nual invitational golf tourna- ment which was won here Fri- day by American Steve Dow- ney. Canadians Among Prize Winners ' , whose two-over-par Downey, KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP)--|74 drove him to the first-place 'Two Canadians were among the|$750 prize money, won the in- Ron Feagan Again Named 'Horseman Of The Year' ford, won,the three-year-old] trotting honors. He dominated] the, local scene and finished] fourth in one heat of the Ham- Canadiens Hit Stride HORSES ; FOR SALE RPO ADEE Ip TE a tae Ny AE EE HG I NE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 10, 1966 @ prize winners in the third an-jaugural tourney in 1964. Dear Voters: Dec. 5th. city it is. | would like to extend my sincere thanks for the support you gave me on | will endeavor to do my best on City Council to help make Oshawa the great BRUCE MACKEY By THE CANADIAN PRESS A week ago, Claude Larose was wondering whether he might be sent to the minors and the Montreal Canadiens he plays for were wondering whether they would ever get out of the mire. Larose. pulled up his socks, and so did the Canadiens who head into a weekend of National Hockey League action with three consecutive victories be- hind them and first place in sight. But the Canadiens; at last be- ginning to resemble the. high- flying club that won the NHL championship: and 'the Stanley As Worsley Sidelined Cup last year, wili be without one of the key men in last sea- son's success, goaltender Gump Worsley. The pudgy netminder suf- fered cartilage damage in the right knee Wednesday and Gary Bauman has been called up from Quebec Aces to replace him. Bauman will be a backup to Charlie Hodge in weekend games against Detroit Red Wings at Montreal tonight and at New York against the Rangers Sunday night. NO SUPGERY REQUIRED Canadiens' team physician, Dr. D. G. Kinnear, said Friday | 4. Spadatora & Co, (Canede) Ltd., 129 Adeleide Street West, Terente,( £M 2-1221 end 1255 University Street, Montree!, Quebes, UN 6-2965. Deted et Teronte this 2nd dey ef December, 1966, ALEXANDER C. HALL, Pittsburgh 4 Baltimore 1 Hershey 4 Buffalo 1 Rochester 6 Providence 2 Quebec 1 Springfield 12 Major Junior Weyburn 1 Regina 5 Calgary 3 Moose Jaw 11 Lecel Master $.C.0, HOCKEY SCOREBOARD St. Catharines 5 Halifax 4 |Poland 5 NOHA Stars 3 |Canada Nationals 7 St. James | (MJHL) 5 Manitoba Junior 'Selkirk 5 Winnipeg Warriors 2 WA (UYVYSWENE NEE RK MWA Vee He ol | I Vi HV HN Ni ARRRRRA RAY ! dalalal A CHRISTMAS CRRRARARARARARARARAL Hebel NW le Wy MARERERRRAARS Halll Walalalglgl CoRR AAAS PRRRARAA) ial aK) LARA 1, AARAAAD agit RABAT Why! OOo ONS NEW! Dupont 20 sa. Fi. oF DRAPERIES for $20.00 NYLON BROADLOOM @ SALES ei | wt, Goodwill Used Car Completely Installed with Underpad ol oe ke = 1 as ' Mills M anne lt LIVING ROOM | pd: Ate Sac Your Mil i, Forcovitents bans Sas : DINING. ROOM oes. otom swore $ PRANK WONNACOTT $ RON SILVER 4 OPEN @ BADE CRANBIELD @ DON GAVAS @ RAY McLAUGHLIN "a BEDROOM 8 Boy pee @ BNL HAYNES | @ ROSS SHEYAN @ AL ATKINSON HALL STAIRS C.H.S up to a full 3 ANADIAN BROADLOOM: 1570 KINGSTON RD approved i> 1, Sizes sq. ft. PHONE MILLS 694-3361 CALL 723-6751 Gump prodabiy Willi tbe out of action for 10 days but the injury will not require surgery. Larose says that before last weekend's games he was "'dis- turbed about our long slump, formance but also worried about my own fate." "Another defeat Saturday night and I would not have been surprised if I was on the road to Quebec or Houston," said the 24 - year - old right winger. But the Canadiens defeated Chicago Black Hawks 3-1, and then beat New York Rangers and Toronto Maple Leafs Sun- day and Wednesday. Larose scored two