[eae 9 ND) @ oe 7) \) t\ Goa mn ee YOU MEAN YOU'O RATHER. ||! HAVE THAT => THAN THE EIGHT DOLLARS SOON vu AS IT'S SETTLED --WE'LL KNOW MARRIED AND WHO 16N'T/! Ni eT MU A NTIL THEN, NOBODY CAN BE SURE' « KRAG@ER ON THE OTHER SIDE, UNDERSTAND, CORRIGAN & 4 i ? i i ) je JULIET JONES 10 CHANNELS " s MAKE ic Oshawa CABLE TV Limited AS LONG AS HE APPLIES COR ANSEL Sy mse oe as? aa aaa aaa aaa Oda? Gas? a8 a ae a a a a as a a rete rf ahr // Jb F BD Bd of TELEVISION LOG 6:00 PLM, 12--Rocky and Friends lil--Family Theatre 6:00 P.M, 12-4-4--News, Sports with jealy *PERFECT RECEPTION roy pipe f fro re ef YOUR TV SET LIGHT UP WITH JOY... GIVE IT =@€}0G==6343= FOR CHRISTMAS f r 600 There's More To See With Cable TV NO ANTENNA fron fe re ip ip iy fe fe re KING ST.E. (EAST MALL), 723-5278 Channel 11--Hamiltes Channe! %--Toronto Channe! 6--Rochester Channel 7--Buffale Channei 6--Toronte Channel 4--Buttale 4--Movie Channel %-Barrie 3--Girl from ULN,C.L.E, Channe: 2--Buttale 0:0 PLM, ---- 11--Rat Patrol 24----T.H.E, Cat PRIDAY 5:45 PLM, 4--Tree Lighting Cere- mony, New York Chuck Hi 7--Movie REJECT ME WITH MUTE FuTiity! 2 DON'T KNOW OF ANY SENSIBLE REASON WHY YOU SHOULD HELP ME~ EXCEPT THAT I REALLY LOVE THE GIRL AND BECAUSE... WELL... YOU THINK MY BROTHER'S A MENACE -- A PRAUDE WELL, HE /S! Tt COULON'T Vg eNowsnces! Je in"; 7---Creen Hornet 4--Christmas Ballet 6:00 PLM, TBA 2--News, Weather Sports 4--People Are Funny roee 7:20 P.M, Ni---Bemnitze! 7--News, Weather, Sport: | %--~Cartoon Playhouse ne PM, 12--Rat Patrol N--Time Tunnel 9--Iron Horse 24--Tarzan é--Rat Patrol 6--Thi 9:00 PLM, 12--Movie 9--Mission impossible 7--Milton Berle wie P.M, Hie-Merv Griffin 8-2--Laredo %--Run for your Life @-Superman T--12 O'Clock High 7--Laramie 3--Time Tunnel é--Flipper 3--Movie 1:00 PLM, 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News 5:30 PLM, Weather, Sports 12----F Troop &--Leave it to Beaver Wi28 PM, é--Film Short 6--Viewpoint 2--Passport Two 4--Movie 1:38 PLM, l--Plerre Berton 6--News, Weather, Sports ae PLM, 2-4---Johnny Carson T--Memory Game 6--Run, Buddy, Run 11.95 PLM, 9--Seaspray 4--Movie Movie 6:38 PLM, 1:40 PLM, 12--Iron Horse 12--Bourbon St, Beat 1i--Plerre Berton 9--Movie 9-6-3--News, Weather 1.45 PLM, ports 4--Movie #-6--Huntley-Brinkley 1:85 PLM, News yh V--Moevie 4--N z 12.00 A.M 1--Movie A 4 P.M, 1:00 PLM, liIt's About Time 2--Movie %---Pruitts of Southampton &--Wonderful World SATURDAY 6 100 A.M. 6:00 A.M. | Outdoors Unilmited $--Davey and. Goliath 4--Santa Claus 2--Clutch Cargo 0:30 AM. ree Stooges ?--Rocketship 7 2--Hercules 9:00 AM. %--Cartoon Playhouse 4--Fun to Learn 2--Mr. Magoo 9:30 AM, 188 AM, VeHobby Time 9---T.B.A, 4-Space Ghost 6--On Safar! 8-2--Space Kidettes 3--Popeye and Gumby 7--~Beaties 11:00 A.M, 9--Space Ghost 6 ool V8 AM, Ne-Your Home and o~Skippe 5 ippar Sam 7--Magiila "Genta %--Lone Ranger 2--Jetsond 4~--Lone Ranger Greater London Crusade 12 NOON 12--Physics 9--Beaties 12:90 P.M, 12--Ontarlo Schools 2-8--Smithsonian J--College Football 1248 PLM, VSaturday Afternoon at the Races 100 PLM, bid eet Cup Festival 4--Rural Review 24--Animals Secrets 1:0 PLM, @--Movie HUBERT IT HAVE BRAINS AND YOUR MOTHER'S 4--Sclence Reporter 2--Sea atuat 9--Grey Cup Special 4---Car 54 3-4-12----Grey Cup Parade YOUR HEALTH 3612--Pro Football 2.38 PLM, 2---Topper N--Outdoors Untimited 4--Bat Masterson jovie a: MM, Ti--White Hunter 4--Forest Rangers %--Grey Cup Forecast 3612-6 Cup Preview| - PM, capital: var, 8. Worker of H Nd Vie fhe Sonine a 3--Time Tunnel %--Santa Claus Parade | 11--Donna Reed +6-12--Get Smart 3-6--Ontarlo i 4--Sclence Fiction 6:38 P.M, 2--Stingray Theatre. 