THE OSHAWA TIMES, , December 19, 1966 -Teen-Ager 14. Bit. / £bULUD & Gas | Five Hours GREENSBURG, Ind, (AP)--A ry hanted in the: slaying] of trooper held t Siaesty el couple calves 'more than five hours before nha Sunday without re- James Lee Collins, 18, Er- : langer, Ky., .» was jailed on a pre- Himinaty charge of first-degree rae mig A mate mania James W. erin 29, Newport, Ky., also led in the Trooper ah baitle which me yy Greensburg. oo wrence B. Ernstes, 78, and his wife, Christine, 76, said they were confronted by the youth home from When the couple's son, Henry, 52, and his wife, Ruby, a4 stopped by 5% hours later, the elder Mrs. Ernstes signalled that something was wrong, The daudhterteiaw darted from the house, ran down the road and flagged one of the dozens of po- lice cars combing the area. WERE ON PAROLE Collins and Sprinkle were ab- sent without leave from the Louis ville, Ky., Community Guidance Centre, a supervisory institution for parolees, Authori- ties said they were in a stolen ear with Sprinkle driving when Rayner stopped them early Sunday on Interstate 74 about three miles east of here. David Blodgett Jr., 38, of Greensburg, a deputy sheriff with the trooper, said as Rayner approached the stolen auto on foot, Sprinkle stepped out and began ber amy oy both officers. The trooper fe! Blodgett, Bo was not hit, said Sprinkle and Collins fled on foot "He fell dead in a drainage ditch alongside the highway." \ng the deputy said. Ernstes said Collins met him and his wife outside their home, bmg A a Peng he'd found in- le 0 Was wearing some of Ernstes clothes. China Culture Revolt Seen In New Phase MOSCOW (Reuters)--The So- viet news agency Tass said Sun- day the "'cultural revolution" in' China has moved into a new phase, with rival factions re- -- engaged in open strug- gle. Tass said in a dispatch from Peking that the Chinese de- scribed the new stage as a struggle between a '"proletar- fan revolutionary line" repre- sented by Communist party Chairman Mao Tse-tung and his ip on the one hand and on e other, a "bourgeois reac- tionary line" led by the Chief- of-State Liu Shao-chi and party Secretary-General Teng Hsiao- ping. Tass quoted the newspaper Red Guard as saying the ar- rests were an "overture to a general attack on the bourgeois reactionary line." ake i pees "ifjeittsin donee?" N's FURNITURE . AR: UII AIEN aA RE ae " Thank You Oshawa! Busi- ness has been fantastically great . . . we've outgrown our store and now drastically need more space .. . sowe're expanding .. . SAVE NOW DURING OUR EXPANSION All Vinyl RECLINER | Continental CHAIRS Beds complete with crushed foam back Sanpdiaaiils 49.95 | 49.88 | 9.88 | 28.88 | 1.99 | 37.88 Thousands of Yerds Floor Covering by the rell -- si THE CARPENTERS ARE HERE WE'RE DESPERATE Absolutely Free Fre 5-PIECE DINETTE SWIVEL ROCKER WITH ANY BEDROOM GROUP OR LIVING ROOM SUITE PURCHASED DURING THIS SALE 314-SEATER CHESTERFIELD SUITE Beautiful boucle cover; foam eushions. 168.00 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL .... PLUS "FREE" BONUS SECTIONAL | SUITES At Wilson's lergest CORNER "SECTIONAL with foam hi and di d ded foam becks. Bullt on erborite corner table. CLEAROUT PRICE , PLUS "FREE" BONUS Arborite Top Coffee and Step Tables Solid construction from Walnut and Brass TABLE LAMPS 5.00. Hi Back just in time for Christmas Spring Fulled Mattresses vinyl covers 7.99 ely ON ; SWIVEL | Hassocks as low os Crib Rexeleum Having Company for Christmas? SPACE SAVER DAVENPORTS seats 3; sleeps two; bedding storage compart- ment; various upholstery fabrics, OUT THEY GO! one G88 FROM 5c . etcedtenntan all slashed in price Sterlon -- 'tue Sen- dran ALL TO BE CLEARED ALL REDUCED from 29: ree ft enon aysaha eon peer exer, way" __20 CHURCH STREET ( Clean up our stock; ostorted quetities and size carpets. @ LARGE 9 x 12' RUGS Out They Ge Smooth Top Mattresses All Sizes 27.95 