MONDAY NTS Points taken -- Aces §, Crystals 2) ee ' ae Seernat 4; Waters 0) Wheeler: 'Yetolen: eamen a Miah Jim bi 844. Hepat 1, Gri pag bn o Fisas 1m, Mary 4 i 9root 238 Dorreii fskarsen #36) Dany re 2D Judy Bowcort uv, Doware Mcintyre 236,) 2 "13 taro i 7 Raye Collard iB A a. oreen 728, Pr aad Campbel nm ' High Triple --. Barbara Geen, Shen's High Triple =») Kaye Collard, en | 627, Ow di BASTWAY MIXED LEAGUE im Ki , er srocee sh Bien W feat sr ira iets gg vl hig SCORES ° | Jonn was ighest score : this week for raph Schoo! with 300, . McArthur 240, q ee Pearson 240 ig Wayne Vennor Ph terinedinie Clasa -- Terr' Clark 200, Sinmy 220 nae rnealate mo %B. 2 ly a - jensie i ig Hse ye 4 mary Bishop 185, pee Caatn'ii0 and Jane pe vid wah iti Betas hh mi aon sae flan barrie ti | gl Pin waa 'oe MOTOR CITY JUNIOR,LEAGUB 'Top Ten)---Girls: Joan Haat 213), 1 R | Fe + Terry 173 a" NN {All he 4s ( (Thema wt) a, 20); aki rv wa swerne a aay as char a nN. Girls; Beverley duels 446 (268)) Suvan MeQuartie 396 198) lit | ! seventh 5 = (207); arlene on 973 (190); Cathy Free mmen 353 (19 Joan Dingman 34 i "pebble Kennedy 349 (183)) (198); Marlorie Owen 14 (180)) and theren Benson 304 Gs, Bill Branton 391 (221)) Robert oy Robert Bravdner 372 i Eire Neg Mynsholras rar a Saute SUNDAY iN BANTAM League tan Triples; Davi pg A hag gt rabin 341, ieard wich = Frank Wic! Bees Wikon Furniture He Metals 20% and imperial Life Assurance inys; | Wherry, 384 LANDER ATARK sets, fart dar Vita avid Fer o r 4, | Alt aif be oH {oa Hidger. ial Age riy pian' 921 (195 Rewer Harding 314 7 (202, 201); Jim Leaman | (162), 595 (214); m4 Vann Se (223); Bert| Bantams (250 Doubles and Over) -- bag = ry inet, pene $80 (208); | Girls: Wanda Marshall 25) (130), Boys: nd ob 08 Ken Lintey 395(246); Richard -- Roznik tne Fa att Panthers 23,/ 351 (190); Kelly i ae 307 (172); and Lion: Ri riers 18, Mustangs Ron Shortt 256 (138). 17, Jote 17 and TUBSOA MONDAY NIGHT LADIES 'This week is the beginning of our sec- HI Triples: sa a ks Boug Keeler Masiewich 559, Herman Prak- session of the season one , Konerowsk! 624, M jong $54, Ken Gunn 545, Hien Pe vee MEN'S Hodgson 690 (247, » Bob Cayley Ah) 220, | Men' in Martinelll ope ken 35) UY Py) a: aX scores » | dell 778, W. OSHAWA BOWLING CLASSIC "8" LBAGU: High Triples: Alex Simon rig (721, 202, '1)) Don Martinac 568 (232); Arno 'knop 559 (214); Vel Jendraka 556 as Tea ei) ill Borrowdale 514, Boa Muskies 24, Chargers 22, ougart , Centennials. 15, Spliniers i, Colts 1 et Hurricanes 14 and Imperiale 11, BASTWAY MEN'S LEAGUE High alg F Ron Milne 624 (210, 221); Vann $90 (221, ayy Arno Knop ie) J 1A one Fae 212); 'Pred 225 570, Herm Hepes 561 ay) fren Ht 549 (210); Hepburn 546 and Len Rose 546, SH hang 8; oudallies i A foe Cut Rate jackies Bal Pizza Place ' sldsworth "Civonert » Marin Storage 5, sity ae 4, hay fi venise ae 4, Team 164, Shenloys 4 eal Dairy 3, All 'iryey oe Wilton's 8 Wear 2, Erinli Golf eels \ poterie Motor Sales ir ong Goch pertest 0, Bo hac ReAous Lies ie js om Rose jac white'), old 4° Red 8, Grey F, Black Yo Now 7, Purple 7, Aqua 7, Maroon Orange 6, Mauve 6, Bive 6 Green 4, Lime a ie 4, Silver 3, 'gpa an2 igh $, Wilson 486 (261); . yor Ci "ain 5, Rogers 470 (268); h 461 (245)) J, Anderson 451 (as) M, Luke veo (245); §. Turner 408 in nor Brown Pink ston Hi td 217, M, Glover 217, C. fomnonte 2i), H, P aa} 208, Ru Stroud 305, Nr Burnell, 403,' M Parker 203, 0. MeDuM 202, M, Wilson * and J, Petron 201, 