Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1966, p. 6

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& THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, December 13, 1966 4 kW x-warrants, Net change is previous board-lot closing sale. im 2 eR POR PS He OT Rae ws TUTTI ETT fs ttt ttt ttt tt 1 ae imi mark x-dividend, 10:40 High Low a.m, chee so 6 8 22a 22% 220 ' 12) Oa wn 7) af = 3 5 = Ss ee 23 = S88 yEs zoe, 5 zez8e. cs = 8 =°2955 = 9 = = Cdn Tire A Cc Westing Chemcell 4 40% 0% We 18 18 2 7 6% OT Chrysler BUSINESS SPOTL Cur sae WINNIPEG (CP) -- Tight money, demands for higher Economic Ills To Continue Says Company Chairman to the U.S., but customs brokers|as a 50 per cent increase in one report there had been as much! year, 4 tion index, ane on the aver- BUSINESS BRIEFS By THE CANADIAN PRESS INGOT PRODUCTION UP * Steel ingot production for the week ended Dec, 10 totalled 172,608 tons compared with 146,- 754 tons the previous week, the]! Dominion saan z: Statistics Monda; The produc-o! t for two years weekly ou aoe ! Mae 108 wae 1280 frém 1987 Wirt Frye : 'Iduring the week, je wee earlier and 193 a year ago. DEFERS PAYMENT Cochenour Willians Gold Mines Ltd, deferred payment of its regular four-cent dividend Monday, Its first dividend was paid in 1940, The stock closed at $1.57 on the Toronto Stock Exchange, It had been as high agriculture ing October c 276.8 points from y index was at 2646 bureau says the 12.2-po! resuiiea crease in all parataed prices except potatoes company's property ia at Red Lake, Ont, INDEX RISES The index of farm prices for products rose dur- the revised September f a of ints, the Dominion tatistics reported easy, 'In the same-month last ae . The ~ itom & pasa ih ACQUIRE INTEREST The New York Times Co, an- nounced Thursday it has ac- quired a Si-per-cent interest in roseing 5 ton for Sulzberger, stems of Bos- ,000 eae iene H, chairman of the as $5.90 earlier in the year, The board of The Times, described the acquisition as natural de- velopment in the expansion of The Times' educational activi- statute In which to prevent the merger if it believes it contrary to the public interest, ties. He said Teaching Systems and its subsidiary, Teaching Re- sources, Inc,, will be consoli- dated into a single corporation operated as a subsidiary of The ujTimes and an affiliate of Har- bridge House, Inc,, an investor "represented 'by the. Star: Bent Gere. MARKED CARS The first North American state to register cars was New York, which required each motor to carry a plate with its owner's initials, MAKE MERGER BID Leyland Motors announced Monday a £24,000,000 ($72,000,. 000) bid to take over the Rover Motor Co, The merger is backed by the Rover board of directors, The board of trade, a British government department, said it will study the proposal to see whether action by the monop- olies commission is warranted, The board has six months by ATTRACTIVE ROOMS for RENT Moderate Weekly Rates Ate Snte eigny fat Central Hotel ° « o, Weet 723-9121 wages and inflation still will be evident in 1967, says the chair- man of the Manitoba Export Corp. James R. Shore, in a speech to the Winnipeg Rotary Club, said Canadian businessmen will have trouble expanding next year simply because there will not be enough skilled workers to satisfy the demand for goods and services, "This will mean we can look forward to another round of wage increases and that infla- 2 tion will be a very large part iis tity ft 7 of our life in 1967," 135 99% 9% %%-- | Mr, Shore, president of Office ae a so" 410 | Overload Co. Ltd., a firm sup- so sue te te tal plying temporary office help, is fiat ine sae 4 {Said talks with Western busi- 1054 $24v4 Ld 24% -- %| nessmen during the last year = Be lh od dicated Western Canada is de- Syn We weet ie] veloping '"'what might be called Imp Oil 1799 $57% . a cereal economy," Ind Accept 950 $20% ind Adhes 110 $5% 5M «pial dg if CASH SOURCE CONSTANT pf a "The a ouvee of ee si cake Con ic something that some people Ho save ase. 2 think will persist indefinitely. 