with spring and 64.88 WILSON'S ARE EXPANDING They must make room at once! The carpenters are here! The plumbers are here... The electricians and sand blasters too, along with paint- ers, paperhangers and decorators. WHAT A TIME! 4-SEATER LIVING ROOM SUITE eae In nylon frieze; walnut erms; foom cushions moulded beck. This beounssul set originally sold for 289.00. @ Hi CHAIRS | wnscaaae 5s ic siidinaies fos 24.95 PRICE SLASHED TO cor + eoorexexemerremana ' © STROLLERS from' """"""" 5.88 | BOBSHERMAN, the MANAGER, SEZ: PLUS "FREE" BONUS | ae a 29.95 : 3¥4-SEATER ROCKERS-WALKERS and CAR BEDS MOVE TTL AND MOVE FF FAST! jin the family REGARDLESS OF COST pao LIVING ROOM SUITE ; ODDS 'n ENDS SLASH EVERY ITEM FOR ® Agua paprry 3 in durable nylon upholstery; foam cushi showwoed front. Here's @ real buy. EXPANSION SALE SPECIAL ra CHEST OF DRAWERS unf. wa. 21.88 plies on KITCHEN STEP STOOLS ....... 10.88 a OSETS PLUS "FREE" BONUS RESTONIC 4-SEATER SCATTERMATS ends of broadloom ....... - Come and see for yourself! Their store hes been fully stocked with new, beautiful furniture for Christmos selling. Now there's too much furniture in the way. GIFTS FOR EVERYONE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF @ TYPEWRITERS @ ADDERS @ CALCULATORS @ PLAQUES @ CHAIRS @ LAMPS WILSON'S MUST HAVE ROOM TO WORK, HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO REALLY SAVE DOLLARS BEFORE CHRISTMAS. REMEMBER! THIS IS NOT OUT- LIVING ROOM SUITE Smartly styled with solid elm knuckles; foom becks and cushions. Guaranteed Workmanship FAST SERVICE Walmsley & Magill 9 KING ST. E. OSHAWA 725-3506 i SARGEANT'S have on } "SALE" FULL LENGTH { FORMAL GOWNS ww ~ All Brand New Samples OVER 100 GOWNS TO CHOOSE FROM SARGEANT'S 463 RITSON $. -- OSHAWA 725-3338 OUT IT GOES ... » 229.00 ____PLUS "FREE" BONUS __ " 4-SEATER CHESTERFIELD SUITE By Lanerk. Heavy besket weeve cover. Foam cushions; genuine weinut knuckles, Wes 289.00. NOW SLASHED FOR QUICK SALE 217.00 PLUS "FREE" BONUS _ SECTIONAL SUITE 3 pieces combined to give you « beautiful By ined rom group. Makes inte « yoo teal has @ corner bar end Heavy, ble frieze ALL THREE PIECES ONLY ........ 257.00 PLUS "FREE" BONUS 3-PIECE BEDROOM GROUP In walnut finish. Double dresser, chest and book case bed. Here's « tremend- ous seving. COMPLETE SUITE .............. 138,00 PLUS "FREE" BONUS 3-PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM GROUP Mr. and Mrs. dresser with sparkling mirror, double book case bed and lerge chest of drawers. Now's the time te buy. 168.00 SLASHED TO ___ PLUS "FREE" BONUS ~ SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL INA BEDROOM SUITE 3-Piece "Bahama" suite thet is truly gorgeous, Lerge triple dresser with framed mirror, huge chest and double pene! bed. DON'T MISS THIS WONDERFUL BUY 266.00 PLUS "FREE" BONUS BEDS, panel & bookcase styles from @ DRESSERS with MIRRORS . 19.88 . 39.95 @ ROLLAWAY COTS ". 22.88 IMITATION TREES -- PLANTS FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS from 12.95 Spring Filled Mattresses More than 150 in stock. All sizes, All slashed in price 16.88 Assorted Sizes! Assorted Frames! PICTURES FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Some genuine eff paintings; some prints; ell drastically reduced for quick sole, GENUINE OILS from ... DATED STOCK BUT MERCHANDISE JUST ARRIVED! MANY NEW 1967 SUITES ARE ALREADY ON THE FLOOR. BUY ON WILSON'S CONVENIENT BUDGET, OF COURSE, DURING THIS SALE. - CHAIRS - CHAIRS - @ HOSTESS CHAIRS @ OCCASIONAL ARM CHAIRS .... @ SWIVEL ROCKERS 34.88 DESKS FOR CHRISTMAS { Pick yours now while selection is J still good, CLEAROUT from OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 8 P.M. SATURDAY 'TIL 6... FREE DELIVERY! CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED SON' FURNITURE 20 church street PHONE 723-3211 s @ TABLES ALL SLASHED IN PRICE! DROP IN! HAVE A LOOK! YOU'LL BE DELIGHTED