Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Dec 1966, p. 32

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eT eerie ne 92 THE OSHAWA Times, blac od Bosomber 20, 1966 Extra Christmas CashIs NoFurther Away Than -- "Action" Classifieds Phone 7 23- 3492 C&ll The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY GAS FITTER GAS FITTER Building Trades TV--Rodio Repairs With Ontario Energy Board Licence. Experienced with servicing gos equipment, REPAIRS SERVICE CALL ONLY 2,50 ALTERATIONS Fast T,V. Service ADDITIONS te DOMINION Yearly income above $7,000. Brampton area, HOMES » OFFICES » FACTORIES ™ Rooms ond Kitchens TELEVISION 728-5154 9am. to9 pm, DUFLEX a Specialty, T.V. Rentals 20---Real Estate for Sale |20---Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER Realtor Limited Servicing Oshawa & District for over 31 years 723-2265 OWNER MOVED ond is onxious to sell this 5 room brick bungalow with split entrance, situated on @ quiet crescent in north east crea. ' Walk-out basement, could be converted into an opartment, Kitchen with built-in stove ond oven, 6% N.H.A. Mortgage with month« ly, payments of only $102.00 PLT. Try on offer. WALKOUT BASEMENT is one of the features in this 3 bedroom bungalew with at+ tached garage. Two bedroom apartment with its own sep- crate entrance, bathroom, kit- chen and living room brings good rental. Close to town yet ening country atmos- phere. Call today. EXCELLENT bungalow in excellent north SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 TRY YOUR DOWN PAYMENT 1, on this two bedroom bunge- low located on Park Road, Full basement, forced air oi! heating, heavy duty wiring, Asking only $9,000 full price, Why not give uso call on this buy now, COTTAGE LAKE SCUGOG I, Year end sale. $5,900 full price for this beautiful cottage on Lake front property, just 16 miles from Oshawa, An in- spection of this completely fur- nished cottage, along with boot, motor, dock ete, can be arrang- ed.to-day. Cash in on year end prices. A REAL FAMILY HOME Ill, Your wife will love the Hol- lywood kitchen and separate laundry in this spotiess 3 bed- room bungelow, You can sit back and enjoy it. The land- scaping is complete, the drive- wey paved and decorating is finished. When the weather turns cooler, you'll enjoy the 37' . 13' ree room for children er ing or adult entertaining. Priced 17,500. ND N IV. N.H.A. home close to shop- a en ___ |Mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for first and second mortgages, Open mortgoger, No bonus, Firat mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pure chased, M. F, SWARTZ 26% King St. Gost wa, Ontario 723-4697 Ist and 2nd Mortgages PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Why net consolidate al] your poyments with @ low cost mortgage loon, For complete details ¢ail DOUG, TERWILLEGAR, Man- oger, BRANCH _REALTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED 5) ant isy Street test, Cybawa, Bus, 723 Res 56210 avaliable at repeenany , Raciaeee 9 age in 4 formation call 7246: LiL Laer, ANG THEBNE mortesgee, yale agreements purchased and Hones and Moniek, | Barristers 2) King Street Gast, 72-7292, FIRST AND FECOND, mor nT la Y si ee Fr , Res, 723-7608, snd Vives! =| James Allen & Sons fase oe ety reyes In 725-6126 rere HOME REPAIR Fs, a "yee Basi ki nage, " SERVICE ukow, Roofing and sheet metal is our speciality, 668-8901 PLASTERING Plastering repairs @ specialty Also partitions, lathing, ce- ment and stucco, Telephone 728-3216 OSHAWA HOME IMPROVEMENTS Custom Bullt Kitchen--Bath- TOO == ree, rooms == and all General Repairs, H, McKOY, Prop. 725-8576 awa, Hie SERVICES 3691 Crobtree Crescent MALTON 459-4170 CARS -- BUSES western cities, Florida fornia, AUTO DRIVE AWAY CO. Toronto 1, Ont, 362-1391 137 Yonge St. (Arcade Bldg.) SHINGLERS SUB-CONTRACT New Work, Steady Oprre Wages, TORONTO 783-1138 $12,000 FOR RIGHT MAN over 40 In the Oshawa 'area, Take short auto trips to