wae } Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to' 'ele | 7 p.m. Sat, 'til 3 p.m. Tocated af : - h of RossiandRd. East istrict Real Estate Board ; ES t electrically prvobing ne at seas che pier situated on King St. E. close jomalon atlached "garage? Ve acre 728-6475 after 6 p.m., Immediate posses: | GR ENFELL LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION [84 Simcoe St. North, Private entrance, vith furnizice age. Please phi for snake on Wilson Rd. N. to Ritson Rd. Excellent terms. | | closed yard. Close to Shopping Centre. Sion. | 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 pe mgd hot water included. Apply. 62 L. a formation. SCENIC 10 ACRE PARCELS Tremendous future commer. easement apartment. Vendor will hold BRICK BUNGALOW, three bedrooms,| SQUARE reo | STCeD: BIFGOT NOT Ow taxes. M Kendal Hills. $5,000 -- w first mortgage on your terms. Call H./|TV antenna, quiet street near South Gen CENTRAL, FOUR-ROOM unfurnished HEATED upstairs three roam apartment, |N.H.A. -- 634% Mortgages in Kendo 5 ' cial possibilities. Asking onl Keith Ltd., Realtor, 725-4841. Aotors, school, Shopping Plaza and apartment, self-contained, $95 ly. | Privat t ; erms, $19,500 | gag ng only eral Motors, school, Shopping pai , $95, monthly. ate bath. Apply 1389 King Street ' $1,500 down. $16,900 or best offer. Easy |€OURTICE -- three-bedroom brick bun- dUS service. Immediate possession. Tele SPECIAL BONUS TO Immediate pessession. Telephone 723- East. Telephone 263-8835. : , osm $98. -- WARM and cory one ES home, 2 nsider $%,- VI. for this Colonial style brick! bungalow in a choice section of Whitby. Features 3 bright airy bedrooms, a luxurious recreation Built by Kassinger 24 ACRES AT NEWCASTLE. 8-room home. Large hen house with room for 3,000 hens, pig barn. Will trade for terms can be arranged. Call Doug Carmichoel, 723-7463. ___. $2,000 DO! # é 'ow in Orono, $15,800. Jack Ricard Lid., THREE-BEDROOM house, galow with garage and carport. Try Phone 723-3366. $3,000 down. Jack Ricard Ltd., Realtor, TWO-BEDROOM house on Annis Street Oil heated. Telephone 728-8139 evenings! 623-2503. i Realtor, 623-2503. WN -- brand new brick bunga- after 9 o'clock economical | to heat, at 112 Thickson's Road North, } EVERYONE MOVING IN. JANUARY FREE MODERN THREE-ROOM _apartment,|apartment in modern buliding. nerraen private bath and entrance. Bus stop at equipped with refrigerator and stove, door. Stove and refrigerator. Parking. | Drapes supplied in living room and bed- Adults, $75. monthly. Telephone 725-6473. room. Near Oshawa Centre, ing TWO-BEDROOM Aci about Fev, 2ist. Adults, 72% apartment in small 'oom . x 12 ft. finished in For full particulars call LOT a a ts eee eae oe suis Oshawa bungalow, $28,000. | / ! BEFORE BUYING or selling any prop-|Rent $115. Call after 5 p.m., 725-6007. | TWO'BEDROOM apartment In smal me te a Price" rom, sel "Sp 'rd : theta | erty, consult Clare McCullough. Free six-ROOM HOUSE for rent, centrally| free washing and 'parking. Available FREE RENT -- one month. One bed jille, niceby room, spotless kitchen ai : ks 728-5205 | estimates, W. Frank Real Estate. 723 iocated. Phone 723-7596. @ HEALTH CLUB February 1. One child welcame, $110.|room all conveniences, Blectrte heat, free Irwin Cruikshonks 728- 93 ACRE DAIRY FARM near estimates, W. Frank Real Es ted. Phone. 7257996 Dink ea monthly." 