ne ence THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 9, 1966 7A AS in STYLE A CH FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY What would be a greater family gift than a new cer from the wonderful world of Chrysler . . . pride and pleasure for all! Drnsini CORONET by DODGE... The "Swinging" cer for '67 e » « it swings with style; ewings with performance; swings with populor price; and swings in circles of people on the "Go" It's great! Smart! Snappy! Popular for '67, and Northside Chrysler has them! See them NOW! { \ ' tn '67 enjoy the "Chrysler wey of Ife" .. . beautifully tuxuriows; speciews roomi- mess; economy in the tree traditione! femily atyle, Select @ Chryster from five glomoreus series with the eptions and price te suit your motoring requirements snd budget. MOVE UP te Chry- sler (it's such @ Witte step) end you'll stey with Chrysler? Ageoin! Dodge delivers & BIG in '67. Ne motter how you look ot Dodge youl egree it's the greatest Dodge everl Sedens; Merdtepe; Con- vertibles; Station Wagons + « « fabulous selection! Great for the family for Christmas. Give Senta @ break in '67 and let him EVERY CHRYSLER BULLT CAR 3S BACKED BY THE ORIGINAL AND PRO. VEN 5-YEAR/S0,000 MILE POWER CANADA LTD. TRAIN WARRANTY AND THEIR NEW COMPLETE CAR 2-YEAR/24,000 MILE WARRANTY For CHRYSLER-DODGE.POLARA and MONACO-DART-CORONET-CHARGER and DODGE TRUCKS NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER-DODGE . (Whitby) LTD. 918 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY Phone 668-3368 u wows. eee e MUG Ey f