ing the specific threats of phy-{ Judge Gerard Laganiere sug- sical violence. He said the ac-|gested to Brosecutor Gabriel cused and the other 17-year-old|Houde that extortion might not) were present during the calls.|be the appropriate charge. The other 17-year-old corrob-| Mr. Houde said he probably | 12 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Jenucry 6,:1967 | | Plot To Obtain Exam Papers Quebec Move Outlaws Uncovered In Montreal Whitby District Family Y.M.C.A. Are Conducting Their After New Year's | not agree to hand over copies lei three youths to obtain advancejof the forthcoming exams. ate ong Psy ragga ae a tae ---- be 3 copies of pre-Christmas exams| Two 17-year-old students of ad +f | articipant. complaint of 'threats ougil lg TOW under threats of violence was|the school, who were detained i " d described Wednesday at the|by police along with Nolet, tes- F; : , : gis a A ;_|preliminary hearing of Yves/tified with the protection of the ' | SAT., JAN. 7th TOF fy MONTREAL (CP)--Fears of/bill, designed to assure suitable|cashing in on the fair, termi-\nojiet ig, court. UAW TEEN DANCE There will be a Door-to-Door Collection ett) unscrupulous gouging of visitors|lodging at reasonable rates for|nating leases and renewing) Nolet, a resident of suburban| -One of them admitted mak- i ete | PI h Your Bottles Ready -- Quotat during the Montreal world's|the 30,000,000 visitors expected|them only on a monthly and); .. 4) and a student at the In-| " ---- Tease hove 00 A.M ee fair this year have prompted|at the fair. The bill is expected|even weekly basis. lstitut Alle, a Montreal commer-| | Drive Starts at 9:00 A.M. from Pi the Quebec government and /jto become law later this month! Toward the end of 1966 apart-| cial school, appeared in court! IZZA a = Expo 67 authorities to take pre-jand will remain in force until| ment rents in areas from which|on a charge of extortion. | 6 : Th ventive action on accommoda- me ae wag ie oa the fair site : apo 4 oe Andre Lourin, 19, who was Phone 723-024) || 6 O ly Y.M.C.A ck tion rates. ready, it m v ad /rose noticeably an e only loyed n the office of th : eget : .M.C.A. Pade ans oe Saeco eranaion vex The apeon chon texted tat mie wr ranaiea | pri ngage 28 te introduced the comprehensive|pa 0! e city where land-|of Expo, 7 t 7 | CG Expo 67 Lodging Price Control'lords were looking forward ae eee leallors: warned im: they sould EPI'S SATURDAY, WINTER CENTENNI AL sea! . The price control bill provides|re@k both his legs" if he did | JANUARY 7th Ang Ru Policy Changes Foreseen el penaltes for hoteliers and| ie 0 Icy g landlords who try to fleece visi-| 5 2 i | P GRAM Arcadle . ® tors and makes special judges |@ Ukranian Christmas | 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. ere For Ontario Milk Producers --_[svaisbe win pover to Mss 3 | Pa summonses to compel allege TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's| --Beginning a data process- offenders to appear before them | RADIO PROGRAM | Members 25¢ {. EFFECTIVE SPEAKING COURSE Hy milk producers can expect sev-| ing system so the board can |forthwith." It forbids injunc-|2 Non-Members 50c Belcher eral changes in the Ontario f: fter it ts tive proceedings that could . 7 8 : Learn in a friendly, relaxed group, how to combat fear, tension Black B Milk Marketing Board's policies| P8Y farmers after it accepts |araw out an appeal until after ¢ Fri., Jan. 6 from 7 to 8 p.m. BOYS OF che vlan was Viies We Oe ts hon Brot during 1967, George McLaugh-| the milk and markets it. | Expo. : NO JEANS FOR pleasantly and confidently, : circled lin, board chairman, said Wed-) --Licensing farmers to help | The new Jaw formally will Sat., Jan. 7 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m, cam aeaey ites ek ta the ie aga Retertostion [recognize the creation 7 an| p TOPICS ARE: ° ' ca amo Speaking to the board's on production and cow distri- jagency, known as the Provin-| Speech P. tion --~ Speech Presentation -- Speech Tech- Camp anniial meeting, Mr. McLaugh-| bution. lelal Lodging Service for Expo! Radio Station CKLB Oshawa NOW SHOWING H aus cas Oromishia Meatnos -- Special Occasion Speeches % oe lin outlined major changes the) Effective Feb. 1, the fee col-|67. Its functions are to make a) - | ----- and Personality Development, C Farac board hopes to inaugurate. lected by the board will be/survey of all accommodation! 