contact customers. Write Vice Pres., Dept. a OE Box 70, Station R, To intent, | Contre, fon Sires CHILDREN oF yuu, Al TSLAWDS/ARE TAUGHT SCRAPS. i ein eae OFF BEFORE ti Yehone ait, Ais ARE yin munvOeeny und'et CROOKED On 1 PRINCIPLE. mee Aidan # A ae LIME AND oat M AM ASTEMPTS fo Me WARE PRESUMPTUOUS, CGUARDNA/ ALGERIA) FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 452 Simeoe S, 001) fos TV TOWER ont aes a tarvien, Free estimates, all work fast service call 660s oa A Nee ry) 104 Byron Street South, Whitby, Well Drilling--Diggirg WELL DIGGING by machine 'i mine In 30-ineh file, Ward, 20: fut Street West, Whitby, tenis oF 2--Personal Removal of superfluous halr Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Dec, 19th, 20th and 2lst, Phone Gen Hotel WHAT 14 A Favorit. FOOD OF NDIA 2? Unf. THEY DEAR A COLD, CHEE: aoe B ri AWAY ALL MONsTUR FROM BUTTER THEW | ' IHG OFF THe. FLOATING MILK PAT BK CAE ge Eh 5 hei as 5 Gast, Art Oba PORTRAITS ART SUPPLIES CUSTOM FRAMES CLARK STUDIO 928 ROCK ST, NORTH WHITBY 668-4497 Barristers sePH = Error Baste ale he 6-- Articles for Sale CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs, Service ri on 7 doys a week, towers, color and black and white T.V, Anten- nos, rotors installed, Sales and Service 9 a.m, to 9 pm 248 Quebec St, Call 725 0500, All work guaranteed, -- 'V TOWERS SPECIAL -- ge of |\8---Articles for Sale CAMERA, Prociica iV, 38 fossa, tele. moter, tripod and "light" #89" complete. , 3° . 942-1289 afte nEAC Lin Salesman, Unusvel op- PORTER rr ant Wah drawers, portunity for ght me men, Myo of nt joor polisher, a erecter worker, P, Ave been 7 an : nedeetnis ag eo at One "Martin 720-5103. W. 19-----Male and Female Help Wanted Mota to kine al en Hy dates for appoint. nt, ware wes ea 723-4641 NORTH WEST 'Gallant Scheel ond bus' arog Deep lot 49' x 150" 'with clea ale "salon ted free, eed Trouble-tree winter lf you from Western Oil Company, by i a Reva ata bien The sell at ge wat Woven spin-d B iy wether, her, tour months condith pages avell: "pall rion 14 Brock tower anten stalled, Py CARPENTRY -- New and come repairs nt work, Free estima' rate pon ba ao ie PAV Ah and ae . Gel wu ay paved by @ verte, 20. cente i) work guar, 3 years. 723-0001, able, W. senamann ie Str Music WANT] roll, phythm and -- blue stern, Clark's sivaion St, Booking Agency, 72%. TO RENT A BAND? Rock and een, ng SKATE EXCHANGE, | n9w 2, PENTh MAN , weld town Toronto, we Please telephone like ride to down ma, af 818 am, i Ug allehannel ahawa TV pp ly ond Hast, just east of R 3--Sporteman's Column and 'used, equ! hement she Au W¥PES WUILBING REBAIRG = chimneys, eavestroug! ning, fire ti masonry, Gord "hey itby, fee epee ane | enon Plumbing and Heating ALC YVPES OF WEPATRE ai ing, new rates, Batlmates tree. ALC VCUMETING AND HEATING ~ sur Hes, Jelepone 725-382), Herald W, TRANG, I. REMODELLING, trim work, ards, ree esti: mates, Telep! and atairs, TAS-7add, and is "simeoe Sree Sou "South, nd vaed materials, cpa stork ngineering, i tharpening™ Be pet wees Vauiey Creek, 4--Motorcycles eae vine ; mont all ia 6 eodrich, a8 ONY ike es ae West, 7% nasa Hiture, uel vy prices) new 10 Ae ear ie oan Bt Me tor apie, velue Home FU 44 8 a jaclory pri a new Sedreom ayites, on jarons' Home Furni CHRISTMAS GIFTS Honde motorcycles, skidoo, Husky and Bolens snow tra- veller, Skidoo suits, helmets, Rug - Upholstery Service poogies, gloves, windshields, Cartage col tratier shunt! Con | a 1] 7aS2 INTRACTS WANTED -- Oshawa area, na and unloading, freight Maan ererere jelivered, Tractor rental aecu! addition Soaitionel words tc, GMS" sa oe yi ver i Wr -- eharge "he dk Por appointment, i Dentistry -- CAREPOOT, JOHN, Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshawa. BR, "Mo "Dental PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up ond Delivery Angus-Graydon 728-6254 er jackets, corriers, sod- die bags. All available ot: HONDA'SHOP 199 King Street West 728-4242, Open