Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Dec 1966, p. 32

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2 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 7, 1966 Have A Pre-Christmas Sale Of Your "Don't Wants", Use Fast "Action" Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 am. to 5 pom. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. a ra \8---Articles for Sale 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By RL SCOTT |feewision retrigtrtor, 'eles ln" and GIRL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |= me eee) TRIDAY | MAN We BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used licensed with a ord Sey ENR | CONSTRUCTION | witeshs mares ' Trading Post imcoe Street fidential interview eall, Bill : § MEARLY pate i A EE EE ae SE COMPANY McFeet TV--Radio Repairs FOUR-TNES AS TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- doo! tower ready Pome were tdina Trades cen Recall : = Big A tea 43. Oshawa TY supply'Limieg, Taunton] coe ene Im pine rastaea dere a tae tak Na Prince: Street, Suite, 4, Osh. ' ' hie frarest: Vee 4 Road East, just east of Ritson Road eccounts receivable, posting, eee om wa, Ontario. Telephone 723- Residential i a radi wth steady" employ. erties RARELY GROW ERIGIOAIRE electric Stove, 30", Gale reception etc, Pleasant work- evenings. pg HALL, 8. hy "Charier: Commercial pit Mi ll eidags A yang oo sor a day electric ing agian All company CARS BUSES 36a Street Bast, Pwile Loan nee eae TaCEVIEIOH cia 2) ears =e Forephone Oshaw n 128458, TWILL LOAN you up fo. $5,000 for control console model, Phone 723-4992. Reply in confidence giving: All western cities. Florida GORDON FR. GAY, ceTGTSonara Industrial PP inisfeat' to conasilsats p Aeevontont, sulle, 2 205W, Oshawa Shop- seen _ pina el i for any o perfect 'i Bir ogni wea re nang og. berg Oe page sfose, peigye TO DRIVE : one iy a 3) egisier, jo 8 A service For all Construction Birod_ohd_bev eed sree Poa ' FLOOR COVERING clearouts of discon- AWAY CO. coe Fireet eee rasta Res, ares Vises _ Ailent. State nature, and a! marae of tv vp s tinued batierne <n E i baie CLERK TYPIST Toronto 1, Ont. 362-1391 GUTMANN, Chartered 'Accoun, CALL Box 50687, Oshawa Times, reception : py a ts - 137 Yonge'St, (Arcade Bldg.) Bet ine Hees." el JAMES ALLEN & SONS Jf bitty machines and vith Mortgages on Ti ped hl jj) \oash | Required for Manufacturing LICENSED MECHANIC YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Char 725-6126 os ei wae te / ° new es ene sh ; ' hy his | machines. Telephone 72597. _____| eral. office work, Phone' ex- WANTED fered Bankru: 52¥2 Simcoe Street North, 10 = wn 4 OLDER AGE A ha WAH OTHER PEK MUNDINGER piano Egy ven 120 bass, i inflal. Purchasing : HOPKINS, BE co ce dle I ol HOME REPAIR MORTGAGE nnel RS ASKS Pye Siu All' tems Cellar Fi Srd/or. personnal experience | ~5¥2 day week. Good working 1 Trade Bulld- channels ? Ait' 40 Rt goalie eq / to, teh King dteet East, Oshawa,' SERVICE LOANS ; RAT" RENEDICE ARNCouD, | senallon. Telephone 7254808. __] an asset. conditions, Apply feria, 7AES80H, §. T. Hopkints CAV H. 6:1 Rooting and sheet metal is with Baits Yes~ fs WAS AHE HERD ORE. | secreigil chal, 8° and UB. Telohone| TELEPHONE CAIGER 925 SIMCOE ST. N. our jalit Moneys available for first no SALESMAN WANTED fore MAUM Ph taal Fe RAGE bs pet pn AND | 725.9748, -- i i} 0 WASHINGTONS ABLEST GENERAL. L ser, white Id in, size Art and second mortgages. Open WFEET LOXG: ach oi en : ae Teles 8-3348 mmeomparable business of 668-8901 mortgages. No bonus. First antenna erase