Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Dec 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Boy Scouts To Attend 12TH World Jamboree WHITBY (Staff) --~ The Whit- by District Council, Scouts Canada, announced week that two leaders and two Boy Scouts from the district » will attend the 12th Word Jam- boree next August. Those at- tending will be trict Commissioner Lawler, Assistant Scoutmaster pos Jones, Queen Scou' David Payne and Scout Blare Pascoe. : Mike Mallon, badge secre- tary, said 25 Scout badges and 154 Wolf Cub badges were issued during September. Apple Day receipts totalled $416.38 this r. pulae' yterian Church, Ashburn, expressed a@ First Snow Catches The Whitby Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police said today the season's first snow seemed to have caught many motorists unprepared. Officers of the detachment investigated 25 accidents last , 16 of which resulted from. driving too fast on the slippery roads. Ten persons were injured and 15 drivers were charged. One hun and two driv- ers were checked. Forty-four s were given and 51 farges laid. Speeding is, as Asual, the primary offence but / it seems persons who are ignor- ing stop signs are on the in- crease. There were 54 general occur- rences of which 13 were break, enter and thefts, Nine of the break-ins occurred in summer cottages. Cottage own- ers, the detachment advises, would be well advised to re- move all easily transported appliances and household ~apods such as portable television sets, radios, silverware, etc., when they close the cottage for the winter. There were also six in- secure premises and three malicious damage complaints as well as 32 miscellaneous has omg va to a wou Cub Pack for all boys in the Ae The pack as be under jurisdiction Whitby District Council. : The Pinewoods Derby for Wolf Cubs and their fathers will start in January. Kits will be given to each Cub, With the help of their fathers, the Cubs will build and race cars on a) - 36-foot indoor track in competi- tion with all Cubs in the Whitby District. The 3rd Whitby Group has been given permission to hold a bottle drive in conjunction with the paper drive in their area. The next paper drive will be a on Saturday of this week, Drivers Unprepared complaints including a number of drivers failing to stop for school buses, During the holiday season all available personnel will be on duty in an all-out effort to re- duce accidents, injury and death, Motorists in the Whitby OPP. detachment area should be prepared for a spot check at any time as officers will be conducting spot checks on a 24- hour a day basis with particu- lar emphasis on the drinking driver. FREEWAY HINT Stay in your lane. Weaving and lane wandering are espe- cially dangerous on the free- ways. Unless overtaking and passing, keep in the right hand driving lane, Be aware of the traffic around you, Check the rear view mirror every few seconds and watch traffic sev- eral cars ahead. When you want to pass, signal your inten- tions, check the rear view mir- ror and glance quickly, to the rear, over your left shoulder, to see that the passing lane is clear. Having passed, allow sufficient distance between your car and the one over- taken, and signal before turn- ing back into the driving lane. St. John Ambulance Seeks Volunteers William Greig, recently ap- pointed superintendent of the Whitby Division of the St. John Ambulance Association, reports the members have had a very busy month with vol- unteers on duty for first aid work at the arena each night First Aid classes at Ander- son Street High School, a class at DuPont of Canada and an- other for members of the police department and fire de- partment have been completed of the week as well as attend- ing the weekly training meet-| ings. Mtr. Greig stressed the need for additional brigade mem- bers as the present Aad is and examinations held. The annual re-examination of bri- gade members, as well as ex- aminations for nursing cadets were held recently. Thanks Angus Gibbons; Area For- estry Foreman for Ux- e Area (left), was pre- sen! with a suggestion The entire staff of Ontario Hydro's Uxbridge Area was honored at a dinner meeting held in Toronto at the Inn-on- the-Park. The occasion marked the outstanding