Evenings 5--Trailers \ RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE == RENT Tas. obeghye aie counts " two ATHS word: Dressmaking GRESENAKING = Expertly Vlled sulle, coata, covers, drapes, Mra. Toma, Beautifully fallored allp dresses, ee » each , |, figure or abbreviation counts Ga were) "none number eounte ces Gardening and Supplies ahem moses at MORIAMS bP the first 38 words --e ts, weraer 5.08 po hon) Sart" not paid Pe THANKS GE er 'ne 35 words and é¢. each 'thereatter wh Be. additional charge it not paid within @ days. gue ee wee rR We PER INSERTION, DEADLINES rR oR PREVIOUS $e OR ort PUBLICATION N PRT HE Aye Re tua PUBLICATION IN _MEMORIAMS and ARDS OF THANKS fom DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED Pee 1 eo = 4 p.m, day previous) & cob urns of larger = 10 a.m. Gay previews GANGRLLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS ® rey Day OP PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before pub: lieation will be charged one day's insert ton, BOX NUMBER RENTAL 81.00 While every endeaver will be made to forward replies to box numbers to stnle, Sin Be. cept no liability in reapect ot ton damase alleged to arise through einer failure of delay in forwarding such Fe piles, however caused whether by Ae gence or oF ainerwiee, The Times will pet be responsible replies uncalled for in % Gays, 1.78 tor the 7 gas thereatter REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be resi in qeverinernents, aul otherwise than in writing fot by one insertion of any advertisement beyond the price charge for a slnnle Trvertien in WhIGR error eccurs, The Oshawa Times the right classify advertising §=accerding = te proper classification, stole te i] in the cases of display advertisements The Timea will net be Neld responsible for more space than that whieh the actua The error to reproduce all advertial reetiy, but assume no tabi tisernent it any inaccuracies i ow ig sy are contained therein, 1S GASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO " CLASSIFICATIONS JWomen's Column ety rmalter cor tor |ynemn mitted more "Winter Ideas' GLOXINIA BULBS AMARYLLIS BULBS ICE SALT CALCIUM CHLORIDE STRAW WILD BIRD MIXTURE SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD GRAINS BIRD FEEDING STATIONS WATER SOFT SALT PURITY DOG MEAL PURINA DOG FEEDS MASTER DOG FEEDS PET SUPPLIES BRITTANNIA MALT Cooper-Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST 723-2312 723-1139 DELIVERY SERVICE Established 1909 FREE YO PRIM) Call Slim, oF down, Free estimates." hss 728-0610 2 % fs TREES TRIMMED and cut down, Limbs V t t | Th ¢ ww Ne oF qeut off, Call P2s.408s, Instruction TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL MONTESSORI Dey Nursery School Opening Januery Ist Let your child enjoy this won- derful methed of teaching Register For appoint ment call 723.0734 MUSIC LESSONS Guitar Lessons -- 41.50 Drum Lesson -- $1.50 GUITARS RENTED 50c Weekly 942-5282 728-3892 Hag LESSONS wy "qualified instructors for ait imatruments, Allo Music Supplies, 433 Simove Sh 8. Mase, ViectW LESSONS, instructor holds pee ner Ten education degree, Janitor Service STORES, cilicen or Nomen Cleaned. now Basket lO=Farmer's Columa Ti=Pets and Livestoct Vaewrticies Wanted Ve-Artictes for Rent Ve Business IS--Emplayment wanted le-Agents Wanted 1 Bemate wee, Wanted Ye--Malw Help Wanted te--Male of Female Meip Wanted Prompt service, Reasonable rates, Com fracts invited, Ken's Cleaning Service, ab OH. CELLARS CLEANED Our, Trash taken away, Telephone 723.200 WOUSE TRAINED collies, border and Toys. Alse Spite and one Beagie, 824 te 8IS delivered. Ses-2445 Money to Loan 1 Whe LOAN you up "re rr aa reasonadie rate of interest to consolidate any ether worthwhile your Dill oF for 20--Rea! Estate For Sale Ra~Summer Properties arms for Sale Lote tor Sale Real Estate Wanted 2e--Gtores Offices and Storage 2S---Mouses for Rent M--Aparimenta for Rent purpose providing you ployed