een ti ener: eee 66 bent ng not require 'com i write PORTRAITS mortgages, second mortgages $ TYPEWRITERS, $0 No. Money down, FOR APPOINTMENT aie ART SUPPLIES | A and agreements for sale pur- et $2 weekly, Adders, cashiers, cab. ae - CUSTOM FRAMES P STERING 9 New, used, rental service, trades. Bill . bas tre ALERT We re Plastering repairs a specialty cable 6--Marine Equipment . |8--Articles for Sale PORTABLE Micro Chord organ. Best ETI ow ready fo, sall, For confidential inter. po ag lng bee Also partitions, lathing, ce- 2634 ie ne a BOAT MOTOR ond traller for sale, $150/USED TIRES, mos! all sizes, B, F.joffer. Telephone 987-4355. REPRESENTATIVES View al" Joseph 'Bonco Restor an . 325 BROCK ST. NORTH ment and stucco. Oshawa, Ontario or best offer, Call after 5 p.m., 728-7447, |Goodrich, 88 King Street West. 725-4543. ee tmaie dresses, size 10, Tele- REQUIRED YOUNG MAN with ame ae a a, FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur- ie background for sou: ITBY 668-4497 STARCRAFT", ritw Traveller boats, FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur. Why not phone 725-5151 to [tems contractor, "Write te Por ben rere ge Telephone 728-3216 723-4697 Scns "Ua Shtige Eanes St ake! use rete |9--Market Basket deci Tong ut in promet,_ [Sins ww AS om Ht Barristers OSHAWA HOME Ist and 2nd Mortgages Lid, Grookiin, 455-966 2 Sinene snr ep Og SN A HONTA isles mach HUSKIE AND Pocany Snowmoblies, HONEST CAL'S factory prices: new 10 Sin only. "Any blee Gnd ail crease SHOWCASE COMETS. Gren aa "Take short auto hawe ares. FRED R. JONES, LLB, Barrister and IMPROVEMENTS PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? call rentals and sales, Wilde Rental Service, |cu. ft. frig., $159.) new bedroom sultes. |Prices" Lawler Forestry, 206 King 'street LAOTEE: Torn sear Tine Tele Gaok 8, Dickerson, | Pres, icitor, 86 Ki East, Suite 307, 7 : 7 hay OF ly two hours daily, 4 4 37. Mealdone rise 725-0351. Custom Built Kitchen--Both- Why not consolidate ali your 723-5278 okt isn ere 'm John Street Pest West. 725-1685. loa car an asset. Telephone Petaieum Corp sth |. Main St, Ft, p.m, p.m, JOWN D. MeLAUGHLIN, B.Comm., LLB,| room -- rec. rooms ---- and payments with a low cost 7--Swap and ®erter Yinlioy. Telephone 668-436}. or 725-1423. _ | POTATORS for sale. Free delivery, Tele-|O Barrister and Solicitor, 22% King St. | git General Repairs. mortgage loan, PS TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 4 fi. structure, Phone 728-1306. HOUSEKEEPER for three school-aged sce gig for lug milk plore, yore, Trofaing Faoual. Ren, TEM H. McKOY, P F lite: Batol rf SPRUCE AND SCOTCH pine trees, fresh all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Television, POTATOES, Onterto Ne, 1, Shebooes, 75|children in motheriess home, Telephone Provided. Apply Canada M HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN end HILL- : Cc rop. or. complete detoils ca' cut dally, » Up. r cent off al ib, bags deliver r 5 p.m. South, fe Ki 725-8576 P DOUG, TERWILLEGAR, Man- ieel etka. Ioundry Souee pulnber' Bree: FIBREGLAS FENDERS from 41995 and|FOR SALE -- Coons, Said Weights | PART-TIME models required by Toronfo| COOK with some kchen : ager. : tems, piping and fittings. 4, (UP New and used auto parts. Rebullt/ from 7 to 10 ibs. Freezer orders taken. e rapher. No experience required.|>0.01 17 In appearence, Telephone QC; G. §. Boychyn BA, LLB. Off | SENTRY Ce a Chinn. ae" Hiliside, Yas. 7088, 728-7288, Sorters and generators. 