Soap ame pecs eoet imate pesos > dab spelen piece nd neh epost ae * TORONTO (CP) = Angry creditors of bankrupt Pruden- tlal Finance Corp, Lid,, are de- manding government action to The creditors approved a trustee Thursday, but not be- fore the elegant Royal Alex: andra Theatre reverberated with shouts of 'bloodsuck- ers", 'gangsters', "corrupt: Stressed By TORONTO (CP) --- Vernon Singer, Liberal member of the Ontario legislature for Downse view, said Thursday night Pre- mier John Robarts should set up a judicial inquiry into the collapse of Prudential Finance Corp, "The premier owes them & public investigation and a promise . , . that gaps in the rovince's securities laws will te closed," Donald C, MacDonald, leader of Ontario's New Democratic Party, said Thursday night the provincial government has 'for: felted its right to govern" be- cause of the collapse of Pru dential Finance Corp, "All of the damage has been RELAXING FROM WAR'S RIGORS Machine gunner Paul B, Villarreal of Corpus Christi, Texas, wounded in jungle fighting west of Saigon, ig- He's dancing with Denby Faweett, a correspondent for a Honolulu newspaper, AP Wirephoto nores his crutch to cut a mean rug during his com- pany's Christmas party at Cu Chi, South Viet Nam, -Ouimet Raked Over Coals By Anti-Sunday Senators OTTAWA (CP) -- Televisionjand dangerous films and panel programs about sex sparked ajdiscussions, spirited debate tween CBC Pres Oulmet and the Senate finance committee, Indignant senators accused the new CBC program called Sunday of invading Canadia homes with immoral, obscene (Cieeenenerpecemmennnreee Thursday be- Cure For Certain Cancers Claimed By U.K. Scientist LONDON (AP) -- A British acientist sald Thursday chemi- cal treatments can cure certain types of human cancer in a pro-| su portion of cases. The claim was advanced by Sir Alexander Maddow, director the Chester Beatty Research Institute, He told a press con) ference that "Over the last year we have for the first time) applied chemical treatments) which can completely cure two | Fi types of human cancer in a pro-| portion of cases," j One type, he said, is called choriocarcinoma, a which sometimes follows preg:| nancy, On this one 'the rate of! success is 8 per cent," he added, | The other type is lymphoma, found mainly in African child. ren, There the rate of .success was about 16 per cent. ¢ errr | Teachers Saderee ident Alphonse|barded Mr, Oulmet with barbed and that CBC programming be controlled more tightly by man: agement. chemical treatment necessarily have to start early in the his- tory of the disease for it to be eal treatments also had ancil- }jary benefits, For instance, he jsaid, the remedy could impede ithe growth of other cancerous the original malady completely, the impediment would give Bye Templeton | Joins CTV Templeton, journalist, has been appointed Sunday and said it would be impractical to have internal censorship of TV programs, "There has always been a con: sensus in Canada that broad: casting should be free and un: censored," He repeated his earlier state- ment that a seven-minute Brit- ish film shown on Sunday Nov, 27 was a mistake and that it should have been cut, But the program had generally im- proved and more time was needed to pass final judgment, The Nov, 27 film clip, showing an unmarried couple in bed, was bitterly denounced in the Senate and Commons and led to the Senate committee hear: ing Thursday, For three hours, they bom. uestions, They suggested that unday producers be disciplined The CBC president defended caused because of the govern- MONTREAL (CP) - Pierre Sevigny, a central figure in the Munsinger sex-and-security af: fair, Thursday filed a $100,000 suit against Maclean + Hunter Publishing Co, Lid, The suit, filed in Superior Court, alleges invasion of pri- vacy in an article published last July 23, It waa filed jointly by Mr, Se- vigny, former associate defence minister in the Diefenbaker cabinet, and Mrs, Sevigny, lt names as defendants, in ad- dition to the publishers of Ma- clean's magasine, Borden Spears, Maclean's editor, and Douglas Leiterman, author of the article, The action sald the article in question was illustrated by six still photographs, frames from a CBC film sequence taken dur- ing the visit of a CBC rter to the Sevigny home last March Mr, Sevigny said in his peti- tion he was promised that no use would be made of the film, hatl them out fram tosses naw! C gatimated in excess of $17,000,- ee ers", "four-flushers" and even a call for a lynching, It was their first meeting, and J, L, Biddell, president of A... trustee fer the at $17,000,000, wit come, There were repeated demands at the meeting, attended by about 800 of 8,500 noteholders in Canada, that the federal or pro» Re more to Need For Judicial Inquiry Liberal MPP ment's neglect,"" he told a news conference, 'Much of that dam- age remains irretrievable," Mr, MacDonald sald the