13:50 on the dial } Pg Farmers in southern Ontario|raised to 8% cents from 6!%|\available in the Montreal area, |¢ 8 WEEK COURSE -- Cdn Nis who ship bottling milk to dairies|cents a hundredweight for bot-\to set maximum rates, and to|\ "~~~™ Condore k will begin pooling milk June 1./tled milk producers and to 6!4|co-operate with Expo in making 7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. pets This will mean eliminating in-| cents from 314 cents for produc-|available the greatest possible | i Chib M equalities of payments ers who ship to plants making number of lodgings at suitable _---- TEENAGERS --- = At: E. A. Fairman School -- Whitby pale be A new policy for roger oe products. cost. C Bellet quotas to supply milk to dair- Price is only $15.00 for the course & Halll jes, for abating eed for T Pr « : pres new producers and transferring , C Mosh quotas is planned. ae COUNTRY & WESTERN 2, BABYSITTING COURSE Con Nic Other changes ca or: : : cnan --Setting up a centre to test | Music ae gag at the L u E + Wink Ca «. - = = | EEN'S HOTE = --Extending the price pool | QU L TH E NEW Craigmt areas of Nipissing, Sudbury | I 7:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Stavat and Manitoulin to cover other | SIMCOE ST. N. Deer ss -- sae FEATURING OLPHIN ODE h At: E.A. Fairman School -- Whitby Bein Pi --Introducing qu y Denison a oe | Floyd Lloyd A DANCE HALL 39 KING ST, EOST PHONE 725-5833 |1 3, FAMILY SWIM ome" AND THE & A COFFEE HOUSE en ere Prt ol Every Sunday -- Starts Sun. Jan. 8th East Su M aad A NOTE Frobex Sect Rejects TOWN & COUNTRY ALL-STARS For The New Breed of '67 eee At the Oshawa Boys' Club -- 3 to 4 P.M. Sot Mas Z Glenn € '67 Festivity OPEN FRIDAY, JAN. 13th SPECIAL LIVE STAGE ATTRACTION lcs didieiaitied <0 Mis os stadt L | Grand ue: CLINTON, Ont. (CP) -- A | WITH THe FASULOUS THIS SATURDAY AT 12:30 668-6868 or 668-4375 Granisie member of the Jehovah's wit q we a i iL & Heagv ay Canada's centenniat celsbra- | ee ee ih tions with the st: worship of | 4 ae Pr Huds B: Nast Germany. | Nonquon Road - North Oshawa THE NOMADES HAS Ie Bs bbB pr ip ng nf -- and | e é Jaye mem e sect, said: | : : uy a "aanhere a Gia' daneren'é $1.25 Single... .$2.00 Couples NO.FURY ADULT i sale: Witnesses were persecuted in THIS WEEK | wy" LIKE sian : Kerri Germany for not bowing down AND | AR A OO Ok Ok Ok KO mae " K shac to Hitler, and this is a similar LITT LE CAESAR THE CONSULS ae THE FURY Kid bp a "ating." icine Admission: 75¢ Non-Members . . . 50c Members i x ba. tas ba a i. = Cinemas ane set O.C.V.1. AUDITORIUM SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL ai OFA tae \ day, the fist of 's numer o> SAT., JAN. 7th-at 8:30 p.m. PRESENTS THE... ie WOMAN'S Patt inter - faith centennial celebra- Dress: -- Shirt & Tie -- No Blue Jeans . . Be Mert tgn| tions planned by the commun- ae Mele Sart McNay the Jehovah ' hee arl McNally ,the Jehovah's Nicneta Witnesses presiding minister, a * Nit Wrig said members of the sect are THE LIQUIDATOR GOES TH EY RE BACK 16 Peeten not taking part in centennial ei * i thew ts peerygragein os ood we yg FROM ONE HOT-BED OF * A east look to any nation or man for 4 impr iavation® INTRIGUE TO ANOTHER! REVUE YB ARD F& B To attend the pot luck dinner : ir ag ig -- of na- STARRING : ee Te onalism, he said. Norbask: : JIMMY PARI COLUMBIA PICTURE: -- wer cgnegian & [ Presents Norton NOW UNDER NEW oe GLENN FORD i Nerves MANAGEMENT erate Vere, The Enchanters * 1 Noah THE REVA JORDAN Direct from New York t STELLA STEVENS nN Renk ROYAL HOTEL A show thot Nobody Should Mist Coe car bao (THE DELFIRES) : Sata i fe) Osisko WHITBY ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY ROCK & ROLL ae oe ce . Pay Saturday Matinee -- 4 to 6 P.M. i ae a ie Pik 'cr LOUNGE & DINING OUR FRENCH BUFFET IS ON DAILY >. Pie 12 - 2:30 and 5-9 p.m.