ORE Hes 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 23, 1966 , " aera fit f Avert keh Bi haeh ted in ok ha sibel Mend GO SSE Fern ere "ANN LANDERS Boy - Girl Business PS Perens PES = ees lke to 'pend Chima hoe e to home with family or friends, but an airline stewardess, work- ing international flights, may find herself thousands of miles at! Christmases the Sudan, Airline Stewardesses Spend Christmas In Many Lands Miss Barlow has spent two in Khartoum in and one in New Delhi, You wake up and feel a bit THE STARS SAY lave personal interests should|good periods for travel thie By ESTRALLITA FOR TOMORROW An excellent planetary day. Both routine interests and new enterprises are favored, and the period will also be one in which even the most original of ideas can be presented successfully. ep gee pee Paap een pe meet FT Oe Ned VE Sy ' ' OO LE Gh Qagdl G ae aah Qe aia '0 well for the next 12 months,|year--the first three weeks of with special emphasis on genti-|July, early October and late mental matters, Those looking |December, for new romance with one eye} A child born on this day will on the altar, will find late June,|be idealistic and extremely July and late September espe-|benevolent, but inclined toward cially propitious. Only a fewlimpulsiveness. WP LE ageg y «AR from home Christmas Day. bored on Christmas morning May Burn Itself Out Dear Ann Landers: The letter, trom the 20-year-old boy who was trying to get away with that act prompts ~ me to write this letter, Our son is also 20 and he is dating a 14-year-old girl, but he has made it plain that this is no brother-sister relationship. My husband and I have done our best to point out the dan- gers of this setup, but to no avail. We have warned him that always been 100 per cent trust- worthy so far as I know, but I'm be Age dh Eide hoe some' . T suspect eal- ing. I hate the word but I don't know how else to say it. My husband works in a store, Two nights a week he closes up. On these nights he comes home with huge bags of merchandise. We are having a hard time making ends meet but we are not destitute. - if the flesh proves too weak, he| I don't dare accuse him of is asking for statutory rape charges and (or) sudden mar- riage. Our son one I am overly critical of the girl and not to worry, I talked to Lolita's mother when our son first started to take her out. I thought perhaps they didn't know his age, but they did, They are not only un- concerned--they are promoting togetherness. Our son has been invited to their summer cottage for weekends and the girl has no curfew, even on school nights, She came over here one o last summer wearing the skimpiest bikini I have ever seen, My husband was home at the time and his eyes almost fell out of his head. He said: "That is the most overblown 14-year-old I have ever seen." What are parents of boys sup- posed to do? I'm afraid that w him again would make as much sense as telling a pup not to eat a plate of fresh hamburger that has been set on Stealing because I have no proof but I know how much money he makes and where it 8. He can't possibly be pay- ing for these enormous bags of merchandise out of his salary. I am terrified that one day he will get caught, but I'm afraid to bring up the subject. Please tell me what to do.-- Getting Grey Dear Grey: Tell your husband you know he is not paying cash for the merchandise he lugs home and that you shudder to think of the bill he is running up, Tell him from now on un- less he shows you a receipt for cash you are going to return everything the next day. Confidential to Best Laid Plans: Of course they some- times go astray. But any fool can stumble along by guess and! ~ MINI-SKIRT WITH MINI-KNICKERS by golly. Bright people plan ahead. Remember, the future has a habit of hein | becom- ing the present and if you're Bearskins And Bareskins Vie ; f FOR THE BIRTHDAY Susan Pares, a stewardess|When you're so far away from) j¢ is your birthday, with British Overseas Airways|"ome, but it really wasn ' Pag your horoscope indicates that, Corp., said on a recent stopover|%@d in Khartoum," she said. |while you could be faced with here that she spent last Christ-| 'The BOAC staff had ar-|some financial problems within mas in Tehran, where Christ-|ranged a party and dinner and|the next year, you can solve: mas isn't celebrated at all, they made things very homey.|them if you'll just resolve to Miss Pares said the flight|Khartoum is on the edge of thejcut your pattern to fit the pro. crew's Christmas tree consisted|S#hara desert and it gets very,|verbial cloth. This does not of a few branches of a tree,|Very hot. It seems a bit odd to|mean that you will not make without decorations. "| be going to an outdoor party onjany gains at all, In fact, quite "Nour of ua wanted te attend Christmas Day or to spend the a few are indicated--notably in an English-speaking Christian afternoon lounging by the pool." jearly May, in July, mid-Sep- church "service and' after end. |, c7WVit, Haynes of BOAC, who|tem r, mid-October' and next as been a stewardess for more|December--but in rvenin, less inquiries we were finally|than 15 years, gays she has|periods you will have to stress directed to one--only to discover spent Christmas 'everywhere conservatism, Speculation, lend- ae service was inltrom Baghdad to Hong Kong. i She nt her