and Rave good credit SELL! SELL ! SELL ! That's the job of Times Want Ads 723-3492 are steadily em 4a) jtarle Land Surveyor, prints, 1) Ontario Street We do RECOVER your CHESTERFIELD at modest cost For FREE ESTIMATE call, 728-3651 INTERIORS by WINDOLF 39 Simeoe St, N, jal for recovering, Slip covers Workmanship vere Credit terms, Mat intahed. ished 20 FB M Pree Wiimates. reases re-built, furniture Oshawa Uphoistering, 267 Dean Avenue 725-091), Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repoirs to all makes of washers, dryers, ronges, ete ALCAN FURNITURE end APPLIANCES 452 Simeoe S$ Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 Harris Aluminum Sales Taunton Road E R.R, 1, Hampton Phone Oshawa 725-6064 Siding, windows, doors, awn. ings, stonework, railings, 16 years experience Siding Experts, Lowest Prices. _ \SUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer all \washers and ranges. Free estimates, 78 Vad or 723-001) NEW U8EG "Vacuums, ob pairs to all_ makes, New Jack Lees, 728-4086, Septic Service Weat, Whitoy, bak ve Surveyots " Surveyors, 11) Bigin Street Bast, 75-688) BONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, 6+ eh S] TV--Radio Repairs T.V, TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD, TAUNTON, RQ, E Uust East of Rifien) 723-8131 ~ 723-8132 TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE T.V. RENTALS HOLMES ELECTRONICS PHONE 668-5679 _ COLOR T.V. OR BLACK AND WHITE All work guaranteed ae R.1.0, TELEVISION 728-5143 CHESTERPIELOS Pe-upholatered and restyled, Free estimate, See our ma' " to order, Datton U Street, 723-7212 REUPHOLETERY™ by experts. te | Brook! made olstering, 73 "charles Tiled: | @ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ shore, Re Prone SEPTIC YANKS Cleaned. Prompt service ot calls. Watter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontarle Lane Phone Commercial blue Open Sundays 2-4 P.M BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot et 40) and 28 |6---Marine Equipment "STARCRAPT®, Evinrude motors, Open days @ mere Sorape one. 'iveply 'eras La , One Tevet, boats, HUTTE ANG FoR iS Showmobl len, rentals and sales, Wilde Rental Service, Whitby 648-2926, 7--Swep and Barter RYMENT SPECIALS = uae $10, Gribs 810,, ato 15, 16 Bend Street Went st, Valley Creek, VACUUM REPAIRG, ai) makes, brushes, etc, Pickup, delivery, annie Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Plekering, tresses, all reduced, ooth-top mer tresses, 829) crib mattresses, $9.08) mat sen for BUNK beds, $14.08) roll-away cots complete, $19.08, Wiison's Purni ture, 20 Church Street, CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS at tremen- Gove savings, Pole lamps $6.95, basket top mattresses $19.95, ELHAROUT" PRICES, "continental beds, TWoPiace cofeg fan ue ahi WOR GALE" Yraller axles or bullt to SKATER K Verge velection of new and ond Street, 725-6344, and Furniture, 444 simeoe South, 7229271, erect AND scores ne Pid fresh t dally, Pe. up, 20 plumbing tupplien, steel sinks, laundry tubs, sure system, 5 and a Chinn, 288 Hillside, 729-7088, 720: 8--Articles for Sale NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac, We correct wheel olignment, inspect and correct castor and camber, align toe-in ond toe-out to correct condition .. . $6.88 @ Ports extra if required @ Torsion bor adjustment extra, BRAKE SPECIAL Most populer cars, First Quality Royaline, 4 wheels, e WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel eoch $1.95 * SHOCKS, MUFFLERS FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. $ 725~ 6511 ~ CHAIRS FOR" CHRISTMAS SWIVEL ROCKERS $24.50 HOSTESS CHAIRS = $14.95 Platform ROCKERS $39.95 RECLINERS $59.95 WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST EXPANSION end RENOVATION SALE Now | Tremendous Sev- ings! Smooth top mattresses $28. High beck swivel rock- ers $29, Pole lomps $10.88. Bunk beds complete $65. WILSON'S FURNITURE 20, CHURCH ST SAVE MONEY --- if