44 THE OSHAWA 'TIMES, Saturday, Becomber 10, Sprinkle egg whites with G6AUCY ALMONDS tablespoon. cornstrach blended RING LOAF cream of tartar; beat un Dress up a leg of lamb with|with 4 cup honey and 2 table) Something new for ground stiff but not dry, Beat a sparkling cherry - almond|spoons vinegar, For a distinc:|beet -- a circular meat loaf. : alk until light; | araduelty|sauce, Simply tum a 1 1b. ean|tive touch, sprinkle with %4 cup] ft AO*ats, ; and mix. the 1i4 teaspoons|of pitted dark sweet cherries|sliced natural almonds before), : nang bane aon ues Jemon rind and the 1-3 cupland their syrup into a sauce-jserving as & sauce for the quel and looks most attrac: juice, pan; heat and thicken with 1/lamb, led with creamed onions, Add sifted dry ingredients - and fold lightly until just combined, Fold in beaten egg : whites, Turn batter into pre- pared | pan. Spread _eveniy, a oh ae noe ra vane am she aan wren ~~ ow ee or) - a iwin ie = _-- " SRP RSET ES 12 minutes, As soon as cake ror MOSst MOT. ..1t Just ' Ww ' ' : is removed from oven, invert on tea towel which has been ae age ig ' ° 1) : sprinkled with icing sugar. me | / Peel off aed and trim away nor a worn in tea f towel. completely . { feat For the Lemon Cream Fillin, fi) Af ami ures, a d the ' e and Frosting: Combine the : - 44) | ' 4 @ tush 4] cup sugar and unflavored gela~ : tine. Beat the 2 eggs until thici -- 7 y 4 of Karon boil+ P LS ro gina er. Gradually beat in the sugar é aa 1 sistin mixture, Stir in butter, the 1/4 wri shave et rss tablespoons lemon rind and the ' ia) " Y% cup juice. Cook over gently ARN ones dr Gift Set containing LEMON YULE LOG hy bolling water, otirring ny. ah Lotion, Su per Smoot of Spot | nav Greve Ate i quently -- unt mixture is has , 2 smoothly. thickened, Cool. Tole and Coleg ne 1005 shane Za isiabeng Deiat' + * Meanwhile whip cream until aie 'dé softly stiff; fold in lemon mix- T Fr N t ture. Chill just until softly eeze OW. Se La vy set. 0 r ' tve er To Assemble: Carefully un- Even though Christmas is a } rd lemon juice roll cake. Generously 'spread frantic, hectic period its pus+| % cup whipping cream, end to be rolled first with sible to entertain graciously lemon cream, Re-roll cake and and easily during the holiday; hotly frost with remaining lemon season when you_ prepare glace cherries cream. Freeze aay firm. And For frozen desserts ahead of time.) For the Jelly Roll: Butter|Wrap in freezer-weight foil and 1 aeMoN YULE LOG js ajan.1i- x Linch jelly roll panjreturn to freezer, To serve un- Someone Special...She Deserves al a and line with buttered waxed|wrap and let. thaw at room After Shave Lotion ° - ny er on ° -_ paper, Nye .t $75 ~ seeapereare about two a. O 1,50 and 2,50 ting lem digrees F, together the lesired, decorate with holly R. IS ER en teed 'enis yi Agha lour, baking powder and salt,!and cherries. a ee : not only irresistible but poses a |pas=s on real threat to your will power; Sy 1 ei tte ig have to face temptation i wee Tye wl Ae get this delight into 'the \ 7 UA taal panty a freezer in one piece, an, ees id LEMON YULE LOG "Th '( . | Wineth Fad 1% (Makes About 10 Servings) Katy Oe ; ' ' u 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons i re , oat sy . B, sifted cake flour a. j \ dca \ oe in 1 teaspoon baking powder Cini ) y Deluxe Gift Set consisting