ph bp Se Peete te: o> geal aor yale ey SAINT NICHOLAS PAYS YULETIDE VISIT 150 exelied dren gather: around St. Niehelas at , George's Ukrainian Cathelie Chureh ta. receive treats, when he made a stirs rise visit, Children from he J. ¥, Kennedy sehool | the Ukrainian school, unde Liberals For New OTTAWA (CP)=-The minorily eee government thal prought the mage leaf flag inle being Feb. 15, 1005, ia ex: eled (6 Make an albout ef: ert to have O Canada adapted § the Official national anthem uring the centennial year, Prime Minister Pearson told the Commons Wednesday that the matter of the anthem, whieh yomises to he almost as e6n: reversial as the flag debate of 1064, will be sent to a special parliamentary eommiliee early A resolution has been on the order part since last dan. al te make 6 Canada the official anthem and Ged Save the een the Feval anthem, The prime minister said he it to see © Canada became ere thal Uerinlan ahi ial "well befare Canada ¥ in Our Centennial year," "Phat ia next July |, the 100th Qnniversary of Confederation, é United Stales took more fiven'a Hospital where she had Shkela (Primary Sehool) erfermed in the play, Bt. ieholas, whieh was under the direction of Father 8, Gauk, Highlight of the eves fing was the visit by Bt, Nieholas and his angels on the ape follawing the play. ft, Nicholas has been a tra- ditional figure in the e@aate Expected National adopting The Star Banner walil the 1940s he anthem became a cam: saign promise when the present earaon government was Fun: ning for office in 1065, Apangied OTTAWA (GP)o-A. little girl whe lost beth arma in a haying aceident last July ia eoloring Christivas pletites at her farm home this week, Myrna. Blair, a fair-haired, blue-eyed, five-year-old, feeds herself and draws and paints with twe artificial arma fitted at the Torente Crippled Chik heen sinee September ) 1 veers, io ehaose its ane Blair, 28, t get around tolinterview it was the first time lnow. Her mother, Mrs, James said in a telephone Myrna Blair Returns Home Fitted With Artificial Arms ern ehureh and was af archbishop in Asia Minor in the 14th century, He was proclaimed a Saint by the ehureh, follawing his death, 'There was not a Ukrainian home without his pieture at one time and all of the Slav countries acknowledged his greatness, To Try Anthem In 1065, Conservatives killed a private bill to adept O Can ada with the complaint that there Was fo similarity between the French and English ver: sions Of the anthem, anyone has even been fited with two artificial arms abave the elbow Myrna eame back to a Bun: day school party Wednesday Hight, and Was 6uteide playing in the show with her four younger brothers and sisters at the time of the interview, "She ean d6 almost anythin with her arms, and has learne to do jig-eaw pureles with her feet' Mrs, Blair said. 'She's ee a ee ae le we oe APjmAs Bast and a ; Ay in the key f is are wondering if the Rus. pred will cash in the hele with an offer to supply Arab ft, 'The Soviet Union claims a good harvest and hae purchased grain - the dE rey og may see an opport } td ihe ULAR. some of this on a temporary basis, No one here seems (6 expect Moscow to make any extended commit ment. The United States shows no sign of imminent action on a standing re ee request for a new food-aid agreement to re ud one which expired June 'The Wesiern position in Kaypt has been weakened over the last two years by the severance of diplomatic relations with West Germany and Britain, The ULAR, e@plit with West Ger. many after Bonn established diplomatic relations with Is rael, The British rupture fol lowed establishment ci the lan Smith regime in Rhodesia. The U.S, now carries the bur: den in trying to maintain @ use ful Western presence in here, TRUSTS BAST Though he insists his foreign oliey 18 non-aligned, President jamal Abdel Nasser often seems more inclined to place trust in the Bast rather than the West. . His background as a young, nationalist army officer in the days of British eontrol may ex: Private Well Quits Flowing HAMILTON (CP)--John Hart: man, 64, is glad his private oil well has quit gushing Despite the fact that it was