WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY ~ Senior Citizens Guests Rt Cala WHITBY ~ More than 50 W oom FY yh sens Sretmat "carl boy 7 old-time were sung to the accompani- Aged after- oi) Mrs. Bell all, eared, ys the serving of Bantry Mayor Desmond Newman arrived, and was in- troduced by Mrs. Mary Ander- son, the dub president, After a general greeting, Mr. Newman took time for a personal word Sages each member, and then Santa Claus, distribut- a en to everyone, os Anderson proposed a i ae and members ee Good Fellow. Refresh- ments, prepared by the volun- Chrictmas Wi Gee @ie =e --- =~ y Senior Citizens t was their songs ment of oa ar played musical , ete,, were played, and "For He's a Party | teer workers, were much en- joyed, Towards the ed by the No. 3 Brownie Pack, which sang carols, led by their Brown Owl, Mrs. and Tawny Owl, Mrs. Zdanowicz, They gave mem- bers gifts with a card bearing the Christmas message. Their thoughtfulness was much ap- preciated, A vote of thanks was given the many volunteer workers, whose efforts helped to make their annual party a success, Early next year the club is looking forward to moving to its new club rooms in the cen- tennial building, The members are most appreciative of the hospitality that has been accorded them for the past years by the congregation of All Saints' Anglican Church. United Church Women Select Officers Mrs. James Anstey presided at the Christmas meeting of the St. Mark's United Church Women Unit 10 held at the home of Mrs. Ralph MacCar! and opened with an approp- riate mans for the closing meeting of 1966. A Christmas worship service was in charge of Mrs. William Bentley and gmrs. W. L, Brad- ley, baring the business period the slate of officers for 1967 was chosen as follows: Leader, Mrs, Edward McKim- secretary, Mrs. William Bent- ley; treasurer, Mrs. Mildred Robins; social, Mrs. W. L. Bradley; visiting, Mrs, Ernest Safford; worship, Mrs, James Anstey; program, Mrs, Harold Boys, Phoning, Mrs. David RVO AND Mrs, James Anstey. Following the business sess- ion an auction sale was held with Mrs. James Anstey, at- tied in a "Minnie" skirt, wig and false face, acting as auc- tioneer and conducted the sale very successfully, Refreshments were served by Mrs, Ronald VanHorne and Mrs. Gordon Tweedy, Bridge Club Holds Christmas Party Preceeding the weekly Whitby Duplicate Bridge club's evening a hot dinner was served with social convenor, gmrs, E. Bova in charge. She was assisted by members of her committee. Mrs. P. N. Spratt accompan- fed at, the piano for Christmas carols singing led by Mrs. C. Baxter. North and South -- Mrs. R. Butt, and Mrs. W. Barrons, 112; Mrs. C. Stiner and Mrs. H Welsh, 108%; Mr. and Mrs. H. Winter, 105%; Mrs. A .Murty and Mrs. E. Nicholson, 104%. East and West -Mrs. G. Pirrie and Mrs. J. McCutchen, 129%; Mrs. C, Baxter and Mrs. F, Love, 111; Mr. and Mrs, J. Wilson, 106%; Mrs. P. N. Spratt and Mrs. D. Wilson, 100, The next bridge evening will be held Jan. 3. end of the | afternoon members were visit-\/ E. Oullette| | Whitby Couple | ae WHITBY OPP OFFICERS I HELD CHI The members of the Whit- for the children of the of- by Detachment of the On- ficers. The highlight of the tarlo Provincial Police, Fri- evening was the arrival of day night, were hosts at Santa Claus who distributed their first Christmas Party gifts to _the young guests. BOWLING RESULTS , |Amalia Riedler, Bela Odon and LDREN"S PARTY Seen here is Larry Houston, 8, greeting Santa Claus, as his father, Constable John Houston looks on. More than 60 children attended. --Oshawa Times Photo FEAR VIOLENCE COLOMBO (AP)--Police and WHITBY (Staff) -- Forty resi- dents of the disirici received their certificates of Canadian Citizenship certificates at the Ontario County Courthouse here last week. Those receiving the certificates were: Samuel and Mrs. Elizabeth Kloos, Walter Helmut Lanos, Guiseppe Lorenzo. and Mrs, Anna Maria Lombardi, Dante Molinaro, Mrs. Sara Natoli, Paulus Francisus Hubertus Raetsen, Josef and Mrs. Helene Mrs, Isabella Maria Selmeci, Lodge Folk Recieve Gifts PICKERING (Staff) -- A happy gathering was held Sun- day night at Ballycliffe Lodge, Pickering Township, when a Christmas Party was held for residents of the lodge. An interesting program in- cluded selections by a rock and roll band and the singing of carols. A visit from Santa Cluas and a distribution of gifts was the highlight of the evening. Quite a number of the rela- tives of the residents as well as representatives of Pickering Township and the chronic care branch of the Ontario Depart- ment of Health attended. Refreshments, in keeping with the festive season, were served in the gaily decorated lounge. 