= 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 7, 1966 "A. GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE 'LBJ Forsees Jump in Viet War Cosis "AUSTIN, Tex. (AP)---Presi- dent Johnson estimates Viet Nam war costs between now and next June 30 will exceed earlier budget projections by $9,000,000,000 to $10,000,000,000. He plans to ask Congress next month for a supplemental ap- riation to bridge the gap, told a press conference Tues- day. j The president remained silent about the possibility of a 1967]! tax increase, but said income facts needed to make a decision q are falling into place. . Since Johnson had cited the forthcoming Viet Nam money Tequest as a major item to be pinned down before a tax deci- sion, he was asked if the new estimate--as well as a recent federal forecast that business @pending on plant expansion would slow down--would help him make such a decision. "The answer is yes,"' Johnson replied. "It gives me help. If you are trying to find out if a decision has been made, it has not been." The new money request for Nam will increase the defence budget to between $67,000,000,000 and $68,000,000,000 for the 1967 fiscal year that began July 1. That compares with a budget f be my? last January of $58,- 000,000. Diagnosis Awaited TORONTO (CP)--Donald C. MacDonald, 52-year-old leader of Ontario's New Democratic Party who was injured in a traffic accident Sunday, was al- lowed out of a hospital bed for @ short time Tuesday, x Reports of a possible fracture a vertebra in the upper spine not confirmed Tuesday. 'ors. said diagnosis will not be complete for several days. Mr. MacDonald was injured when his car cross the median on the MacDonald-Cartier Free- way and collided head-on with a gecond vehicle after he tried to arels an accident in his own e. ANDREI GROMYKO . +. window shopper French Tour GRENOBLE, France (Reut- ers) --Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin arrived here by rail from Lyons today to visit one of the French nuclear centres co-operating in research with Soviet scientists. Tuesday night Kosygin and Foreign Minister Andrei Gro- myko took a midnight window- shopping stroll through the streets of Lyons, signing auto- graphs for dozens of passers-by who spotted them. After three days visiting some of key industries in south and central France, Kosygin is scheduled to return to Paris to- night for a final round of po- litical talks with President de Gaulle, Death Hits Twice MEXICO CITY (AP) - Juan Natalicio Gonzalez, 69, former president of Paraguay, died Tuesday of a heart attack. His wife, Lidia Frutos de Gonzalez, died a few hours later. Gon- zalez took office as president in 1948 but was forced out by a revolt a year later. HERE an 15 ACCIDENTS * WHITBY (Staff) -- Fifteen @ccidents were reported to Whitby OPP Monday but most of them involved damage only. cuts and bruises were the only injuries. ' / An Oshawa youth, Richa: illiams, convicted in Magis- "s Court last week for under age, Is not Rich- ard Angus Williams, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wil- Hams, 770 Stevenson Rd. N. © STILL UNCONSCIOUS NEWCASTLE (TC) -- Nine- gear-old Wendy Harness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Harness, of Orono, who was in- fured June 21 last, is still un- conscious in the Toronto Sick Children's Hospital. She suffer- ed severe injuries when in- VYolved ina collision with a gravel truck. PC ASSOCIATION A meeting to set up a Pro- ive Conservative Associa- executive for the new Dur- ham - Northumberland federal riding is expected to be held in January. A striking committee Was named recently at a meet- d THERE |: Three hundred and twenty-two patients were admitted and 308 discharged. There were 108 major, 118 minor as well as 85 eye, ear, nose and throat oper- ations. Two hundred and fifty- three treatments and examina- tions were given. Forty-five casts were applied. The physio- therapy department gave 940 treatments and made 667 visits; while the occupational therapy department handled 164 cases. PICKERING BUILDING Seventy-seven building per- mits, representing an estimated value of $1,268,850, were issued by Pickering Township bet | October. The permits includ 45 dwellings, a school, 15 ga- rages and 11 house additions, MINOR DAMAGE DARLINGTON (Staff) --- A school bus and a car were in collision at the junction of Solina and Nash Roads, Dar- lington Township, Tuesday, at 4 p.m. but nobody was hurt. Both vehicles suffered only minor damage. TO HOLD PARTY Members of the Rotary Club of Bowmanville will be hosts at ing in Cobourg. The PC women of the new riding will meet