Yuletide Decorations Mean Much, But Cost Little | A gumdrop . ... @ frosty Christmas bell . . . sputnik-like ne 9"x12"' rectangular sheet of styrofoam, one inch thick (available at five-and-dime and novelty stores) One can of snow spray A table knife A pencil; a 9"xi2"'. piece of paper and a pair of scissors Start by drawing a large bell on the paper. Cut it out and then trace the outline on the styrofoam. Carefully cut out the styrofoam bell with a table knife. The children can take over mow. What remains is the plac- ing of the toothpicks in the sty- rofoam at regular intervals and putting the final touch on with the snow spray. GO TO WORK Put your Christmas bell aside te dry, and go to work on a fasty gumdrop star that can gerve as a lovely centerpiece. Ingredients are: 50 Round Toothpicks One 8" square sheet of styro- foam, one inch thick 50 red and green gum drops An 8"x8" piece of paper The first step here, as case of the. bell, is to pattern on the 8-inch-squa piece of paper, and t outline on the styrofoam. « While you're deing this other member of the party can be placing a drop on one end of each $0 toothpicks. The last step after the star is cut out Gtyrofoam with the table knife --- is to mount the: toothpicks onto the star edges regular intervals. 'The ks you have left over should be pierced into the face of the star. Your gumdrop star will look wonderful mounted on the wall or used as a table centerpiece. Tiny toothpick angels can also add to your festive Christmas display. They're easy to as- semble and you can just as easily make them by the dozen, For each one you'll need: 28 Toothpicks 2 Pipe Cleaners 1 Marshmallow Yellow food coloring Two-sided cellophane tape and cardboard Glue, scissors, pencil and. paper, pen and ink snow Begin your angel by fashion- ing a small cone of paper --- which will serve as her dress, By cutting and 'bending the pipe cleaners, arms and legs are easily made to fit the cone. Next take the marshmallow and create the angel's face with pen and ink. A bit of cotton - col- ored yellow with food coloring -- can then be pasted firmly to the top of the marshmallow for hair, Cut the top of the cone off with a pair of scissors and place the angel's head in its position, Fasten secure- ly by inserting the tops of the pipe cleaner legs which you've previously fit under the cone dress -- into the base of the marshmallow, Small bits of tin foil may then be fashioned into a sequin and a tiny horn, and glued into place on the dress, om The last step -- and perhaps the one requiring the most pa- tience -- is 40 make the angel's delicate toothpick wings. To be- gin each wing, lay down a 2"' square of two-sided tape on a smooth surface, preferably metal. Next, starting from the tape's left-hand corner point, spread out 14 toothpicks -- like the ribs in a fan, While you're doing this, some- 'one else can be cutting a 1" cirele of cardboard and cutting it into quarters, Now, cover one of the quarters on one side with quick-dry glue and carefully place it over the toothpicks, with the glue facing down. It's important that the point of the piece of cardboard coincide with the point where all the toothpicks meet. Allow to dry. 10 MINUTES Ia about ten minutes, you should be able to lift the wing off its original tape foundation (carefully!); the toothpicks will be held in place by the piece of cardboard, After making a sec- ond wing, coat both with spray snow, attach to the angel with tape, and you're finished! For star-like ornaments that can really dress up your dis- play, you'll need: Toothpicks--about 50 for each ornament Hard marshmallows Spray snow The harder the marshmallows are, the surer you can be that they' hold the toothpicks straight. Cover as much of the surface of the marshmallows as possible with toothpicks, trying to push each one in the same distance, to isure a uniform GOD REST YE MERRY GENTLEMEN God rest you merry, gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay, Remeber, Christ our Saviour, Was born on Christmas day; To save us all from Satan's pow'r, When we were gone astray, CHORUS O tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy, O tidings of comfort and joy, In Bethlehem, in Jewry, This blessed Babe was born, And laid within a manger Upon this blessed morn; The which his mother Mary Did nothing. take in scora, From God, our heavenly Father, A blessed angel came, And unto certain shepherds Brought tidings of the same; How that in Bethlehem was born effect. After the toothpicks are firmly set in place, spray with snow. A Whether you decide to make one, several or all of these Christmas decorations, you and your family will truly be creat- ing your own Christmas plea- sure, Working joyfully together at this time of affection and good will -- what could be more appropriate to Christmas? GREETINGS! DXOIL co. Dundas St. E.------ --- Whitby Small bits of tin foil, cotton 1cpey Socwiinc May the peace of Christmas abide in your heart. Staff of W. C. TOWN _.FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Dundes %. & 4 Whitby Sel good wishes at Christmas! C. F. MESHER JEWELLER oe WHITBY ONT. ae i ssaneneeneseeeeenenenmenenniameenememaeneiemmemaainenemmimenmmmnent ALBERT RANDALL & SONS LTD. 412 Chestnut St, W. Whitby Thoughts ON Christmas The biggest build-up of the year emotionally, commercially and in a religious sense alwoys precedes the holiday we're just getting inte --- @ week when we con ell teke it easy and reat on the oars a little. ° -- of seodwill and haoniness ond cherity hes an effect on all of us and acts as a pep rally for those ideas that make life worthwhile after all, No matter how many worries we have they get shelved for awhile while we become a little more humon, If proof wes needed thet Christmes fills « deap human need JULES RUSONIK AND STAFF NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER DODRE