728-6808 services, clean quiet building. Telephone 723" . Price $5, sparkling bathroom. This exclu-| sive hore sits pretty as a pic-| Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Port - Perry, 7-room home, Real Estate Ltd. |HOUSE and 10 acres on Thickson's '26--Apartments for Rent ROOM FOUR-ROOM apartment, stove and frig, |private bathroom, centrally located. NEW APARTMENT, four rooms, stove ohnston 728-1066 i A t amongst landscaped! Bill J large dairy barn; corner pro- Road. $5,500 down. Telephone 773-6053, |------------ ' ARTM ase Call: phy flowering crab tree ond Mel Dale 623-5638 perty. Excellent soil, spring. epee PEAS En Maa ' | ANenenie "Now. Demy Jt Sales. Sper RUS MEL ial OP gel Res fan ars' 623-3614 im tree. Call us tonight Maible Boudreau 728-2233 $40,000 -- Terms. 728-7576 |20a--Summer Properties WHITBY -- Livingroom, 'kitchen, bed- Breck. Street' Bast of telephone 7286019 985-7264 y : J Ed Drumm 725-9345 : For Sale or Rent | HF ' |Feom and bath. Pleasant modern epart-|trom 8 a.m. to 2.30 p.m., evenings after 623-7159 STONE TRIM Marg Hall 723-1358 Oshawa's Largest ment wiih private onioanes. ; Reasonsble | (71s 305) rr is . ri 4 Paar ciatai te Bi Pee ae Laan RNR LG an nna a . . . non a = eee IEE aS hany 30r2 Irene Brown 725-3867 CALL 623-3393 limmediate Possession Suites |THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, (195, MONTHLY, bachelor apartment come Vil. Located in the south east! George Twaites 723-2008 PIGEON near French Provincial vary cory and central, heated, Private Telephone 728-7080 efter $30 oo EULALIE, La Salle -- Three room | 392-396474 349-2669 Rd hh LAR NTEGRITY this 3 bedroom bungalow fea- tures « Hollywood kitchen, built in stove, ample cupboord spoce.| House also features a recreation) room with a patio at the rear of house. Close to schools, Carries for low monthly payment. Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Member of the O.D.R.E.B, WE LIST & SELL M.L.S. AFTER 9 P.M. Clare McCullough 723-7843 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Andy Keys 728-0196 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Close to shopping; three year old brick bungalow with Holly- wood kitchen, built-in stove and oven and a finished room in bosement. Asking price only $18,500. PETERBOROUGH | | JANUARY SPECIALS Outstanding Values APARTMENTS FOR Kitchens Indoor Parking Available Outdoor Guest Parking THREE ROOMS, bright apartment, un-/ hurnitiae, " artuate trates heated,;ment in apartment buliding. Adults $8$ newly decorated. Centre Street. Phone, monthly. Available February 1. Telephone 725-2539 ible tee ONE-BEDROOM apartment, with stove WHITBY: two bedroom apartment in and frig, private bath and entrance, |PIEX: very modern. Range, fridge and Telephone 723-6321 balcony. Close to shopping cenrre, Adults Preterred. Telephone 668-5264. ONE-BEDROOM, IN BOWMANVILLE for rent two bed self-contained apart- K EN 2| Pat Yeo 623-3077 "a INTERESTED IN MAKING | MORTGAGES ARRANGED | | Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 Food Market & Home COTTAGE and 1 and 2 ment. Refrigerator and stove. King-Wl-| doy heated. apartment. 90" Queen St, ; H Ae immediat ion, Child AN INVESTMENT? | 360 King. St. West, Oshawa Howard Forder, Neighborhood store with 7 Bed SGUNRBGIL Grand" Tear aoaniniet [nlense, che Tan sual om ven COME \ NT ee eC ee prepilin 655-3853 room home attached. Two LOT eqroom jvicinity of Wilson and King. Heated, $85. | Five ROOM apartment, hyd vie 1 VII. This brick building con- pera pecten 985-2987 storey brick building with 4- | Furnished Apartments nny, eee ee eee water included, Apply 481 Howard Street mm thie Whi tains two three room apart- doses = bedrooms. Large garage ond LOW os $100 DOWN -- | Lele thees rout sulle svalighe. larusry | vam em eoe Well Nitee ments and one two room apart- Paved Grivel store: @quip- BALANCE LOW MONTHLY | For Rental Information |15. Working couple preferred, private en- toh id gb eh de ana ptiodd A a i tla ment with a return of $245.00 ment included in one price. | PAYMENTS Rabie daa ae an e - please phone trance, Brock Street West, Telephone 728- FS" eng of city. $85. month. yolasne [on pen pee month. A. pops (avert | J B McMullan Inspect this money maker now | MARCH 1967" ig id ; ees: is i a for the right person. Full price REAL ESTATE LTD . 