gov- ernment must assume immedi- ate responsibility for the admin- istration of Prudential Finance and its subsidiaries and called for a royal commission to in- quire into the default of these related companies, All policy holders in Ontario of North American General In- surance Co,, Wentworth Insur- ance and Agency Insurance Services "must be insured im: mediately by the government," He said adequate compensa: tion must be established for Prudential Finance noteholders to make certain they don't suf- fer "the tragic consequences of action they took in good faith," Sevigny Files $100,000 Suit Invasion Of Privacy Alleged "A report on the Munsinger af- fair by Mr, Justice W, F. Spence was tabled in Parlia: ment in September, It said Mr, Sevigny's relationship to Gerda Munsinger--described in the re- port as a prostitute---constituted a 'startling' security risk, but no actual breach of security was evident, Good Names To Remember Prudential Creditors Hold Stormy Meeting vincial governments, or both, bail out the creditors, Resolutions called for attend:| 1), ance at the next creditors' meeting of Pre London, Ont., lawyer who was a director of Prudential nance, It took .00 minutes at the meeting to pass the first reso lution which confirmed Clark- son Co, as trustees, The meet: ing lasted 3% hours, Mr, Biddell warned creditors it will take several weeks to sort out details, but losses will run between $19,000,000 and $20,000,000, Prudential Finance showed a book value of §25, 000,000 when it wan first re ported in trouble about one month ago, The creditors lashed out in all directions, some demanding the resence of Joseph Benoit rien, Prudential Finance pres: ident, who faces six charges in connection with an investigation the Ontario of the matter b: Securities Commission, Mr, Biddell said Brien's law- yers had explained he waa ill and unable to attend, Charges against Brien include theft and forgery. He is free on $10,000 ball Mr, Biddell said two or three con: trolled by Prudential Finance may be placed in bankruptcy of the dozen companies to protect the intereat of credit ors, He said one of the compan: les would be Ontario Metal Spe:| --- clalities Co, Ltd, of Toronto, FIRMS BANKRUPT To date, Prudential Finance: affiliated firms -- Filton Steel (Canada) Ltd,, North American General Insurance Co., Went- worth Insurance Co, and Agency Insurance Services Lid, eware bankrupt and in liquida- tion, Mr. Riddell said Prudential Finance's operating losses be: tween 1962 and 1966 totalled $11,000,000, The company had income of less than $3,000,000 in that time, he said, and it paid) Out $6,200,000 in interest, The creditors elected five in- apectors to work with the trus: _|tee on the future disposition of When Buying or Selling |} REAL ESTATE. Reg. Aker ---- President Bill MeFeetere == Vice Pres, SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. | 723-2265 "What is the punpose of your sex programs?' asked Senator Harry Haya, former agriculture minister, 'What are you trying to do? You can have the com: plete breakdown of marriage if that is your purpose," Mr, Ouimet replied that Sun- day informs the public about rapid changes in manners and tastes, Half the population was under the age of 25 and teen- agers generally were "much more permissive and tolerant in matters of morals and stand- ards than the older half." Senator Louis-Philippe Beau- bien (PC -- Quebec) suggested that Sunday producer Dary! Duke and his aides be called before the committee to explain j 'helt objectives, Mr, Ouimet replied with heat ccessful,"' Sir Alexander said, He suggested that. the chem!- rowths and while not curing ationts 'many more years of TORONTO (CP) -- Charles broadcaster and irector of news and public af- pe fairs for the CTV television net:|that it would be "deplorable" if In neither case does te work, it was announced Thurs ay individual producers were hailed before pariiamentary Murray Chercover, CTV gen-/commitiees, ral manager, sald Mr, Temple-| No action was taken on Sena- ton will join the network Dee, /tor Beaublen's suggestion i ion °°: Mass Resignation *;,, , Repre- | 1ismissal last week of Michael/for doing "an exceptionally. fine 1,000 of programming for CTV. TORONTO (CP) sentatives of Toronto's secondary sehoo!l teachers Thursday endorsed a policy of}, mass resignation if necessary | 4) to back up planned demands for wage increasés, About 100 teachers from the city's 29 secondary schools gave. a standing ovation to Douglas Penny, chairman of the salary) {Thompson as leader of the pro: vincial Liberal party, Thompson at the party's lead-! ership convention in 1964 Senator Gordon Isnor (L-- pointment follows the|Nova Scotia) praised the CBC vi Ge Vie « Present) 00 Mr, Templeton has been in: olved in recent speculation) bout succession to Andrew HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S He finished second to Mr, DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $8.00 PER DAY PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 728-6853 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa 1 (Kats MEN'S WEAR SANTA'S FOREMOST FINE CLOTHIER, The Way Te A Ma ee ee Se is Through Our Front Door ~--/ - a2 S cae OIL committee of the Toronto dist: | rict of the Ontario Secondary | School Teachers' Association when he suggested "refuse their services" : ary demands, believed to in-| clude increases of about 25 per cent, are not met. 