\14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 16, 1966 ee see Ke Ann's Dear Asa Lenders: Recantivicanda of lonely. frightened, un-|i_ you raised an interesting ques- tion: 'Why. would a person write to a newspaper columnist for ig with a problem? I would like to tell rm why peo- ple write to Ann . You are the poor man's psy- chiatrist, the lonely man's conr 'fidante, the teen-ager's . coun- selor, the ignorant man's source of information. ' In your forthright, sometimes ly blunt manner, you out common sense like no- stitute body else in the world--in jan- that everybody can un- rstand, I am sure you have no idea how widespread is your + mrt as much good you 0, You are not always right, but then who is? But you are fair. When your readers have dis- agreed with you, you have ANN LANDERS An Admirer Analyzes Impact On Man hi , angry people get a ioad chest. I want to thank 8 ht Ann Landers, for bein, dmirer Dear Admirer: It is reassur- ing to receive a letter like yours after Jast week's "Drop 4 =~ "Go Drown' | are mad like some of their music. I reall; letters Use reader unloads his anger to m 'he is letting somebody else alone, Dear Ann Landers: Svveral months ago, I became involved in a sordid affair. It ocourred at a difficult time in my life when I was trying to recover pub-!from the loss of my husband, I don't mind the angry & KEEP IN TRIM 4 Shapely Grandmother Enjoys Granddaughter's Admiration By IDEA JEAN KAIN "Grandma, you have the see alte ala ow's lor a wee men ea }|from @ teen-age ? Today's story, with, its yowatl and it is good to ;pending, {s s¢ perfact it aounds = active engine, ts se 9 a like fiction, But it's for real,|Gold had a litte write-up aout and so is the grandmother who| him in the Washington Post Oct, reported. 4, : ' || "Four years ago I 'was 54 pounds overweight, I had ained much of the excess dur- ing the menopause, My ») CULTIVATE EXERCISE "Since my husband's retire ment we walk milés on our farm, and work in the flower pressure was over 200, I had/and vegetable gardens, We do was so jubilant he went back to his home and plunged into his work with such enthusiasm he received the Outstanding eres of America Award for 1963-64, "Tam so happy and energe- tie, I actually feel as if 1 am oe on alr! Now my hus- band likes to take me places, Our gon and frandcharon are of us, I thought I should you how very much we reel eat fal work a Seok same day, Gee she conch lish a as ii," heart sing? It sure! ait, 8 ly gave me FANS WERE MEMENTORS Keep up|y. Doesn't her letter make yourls Commemorative fans I arthritis, a slight heart condi- tion and I was on the verge ofjing and our isometrics, Last glaucoma. summer when the grandchildren an ape advent Fd came to har *, ey hag Bry juce. For years I had clippe ming, fishing, ) and saved your columns, 80 bing and hiking and en- with this information and God's help, I lost 54 pounds in eight months, My measurements were 42-38-42, Now they are 7 | 36-26-36, I am five - feet » six« inches tall and weigh 136 pounds, My dress size is 14, »|\from a aize 42, . 1| "My blood pressure is normal, arthritis behaving, my eye ten- sion normal and my doctor has given to women guests at wed. .. » there's ings in 18th century England, % cup fresh orange juice Hs ta cream n top sort of double boiler heat ont yolks with lemon juice and salt, Gradually beat in 2 A hr tl heat y add heavy cream and fold into dressing, Serve with fruit salad, Yield: 8 servings, emma "Present time" sate aeeeeatnememememnemeieememmenmmnal Unwanted Hair PERMANENTLY Removed » + a from face, arms ond nate at ante evealing your elt oe 7 from worry and BY ELECTROLYSIS MARIE MURDUFF _ Will be in Gshaws at the GENOSHA HOTEL Dec, 19, 20, 21 PHONE 723-4641 lished their letters--and on 0C*/ fej) in love with a married man casion you have admitted you!in our church but I broke up were wrong. hese? ---- B a you forum | sense. for public opinion. 4 have seen) yy: rents were crushed. many vital issues debated in 7 fr'. words letting your space. And your column/me know that I had disagraced , can be vd vo graduate Course|tham, I became deeply de- in day-t living, Your pre-|nressed and finally consulted a sent your own Ons and the! doctor, He convinced me I must hol altogether, Well, our son CHALK IT UP Chalk it up to knowledge- ability this emphasis on | chalk stripes in the suit, muted stripes in the shirt | stopped the digitalis, and no place CF the faceted crystal is a twinkling jewel QO OM EGA Dopphette 14K GOLD WATCHES with him when I came to my Transitional low arm chair in textured tweed, and a regimental striped tie, This "Britisher'"' suit is in oxford grey worsted with lighter grey chalk stripes and features slanted flap pockets, deep side vents, a slightly suppressed waist and a ticket pocket in which to stow otherwise elusive small items. It is trim, smart and has a definite "handsome" air. --By Tracy Adrian -- For the -- Best Chair BUYS Over 60 lead! | ha sith styles for every purse No down payment. Add to your account OTHERS FROM $89.50 Crores vs within echt these are watches of true distinction. The synthetic sapphire crystal is breakproof and scuffproof ... and set into the case so tightly no dust or face-powder can seep in to mar the beauty of its dial with hand-applied 18K gold hour markers. Inside is one of the world's most accurate watch-movements, BURNS