2 by calling Anthony Siblock at | : di 723-5] ] ] TWO, FIVE ROOM apariments, reirig-/rwo BEDROOM apartment In apartment ty wiih Gee is $18,900, with a reasonable : 728-7576. | Practical for Year Round Liv- rooms. mme ig $85, monthly, Apply 300 High Street, Apt. Daves parklage Welephone, Fesdlar ) ossibilities in down nove ond Nee for the 155 Simcoe St. S. and Company | ing, Excellent Roads Snow 380-385 GIBB ST. pa Seas Mypas eSiduaia after an in Ses is apartment, prive ath. : ere rd pean: RAN: Ne er Ploughed, Hydro, Tele _. Four miles_ north of, oeheaa, Suitable Ladd SE Re ar aniion >, Call 728- spection. 2 STOREY HOME 723-8144 Real Estate Broker 323 King St. West 725-3557 $1,654. phone, Grocery and Mail De- livery -- Near Good Shopping Areas and Bus Service, Low ate occupancy | | | in modern apart- | GET MORE | for adults, Telephone 263-6835. i __|1247 Dundas Street East, Whitby, tele ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments In|phone 728-7680 or 668-2722 new apartment building. Electric heat. a = -- ae Large balcony, stove with buillsin oven, | Sint anda piece batten, so wenicnane Z ;: LOOK----ONLY $13,900.00 DOWN Taxes, Good Neighbours liv- ) 4 bedroom IX, This nicely HeCOIOred SIX) For this 3 bedroom brick TRIPLEX -- INCOME ing Year Round. o1 Ae FOR YOUR jrerclaeraler, ras ele OP Ma or business couple. No children, 310 Rich- pig price room brick age Pr ot viii semi-detached bungalow in 6 old. trlbk Ghee | ment Ul in qikie ROOM ae _.|mond St, E., telephone 728-8792 is away latest listings loors down-| 1 dition. Carries yeor Tple® Colne Activities All Year -- Ski- g. apartment, self-contained MODERN three bedroom apartments replacement stairs and maple flooring up-| ge eeh00 ronthiy ine with stoves, fridges, washer Pcl QUALITY BUILT Tow nearby, Skating, Good | RENTAL DOLLAR. | heat inctuded. Apply 529 Drew Street.) quiet tri-plex, close te Shapaiia Canive i is priced for} ., : and dryer and T.V. tower. bedroom brick bungalows F | THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, pri- Refrigerator, stove, drapes and broadioom you will be stairs Tole home Me $4 SOO ing taxes, Rec. room with Sided in. Merk bait oad ishing, Boating, etc. | Ca or ac e- vate entrance. Apply 284 Chadburn neiuded, Available immediately, Tele Pesdidinds a quick sale at only 9YY. | bar, 4th bedroom in the base- ia Gnmuediate sondiden: Call N.H.A. FINANCING IMMEDIATE POSSESSION | THREE-ROOM apartment with retriger-/PMO"e./234952 phi RANCH BUNGALOW-- ade ang sg Piette for tall detaile now: on quiet court near $4,995--Cottage Partly' In- 0 r S ami ies €AVALIER Phe s 2, per month. Near town. OR APARTABN pe and ; throughout. Make it a point Oshawa Shopping Centre sulated with Lot sur- | . - laundry facilities, parking Appl ' . | > ; y ities, . y pretend LOW TAXES to see this one today. Please BUNGALOW WITH veyed 75 ft. x 200 ft,, ; Cee RO eet econ ond |ez2_King. Street East dinelte. Refrigerator and stove, rugs, AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY -- Two | worth your Call 728- ask for Tina DelGobbo. CARPORT Priced from $17,950 3 Bedrooms, Living Room, Kitchen, Bath- with children APARTMENTS bedroom apartment. Separate dining drapes. Parking. Adults only. 725-3026. | Heat, hydro supplied. Use of laun- room X. Ranch house between Osh-| a TTENTION VETERANS This well kept 5 room bung- : | |THREE-ROOM apartment, good location : ne oe ian owa and de api i to! One and %4 acres, well