WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Council Will Discuss Rink Cost With Board WHITBY (Staff}--Who should pay the eost of eonstructing skating rinks at Whithy's high sehools? Town enuncil is pre: red to flond the rinks, but fer the High Sehoel Bnard should construct them. But the ard feels there should be ne expenses to them, At town council's meeting Monday, Councillor Tommy Edwards deseribed the matter as 'most unfortunate," as only a small amount ef money Was volved. Reeve George Brooks com: mented: 'It is about tie someone told same af eur edu: eators there is more to raising kids in this day and age than just reading and writing, Councillor Don MeQuay said the objection was that that this was a joint sehanl for the town and the ownen: Council agreed that Cauneil- lor MeQuay, who is chairman af Town Property, discuss the matter further with the high schoal heard and he given power to act if satisfactory arrangements enuld he made within council's original policy, Police Voice Thanks For Assistance WHITBY (Staff) -- Last week was a week, of whieh the people af Ontarie County shauld be justly proud, The Whithy OPP detachment was in need of help and received an overwhelming response from the citizens of Whithy OPP thanks. The week was quiet etherwise, with only 12 seeidents investi: gated, nine persans injured and four. drivers charged. One hun: dred and three drivers were cheeked, with 61 charges and 84 warnings issued extend their WHITBY (Staff) = County assessment eame under fire at meeting af Ontaria county Cain "Tuesday while caunell ssed, in principle, an iereAse Hi almost Fein, 008 far the ase sessment department budget, During the lengthy debate, Assessment Commissioner Gare don Hepditch said it would take three or four years {A fee assess the entire county with i aadiiien e five assessars ta e present pine, Mr. Hepditeh said the res assessment would increase Aas sessment ul would principally redistribute assessment aver the eaunty. Since 1067 would be the first year for eounty assessment, it was prapased thal unifarm pra: . cedures be carried an in all the munisinpalities under eaunty ase sessment ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT he mechanical equipment new in use will be retired an all municipalities will have their rolls and natiees af assess: ment prepared hy eleetranie _ fata processing. The majority af this work will he dane by an outside cantractar ag it ene tails specialized staff, The vepari on assessment and taxation said that ia Piekering jammer there were same 18,* 600 to 18,000 properties and that there had heen ne full seale res vision singe 189%, _ The report indicated there were more than 40,000 prepers fies in the eaunly eamprising approximately 600,000 aeres with a panulation af appraxis mately 69,600, CENSUS SUGGHATED it was recammended thal a eensus taker be employed for @ two-week periad ta take the eens fs, ineluding sehaal suppart, age, marilal stawis, Fee jigion, nationality, coeuneney, aceupation and the number A dogs on the premises. This enuld be dane in the first twa weeks af June and would ifr sire a mare camplete census, The eammitiee suggested that as seon as time and staff hee fame available a sysiematie Pee assessment of all municipalities wilhin the eavparate limits af the eounly, be instituted neing the department ef munieipa alfaivs assessmen! system and eammencing with these muUnieis weat secinr and then proceeding along Lake Ontaria, ving 'Tewnship Reeve Clift Layeow agreed that m af the agvieuilivally saned lan in Piekering Tawaship waa ber tlhe ies & 8 shal, M HLL ADViNED Commissioner Hepditeh said that the Pickering Tawnship age sessment department made an ill-advised move three years age when they tried ta fight the speeulative land holders and last, Whithy Reeve Gearge Braokas faid that Whitby had a very efficient assessment departs ment hefare caunly assessme al a cost of $28,000, i now ens the ta 45,000, bul added: 'We 50 let's get on with it" Rast Whithy Depy John Howden said t enunty assessment this year his municipality's supplementary Baayen was forgetien about, RHAVERTON BAS it was alse recommended that a full utiligation af the spare allaeated in the Beaverwin Healih Unit offices be made available so that it eould aet COUNTY ASSESSMENT BUDGET BOOSTED as & base from which the as sessment program could be Gare ried, it was suggested that fram this office the municipalities of Canningion, Beaverton, Broek, Theran, Mare and Rama eouia he served, lt was further suggested that the space allocate 3 the eunly in the Usbridge Health jait utilized (6 assess Uxe bridge 'Township, Uxbridge Towa, Seatt, Reach, Seugeg and Port Perry, CONSULTANT SUGGHSTHD The committee suggested that # consultant be retained to give instruetion (6 assessors and maintain a procedural cheek 16 eee if the work is neiag earried on in the most eeonamical mane ner. Another reason for the hirin 6f An Assessiient eensilian was (6 fight (ax and assessment evasion tactics used by specie lative land holders, The prapased county assess ment budgel, which Was Ap: fyeves in principal . totalled 973,500 with a previneial sibs fidy of $97,500. Blaff salaries would total $167,000 in the prepesed budget, Program eth Uvening WHIThY RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Alte ind Feature Attraction Begine 7:30 "BELLE SOMMERS" a With Polly Bergen i Dovid Janssen, Warren Stevens AUTO_INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance, -- See see palities situated in the south: the enunty. General necurrences totalled ; Members of the Emergency |59. Liqué® offences are an the JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. £, OSHAWA § DIAL 728-7567 jinn i Hi il TT Usih Bri gel lane's hii h gg hag AA 1, Oshawa, first viee-presi- annual meetin ye, 4d na yt fate ae, MOUNTAIN® 425th Brigade, St. Jehn's Ambu-|persans charged with : | fj aen Beh Maienim, RR 1,|if Terente will he John Batty, ne world's highest navigable lance, Whithy; the Whithy OPP offences and twe assaults and owmen e Locust Hill, second vice-nvesi:|Vernan Powell, Joe Tran aadliakie 1s Lake Titlesen of Bolivia, Plkerng Fire Deparment alfarocmsuming "ior i -|Bon Dunkeld 19,506 feet above sea level, F " Pickering Fire Department alljof consuming liquer. are GLUED TO THE BOX KEEP ON TALKING 1/8 Y "pICC" NIGHT dent; Joe Tran, RA 8, € ived an the scene of an acci-| There were four break, en: M t h D t ment, secretary = treasurer) Du that could possibly havelter and thefts and four thefts, a C a es Don Dunkeld, RAR 2, Claremont People in Britain make about dent, Pp y papi heen a much greater (ragedy|One aula was stolen, two were! tixpRIpGH --- The Snuth assistant secretary-treasurer, About 20,000,000 peaple wateh|A0,000,000 long = distanee tele: than it was, without the assis-|recavered. Thirty-nine miscel: ee : Delegates to the pravinetal'television regularly in Haly tance of these volunteers. Thellaneaus camplaints were re: Ontaria Plowmen's Assneiation a aamimammamanai 'inmiiaindas situation required full ea-apera-|ceived. senior and junior matehes will tion of a large:number of the| Da not drink and drive aver|be held an the farm af W. F. citizens of Pickering Township|the Christmas Holiday, remem:|paity and Sen, RR 1, Brank- and this en-operation was Hie her the best present is your lin, in the fall af next year, F el resence, ' mer Gren: Toe pereenn The seniar mateh will be eld Oet, 4 and the junier event Rept, ' . St, Mark's UCW Unit Names Officers |... sssg president, a 'The Christmas Story' was|Mrs. William jJamiesan, wer-|the assoeiatian's annual meet: the theme of the worship sery-|ship eanvener, Mrs. dasephiing, referred ta the splendid jee led by Mrs. William Jamie-|Ward; visiting, Mrs Leith iplawing mateh held last fall gon at the United Church Wo-|Jones; social, Mrs. Gerdonland expressed appreciation (@ men's Unit § meeting. Mrs. R.|Farndale; phoning cammittee,|ihe directors for their eA-aper: A. Smith, who presided, opened|Mrs. K. MeKelyie and Mrs. lation with 'The Christmas Prayer." |Gearge Smith, Afficers for 1947 are: James Members were reminded of| Instead of the usual study | Lee, Greenhank, hanerary Jan. § general meeting when alhook a pragram af games and president; John Batty, Braak- t luck supper will be held.|contesis was canducted by pra:jlin, president; Vernan Powell, The next meeting af Unit 4 willjgram directar Mrs. b, F. = be Jan. 19. Members are looking |/Richardsen, much enjoyed by forward ta the lucky luncheon {all of Jan. 26. Tickets are new] A social hour follawed with @lsan Rawland, matared ta Thur: available. Christmas lunch served by the|.o Quebee, ta attend the golden Officers for 1947 were chosen |hastesses, Mrs. Garden Farn-la¢ i : af hi "i 4 wedding anniversary af his par follows: Leader, Mrs. R. A.