most unusua But, said Miss Pares, "I'll be Chaitin in Tel Aviv. home for Christmas this year--| "We were supposed to fly out I hope." Home to Miss Pares|Christmas Day, but the plane is Kent, England, where her/got stuck in the mud on the family have a 'Christmas tree, |runway. stockings, pudding--the lot." WEREN'T PREPARED TAKE TURNS "There we were with abso- BOAC stewardesses usually lutely no Christmas arrange- spend one Christmas at home|ments. We had to rush out and and the next away. This is alshop for food and then prepare home year for Wendy Barlow, |it, Our Christmas dinner wasn't of Staffordshire, England, exactly traditional, but we had a good time." One stewardess who prefers to work Christmas Day is Rose Beauty Becomes Veilleus of Air Canada, She flew to Jamaica last Christmas Ohio Contractor and will be going to Nassau MANSFIELD, Ohio (AP) -- |this year. ' The 27-year-old boss of the Zim-| "I usually can't get home for merman Excavating Co. may be|Christmas because my family Ohio's prettiest contractor. lives in Quebec. But I've always student at fashionable Bryn Mawr College, heads a contract- js company in Mansfield inher- JoAnn Zimmerman, a former|°onsidered Christmas a reli- gious holiday and as long as I have the 24th off and can go to church on Christmas Eve, I'm ing and extravagance are defi- nitely out for you this year, Best periods for job interests: late April through late May and late December. Creative work- ers, however, should have an all-round good year, with espe- influences governing and gay in Jamaica last Christ- mas, We had a lovely Christ- mas dinner at the hotel and then went for a swim in the hotel pool. I'm looking forward to diing the same this year. It's 60 nice to go to work on Christmas." Put Prestige Under Your Christmes Tree PEACOCK PLATE MIRRORS the floor--Blue im the Face Dear Blue Face: I congratu-) Confidential to Humiliated late you on your realistic evalu-|and Afraid To Try Agaid: of the situation, There|Every bride has had a similar 't a thing you can do nowjexperienve and even expe- except to hope the boy's com-|rienced cooks have occasional mon sense will triumph over) flops. What you need is a sense the chemistry. Good luck to all/of humor. Your husband should of you. not have said what he did even if the dinner looked like Andy Dear Ann Landers: My hus-| Warhol's garbage, but you) band is a very nice person. We|should not have taken his re- have many friends and he has! marks to heart. CHILD GUIDANCE Mothers And Their Children Tire Of Christmas Excitement By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD |imum. He may be able to spirit While Christmas is an ex-|@way some of the many pres- citing day for young children,|jents of the youngest child or it also is a trying day for them. (children after they have seen It's the young mother who may|@ll of them. have the greatest nervous strain} When the youngsters under 5 on Christmas day, She enjoysjor 6 grow over-excited and the excitement of the young-|weary and quarrelsome, Dad ters opening their presents.|may take them outdoors for fun Bat before the day over,|if the weather permits, or he there may be considerable cry- =~ 4 engage them in quiet fun ing, especially later in the day|with some of their new games when all are weary. in another room, or go with Other youngsters may come|them in the car to: visit for a in to see the presents and share| brief period in the home of a in fun with the playthings.|playmate. He certainly should There's likely to be a good deal|be able to keep the TV set eilent of noise ge yon --_, al- rect & had Rag ry ae it ready tired, w exposed to. en on at all. po Bes the radio and TV are} Dad can help with the dishes blaring loudly all the while.jafter dinner and guide any of Suppose the grandparents are|the older children to participate, there and (or) an aunt and|How much and well children uncle with some cousins, Justjhelp with such matters will their crowding presence can|depend on how much they have make the home atmosphere|shared in the responsibilities more tense. Besides, the mother|during recent months and is encumbered with housing so| years. many and preparing meals for From now until next Christ- them. mas, dad may help prepare the Parents planning together can children in these directions. make the day more clam and|Moreover, he may lead in pre- satisfying to all the family, In-|Venting rough-housing and run- stead of providing an excessive |ning in the midst of the family. dinner for Christmas, the wise| It would be wonderful if dad wise, you'll prepare for it, mother can provide a rather ~ the youngsters under 5 or simple meal which doesn't re-|6 off for a nap in the afternoon, quire excessive preparation, If|reads to the younger ones, and there are some children old/directs a quiet period for every- For Attention In Cold England By EDDY GILMORE topsies, is another comforting LONDON (AP)--The Dolly/sadget for winter. girls of swinging London are} In Britain's wintry blasts, enough to help in tidying up the home and in preparing the din- ner, their supervised assistance can be profitable, DAD CAN HELP Father may contribute in su- rvising the children and keep- g their quarrelling to a min- body then. In short, by his planning with mother, dad can help protect her and the children from un- due