THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 10,1966 3. Means Test a: harge ayy yee eres by the crear pas. contain tax increases to meet|persons. 'Raised In Commons ope | ; 4 wt fagdog (CP)--Despite fiat pero incoene ia bop oan io tie ee oe i . . 5 esd lenials by government spokes-jregular $75 old age pension. w retroactive 'to an, . {men, opposition parties in the) "Call it what you like--it is Finance Minister Sharp as- MALE OR FEMALE Commons Friday insisted the| sti) the same thing--a rose by|sured the Commons he plans to gpverament is imposing ee any other nane--it is still a---------- EXCELLENT eans test on old age pension:|means test," replied Lewis Brand (PC--Saskatoon), Pweuld: (Ode hea the CAREER OPPORTUNITY pi ' '| Indications are the govern- ; ( -- Peter citizens of Oshawa who if tT» Work in Dispensaries ONLY. With @ large ond fost grows servatives and New Democratic ment dill will get Commons' voted: en Bees § ka taut MPs were doing a diskervice by japproval well before the Christ- ' hal (i TARIO CITIES. "raising the spectre of the|mas recess, This will allow ap-|| me to the board of education socdhucaec as ceancu: a tbo whoscinee means test' in connection with|plication forms to go out to all the plan to add $30 monthly tojold-age pensioners by early May.! prove worthy ef your Benefits: Top Solary Medical Plan incomes of needy old peoplelJanuary, The first cheques will) trust In me, Pension Plan No Sundays Life Insurance Profit Sharing. Season's Greetings Apply stating full details and remuneration expected tet BANQUET MARKS END OF YACHTING SEASON ss Mrs. Annie Lee P.0. BOX 01.8 More than 60 ogg Above from left to right: One of the guest speakers, | Oshawa Yacht Club, George "~« geason for anothet summer, the past summer's) events. ture, members and executive harbor commissioner, Fred harbor Commissioner, Wil . Jacobi, was one of the the Oshawa Yacht Club, at- Malloy; MC, Ken Forbes; liam Paynter, spoke on the speakers at the final outing - tended 4 35th annual ar oak ee Sa anvelors eyo ge : ! ge season, ee ee a m et an resentation i er alker; an e Oshawa harbor an ub was organ trophies to end the yachting © MP, Michael Starr, discuss what to look for in the fu- THE MOST PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE STARR SPORTS HAS Commodore of the Oshawa ' Times Photo b % ane 0 Moth y Kassinger s : Has Operation The Location Urged By Liberal, NDPer i973: <2 Neale seal wiv, rge y ? ie atl caw Ge ta: The advanced method of construction If you have a sportsman on your Christmas Gift list, . . you will be well ad- TORONTO (CP) -- Reportsjyear brought demands fromjcompanies should be glad of @ lief of a partial blockage in a Th li d | vised to visit Starr Sports and Marina and see the fabulous selection of that automobile insurance si both eupeniion parties Friday chanos ip ae thety position, hospital here today. e Qua ity an items for the sports-minded. e 0 ree a i@ government move to)since ey claim ey ose j | | pa cn faeross Ontario next control insurance rates. money on automobile insur- A pia Barge Anglo The Beauty of the Homes MOTO SKI __ eae 0 Rie JIGGER Fred Young, New Democratic) ance, the operation was satisfactory. : | : Party member for Toronto! He said companies should not] the Queen Mother, 66, en: Are Unquestionable SNOW MOBILE Mitchell 300 begat "7S ae Fishing or just plain enjoy- Yorkview, called for public in-|he permitted to raise premium 4 speed B. C: Ports surance similar to that admin-|rates without permission of aires the King Edward Seventh | Without Comparison want sess SPINNING ment. by istered by the Saskatchewan| hoard of government insurance| Hospital in London Tuesday for government. experts, la _health check and treatment. Open Again Robert Nixon, Liberal NOUS | cs In Oshawa NOW IN STOCK REELS NOW IN STOCK leader, said insurance compan: 1967 MERCURY VANCOUVER (CP) -- The|ies should be called upon to de- 10 different Model Homes with Delightful Styling COLEMAN $19 95 Columbia arejfend the rate increases before , : ; O peated at full biast again to- public hearings, He added that) FOOD SERVICE and Breathtaking Interior are on display now. Stoves, Lanterns, Ther- + OUTBOARDS day as the waterfront industry|a section of the Insurance Ants E mos Jugs, Ice Chest. 