5 BANA Leaous w Goth's 4, ie as Paris 3 ar he 1) Flemings 3, nos 1; Harry's 3, Tumey's |; Dine's 2, Roger's Group 2 = The 27's 4, Final 0) Gadil- lac 4, Pail 0) Motor City 4 Berg's 0) pore App. 4, Houdailie 0; Mackie 2, Tony's 2 Standings Group 1» Dines 25, Fleming's 24, Goch's 24, Roger's 22, Clint's 21, Tumey's 2, Durno's 19, Harry's 16, Active 18 and Parts 14. Group 2 -- Home App. 33, Motor 23, Tony's 23, Mackie's 22, Cadiliac 21, Houdaiile 20, The 27's 20, Final 17, Berg's 1S and Bell's 6, High sc ~~ J, Vandyke 803, D. Cran- Kelly 771, $. Lebreton 770, $, Stovin 755, P. Lyzon 750, G. Jessome 745, L, Sabins 743, D, Hodgson 741, City o High Triples = §. Malar au Mikalauskas 611, P. Smith DeJon Ses Bdoet $43, Glen Copp 540 and Ron Leonard $27, 557, P. Balson 533 end |. Wohrer 510. Stgndings; Peg ft 14 Modern Grill High Singles -- §, Konarowsk! 304, V. Mikalauskas 263, afd Battes 254, J. Kacz pay: ouee Thompson's Plumb: $ Coaliloce 7, Corvettes 7, Renpies a, vein 5, Peacock Lun marsk! 237, M. Malor 223, |. Liewellyn | ber 5, rebineen 5, General shad 4 ene $ 216, E. Balson 212, M, Mayer 210, 8. Oliver 208, M. Gale 204, P. Smith 202 4 and Police 8 OM LEAGUE and P. Shaw bg | ; ; League High Triples: Tom Krawchuk 612 (222); A ni N, | 72, DOWNTOWN § INDUSTRIAL 700 Triples -- J, Vasko 794, J, 796, G. Guitiams hig Ree phallly 710, W. Stete 715, 8 Bocker 710, B, Wilson 781, 8, Seth | 707 and J. beta 720, _300 Singles -- Doug Smith 306. "eemon League = 8. Smith 78. BLECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CLUB Only two bowlers over 600 this week-- | Bob Watson 652 (24), 219) and Yvonne | 5, Watson 624 (252, 203). | 200 and Over -- Marion oye ig 272, | Bud Manning 269, pion MeGee 236, Diane Charuk 231, Marion McGee 224, Filo pices 218, Jack Strank 215, Susie Saw- 214, Barb Holland 213, 203, ne Trortl 212 Ivan Parrett 206 and ichards Ladies! Glenda Thamson| Points -- "Triedet 14, Datty Dynes, a7, rkham 489, Josie Gyurke 477, Shocks, Dynes, and Hi-Lites tied with 11, Bev ody me Loraine Dalby 475,Janet | Transformers and Shorts with 7 and cw ah Bore rom Bit ree | Screwluge with 6 a rte J Gabroehinek OLD COUNTRY CLUB rendinah for City Cab 1A. G0 Oa.) | Points taken -- Hit and Miss 0): Handi- Lemon Lea ie 92, J, Kacr eres 90, K. OT hledean ay and A. Vugte | Knop §78 (214); fy A ayer ee Joe Friedrich 565, 50, eduna gai) 'ane PA ie "piaiin|N hardson Standings: Wilson's Men's Wear 7, Chevelies 7, ThCate 7, Citizens Finance 's Men's 5, U 's Wear 0 and F-85's 0. KING TEN PIN L@AGUE ih Triples Men: Randy Stewart $96, ber " plaka a Oss! Sponer 571, len Copp 5? a hy an 548, Ron Leon- ¥ Fig cord 8 30 and Lorenz on rps Heath 741, J. Bourrie 739, A, Stovin 706, J, Cook 706, €. Jordan 698, A, Cameron 695, DO. Moss 687, F. Barnes 686, F. Eccles 67% R, Sullivan 67%, § Camer- ford 679, C. Staley 673, C. Lockhart 673, R. Peters 671, T. Harris 649, C, Holbrook | | 668, G. Wilee 666, J, Adair 666, D. Tiik 662, R, Murray 657, H. McRoberts 655 and &. Schwartz 652 with prizes to the highest above! their average, and high triple and single jon each team. SUNDAY SOCIAL LEAGUE Team Standings -- Head Pins 12, Dum: | mies 12, Spitfires 9, Jeeps 8, Red Liners 7, Aces Up 7, Dum Bums 7, Wild Cats 4, Top;'Six™4 and Bottoms 0. 610 Scores -- M. Hobbs 745 (338), F, Clements 716 (330), T. Tromiey 689 (234, 228, 225), ©. Rouse 663 (285, 228), T, Parish 668 (293), T, Hobbs 652 (252, 228), BD. Duncan 627 (235) and P. Hansen 61) (224, 221) 220 Games -- DO, McCarthy 241, J, Werosk! 