28. age December 26, 1966 * Canada's Oilmen Locate Pots Of Gold In North of gold in the North in 1966 but, the bo Med tell it, the story won't until the other end of the Rainbow set- tles south of the border, and lon 8 a day, companies eyed the U.S. -- "We'd just adore Chicago"--for new and markets. to rmment, pe: Resources Minister Pepin, telling U.S, ollmen in Dallas: "We must : rt more oil," the year, a strike of oll of commercial value was made in the Zama Lake area of northwestern Alberta and a significant oil find in the Min- 'ton area of southern Saskat- chewan. drilling 'activity continued in ac continued in Rainbow Lake area, 400 miles northwest of Edmonton, nd more was promised for winter, By Dec, 1, about 40 of the area's 8 completed wells were listed as capable pro- ducers and more than 10,000 barrels of oil a day fi south by pipeline. In other 008 activity, ng o4 operations shaped up in Fort St. John area of wl eastern B.C., a gas find was reported in the Northwest Territories and Arctic islands exploration warmed up. EXPLORING OFFSHORE Canadian firms were active overseas, In England, Pan ome] Oil Co, Ltd, of cage into a major a dacovery near recorded success oo another well in the area. An active winter of os was: planned (at F Atha wells <3 northwestern Al alone, by industry saliseieay and pipeline and refinery con- struction booms were forecast for 1967, Further expansion in 1967 was assured in off-shore ex- SS mainly off B.C, and ewfoundland, and in extrac: tion of oil from huge reserves in Alberta and Saskatchewan oil sands, In the off-shore field, the Supreme Court of Canada is expected to move soon on a case to settle whether off- ALL SIZES PRICED FROM ANNOUNCEMENT nee remanent -- HARRY DOVE'S STATION Christmas Tire Sale 11.95 u THE MOST RELIABLE TIRES ON THE MARKET TODAY TURKEY DRAW 2 TURKEYS WON EVERY WEEK. Anyone Purches! at Dove's Fine Stetion is eligible to win @ Christmas Turkey. DOVE'S FINA STATION 792 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH « Tire OF INTEREST shore mineral rights belong to 2 ae governments or government, 2 1906, the oil indust pected {ts first $1,000, revenue year, compared with about $954,000,000 in 1965. But costs were expected to rise to some. $976,000,000 compared with $966,000,000 in 1965, Forecast 1966 oil production of 1,009,000 barrels a day com- pares with about 923,000 in 1965. And gas sales were esti- mated at 2,882,000,000 cubic feet a day compared with 2,644,441,090 Jast year. In pipeline activity, Ottawa approved plans for a 989-mile as line from Emerson, Man., 'to Sarnia, Ont, through the U.S, But no 'U.S, Federal Power Commission ruling is expected until 1967, ' SESS cuirace Manger Exports to the U.S, did in- crease, to about 371,000 bar- rels of oil a day from 293,320 and to 1,230,000,000 cubic feet of gas a day from 1,114,846, 000, but oilmen said this wasn't enough, And, despite a proposed Gulf Coast-Illinols line, they say they can give Chicago's 600,000 - barrel + a + day market oil cheaper than U.S. oil because of lower wellhead Under the National Of] Pol- fey, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces receive cheaper {m- ported oil while Canadian oil serves the remainder of the country and goes tnto the United States, In October, Mr. Pepin in- vited U.S. -oll firms to com- pete in this eastern market and called for more Canadian exports to heip deveiop re- sources and meet a $1,250,- 000,000 trade deficit with the 8: In 1965, oll, gas and related industries contributed to more than $50,000,000 of this: deficit, with imports valued at $482,- 976,000 and exports at $431,- 90,000, Imports of oil increased to an estimated 165,000 barrels a day from 145,693 last year and natural gas imports were esti- ON a ee mated at 125,000,000 cubic feet a day compared with 48,884,- 000 last year, REVENUE FLOWS IN Pi ay yg Bay Oil and Gas Co, Ltd, announced discovery of commercial oll in a well in the Zama North area, about 45 miles north of Rainbow. Interest was enough to net the Alherta cavernment 818.