success by the Area staff in the Commission's marketing program during the past year. Uxbridge Area with its dynamic marketing endea- vors lead_all the areas in the water heatef promotion field, obtaining 129 per cent of their quota. Tributes to the success of the Uxbridge Area staff mar- keting program were paid by Adam S. Smith, Hydro's Cen- tral Region Manager, and G. K. F. Pepper, the Com- mission's Residential Sales Manager, also by C. E. Crease, Central Region's Consumer Service and Sales Engineer. In his remarks, Mr, Smith jsingled out two individuals who had made outstanding contribu- tions. These were Ed May, who had spearheaded the program before being transferred to Elliott Lake by Ontario Hydro. Then his successor, Norm Goodspeed, carried on the pro- motional work most success was expressed to Dr. and Dr. Keon for their assis- Mant attendance at the arena(tance in this regard. and attempting to fill all re- quests for various public duties. He emphasized the St, John Ambulance branch members complete first training and the unique oppor- tunity to provide a much need.) ed community service. | of equipment offers|cadets. Gerald Whattam offer- aid|ed to donate a table for table Alex Scott, superintendent of the ambulance cadets, spoke the need for recreational for the junior tennis and Mrs. Joyce Burns offered to donate a net and CWR Christmas Pot Luck Supper Success The inclement weather did not prevent St. John the Evan- gelist CWL members from at- tending its annual pot luck Christmas supper held at the parish hall Tuesday evening. Approximately 60 members 'were met upon arrival by co- conveners, Mrs. Desmond New- man and Mrs. Paul Kaiser) and were given names for din- ner companions; for example Romeo had to find Juliette, Lester B. Pearson sat with Mrs.. Pearson, etc. This gave an opportunity to make new acquaintances and renew old ones. Father B. Varcoe said grace and all enjoyed the wide selec- tion of favorite dishes pre- pared. Following supper the presi- dent of CWL, Mrs. H. C, Munro apons tricfly and sald thet _gifts would be distributed to residents of Fairview Lodge, Ontario Hospital, Whitby and the County gaol for Christmas. Mrs. Munro, on behalf of the CWL, presented Father Var- coe and Father K. O'Driscoll with a Christmas gift of money accompanied by the mem- bers' good wishes. Father Var- coe expressed thanks for the presentation and also for his invitation to attend the supper. He mentioned that although he has been in Whitby a- very short time, he is greatly im- pressed with the work accom- plished by CWL members. Father Varcoe read a letter received from Father Loe J. Austin who is in convalescence. He reminded all of the spiritual aspect of Christmas and gave his blessings for the fes- tive season. During the entertainment program High School girls sang accompanied by two guitarists. Mrs. H. R. Polson ably rendered two solos ac- companied at the piano by Mrs. J. C. McGee. Social games were played with prizes awarded to win- ners and also several door prizes were distributed. All sang Christmas carols to ter- minate a most enjoyable eve- ning. WHITBY PERSONALS Miss Isabel Barclay, Toronto, visited Miss Gertrude McIntyre, 507 Brock Street South, and also several other Whitby friends. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van) DerDrugge, Brenston, were weekend guests at the home of | Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Hamers, | 202 Lee Avenue. | 1 | Mr. and Mrs. John Kosa and| children Henry and Mary-Ann, | 163 Hillcrest Drive, were Sun-| day dinner guests of Mr. and/| Mrs. Richard Schne of Weston. | The. Whitby Garden Club is holding its Christmas meeting, | Dec. 8. There will be the usual | entertainment, games, carols | and lunch served. The follow- ing classes will be judged. _ Class*i -- Witter" bouquet, dried material, arrangement to count. 2 --"Welcome," a door decoration, 3 -- Christmas ar- rangement for buffet or mantel using natural green. 4 -- Christ- mas arrangement for dining table. 