providing as much as 40 gallons 4 day<ahd already refined Mr. Hartman has been trying to shut off the flow for fine years. Tt-eomes up in his basement, "Now there is only a trace," Mrs, Hartman eaid Wednesday, "Nothing like the 40 gallons we used to pump out of the base. ment in @ day." The Hartman house is the only one affected in the area, and a search by engineers and neighbors over the years has failed to reveal the source, "We still don't know where it eomes from, but I'm thankful my husband managed to stop it finally with eement," Mrs, working 6A One With 200 pieces Hartman said, Egypt Leans To East US. Seeks Influence pee this attitude to some ex- "steam of Eagt-bloc cul. economic ard mili- y the presidents of Caechoslovakia and Romania ey garde state visits. rds along the route they travelled heralded friendship' with the two Com: munist countries, The treatment was the same for Soviet Premier Alexei Kosy- gn. who made a state visit to aypt in May, It will be dupli- cated for Leonid Brezhnev, So- viet Communist party chieftain, scheduled tentatively for a visit in February. Only a handful of Western statesmen have paid official visits to Cairo since Nasser led the revolution in 1952 which ousted former king Farouk, Since the 1956 British French- Israeli attack on Egypt, not a single major Western leader has paid a full state visit to this country. SENT INVITATIONS This is not to say that some Canadian Wins Honor For Poem TOKYO (Reuters)--The im- perial household ageney an- nounced today that a Japanese descendant in Canada is among 35 winners of a contest for an annual New Year's poetry party, He was one of about 350 par- tleipants from abroad, mainly from the United States, Canada and Brazil, A total of 43,000 poems was sent in for the Waka (31 + syl lable) poem contest, The title was "fish,"' The Japanese « Canadian fs Toyoshi Hiramatsu, 53, an em- ployee of a furniture painting company tn Islington, Ont, His poem was among the 15 best poems chosen for reading at the poetry party Jan. 12 be- fore Emperor Hirohite and Em- press Nagako at the imperial palace, STILT, NO DECISION OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min: he hopes that O Canada will be adopted as the national anthem well before July 1, 1067, He said in a Commons reply to Robert Stanbury (L = York-Searbor- ough) that the matter will be sent to a parliamentary com. mittee for consideration early in the new year, THESE CHILDREN FOUND PARENTS THROUGH THE ADOPTION SERVICES OF ONTARIO Happy Children in Happy Homes THESE CHILDREN ARE AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION JIMMY hes & ining of his Own bid Gon be fed but Not driven. He le bal \) AAU heOhe BACRAtE t Gaperilion, Bet GWA be by Wwe aad Kae & RieRelY ethinde Howards GOS FRARAAAK'Y (Ol TA Ke: ae Rael Cvrk Fm rade B awe ender HAA has BA Oxcephonel emery, This hae BROW BYR RAG FS) Bones Bate fe WAG BAY ReHOH WitnReD AR Oraer Prd AS Kina Reg alg fin set apt oho Gon Vee Hae vat at See Bee attending Hultery echool where Ne hows good Menuel dexterity ond Ye & pertectionist. Jimmy fe 4 Years Od, OF Seottion aid teh Geseent, He hae & Stoeky buita, With bive @yes and hair, with ehubby cheeks, This boy fe sensitive NG has Geep attechients but he Gan be w ~ Over by Btrehgers ff they are patient bh URHUTied. Protestant parhate adopting Jimmy will heed to Ge slowly and allow him te come to (hath, but when he has accepted them, Wil be a true ond lasting bond," yh adepnen, The Ny WOR . 8 eon pare a and Good Teathing W ONeoMRAT hearth aad Ree TORR COL IDT® WTR Under sheen eerie OF tien Meena, WUGH AND ADELAIDE Muga 9? wens ora Aqoinite 8 your, we 8 WAG BRR Oe OE FA retores rereeie Fangs Pome. Acroiniitn ie om Gnd 2 Bad aA Ducefant eiimane SNe Hof WAFER BHT OVER Hen byes WAM Bale ae GE RA TA BARD RRO ® Tk Viry diet amd HBA oft : YO BA RY OTR eleRierre Ade Mme ink Oa WR Parad Fae, v QA. FROGS Fh & BRR BOOS, Heat ToOkiNg Boy ie BH, BRO ia] * Stabe earn ie 'Ute TRA Woee RE pormred te) NR ey WA Coir " Mbt va Beene Be hapinrany o® & quiet winters 8 wel te coment POLLY & DORIS--ore aintore and want to Hew eyes rd Fight Jooking. A einart Freie Bd Pally Gon Find Roman Jick te 9 Years 014, Protestant, BFA and Wiry WIth blur Yair hair. This boy has Qo0e bone BHUetUTe and Hine Feat by adaption. They ere @ and plenee bAE Heed: Parental accurate of total acceptance so she can heconve belaterous sind Naughty. This girl is & senshive, average, healthy child OF ARTO. Saxon heritage. Doris fs phrtpish with Feb, rosey cheeks, Severn fa, Sv 1b Se jae (pre-echooter whe will enjoy fife # she : Pores Wo walt HORA, 4 XO Thoee Browne hirn Bechute he is He Biveen oF are. 