1s Sie 2 e+ Wi This means that one of the 790 400 400-400 main sources of cash in West- bo a Fg is ~%/ ern Canada is going to remain Jockey Ap 25 $10 10 10 constant, or increase, regard- Kelly DA 100 475 475 478 less of what happens to the na- Loterse 1s sm Tee tion's general economy." LOnt" Com ite "a " "7 +10} Mr, Shore said projections for business through June 1967 in- 1010 0 Au 4a) --10 dicate British Columbia's gen- eral economy will be as good as in 1966 with an increase sim- jilar to that shown this year, |This also will be the case in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ma- nitoba. W% 180 $22 22% 22% Cominco Compro % % Computr 475 «(475 Con Paper 9 9 Cons Gas 14 Con Gas 8 s 125 $20Va 20% 20% 92.1322 = 3 100 $114 11" a 26% 2+ Ve 450 460 450 +6 980 980 --20 250 $2) 2) a Dg A rae 425 839% 39% 33% +s U5 937% Mia W--ive i 20 290 20 5 HHH MM HM HM HM HH HK HH HM HM HH pa STAN STARR SUGGESTS ... THIS YEAR GIVE... Happy Xiving 4 C0 All... with ¢ Gifts RCA 25" COLOR TELEVISION WASHER & DRYER Now you can have big recton- 170 $18% 18% 18% ¥ $1344 13% 13% S10% 18% 18%-- tas sis WY" Wb" 1650 816% 16" oda " +% fant ay "kay Goch wu +€ Callinan ~¢ Halll Cc Marben 4§ an tee Nichol e Ramer .c "Cop Fields Cop Man Cowilch Crowpat " wu---% a 76 Hard Crp A Hawker $ Home A iT ae m | He oll Gas | Huron Bri | Husky Ol 57% + Ve 20% -- Ve +2 gular-screen New Vista Color in @ consolette cabinet that cecupies little more space than compar- able black-ond-white TV sets. Easy-to-clean vinyl covered metal cabinet with finish of Executive Walnut grain, 3 ONLY REGULAR 850.00 '719 WITH TRADE Dag Gas East 'Sul "Mar + Frobex Gient Yk "Glenn Exp Goldrim * Gortdrm *Grandroy « Granisie Gunner Heath 1 , Hollinger $22% 2% 22% + Ve Huds Bay 46484 y Mydra Ex 16a 164 16% 'int Bibis T % «9 69S MC {mt Nickel tnt Util int Util pr Intpr Pipe James Sti Jetferson Jockey C scetcctieectoel plbsABe a eles 300 wv +" 224 +14 ms 38% » 500 $284 28% i ee al 0 $40% Pred $1014 995 1 1% 910% 1 10% "oM" ie ms $u ou ou 100 $18% 10% 000 a 330 $144 14% 144+ 190 $154 15% 18a Ve $00 53 32 135 $16% 18% 84--V 4025 $124 12 2 100 20 = 220 1966 146 6145 4 +1 4 8 8 2100 50 m+ 3260 $23" 26 p+]. "Toronto, however, may be $7% 7%--\%\ down as much as 20 per cent in rz 3" 35 = § | from 1966, Montreal should show as 17% bie Cia "| the same rate of growth in 1067 325 88a 8% 8+ Yas in 1966 and my opinion is 3*--*\ that because so many people 18 -- 2 are already worrying about the 40% + " after-effect of Expo they are al- +14/ready well along on their plans to fill in the drop-off that is 124 + \4/ bound to come. It will not be 4 100 55% S% TELEVISION For the first time --- RCA Victor 25" rectangular-tube color TV in @ cabinet that swivels. Cleon Contemporary lines frame the picture area, while the swivel base has a distinctive Danish flaver, Natural Walnut veneers and selected hardwoods, REGULAR $1150 WHILE THEY LAST 2s ff ' ; 2500 175 $18 18% ' Noranda 950 848% 48% Mult? 7 bg Dad bt Kin a "4 Pac Pete. as Sit Wh You know that if it's a "Whirlpool it is dependable, Washer or Dryer can be purchased separately or as the pair, Wouldn't Mom love these for Christmas. WASHER ...,. $259. Whirlpool --"lple think." If Manitoba wants to increase jsales and exports, Mr. Shore a A said it must look at the "im- "| mense markets' of the United | States, He sald it was difficult to obtain accurate statistics on | increase _of Manitoba -- R Revelstk R Little A 1 wa 4% UM 6% O4-- 10% 10% + Ve Mu 16% 00 69S | 68S 694 $2)% 21% 2% + Ww) 300 is is ® | STOCK MARKET 00 185 oo $15 is 88) Si4e 14 se Wa] 200 $284 2% 2%%4+%! TORONTO (CP) -- Dome Pe- 3 Sine gee 'see y{troleum, sparked by rumors of 225 $17% 174 174 a gas and oil discovery, led us 5 +4 | western oils on another round of higher prices in moderate trad- ing on the Toronto Stock Ex: Tichange Monday. Dome jumped 