Pa el SP en ap et eee tiie Page tows apace eI THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 13, 1966 25 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters? Individual Championship. Play) Be Aaaten Herth ssaiss. Nelther side vulnerable, IP 11S EVER EMBEZZLED, | 2 WON'T HOW y-- (GOR. HECRAKEN OF THE SEAL TEAM ; YR Ries OUT TO THE CARRIER. , Hor ter Z TAN. 7 <i ASAI vulnerable, POR, I'M TRYING TO STUDY --16 IT OKAY iF WHERE i8 IT DADDY, MAY T TURN 1T DOWN? I'M ALL ne TO TRYING TO TALK ON THE PHONE WAL,SO LONG, AN'IT WERE, HONEST ABE!' AREAL IT WERE NICE. PRIVILEGE BEIN' YORE. BEIN'YORE ~AN' IT HAD TO BE TH' 3 MINUTES MAH SON MARRIED YO'!/ portant ingredient good defensive play is the will- ingness to make any reasonabl assumption that might lead to g defeating the contract. ARY) yp fae ho Ae. j For example, - suppose : 'y; d : jy as have the East cards and are OUTA TH' 26,297,280 SOUND TOP AND STA ag MINUTES WHEN MARRYIN' SAMS MARRYIN' LICENSE WAS DI you win with the king, whether you realize it or not, the outcome of the hand de- pends upon what you play at Crore fete fe te NO ANTENNA a as tes AR 10 CHANNELS *PERFECT RECEPTION 3 MAKE YOUR TV SET LIGHT UP WITH JOY... . GIVE IT 20-0°353-G=()(- FOR CHRISTMAS _ imi There's More To See (EAST MALL),.723-5278 Oshawa CABLE TV Limited ere's More To a HUBERT spades at trick two tinue with a spade, down regardless of chooses to play. If he spade continuation, his length becomes equal to and whenever he Ther FH z33 TELEVISION LOG 1:30 A.M. <. g25¢ a F it Te:00 le Te-Mery Griffin 9--M ehasea i sabee 1 Spy 7--Retarded Children 4--Dick Van Dyke 4--CBS Reports 2-4--Hollywood Squares 34-12--This Week i 2 3 i 11:00 P.M, 12-7-4-2-8-3-6-11-9------ News 7 ey Movie Weather and Sports Toronto Today 11:20 P.M, é--Luncheon Date 6~-Viewpoint 4--News, Weather, Sports '4--Movie 3--Popeye and Pals 2--Jeopardy 11,257.M. 12:30 PLM, Ni--Plerre Berton 1 é--News, Weather, Sports leit s Match 3--News; Weathers ports %-2--Swingin' Country 4-4--Search for Tomorrow 12:4 PLM, 64--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M N--Theatre 9--Movie 12:00 A.M. "a or Dollars Thea! ri Ta 1l---Mystery tre Ben ay, uni ween 4--Meet The Millers 2--Merv Griffin 3--Wovie spades in partner's hand, it fol- ite lea e , not a low one, *AHOO-AHEM ~AHA, DEAR The king will effective SIR, LETS SEE, HONK = whether South has one, two, or ACCORDING TO YOUR no spades, while a low spade RECENT LETTER, | back instead of the king may AHEM - AHOO-- The king can do no wrongl 4--Reach for the Top 44-12--News, Sports witt Cwck Wealy 5:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroe icin 'ire "UNCLE iri from 6.20 AM, li--Prerre Berton li--Alber? J. Steed 3-6-9--News) 9--Romper Room ear Huntiey, Brinkley oe ht ee 153 A.M, Dialing for Dollars +News Girl Talk 1:30 P.M. The World Turns &--Let's Make A Deal 2:00 P.M. 12---Take A Chance Pa YP i bd gun 700 rh 6-4--Passwo PRY emg &-2--Days of Our Lives us %--Uncle Bobby 2:30 P.M, @--America 8--Smile Time 12--Calendar 6--TBA 4--Bonnie Prudden %--Peopie in Conflict 4--Honeymooners 2--Boz0's Big Top $8--The Doctors 9:30 A.M. 7A Time For Us 2--News; Weather? 2 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkietter's Party 1.20 PM Wbiating tor ol le jaling for ara, 'VE HEARD MY HELEN J--News, Weather, Sports Prudden : OF WA : TIRED, OMAR, OF TROY NEVER, 7.0 P.M. of | Lite 1--Merrlage Confidential FALTERED DEAR 12--Musleal Showcase +#-12-Onterle Schoo! 9--Words and Music GIRL=SHE HAD A 9--Star Trek areememeteatie 8 Parts) 6.3_Ancther. World ma orm, | Facet term | 'conan wis, ounders Hf " 'o Te ie Tru! 4--National Geographic li--Ed Allen Time 3-6-12--Take 30 His or, TO RALPH KNOW, THE GREAT DRAMACRITIC? 4 YOUR HEALTH BOPY OF GOSSAMER! 3--Giiligan's island 9--Fractured Phrases 6--Meta Schools 3.25PM, 28, wae from J.N.C.L.E, 6-2--Eye Guess (News 4--Candid Camera 00 P.M. 3-12--Canadian Schools Skelton Hour 8:30 P.M, 1l--Mood of Quebec 9--Musical Showcase 7--Rounders 4--Red Skelton 2, &Occasional Wite 10:30 A. 1--Morning Time 9--TV Bingo &2--Conceniration 7--Donna Reed Beverly Hillbillies 3,6,12--Friendly Giant 11:00 A.M. 12--Romper Room Ti--Mike Douglas %--Mr. And Mrs. 4--Andy Griffiths 7--Supermarket Sweep +-6--Butternut Square -6---Pat Boone 3-6-12--Quentin Durgens 24--Movie 9:30 PLM. 9--A Singin' 7--Love on a Rooftop 411--Petticoat Junction 45--Hurok Presents 1--Dennis the Menace 9--If's Your Move 2-8--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show 3-4-6-12---Edge of Night 4:00 P.M, 11--Super. Comics 9--1 Love Lucy &--The Match Game 3-6-12--Communicate 4--Secret Storm 2--Mike Douglas 4:30 P.M. 11--Woody Woodpecker jovie &--Woody Woodpecker 11:25 A.M, vie 3,6--Emergency Ward 10 3-6-12--Time for Adventure 3:30 P.M. } OM NOT SURPRISER.. YOURSELF AT: PEE-WEES PARTY! CROSSWORD DOWN 1, Allots 2. Foreigners 3. Swift ACROSS i, City in Georgia 6. River to North Sea; Ger, 11, Evade 12, Sheeplike 18, Pneumatic tube 14. French money 15. Ever; poet. by fine 16, Waterproof 27. Nail cloth . 