239, V. Mena 229, §. Yandt 226, A, Gillingham 228, P, Skidmore 228, 8. Attwell 226, &. Patterson 225, G. Element 25, W, Guindon ee L. Patterson 223 ~ €, Mena 67, L. Renaud bad ida R, )_ Renaud uv tera, 14 cappers 7) Cellar Qweliers 7, The Nuts 0) Glass 12, Goofers 9, winters ¥ "1 res | Rolling Stones 4, The Outty's 3: Corner 7, Duracieans 7, Missing Links 7, Crawl/ Pins 7, Geordie's 0 and Dead Losses 4, ets 7, Jinx 5, Go Goes 5, Rarm Team 2 | The Skittles 3, | Geenere a Wildcats Rand 600 -- Ernie Metiwraith 260, 258, Balls 58 OM NICKEL ware | beacuse [ver 252 ny Bob ly 180, pA, cari_7te'%, 'Onwson | 199, 179 sik 474, @, Mathiev «8. thortbury ats] Over 210 Mike Henderson 226, sagie Ww. i Cate Rolls 633, RK. Ven/ atevelt "tho 213, Pall Meer 424 Monery fk sare te ints ws ES, gem Oe On St 'on Loup: Sete goon von alley 30"one r a 37, BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Jail Terms For Teenagers On Two Theft Convictions THEFT CHARGES Two other youths, Peter Uschenko, 16, of no fixed ad- dress and Daniel Moreau, 16 of 23 Kent St., Ajax, were also found guilty of two theft charges each. Uschenko was remanded in custody for one week for sen- tence while Moreau received an 18month suspended = sen- tence with probation, | Both jailed accused had pre- vious records of theft. | $100 OR 60 DAYS Magistrate H, W. Jermyn jsaid it was one of his duties; __.|to protect people with genera- jtors on their cars when he} fined Brian McBain, 22 of 1381) Tatra Drive, Bay Ridges, $100) jor 60 days for theft. Ajax Police Constable Alex- Two Pairs Lead PGA Tourney lander McMurray said he ob- served McBain kneeling beside PALM BEACH GARDENS,|, car in Ajax, He said the Fla, (AP)--A pair of gambling) accused was apprehended after golfers and two hungry team-\he ran into an adjacent field mates have shattered par by 17/and was holding a wrench. -In- strokes to lead midway through | vestigation showed one of the the richest tournament in golf-- senerator bolts was missing in the Professional Golfers Asso\ parked vehicle and another ciation national team champion-' was joosened, ships ¢ teams of Babe Lichardus| CHARGES DISMISSED and Billy Farrell, Doug Sanders) Two -charges of threatening and Al Besselink came home|were dismissed 'against an with a second-round best-ball Oshawa man in Ajax Magis- score of 62 Thursday for 127/trate's Court Thursday. and a two-stroke edge on the! Charles G. Frelin, 1650 Evan- money kings of golf, Jack Nick-|zeline Drive, pleaded not laus and Arnold Palmer. 'guilty to charges of threaten- The Nicklaus - Palmer com: jing his estranged wife, Jan- bination and the team of Howie jce Frelin, of Harwood Park Johnson and Chris Blocker tied) A partments and Wayne, for second with 129 in the chase| Jarvis. Lemon | He Addington 81, Bill Faries 98, 84, oe Watts, 40, 54, 'Pore Dev 4, art Coverly 48, Mone Air 8, han Wenterean a8, 90, AJAX -- (Staff) A Bay Ridges youth and an Ajax temnager received six-month l sentences in Ajax Magis- rate's Court Thursday when they pleaded guilty to two charges of theft each. George P. Campbell, 17, of 140 Admiral Road, Ajax, plead- ed guilty to stealing gasoline from several cars and two driveway reflectors in Picker- ing Township, Wayne Powell, 19, of 63 Chapleau Drive, Bay Ridges, received his jail term when he was convicted of stealing gasoline and a car tire and x jack on Nov. | 1. ri (no stamps, Hts pace, 