Se , 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Decomber 28, 1966 | | A GLANCE AROUND THE WORLD Researchers Develop Television Satellite from a few trans tes, probably in the luction --s such 2 ; pitt tralia, rocket range, by a new British rocket, Black Arrow. Scot Bites Hand PERTH, Scotland (Reuters) Police took pity on Ian Tainsh, 2, homeless on Christmas night, and gave him a bed in a cell at Perth police sta- . Tuesday he was jailed for for 'stealing half a during his stay PARIS (Reuters) -- France will issue a new five-franc ($1) currency note Jan. 3, it was an- Wednesday. The note will bear the picture of 19th century French chemist, Louis Pasteur, being honored for the first time on French currency. Dies At 91 reais Geleeuies, sectios of e r, mother o Barry Goldwater, died at her home Tuesday at the age of 91. Barry Goldwater is the former U.S. senator and 1965 Repubii- an candidate for the U.S. pres- idency. "67 Planners Ideas Exotic TORONTO (CP)--The Toronto Citizens' Centenary Committee mants to change part of a busy downtown street into a pioneer yillage and import a tropical is- land, complete with swaying palm trees for centennial year. The committee announced fuesday an ambitious plan to mark the centennial in Toronto. Projects the committee plans, or hopes to plan, include: Transplanting a Caribbean island, complete with witch- doctors and palm trees, on the city's lakeshore. -A race over Toronto in bal- ~ Joons. Painting every sidewalk red, white and blue. Turning a section of Yonge Street into a pioneer village with Indians and settlers. Importing celebrities with Canadian backgrounds -- ini- * tially Lorne Greene and Guy Lombardo. HERE AND THERE HOSPITAL REPORT Two hundred and ninety-six patients were admitted and 434 discharged at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital during the week ending Dec. 2%. Thirty-four babies were born. Eighty-eight major, 117 minor and 82 eye, @ar, nose and throat operations were performed. Two hundred and forty-one treatments and examinations were given. Forty-five casts were applied. The physiotherapy department gave 841 treatments and made 647 visits. One hundred and ninety-one cases were handled by the occupational therapy de- partment. the warring Republicans and the Royalists--has been killed by a bomb in Saudi Arabia, Sana'a radio said Tuesday. Clerk Shot DETROIT (AP) -- The night clerk at the new St. Regis Hotel was shot and killed Tuesday in a holdup. Police said $2,000 is missing from the cash drawer of the shooting victim, Gottfried | Englehardt, Pointe, Mich. Protest Lodged BELGRADE (AP)--The U.S. embassy informally protested to the Yugoslav foreign ministry Tuesday against an anti-Ameri- can demonstration in Novi Sad. 55, of Grosse would be fed into é a Several hundred young Lemley LONDON (AP) --Milady's bare bosom is likely to re- main popular -- but it's un- likely to become fashionable. Jchn Taylor, editor of the British magazine of male fashion, Tailor and Cutter, the voice of Savile Row, puts forth that theory in a book entitled It's a Small, Medium and Outsize World. Taylor says the _ topless dresses of the mid-1960s were really nothing new. He re- ports that in the year 1796, the Champs Elysses in Paris came to an interested halt one afternoon as two inter- estingly unclad young ladies strolled beneath the leafy trees. Girl No. 2 strolled beside her friend with her bosom en- tirely uncovered, PUBLIC FURIOUS Here's what the author says happened: "Furious to see public con- vention so lightly disregarded, the surrounding populace caught its breath only deep _ to voice plain hostil- ty. Middle-Aged Dislike . Nudity Topless Fashion Will Fail "Tt then advanced upon the pioneers in phalanxes of high dudgeon or perhaps to obtain a clearer view until the two ladies went in fear of their safety." Taylor says the two girls were acting under the leader- ship of a pair of Parisienne fashion queens -- Mesdames Recamier and Tallien, who had been, for the best part of a decade, encouraging the use of less and less, and more and more transparent clothing. But this fad faded as did the topless one. A student of manners as well as fashion, Taylor says that the reason why the bare bosom will never become fashionable is because of mid- dle-aged women, "The establishment reigns as supremely in female cir- cles as it does in the male," WEATHER FORECAST TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts = t Met 'ies torm is ynopsis: large 8 northeastward towards the Great Lakes and should cross Lake beagte tonight. A large area snow, rain and rain is moving wi the storm. Strong easterly winds will develop today and stronger Ne winds are expected ireday. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Windsor, : Lean ley warning issued. Snow, changing to freezing rain or rain today and tapering off to snowflurries tonight. Thurs- day mainly cloudy with snow- flurries and windy. Milder to- day with seasonable tempera- tures Thursday. he says, "'and the age levels roughly correspond, Middle- aged women who establish feminine mores are bound to obstruct implacably a style which can offer them nothing but disadvantage." JUDY LAMARSH +» » tells or research Atrocities Charged) . $17,000 Spent F, pen TOKYO (Reuters) --. A Viet Cong women's organization to-| QUEBEC ce) --The sepa- day accused United States and/ratist lement pour 'in- South Korean troops in South/dependance nationale spent Vietnam of raping and killing/$17,000 on its ca for the women and of mur-|June 5 s cote' tae: it babies. toler yg ng Tuesday. In a statement reported elect any mem- the North Vietnam news agency ceo the 108-seat legislative Hanoi monitored here, the|assembly. About $9,000 of the on he went for publicity. windows on the reading room of the U.S, information office be- fore police dispersed them. ~IONDON (Reuters) -- Brit- ain's highway death toll of 136 eigh mobile Club said Tuesday night. During the same period in 1959 road accidents led 161 per- sons, Last year's figure was 82 ber and in 1964 78 persons ed, President Elected TORONTO (CP)--Gerald B. Waterman, 43, of St. Catharines, has been elected 1967 president of the 24,000-member Associa- tion of Professional Engineers Ontario, Vice-president of Anthes Imperial Ltd., he suc- ceeds Donald B. Redfern of Toronto. Film Condemned NEW YORK (AP) -- The Na- tional Catholic Office for Mo- tion Pictures has issued a con- demned rating for the film Glee Ration, Giotase ef Tallon -- The ge motion n FE a gg Bir noang fh ab ow] Michelangelo Antonioni. of West Irian has accused Indo-| The effect of, the condemna- nesians living in The Nether-|tion by the office, formerly lands of directing dissident reb-|known as the National Legion of els against the central 'govern-|Decency, was to forbid Roman ment, the official Antara news|Catholics to see the film. PRESIDENT SUKARNO + + « words contradicted Exiles Accused stern New Guinea from The Netherlands in 1963, agreeing to| OTTAWA (CP)--The_ federal hold a plebescite before 1969 to|government will pay $7,500,000 determine whether the West|towards a $20,000,000 four-year Irians wished to stay in the re-|program to encourage develop- public. ment of small reservoirs for President Sukarno recently|rural water supply in Ontario, announced the vote would not|the rural development depart- be held, but Indonesian Foreign|ment announced Tuesday. Minister Adam Malik contra-| Ontario will match the fed- dicted the president after a visit/eral contribution and the bal- to the province, saying the ref-|ance of the funds will be raised erendum would be held, al-|by local conservation authori- though the West Irianese did not|ties or municipalities. The pro- want one. gram will be supervised by the Ontario department of energy Support To Grow and resources management. SEOUL (Reuters)--The for! Contract Won eign ministry said Wednesday South Korea intends to step up) MONTREAL (CP) -- Cana- its military support for South|dian Allis-Chalmers said Tues- Vietnam in 1967. The announce-|day it will design and build ment did not specify how the|three reversible pump turbines support would be increased. /for a of Belgian utilities South Korea now has about 45,-/represented by Traction and 000 troops fighting in South Viet-|Electricity Consulting Engi- nam. neers of Brussels. The amount of the contract Gold Bars Lost was not given, nor was the date for delivery of the turbines. LONDON (Reuters)--Six guld bars, believed worth ear gh Fite Death Toll Less 000 ($36,000), disappea: ec. on a flight from London to| CHICAGO (AP) -- Latest fig- Beirut, Lebanon, a British