1175 Nelson St.,| Telephone Brooklin 655-3736, xceptional wages. Apply Box 52420, ¥ Bel berg lpg ENED ~ New and repairs, biock BRANCH REALTY T V TOWERS inn, ' a 725-2162. Oshawa Times, for appointment. Licensen MECHANIC tor" Chev-Oids Men and/ and cement work. Free estimates. 728-7680 RENE D aus: 4 RELIABLE WOMAN to live in and care|@ealer. Apply Pel Strer first morigace tunds avaliable. |muC ROOMS. Order now lor Ciulaimen, INVESTMENTS LIMITED 8--Articles for Sale - APARTMENT SPECIALS -- beds $14 ae 10--Farmers' Column RELIABLE WOMAN to live in and corel aces" 4jagP Pelesnok Motors, Mr. 1 King Street East, Oshawa. hal for GR AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll-|Guaranteed workmanship, Free estimates 5 ' $15.16 Bond St t, DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick-| Tel = bg A, arect A I ores Diet csh Den collect, Rane, Port Perry, | Bus. 729-1157 Res. 725-6210 "BUILT IN-OSHAWA" Street east, Waly che Yos-ciot - no ed up promptly. "allt Fur onag Lore evant Sadr bln | ae ae 723-2278. Residence *|ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, all types of|FIRST AND SECOND ages, sale JACUUN go Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263- 'Must be : QC, 7253368) Terence V iceliy, QC, 7o8:| ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, PT eg lA RE «occ Me ihe oy red AT OUR OWN PLANT N @) \W VACUUM REPAIRS, al maken, haa. | Licence: 4 18--Male Help Wanted wiable, Full, or part-time. Ne Ne, % Tremes: 1 . Jermyn, BA, LLB, 725- Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3061,| and ae Barristers, 0 King Street We give you a better Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Tae HAY, "he young sows, due epee, 510 &. Dundas BY, Ball Bellevil Pickering. ebri Yorkshire boar. Ford. Seuarr F. MANGAN, Ing' street |NeYS ult, repalred, gas linings Inytiled, FIRST "AND SECOND sent avalle coe Ser or eaaiue, caea webbenniaks aa Money to loan. Office, 14va 'King repaired. Free estimates, 723-2997. W. Schatzmann Realtor 14 'Brock $221, BUY AND TELL -- Good. weed Turaiure ton 4S bora pick-up tucks Te is and applia Ss. One loca' only. Pre' Tana Wa one Meni 'in bare. a TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- treat ve mali neared OSH AW. A: T V e ta pe Ie Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 7248271," |OATS STRAW. Telephone 623-8077, AUTOMOTIVE | D neys, eaves! ire sae money wo ter and Sollltor im lecase wneinry. Gord Maye nitby. available at reasonable interest. For in- ost Heh pg pepe cond de ; '9 vg Hor 11--Pets and Livestock mi . Commercial Building, 206 King West G4g-a774 formation call 723-4631. ane ' A WAITER required, men's beverage Genome. Ontario, parking aval: SUPPLY LTD. ° crib $9.88) mat- MANAGER required, men's FING, , y tres: i HI room. Apply in person to Mr, able, T2476 or 725-4717 repara, I pend sai Toba ("and Musical Services TAUNTON RD. E. WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |< complete "si gia 'witen's" Furst] HILLTOP RANCH Genosha Hotel smi, ing and Construction, ev., ge, 'ord, y~ ture, treet. CLASSIFIED RATES TILE and hardwood floors laid, carports, Eh valtier cnt a Bg ld oe ust East of Ritson) mouth, Pontiac. We correct |CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS at tremen-| Horses boarded, bought and 19--Male and Female BORO Aan ot 4 son [SET nee NY Wem ei ERG shld ROS! 729-8131 - 723-8132 | wheel alignment, impect ond (SEMEN aera Met at] Large well-known rubber |___Help Wanted each) 3 COmlATLANTIC PAVING and concrete, Get correct castor and camber, |3.99, smooth op rmaresses $19,981 HANCOCK ROAD NORTH company requires. local edditional aac. $2.88, HY * w t ceda: i its tre . Wik Furni- secutive, neertigne ot oxen 's "con-| YOUr driveway paved by experts, 20 cents | Optometrist TELEVISION -- RADIO | Slion tosin and toe-out to jeder chests from sic. Wileon's urn ae east ae Caution manager for retail auto- WANTED additional words 2c. exch 6 CoM! cow all work guar., 3 years. 