your car won't go or is stuck in the snow oF is in an atcident request the. best, OSHAWA TOWING 24 hour service. Call os low as $3, Long dis tence towing os low as 40¢ @ mile one way, Storage 50¢ daily, 728-771) NAL, PRECHRISTMAS SALE -- Credit terme SkEDoo v __Phone on jogger trallers and accessories. Baver kates, McCulloch chain saws, Sav Up to % per cent Sale. ends Dec nee Very limited Untted tee mae surely Rat All and Marina, S85 King 81, 6, bak ag Originally 87, will den taal FRAY VACANCY ere Rent Telephone 7234013, Ase Whiten, Genes | Business Machines, . | Nig. CHRISTMAS CENTREPIECES -- =| Pate your @inner ftebdle or mantel with show: | Typewriter deater, is chairs wat Hassocks and foot stools $3.99, smooth cedar cheats from $80, Wilson's Furniy ture, 90 Chureh $t, mattresses, headboards, all sizes, ail @reatly reduced, 723-2089, Pe " ea Prdinen Gor ey awa Times. r specifications, Telephone 263-237), jampton. used, Also hockey equipment, bargain riceed hockey sticks, Cycle Centre, 204 BUY AND SHEE = good used. Weniture @ location only. Pretty FVPEWRITERS, new ond rebuilt, large selection, One year guarantee, Jenkins 726-7783, Open eve FV TOWER SPECIAL -- "4% H. strvctore. oo oi Ghannel antenna, $80, TRIO Television, | 728-5143, TYPEWRITER, electric, 05) Handard, $90.) portable, $35.) electric adding ma chine, $90.) cash register, $40, 72-4404, ntture, appliances, Sear's Second Hand Shop, 10 Richrhond Street E, 720-7860, FLOGR COVERING clearouls of discon: tinued patterns -- fabulous savings from ic. per foot, Wilson's Furniture, Chureh st WHF EDITION, "20° Volume Collier" "En: cyclopedia, Telephone 655-495 GUARANTERD, USED wringer washers, television, refrigerator, ete, $34.50 and up, Alean Furniture ene Appliances, 452 Simeoe South, 723-001) FIREPLACE WOOD, mixed dry hard wood, maple, beech, oak, ete, 12" and 16", delivered, Telephone 728 4852, HIGH BACK SWIVEL rocker, S88) Fe ciiner chair, 858. Largest selection in fown, Wilson's Furniture, 2 Chureh St. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Wed furniture or anything You have, The City sour nsien WE BUY Used frniture 'and appilances for top cash offer, Telephone 725-1423 or 468-4361, FINDLEY ba" electric stove, heavy duty, in perfect condition, $60, Telephone 725- 4963 atter 5 p.m, ACCORDION, new, tractive, with case, Telephone 668-210! BICYCLE, racer excellent condition, extras, $25. Telephone 725-0505, SS) IS OE Ss See jd color, very at S. backhoe, 725-7284 after 6 p.m. TYPEWRITER -- Royal, electric, Good working order, $125. Mackie's Van and Storage Ltd BASS GUITAR and amplifier Gition, reasonable price, Telephone vere TYPEWRITERS, $49, No money down, SR. weekly, Adders, cashiers, fies, new, used, rentals, service, trades, Bil! Hamilton, Raglan WRINGER Sooreans like 'new: alr com | pressor, plenic taller wheels, Hires, @0 x 8 ae = two-drawer fil ing Gabinel, steno chair, chain saw, tire fube, S80 x 12: Gash drawer, $10) brief Gane, cheque writer, steel storage re wan tock, GI Hamilton, Raglan goed Con aS: DIVING EQUIPMENT, assortment New and used, reasonable price, phone 455-2064 after 5 p.m. BLAUPUNKT CAR RADIO for Volks erat Stilt under guarantee, six months Ord, 850. 38 Nassau Street MEN'S SKIS, safety harness and double Doots, size 11. In excellent condition, Reasonable, Telephone 723-0462, RITCHEN SET, nine pieces; drapes, bedapreads, vacuum cleaner, electric Grills, electric paint sprayer, deer rifte 'and aramunition, five tires, 60S x 14 like new, 725-9207, NORGE REFRIGERATOR, good cone Non, 84: Heat Wave stove, $25, Yawn mower, 825, Cell oan.snre afer Y am, "ot Deco centrepieces made from sparkling arti. Helel foliage, flowers, Christmas were Hes, Telephone Mrs, Poirier, 728.2670. RUG, DUPONT $0), IP x» 17, gold, Condition, 1 years old, Beat offer renee Prone 728.9840. FIREPLACE, approximately Sie eh, angetstone with black mort marble base, Comes if three aactions: electric " Be New condition, $148, 