40 District Residents Receive Citizenship THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 19, 1966 5g Menelaos and Mrs. Irini Kefa- all of Qehawa iiaos, Gas Mieczyslaw and Mrs. Maria Slomiany, Dmytre and Mrs. Olga Stanezenko, Wojciech and Mrs. Cecylia Szatkowski, Mrs. Sophia Twerdowsky, Mrs. Anna Uriadka, Laszlo Varga, Mrs. Varga, Mrs. Agata Zsemberi, Mrs. Marie Rozalio Villa and Jozsef Szombati, all of Oshawa. Hielke and Mrs, Minke Bou- dina De Jong, Bing Kwan Kwan, all of Port Perry. Henryk Karol Fraczek, Mrs. Angela lIeraci, Mrs. Orsola Ignazzito, Mrs. Malvi Irvine, Istvan and Mrs. Erzsebet Jebert, Mrs, Francesca Miliei, Koenraad Peter Josef Raetsen, Wilhelmus Petrus, Antonius Van Der Pluym, all of Whitby. Grzegorz and Mrs, Eufrozyna Kisielowski, Pickering. Legion At Brooklin|. Sponsors Party BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Close to 400 Brooklin area children turned out to see Santa Claus Saturday afternoon at a Christ- mas Party for school children sponsored by Branch 1521, Roy- al Canadian Legion. Unfortunately for a_ few, Santa had not anticipated such a large turnout and ran out of presents. The party was made possible Pigeon Show Is Planned BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- In conjunction with the Bowman- ville Recreation Department, ville Pigeon Fanciers' Associa- tion will present an exhibition Dec, 27 in the Lions Com- munity Centre. Anyone inter- ested in entering their birds may do so by contacting Garry Kuipers. Four trophies have been \donated by. Bowmanville mer- chants and the association has purchased 50 ribbons which will be presented to the win- ners, The association executives includes Garry Kuipers, secre- tary - treasurer; George Haisma, Len Richards, Jos. VanMuster, Floyd Horcelain, Joe Banderveer, George Shea, George Lane and Wayne Haisma. the recently formed Bowman: | Knights of Columbus 6th Annual NEW YEAR'S EVE. BALL COLUMBUS CLUB HALL | 133 Brock St. N. Whitby SAT., DEC, 31 9 to 12 P.M. Buffet -- Refreshments " Prizes Favors $12.00 per couple FOR RESERVATION CALL. J. McCarroll -- 668-2561 er Wm. Debosky -- 668-8112 by generous donations of local Ban Proposed On Health Unit TORONTO (CP)--The Regis- tered Nurses' Association of Ontario announced Sunday it is recommending that nurses not accept employment in the Peel County health unit becaue the county has refused to negotiate salaries with nurses collec- tively. An association press release said the county refused to make a salary offer to Peel County public health nurses at a meet- ing Nov. 29, and withdrew a previous offer already declared unacceptable by the nurses. the armed services in Ceylon men and a number of generous workers. Santa promised that at the party next year he would have presents for all. CANADIAN WHIS FOR EDUCATED TASTES KY ww BINGO ot the Columbus Club 133 Brock St. N. WHITBY EVERY TUES. NIGHT Doors Open at 7 P.M. AJAX KINSMEN BINGO "my THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 8, 15, 22, 28 Will Be Held Ai ANNANDALE GOLF end COUNTRY CLUB And Will Include @ 20 Regular Games @ 5 Specials @ Admission $1.00 Church St. X Plekering @ ANNANDALE % The release said Peel County on nurses will not accept any extra duties to cover nursing short- ages caused by resignations or by requests for more nursing services in certain. parts of the county. They would, however, serve if an emergency were declared. § : Bingo Starts at 3 AJAX i Rs 8 P. M, SHARP Admission 50¢ No Children Under 16 Yeors of age amamemes Ps Now P BROCE Program ach Ere Evening ot Prizes were awarded to win- ners draw, The res were: WHITBY LADIES WHITBY