723-0281. correct condition $6.88 Secutive. Insertions of 24 words, $5.04; | °%- F, RICHARD BLACK, OD, 138 Simeve ST ia : additional words 2c. each. ROOFING, CHIMNEVS, all types ofl Sirect North. Suite «, Oshawa. Telephone 24 HOUR SERVICE @ Ports, extra if required RS PORTABLE ahd ote corasle Tele 728-7768 or 728-5738 dhdbie- cule, 3 ANV ASSERS QE Ralicitoy,| YOUR LOCAL 'chimney cleaner. Chim. | ©28t._729-7232, tower for less Money Gharge rm, Sent aaaitonel charge FrerkeMecuan, RR a. Coheway est eery, | ean. T.V RENTALS @ Torsion bor "adjustment table, power lawn mower, small, 1976|HORSES BOARDED, Bewdley eres, $20 witnin 8 days. 4 4 - mY Aa extra. recorder, record player, electric} ner . month, Telephone Valerie Wright, vhothecas Plumbing and Heating ee : fans, car radio, end tables and lamps,|Garden Hill, 112J2, weekends or Toronto Method Counting -- Less than 24 Carpent: eiBtarcorinatins, . Bisekx chee mel tata PERN @ electric iron, electric frying pan, vacuum ; Men or Women Words' csunts es. 24 words; each word, , ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS ond remodel- HOLMES cleaner, king-size headboard, record) 40 Week ays Mechanical knowledge help- initial, figure or abbreviation counts as/REMODELLING, trim work, cupboards, | ling, new and used materials, Reasonable BRAKE SPECIAL stand, book stand, walnut telephone set,|BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, READY) +) 114 not necessary. Some For full See tia ele one 7 phone number counts ftwolrecreation rooms, and stairs, Free estl-jrates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. ELECTRONICS Most popular cars. First |walnut hall tree, two metal filing draw-jfor training, talking strain. Apply T. . EO ee mates. Telephone 725-7044, ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sop. Qualit sete BR a whesld ers, metal typewriter table, new vapor-| Broad, 114 Elgin East. retail store experience pre- with Al food and freezer BIRTHS--DEATHS-- BEFORE CHRISTMAS! Rec. rooms, re-|plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark PHONE pare denial Tianciogh' lethings lke new, size $12./cozv.d RANCH, Resid, German $he0-] ferred, club. Salary, drow or come SOCIAL NOTICES modelling, buliding, ete, Quality work, Pa. Plumbing, Ay te and Engineering, herds, pups. Show mare in i Prd mission your choice. Tele insertion on addi-|honest tradesman. 576-0296, 255 Simcoe Street South. CLEAR-OUT PRICES, continental beds,|horse. Pony, Pinto, Western es, phone: [ t, clothes. Ashburn, 655-4662. charge |f nat paid within 8 days. - " ue attest @ mattresses, headboards, all sizes, alljequipment, clothes. Ashburn, i " f IN MEMORIAMS i Dentistry Rug - Upholstery Service [- se greatly reduced. 723-3889. FOV FOK-TERRIER pussies, most ever-| Must be in 28-38 age range $2.25 for the first 35 words and Sc. CAREFOOT, DR. JO Me Dent CITY TV televisions, radios, "nr v WHE. BAL ANCE SPECIAL, TWO new oriental rugs, % by A | and 15" lasting git ot the year for any age Excellent salary and bonus . we OY, Saito: ase, eaditionel charge Tt not ald Surgeon, 172 King, street East, Oshawa. PROFESSIONAL server and furans Servite Se ee $1 "95 | Fifteen piece sliver punch bowl set. Two, 052. plan -- above average fringe ood Fair RUG CLEANING re OU Geant andor aid SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, sankeen candelabra. al PERSIAN KITTENS for se forsale: Purebred benefits. 