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE relic 723-4663 a 728-6201 | RVING OSHAWA OVER Four Seasons Travel | ani $0 YEARS Effective FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16ih the new address of ROYAL C BRANCH 43 ANADIAN LEGION will be 481 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA - Activities scheduled after. that date such as Meetings, Christ- mas Parties, etc. will be at 481 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH,OSHAWA GIFT BAR. . Shirts by Forsythe Sportswear by Jant Berma and Parker Handsome TV Gow Shoes by Sloter Hots by Dobbs Gift Certificates LADIES .. . VISIT OUR *Never Press Sport Shirts Styled and Imported by Black's Colognes by Jade East, Brut & Ceaser Sweaters by Gino Paoli, Tony Day, Joy Cuff Link Seta styled by Block's Gloves, Vests and Ties & Hathaway zen of Vienna ne iL ) te > Nhpal wind prre MEN'S WEAR LTD. ESTABLISHED 1924 74 SIMCOE NORTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Open Nightly tit © for your shopping convenience Prudential Finance's assets, Fie EA AE SRO SE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 16, 1966 » Four Children Die In Blaze In Ottawa House, Store OTTAWA (CP) -- Four chil, Mrs. Therese Doucette, 48, dren died early today in a fire|was taken to ital with burns t destroyed a 24-atorey com-|suffered in the fire which broke ya and haves in ft.laut hefare 14:80 = os Alio taken to hos ta lher six « manth - es ag , a Ernest, 1 e "nase Lise, 11, and Barbara, } condition, 14, had gone to a movie an rt not home at the time of the Firemen fought the blaze for two hours before they were able to enter the bullding to search for the four child inside, ren trapped $1 Damages In Libel Suit TORONTO (CP) oA fixe) man Ontario Supreme Court jury Thursday awarded $1 dam: ages to Igor Gourenko, 47, in his libel sult against Macleans magazine, - Mr, Gouzenko is the former Soviet embassy cipher clerk who 21 years ago defected to Canada and exposed a Russian, apy ring, | The jury, after four hours of deliberation, decided that Mr, Gouzenko had been libelled in a Sept, 5, 1064, Macleans article written by Macleans Ottawa bureau editor, Blair Fraser, R, Alan Harris, Mr, Gow! xenko's lawyer, had asked the| jury to award substantial and punitive damages in the amount that would hurt the defendants, | Mr, Gouzenko was in he Benefits: Top Salary Apply stating full details and courtroom through moat of the two-day trail, He did not testify, At sea and ashore! NEED FUEL OIL ? CALL PERRY 723-344 3 DAY OR NIGHT PALM BREEZE (Very Ligne » 2, None was in serious Hi Another daughter, Susanne Ww For Murderer TORONTO (CP) -- Donald e@ Cooke, was cone and sentenced Thursday to life imprisonment for non: capital murder in the heating death last Oct, 2 of 80-year-old Dr, Rowena Hume. ; aid de for a man: Monte Haris, fence counsel Mr, Harris said there was no evidence to conclude that Cooke at any time intended to kill, mo- lest or rob Dr, Hume, who was Canada's oldest pra rj woman doctor. PHARMACISTS MALE OR FEMALE EXCELLENT CAREER OPPORTUNITY To Work in Dispensaries ONLY, With @ large and fast grow: ing Chain Organization for ONTARIO CITIES, Pension Plan Life Insurance P.O, BOX DI1.8 SN Medical Plan No Sundays Profit Sharing, remuneration expected to: WAVY ROM Maree ninoursod terrace Located on Wilson Road North, Just south of Rossland Rd, East, KASSINGER, Another beautiful new Kossinger development. Every home in Pinewood Terrace is designed to complement the gentle siaping valley, Homes with @ fresh new glamorous look ebout them with new lnnovetions to make life easier, , , housework lessee chore , , with better, more epacion floor plona , . . attractive beleonies and sliding glass patio doors, Bathrooma with more vanity and cupdeord space . , . larger mirrora end added powder room, And kitehens with loads more cupboard spece and roomy eating areas, " The homes in Pinewood Terrace ore priced conveniently for you, from $19,675.00 to $22. | 950.00 and finance terme and trade in plana can be easily arranged with 684 NCHLA, Financing Pinewood Terrace incorporates. Kassinger conveniences, the convenience of services which make Pinewood Terrace "ANOTHER PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE", OPEN EVERY SATURDAY and SUNDAY From 1 to 5 p.m, (Any other time by appointment) MODEL HOMES ARE. DECORATED wow SCHOPIELD-AKER ss 723-2265