AND DISTRICT Push Urged Hurt In Crash Ther abonen "eames 'a ind gr a eo ea ) sun § e: § je WHITBY (Staff) -- A Whitby| nciea", 'Pow fon'h, Deno Tips | (205, Bh), "Ron "enlen 786 "127° On tence by Marxist eyporres Oh AJAX (Staff) -- Members of couple was taken to the Oshawa/® Pansies 10, Asters 1). | Reed 748, '(2821 Vinge Cusma 724 (269); y rxist and other op- Ajax Minor Hockey Ladies Aux-/General Hospital Saturday after], High Double Fist: By Curtis 475) High We (36)) Orie Moore 696 (a7). Tony | Position politicians in a protest iliary, at their December meet-|their car struck a truck on|Hign Single Flat: "day Peterson 253 High Bil We 699 (208); Ron Black 687 (273);/0f a cut in the weekly ration reminded of their) Highway 2 at 5:45 p.m. sia W th Hdep.: Anne Schell Mas) Berl Cane Ws (eons bur verters(rice to two pounds from four "Peanut Sale' which; Thomas Gaskin, 48, and hi And Over: Ev Curtis 24, 2, Joan | S71 Casa) Tony Stigter 666 (259). 'continue fill the end of the| wife, Eleanor, 47, of 66 Queen's org q,t2 Dorothy McRae 176, 183! Team Standings: "Jokers 12, 'Mitten |POundS per person. Prime Min- year. were asked to make} Road, Whitby, were eastbound!" . nelly [12 'lister Dudley Senanayake told @ special effort during Christ-'on Highway 2, east of Almonds ie Ray 'Petersenviv?, Pet Wilcox 177, Beneath. Leneen ON LM a aume| eoere's the rice cut became) ols pons yor sae pone | thatr| | Rese, hg Me gc ag the | ek oye pe ners: Ev Curtis, An- |S a ay Rout" Esters 7, Whitby [faulted on Sa 3 -¥ with Cop es, a way jrear of a truck driven by Mar-|, Turkey oy bani | Barbe 4, St Lu aulted on its contract with Cey-| objective, |tin Rottine, Concession 2, Whit-|Mekas Bes Alnennead, Pet Wilcox, ar. eer ee | ee lon and, that both Burma and! It is hoped that with the as-|by Township. lorie y+ Cody Keogan. PN ee Ml yin e McGuire, Les! Thailand could offer only a total) sistance of all a The truck was about to make|gsry "Barr, Ns ent itheetia|b iting, Bon "Reed, 8 Gough,' sem|Of 200,000 tons, which is half this -- sale be the's left turn when the Gaskin Jean Millar, T Keogan, Velma An-|B0nk, Robert Kitchen, "Gerd, aranem, | what these countries usually best ever. vehicle collided with it. iyrt Primeny. inert nainee' Cusma, Jack Townson, ship. me! way, AND DISTRICT pa Bw QUE The president, Mrs. Dave| Thomas Gaskin received face| WHIT8Y MONDAY MIXED BOWLIN Graham, announced that the|jacerations and a broken nose; |,,,ce" Stensings: County, Bow) oe winner of the Christmas cake|while his wife was admitted to|2, Neigh ' is J. ge ft i ee, hospital with leg lacerations and|<endles i. Pipers 21, Big, Ajax. monthly Ww WA8S)a possible fractured le: f won by a, Gordon ard. amage to the rack Gee $150; wt inh D. ene me rar Tentative plans were made for| while the car received $500 esti-| Triples Over 600: Charlies Gill a2 Adame 742 (278)) Bd Samanskl 71 (292)) a social evening for early 1967,|mated damage. Whitby OPP Sint), Mnsrty, Jordan 748 (299, Tho. 709); V.| 230); Bes Denyer 706 (2i8)7 Bert Seeley Tea hostesses were Mrs. ait py mess see yg Don Tim- gorden a (278, 248, 219); Brenda Van| 69) (260); Tom Perrow 690 (298); Glen William Black and Mrs John|!eck investigated the accident. Grubb. The next meeting will) Police said Gaskin was Hem 729 «(252, 314); Doug Rowden) Doak 684 (296); Joe Paplinski 678 (243); Fi. (a, 247, 246); Don Grant 715. (263, |Reg Norris 676 (242). be Jan. 9, at the home of Mrs.| (ee with careless driving. _ Gordon Ward. 263); Ron Civiids. 704 (213, 295); Verna) Team Standings: County Bow! 16, Fire-| Roberts 700 (251, 234, 215); Ron Adair|man (A) 15, Kaiser Aluminum Co. 12,| Candlelight Service Held (257, 234); Ron Pascoe 686 (220, 253,|Red Wings 12, Diamond Insulations 12, Keith Laundry 666 (226, 281); |Shorty's Cigar Store 1), Post Office i Mader 634 (251); Arly Holter 633) Legionnaires 10, Ken Smith Const. 