728-4603 +78 O » dinett Se tec the! fret SS words and c. each Dressmaking 2 Day Service black and white T.V. Anten- FRONT- ene oe AT Suites. Twe.monita eld. boat otters tele, These are, expecially nice Kitten. Tele: Anytime day or night. with 25c. additional charge "/ ORESSMAKING, alterations, suits, coats.| Free Pick-Up ond Delivery nas, rotors installed. Sales COMPARABLE PRICES phone 723-0138 after 4 p.m. ne WRITE BOX 5090! ' not paid within & days. dresses, etc. Work done professionally, and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, two end|PEKINGESE FOR SALE. Very one oa TAXI DRIVERS COMING EVENTS Mrs, McNamee, 668-8756. Angus-Graydon 248 Qu St. Call 725- UNI ROYAL fobles, one coftee fables Ng table maces. lbs rg for Wire Fox Terrier. $2.24 per inch (Gliey)) $1.75, tr, the] DRESEMAKING -- Expertiy fitted 728-6254 0800, All Work auarariteed mi eee : ; OSHAWA TIMES e" words end éc each thereaffer|coats, dresses. Beautifully tailored We : i) 2 ST. BERNARD puppies, istered, ex- (Word ae covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2378. CENTRES OUTBOARD MOTOR, @" electric Tange|ceptionally well, marked, ' AUCTION We do RECOVER your T.V. Rentals with two ovens, five burners; axles with Wonderful guardian ene is. MER c U RY T AX! Ria'Per inch Pen insertion. [Gardening and Supplies CHESTERFIELD at modest New Sets The New Name of Le yy RB gg bie Bas OSADLINGS cost. ALCAN DOMINION TIRE STORES -- |Contin' Ra. Kedron, baners Good wi enoren. Move fl ) OW Y 725-4771 WORD ADS al bd ul For FREE ESTIMATE call, 17 Park Rd. S. STEREO RCA Victor radio | ed.T: 576-0247 EXPERIENCED hairdresser has fom GAY PREnous Winter Ideas 728-3651 FURNITURE AND Phone 725-6511 dim, Dronoaraphy hike new: Phone "'112--Articles Wanted raat 40m, ta, He, atl APPLIANCES FOR SALE-- Trailer axles or built Hotes AND FOUND Hein. Day" OF PUBLICATION GLOXINIA BULBS INTERIORS by WINDOLF 452 Simcoe S. | your specifications. Telephone wenn" MECCANO and LEGO, complete sets or AJ AX SALESMAN WANTED -- par offal Port or full time, Minimum age 25. 39 Simcoe St, N. Hampton bits and pleces. make $200 or RT DAY OF PUBLICATION AMARYLLIS BULBS RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- 723-0011 res "EAT LIKE We BUY vied furniture end Sppliances GOOD USED SuRNITURE: What have Fath BE tay service. Best seine ICE SALT lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran- Rust for a cash offer, Telephone 725-1423 val be Valley Creek \6 Bond Street West, Had Write. ite oe sat peacaen -- IN _MEMORIAMS and teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat-| TV TOWERS Bioct 668-636 28-4401 i Wite Box S249, p tiem. CARDS OF THANKS CALCIUM CHLORIDE Se ictetarian cr ene: Cae ENATSTMAE SPECIAL -- Typewrlters,|ELECTRIC TAPE recorder, Telephone] Requires machinists § pm. DAY PREVIOUS awa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725- KI ; 5-656) between 8-5 , Monday ~ Fri- 20--Real Estate for Sale CLASSIFIED DISPLAY STRAW noid COLORED TV NG Typewrlter dealer, 120-2604" anyiime. "" Iday, Ask for Cerolyn. "| and machine tool m. day previews 8 et! WILD BIRD MIXTURE - |sesvicd res emimaie tener cman Mach altace sal xx CHRISTMAS TREES, delivered. $1 gach, |G00D USED FURNITURE wanted ec] fitters, Capstans, JOHN F ~ my am, di revious. « j will sell wholesale. Also small size trees it r laos or wrest" ay rial for re-covering, Slip covers made 24-Hour Service CHOICE suitable for apartments. 