treed, alow just 2 years old is situat- | full price E Tolle ey dosige | |Heavy duty stove and refrigerator, TV\[it.,'a nyc Residential: area. 728-6511 ay Ancens a| With @ nice three 'vedroom: | ed In on exclusive crea, Com | nae weicome A lovely place to live, Modern |Appiy'tia arttur Street. (AJAX -- Large ones and twobedroom' 3 bedroom all schools aa fete et 1% storey home, garage and plete with built in stove and | $5,995--Cottage Insulated = dad eunventent. wath: electric il ses apartments, in- apartment. building, close Woverley Originel design with cathedral! workshop, Small stream ot | oven, fully soaded and fenc- | JC)SEPH BOSCO | with Waterfront Lot On EO eerie RUMMISHED, | Kresoz anton nei|fo schools end sopping Telephone Alex f King just ceiling and attractive cortege. rear. Taxes only $211.78. ed. Phone tonight for an ap- | surveyed 75 ft. x 200 becuintil building must be |Baid. Adults. Parking space. Cntral 942-0130 : he Oshawa Hollywood kitchen and colour-| ¢chool and transportation pointment to inspect. REALTOR | ft., 3 Bedrooms, Liv- i 9 Telephone 725-0492 TWO BEDROOM, $129-119 monthly. Bach+ af fintur in tiled bathreom. | 7 ; seen to be appreciated. : a elor apartment, "$80, monthly. Heat, hyd- entre. Fully ed fixtures . idl within walking distance. To RADE YOU OME? 72 77 | ing Room, Kitchen, {Two ROOM, olin furnis ed apart Foo Mgifiaeeslnns Slovan becadleam: ee Prices start This brick home, 5 years old, | inspect call Shirley Moskal, ue OUR H : 8-73 } Bathroom, Wired, In- FREE TAXI SERVICE BY Inorth. eee eet a ed dauntour |e otter. 4 bem . Call 728- in excellent condition, recently | We avill accept your present | side Toilet, Kitchen APPOINTMENT JAll conveniences paid. 728-7283 THREE and two bedroom apartments redecorated and with 612 0 | SHOPPING CENTRE AREA home in trade on any of our se Cupboards, Tile Floors, 723-2347 THREE-ROOM apariment for rent, frig, Noted, Immediate possession, 15 minute mortgage is really on oppor-) Full Price $9,000.00 for this new homes situated in North | etc. |Istve and. dryer..$85, 360 Windsor Ave, |\2"ive from Oshawa, children' welcome, 7 Spacious. playground. Telephone 623-2488. tunity for only $18,900. Call us) 3 bedreom home. 3 pc. bath Oshawa or on Trafalgar Ave. | ;: ' CALL ron 7aeeaper «NI ROn Tass SO vate = inf tion led livi G } ' i > DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED ------ THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, pri.) A, OFRE to share targe furnished house room bung for more informatio panelled living room. Garage. This is your opportunity to f | --~ SAVE ---ORDER NOW | cepeul p a z Pri-|with five other girls. Close to hospital. baseman: o E Hurry to inspect. Call Helen move into that new home | ' | , 8-4 vate: Bali bnly, Sai ot ily. For more! Own bedroom. 725-9557 after 5 p.m e. Panelled EXECUTIVE TYP Bryont. now. 72 Melrose Street, south off | May. be seen by } OSHAWA S RiGee On Gea a nat feninecaioe eielbes King Street East, just west of | SPECIAL APPOINTMENT ONLY thiv, he "Close » available February in s , monthly, heat and hydr included. Close i suaraned HOME BASEMENT: APARTMENT! Open 9 am. to 9 p.m. Rica: Nurserlas Time. 1 -- ANY DAY by PHONING FINEST for appointment fo South General Motors, Telephone 723 Laundry and' storege hal Asking $16,500.00, 3 bed- After Hours Call p.m, until 5:30 p.m, -- Sat- or WRITING , APARTMENTS 9919 ae ek a) or see Henry ot FIVE-ROOM apartment, downtown, elec ee apre ne eevee ear aan Extra ce. ; : XI. This charming home is built; room brick bungalow, really a Ven. d : ; t urday, Jonuary 7th, fe by one of Oshawa's finest build-| meat as a pin. Let the apart- Frank Smith 723-3533 : = tric heating, stove and refrigerator. Im: Whitby, imm ae iH) ioe oh. Two fireplaces, recreation} ment help you to buy your Sharleen Tutak 263-2275 Must be sold 1! 