goals in each of the last two games. The Canadiens are still in fourth place, but now they are worried about the team's per-|circui CAMPBELL VILLE, Ont. (CP)--Ron Feagan, 24, of God- man of the Year for the second consecutive season by harness writers at the three harness racing tracks on the southwest ern cused Golden Horseshoe Feagan set a Canadian dash- record last season of 213 victories on the three tracks --Greenwood, Mohawk and Gar- den City-- and bettered that mark this season with 214. Feagan received eight of the ten first place votes. H, A, Meadowland, owned by Feaganm>and his grandfather, George C. Feagan, was named Horse of the Year. The three- year-old pacer won the Queen City Stakes and the Canadian Pacing Derby and paced the mile in 1:58 2-5 at Vernon #, RALEIGH, CCM and Other Makes of BICYCLES in all sizes for Boys ond Girls. GIRLS AND BOYS SKATES . By Beuer and CCM Use Our Handy Layeway Plan. YCLE ENTRE 204 BOND ST. &. 725-6344 Garma Alert was the unani- mous choice among the two- year-old trotters. The slick- bletonian. He was second $100,000 Dexter velt, N.Y., last. month. Cup at gaited daughter of Hoot Frosi, owned by Irtha and Gary Gris- senthwaite of Dundas, won four of five stakes events and earned $16,153. ; Sharp 'n Smart, received all but one. vote to top the juvenile pacers, The Meadow Al-sired youngster, owned by John Hayes, and Bob. and Conrad Shapiro of Montreal was a multiple stakes winner and fin- ished in a dead-heat with Mar- ket's Shadow as North Amer- ica's fastest two-year-old pacer' with a clocking of 2:05 4-5 on a half-mile oval. H. A. Meadowland was also named three-year-old pacer of the year while Max Webster's KEM-TONE end KEM-GLO PAINT for Finishing Your BERRY GARAGE DOORS WINTER PROTECTION or HOBBYIST COMPLETE SELECTION of HOLLAND LTD. -- Remodelling or Project Units POWER TOOLS end HAND TOOLS for the HANDY MAN BUILDING PRODUCTS for EVERY PURPOSE FREE HOME DELIVERY Taunton Rd. E. and Ritson Rd. at S-Points This Year!.. Are At ri ~ John Swan Hardware Lid. VISIT OUR ff o Fi for LUMBER end LUMBER 725-4709 JUDICIAL SALE OF LAND | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Suter -- a prlotly. five points out of first Downs during the season. Armbro Gazelle, from Brant- anes | for A we In the Supreme Court of Ontario in the matter of ff bic e F A pt|Collingw'd 15 3 1 90 58 31 aoe peer Pongen By Arana de the Partition Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 287 in the Hiy; Woodstock 11 5 0 74 46 22)nehind third-pl 2.0. , | Kitchener 10 6 3 86 82 23), 1 10 7 1 80 68 21 rd-place Toronto. et 0 an um er matter of the Application of David Brown, et al fi toronto 11 6 0 65 55 22 Kingston D 2 1 a8 58 19| 22 tonight's only other game, pursuant to the Order For Sale made in this cause i 96 4 78 6222) Crh 7 0-55 48 16|the Black Hawks visit Toronto. there will be Offered For Sale by the Auctioneers 9 5 3 70 49 21 : Sunday, Toronto plays. last- ; appointed by the undersigned maste Niag. Falls 7 8 4 87 751 a ag oe ; a Ps place Detroit and fifth - place r u ign r. . Orillia 6 11 4 ' 5 : By ee ae EEL Be peenn ot Clengn Pool Tables ....... 16,95, Petervor, 511 3 59 si is/roronto = 4 11 0 89 76 SHAS 6 GOALS Hockey Games ..... 11,955 PU BLIC AUCTION Montreal 3 7 6 51 69 12/ Barrie 413 0 59 82 8 Larose's four-goal week gives Garages 98%. Friday's Results Friday's Results 4 a total 4 six * go along rag +A ont ee ° IN ONE PARCEL Oshawa i Niagara Falls 4. {Kingston 4 Collingwood $ with two assists for the season. Panorama Dol! House. 