86 Brock Si. wW.| Furniture, 688-5481, 668-6526, Turrets, Mills, Int. SUNFLOWER 'SEED to order. Dalton Upholstering, 73 Charles 723-0065 or 668-5830 . st ; : , : ; fn cron WILD BIRD GRAINS ee --------| RAE'S RADIO and T.V. Hind 4's Beef gee Sor cai" Waa meifemmey ter ql Batt "Should nn and Ext. Grinders. D EWIT H ¥ OF PUBLICATION r ear je standard features such band- hes. a "ginegteancalied tore put BIRD FEEDING Sales and Service COLOR TN 53c lb. Gart Included. Year old freezer. Both like eras. BFS. "features such, @8 bend: Geis ecteneiall STATIONS APPLIANCE + 'eut and wrapped) fre apnea ih oe , pb and liberal overtime REAL ESTATE LTD. m NUMBER RENTAL, $1.00 WATER SOFT SALT OR BLACK AND WHITE Shop. 762 Simone St. S. 728-7860. 13--Articles for Rent ' ' Wie endeavor will be made to Kee guatomatic" retrigerator "Ta! Tabies, Chairs, Linens, Dish- generous fringe ben- 14 Frank Street, x kk Sewers s" replies to box numbers to PURITY DOG MEAL REPAIRS All work guaranteed NO PAYMENTS good condition, owner Over-all ' A . soon as possible, we ac: kk veal mens wit :| es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coff efits company paid. Bowmanville Sia Hatt atahinenrtng| PURINA DOG FEEDS | feet rein, moll moket | R10, TELEVISION til fr im iishente baat | Truc tnin Bors, Sued | Telephone: Personnel 623-3970 Hien however "caused wnainer by negi| MASTER DOG FEEDS or 728-5143 FEBRUARY: JUNIOR BED, ib, slsaric wroin "sen | Wear, Men's Formals, White S i - fence or siherwise, The Times wil fo! PET SUPPLIES @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ a ge lexric™ racing cart, All n good cond. | Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. peaneiitens 100 ACRE FARM for replies uncalled for tion. Whitby. 668-8055. " BRITTANNIA MALT ALCAN SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 | tiundreds of Low Priced [ONE push button range: one tr and one] SARGEANT'S RENTALS 949-3100 Pray pty kg Bast T.V. Sonics 4 book. encyclopedia with book og an 463 Ritson Rd, S$. 725-3338 Brick home, Bern. Stream, FURNITURE and APPLIANCES Servi items to choose. from, 18 wine Sint te' Gawe Ae Ak cuca came ane tae --J| Paved road. Exeellent soil. % : m 452 Simcoe $. -- Oshawa all fully guaranteed! 515, : == nan in wring nt fr mars Cooper Smith Co. Telephorie 723-0011 DOMINION x x x WRITING DESI ax drawerar FX ©, [Ald Rentals, 10s Baatsice, Tastee TOOL MAKER COLONIAL STYLE ow ' pre aan St for a single 16 CELINA ST. i TELEVISION tla tonic pa aad medium size. LIFT TRUCK to 'rent by Gay or rmonth 9 : ie alas sip 723-2312 723-1139 Rent A Piano 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. f SCUBA DIVING OUTFIT, twin 38 Tanka,|ies Van and Storage Lid. FOR pacts Be | verti Exe Sety Necverining "sccording, te Ws] DELIVERY SERVICE SEE gos tv rower and awn wevie| KLEER-PAK _ |Weichost'and inte, Tesshone none Sinner Guns' terme "tse we'seel JOBBING SHOP | Gall. Tom" Donnelly 985: Broper classification. i F timates, al! work teed. F nee , parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, ot display advertisements Established 1909 H El NTZ MAN fast" carvies fy 668-6761" or 728-6879 a FOODS LTD pong td K- ae ee aoe pa eu x To work on Jigs and Fixtures 7264. In cases 1 79 Si St. N., Osh 104A Byron Street South, Whitby. . stereo, washing machine, refrigerator, fe "Fae wil nol oy ne espera) CMAITLS TREE FARM Eee aN Sewn : ee Oshawa 725-8863 _|ov®, dinette suites box spring, mattress) 14 Business Opportunities | _ 45, hour week, deans, iishers Telephone 