7, \is leading the league in | Next week we will have our turkey 3 roll, Jack Sneddon, Harvey Burke |, Pace UAW Loop | Jack Sneddon and Harvey Burke are setting'a hot '_-- as the undefeated Bi Boye have taken a command-| ing lead in the Oshawa Senior Hockey. League. Bad Boys have taken a tour- point lead over the Hawks and have a seven-point lead on the third place Quality Fuels, Sneddon has a league-leading point total of 30, gained by scoring 14 goals in. seven games, Teammate Harve Burke ssists with 18, and is in second place with 25 points, having scored seven goals, Gaylord Powless of the second-place Hawks, has third place in the individual scoring, on 12 goals and five assists for d-/17 points, Bad Boys' Jim Topping is leading the goaltenders, allow- ing only 17 goals in six games for a 2.84 average. LT Pts. Bad Boys 6 0 212 Hawks 4308 Quality Fuels 2415 Dodsworth is 1 3 League Scoring Leaders (goals, assists and total points): Jack Sneddon, B.B, 14-16-30; |Harve Burke, B.B, 7-18-25; Gay- lord Powless, Hawks 12-5-17; Bob Watt, Hawks 9-7-16; Bob Bishop, Quality 9-6-15; Gene McAvoy, "Hawks 6-8-14; Bob Burke, BB. 6-7-1383; Al Dick, Quality 6-6-12; Neil Armstrong, Hawks 2-09-11; Barry Furey, Quality 3-7-10; Ted Donaldson, |B.B. 2-810; George Vail, Qual- lity 4-5-0; and Gary Rowbotham, Dodsworth 4-5-9. NHL STARS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Standings: Chicago, won 12, Host six, tied two, points 26; |New York, won 10, los seven, |tled six, points 26. | Points: Mikita, Chicago, 37. | Goals: Mikita, Chicago; Wharram, Chicago; Marshall, Nea York 12. | Assists: JMikita, Chicago, 25. Shutouts: Giacomin, New \York, 3. | Penalties: Fleming, New 'York, 78 minutes, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS TABLE GLAMOR By ALICE BROOKS SPIRIT OF '67 | By ANNE ADAMS In the '67 Spirit -- high-rise cuff collar with gathers, fluid ishaping of princess seams front and back. Choose off - white crepe for holidays, bright wool for town, Printed Pattern 4768; Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 14 takes 344 yds. 39-in. Fifty cents (50c) in coins please) for each pattern, Ontario residents add jSc sales tax, Print plainly Size, | Name, Address, Style Number, Send order to Anne Adams, care: of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario Fall's 130 Best Designs lively school, sport, career, gla- mor styles, all sizes, extra fea- tures in new Fall\- Winter | Pattern Catalog, Clip coupon in Catalog -- choose one free pattern. Send 50c, i Jewels for your table! Cro- ichet covers of string, gold, silver yarn, beads or pearls. Crochet glamorous mesh covers -- turn glass into vase, old salt shakers into elegant ones, containér into candy dish. Pattern 7091: 4 covers, Thirty - each -- pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Ontario resi- dents add 2c sales tax. Print five cents (coins) for) ~ DECEMBER 6, 1966 ea aby Wiaenevin 10.10 2 3.10 4 Shirk hog Faber 3.50 uo brorfegi Caroline Mike, Pert Voiey hen Win, Lacy M Moray, anc Wee Hootenanny, SECOND RACE--5\4 Furiongs (Pace). rap $800 (8), Hers vy be 390 290 2.00 le |, Gn 5-Satan, Palchat 5.10! MOHAWK RACEWAY RESUL y RAE = 1 Mile (Trot), Purse! chief, 4s Sterted: Chalidale Don, 1) ade ate Ben, Grattan Hal @, bi DAILY DOUBLE, 6 AND 1, PAID $18.20. THIRD RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Py $900 (8), RArewans Oy. Steward 6.80 .