29. Former 17, Scoffed Czech. ture 81, Pitchers RIATKIE Mg S1O/DIA) CIE IRIE ISMEPIRION IE] ICIRIAIVIE|O BIO EINIG} oe a Ze Y Germicidal Soap Use Eliminates Liver Bug By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: This letter concerns a young man of 18 with hepatitis. Is it catching, and how? Does it recur later in life? Is it completely cur- able? What effect will it have on sex life? Does it resemble venereal disease in any way? His mother is careful about his prescriptions and maintain- ing absolute cleanliness, and great stress has been placed on rest, but no other comment by the doctor, There is additional distress because his complexion is bad.--S.E. You doubtless mean infectious hepatitis. Hepatitis is inflam- '| mation of the liver. The infec- tious type has become very common -- more than 33,600 cases were reported last year. But some experts estimate that there may be 30 cases unreport- ed or undetected for every reported case. Only a few infectious diseases exceed it in number--that is, di important enough to be aE Y /. e. reportable to public health authorities. Hence it is. of ut- most importance for people to be aware of it and kniw how to avoid it. The virus of infectious hepa- titis, as the name implies, can tica explorer and an Bnglish 4 be passed from person to per- son. This does not mean. that one is particularly likely to catch it from a fellow employee or from casual contact with someone on the street or in a bus. Rather, the virus exists in waste matter from the body, or in contaminated water or food. Certainly one of the prime methods of prevention is to wash the hands carefully after going to the bathroom, and be- fore eating. Tests in clinics have shown that cross-infection ~or® person catching it from another by either direct or in- direct contact -- was reduced virtually to zero with the use of a germicidal soap. STRIKE YOUNGSTERS Cleanliness is the prime pre- ventive, and since the disease strikes most frequently at. chil- dren and young adults, it is one more sound reason for children being taught to wash carefully and keep dirty objects out of their mouths. Seafood, especially shellfish, from polluted waters has been traced as a source, and that is why contaminated clam or oyster beds are closed by au- thorities as soon as discovered. Certainly one should avoid swimming or wading in polluted water, but the most important preventive remains: wash your hands, As I said, infectious hepatitis is only one type, but others are of considerably different nature. Serum hepatitis is transmitted by a virus entering the blood stream, and toxic hepatitis, by which poison of some sort (sometimes alcohol!) damages the liver. I'll answer the other questions | tomorrow. Dear Dr. Molner: What are sickle cell anemia and abnormal hemoglobin?--F. D. : Sickle cell anemia is a form of anemia characterized by faulty, sickle-shaped red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the part of the blood which carries oxygen--the iron-rich part of the red cells. Hemoglobin is made up of var- ious proteins, and abnormalities in these protein fractions can distort the red cell structure in various ways. Abnormal hemc- globin embraces many types. Consequently treatment is not always a matter of giving B12, liver or iron, but may call for something quite different, de- ----- upon what kind of ab- normality is present. Dear Dr, Molner: My 78-year- old mother has a heart condi- tion. She wears old-style garters which are rather tight. Could they impair circulation?--E. H. Indeed they could. oe; 1 iad Silas ) From The CYCLE CENTRE RALEIGH, CCM and Other Makes of BICYCLES tn @lt Sizes tor Boys and Girls, GIRLS AND BOYS SKATES By Bauer and CCM Use Our Handy * Loyawey Plen. YCLE , ENTRE * 204 BOND ST. E. 725-6344 *