728-2921 Well Drilling--Diggirg serait agege and Fup. 668-6542. _ Time ond a holf after 40 | with bathroom. Nicely © Cedars for Hedges f (this offer good for WOMEN'S CLOTHING, party dress, suits ours. 10D WORE ange orated: Running hot and cold © Manure (cow, sheep or horse)} Harris Aluminum Sales _ Wins in einen tie, Word a cha: 1 week only) goa aba is} different sizes.. Telephone] DUE TO THE HIGH benefits. Apply water. Only $1,500 down. @ Dry fire wood cut to suit eee Res & hut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668- : IT'S EASY TO PLACE A posts ond poles, jampton sant CHAIRS FOR Pa atta | ee Industrial Tools 4 ACRES TIMBS ACTION WANT AD Sissies Gehines 525-6064 2--Personal CHRISTMAS Telephone 668-2925. Our Permanents including in- with 6 roomed home. All Call collect Newtonville 786-2283 SWIVEL ROCKERS $24.50 [1966 THOR electric builtin range and BLOOR STREET WEST modern conveniences. Barn. Call Classified Direct Siding, windows, doors, awn- x . oven. Never used. Also man's grey wool dividual Cutting and Styling 1 1 On TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim, or I'l cut) } i Removal of superfluous hair HOSTESS CHAIRS $14.95 OSHAWA Future building . lots. ly 723-3492 them down. Free estimates. 255118 er] Inds, stonework, railings. 16 | Marie Murduft will be in | Platform ROCKERS $39.95 Se TS $5,000 down, st Cas Bronce Unni Prine Oshawa, Dec. 19th, 20th and | RECLINERS Gaal. Aina Way Seer. beroams NDUSTRIAL INDEX TO Hearing Service SOARANIRES HEPA ar senge| 216, Phone Genciho Here! | WILSON FURNITURE Basttametyagig cv cin DRESSES -- All size, to be INDU CLASSIFICATIONS stort aces me event. Gen) So Sree, Stee for copsing 20 CHURCH ST. MOVING, Last_call Urgent, Automatie| $00 at SACRIFICE PRICES-- SUPPLIES ° nas! RIES SR RE \ , Stove, 4 5 1--Women's Column GUARANTEED TRADE-INS | few, usap = Vacuums, polishers. Re ELECTROLYSIS SAVE MONEY -- if your car ree Mccivitae' Wet Ours ah M a is h SPersonel me Behind cor, and eyeglass |pairs ro all maken. New haves. Phone 723-4641 won't go or is stuck in the tite, chine abine! tnd ashes, airs] Towne Beauty Salon | Ma ,granted for warehouse. $--Sportsman's mode hes ; 4 i rey ee -- ee " ae snow or is in an accident -- | Sue-or-chine--aianes Eugenie Rave 14¥%4 Bond St. East advantage. Good opportunity 10 ACRE LOT Aarine Equipment ACOUSTICON--BELLINGER | Septic Service portsman's Column request the best, grocheted afghan blue 'colors. Telephone) 795.9356, for Appointment to learn this business. Send | Nicely treed, tile drained. wap and Barter Hearing Aid Service | SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. 'prompt 'service |HUNTING LICENCES, new end used] OSHAWA TOWING panel ~<a BARBER SHOP, one chair of experience etc. to: Close to Bowmanville. Asking S--Marke! Basket ; 23 Athol St. W. Phone 723-5401 West, Whitby, Proc oe oh 4 24 Hoyas os Cali as we a Ke setae in East tion, King Street Lage gs bus!- A. E. MERCER $5,000. Terms. od L Livestoc® " prices. Valley Creek, 16 Bond St. Ww. as ong distance tow' ng 9 over years. Ava! " 1 Pets Wy Ao Instruction Surveyors WE SKIN, cut and wrap deer and| 5S low os 40c a mile one way. er ae wer) snowrnctie © by by onan, ist Weite Box $0793, Osh 184 Bond St. W., Oshawa ae ae ; Articles. for Rent moose. Te +8745 or 723-0192, _728- TIN r, world's largest p 15--Employment Wanted lew. bric ngalow. Beauti- Opportunities DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- SKATE © oa i vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, proy' ful kitchen. 