THE PAIN Playboy, a French poodle, emits a yelp as his hair- dresser gets a bit energetic Auto Workers Walk Off Job LONDON, Ont. (CP) -More than 60 afternoon shift workers at Eaton Automotive Canada Ltd, walked off their jobs Fri- day night to protest an alleged firing of a fellow employee and actions of a plant foreman, Eaton Automotive, a major supplier to the auto industry, is @ subsidiary of Eaton Yale and Towne Inc., of Cleveland, Ohio, No details of causes of the HAS SWORD IN PAST s, Professor Rob- Lost in Space, was IN MANE with the hairbrush, Play- boy has his haip fione at a Savannah, Ga.~-poodle par- lor, ~AP Wirephoto German Girl TORONTO (CP)--A 16-year- old German girl has been ad- mitted to Canada after direct intervention by Prime Minister Pearson her aunt and uncle said Saturday. Hannelore Schuster of Stutt- -|gart arrived by air Friday night and is staying with her rela- tives, Mr, and Mrs, Gerry Loe- ser, The Loesers said they applied for her admission last year, but were told the Immigration Act prohibits the emigration of a person under 21 other than orphans, The girl's parents are alive but the Loesers said the family relationship is a poor one and the parents agreed that Hanne- lore should come to Canada, Immigration Minister Jean Marchand notified the Loesers in October that Mr, Pearson had reviewed the case and granted the girl admission, ALL IN THE MIND PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Eu- gene Connelly says he isn't so much worried about recovering the $12,000 worth of household goods stolen from his home sev- eral weeks ago as knowing who was in the house, He has of- fered a $1,000 reward because, I've got to have some peace of mind as to who was in my home." Canada Admits FIRST FOOTHOLD ARVIDA, Que, (CP) -. The Confederation of National Trade Unions has gained a foothold in Toronto as a first step in its campaign to build up an organ zation of exclusively Canadian unions, The decision to extend opera: tions outside Quebec on a tematic basis was made by the CNTU's Bureau Confederal--a 100-member council representi affiliated unions wh ing in this city of the Lake St, John region, The Toronto foothold was gained at the jay session when the o a the affiliation of the Resilient Tile Workers' Union of Toronto, whose 250 members walked out of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners last month, This was described as only the first step, Due to be studied at a future meeting waa the pos- sible affiliation of 1,500 station- ary engineers employed in Tor onto, Hamilton and other Ontario centres, The union in- volved was not named, OTHERS INTERESTED Ted Payne, a CNTU vice president who handles liaison . Rebel Toronto Local | Tice Meehan Thasan YVULLLD WQUGHSY Wasewves with English-language affiliates, told the mee! that othe: groups of workers in Ontario ave expressed interest in ONTU tion, pleved ot shipyards In Collng a y olling- > as wall aa Oshawa men hers. of the United Auto Work- ers, The CNTU, which claimed a total of 205,000 members at its is meet>|iatest others Friday including the Tor: onto. group, Most member unions are sed in Quebec, althougn the U had 1,695 members in Ontario and Newfoundiund be- fore it accepted the tile workers, There were 200 members in Newfoundland, 90 in Hawkes bury, Ont,, near the Quebec border and 1,335 in the Ottawa area, The meeting Friday appointed a special committee -to_study the question of expansion be- yond Quebec's border and de- termine how best to serve CNTU. affiliates in other pros vinces, CNTU President Marcel! Pepin said the group has received numerous appliontie, from workers in other ces, but cores -] hehe a reer Soe specia cone making any furt ng OU, USE EXPANDS: Hurope's consumption of oll has doubled in the last alx years, ULO WORLD TRADITION NEW WORLD PERTEC TION "The GIFT WED. DEC. 26-8 p.m. International Hockey CZECHS « JR. STARS TICKETS 1.50, 2, 3. 