* a A 5. F 'ie ie sarted Duly, 'sikway rect, and hg Bm FOURTH RACH ~ 1 Mile (Pace) BEA Pir ale AIK Aten 8 . '3 ea RET TTR IAPR ITS 0 CIR CT VIS TO ew Ke ince: 410 3m 2H Tay, Ten Unda, Wellwood 30 3.00 Also Started: Speedy Hedgewood Inda & Hoover, Chief 'Clyde, and Ale einen RACE = 1 Mile (Pace). 'Purse "Abe, Filion tatonan'™ Ae m 140 Freddy Pick, Wil Lor SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse 1,000 (6). ~ a) 'hive fou pi bia Lael, ye aera STRELA Hey rE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 9, 1966 ms 29 5-Kawertha Ster,Feagan ae ee Charron Jo tog eas AND'S: Palo $34.00, SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse $1,000 (7), : 5-Scott's _Do'mn, Waples 6.40 3.60 2.80 ; iy Feagan 4.0 in "Aine, tarieas" Gordon' seers Sam, The McNab, ' 3.10 190|"-Spemiake W Iso Started: erey Brooks, Minor| 5-Sudbury, wit éFrleco silane Vi NINTH RACE -- } Mile (Pace), Purse Edie Gan. Pe a0 Ne "Tuacunt Das aS FS teat Gifts for the Home _| tRENKHNERHERNROLCLLS A Gift That Keeps On Giving... A CABLE TV GIFT CERTIFICATE 10 Perfect Channels OSHAWA CABLE -TV 723-5278 East Mall Centre WISH YOURSELF MERRY CHRISTMAS with a new ECHO HOME L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LTD. 723-0321 668-8941 Tillie Ryan 728-2313 Lillian Cameron 668-6762 _GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS PICTURES from. $9.95 CEDAR CHESTS from $80.00 SMOOTH-TOP MATTRESSES .... $35.00 POLE LAMPS from $8.88 DINNETTE SUITES from $37.00 LAMPS, MIRRORS, KINDER- GARTEN | SETS, CHAIRS, HASSOCKS, PLAQUES, SMOKERS, MAGAZINE RACKS. WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. CARPENTRY TRIM WORK -- REC ROOMS ADDITIONS ROOFING R. H. COMPANY COURTICE ei eee RUTHERFORD'S 3.,o0m groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, $499, $599, $699, Easy terms. Immediate delivery or layaway, | plainly Pattern. Number, Name, Address, | 210 Most Beautiful craft Designs in new 1967| Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, cro-) chet fashions, afghans, quilts,! embroidery, toys, gifts. 2 Free! Patterns, Send 25c today. | 12 remarkable heirloom quilts --complete patterns in color in Museum Quilt Book 2, | motifs, Send 60c. Send also for Quilt Book 1--| 16 complete patterns. 60c, for the tournament's first prize) of $50,000. Leaders after the first round with 63, Palmer and ea dropped back with a The sharpshooting Hebert) brothers, Jay and Lionel, were) three strokes off at 130. . George Knudson and Al Bald- ing, both of Toronto, have 69-67 196. The field of 120 twosomes was cut to 70 after the first 36 holes, | Sixty teams and ties had to! score 138 or better to stay in! the running, The low 60 will share the purse, ANNOUNCE MATCH | TORONTO (CP) -- Irving Un- german, manager of Canadian heavyweight champion George! Chuvalo, said Thursday his fighter will box a 10-round main) event against Willie McCormick} of Labrador City in that city) Dec. 18. Chuvalo has been men- tioned as the next opponent for the winner of the Cassius Clay-- Ernie Terrell. world heavy- weight championship match in Houston Feb. & { At sea and ashore! PALM BREEZE (Very Light) NAVY RUM Needle-| ~~ Rutherford's 156 Simcoe St. South GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES ACTION ADS PELL EE |Holiday Fun UC CRN EE EE ELE UE EH MAKE_A DATE TO WISTS THE GEORGIAN Motor Hotel @ Fine foods served In a delightful festive atmos- phere: @ Top-flight entertainment |NEED HELP IN A HURRY? Place @ Heres where to ind gitts tor everyone CHRISTMAS