Over-|Ures show that 584 persons lost seas Airways Corporation|their lives in the three - day spokesman said Wednesday. Christmas weekend in the U.S. Last year 720 persons were Four Awards Won The| tari --,. the ergy nea holiday 50 was highest total in it years, the Boral Auto- TORONTO (CP) -- Teachers are more interested in im- egies teaching methods than higher salaries, James D. McNabb, president of the On- io Secondary School Teach- ers' Federation said Tuesday. In an interview following an address to the federation's 47th annual g, Mr. McNabb said higher pay is effective in getting and keeping teachers for two or three years. "But a teacher is not in there long until he sees this profes- sional side is the most im- rtant. "Boards keep crying salary, but a lot of teachers are cry- ing for classroom television, overhead projectors and other teaching aids, plus the time to learn how to use them." Mr. McNabb said that reach- ing the student more effectively is the main satisfaction in teaching. "Producing a better learning situation is the most important item as far as I'm concerned." Mr. McNabb, a Peterborough high school principal, said teachers deserve more pay and must get more if Ontario schools are to stand a chance of filling 'ye-d,800 vacancies Teaching Methods First [.... Before Wages, Says Head He told the federation meet- ing that existing salary scales wate to attract $6,200 a year, about $800 more pee beginning teachers, he said. Niagara, eastern Lake On- Seti Bay Kiln, Ham ay, oe, |. ton: Freezing rain warning is- Heavy Storm Will Bring Snow With Freezing Rain flurries. Milder today and sea- sonable temperatures Thursday. Western Lake Ontario, Tor- onto: Freezing rain warning is- sued. Snow, changing to freez- Windsor ..secsveses 20 St. Thomas «+e+ee++ London ..cssoceeses 20 Kitchener ....++00+ Mount Forest . Wingham ... Hamilton ... Muskoka ..+.+0000+ 20 Thursday North Bay eeccecces 15 Sudbury eeteeeeoone 15 Earlton ssessssveee 1 Suult Ste. Marie... 10 Kapuskasing .+0s00- ove 10 White River ..ccee. 10 20 MOos0nee ».+++00000 oe 5 TIMMINS .-coseeeee 8B ing rain tonight, Thursday and with snowflur- ries. Milder and season- able temperatures Thursday. Northern Georgian Bay, Al- game, White River, Cochrane, Timagami, North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie: Snow warning issued, Snow, tapering off to snowflurries Thurs day after- noon, Not quite so cold. Winds increasing to east 20 today and northwest 25 Thursday. Ottawa: Cloudy with snow be- used. Snow beginning this} afternoon likel Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill, MeFeeters -- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER || LT | 723-2265 "] just know they can't fill] all the vacancies with qualified people." "The reason you can't evade is salary," Mr, "McNabb said. "Teaching just can't compete with private industry." "Let's face it, you're a grad- uating university student with honor grades and you have a choice of $5,400 to start teach- ing or $6,200 to enter business or industry. Which would you take?" Another big factor in the teachers' shortage are the re- vised courses which keep more students in school. "We used to aim at a ratio of 23 students to one teacher. Now we figure on a 17-to-one ratio."' The need for more teachers was also the result of new com- posite schools, where technical or other specialized courses de- expec t year. mand fewer students per class. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The' United States' weather chief predicted today that two-weeks- in - advance weather forecasts for any part of the world will be possible within 10 to 15 years. They would predict the weather, fair or foul, for each day over the span, and could lead to enormous dollar sav- g5. Present - day capabilities of three-day-ahead forecasts are pretty iffy, said Dr. Robert M. White, chief of the govern- ment's environmental science services administration, which includes the weather bureau. The improved prospect etems, White reported, from a recently- launched international effort called the World Weather Pro- gram in which he said all na- tions, including Russia and China, are co-operating. AIMS AT CO-ORDINATION The long-range effort-planned by the world meteorological or- ganizatioiy a specialized agency of the