DONALD DUCK TO PAWN THAT DOWN A BOUNCED BUT DON'T TRY )(T'LL GET) USEC ONE OF) (NEW BOX; ON ME- td ITS ALREADY, /suST ONE ME A COUPLE NOW = [PUFFS YOU LIKE, SIRP IT'LL LAST HOW MANY WOLD * 4 J R i# ITS POSSIBLE FOR A PERSON / SING UNSER WATER BLONDIE Ss) @ King Features Synduata, ina, 1966, World rights teowvek BUZ SAWYER COMRADE COMMANDER, WH THEN AFTER THEM AFOOT! ALL OUR TRUCKS HAVE , FLAT TIRES! i THAT'S WHAT it uke AgouT HIM * HE'S FULL OF EAS JANE ARDEN ITS. NOT FAR NOW. DON'T WORRY «THERE ARE OTHER FOLKS THERE. I/M GOIN' TO RIDE DOWN THIS +4 J. CREEK, WHEN I GET THROUGH... NOBODY WILL BE ABLE To TRACK ME/ . OSHAWA TIMES, WEDNESDAY, 28 JANUARY 4, 1967 'BRIDGE (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH OAs @K3 @KI3 &KI10654 WEST EAST @KI953 9107643 AJ9 9652 @A865 o74 2 &Q9 Saiosts 491092 A873 The bidding: South, West North East Pass 16 Dole 36 4@ ~~ Dbie : Opening lead -- five of dia- LI'L ABNER ee MY FIRST SONG WILL BE THE ONE THAT WON THE.'BROTHER- --"BAGELS AND Vogt A GARLAND » 4 OF BAGELS Are FOR SINGING ING I a, " SOME. = DROOL Me BAGELS AN' BACON/? NO | A TO CLOSE IN WHEN SHARAS Jf SECRET AGENT X9 | The sound startles i] some nearby animals 10 CHANNELS Oshawa Limited *PERFECT RECEPTION ° ENJOY THE BEST IN TV ~ INSTALL -O0)C43-G=tr FOR'67 I 660 KING ST:E. i There's More To See With Cable TV NO ANTENNA | (EAST MALL), .723-5278 NUBBIN 1 GET INTO MORE TROUBLE JUST STANDIN' AROUND... HENRY BenBinnl, tas (966 Wostd tain OR AVENGER, | HELEN OF GREECE? you... TO LOOK AT-- A VISION. TO HEAR-- A CARESS, MY LOVELY Eve! |. 9--Andy Williams Paris 6--Natlons Business 8:00 P.M, MICKEY MOUSE So Prchentiegs WU Riches Reowreed GOOFY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? CROSSWORD | GRANDMA ROY TAKES PRIDE IN ALMOST : ANY THMG OUR BABY BOY BoES/ J: /°." HE THINKS LITTLE LEROY YELLS AS LOUD AS ANY TOT TWICE OUR SON'S: ASE "7 Ze x SS SKEETER! ARE ISN (SKE ALL RIGHT?! f f y MUGGS AND SKEETER PEOPLE OUGHT TO BE MORE CAREFUL WHERE THEY PLANT TREES,' TELEVISION LOG Channel 12--Peterborough hie PM, 1:3 AM. me 11--Merv Griffin 9--Magistrates Court Channe) 11--Hamiiten 2-8-- 1 Spy 7-Deting Game Channel 9--Toronto 7--Stage '67 4--Dick Van Dyke 2-8--Hollywood Squares 12:08 NOON | 12--Cartoon Party | 9--Toronto Today 7--Money Movie Channel @--Rochester | 4--Danny Kaye {es 10:30 P.M, Channel 7--Buffalo | 9-Sports: Hot Seat Channel é--Toronte tie F. Channel ¢--Buttale | 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2 -- News, Channel 3--Barrie | Weather, Sports é--Luncheon Date pt Channe: 2--Buttale | 11:20 P.M. News, Weather, Sports 6--Viewpoint 3--Popeye and Pais soreness 1.25 P.M, | §-2--Jeopardy Pierre Berton 12:38 P.M, 6--News, Weather, Sports o_ Movie 5:30 P.M, 12--I1's About Time 1:48 PLM, 1:00 PLM. | 12----Maverick | %--Movie WEDNESDAY 1 " . hee rg | ak a ae Holts A Mat 12--Woody Woodpecke! | 10 P.M. §--EyA Guess Movie. re | Stony Carson Fock Nes for To x | 7--Movie morrow ere | 4--Movie 2--T.B.A. 6--Movie ) 11,35 P.M. | 3--News; Weather; 3--Woody Woodpecker | 3--Movie Sports 3--McHales Navy | 9--Gunsmoke | 1--Theatre 7--Rounders 11.45 PLM, $--Dialing For Dollars, 3-6--Music Hop 6--Flemington Park Girl Talk - 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 12:00 Lf 4--Meet the Millers A.M, 6:00 P.M. 11--Mystery Theatre 2--Passport Two | 1--Twiligne rmeatre | | 6--Green Hornet | 12.0 A.M, 3--Movie 4-8-12--News, Sports, | 11--Night Life 2--Merv Griffin infin B "1:38 PLM, nee sala Uy ew 8-Let's Make a Deal 10 PLM, 00 A.M. PP 'etanee 4--Captain Kangaroe 4-6--As the World Turns --Pierre Berton 2.30 A.M. 2:00 PM |1)--Albert J. Steed | 7--Newiywed Game | 9--Romper Room 6-4--Password 2-8--Days of Our Lives 4--News; Weather 3-6-9---News | 8 --Huntiey-Bri 155 AM, PAGEL NEY 7--Dialing for Dollars -- 7:08 P.M. Girl Talk 2: PLM, 11--Monroes eee | 9:00 A.M, 12--Calendar 9--Batman | 11--Little People 9--People in Conflict 8-2--The Doctors 7--Dream Girl | é--Coronation Street | 4--Linkletter's Party 8--Lowell Thomas Wai y 9--Uncle Bobby 8--Pastor's Study 4--Lowell Thomas 4--Bonnie Prudden 3--Daktari ig 2--News, Weather, Pee oe Tine | 2--Bozo's Big T Sports z peg fe H it) PM. 7.20 P.M, id-Ed- Aliens