GIFT OPO you're sure to enjoy. @ Be sure to book your Christmas and New Year's reservations now, THE GEORGIAN Champlain and, Thornton 723-4693 The Safe Way To Celebrate THE HOLIDAY SEASON Ride With MERCURY TAXI 725-477) 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa's Most Modern Tax! PARTY HELP Neat, efficient waitresses available. Banquets, Wed- dings, cocktail parties, Com- plete bor service. Catering erranged also, Reserve now for private Banquets, Wed- for New Year's. 576-1835. BE THE LIFE OF THE CHRISTMAS PARTY Learn to play the guitar, bass, and drums, Lessons now avail- able, Age no borrier. Phone: 942-5282 --- 728-3892 GIVE.* * * your Party Clothes "THE FESTIVE LOOK" Vadjant Cleaners Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1023 1120 Simcoe St. N., 728-2361 Pick-Up and Delivery ENJOY THE FESTIVE SEASON ». Depend on Motor City Cab For Fast, Courteous 24 HOUR SERVICE 725-1127 SAFETY is not A Gift IT'S AN Accomplishment and We Suggest You Have @ SAFE and HAPPY Christmas by travelling with HEARD'S TAXI 124 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY 668-3732 Help Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492, EOL UE AG UL UE OULU CT UE Gifts for the Home NEU AU EULER CE UU REN Get A New TV Tower BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. Taunton Rd, Eost---723-8131 GIFTS YOU' ON EVERY FLOOR Carpeting for the living room, bedrooms end halls. A gift your whole family will enjoy. FREE ESTIMATES AND EXPERT INSTALLATION ANGUS-G 282 KING ST. W. LL ADORE RAYDON 728-6254 ERO ARTAEENT Holiday Food UR AN EN Make it a MERRIER CHRISTMAS with tasty _APPLES from ALGOMA ORCHARDS SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT BOXES (All Varieties) Y bu, Va bu. sizes ALGOMA ORCHARDS R.R. No. 2, Whitby TTER Gifts for Everyone RECUR EUEELE A Christmas Gift of Enduring Beauty Largest Selection of Tropical Fish in Town Many. Rare Species Available Yor aaas Giving ALSO A great selection of acces- sories ond beautiful aquatic plonts. We specialize in the complete installation and maintenance of aquariums for offices, hotel lobbies, and restouronts, ete, OSHAWA AQUARIUMS 299 Simcoe Street South 725-4585 . BIGHTH RACE -- 1. Mile rrendamninane hah "foie Pou eo Gifts for Her The gift she wants... FASHION WIGS HAIRPIECES POSTICHES A gift certificate will solve the problem of how to give a hairpiece. WOODLYN BEAUTY LOUNGE LIKE ARMCHAIR SHOPPING ? Phone 668-3311 For details on Gift Packs of SELECT APPLES RED WING ORCHARDS Gifts for Everyone ELMER'S "The Christmas Store with Gifts Galore' Got gift problems! Drop into Elmer's Bargain House and see the large selection of gift ideos for the whole family. ELMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE STORE HOURS: 12 noon to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. Closed all Day Monday 253 BLOOR ST. E, 728-3473 ENJOY CHRISTMAS TV PROGRAMMING With Your Own Antenna HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS Are Best Order Yours Today -T.R. 1.0. TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 ALL_THE LOVE A GIFT CAN HOLD In @ PORTRAIT by CLARK STUDIO Sitting by appointment only ALSO @- Custom Frames @ Art Supplies WHITBY 668-4497 325 BROCK ST. NORTH (Dark) WHITE CAP (White) This Year... FOR THE HOME CHECK THESE SUGGESTIONS Cedar Chests $78.50 Mattresses $18.95 up Bedroom Suites $109 up Desks $24.50 up Reclining Choirs $64.50 up Best Selection at