'THE OSHAWA TIMES, , December 19, 1966 U.S. Hopes For Treaty Dampened By German Rifts: cits om Gitlin Cini naw er me MS wow nal control of nuclear weapons.|when Schroeder was foreign) The Russians play heavily on ( ; 'But he would not say what the|minister, they stood for a West|European memories of past {moment, are Defence Minister; Last Monday there was Alsocialists were reported urging|German right of "co-ownership'"|German aggression, They in- ; Sakenn him to say that it did notlin something such as the now-|sist the door should be slammed i za fs anv frturelahandened Multilateral Nuclear|on any West German participa- By CARL HARTMAN BONN (AP)-A. clash inside|@etHes« me Chancellor Kurt Georg ern his Christian Democratic Party|a night cabinet meeting between| Went ves = er's new West German coal tion government has dampened|West German_ participation|Social Democratic Party led by with the sorket Union to halt/controlied by a united Western|The socialists are reported to/HAS RUSK SUPPORT ¢ the spread of nuclear weapons./Europe, whenever that comes|have said they would just as There he spoke with U.S.|up this clause altogether, even|Mcnamara committee--set up In The winners, at least for the'about, use of parliament), Kiesinger, a Christian Demo- who want the way left open for|this group and. members of the nuclear for « of a treatylsome day in a nuclear force|Foreign Minister Willy Brandt.|& NATO meeting. leaders feel th soon see the door closed, The!State Secretary Dean Rusk,'though they badly want the'Paris last week. debate came on the eve ofjwho has been holding out in|treaty with Moscow. The pict- Kiesinger's first statement On|negotiations with Moscow forjures would be different if the -- to the Bundestag (lower|ine xing of 'open door" clause|West Germans were voluntar- in the treaty that Schroeder and|ily to say they waht no share Force, HON In aN wal wusawns *OFCS. SS Brandt 'then flew to Paris for} Qut of solidarity with their} They do not object, Ameri- West German allies, American|can officials say, to the nuclear cannot give|planning groupthe so - called La. y di ae ah Lie ile ah gal lh ileal FOOD SERVICE Complete Service For All © RECEPTIONS © HOUSE PARTIES © SOCIAL AFFAIRS | | "CALL 728-7305 _ sinue" I SA AT 73 William C, Bowman of Marion chuckled when he re- ceived a new draft card the other day inf him he has been classified 5A (over 26 never deferred or over 35 previously deferred), The retired railroad con: ductor, 73, guessed it was intended for his late son, William Jr., killed in an auto crash several years ago. (AP. Wirephoto) Upper House Future Dim In Quebec MONTREAL (CP) -- Premier Daniel Johnson of Quebec said Sunday night he is opposed to the continuation of the legisla- tive council, Quebec's upper house, in its present form but doesn't think it will be abolished Rapetiately. "Theoretically, it could be abolished during the course of the next session . . . but will it be?" he said during a tele- vised press conference. "That is another question, Ask it of the constitutional commit- tee when it makes its report." Mr. Johnson promised aboll- tlon of the legislative council during his campaign preceding the June § provincial election. Opposition Leader Jean Lesage introduced a private bill propos- ing abolition at the beginning of this year's session but Mr. John- son blocked the bill and refer- ted the matter to a constitu: tional committee. Mr. Johnson sald Sunday the legislative council might be re- placed by an organism repre- senting intermediary bodies but said he would hesistate to give such a body legislative powers, "T see it more as a guardian | as a check on the enthusiasms of the legislative