5 -- Miniature Christmas tree, 6 -- Christmas arrange- ment for coffee table, all around view. 7 --Arrangement portraying a Christmas song or Benevolent' Rebekah Lodge No. 132, is holding its Christmas party this evening. At 6:30 p.m., dinner will be served and will be followed by members ex- changing gifts. Mrs. Bert Arnts and her daughter, Mrs. Ted Huisman, of Holland, have arrived for a three-week visit at the home of Mrs. Arnt's daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Kroekenstoel, of Whitby Town Line. Belated birthday wishes are extended to Mrs. Al Curtis, 161 Hillcrest Drive, who celebrated her birthday Tuesday. Archibald Knight, 215 Cray- don Road, is at home after a two-week stay at the Oshawa General Hospital. -- | "The ~Satva Army Wom- en's Home Leaghe, instead of its regular weekly meeting, held at the Citadel, was enter- tained at the residence of Lieu- tenant and Mrs. Charles Eyre for its annual Christmas din- ner party. Mrs. Louise Ver- Hoeven added a touch of fes- tivity with her decorations. Seventeen members were pres- ent and exchanged gifts. The group will resume its activi- story. 8 ---Arrangement on a religious theme. ' ties the first Thursday in Jan- uary. APPEAL $14,000 SHORT OF TARGET (WHITBY (Staff) A "give generously" message is going out from Mayor Des- mond Newman in an attempt to boost the Whitby United Appeal campaign. He will be asking local min- isters to urge their congrega- gations to dig.a little deeper in their pockets, and will also be writing to companies and other organizations with a similar plea, ; This was decided, at a meeting of the council as a committee of the whole, which was attended by two repre- sentatives of the Appeal -- President Robert Cawker and Treasurer Richard Matthews. The appeal organixers are They are worried because the appeal is still nearly $14,- 000 short of its target. now waiting for the full re- sults of a three-day house-to- house "blitz" carried out in Whitby last week. The town was divided into eight sections. One has al- ready reported collecting $438, This brings the Appeal total up to $20,426, 4W's Couples Club Holds Gala Ball WHITBY (Staff) -- St. Mark's United Church 4 W'S Couples Club held its gala Christmas ball at Red Wing Orchards. In- vited guests were three couples of the newly-formed young mar- ried couples group of St. Mark's Uniteo Church. In charge of the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Penfound, Mr, and Mrs. Frank McCul- lough, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grylls, Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Chuck) Mesher, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mesher, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skitzer and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elliott. , The couples danced to the music of Dick Valleau. Spot dance prizes were distributed and also lucky numbers A delicious lunch was serv by the committee. | OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshawa 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders award certificate at the dinner meeting of the area staff. The presentation was made by Area Manager A. fully, Mr. Smith stated. In pointing out the effective- ness of the marketing program by Uxbridge Area staff, Smith said that it was signi- ficant that all the new homes that had been built in Uxbridge and Port Perry in the past year were all-electric. He mention- ed also that in the electrical farm equipment promotion field, Uxbridge Area had been "tops" during 1964 and 1965. The region manager concluded his remarks expressing _ sin- cere thanks to the entire staff for their co-operation and espe- cially for. their understanding attitude during the organiza- tional changes that have taken place in the area. "I am very proud to be associated with the Uxbridge .area staff,' Mr. Smith said. In his brief comments, Mr. Pepper complimented the Ux- bridge area staff for their out- standing success in promotion work during 1965. He maintain- ed that this was a reflection of the people at the top such as Regional Manager Adam Smith and Area Manager A. C. "Cy" Richardson, whom he de- scribed as inspiring leaders. Mr. Pepper revealed some interesting facts stating that there are now more than 30,000 all-electric homes in Ontario and it is estimated that by the end of 1966 the total will rise to more than 31,500 total elec- tric dwellings in the province, C. E. Crease told the audi- DEPUTY REEVE Ross E. Lee, RR 