455. DS, 6? OTUs ~ SPECIAL --"'Wypewsitons, few and used. Call your fecal Royal! Orono B Tease anytime, CHANDELIER -- crystal, $25 and full! tength mirror, 88. Teleprone 728.3100. MAN'S RAWLEION BICYCLE, Ns exceiient na in y Uinret toads tiny 4s Brera i HRWE COA (ae ture | 8x months eld, Including Hi Ter portable T, and 4) excellent 'eae 3 fon ond | tor reining: "Ohh. LJ BOUGHT AND SOLo -- good used fur 9122 ad CASE NO TRACTOR wilh' loader and) cadl| Tele |" nucoRO-- SLAYER. , Seabroere, tour- Lear mae sen twin ppoerers $20: a FECEVISION, "pr sciically, new fect candition) two. plece "cl penee ew) i ior pig ae stove 9, All for $750, cash. Tele Vin PU, phone 666: A 8A--Christmes Trees OVEH PINE Christmas trees, Whole- sale only. Any size and all Oppaes. Best vices, Powler Forestry, 306 King Street leat, 725-1685, Shaboges, 75 APPLET -- Spi bushel and up, Also Melnt Aa Delicious and Court: lands, Algoma Orchards Ltd., Thickson's Road, North Whitby, 10--Farmers' Column |BEAD AND CRIPPLED form siock plex fed up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hempten 272), Licence 4C-44, 1i---Pete and Livestock sng | SHAD TRO SUBSTER. ready ST. BERNARD puppies, registered, ex- ceptionally well marked, $75. end ui Wonderful guardian for children, Will |hold for Christmas, Whitby 0505, CORV RANGH, Reg'd. German Shep- herds, pups, Show mare wn foal to auerter horse, Pony, Pinto, Western lea, equipment, clothes, 'Ashburn, 455-4662. CLIPPING VERVICH, ail breeds, poodies yr spectaity, Free pick up and delivery, awanvat Kennels, 655-3881. NTts = (Ge scented Rd Proter- blo young. Telephone 623 |GLENGATE™ OFFERS" m a y Ghamplon \sired Chihuahua, purebred, registered, ra, | 8100, All papers supplied Including health Jeertiticate, Vaccinated, 'ed, = 72% 5723, Clipping service ALC YVPEs oF "WOR: $25, down, 942-1101, EHINUAWOA" puppies, fernale registered, $45, road, V4 inigin FOR SALE. Ke Tel BALMATIAN pops (conch dog), 4 weeks old, Will keep until Christmas, rine. | Fry, RRI Janetville, Ont., telephone U aay 324-2959, mee TWO YOUNG RIDING horses, "$i. for |the palr, Two western saddles, $40, each, jAlso barn for rent, Telephone 728-8916. | euee FRAINED collles, border and toys. Also Spitz and one Beagle, $25. to 1878 delivered, 985-2645 |SiAMase KITTENS -- Good coloring, ibive eyes, Elght weeks old, Train |Papers available, 725-4359 after 6 am. TWO MALE MINIATURE poodles, one apricot, one white, housetrained, she Imonths old, Telephone 623 7087. REGISTERED DACHSHUND "Yor sale, Standard smooth (black an vend. Phone 723-4517, 12--Articles Wanted 6600 Useo > FURNITURE. What have me Taal Creek \6 Bond Street West, "Weeks old, jephone 728: TAXI DRIVERS Port or full time, Minimum age 25, MERCURY. TAXI 725-4771 panel gg hairdresser bas the hi 4 Ribas iste Tn. on "raloprene. wanted oe care mediuiv-size --apartmen' posing. * Live, % by credit. Write Box shawe ping centre and Civic Auditor- jum, Large rooms end many ex- ay garage, balcony and gall- in back, valance in ivi Teg nd. chen, dou nk mony ¢! in T YEAR OLD V. Close to ing and Sep- arate School. This well-kept 3 bedroom rear-split bungalow has! @ paved drive, and o carport. You may use the full basement -- fully yey yard, Very 51939, or part: Don A. time help. Contact Nicholls 20----Real Estate for Sale GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 Simcoe St. S. 723-8144 COMMERCIAL vg -- corner padre * St. $., Lace Ta bartens 136" x ie with adjoining lot of 34' x 59', Home now on property has 16 spacious rooms, Land value. A greot investment opportunity, Call Dolores Ross. N.H.A, RESALE Try an offer on this 3 bed- room back-split brick home. Excellent condition, | com- pletely landscaped with T.V. Neca and patio. Carries for $117 principal, interest taxes at 614% interest, Close to schools and shopping oreos, Must be seen to be ap- preciated. Call Dolores Ross. BETTER THAN NEW One year old split-level, 4 bedroom home on quiet