1! | OMES INDOOR 340 ys, Ave. mediate, possession. Telephone 728-3546 welcome, apply at 417 Byron st No Wwhit or balance room large enough for any type) home. To see call Pauline Sol Hyman 725-8854 HEATED Apt. CURRED RDO Doerner Perron | ahs eas -onsider a Rarehicdeck |" Beal iMarold Seool 725-1722 M E TC A b F and POOL Ne THREE ROOM aparimeni, ground floors Please call oF entertaining: es oes 7 MODERN two-room apartment complete. S85. monthly. Telephone 723-8618 or ap- cround front and sides of home! Pe Ken Hann 723-7963 REAL ESTATE LTD. COTTAGES LIMITED ly furnished, kitchen appliances, etc. ply 503 Albert Street NORTH-WEST AREA Dick Barriage 725-6243 rr 7 Ideal for two young ladies. Available im- | COMPLETELY furnished apartment suite OD. ingalow. s living that leads into the living room,| study and master bedroom. | Walkout basement and many; more features too numerous to| mention, Your inspection in-| vited. | Call 723-5281 for full par- ticulars, Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. After hours call: $19,900.00 Full price. Just listed. 8 year old . spotless 3 bedroom brick bungalow, paved drive, landscaped with many extras. Carries for only $111.00 monthly, principal, interest, taxes. 6% N.H.A, Mortgage. Try an offer to- day. Please ask for Dolores Ross. Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 Les Holl 728-5513 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 QUIET SELECT DISTRICT IN OSHAWA Features large 3 & 4 bed- 40 King St. East 728-4678 SAVE $3,000 LUXURY HOME Brand new 4 bedroom, 2,400 square feet, 2 car garage, | P.O. BOX 222 COBOURG, ONT. TELEPHONE COBOURG 372-9494 URGENTLY REQUIRED Select city, home and rural property for cash buyers. 23--Real Estate Wanted _ COMFORT CONDITIONED Double windows for noise} and draft control thermo- stat in each suite. | | cman eeu lea ee OPEN 2-9 _P.M. DAILY. SAT. and SUN. 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. | VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT AMBASSADOR @ 1 and 2 bedrooms @ mediately. Telephone 725-2549 or 723-1427 NORTH OF SHOPPING CENTRE -- One bedroom, unfurnished apartment, heated private bathroom, entrance. Parking Ideal for couple or one person, $85 monihly. 725-8106. CADILLAC NORTH -- Three-bedroom modern brick bungalow, $135. monthly. vice, Possession February 1. 723-7500. Guy LeBlanc, Realtor, 623-7461 UPPER' DUPLEX heated unfurnished, TWO-SEDROOM apartments, possession Living room, bedroom, kitchen, private Immediately. Telephone 723-6134 or 723. bathroom. Smal! room suitable for den, 9358 Four large closets. Hospital. area. Pos- - ~ ---- | sess pr 1 Teer LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment, ex. "°210" February 1 bu at z cellent location, wall to wall broadioom, THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, pri able for no children. south G.M couple or two working girls, All conveniences, close to and bus stop. 728-6740 FURNISHED bachelor basement apart ment, warm, Large tiving room with kitchenette, bedroom, private bath: oom. Stevenson-Rossland area. Bus ser- d dry ep sav- Jean Peacock 725-4330 OPEN 9 AM. 169 P.M. room homes with 2. bath- natural stone fireplace. Ex- 0 f eatin Set ate 528.2634 MEMBER OF O.D.RE.B. rooms, attached garage, elec- tra targe ened Foy) DON STRADESKI Oshawa's largest apartment SA tea iniees stove, frig, laundry facilities. Please vate entrance. Apply 284 Chadourn _ocated Leon Monitius 728-2754\_ tric 'heat. The teenagers will wall to wall broadloom. Stone - Poin hodlath building offers the best fea- a we RA 8 Balenciee ps ase ere