- 900,000 in an Oct. 25 lease sale, including a record $7,500 an acre for a 320-acre wildcat lease, Previous high was $4,258 in the same area in July, The sale helped boost. Al- berta revenue from oll and gas to $203,811,328 in the first 10 months. compared with $245,040,570 last year, far ahead .of other provinces' oii and gas revenue, Revenue from lease sales VAN rey Hy ey y? if oy SCS ew OV CCTV TSH SS vy ee was down but several oflmen attributed this to many com- panies "trying to get in on the northern poker game" and concentrating less on search- ing for oil elsewhere, Saskatchewan collected $27,- 650,006 in the first 10 months, compared with $33,809,174 in all 1965. Manitob netted $585, 798 in 1965, gave a simi. iar SaiiinaiS ive aaa No figures were available for British Columbia govern- ment revenue in 1966 but in 1965 the province netted $31,- 956,782, In Saskatchewan, the by- word was Hummingbird. The Saskatchéwan govern- ment Sept. 28 announced the "most exciting find' -of the province's first Devonian-for- mation oil in the Humming- bird 10-26 well near Minton, 90 miles south of Regina, PIPELINE EXTENDED '. luction is agian ear in 1967 from By my, aie. Ot Abil Bay and Gas Co. Ltd, of Calgary, which also found unexpected Mississippian - for- mation oil. ainbow vEecame SUiiuiy es- tablished as a producing field with plans laid for a 130-home "new town" and regular air service, The gg ington ex- tended to, Nipisi, about 160 miles northwest of Bdapeita, and a start was made on an Edmonton extension. Reserves in three Rainbow pools _ (discoverer Banff Oil Ligesays it has found 13) re estimated at up to 700,- Otten, and iudso's areas, but at sae Sg parr much pla undertaken, 7 An annli¢ation 'by thheisai pia = gn dln of, Calgary 0 boost na from the area to ie ie : before the Fede Commission but Ay : was See until, April. vy CALLS IN People in Britain making more long - distance') calls at a rate of eo 10 per cent a year. f of Beautiful CARLTON CARDS y 5% » 3.00 yoo Shave a cae Se fu EAST Exhilarating DESERT DESERT FLOWER SPRAY COLOGNE AND PERFUME 4.00 Value 2.49 FLOWER 99% 2.17 After Shave Lotion end Shaving Bowl 3% 2.89 YARDLEY bas a Gitt aR TAMBLYN YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH IS OUR FIRST CONCERN Model No, SC 8130 lg Flexible, = mi heeds, Coll cord, com- plete with attractive gift cote, SCHICK Now effortiess femin- mele = peor n Potented holy brthes pe "och 13.95 SAMSON DOMPUOH ELECTRIC KNIFE Carves ond Sess Feed toed eestor 19.95 Batter than ralstionoe, Yerdhey Srv. Ls tvable Tee and Lather Shaving Cream, Matke ® @ spectal ecconion with « Yardley Black Label GIFT SET Shaving Lotion and Shaving Soap 4.25 COLOGNES Lght ing, Floral ragences Lavender, Red Roses or Lotus 1.25 = 2.00 SPRAY MIST COLOGNES 3.00 TALCUMS 1.50 BATH OIL 2.25 GIFT SOAP BOX OF THREE 1.35 be 1.95 CRAZY FOAM 'The wonderful mild SOAP that gets kids « of all ages - clean while they ploy. " ELECTRIC SLICING KNIFE for COLOGNES EXQUISITE FRAGRANCES HYPNOTIQUE & PRIMITIF 2.75 = 4.50 SPRAY COLOGNE 4.25 i. Fragrance Bath Gala \ Decanter of Bubble Both, Both Powder & # Lush Cologne perfumed with Hypnotique er i Primitif, In @ glittering see- S 00 af i =! through gift wrap. CITATION TOILETRIES FOR MEN CANOE We at HARLEIGH'S,. are proud to an- Say nounce the appointment of our Firm . as a Canadian representative for Fiehi Reproductions of Great Britain. These Representations of the Masters are ex- quisitely framed in velvet, gilt or con- temporary and are the most invigorat- ing and faithful reproductions ever seen. As well as maintaining the auth- enticity of colour and depth, the brush strokes can actually be felt onthe can- vas. Within our presentation, we are exhibiting such works as "NIGHT WATCH" by Rembrant, "HAYWAIN" by Constable, "LA LOGE" by Renoir, "MONA, LISA" by d'Vinci, "THE CONFERENCE" by Dovaston and others equally as famous. 89¢ Pepper Mill AND Salt Shaker Finest Quality Keyok! -- Wood 3.50 PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE COLOGNE 4.75 AFTER SHAVE LOTION 4 ox, 3.75 GIFT SET 6.00 » Worlds Apart Prom the Ordinary ATMS GILLETTE GIFTS SLIM TWIST ADJUSTABLE RAZOR AND SUPER STAINLESS STEEL BLADES 14 LIGHT Ovtdeee Set 4.79 aa ae 1.59 GIFT SET 32.95 SANITARY ANTISEPTIC PROTECTION items range in price including frames, from. $32. to $125. Now, with today being a truly art conscious age, we can- not suggest for your consideration a more timely or personal gift. HARLEIGH"S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE "West Side, South of Frasers' 725-3012 For . the Whitest 'Testh : Phemidifier Dry Rooran 14 ounce 1 oa 1.19 Value 1.40 Cured vin 99% | we B¥Q | 89% FREE ALL-DAY DELIVERY OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5101 @ 6 KING STREET EAST 723-3143 v = y