'BERWICK - ON - Tweed, Esgiend (Reuters)--The Cri- mean War ended here today, Yes, the Crimean War, which for everyone but the 12,000 inhabitants of this sleepy market town ended 100 years ago. By a quirk of history, Ber- wick remained' officially at war with Russia after the rest of Britain and its allies-- France, Turkey and Sardinia made their peace in 1856. But a Soviet journalist and Berwick's mayor finally ended the non-violent conflict, which became one of the classic jokes of British erin The ownership of Berwick changed 13 times in centuries- long wars between England and Scotland. It last became part of England in 1482 with fights to special mention in state ceremonies and docu- ments, So when England declared CRIMEAN CONFLICT ENDED BY ENCLISH BORDER TOWN war on Russia in 1854, it was announced "in the name Victoria, Queen oF Gia. Srit- ain, Ireland, the British Do- ond the seas... r The Light Brigade made their historic charge, the guns of Sevastopol fell silent, and the treaty was drawn up-but the citizens of Berwick were somehow forgotten, and not mentioned in the treaty, Mayor R. H. Know of Ber: wick, however, now has told the London corre: lent of the Soviet newspaper Pravda, Oleg Orestov, 'please tell the Russian people they can sleep peacefully in their beds," To which Orestov replied; "The Soviet nation is a peace: loving nation and will do ev- erything to live peaceably with all the nations of the world--including the inhabi- tants of Berwick-on-Tweed," OTTAWA (CP Down on the farm, i060 was a goa rene dominated by a lanky stern lawyer who proved a surprising match for the job of agriculture minister, J, J, Greene, 46, got the sensitive post when the Prai- ries turned thelr back on the Liberal. government in the ws ste ORNAMENTAL, ISN'T SHE? VANCOUVER (CP)---A_ spe: cial squad of sensitive-nosed policemen is Vancouver's any swer to motorists who drink and drive during the Christmas season, Should a nose thrust unob- trusively in a car window de- tect the scent of alcoholic cheer, the driver is in for a_ stiffer | unit, locations, and does, within min- utes, and in no pre-set pattern, tributes a drop driving arrests to 34 so far this month compared with 69 in No Vancouver Police Nose Out Revellers Who Drink, Drive It can move to various Police Chief Ralph Booth at: in impaired vember to the roadblock cam- paign. "It is quite evident that our roadblock policy has had a of Girl Students Oppose Ruling TORONTO (CP) -- A com: mittee of women students at the University of Toronto says the males-only ruling on admission to Hart House, last male strong: hold on the campus, is outdated and degrading, a. In a brief to Warden Arnold Wilkinson and three members the Hart House debating team, the women said the rul- ing fails to take inte account the increased interest by women in politics and other sub- jects discussed there since the law was set down in 1910, Hart House is a male student club, for which all male stud. ents are assessed when they en: rol at the university, The university also has a women's athletic building and the women have their own un- 1065 election, He soon turned Seners 2S pralee! Joe Greene, plunged in, learned the essentials of his new field and said all the right things, His deft answers turned away wrath in the Commons, where even the solid bloc of Prairie Conserya- ae occasionally applauded Out West, he drew a warm response with his wry wit cloaked in a laconic drawl that produced an acceptable image as a sort of talking Gary Cooper, He needed all the image available, Even geography was against him because agri- cilture ministers traditionally represent a seat in the Prairie grain belt, In trying to keep farmers happy, Mr. Greene was helped by a record 844,000,000. bushel wheat crop. Despite stiffening competi- tion in Western Europe, Can- ada should sell at least 530,- 000,000 bushels of wheat and the flour equivalent abroad in the current crop year ending next July 31, Although short of the record, the figure is exceptional, With big Russian and Chi- nese markets opened up lon before Mr, Greene arrived, demand is expected fo stay at this plateau at least until 1970, The good-news wheat situa- tion was enhanced by a price Greene