THREE-ROOM partment with 3 ; 1 F e or and stove ronth. N 3 King Street West tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6° x @ $99 and up @ Immediate | four-room apartment 'on second floor. All Telephone 723-6006 re. Ask s 725- JE 728-5581) 728-0208 | 728-4731 | 576-2345| 668-5313] 723-3454 725-3710} Steve Englert Ernest Mueller El. Ann Thompson Walter Mittler Marilyn Fitzgerald Roy Flintoff Evelyn Cassel "SAVE MONEY BUY OR TRADE Direct From love the walk-out 20' family room. As for the rest, we think you should see it. Phone to-day and have one of our sales staff take you through. CAR WASH front, large ravine lot. Will accept your home as down payment. One mortgage for balance. Immediate posses- 723-6541 This |COUNTRY ATMOSPHE lovely 723-465 LISTINGS WANTED NOW SIBBY'S 18' Balconies, 20' x 18' com- bination Living and Dining Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 2 Olde English Decor Lobbies. Bus stop at door, Model. suite Broadioom by' ANGUS GRAY- DON, Furniture by WILSON'S possession Close to shopping centre and all schools 728-4283 Apt. 11] facilities paid. 725-8608. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply 68 | Wayne Streef, Apartment 9 anytime. dinette. Also one for $80 per month drapes |ONE-, TWO- and THREE-bedroom apart: THREE-ROOM apartr ments in modern building, centrally lo- Heavy duty stove 4 cated, intercom. No children under 12. antenna, Located at 240 Ritson Telephone 725-8876. Apply 214 Arthur Stree erator, Rd, South. 'self-contained 1rooms, ; Leonard Bissell 725-2070) MA A NN A : | a nau ---- Judi Knocker | RI Excellent buy and good in- | peing reriad' Or, pe ene. Bice. Real Estate Ltd. FURNITURE. SUBLET. Twobedroom apartment, $145 FURNISHED three-robm, | | d fe i 4. First "apartme r 7 2 7,200 (O'Donnell) 723-8771| DEVELOPMENTS ht eleva algae Fo sa gh pa ae ge 728-7576 PRINCESS 340 Marland month cent free. 'Telephone 668-2539," paid. A nd. Baca. Central, 4 : A te ike his own business. Inquire | Parling Kitchen w wilt-in stove andj sath tle Shatin e e ( $$$ - Telepho id easy Italo Bortolussi 723-6329) y loven, 3 charming bedrooms. Asking $19,- Ee TCE CENTRAL -- one-bedroom, self-contain ES 01 r 728-4241 % ) today: | itt t 1 + |HAVE CLIENT with all cash wishing to + 4 ap A: Sh and refrigerator. TWO ROOM furnl George Nymeye 2 3 or 4 bedrooms, low down 000.00 with excellent terms to right buyer. | DRO Shain an tl wwostorey home ANNE Advertise Your Vacancy oo seatnente | tee ace oe ioe ator ? " y furnished apart ppleby, lorth Llyed Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183) GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, Realtors, 16 Simece St, $. payment, Olive - Harmony. Open weekends or call for ap- pointment, any time. 723-0575 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LTD, 515 Brock S., Whitby 668-5853 Oshowe 723-0085. For further information call Hall, 723-1388, Schofield-Aker Limited. Margaret -|Wilson Road area between King and Adelaide, Simcoe and Please call 728-5103 PRIVATE, $12,900. Three-bedroom brick,/W, 0. Martin Realtor. |two-storey, full basement, new oi! fur | nace, large kitchen. tion. Low down payment, low monthly } iso | payments, s bu small yer, Carl Olsen, Realtor, 723-1133, oe v ey | Immediate posses: HOMES WANTED ~-- Two-storey home, ' | bungalow wanted for cash/ THOUSANDS read Times Action Class! APARTMENTS 1221 Simcoe St. N., 725-9934 'fied ads dally, in the Times Classified. Section... watch roomers come running! Phone 723-3492 ahood, 728-5123 or 725: SUBLET. T SUBLET, C t month edroom apartment to-wall broadicom, sfove, _ refrigerata laundry facilities, drapes. Electric hea |Included in rent, Telephone 728-2387 after to South Ge 16 p.m, |99i9,