4 Ideal Christmas Gift For All The Hockey Fans On Your List. tice Open 10 a.m. + 9 Daily BMAPLE LEAF il GARDENS @ KING ST, E. JURY & LOVELL SUGGESTS: | sec., black and white in 10 LOVELL Lid CAMERA. DEPARTMENT that CLICKS with everyone POLAROID Automatie film pack gameras, Color in 60 secs, From Less ZIEISS isamatie, Instant cart: Hoe ncuret Fron 1000 KODAK SUPER 8, Instamatic Movie Cameras, Just load and SAWYER SLIDE PROJECTOR Square or circular tray, 500w, Fan cooled, From vareeeeee 723-2245 television's Zorro in the 1950s. KC iff SNOWBOOTS Be ready to go with the snow , . . choose your boots now while selection and size. range are complete . . . a small deposit will hold your selection 'til wonted, rete Clark's "Eskimo" Quality suede with vulcanized soles and genuine sheepskin lining, Colors of black ond dark brown, 22.95 Irith "Dubleens" Natural crepe soles, choice of block or brown suede: uppers. Worm fleece lining. 14.95 OVER $8,500.00 IN PRIZES! ON @ pty ode winl-a~ , prize "Elegance by Keufman" Waterproof brushed nylon; warm fleece lining, sensible walking heet: Choice of black er brown, 14.95 "Bavorite' by Keufmen Waterproof brushed nylon; neot collor trim; dressy cuban heel. Choice of black or brown. 14.95 IDEAS : + . GREAT FOR GIVING or RECEIVING FOR ALL THE FAMILY SLIPPERS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY "CHATELAINE Black or blue, Pr cece & é Misses "DARLING" Red oF Dive, Bh sceseserss ae "EXECUTIVE" Red plaid, biue plaid, pr. SHOE STORE 31 Simeone St. North somal ien "SANDMAN" shild's in Red, Red plaid, blue, sa blue plaid, pr. a4 Ladies "TEASE" Pastel pink or pastel biue, pr, 5.98 "MOHAWK Brushed suede leather in brown oF Riverbed. pr _ome SCHOFIELD-AKER Beau Valley "THE MOST PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE" by Kassinger The Location The Setting The advanced method of construction -- The Quality and The Beauty of the Homes Are Unquestionable Without Comparison In Oshawa 10 different Model Homes with Delightful Styling and Breathtaking Interior are on display now, TO KEEP BEAU VALLEY HOMES SPARKLING CLEAN, THESE HOMES ARE SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY LTD, --- 729-2266 TALISMAN COLOR TV ® FULL YEAR the difference, Dewntown Oshawa BEHIND THIS SCREEN are reliability features seldom found in any other television receiver... ¢ COMPARE OUR HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES What makes Electrohome Calor TV 80 outstanding? It comes from Canada where TV stations are few end fer between, Up there, the only TV set that does a jab le ane built with heavy duty, high capacity components, Other- wise, pletures with freckles? distorted color, There's a bonus for people whe live close to TV stations, Electro- home's powerful chassis brings a better image to local channels as well, To understand how Eleetrahome can give you so much extra dependability at ne extra cost, eek our sales people to show you the workings of Electrohome's unique Centurion Chassis, tt won't take long to convinee you that here, truly, le Color TV with HLECTROHOME COLOR TV WITH THE DIFFERENCE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA, LTD. wy 90 Simeoe St. S., 725-5332 fe WARRANTY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, December 19, 1966 39 = OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE (] All Guts She'll Love And from Her Favorite Shop too! Just the kind She'd choose for Herself They're ROBES or HOUSECOATS @ SKI or CURLING JACKETS SKI or CURLING PANTS SWEATERS SLIMS BLOUSES SHIRTS CO-ORDINATES TARTAN OUTFITS TARTAN JUMPERS DRESSES SUITS COATS SKIRTS CAR COATS GLITTERING EVENING TOPS LONG or SHORT | EVENING SKIRTS MATCHING SWEATER and SKIRT SETS WE GLADLY EXCHANGE CHRISTMAS GIFTS WHEN IN DOUBT WHY NOT GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE -------- OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL CHRISTMAS | REMEMBER WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF LADIES SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA * s 'i ~ ee we Ol ee ee wee ee 6 eee PS See eee es 2 ee SSS | x