Proves Success With Testing Portfolio recovery, And the government is making noises abo k- ing an increase im Wie if tional limits, Success there would further improve the inceme position of many farmers, perennially concerned about the cost price squeeze, With wheat a dominant fac: tor, gross farm income was forecast to hit $4,000,000,000 for the first time, Net income was expected to reach half that total, but significantly little or no change was seen for 1967, Or for gross income either, ORDERS INQUIRY With this projected levelling off, the farm demand for a better income becomes more telling, Mr, Greene, member of Parliament for Renfrew South, dampened some dis. content by ordering a federal inquiry into farm machinery prices, Steady increases are a sore point with farmers, Restive dairy farmers re- ceived a boost in the price of milk used to manufacture but- ter, cheese and other prod- ucts, It went from §3,50 a hundredweight to §4,08 and there'll be another 25 cents next year, Ontario farmers selned pro duce the promised increase with tractor demonstrations on highways, Some farm now want $5 through sul and other Fare They lar, reat cane range ey 0 tides trmctons and other equip: Shey aad lvensed teed pl and live Went up. 80 did farm labor wages, The 1066 average was £1.22 an hour without board, MARKET STRONG The long » term decline in farm population was acceler: ated during the year by high demand in non-farm induat that drew people off the lan: The 7.7 per cent of the work- ing amy tt that remains will have their problems, No 1067 improvement is deen in hog prices which fell sharply in 1966, But this will be offset by a continuation of favorable cattle prices, Poul- try took a bigger share of the retail meat market and is ex- pected to improve its coms petitive position still further, The dairy industry, in va state of flux for years, should be better served by govern: ment in the next year with a newly + established national commission to oversee the whole support program, Butter is a particular prob- lem, Both consumption and production declined again in 1967, Increases in the retail butter price through govern: ment support changes. didn't help the consumption picture, Some fear a butter shortage next spring; SEA HEAVES UP The tides at Passamaquoddy Fi N.B,, rise and fall 19 feet ally, \ deterrent value,"' he said, A. H. Rossiter, superintendent) and head of the traffic division, is a firm believer in the psy- chological benefits of the cam: paign, and has many times pro- posed a year-round plan, He said the total of 1,543 im- paired driving arrests so far this year show "we'd be more than justified in continuing roadblocks right through the year," Next year, there likely will be! a new factor on the scene that will result in police making fewer impairment arrests but suspending drivers' licences on examination that could lead to arrest. Those who pass the sniff test and produce a valid driver's li- cence and vehicle registration are thanked and sent on their way. The whole process takes less than two minutes of a driver's time, but police believe it pays off in reducing Christmas-time traffic carnage regulsting from alcohol, The roving unit, sometimes labelled 'ta wolf-pack of noses" or "the flying squad," checks up to 1,500 vehicles a night in VISIT JURY & LOVELL Bod THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 6, 1966 35 FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS cae " i x ments, The wrap-around hat up the idea in Europe, is dark green and the orna- where she recently com- ments = red, The eyes pleted filming "Deadiier are sparkling, Elke picked Than the Male', Actress Elka Sommer shows what the _ thrifty housewife can do with a surplus of Christmas orna- Queen's Park Studies - Federal Bilingual Area Prof, Donald C, Rowat ofjulation: exceeding 500,000, with) Carleton University's politicalja French-speaking element of} district in the Ottawa area ap-|scence department confirmed in| roughly 40 per cent. jen annual gempalgn that be- the spot pears to be steadily gaining fa-|an interview that he completed) French - speaking legislators|8!"8 early in December and) Roadside suspension legisla-| vor in political circles--even