The : Tuan} 7--News Weather 11--Supercar $ Were Cnt Mbsle Sports | 8--Gloria 'a 7:3 P.M. | 4--Love of Life 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 8-2--Another Wor! 3-6-12--Take 0 ~ 12--Winners' Circle 3--Mademoiselle de 8-2--Virginian 2--Jack LaLanne 7--Batman | 10:00 A.M. 3.25 P.M. 6--Peggy Neville | 9--Fractured Phrases . +News 4--Lost In Space 11--Ed Allen Time 3.38 P.M. 7:45 P.M, 8-2--Reach for the Stars |11--Farmer's Daughter 4--Candid Camera 3-6-12--Casey Jones 11--Movie | 10:30 A.M, 3-6-4-12---Edge of Night 7--Movie \}--Morning Time 2-8--You Don't Say 3-6-12--Green Acres 9- Bingo | 4:00 P.M. 0:30 PLM, 7----Donna Reed 1 1)ebper Ceenigs 4--Beverly Hillbillies | 9--I1 Love Lucy 3-612-Friendly Giant é-Maich Gas -8--Concentration 11:00 AM. 4--Secret Storm 9--It's Your Mave 7--Superman Show 9--Hockey 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Bob_ Hope 9:00 P.M, | ji & March of Time 12--=Romper Room sous Deol 4--Green Acres | 11--Miké Douglas 28--Bob Hope | 9 Mr. and Mra. 4.90 PLM, 9:30 P.M | 7--Supermarket Sweep 11--Munsters 7--Peyton Place 4--Andy Griffith 9--Movie 4--Gomer Pyle 3-6--Butternut Square 4- Movie 2T.B.A, 3-6-12--Zorre 3-6-12--Music Canada YOUR HEALTH HUBERT ; ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT? 7 JUST LOOK AT THIS BAGGY OLD COAT! AND MY ters Icey THATS Go- "@NS{ BETTER! SALE? & LADIES HATS i PARIS ORIGINALS E* THREE FoR #1925 | 5 = Ay __.... |agers are doing it. Has Glue -Sniffing Injured Teen- Ager? By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD|search of stronger "kicks," pro- Dear Dr. Molner: We have|8ress to taking narcotics. just discovered that our son has| Sniffing is a thoroughly dan- been indulging in "glue sniff-%erous practice, and the ing," and also that many teen- Solvents involved are the same. jones which requireswarnings on Does it cause brain damage?) V2tious products. When the di- do physical harm? a teat ae ae ACROSS 45, Fire- 20.Godot [SCAMPMICAIrIETS] |, 1s it habit-forming? If not, varning is meant to avoid poi- . 1.Chieftain's// --_ fighting thunder [PIOLIAIRER alta) | then why is it almost impossible Konous effects. Yet the 'glue- council ¥ equipment 21. Mea- Ae Ga AN | to get him to stop? |Shiffers breathe the stuff full oo t ' ne a aie ano a hg could tell " what dam-' strength into their lungs. alaysia . Species o . Pe AIBIAINIA OIAIR} | age he may have done to him- 'y 5 6. Performer ~ pepper itt AQAMMMMMSTIEE, seit already? --Mrs. R. K. this "so ee tens, oot 11,Banishment 2.Ofthé axis 24, Forage Maaomint iin Th ens ll ig i N e effeyt of sniffing as well| stopped the foolhardy practice. 12, Light 3. Boundary plant. [SjeralMit Lie ML OlT | as the da@Mhage is from the! Blood test d li fusiets purple 4. Man's 25. Ziegfeld AIRINBESIOIRIDI TINIo] |. °" 8 DOD SEN SG UY E: SUNCHON 13, Duration nickname MWIUINICIEMME! IDIeIR| |volatile hydro-carbons used as tests may give an indication of aie int (SICIAIDISHEDIEIAIRIS} | solvents in "airplane glue' and how much harm your son has 14. Fem 5, That is; 26. Enemy _ pyle ; spirits in abbr. 27. Priestly Yesterday's Answer 7 et aleeaggt! ok Some ad incurred. That does not mean Gr. and 6. Entertain 2 caste uids have the same effect. |that the damage can be cor- Rom.myth 7. Auto 2 . Adam's 34, Talking Eventual brain damage, per-|rected. 15, Cure-alls 8. Parson bird grandson birds - haps indirectly, cannot be ruled If the liver has been dam- i i 9. penal pend na pi rcatdar ll out. The 'direct physical dam- seed, it cane ae ne ind onesei 32. King With = 38. age is of a different type. with cirrhosis from any other Providence: 10. Rebels the Golden 40. Beckon These hydrocarbon fumes are Cause, the important thing is to e hydrocarbon S ( abbr. 14. Worry Touch 43. Exclama- highly toxic, and permanent avoid-any further poisoning, and ee ee eee ite damage to the liver is one con- then get adequate rest, and a : quence. Changes also occur in sound diet. 22.Bncoun- fl [2 [3 [4 5. Ze | fe Pp yr oad: Confirmed alcoholics who 23. Warmth mT "yin This is in addition to the have ruined their livers by r young people who are hurt and drinking too often refuse to ac- 24. Add to V, ] 97; Ancient 3] 4 74 