Jewellers 20 SIMCOE ST. NORTH --- DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 -- SATURDAY'S TILL 6 Fo~y Custom Made or Ready-to-Hang DRAPERIES OMES @ OFFICES @ INDUSTRIAL | = Since 1919 -- WARD'S Simcoe St. at Athol 725-1151 inions of the experts. And YOU/snan out of it and stop beating oa Be vem i hepeong myself for what I had done, * I returned to my church and be ray but . sare become asked for forgiveness, Everyone wise from experience, has been wonderful to me and you accomplished nothinging one mentions the past. My else you'd be in line for 0 8@FV-/narents, however, cannot for- fee medal for just letting thou- give me. They were once faith- ful church-goers but now they THE STARS SAY say they cannot show their faces in church. By ESTRALLITA Every Sunday when I see FALLING CAKES their empty seats, I want to die,| Did your cake fall? Perhaps | FOR TOMORROW Perhaps I should not have re-|you used too much sugar, fat,| Saturday's stellar influences |iurned to the same church but/liquid, or leavening agent, sug- 1 promise a lively and construc-|r Yet i¢ 1 could not hold my|est home economists at Mac: ve day, Both business and do-/1.04 up there, I couldn't hold|@onald Institute, University of mestic interests are slated forlit uy anyplace. Guelph. Other possible causes gains, and most persons will Dinas tell me whek te dean Me lure to mix long enough prove extremely congenial and oe nein "land baking at too low a tem- . Do avoid ex- ug perature. , Dear Daughter: Obviously your parents have decided that NEEDS SPECIAL CARE you haven't suffered enough and| Three per cent of the children 'they are going to see to it that|/born in Canada nowadays are yearlyou suffer some more. mentally retarded. TS)! Now that you have shown ir face I gest you trans- ler to another church, When you sit and look at those empty ig you are asking for it, tion of some unusual recognition for past occupational efforts --and very soon! In fact, stars say there's a good likelihood for promotion and (or) increased] CANNED VEGETABLES corning between Jan. and Feb.| Unused canned vegetables 15, and still further boosts arejmay be kept in the original indicated 4 the first three) container if they are covered weeks of March, last week/ and promptly refrigerated, ad- { in April, the first three weeks/vises food specialists. at mac- in mber and. (or) October.| donald Institute, University of Creative workers should have| Guelph, Both the can an an all-around year, withicontents are of notable achievement " Bialeated in May, dune and|oe--s September, Ble Videolounser in luwury vinyl thick foam seat, Christmas Just Naturally Calls For assets during mid-January, the first three weeks of March and throughout June, however, In conan affairs: Except for brief periods in late Febru- 4 ary, early March, late June and early July, when you may be under some tension and unwit- tingly cause friction in close circles, your domestic life should be unusually pleasant for the next 12 months; and senti- mental interests will be ex- tremely propitious during the latter part of this month, all of February and June, in late Oc- tober and late December. Don't take the "romances" of May, September and (or) next No- vember too seriously, however, Best periods for travel and stimulating social activities: be- tween now and mid-January, weeks May LAYS AWAY ANY CHAIR for CHRISTMAS Choose now from our most com: plete selection ever! Only $1 re- oe your selection, Easy budget rms, Centre Pieces Thet will flatter your guests and enhance your toble set- tings. . Make any dey @ apecial day especially et Christmas, ONLY 6.00 each LOVELY HOLIDAY Corsa ARTIFICIAL 2.50 up FRESH CUT Early American wing chair in A child born on this day will foam and print. be extremely versatile in both Dusiness and literary pursuits, but may have to curb a ten: dency toward unintentional tact.) Poinsettias Pens Ideal for that special someone, ONLY 3.00 up Gerd Poinsettias Sey Merry Chiistma: Deer 80 well and odd such pee life to any room VY every woman treo. Y sures and adds such elegance to any oc For Christmas, Dances, New Year's or any special A oo can mean so very uch te 4 the lady in your life! s | 10.00" Favourites... sites F BOOTS ae SHOES o~ AND -- SLIPPERS FOR EVERYONE ~~ FROM -- MODEL SHOE STORE 53 KING EAST Dewntown Oshewe Free Parking et Reer te love, ONLY COMPANION SALE Loose pillow-beck contemporary 119,00 Biscuit tufted-back traditional 99.30 Button-Back Itolion Provincial =: 89,00 Contemporary with walnut base 139,00 High-back slant-arm colonial 119.00 Transitional sculptured arm 49,95 Popular Cogswell rocker 48.00 Artificial Christmas WREATHS & Door swags Playing auch an im- portent role for the entrance of all your friends, Only... Only 3.00 up imported FRESH FLOWERS from fne- land such as IRIS, DAFFODILS end PREEZIAS See them for your self, they're beautiful 4 gift the whole fom. ily can enjoy and will certainty brighten up any . LY 3.50 up 3.50 and 5.00 each Armless pull-up Provincial choir in matelasse. We Also Specialize In WEDDING, BANQUET or FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS by Penrose 1188 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH SHOPPING PLAZA TELEPHONE 576-1760 "Pleasing You Means Our Success" ae IN OSHAWA TWO DOWNTOWN STORES 154-156 SIMCOE ST.S OPEN NIGHTLY TILL 9 SATURDAY TILL 6 CHRISTMAS DELIVERY GUARANTEED