assembly when it gets carried away." The | tive assembly is Quebec's lower house. At: pre which must then be passed through the council, the only re- maining provincial upper house in Canada. --_--------_------ at KARN'S BEST BUY! sent it formulates ae SAWYER'S "REQ" t Enjoy your slide shows from your eosy chair, Three-button remote control hend unit lets you focus, odvence or reverte slides; has 10 foot remote con. trol cord. Projector olso may be Operoted manually without dis- connecting remote contro! Precision quolity throughout Fectures 4" £/3.5 onastigmatic lens, 500 wort lomp, slides pre heated to maintain focus, square condensers for extra bril- Hiant light, handy vertical tilt plus horizontal alignment. 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Grocery Values! * Henley Ci oe Quality Reg price 470 tin -- SAVE 90 A&P FANCY QUALITY SAVE UP TO 28c OVER OTHER BRANDS mn seek TOMATO 3 we 9 5: Heavy Duty Aluminum Foll, 18" wide SAVE UP TO 24c OVER OTHER BRANDS Reg. Price roll 680 -- SAVE 4e A&P FANCY QUALITY 14-fl- ¢ oz tins REYNOLDS WRAP 25#ni65« SAVE UP TO 23¢ OVER OTHER BRANDS CaS Maxwell House (300 Off Deal) Reg. Price $1.59 -- SAVE AN EXTRA 100 INSTANT COFFEE =i 1.49 Rose Brand (Parchment Wrapped) Reg. 8 Ibe. $1.00----SAVE 1ie MARGARINE 3 vb pkos BY Fruit Salts Reg. Price btl, $1.29 -- GAVE 300 ENOS large size btl 9 9 "The Real Thing" -- A&P Brand Fresh 82-fl-on bt 30¢ ORANGE JUICE 64-flor bt 7 Se EVAP. MILK A tanin 59 DEACHEG tie a eve: Bretortn 1 OO Asters! Beard ----hp So Fresh Movida Frew, Pascal, Sweet, Crisp, Jumbo, No. 1 Grade CLRY 5 STALKS ter PRICES WiGtER AT AGP Coltornia Fresh, Green, No, 1 Grade BRUSSELS. Q HOME PRICED HIGHER AT ABP nun New Jersey, Kiln dried, Parfoet for Turkey Dinner, No.1 Grade POTATOES" 12: ~owe WONT PRICED WIGQHER AT AMP om A Real Christmas Treat-Jumbe Size 6's-ROYAL HAWAIIAN 9: "PEAS POTATO CHIPS 1202 eke 5 Qe AeP 2am: DRINK 31.00 Heing Fancy Quality Reg. Price tin 410 -- SAVE 7 TOMATO JUICE 2 tetortin 75 So Low In Price! AsP Produce! go Es TN SEM SE SENS Nas SEN SEN EN Ns SEN EN ee as Se Se 5 Da 2 CALIFORNIA, LARGE SIZE, SWEET EATING, No, 1 GRADE, SIZE 88's, NAVEL ORANGES NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&PI PINEAPPLES °** cwmeme NONE PRICED HIGHER AT AAP ~..... DOZEN "FF SURE TO VISIT OUR FRESH FLOWER DEPARTMENT We carry several varieties of Christmas Plants for your selection, including such items as: Potted Chrysanthemums, Azaleas, Cyclamen, Hyacinthe, and many others, all attrectively priced. -- ee ~nentinmnerenr we C = 3% By Party Supplies Bam oF YUKON CLUB GINGER ALE or SODA WATER 8: 99 (Plus Bottle Deposit) p (All Varieties) 4%-oztin 59 16-02 jer 59 24-02 jar 73: 32-02 jar 5Qe Yukon Club -- Canned 12 + 10-fl-oz tins OS¢ BEVERAGES case of 2A 10-fl-oz tins 1.69 Regular -- Ginger Ale, Lemon-Lime, Orange, Kola or Root Makes Up To 140 Cups, Coste Less Than 10 per Cup AGP Brand INSTANT COFFEE 10-02 jer 1.29 Shirriff 2-01 pkg BYe Coloured MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE lb 65e Crosse & 'Blackwell PLUM PUDDING PLAIN POTATO CHIPS 140: {oil pko 69e dane Parker RIPPLE POTATO CHIPS tor foil pko 5% Mary Lou Assorted Hb box BYe 2-1b box 1.59 Excel Salted ~ MIXED NUTS (in the Shell) A&P MIXED NUTS 14-02 pko He CRESCENT COOKIES 2b box 79e McCormick's ABERDEEN SHORTBREAD 11%.0z pks 29 Ocean Spray Pride of New Orleans SMALL SHRIMP Pantry Shelf -- Loose Pack Manzanilla STUFFED OLIVES SWEET GHERKINS Bick's BABY DILLS ? Mild & Meltiow COFFEE 1-LB BAG 3-LB BAG Beer, No additional charge for Low Cal Ginger Ale or Kola CHIP DIP mM tb tin BYe CHOCOLATES 14-oz vac pac tin 89. dane Parker Almond or Butter CRANBERRY COCKTAIL 24-H-0z bi 43 Bick's 8 O'CLOCK \