'With thet Polty, the 5 year O14, fe Htending Kindorwnrten, Is OF stight bulla with Brown even, Feht Bows hair a4 Fae complexion that tas to @ creamy, golden brows, She hak aA attractive, alert expression, but fs Over SAxious to LAURA-is 03% year old, Roman Catholic ae and Norwegian JACK is & Veal fuming jack, @s he is atways of the 0. He is 8 PROB \ acing Concer, ves ona Very 5 Mee t boy, but Ts (OO Beley ee Frerented Ih Hnany other things to WERTTE OWA 1 HCO! Werk, Meevever, he fs Getting by I Grade 3. Tie belive boy Weeds Metis WHE CoMeserent Protestant parents Whe can Brendy him Gown one ard direet Nie abe energy inte pF arene. APPLY TO YOUR LOCAL CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OR TO: THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO HONOURABLE JOHN ROBARTS Prime Minister HONOURABLE JOHN YAREMKO Minister of Public Welfare A peel trade, ty delegations pours in and|French Pres out of G "brotherly | Ei ister Pearson said Wednesday) . have not been invited. U.S. State in as invited last telag. An invita- tion also has been i to eS. the Russian presence is sub- stantial but does not impose it- self unduly on the average fn. ed forces of the. U.A.R. UALR, also has Soviet surface. to-air missiles and anti-aircraft guns, In addition, Russia has sup. plied some $1,200,000,000 in non- let master George ponltnre dy in a eli aeirhere are largely Soviet-equipped. The |P0° ing life for manslaughter. A major maniiunt was under wa throughout no England. Mountbatten; who {6 related military economic aid over last 18 years, ting the same period, the U.S. has given pt the same amount of economic help, most of it in the form of food, either donated or sold for Egyptian currency. Russian assistance in con- structing the Aswan High Dam is not overly stressed. Egyptian engineers as Aswan proudly -- out that half the cost is eing borne by Cairo, Drivers Escape In Truck Crash WOODSTOCK (CP) -- Two drivers had a narrow escape Thursday when their loaded trucks met head-on on Highway 2 five miles east of here, © The gasoline tank of one vehi- cle exploded and flames swept quickly through both. Clarence Flemington, 47, of Rebel Honored In Song For '67 "TORONTO (CP) -- Irish-born Eamonn Martin, Toronto insu jumped to safety when doors of his truck snapped open. tires, the other with feed grain. Brantford escaped after break- ing a cab window and Donald Chambers, 40, wn, the Electra Shaver Service & Supplies 39 PRINCE ST, (iad One truck was loaded with 728-4284 france man, has written a cen- tennial song about Louis Riel because the Metis rebel 'was the only Canadian I know who ever struck a blow for libera- tion of this country." Mr. Martin introduced the song at a news conference with the help of Chief Wobay Kitpou of the Shubenacadie, N.S., Mic Mac reserve and Margaret Riel, grand niece of the rebel who was hanged in Regina in' 1885, The song The Ballad of Louis Riel, criticizes the white man's treatment of the Metis and praises Riel for his stand. The last verse of his lyrics concludes: For Louis' brave stand the Metis still pay But there'll come a reckon: ing, for still lives the will To bring back the freedom of Louis Riel. Your Christmas Giff Centre QUALITY, SELECTION and VALUES IN EVERY STORE! ® Come and join the throngs. ® See our Gaily Decorated Shopping Centre ® Visit our Nativity Scene in the Mall SANTA CLAUS Is waiting for you in his trailer home in the mall to hear what you would like him to bring you for Christmas and has a gift for you now, when you visit him. * REGULAR BUS SERVICE * BB STORES TO SERVE YOU * FREE PARKING FOR OVER 5,000 CARS OPEN EVERY NIGHT "9PM