even killed because of accidents Cept the one truly useful piece chfense YA, resulting from their glue-intoxi- of advice: Quit drinking. [ hope ditches iy 16 YGw cation. There are some shock- the young glue-sniffers will have 28. Aquatic "a ing cases on record, young peo- More sense. bird 18 VAIS 20 {21 ple falling from roof-tops, or 29. Audi b- = 7 getting in automobile accidents. Pend ne ere I tg ar- 30. Bending V, V0, ritis and several people. have 32. Mayan MLM LL IT'S INTOXICATION told me I should never drink Indian 24 |2S |26 Glue-sniffing is actually intox-| tea. Is this true? --Mrs. L. Z. 35. Man's ication, but with toxic fumes) No, it is not true. nickname 28 instead .of alcohol. The youth 36. Clamorously of the sniffers, their bravado} Dear Dr. Molner:{ have a 38. Climbing and lack of mature judgment problem with my hands. They Lailed 35 GY Y all contribute to the number of are mgugh and red and cracked 41, Norse y accidents and other kinds of! open st of the time, just as war god 36 39 140 rm trouble which result if they had been cut. Nothing poe cepa Y, It appears to be habit-form- I try seems to help them. -- eat ne 42 443 ing. 1 do not mean it causes L. J. C. Honshu LA an addiction, like narcotics. It I suggest getting a dermatol- Japan . 44 Di just becomes a habit. Too often, ogist's advice. Do not be sur-; Z I am told, glue - sniffers, in| prised if he says it may be 44. Apart & ' p monds, This hand occurred in the match between Finland and Great Britain during the 1963 European championship. When the Finnish team held the North-South cards, the bid- ding went as shown. North should probably have overcalled the spade bid with two clubs instead of doubling. Had he done so, the proper contract of five clubs might well have been reached, On the actual biddirg, how- ever, South can hardly be blamed for bidding four hearts over three spades, since he had every right to expect better Se J pe heart support than he got. Even so, the Finnish declarer would have made four héarts doubled except that West chose a low diamond as his opening lead. This enabled East to ruff a diamond later on and South went down-one, losing two hearts, a diamond and a ruff. When the British team held the North-South cards at the second table, the bidding went as follows: South West North East Pass 1@ Dble 4@ 4NT Pass 54 Pass Pass Dble Here, also, North elected te |double a spade instead of bid- ding two clubs. The Finnish |East jumped to four spades in a desperate attempt to silence | South, but the bid boomeranged. | | Since South could no longer land {n four hearts but. had ample values for a voluntary bid, he made the conventional call of four notrump. This bid had nothing to de with Blackwood, nor did. it indi- cate a desire to play in notrump, On the ary, it request- ed North io choose his best suit as trump and implied good support for that suit. North bid five clubs, . which West, for reasons unknown, doubled. Declarer had no diffi- culty making the contract for a score of 550 points, and the British team gained 650 points on the deal. - Ship Cancels Distress Call HALIFAX (CP)--The storm: battered 17,861-ton tanker Fal- laika resumed her course for Portland, Me., at slow speed today after cancelling a dis- tress call sent out late Monday night. The air-sea rescue centre here said the tanker reported making only three knots through rolling seas, using makeshift radio and navigation equip- ment. A Canadian Air Force patrol plane flew over the damaged ship' early today and reported her position as about 180 miles south-southeast of Halifax. This would put her about 450 miles southeast of Portland. At her present speed it would be late this week before she could reach, the Maine port. sensitivity to soap or deter- gents. He can give you medica- tions to help, but he may also tell you to keep your hands out of water withAoap or detergent until the sKin heals entirely. Cotton-lined rubber gloves, or cotton gloves worn under rub- ber gloves, may be part of the answer. , SALLY'S SALLIES "Go get her, Tiger!" A, E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. Eas? ' 723-2721 MIR 1 Lit FACE WHEAT LUCKY GENER/ MILLS NEW! CL