2, Osh- awa, who was-elected dep- Wane Lae Se Why Township in the municipal election, Monday. Mr. Lee, who defeated Walter M. Holliday, has been a mem- ber of the township council for three years, Previgusly he served as secretary- treasurer of his school sec- tion and later, for six years, as a member of the East Whitby Township Public School Area Board. Sebne neem ne | Wy Tesve He ATTRACTIVE ROOMS for RENT Moderate Weekly Rates A La Carte Restaurant on pre- mises. Apply JAMES MAHER. Whithy Hotel 207 Dundes West Whitby 668-2337 (6% % GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 4 or 5 year term VICTORIA and GREY TRUST of 5 er More Pictures Whitby -- 668-5897 Cc, "Cy" Richardson, (right) and Region Manager Adam S. Smith, (centre), Mr. Gib- bons suggested an effective, Uxbridge Area Staff Honored For Promotion ence that he was proud of the performance by Uxbridge' area staff. He recalled the early his- Mr. |tory of the area and some key the events in the development of the area. He also revealed con- siderable information about the background and _ outstanding service of Area Manager A. C, Richardson. A. highlight of the evening was the presentation of a sug- gestion award certificate to Angus Gibbons, Area Forestry Foreman. The certificate was presented by Area economical way of cleaning saws and _ received an award of $50. RR \Charles Sutter, RR Name Executive - BROOKLIN -- David Haw- thorne, RR 2, Claremont, has been elected president of the joint executive of the Brooklin dunior Farmers. The election '}was held at the home of Anne|F: Dryden. Other officers, are: Grant Jones, Brooklin, Past inky Vannes THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 7, 1966 i 5 praiekalbcta e 4 WHITBY DISTRICT BOWLING NEWS WHITBY Al 'RICT (260)) Alex Filler 679 (Socomne 677 (tushr. Ron Childe Presigent; - asvswwn, weene,. 5s ee 1, Ashburn, vice - president; |" June Davis, Oshawa, secre- tary; Carle Wilson, RR 1, Ash- burn, treasurer and John Davis, RR 2, Oshawa, press reporter. Club directors are: Brenda|/. 5. McAvoy, Joan Hoar, ea 4 2, Oshawa and Ken Stickwood, RR Claremont, are: David Hawthorne RR 2, Claremont; 1, Brooklin; son as alternates. FOUTS. ARRESTED VANCOUVER (CP) -- Dick Fouts, 32, an all-Canadian de- Shorts ener gyre ve wing me Const, 6, K. of C. 6 Legionnaires | fensive end with the British Co- lumbia Lions in 1965, was ar- rested early Tuesday and charged with impaired driving. Police said Fouts was arrested after his car mounted an eight- inch curb and struck a light standard at 4:15 a.m. on the Stanley Park Causeway. Fouts --Ontario Hydro Photo Decision Reserved In Gravel Pit Case GOODWOOD, Ont. (CP) -- Clark Muirhead, 46-year-old en- gineer, says commercial gravel pits in Uxbridge Township are "breaking out like cancer on the countryside and spreading in the area of our homes," He appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board Monday to im- pose restrictions on gravel pits in a 2,800-acre area bordering on neighborhood Pickering Township. The board, meeting Monday in this village, 30 miles northeast of Toronto, reserved its decision. SHINS LIKE MONKEY The world's record for climb- ing to the top of a 90 - foot A. C. Richardson. It was awarded to Mr. Gibbons for Suggesting an effective meth-| od of cleaning saws and car-| ries an award of $50. Debating Team Members Chosen UXBRIDGE -- A team com- posed of Doreen Jones, RR 1, Ashburn; Sheila Disney, RR 1, Brooklin; Ken §Stickwood, RR 2, Claremont and Bob Hunter, RR 2, Seagrave, will represent wooden pole is 21 seconds. (AR) 'ss AGES Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 668-3552 318 DUNDAS EAST Ontario County in the provin- cial junior farmer deb competition. The team is coach- ed by Allan McPhail and James White, both of Cannington. The topic of the first three rounds of the competition is "Resolved that there are too many Class C Fairs in Ontario. Ontario County will meet Vic- toria County in January. Another junior farmer, Terry Malcolm, RR 2, Cannington, is preparing to represent the county in the provincial junior farmer public speaking contest to be held Jan. 7 in Toronto. Terry is the 1966 recipient of the Whitby Rotary Club Tro- phy, awarded annually to the winner of the Ontario County Junior Farmer Public Speaking Competition. One-Stop DECORATING Wellpoper and Murels Custom Draperies Broadloom C.LL, Paints and Varnishes Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron Se. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 "Accutron" Handsome hond-applied gotor strap. Waterproof', Fee car "yey Chovistnas McCullough Jewellers Ig HEADQUARTERS for the WORLD'S. ONLY ELECTRONIC TIMEPIECE ACCUTRON vy BULOVA Stainless Steel hour markers, case, Allie shock- protected. McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS LIMITED | Whitby Plaza -- Whitby -- Ph. 668-5051 TREASURER'S SALE LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. TO WIT: By virtue of warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Whitby seal of the said corporation bearing date the 29th' | day of August sale of lands in arrears to faxes in the Township of Whitby will be held af THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS Brooklin, at the hour of noon on the 15th day of December 1966 unless the taxes. and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 3rd. day that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's office, this 1966, under his hand and the in the Township Hall, two o'clock in the after- of September 1966, and 12th. day. of September A. C. Craigie, Treasurer, Township of Whitby, Box 160, Brooklin, Ont. T County directors} { and} John Doreen Jones with John Wil- Ti (269); Bruce Henderson Allan 678 (244); Bob 671 Henderson 673 (289); Dick Adams 673 (277); Jim Hill 664 (256), Team. Standings: Firemen (A) 11, Alumi 1, Hardware 4, ith 5, Team (No. 12) 5, Dept, Store Whitby Firemen (B) 2, He Orono Post Office was recently traded to Toronto Argonauts of the Eastern. Foot- ow" AJAX KINSMEN BINGO bail Conference. "Mm, THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Will Be Held At ANNANDALE | counmy'cus And Will Include @ 20 Regular Games @ 5 Specials @ Admission $1.00 Church St. X Pickering % %, % AJAX @ ANNANDALE BROCK WHITBY Now Playing--One Complete ; Program Each Evening At 7:30 LAREN BACALL PAMELA TFN ROBERT Rese y WOLLIN B.NIS Phe y ERIS GERI and ELLIOT RASTER: Dred by JH SRT TEERORICOL OR" Recommended es ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Attraction -- Begins 7:30 Also 2nd Feature "12 TO THE MOON" a bat: with en International Cost Wf LEIGH Lal | SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. "JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. DIAL 728-7567 E., OSHAWA ROYAL WINTER FAIR BEEF CHOICE RED BRAND | Short Rib Blade Roast PORK LIVER ULIP -- REG. 1,09 ~* SHOULDERS OF PORK lean BUTTS of Lean Pork CHUC K STEAK minced 4 force We speciclize in HOME FREEZER and Wrapping . . . Ask About Our Prices WHITBY PLAZA -- Whitby Phone 668-6941 @ All Meats Government Inspected @ Ib, 49 Ib. 59¢ _ tb. 27¢ Ib. 59¢ Ib. 85c Bone Blade Removed MARGARINE 3. 89° -- Cutting q Only... \ | DEMONSTRATOR Mercant leases edadescantbaaies: (966 CHEVROLET i lmpala -- 2 Door hard- | top. V-8, power equip- ped . Balance of new car warranty. Lic. J16674, Deluxe Coach. A real saver. Lic, 540 93452H. Only .. (963 CHEVROLET 4 Door sedan. 6 cyl., automatic, white walls, 4 Door station wagon, 6 cyl., automatic, custom radio, Lic. $1095 11897X. Only 1963 PONTIAC Deluxe -- 2 Door, auto- matic, custom radio. Lic, 311824, gs 51150 1962 FORD Convertible, automatic, custom radio, white walls, Lic. J21401, $4250 1962 PONTIAC mired 23610, Only . 4 Door sedan. 6 cyl., automatic, radio. % 448264. Only oo 9895 1962 FORD 4 Door Sedan -- Econ- omical 6 ecyl., automa- tic, radio. Lie. $8 103190, Only .. 1961 PONTIAC Deluxe Coach -- Auto- 1961 CHEVROLET 4 Door Station Wea V-8, automatic, walls. Lic $795 X10961. Only . 1960 CHEVROLET 4 Door Sedan -- White walls, Lie. 29550. Only ... setien Ween et oP ger V-8 oanaiatls, cus- tom radio, Lic, 20194X Only 1959 CHEVROLET automatic, Oly 35986X. ii 4 Door Sedan -- ii walls, radio. Lic, aon H23012. Only . $295 SALE ENDS FRI., DEC. 9th 40 MORE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM -- MAKES AND MODELS. REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED : BILL WHIFTICK D. MOTORS 1250 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5871

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