court, good buy for the family who need extra room, Monthly payments including taxes ore $145. For appointment to see call Ethel Tranter, 463 ATHOL ST. E. $1,995. down for this large four. bedroom home, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, recreation room started, new furnace, plus a garage for Dad. Four pine trees in back yord. Call Shir- fey Moskai, 'i needs Cor essential, 3-666), Open 9 am. to 9 p.m Members of 0.0.R.E.B, Is aeon USES FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices, fe BS MacNell's: Furniture, 668-5 pene cwanyeRPrece be Sea room, | Reasonable. Telephone 723-9036. ticles for Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles | SARGEANT'S RENTALS | "463 Ritson Re, $. 725-3338 _ |WHEEL CHAIRS, | hospital al beds, m, walkers, reducing machines, room supplies. JAld Rentals, 10S Beatrice, 725-1644, ENTERTAINING? Fifty te one "hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban jquets, parties, ings. Bar, parking, 723-7726, | |14--Business Opportunities NEW BUSINESS Exelusive opening in this oreo to take on a manufecturing and dist, Operation for a new product used ih the building, furniture and ornamental trades. Required investment $6,200. The mony uses ond demands for the products plus low overhead of opera- tion offers extremely good earnings. For details write Box 52279, Oshawa Times, ;1S---Employment Wanted \CARTAGE AND HAULING, also moving and any odd fobs done, Very reasonadie, 728-288). \cource wierested in supervising 'apart: lment duliding, Home sold and must move by January 28, Please phone TOF, |\7--Female Help Wanted | Courtesy Integrity Service H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD, CMHC 6% % MORTGAGE Only $3,800 down on this 4 bedroom home, Good location close to schools, Lots of cup board space and o seporate dining room. Call now for immedi- ate possession, Only a few left, Phone 728- 1678, IC HEAT Lorge home, well fin- ished reflecting the ut- most in workmanship. Move in and settle down to almost main- tenance - free living, Beautiful ange! stone, brick, and aluminum exterior, Attached garage, family room, and four bedrooms, Flexible . terms. Call 728-1678, $117 MONTHLY This is the total cor- rying charges on these brand new homes on Waverly St, south of) King, just west of the: Shopping Centre. 3) bedrooms. Prices from $14,995. with $1,827 down, Call 728-1678, ELECTR LADIES, turn spare time tnte cash. Good [poser and car an esset, Telephone! (moureKenPek "COMPANION, abstain. . for wiow, Live In, light Guties, week- ends free, Write Box ANSI060, Oshawa Tienes. TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS 7208 today ter well located home just east of Wilson Road, close to King Street. 10 ACRES VI. A reol buy is this clear 10 acre parcel of land just outside the city himits at only $6,500. Phone us now to inspect. NO CRAMPED LIVING HERE Vil, This brick home features four bedrooms and is fronted & in neighbourhood on private drive; all five rooms in this bungalow ore @ size dnd home hos oir oil heating, Low taxes, SUBURBAN FAMILY: HOME PLUS INCOME Excellent two family home with six rooms for the owner, plus @ three room self-con- ee sg Two ow jot. 2 Asiting $5, $3,800 0 Sar 4 one open mortgage for the balance. Coll us now for on Oppointment to inspect, RAVINE LOT ONE ONLY I! Delightful kitchen with loads of cupboard space, dining room, large living room, fom- ily room with fireplace and nice view, four lorge bed- rooms and 2 ba ai this ond... 2 large vable rooms in the walk-out basement, Also in excellent erea, @ good iliac, Oil hot water hea ting eee ove, io Excellent buy ot only Bh es00; Good e terms at $90 r month, Call now to inspect. AT THE EDGE OF THE CITY Vill, This lovely 3 bedroom bungalow is located just inside the City limits away from busy traffic yet close to school. Fea- tures broadioom in living room, finished recreation room with bar plus an extra finished room in