5.95: Tonight's Game | 4 iW On MONDAY, DEG, 19, 1966 at 11:00 AM. Prondon at Oshaws [Toronte, 5 Guelph 2 warming the bench while Leon 2.98 2,08 AT THE COURT HOUSE, WHITBY, ONTARIO Sunday's Games 'eisews tones Rochefort played. SUGGEST FOR You Detinellb: ssi sccestes . ey 5.98 " THE FOLLOWING LANDS: 6.17 ecres locoted at the northwest comer | Niagara Falls at St. Catharines)). anpetes 5 San Diego 2 Cea EL) Toble Tennis ....+.+++ 2:49 | Cooking Sete s...-.04- si of Taunton Road and Ritson Reed, in the City of Oshawe, described ff} London at Montreal pr GE ASR) ee Rey Doll 1,98 | presser sete ...... eee BE % tm Inetroment Number 152847 in thé Registry Office fer fii Kitchener at Toronto iis tae " Home Improvement puede ade gutait ASB | cn tak die 2.98 + 'egistry of the County of Onterie for the chy of Oshawe, American League Oarana®' St Loule 6 4 Metel Form Set .....+.+ 95 Bet eh He ends r 49 # The property wih be aftered for sete without reserve bid ond sublect Eastern Division cena tne Yflell Us, -- OR -- Wood Burning Sete .... "2 Agent Pistol Sets ...... 4.39 x te @ Mortgage for $26,000.00, The perties shell be at liberty te bid. WLBT FAT... : ! STMAS Poteto Head Gient ' The Purchaser shall pay « deposit of 10% at time of the sole, Sele fl Quebec 18 9 3.96 92 29|Clinton 1 New Jersey 6 POR CHRt "4 Winter Hobbies Assortment ....-++++++ 1.49 = a ga te be completed within 30 deys thereafter, when no less then @ Hershe 13 7 2106 70 28 Nashville 0 Greensboro 3 nN i Bi further 30% shall be pold and @ second Mortgage given back for the Bnritinsre 12 7 1 71 58 25| Knoxville 4 Charlotte 2 From The @ ARBORITE AND FORMICA se: 3.98 95 balance, if any, for one yeor with Interest at 7% per ennum. Adjust- Hl <i Field 9 9 3 80 75 21 | Johnstown 3 Florida 2 @ HARDBOARD WALL PAN- Wacky Pull Toys .....+ s Greeny Sete ments te bé made os of dete of completion of sale. The Purchaser pringse » | CYCLE CENTRE * ELLING for Rec. Rooms 2 98 Thonderbell Geme 2.98 shall search title at his own expense, The Vendor shell net be bound Providence 217 4 56108 8 International League ' Maloy POR Heme ++ +4 . Asorted < te produce any abstract of title or any Deeds or evidence of title other Western Division | Dayton 4 Columbus 2 @ SHEET PLYWOODS for = 8 =- Meese e © 2 AAT peuprem........---- 4, EF es deities hn 986 then those in his possession or control. In all other respects the con- Pittsburgh 14 6 3 88 74 31/ Toledo 1 Des Moines 3 FLOORING end PANELLING ~~ ditions of sale are the stending conditions ef sale settied by the Rochester 14 9 1109 81 29 | Fort Wayne 5 Port Huron 2 @ CEILING TILES for Al Home HOUSEHOLD GIFT Greed BO. ica vecses 9,25 - ebbendgned. Cleveland 793 75 76 17| Western Canada Sealor Use IDEAS FOR THE Clothes Hampers 12 95 9 All porticulars and eonditions of sale mey be obteined from Messrs. jf) Buffalo 516 4 74 121 14) Saskatoon 4 Yorkton 6 AND WHOLE FAMILY eee chs saee Soe porch gence ' riday's Results @ HARDBOARD TRAIN Ww. 0.95 4 » World & Torgov, 111 Richmond Street West, or from Auctioneers, Friday's Res Exhibition AUTO RACE BOARD Contes ere 18, lroning Teble ....s00« a And Many More Gift Ideos Just Weilting For You et... John Swan Hardware Lid. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE YOU NAME IT ---- WE HAVE IT 725-3527 | 266 KING ST. WEST All Fine Gifts Don't Come In Small Packages ! GIVE FAMILY PRESTIGE and ENJOYMENT 4 WITH PONTIAC BUICK Or Late Model Cold Weather Comfert Don't Be a Litter Bug For Fast Cold-Weether For Clear Winter with Use Your STARTING DRIVING CAR WARMER LITTER Use « GM 0: ARCTIC Cold Weather BASKET BLOCK HEATER WIPER BLADES IN OSHAWA PRE-HEATER Assorted Colors Available for all Model Available for all Model: Your PONTIAC--BUICK--VAUXHALL---VIVA--ACADIAN--G.M.C.---BEDPORD DEALER The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PH. 723-4634 Fie eae