9 cannot be repeated ot this price, Trade new for @ good deal. attempted to make up for* lost ot Ontario siving i fee Complete Service For. All : TO KEEP BEAU VALLEY HOMES SPARKLING time. ment power to control insur} | Longiberemen returned tolance rates should be pro, . © RECEPTIONS CLEAN, THESE HOMES ARE SHOWN BY EXTRA SPECIAL .. . work Friday after.a three-week|/claimed immediately. He sa work disruption caused by alit has been in existence for 30} @ HOUSE PARTIES APPOINTMENT ONLY 22 Ny lon REMINGTON dispute between longshore fore-|years but has never been pro-| mea and employers. claimed. © SOCIAL AFFAIRS § path! -- with 4 power scope ag ae going tet --_ Results of a survey Md the AS ' 4 cntiaies SCHOFIELD-AKER LT), -- 123-2265 on the waterfront, anc w Canada Insurance Federat on, | ERING Wot af verve," Capt B.D. Liceteased. thursday niet iy CAMLL 728-7305 _ wrnacee FISHING SUPPLIES SLOT CAR Johnson, Vancouver port man-|showed that rates in Ontario A ager, said Friday. will go up an average of three [a ae ia : 9, Casting end Trolling Rods end RACING KITS Wg ze peodicted it will take per cent and will increase seven|" Phd aac ep a ae PPR rR tu yeparmanas 2 we aac cura, Reels, Baits and Lures, Tackle Boxes, Creels, by Aurora -- Now In Stock im four er cent on the most common) i oMi if gnarl the backlog of work and type of policy--that covering] aera Algo end Buckets, Lending: Note, Ideal Christmes presents for the young oF the port back to normal.|third-person lability. Rates in | . the young at heert. The majority of 50 ships wait-| other provinces will increase as was' ing for cargo in Vancouver are| much as 28 per cent. HUNTING SUPPLIES rye lew 1966 Beery Hers an ideal gift i it for 'Ghristmas Sees | sil a } ee i b 3, t Xx $ $sssss et REDUCED PRICES Premium Quality _ : SPORTS | ' FUEL OF ou... 16 ay and MARINA : Phone 668-3341 King Street East, just past the Townline 723-0211 i $ Open Every Night Except Sat. Till 9 P.M. During December ; DX FUEL OIL $ WSL LLL Le SERVING OSHAWA ~~ WHITBY --- AJAX & DISTRICT s$ss$s$s$$ $$$ $ Zpuike Be Particular! | The Surest Way -- = Yes . 'i Particular in Brand of Carpeting To Please HIM : - -. = ~ i Bp) Particluar in Quality of Carpeting ' ,4 4 . \ Particular in Price of Carpeting R SS / Particular in Padding & Installation IS A GIFT > (| ' = ' 4 \ ( Particular Where You Choose Your Carpeting from _ x : : ' os yl iV vTie wy -- fr & oy -- ; <) cx: emamnagenants HORT eS ° \ ~ ' 4 aH) a Bid EE Wee? z ig Sts ne 4 MEN'S WEAR te > << x Me 4 ps es q Deluxe Luxurious Quality ---- err mz? anes: : -- $f Bee R ( i Z a a BROADLOOM oO ry RENEE a ' . Sn ' \ * Ry it NK Z Cover Your ' wid s } Sed LIVING ROOM A nc ve 500 | Bey $ i $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ YLOW HALL | IDEAL TIME to let Central Ontario Trust take the TIGHTNESS out of YOUR money by Aiwseaee| BY 110 ERTRICATE FOR "7S | MANS WON Your Investment Grows by One-Third in SixYears! EASY TERNS en CHEQUING eceounts=pald end eompounded querterly, Ne charge for cheques written. On maturity, purchasers of these Certificates will recetve $10.00 for every $7.50 invested. This represents a return. Ys Sho. icsueed Ao ocr MOAR: of 4.85% a year compounded every six months or a : TEED INVESTMENT CERTIFI. simple rate of 5.55%. : f CATES fer § te 10 years. Author- 2 "eee i r ined Trustee Investments, Cashable at any tinie. The full rate is obtained at maturity, but your certificate can be cashed at any time; after the a SWITCH NOW to your : first six months on.a graduated scale, sown "As Little on $2.50: WE, Delivers 1 alae Community Trust Company. Eom 50% more interest on your Savings. Enjoy the longest Saving hours in Oshawa = a : r lps i : Available in amounts from 0 10°50,000 I ' Crane For Free Shoo at Home Service n r Where & Savings Conorain | @t any branch of Ganada's First Bank vaNNNe® E OSHAWA A sROADLOOM a | i 276-0670 Bowmanville --~ 623.252) CALL COLLECT WITHIN 60 MILES KAALASAAAAAAASA OO ee Oo Ot ee es ;