3° bed: s. Oil iesreerae to MUSIC LESSONS [i tMiintiaa ti Sunt avetae indy Seta: RL ALCTR_ crarae eer Uae MeL caarage dee ceveeees| YANITOR -- |. iten. § betuene. Ms mee shi i + pri jgncen months old, $130.; Polaroid Guitor a ond Drum Les- H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land ie Bond 5 a Mts ee era, used four times, $50, oro cae S35 King St. 8. ot Witton. 720-5365. ped = Full time Janitor required from structed. Treed lot. Offers sons givén by qualified teach- | Surveyors. 111 Elgin Street Bast. Phone ply 88 Queen Street, Bowmanville. SPACE HEATER, 50,000 BTU 'sy Silent-| URGENT -- | will live In and care for considered, ro 7s 4--Motoreycles ANTIQUE ORGAN FOR $ALE. In Per: Pel aise utara! © be gn gent ghd ce an pret ed Guitars supplied at 198) WARLEY-DAVIDSON motoreycle.| 01, . Pe ee ee are Ae eles iid," stan wage. 576-2695. MR. CAM 'After Hours Please Call: @ small nominal fee Telephone Hampton 263-2592 after § p.m. in case. Picnic basket, set of four, Navy GENOSHA HOTEL Don Mountjoy 623-3614 a SELL ! FOR SALE -- Large size Norge Refrig- i M Maxi lectrie. frying MAN WITH Mer apid truck will fog Bo 942-5282 -- 728-3892 . 5 Treid erator, Good: condition. Reasonable. Call eet ye et' Lewin liveries or moving on Tom Donnelly 985-7264 --Trellers Pastis after 2 om Ranney Soch Sn armas ues Touma earee = TTT Phylis McRobbie 623-7159 MUSIC LESSONS by qualified instructors SELL ' CHESTERFIELD -- contemporary style,|wide top; Corn Flower cake plate. Sun-| EXPERIENCED meintenance PART TIME MAN Ross Davidson Bethany 30R2 for all instruments. Alto Music Supplies, RAMBLER TRAILERS |six months, barely used. Custom' up-|beam Mix-Master attachments. Blender,|ic requires, work In, Alex. Whith x, oar FOR USED CAR Lyle Mason 392-3964 453 Simooe St; S$. 725-1501. ! holstered, Telephone Ciaremont, 649-2188.|grinder. Carving set, water softener,|awa erea. = eS SALE -- RENT SRERI Fornace cheated, adieciea Wan 1% Grass catcher end wooden|é p.m. Upholstery Work VIOLIN LESSONS. Instructor holds stor: by oni 728-5483. WILL GODARD or Give Gav care to ane 1 ; Ope dys 2-4 P.M, Guaranteed troubletree winter it youj"erm door. Ironing board. WILL BOARD or give care Esa eae, ot ,tiualc educatiqn degree. That's the: job mn Sunceys purchase trom, Western Ol" Company, |ULOVD baby carrlege, S25, Gi or Ta annie' ie we eta" tees BILL WHITTICK $ MOTORS 10 minutes from Oshawa ibson steel of Ti BUDDY TRAILERS _ | 725-1212. guitar, and emp. $100. E-Flat Selmer week. "Telephone Newesstle 967-484s Janitor Service snag PORT HOPE OF for sou wall at de Momence PORTABLE i ae Ciaran ic har ana or el a San LTD. iii loor polisher. Call a ewe' Ny tei end fur stole, ren in her ie or wi , also STORES, offices or homes cleaned. Want Ads Lot at 40) and 28 Ave. between 7 and 9 p.m. wrusage Telephone 725-6909. after § pm. light housework done. Telephone 576-1567.| 1250 Dundes E. 668-5871 Prompt service, Reasonable rates. Con- ' |SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Class tied Ads| CHAIRS -- Recliners, rockers, swivels, aro ROCKER and t WILL' LOOK AFTER one or iwo chil-/HOW TO GET IT: I do not find the tracts invited. Ken's Cleaning Service, 723.3499 sell things you don't need for spot cash. jetc. Sale prices! Easy terms! Barons' with foot rest. Both upholstered. Wil eal dren in home while mother, works. item you want n the jant Ads, place @ EDD Tow iDiai 74sse02 tor an Adewriter now. iHome Furnishings, 434 Simess & both for 888. Gand eonetit Phone 4257280, mWenfed" ed end get ttt Dial 72i-3072. \

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