11-4-2--Man From | 10:08 AM, |. 3-4-9-12--Grey Cup Game UNCLE. | 9--Stingray 208 P.M, %It's Your Move | @--Secret Squirrel | L-Wrestiing 4--Hogan's Heroes | 7--Popeye, Gumby @--Brighton Rolloffs 3-6-12--Tommy Hunter 4--Frankenstein Jr. 7--Portrait of a Tram Cc Show 2----Sinbad Jr, 4---N.F.L. Countdown ACROSS 44, Facial 19, Chinese MARULALS MBMIALI IM LJOINIGIE BEAINIV( | 1, Genuine features wecret § FBINISIETT EEL RIAISIO. 5, Demon- DOWN woclety [SINE MME Ie INMEDIA atrative 1, Famous 20. i) aA aa pronoun rider 22, Cooling aa) Hs 8. Swiss 2, Hpochs devices 'rototggo tah ONT MNS ICIARILIET band is a heavy drinker, He nourishing food and maintains he right? of their lives and live as long as others? I know of some! Must they have strong constitu: tions, or. does it apply to all?| Just what effect does drinking have on health?---MRS. C.W.A. Exclusive Drinking Harms Constitution By JOSEPH G. MOLNE! Dear Dr. Molner: My hus-) aims that as long as he eats able changes in blood circula- tion, Mentally and emotionally al- cohol has manifold conse- good diet, alcohol will not)q harm his health, I find this hard to believe, Is How can some men drink all . It is a depressant. It deranges judgment and retards reflexes. Changes in hormones and vitamin balance of the body have been noted; although whether this is a cause or re- 1. @KQTA YANTS O88 2. @KI88 75 oKI02 8, @KQIO" YABS O8 Hi 4. @ASB YKT4 $QI83 : 5. @AK INS -Y6 OKT : 1, Double, It is obvious values rtner has some is failure to bid over a out for the part score or as the case may be. : The last is said to in the position, may pass when hand so dicates, or he may deci to contest the auction. If he overcalls or doubles, his part- ner should remember that the bid is made in the protective seat and might therefore be substandard, The double in the present case, though | clearly indicated, It w be wrong to bid a heart or a spade, . or to pass. 2, Pass. There is a limit to how far the protective principle van be carried, With so much length and strength in dia* monds, the best is to let West ay the hand and hope to beat him. m 3. Double. One my would be wrong because hand is too good for a mere overcall. The hnsgenad is used to age genuine values -- aie deouitbet freer 'a, competitive n a. bid of one spade, which would be proper if the ace of hearts were, say, the deuce. * 4, One notrump, The overcall in the pi is always a shaded ~ does v not require, nor can have, the normal 16 i points, While we have card strength for a takeout ble, it is better to bid a to show the balanced tion. If partner prefers to in a euit, he is free to bid hand , 5. Two @ . 'The problem is whether it is better to Endorses Appeal , UNITED NATIONS (CP) @ The Security Council Wednes+ day unanimously endorsed the 122nd member of the world or+ ganization. The tiny coral island, with its 240,000 population, gained inde- pendence from Britain Nov. 30. It will be the 28th Common- wealth state represented at the UN and the third smallest mem- ber in population, next to the ) |Maldive Islands and Iceland. Star Uninjured In Car Crash LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Ac» tress Kim Novak, ured in horseriding and traffic acci- dents within the last 12 months, apparently escaped un ured after her station wagon with another car on Sunset Boulevard, Miss Novak, 33, refused med- ical treatment following the ac- cident Tuesday, officers said, sult is moot, Many