A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASE UNTIL. CHRISTMAS ~ M. COLLIS FURNITURE CO, Ww. 78 KING ST. Give Something Devenports $69.50 Breakfast Sets $29.50 up" Hostess Chairs $10.95 up Lamps $5.95 up : Rocker Swivels $29.95 up Lowest Prices CHRISTMAS... Is the Time To Give The Finest @ Pierced Earrings @ Watches @ Diamond Rings @ Stone Rings And Many More Beautiful GIFT IDEAS from GALBRAITH JEWELLERS AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA 728-0332 AJAX -- 942-0407 vig You con have the paper AILED to OUT OF TOWN FRIENDS or DELIVERED by carrier to FRIENDS or REL- ATIVES in OSHAWA and AREA. Call the CIRCULA- TION DEPARTMENT at 723- 3474 for full details. 655-4961 81 Simcoe N. 72361149 TURKEYS CAPONS STUCK ? oe A Christmas Order Now for Christmas STUCK for a GIFT IDEA? Belle ina Holiday FRANK HOAG What about o TIMES GIFT HAIRSTYLE BY Rossland Rd. West SUBSCRIPTION? Over 300 LES SALLAI hawe 725-6837 good wishes from you eoch Bice tt pcetiate of Some', -- Stylista Delores Sallol end Ann ret Specializing in Wigs and Hairpieces SALLAI HAIR STYLISTS 2 T ARTIST SUPPLIES Easels -- Oil Paint Sets -- Canvas Boards -- Mediums --- Books, ete. By Grum- bacher -- Reeves ---- Wind- sor Newton, at Edgar's Decor Ce tre 34 King St. W. 723-7351 MAKE IT "A TRAILER CHRISTMAS" Give Trailer Accessories, Miller Trailers AJAX 942-3491 GIFTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Mode! Automobile, Airplane, Boat Kits, The Biggest Selec- tion in town, POLLARD 92 Simcoe St, N., 723-9512 ROMAN CATHOLIC ARTICLES ETC. Lovely assortment of Rosar- ies, crucifix e. vrew sets, PARK phe STORE 98 Olive Ave., Mrs. V. Bach- and; owner, Open till 10:00 pr. 725-8232. Gifts for Him OSHAWA FLYING CLUB Christmas list, her a flying for as low os ive him or ift certificate @ Private and Commercial Flying Training @ Pleasure Flights Oshewe Municipal 728-1626 Airport' Chrysler Outboards CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 9.2 hip. Reg. $395 -- Special $297 35 hp. Reg. $650 -- Special . id. See WILDE RENTAL SERVICE Whitby © 668-3226 UN ERNE KS TET Gifts for Motorists Give 365 Days of Motoring Protection and Service with an O.M.L. CHRISTMAS GIFT MEMBERSHIP Call EARL BROWN ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE ie] a 723-5203 728-8334 182 Simeoe St. S, 725-5581 the most flattering feminine gift of ait PERFUMES . @ Revion actor @ Chanel McCORDICK'S ARMACY 360 Wileen S. 725-8711 5 EAE A MS A Gifts for Him or Her ASK SANTA FOR A PONY FOR CHRISTMAS Horses Boarded, bought and sold over the winter season, t HILLTOP RANCH; HANCOCK RD..N. 728-7768 or 728-5738 Kh Trees and Trim 5,000 TREES ON LOT Nursery Grown Pruned Scotch Pines Also Spruce and Balsam" 6 ft, -7 ft. - 8 tt. Sprayed any Color For nominal Chole. Oshawa Garden Centre ©: 1259 Simcoe St. N., 723-116)... OPEN EVEN NiNGS ar as | CHRISTMAS. * TREES: A-1 Pruned Spruce and Scotch Pine Prices, all sizes, $1 Apply. 18 Grenfell "St. 2 Streets east of Oshawa ing Centre CHRISTMAS TREES and DECORATIONS RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD, 1015 King E. 725-6551 CHINN'S, Park South at Hillside. Fresii cut spruce and Scotch pine, 8c up, Sprayed and delivered, 728-7288, 723-7088. JOB SWITCHES and 24 cam expec fot of "eect raven to @ totally new "na the Glace to teak Yor the beat the "Help Wanted" column in Times Sa Section. Whether you looking for a better ree unemployed or check "Help Wanted" now! 'of Advanced Hair Dee |" ering teeta