United Nations--aims at marshalling sophisticated com- puters, weather-eye satellites and new concepts at atmos- pheric probing in a co-ordinated effort. The program envisions not only improved and longer-range weather forecasts but possibly even breakthroughs toward weather control, Dr. White and several American associates said in reports to the meeting of the American Association of the Advancement of Science. "It may be -conservative to US. Weather Expert Sees Two-Week World Forecasts nation alone can realize eco- nomic benefits exceeding $1,000,000,000 annually. And, if weather and climate modifica- tion can be achieved on a sub- ce gg bod benefits to human rpass all our imaginings." He said that at present, weather hazards kill between 1,200 and 1,300 Americans and Cause more than $11,000,000,000 in agricultural and other eco- nomic losses every year. DEALT CRUELLY, JOEY MAINTAINS _ ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)~ Joseph Smallwood, Newfound- land's colorful Liberal pre- mier who was born on Christ- mas Eve 66 years ago, feels fate has dealt him a cruel I Like "The King" to |} OFFICE £ 725-3506 1] 9 KING ST. E., OSHAWA And "The King" likes every one, thet's why he offers the deals. Short Rib ROAST 59: blow. He said in an interview aonuay he enjoyed a quiet family Christmas at his Roche's Line home 50 miles from here. But he had re- servations. "Obviously, everyone that gives me a present should give me two... one for Sa- turday and one for Sunday. "This is clear to me but it doesn't seem to be clear to them. So they all economize by giving me one present to do for my birthday and to do for Christmas Day. "This is a terrible injustice . . + @ very bad injustice. I get cheated every year out of say," said White, "that through a world weather program, our one half the presents I should be getting." killed during Christmas observ- ance. Traffic safety officials NEW YORK (AP)--The New| Said bad weather, intense driver York film critics Tuesday night|¢ducation and increased police named A Man for All Seasons|Patrols contributed to the de- winner of four major awards in|crease in fatalities. its 1966 film ju . The film, produced by Columbia Pictures| Loan Approved in England, won the best-pic- ture award and earned awards| NEW DELHI (Reuters)--Can- for Fred Zinnemann as the best|ada and India signed today a director, Paul Scofield as best|$7,000,000 interest - free loan actor and Robert Bolt for pro-|agreement under which Canada ducing the best screen play.|agrees to provide 30 railway Bolt wrote the original play. |locomotives to India. The agreement calls for re- . payment over a period of 50 Killed By Bomb |P27™ SANA'A, Yemen (AP)--TIbra- him el Wazir, leader of Yemen's "third force'--a political group seeking a middle road between OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Aveilable At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each Sx 7-- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or Mere Pictures HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. | 24-HOUR . SERVICE | 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS @ Repsirs to Sales & Service Fo All Makes TRADE-IN ACCEPTED ell Mekes @ ra Shaver Service & Supplies PRINCE ST. 728-4284 2-lb, Limit Mince Steak 59: BUTTER 39: With A 5-lb. Meat Order TOM Walnsey& Magi MER CEEVSS WS YEARS' PS: DANCE & ICCADILLY ROOM & RIB ROOM INCLUDING OUR FAMOUS FRENCH CONTINENTAL BUFFET MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS Now! UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE Genosha Hotel 723-464 CANADA PACKERS Young, Plump, Tendered TURKEYS 16-- 20 LB, WITH MEAT ORDER T-BONE SIRLOIN SISSLSL Lhd hi Bologna Hamburg Wieners 3 lb. VIGSSL: BACON SPT Y, SQUARES 39: tes VU AA 37: Devon Rindless SIDE BACON Ib. 59° @ FREEZER SPECIALS, LARGE or SMALL @ RED BRAND 'BEEF COMMERCIAL BLUE BRAND BEEF Ib. 53¢ Ib. 63e Ih. 430 Sides lb. 49c § Sides Hinds ib. 69c § Hinds Fronts lb. 43c § Fronts Ib. 66c § Sides th. Ge § Sides Ib. 65c | Hinds tb. 66c | Hinds lb. 47¢ § Fronts tb. 48¢ § Fronts ALL FREEZERS ORDERS CUT AND WRAPPED. FREE Convenient Credit Terms Available BRIDGELAND MEAT-0'-RAMA 909 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA et the Crosswalk CALL 728-3361 a". "THE HOME OF THE KING OF MEATS" = Wm." Thurs, - Fri. = Pri,