in/the 100-page report some time|and civil servants often com-/'uns through New Year's Eve, oo es ier this vear but Toronto, }ago, but declined to comment on/plain that Ottawa is largely an| Police call the campaign ap-|//; yet proclaimed was sched: With little publicity, the On-|his findings, |English-speaking Ontario town|plied psychology, uled to be operational in Van- tario government has commis-/MORE FEDERAL POWER _ {rather than a truly bilingual na-| "It's been my experience in!aoyyer and Victoria for this sioned and obtained a detailed) A federal district would|tional capital, They particularly|past years that the sight of one Christmas, But the plan ran| report on the pros and cons of| greatly increase federal powers jobject to the lack of Frenchipolice roadblock examining) into a roadblock in. the ac>| a federal district in the national) and spending in the Ottawa-Hull| high schools and to the fact that/cars is enough to make drivers|ouracy of alcohol-testing equip-| capital area, jregion. The existing national/French is not an official lan-|think twice about taking alment. | The report, expected to be|capital commission is largely| guage in Ottawa's municipal-af-|drink," says Cpl. Don Brown, | ' made public shortly, is under-|limited to the development andjfairs and courts, in charge of the nose unit. ACCURACY FAILS | stood to endorse the proposal,|maintenance of scenic park:| The main argument against! we said the squad can set up| Attorney-General Robert Bon: so long as some form of home|ways and parks, while scores of)the federal district idea here is}in 19 locations in one night, |Ner said the breathstype tester rule is retained for local tax-| municipal councils and adminis-|that in Washington it deprives * | proved in RCMP tests to be not yers. Premier John Robarts|trative boards jockey for posi-|local residents of any demo-|MOBILITY COUNTS accurate for the .08 per cent Wtaking @ personal interest in| tion. cratic representation in local] The psychology of the meas-| blood-alcohol ratio in the legis- he question, informants say. | The capital region has a pop-igovernment, ure involves the mobility of the!lation, + WA OTTAWA (CP)--The idea of} setting up a bilingual federal Yardley him for Christmas This Christmas delight him with a distinetive Travel Kit of Yardley Black Label Cologne, After Shaving Lotion and Soap, Set $3.60, a handsome gift from our fine Yardley selection, SERFECT | GIFT @ New instant-loading 35mm camera with 4-sided automatic flash cube. Special Christmas feature Model OK3C 3@" Heavy Duty Drill REGULAR LIST PRICE . 59.00 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICE . 34,55 SAVE *24-5 Model SD41¢ 5" Heavy Duty Drill REGULAR LIST PRICE ...... 99.00 >PECIAL TRADE PRICE ...... 65.75 SAVE $33:25 yy R Fore INSTAMATIC 104 CAMERA KIT Camera, cube, color film; batteries, Compare 23.75 18.87 this Christmas... promise her Better than mistletoe! :} Yardley gift set includes T| Soap, After Shaving |} Lotion, Invisible Tale J and Lather Shaving me' Cream, Set $6.00, $1§-95 COMPLETE TAKES BEAUTIFUL, PICTURES EVERY TIME shoots colour slides. long-life Matiory battery: Wriat Strap; 1 leopan-Repid BA W file, iSO-RAPID C INSTANT-LOADING GAMERA The Perfect Gift for all ages ARGUS 814 SUPER EIGHT MOVIE CAMERA @ Power zoom @ Automate @ Case @ Grip Compare 182.90 1 tree of pee cartridge of super eight DE VILBISS VAPORIZER with plastic container @ steams all night @ Shuts off automatically @ Complete with cord MODEL SD4i¢ %e" Heavy Duty Drill © 2 Handles : 1. The Natural Sprays: Perfume $7.00, Eau de Lanvin $7.00, 2, The "Lanvinette", purse size golden flacon $5.50, Also, My Sin $4.80, 3. Perfume, original flacon, from $8.50 to $25,00, 4. Arpege Coffret -- Perfume, purse size, and Eau de Lanvin $7.50, THESE ARE HEAVY DUTY DRILLS THAT ARE USED BY INDUSTRY AND THE ELECTRICAL TRADE. DAD WILL ALWAYS HAVE A DEPENDABLE DRILL IN HIS WORKSHOP Compare 8.95 CHRISTMAS SHOP FIRST ...AT...) JURY & LOVELL OSHAWA 530 Simcoe St. S, Rosslynn Plaza 8 King St. E 725-3546 723.2245 728-4668 ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY STORE HOURS 9 AM. 9 P.M. " DAILY FREE DELIVERY RUDDY ELECTRIC WHSL. LTD. CONSUMER DIVISION 75 RICHMOND ST. W.