3% to 38 after | touching a yearly high of 38% following rumors it had encoun- tered the find on its Zama Lake property in northwestern Al- berta. Canadian Superior, which also has interests in the area, added 120 ag at + wih at 32%. Provo Gas declined 140 $28% 25% 2544 + % (20 Cents to 5.30, Banff Oil % to! 400 180 180 180 nat hs} and Scurry-Rainbow \% to = wl99 0 $19% 19 v , The oil index climbed 2.62 to 135.08. DRYER . ...nr. $169 BUY THE PAIR FOR Shell inv w Shell Can Shopper Ct Shuily's Siiverwd A Silverwd B " 44 12% 44 42% 160 S57 52% 5274+ VW 10} S28% 28% 28% a uw iw 240 218 218 28 1 7 7 bal M5 WS 895 895 i 900 127 124 127 +9) 45 $20% 7 uu+ 1000 7" 1300 tg 20 99400 Simpsons Simpson & Sater Sti Slater 6 pr Slater A wt Somvilie p St Paving Steei Can Texaco s | Thom NP | Tor Dm Bk | Tor tron W Traders A Tr Can PL Tr Can Pip WITH TRADE 3" TELEVISION Powerful new Vista Tuner, solid copper circuits, pre-set fine tuning, illuminated channel indicator, two speaker static-free "Golden Throat" FM_ sound, transistorized IF circuitry. WITH TRADE an 4" + WW} #0 390 1 WASHER Weathers 158 place table setting in ene lead, 210 125 675 «(675 220 $17 16% 17 225 820% 20% 20% 700 2 full size revolving sprey arms, exclusive Pilter-Stream washing and rinsing with water hotter than the hands ten stand, Water is eon tantly filtered by self-clean- ing filter, 1249 RCA 14 Cubic Foot REFRIGERATOR Two door model with 130 Ib. frezer, twin crispers, shelves on door and other features. What a Christmas Gift for the Home. 4~ 7M A a --% 2s i 1 tint yy oY Weston B Woodwd A ms sive 8% 19 5 5 3 oo 86 62% DN maT Seen Seles to 1) am.: OILS, GAS FO ORION ", a 0 850 os @ @ --8 | i ao J 125 2" } Mo 410 190 «6190 465 "ss 17% -- Ve Pd 100 bye 74 «(740 244 S12 12% cn ww " 3 baad Industrials weakened with Inco dropping 1% to 95%, Inter- provincial Pipe Line 1 to &6 and Canadian Imperial Bank of lea ators % to 57%. Texaco -- |and Moore Corp. gained 1 each % |to 70% and 27, " +0 | us +8 7 +10 Alminex REGULAR ' 319.00 py D +1 200 3460 355 si 1% 40 140 247 (24) ~1} New Imperial rose 31 cents to 2.64 on 443,000 shares. Shares of Consolidated Brewis Minerals were suspended be- |} cause the company did not meet TSE requirements, It closed at) 17 cents Friday. | On index, industrials were| down .18 to 148.91 and the TSE} 03 to 142.82, Golds were up .65 to 147.16 and base metals .17 to 84.70. Volume was 3,208,000 shares compared with 2, 681, 000 Friday, . 20 bel ns Ss 275 300 Gr Pisins 1925 Gt COilsds 1150 § , Int Helium 1300 25 MIL City 2600 273 N Cont 2200 4s 2200 0 os 208 rod SMOKE SEEMS CHEAP Tobacco farmers sell their product for less than a dollar a/ | pound. | SESESECESSSSSR SESS: JX KM MK HM HM MH KK KH HH HK HK ¥ NC Oils Ni THEY TAKE WINTER EASY _ Some insects allow them- to freeze solid in the 1) 'pa 'na "winter and thaw out unharmed a Bs in the spring Union Olt x s 3s a U Canto 1850 330 «(380 © W Decaita 1900 3% MO INDUSTRIALS 870 89% 9% 9% + wS » gM+ 28 % 594 2 2 Aloan we 3 + Alcan pr 7M 2M , Alumin pr w Alumin 2p ve WA WA Angioe or mM Anthes 20% + + 5299 & WITH TRADE inger Scurry Rn Spooner Tried Ol AbitDI * alta Gas T Algo Cent * Algoma St REGULAR 459.95 tone. control, illuminated chan- ma + WITH TRADE "BEFORE YOU BUY . GIVE STARR A TRY!" r STARR rae . RCA 23" TELEVISION APPLIANCES e 491 RITSON ROAD SOUTH + aor % Ou wa + ye Malt aA * Satway p INGROWN NAIL 22: Relieve nagging pain quickly with liquid OUTGRO. After a few applications, OUTGRO toughens tender skin and pushes the nail up for safe, easy cutting. 24 hour on-the-ready-to- serve Oshawa with fast, efficient radio dispatched ALWAYS ON CALL! wre or eu" McLAUGHLIN COAL AND SUPPLIES LTD. 110 KING ST. WEST 723-3481 ; ful new Vista Tuner, i Regular $299.50 5245 f TELEPHONE 723-3343 © OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 TILL CHRISTMAS ° % KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK Kk CEREECTE

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