the basement. Wired for washer and dryer, Good sized garage bie Be also serve you as: your work-shop. JUST LISTED IX, Rench bungalow between Oshawa and Whitby, Located on large lot 75' x 252', Close to all schools, attached gorage, or- iginal design with cathedral ceiling ond attractive frontage, hollywood kitchen and. colored fixtures in tiled bathroom, This! brick home, 5 years old, is in excellent condition, recently re- decorated and with 6Y2 % mort- gage is really an opportunity for only $18,900, Call us for more information, $1,500 DOWN VACANT POSSESSION X. Seeing is believing so come ond inspect this spotiess home just @ block off Simcoe St. Large family kitchen, separate livinasdinina room, 3 bedrooms, garage. the whole in "spoiiess condition, Taxes only $165. NORTH WEST AREA Xt, One of the best 24 storey brick homes we have bad fox sole for a long time, Located in @ good neighbourhood, kept in spotless condition inside ond out, Paved driveway and garage. wolking alorerise Shopping ns Oi heat. 108 ft, deep lot, Low.taxes, Carries for $80.00 per.month Principal and interest. PINEWOOD TERRACE Wilson ne N. south of Ross- land.E, H. Kassinger is now building 27 New Homes, 3 bedroom bungalows and 4 bedroom, 2 storeys with at- tached garages. Featurin: walkout basements -- al prepaid services -- Nero ed lots -- N.H.A Mortgoges.' Save 300. " buying now, Open wee ends 1 p.m, until 5 p.m, --= open anytime by phoning 723- 2265, For full particulars eall 7 65 Marg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Bill Johnston 728-1066, Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Mel Dale 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Members of the 0.D,R.E.B, WE LIST AND SELL MLS. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West, Oshawa Finished recreation room, WHY NOT XI}, try something different for @ change, This valuable corner is located close to 401 Highway. Included in the asking price is a 3 bedroom modern bungalow and on older insul-brick home presently rented at $65 month- ly LAND XH, $8,000 with modest down payment for 20 acres of slightly rolling lend, partially treed, within 14 miles of Oshawo, Sit- uoted on a Township road with hydro available, The view of Lake Ontario is one of the best in this part of the country. If you are only interest in 10 acres, the vendor is willing to sell a 10 acre parcel for only $4,000. 9 ROOM HOUSE XIV, on large lot 60 x 150. Zoning R4, Located one block from Simcoe Street South, Ex- cellent place for rooming house. House partly remodelled. Call us for more information, $14,900 XV, 3 bedroom brick veneer bungalow for sale in South West area, First mortgage carries for $85 principal, interest and taxes. Call us for further por- ticulors. WE LIST TO SELL -- WE AIM TO PLEASE We chorge 4% on exclusive listings only if sold List with confidence with Guide Realty Ltd, Realtors. 16 Simcoe Street South 723-528) Open daily from BRING RESULTS! 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Metca REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 KING ST. EAST VACANT Owner has purchased other home and moved. Immaculate 3. bedroom brick bungalow with paved drive. Owner will hold open mortgage. Hurry! $2,500 down may work! SPLIT LEVEL with 3-bedrooms, vanity in bath, panelled living room, attached garage ond paved drive. With $3,000 down pay $150 monthly including taxes or $6,500 down pay $125 in- cludes toxes or $9,000 down and $97 includes taxes ot 6Ye. Owner hos purchased other home, possession 2 weeks, $3,000 DOWN Lovely bungalow outside city or large 1,525 sq. ft. semi detached in quiet north end at 64% N.H.A, Other bung- alow in Apple Hill area, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Bob Johnston' 725-9365 Frank Fronkfurter John Osborne John O'Driscoll Jack Hogan Joe Maga Eldon: Kerr 723-9178 MEMBER 0.D.R.£.B, . We list éxclusive end MLS. <

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