8 K/ 4); Hans Zimmer 629 (244); Carijof C8, Team (12) 8 Mercantile Dept. | Pascoe 616 (224, 207); Don Sandford 615|Store 6, Whitby Hardware, 6, Firemen (222, 214); Bette "em 607 (207, 239); (8) 5, Legion Old Sweats 3, Andrews | Jean King 607 (246 > Turkey Roil-Off Ricans Chariie Gill, Torey Winners: Ray Peters, Bruce | Ron Childs, Marty Jordan, Sam Peake,|Cornek, George Ritchie, Bill Brant, Bert AJAX (Staff) -- Holy Trinity 'Anglican Women's Church Year held its Christmas candlelight meeting at the Church. Taking part in the service were Mrs, Bruce Walker, or- ganist, Mrs. W. = Robertson, soloist and Mrs. A. C, Herbert, wife of the rector, who gave the One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wellpaper end Murele Custom Droperies Broadloom C.1.L. Paints end Varnishes Benjamin Moore Points RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Also 2nd Feeture Attraction Begins 7:30 "BELLE SOMMERS" -- With Polly Bergen Dovid Janssen, Warren Stevens SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL Presents This Week STAN LOREL M.C. -- Comedian -- Vocalist. @ "Terry Morgan" -- Vocalist MAY WARN OF CANCER MONTREAL (CP)The Que- bec government may launch an advertising campaign to warn DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668.5862 Cloutier. Janie Holter, Marg 'Tretters Williamson § YOU CAN CROSS THE SINGING MEDIAN From the legal department of the Ontario Provincial Police. OPEN DAILY IT IS LEGAL TO MAKE A LEFT HAND ENTRANCE OR EXIT TURN ACROSS THE SINGING MEDIAN STRIP FOR GREATER a TURN INTO OSH- adolescents about the dangers ' Si Verna Roberts, Keith Laundry, Don Sand-| Seeley, Bill Dalby, Ed Brush, Dave Hen- ed Sieh Ihde smoking, said ford, Ron Adair, Mickey Mader, Brendalderson, Keith MecOeneld, Glen. Doak, ea s' ' 'an Hemman, Jim cKenzie, Roger | Joe Paplinski, Dy Rowden, Marty J Minister Jean - Paull/Ue sr Saray Taylors Herel Momelden Rudy' Kester, aim Hie" Gord| Christmas reading. Following the service, bers journeyed to where they exchanged _ gifts. mem- Numerous other gifts were "al received to be forwarded to Ontario Hospital, distribution at Christmas time. | Refreshments were served by/ - Mrs, H, MacMillan and her | committee. The next Jan. 18 meetin be a New Year's party an be held at the Church hall. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS for RENT Moderate itech Rates A Le Corte & al mises," Apply yaMes. MANE Whithy Hotel 207 Dundes West Whitby 668-2337 the hall | will | will | | CHRISTMAS AWA DISCOUNT HOUS Whitby for} | TURN IN FOR SAVINGS THE DISCOUNT HOUSE TREES OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Aveilable At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshawe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x 7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders of 3 or More Pictures The Discount House purchased thousands of hand trimmed and shaped Christmas Trees to add comfort and bea Christmas. FOR PRIC uty to your home for YOUR CHOICE E SAKE .. 1038 KING ST. W. at GARRARD RD. OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE Lid. } Tonight, go down to your cellar and come up with a bottle of Paarl Sherry. If you don't have a cellar it doesn't matter -- your kitchen cabinet will do very well. Paarl Sherries are easy to store and economical to buy. Paarl offers a choice of three: the sharp nutty tang of Paarl Pale Dry or Paarl Golden Medium makes them among the world's finest appetizers. Or if you wish to add a little style and excitement when the meal is finished, try smooth, rich, Paarl Olofoso Cream. All Paarl Sherries however, can be enjoyed any time -- alone, with snacks or in the newest fashion -- on the rocks. And because they are so surprisingly moderate in price, you can serve them often. Why not tonigni? onporled Paarl Wines from the Cape @ "Eleanor" -- Exotic Dancer ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY | AND SATURDAY MATINEE 4 TO 6 P.M, FRENCH BUFFET -- DAILY 12 - 12:30 and 5 -9 p.m. -- Sunday 5 to 8 p.m. Banquets -- Weddings -- Parties -- For Information Phone Whitby 668-3386 Make Your Reservations Now for New Year's Dinner "Accutron" NcCallengh Jewellers HEADQUARTERS » Handsome Stainless nand-appiied gator strop, Waterproof*, protected. McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS LIMITED Whitby Plaza -- Whitby -- Ph. 668-5051 rena for the WORLD'S ONLY ELECTRONIC TIMEPIECE ACCUTRON* vy BULOVA Steet ca: ere. 'Aine shock- Néetiedat oh