people gradually drink more and more, and reach the not-eating point, Or they driye while drinking,.or they stumble and fall, and the consequences are not to be avoided by your husband's touted good diet. Liver disease and brain dam- age are the most destructive penalties of heavy drinking, but there are many more kinds, DOES SOME GOOD I've consistently refused to preach total abstinence, be- cause I think alcohol, when not abused, does some good in the world, but I most vociferously disagree with your husband's notion that a good diet prevents True, some people drink for years without visible effect on health or longevity, but it is my observation that they keep the drinking within limits, Only an exceptional constitution can tol- erate heavy drinking for very Dear Dr. MolMer: Would chest x-rays show if a person has 10, Put thro) asort Nevada 4014 . coon' 4.Tothe shel- 25. Win- uiiie't bit Mt text RA cotbins kitchen tered side dow- : ' , NIAIRIY Me LI it too much. So. far as his liver Sverts Ktomwy 6 is ed, faulty diet cer: 12. Elliptical © 6, Handle of Grapery Yesterday's Answer , EQUNCEENSG,, Faulty Glek Cel 43. Place of asword 26. Fish net: 85. Mexican tainly has a great deal to do worship 7. Behave 27. Notify dollar with cirrhosis, While some folks 14, Man's 3.---- Dome" 29. Masters 36, Persian get cirrhosis without ever hav- t nickname scandal of ceremony _ prince ing tasted alcohol, the majority | '°° 15, Legal 0: 9. Clayey 280, Feats. 38, Also of patients with severe cirrhosis 17. Hebrew 11.Garment 82. Ofgreater 40. Constell. are heavy drinkers who, in ad+ letter 16, Anguish age ation dition, did not eat properly. 18, Land Tes 1* & e TT Some hard drinkers, of course, se Sega /) get to the point of going on 20, Diatress call Y 10 U ~--T benders and ndt eating 21, Amend r ates BECOMES SENSITIVE a ts ioaaees uP Daddies 14 V7)" Zu A healthy liver can withstand Q d -- VA V// a good deal of alcohol as a rule: 26, Warble " Ws ae But a damaged liver becomes 28. Talked - highly sensitive to alcohol which) noisily a a very real sense is then a 31, Half ems poison. | 32, King Olav's yy , So your husband's argument! home ] Was has a fleck of substance to it--/long. oy ase tye - especially if luck is with him,!} 5 i and his liver doesn't become) Lg Teerueas Y WY diseased in some other way, | 37. Famed 34 VZA* V//)%* Trying to justify heavy drink-|emphysema?--M. M, 39. Entitled ; K 4 ] ing with just that argument is) Yes, but they will not show 41, Appearing n Y pretty specious. Excessive alco-|the extent of the damage, which asifeaten fy hol irritates the internal tissues,|is more accurately determined 42, Weeps Whiskey tenors develop, Gastri-/by symptoms (shortness of 43, Early ry tis 'inflammation of the stom-/breath, cough, etc.) and by invader ach) is common. The "rum:/breathing tests showing how of Spain dumb" sot can't be laughed/much air can be inhaled and off There are dictinet and nrav.ievhaniod Sametimee v.rave tn. dicate emphysema which has not yet become severe enough to cause any noticeable symp- toms. Dear Dr. Molner; What can be done for hair that splits at the ends? I have had this prob- Tem for a long time.--Miss L. M. The usual cause is a natural brittleness of the hair--te varies greatly from one person to another. Brisk combing can cause the ends to split. Treat your hair as gently as possible. You aren't drying it out by too frequent washing or spraying, are you? SALLY'S SALLIES decide whether, ie ae ap, passing, or whether to ff AON ARN CAR SAMP So SD