-- SUNDAY 5 to 8 p.m. : * QM feeturing . . . ' Banquets eo Wiis Parties -- For Information ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY & SAT. AFTERNOON *« Py | Steuer RON CAREY FEATURE AT: Phone Whitby 668-3386 ie . Rediore et the Honky Tonk Pie CENTRE 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:38 or- } Rio Alg Nightly sod Sch, Matlane" pars 7:40 - 9:45 THE GENOSHA HOTEL x ATE THE DAY THEY ROBBED . Satelite err ggg DRIVE-IN [ LG THE TOWER OF [ONDON - eh 'Eur * SATURDAY « THEATRE PIII III III AAAI AI IIIA AAAI. ; y si "Sien | Souvies Unly ¥ 1 § Stenrck, ALL COLOR SHOW Vaan ol BOBBY MINNS = . to | ND Mi ging TWO BIG HITS Tew AND Hi ex. ' Celebrated Band | W L Ww Tribea. Reservations 723-2143 | Un ken n I | 725-1348 | . : Urban 96 New, Legion Auditorium wet" 0b, ' (Simcoe South at Mill) iltey Windfall ea peng ein ach J Friday, Jan. 6th eos 5 p.m, to { 1:30 p.m. uken ¢ gg -- (Doors open at 8:30 p.m.) Presents RIOTOUS % FRIDAY + l Atria + «+ SAE air en Jack Lemmon ROLLICKING Amines | - a. Anchor D> Feturina-- WalTeR matTHal rer S 4M "a Bantt tT the Big Fun Dance '4 THE CHANCELLORS BLY WER apace | ae The Sounds of the Big Beat |! DRESS:--SHIRT and TIE ARE HERE AGAIN 4 Cc Ex G : | The Pas to Mest sa } ries Coreg Availabe THe FORTUNE COOKIE ct Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M. ; ¢ ame EXT EEK tome TH N ET" BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 P.M. MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M, tant Be | "THE QUIET N WEEK: E YOUNG S SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 P.M. FULLY LICENSED Dynami renc | JUNGLE" Always A Color Cartoon DUNDAS $T GI Oli WHITBY ; Midcon | Admission $1.50 a es / ne Pa Dencing 9 te 12:30 Numac Ok | [7 RESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE LIVE THE LIFE A MODEL LEADS Petal | ral | AT BOXOFFICE OR BY MAILI ie Place Figg Medal al 9A Mga ha or look like you do. etl oad ' H "q i Spooner i Is The Happiest People In Our Town The Vicki Jenkinson Modelling Agency. shows you how to be a Une 3 2 Are Those Who prettier you. Leam the exciting secrets of famous models from aot i> top Toronto instructors right here in Oshawa --- Walking, Bd Is 5 Posture, Make-up, Speech and Diction, Fashion, TV. commer- ssa SATURDAY : -- cials, and Photography. ' NIGHT i. Whether, you want to be a glamorous model or just look like Abitibi : one, you'll goin poise, self assurance and confidence. Get the Ale er D AN CE la look -- and the looks ---- that a Vicki Jenkinson course gives Alta Gas you. : igoma é Alean 4 New self-improvement and modelling classes are now forming Aree 260 cdidedages i 4, FOR THE Say for afternoons, evenings and Saturday, Rates are reasonable 80 Argus C BLACK HARBOUR N. 8.'s i J don't delay. Call us today. Asbestos LARRY THOMPSON | Living Dolls 723-0311 ean AND THE 3 Banat ANCHORMEN Is V | C K ee FEATURING KARL MURPHY K ER Il! wowltl! Brazilian Oidtine ond Modern L D Ic 000000088 OO O82020S 8000S OOS O98 0.068 OOROS0 Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M. Matinee Seturdey 4 P.M. to 6 P.M, JE N K N S 0 N aA oir RED 4 ARN. and His Country and Western Trio i'Thurs., Jan. 12th" ow or gale ar ee ere: : . ak cee M 0 d ellin g A gency nde Evenings 8:00 p.m. (Sun. thru Thu.) 1.75 aloary ® ; Can Cen DANCING Admission HOTEL LANCASTER Evenings 8:00 p.m. (Fri. & Set.) 2.00 KING ST 7 : Can C h 2:00 p.m. (Wed 1.25) 39 n Pert Aiden ie alhs -- bait | Matinees 2:00 'gg (Set. & sun) 1.50) OSHAWA Station Plaza, Oshawa can, Bre em eeoece