|dale and Mrs, L, F, Richard: dwin Mar:| ents, Mr. and Mrs, Bidwin Mar:| mith; secretary-treasurer, |sen, shall, of Otiawa: Whittlers Hold Gala Christmas Party ( stm . Whithy Whittlers TOPS Club) A contest was held far the went all aut te peccere'e a hest enstumes, Prizes went te Christmas rty, 'af Bernice Firb: Edna Meedy, Lenetia MeKinley @ : A } weet d. and Elsie Keelch, The festivities a anet with ait buftes ay per vas geeved, the val of a e peaple|follewed by the distribu Christmas. tend, "Santee oy Sania claus, whe 4 STAPFORD BROS, us arrived with his wig bag/apprapriate greetings far all. full af teys and goodies. Christ- 4 presentation was made lt LTB, mas trees and decorations were |the hastess in appreciation for lighted. her hospitality, MONUMENTS Several members represented; A Christmas paem an the true) personages af the Nativity |feelings of Christmas was re @cene, same dressed as Christ-|cited by Bareen - Carringtan mas greeting ecards, parcels,|Beyerley Pettes led the group ete. Aisa present was Mrs. jin caral singing. | Santa Claus attired in her gay| The Bee. 20 and Bee. 97 red and white suit wha wel-|meetings will he held at the| eamed the members to the|hame of Beverley Underwoad, | festivities. j808 Athal Street, Whithy, | WHITBY PERSONALS Miss Marylu Talley, 940 Rase-|Mrs. M. Lyons, Mrs. W. Me dale Brive, entertained at her|Auley, Mrs. Jf. Carrigan, Mrs. | residence at a Christmas party|W. Hally, Mrs. F. Spellen, Mrs for the Juniar Colonist Divisien|J. Ledden, Mrs. §. Hoaad, Mrs af Pioneer Girls. Present were:|W. Allan, Mrs. J. W. bailey, | Miss Denise Clarke, Miss Janet|Mrs. Sheila Eliensan and Mrs Strickland, Miss Judy Owens,/Dareen Scatt Miss Valerie Wilde, Miss Pat Williams, Miss Laralee Stew art, Miss Vicky Wilde, Miss entertaining this evening at a Laurie MacDonald, Miss Julia/Ohfistmas party for the Candy Ware. Mrs. William MacDon-|90wling League members. An} ald, Miss Jane Dale, "Miss Lois)? we eiea Molyneaux, Miss Shirley Fraser. Miss Denise Clarke was | in charge af sacial games and| a tasty lunch was served by the hostess. | phone calls & month: The Management and Staff of Gordon Osborne Realtor Mr. and Mrs, Raymend Mar: x shall, 409 Peel Street and their " GLARE SHANK GORDON OSBORNE. Sales Manager Realtor Created Te Individual Requirements Blessings nfhaean | E wg upon Dou r ; St me Commercial & Industriel Ve : . and tl m 's : omni a) f and MU Pour : Wellpaper end Murele Custom Draperies Braadiaam :Lk: Paints end Varnishes jamin Moore Patnts DODD & SOUTER | DECOR CENTRE LTO, 10? Byron SF, 6, White PHONE 668.5048 MORRIS FOGEL Boles Mrs. Reg Kehoe, Braaklin, is Hae WR Be AF WM, WORFOLK RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF Seles oo AN ou DISCOUNT PRICES RIB OR FRYING C lb CHUCK ue: ===/GORDON OSBORNE STEAKS "" HOLIDAY HAMS Good Selection of BONELESS HANS Picnic Hams, Leg Hams (skin off) We recite in HOME FAEEZER ORDERS = Curting 2 Offices Te Serve You 'e 8 7 WHITBY PLAZA Whitby Prone 668-6941 218 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY 48 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA Miss Margaret MacDougall is | . spending a month's vacation in St. Petersburg, Florida. Students af Andersen High School are today entertaining residents af Fairview Lodge with a Christmas program. The Sth Brownies are joining teday the &h Sceut Treap for their Christmas good turn when they will sing carals in the streets. Mrs. Anthony Reimer, 126 EBuelid Street, is canvalescing at her home after a stay at the Oshawa General Hospital. St. John the Evangelist CWL traveling bridge and euchre hostesses for the manth of De- eember are: Euchre -- Mrs. T. | VanDyke, Mrs. Mary Bibeau, Mrs. Alice Andersen, Mrs. | Hazel Campbell, Mrs. P. Heitz- ner and Mrs. Shirley King Bridge -- Mrs. P. Tf. Finnegan, STEVE LEHAN Soles OUR LONG YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THE PLANNING AND HANDLING OF ESTATES CAN BE OF REAL VALUE TO YOU, VICTORIA and GREY TRUST WHITBY, ONT, 668-5897 Also Available -- DUCKS, GEESE & CAPONS at Aliractive Prices CLOSED MON, and TUES, DEC. 26 and 27 WHITBY MEAT MARKET Christmas Hams = al Discount Prices @