. 29 THE OSHAWA Times, Wednesday, December 7, 1966 Frank §Sinatra is an * American entertainer, spe- ® cializing in vocal arrange- ments. (CP Photo) Licence Fee Case Won By Ottawa OTTAWA (CP)--The federal ernment won a major case y when the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the validity of broadcasting licence ¥ fees totalling millions of dollars, In a 4-to-l decision, the court * ruled that federal licence fees 'levied since 1960 on Canada's * privately-owned television and * radio stations are valid and ¢on- » stitutional. * 'The highest court threw out + Nov. 12, 1963, judgment by * the Exchequer Court of Canada that found the fees invalid. ' 'The case revolved around a - cabinet order passed by the * Diefenbal gover t Oct, ! 98, 1960, that increased the fee * schedule. ! SUED GOVERNMENT * Radio station CKAC Mont- - * peal, a French-language outlet + owned by Montreal La Presse, * paid the higher fee for 1960 un- { der protest and sued the gov- * ernment to recover the amount * of the increase, $5,482. The court's majority opinion, * written by Mr. Justice Douglas * Abbott, said licences awarded ' to private broadcasters are a privilege and not a property or * vested right. The cabinet had i the power to boost or reduce ' fees at any time. In a dissenting opinion, Chief * Justice Robert Taschereau | wrote that the 1960 fees were © invalid because they were in- ' ereased retroactively without + parliamentary sanction. | The court majority said the * Radio Act gives the cabinet full ers to adjust broadcasting cence fees. It rejected the * CKAC arguments that the fees + are in fact a tax and that they * are discriminatory because they ; do not apply to CBC-owned sta- * tions. | Art Groups : "67 Tour Set * TORONTO (CP) -- Ninety- * two Ontario cities and towns » will be visited by major per- * forming arts groups next year ; as a part of Ontario's centennial . celebrations. » The year-long program, to be * known as the Ontario. Perform: . ing Arts Festival, was an- * nounced Tuesday by James A. * c. Auld, minister of tourism » and information and chairman * of the cabinet centennial com- » mittee. * As a.part of the festival, first- « time visits to dozens of Ontario * communities will be made by " the National Ballet, Toronto * Symphony, Canadian Opera * Company, Les Chansonniers, « Museum Children's Theatre, * and Windsor Light Opera Com- = pany. * Mr, Auld said original plans « called for 200 performances. * However, response from On- * tarlo communities was so great » the touring schedule was in- * creased to 288 performances. "Until now, because of high ' touring costs, it has not been «feasible, economically, for groups such as the ballet or * opera to visit the smaller cities * and towns of Ontario," said Mr. } Auld. * The National Ballet of Can- , da is forming a special concert » ballet group so that ballet may i * be brought to communities | » where limited facilities prevent ( * full-scale performances. The * concert ballet will visit 440 com- + munities where ballet has never ! previously appeared. * Les Chansonniers, a group of ; three Montreal artists, will un- 't * dertake a special three-week i » tour to present French-Cana- * dian folk lore in song. ¢ EXTEND OPERA TOUR | The Canadian Opera Com- ' mac will extend its tour of Don : Pasquale into a number of com- * munities in which the opera has * never played, particularly in Northern' Ontario. The opera will play in 15 new communi- * ties, as will the Windsor Light Opera Company. The Toronto * Symphony will perform in 10 , communities never visited be- * fore, The Museum Children's The * atre of Toronto will make a tou of 72 centres, It will-be the firs' IN PKG. "DOMINION'S OWN" RICHMELLO--SLICED OR UNSLICED WHITE BREAD "DOMINION'S OWN" BUTTER DOMINION'S OWN DOMINO * INGer Ale ..... SODAWATER SALADA ORANGE PEKOE ¢, PAPER OF 60's 79 DOMINO FANCY -- FRENCH CUT SPECIAL! SAVE 8c! SPECIAL! SAVE 15¢! 10-0Z. 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