of : ] \% teaspoon salt " g , separated oe sas , } Toueh 'Luxury Sora -- roar colon mere, bboey $ nce ater eeus pa pray Cologne, Han r] "ay Esse i EST TENDE teaspoon cream of tartar and Dusting Powder 'ee0 Lotion and Pertume 16.00 nie Linsey ' SUNBLEST NDER i eters, temend Travel arrangements to all parts of the nd for both Busl- ( feing sugar nese end Pleasure. No Booking Fee! r 1 Ese a MITCHELL & WAITE JURY and LOVELL uta. : . f 5 ay one TRAVEL. SERVICE BOWMANVILLE--OSHAWA--WHITBY FRESH hd rates: cos ' cup soft butter 18 tablespoons erated temon 6¥4 PRINCE ST., OSHAWA PHONE 728-7395 || ueponeee sentra ahaa area ara ht ee POWER PLUS BLUE LAUNDRY 9 ~ BABY BONUS "BONUS" DAYS at 0. D Hi. ETE E T DECEMBER 17 CARNATION Evaporated Your December Baby Bonus or FOR PRICE SAKE ~ ro --aaree | ~ MILE 2d alt 10% CASH BONUS : ie ate ote OE Le . | u bushy trees for the Christmes hoose on any cash purchase you make. This offer e a at ; MON. - applicable on December purchases end not : on Lay-Aways. ' J ONLY 1 Ib. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO WITHDRAW OUR . ' ae BONUS OFFER FROM ANY CUSTOMER * ' DOUBLE Y : rice OUR MONEY at 0.D.H. LN sb Bf As an extra BONUS one Lucky Winner will receive DOUBLE THE VALUE of their Bab od : Bonus Cheque if used during Oshawa Discount H BABY B " on November's winner was Mrs, Norman of Ritson Rd. "Eeeth, bax ---- 4 ALL FLAVOURS Per WHITE DRESS KENNER'S LADY TORCAN For Christmas Mr. Kelly's Toy Eney the Pleasures of 3 oz ermanent SEE. A- PORTABLE Dannietee c AR Freshly Squeezed Juices Pkos Press HAIR PROCTOR _ pretence USER NEAT GRAPE HERR ANNE NETS NINN IN TT MIN GE ET EI ae SHIRTS SHOW DRYERS STYROFOAM _ WASH CITATION ELECTRIC GERBER or HEINZ STRAINED ae "inca Velde ast I with 108 SLABS reuse ea ¥ real no. % steree films; c : "a 8 ean rad cotton . ite es sak ame si ee omart nippered includes 2 late model cars, JUICIT"' Jars oe vagy sg Pow foal vn ee ets Compare at 19.50 each, Your choise of large or small; Hi wexes, sponges, ete Sone 14a te Frege show. Compare ot 1.95 ' . One full yeer warrenty, Simuaniae 0.06 one FOR PRICE SAKE colored or plain. Compore at 9.98 Compare at 19.93 ~ ~~ FOR PRICE 99° | FOR PRICE ¢ POR PRICE FOR PRICE SAKE 2991 3.88 ut 15 ut 4.99] 1188 ° MAIN F IN FLOOR LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL KRAFT SALAD ur adae Dae ns alt ro te foe Teen FAMOUS re d Gar d 114" DOLL Fits Barbie, Midge, KENMORE mantic WHIP * da Hi p 32 te 5 q! ARMOURED | "FLYING Y CLOTHES | CHRISTMAS 'soup IIE MIRACLE CAR FLOOGIE" TOYS HAIR COLOR ren 11%" CARD hie whi Plastic trucks, cement mixers, KIT HOLDE! -- airs srs yt Ogg << cahaaeeaader ga Complete with color tubes for DOLLS Decorative Jolly Senta holds CLARK'S VEGETABLE OR Tomato ' > ( lands. I; Ch for 10 oz. Compere et 1,00 Compare at 98« Compare et 1.49 her long beautiful heir Rusty, ete, = cen alse be used es @ Tin . joor decoretor. ell your Christmas cards FOR PRICE FOR ob 3 age age | 77° | ere we | un or LA forme eee rascal SAKE Authentic super detailed ete changing end changing beck epein. the etyle--cnd coler_of Also to fit Skipper, Skooter, Hi disploy. This heevy geuge LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL whip " s "un 44s CALIFORNIA 'utils mon i ae GRADE A P FOR PRICE SAKE it's NOWHERE ELSE = OSHAWA § ) $ DISCOUNTS ee Ww. hy Seth a HOUSE