physical strain on Christ- mas day, ANSWERING QUESTIONS ushering in the first long winter of the world's shortest skirts, Paradoxical as ever, the Lon- don scene on the eve of winter is a phantasmagoria of bear- skins and bare skins. In their lofty headgear known as bearskins the Guards guard the Queen at Buckingham Pal- ace, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester at St. Jame's Pal- ace, and the royal jewels at London's old Tower. But out in front of the royal establishments, and indeed, all over London thousands of the sovereign's mini - skirted sub- jects trip to work showing vast expanses of sheer - stockinged bare skins, And on this misty, chilly, soggy, island that's not style-- it's sheer courage. Or crazi- ness. Or both. How do they do it? A personal poll of some of the pretties revealed a lot. They do it because the cloth- ing manufacturers have ac- tually brought back old-fash- -- underwear, craftily --. as a space age style anit. Called tights, they're really fashionable longjohns from long ago. HUG THE SKIN ~~ Sold in a multitude of,colors, with silver the most favored, they begin at milady's toes and, flesh-hugging every inch of the way, stretch upward to clutch her waist. These smarted-up longjohns, which could more properly be called longjills, retail in a va- riety of designs -- diamonds, flowers, vines, birds, boats, bees, serpents, dragons, old fish nets. The all-enveloping body stock- ing, reaching from tootsles =| a child on the face when you! have a cold blister? | A."Yes," says Dr. Frederick Ridley of London. A kiss near the eye by a person with a cold blister can give him an infec- tion that will endanger his vi- Q. Is there danger in kissing sion, fla- | mingoes, spiders and just plain) however, tights and body stock- ings are not enough. neath the tights and body stockings, the girls wear a short version of heavy drawers, disguised as tailored briefs or panties. London designer Mary Quant has introduced knickers to match mini-dresses and mini- skirts. These are really stream- lined bloomers from yesteryear. Let no one ever say the Brit- ish Dollies wear no more be- neath their mini-skirts than the Scot is supposed to wear be- neath his kilt. | As a fashion writer has pro-| claimed: "Under the mini-est skirt there have to be stocking tights and decent panties. Under the skinniest sweater there's got to be a bra, though it holds rather than molds and never, but never protrudes." DISPUTE CANCELS DRIVE OTTAWA (CP) -- The Red Cross has cancelled its sched- uled Boxing Day blood~ionor clinic in the capital because of a dispute with three nurses and 11 aides over salaries. Talks be- tween the employees and Red Cross broke down earlier in the ed from her father, the late Joseph J, Zimmerman. Her mother is the firm's vice-presi- dent. Her decision to take over the company was made suddenly last February when her father died. But it was not surprising. "T had wanted to go into the Silverage Guaranteed for 10 years Against Spoilage, paint (QJ) iass CENTRE 272 Bimece 8. 8. 723-1181 Phone Orders Taken "Everyone was so friendly As we recall the true meaning of Christ- mas let every heart be filled with glad- ness throughout this holy season, and may peace reign everywhere. FROM THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF STRIPE DISCOUNT 24 Simcoe St. N. business when I was in school," she said, '"'but Dad didn't feel it was the sort of thing a girl should do."' Had she really planned to pre- pare for contracting work she might have chosen engineering school rather than Bryn Mawr for two years. | She did get a business-admin-} istration degree from Ashland College. : Miss Zimmerman was in her third year of school - teaching when she changed careers. "It was a real rude awaken- ing to learn how much I didn't know -- and I'm atill learning," she said. She has 20 "teachers" in the male employees of the Zimmerman firm, She credits them with helping her through her "initiation period." As part of her job, Miss Zim- merman must visit the places where the company's equipment is at work, such as areas where the company is grading streets and digging water and sewer lines, "I suppose a sewer line doesn't sound very glamorous or something you should get ex- «+» to you, our customers, We thank you for your pat- Fonage and wish you a joy- ous holiday! EDNA ANN HATS week when their demands for more money was refused. cited about," she said, "but I OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE do." te x is » %y he 4 u? PEACES Through the years, man has sought peace. Let us seek it where it must begin... with- in our hearts. May Christmas bring that peace that passes YEAR-END SALE: 1/2 price and more savings STARTING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27th 12 NOON UNTIL 6 P.M. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Wishing you and your loved ones all the joys that the holiday season can bring ! Chambers. FOOD CLUB understanding. 933 Ritson Rd. South Phone 723-1163 pate hatever else be lost among the years, Let us keep Christmas -- its meaning never ends; Whatever doubts assail us, er what fears, Let us hold close this day -- remembering friends. Wace R's OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE and 5 KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE Se sp I