Jan. 27 at Cobourg. BA TOVELT. W.8 * "Centennial Year in Oshawa" Was the topic of Mr. Hayward Murdoch's speech, at the. No- vember meeting of the E. A. Lovell Home and School Asso- ciation, He gave a clear insight to the members of what is due to take place in the city during Centennial Year, and made the audience aware of the fact that it will be a full, exciting, and memorable year for the people of Oshawa. HOSPITAL REPORT Thirty-eight babies were born at the Oshawa General Hospital during the week ending Dec. 3. their annual party for crippled children next Monday night. The dinner and entertainment will be held at the Flying Dutchman. ; than 30 marines aboard _ |during manoeuvres, the Brazil- Marines Drown RECIFE, Brazil (AP)-Nine Brazilian marines died Tuesday when a landing craft with more gank jan navy announced, Policemen Scalped Pachuca, , it was reported Wednes- day. A second policeman sur- vived but was lashed to the back of a goles horse, The prisoner escaped, Visa Refused MANILA . (AP)--Representa- tive Lester Wolff (Dem, N.Y.) said Wednesday the Communist Chinese government had re- fused to grant him a visa to visit China. Wolff said no reason was given for the re- fusal. The congressman applied for a visa at the China travel agency in Hong Kong 10 days ago, Dog Lives Royally LONDON (Reuters) -- A six- months-old puppy was given royal treatment when a king's lane called at the kennels to iy him 500 miles to his new home. King Baudouin of Bel- gium sent his plane from Brus- sels to Dublin Tuesday to col- lect the Irish setter pup he had bought. Numbers Double? NEW DELHI (AP) -- India's 500,000,000 population will dou- ble in 30 years if the birth rate is not reduced, Health Minister Sushila Nayar said in New Delhi Tuesday: She was opening a family planning campaign. Guillotine Threat. AKRON, Ohio (AP) --Leslie Bolin, 26, who allegedly threat- ened to behead his estranged wife with a guillotine, was sen- tenced Tuesday to one to five ars in prison. His wife, Jean- ette, 22, told police he forced her at gunpoint into the base- ment of an abandoned house, where he forced her to place her head under the diade of a guillotine. He then rel d her. MOD-AGE CINDERELLA SHOW BANNED BY U.K. TELEVISION LONDON (AP) -- The BBC today banned a contemptuous Cinderella in a miniskirt and a sex - starved Prince Charm- ing who strangles her at mid- night from its Christmas tele- vision schedule, The BBC cancelled plans to put on Almost Cinderella, a version of the f tale by playwright Dennis r. "If I can arrange my career so that I never have to write for BBC television again, I in- tend to do so,"' said Potter. "I wanted to bring out the impact of the story on adults, I saw Cinderella as a modern girl in a miniskirt, pretty con- temptuous of everything. She doesn't even really want to go -| to the ball. "Prince Charming comes out as a somewhat unstable character who has sexual problems because he cannot find satisfaction with other girls, He's a playboy and not a pleasant one. "The story ends at mid- night, and we use the cine- matic cliches cf Hollywood. Prince Charming, whom we have seen under great emo- tional stress, begins to stran- gle Cinderella, ii a very styl ized way as the clock strikes, "Tt is part of the mockery of the cliche of love at first sight." Two weeks ago the BBC warned that a "psychological" version of Lewis Carroll's Al- ice in Wonderland which it will show Dec. 28 might upset children, It will be televised late in the evening. TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued at 0.30 a.m, Synopsis: Mild weather will end abruptly today in the North as cold Arctic alr from the Prairies spills eastward, Al- though cooler temperatures will spread into the southern ---- today the brunt of the air will once more be confined to the upper Great Lakes, Another storm in the current series will cross the Great Lakes Thurs- day. ° Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Cooler Weather Returns Some Rain, Cloud Ahead southern Lake Huron, Windsor,|River, Sault Ste, Marie: Clear: es Banas mesdins amd a iu, VivuMy SiMe Swans night, Thursday mostly c' h occasional rain, Win light. becoming light this fi Northern Lake Huron, south- ern Georgian Bay: Mostly cloudy and turning cooler, Mild Niagara, Lake Ontario, Tor- a " U.S. Experts Underestimate Soviet Air Missile Strength ' By BOB HORTON WASHINGTON (AP) -- De- fence Secretary Robert Mc- Namara says U,S. intelligence experts underestimated the number of ocean-spanning mis- siles the Soviet Union will have in place by mid-19¢9. But he says U.S. estimates of the. number of long-range mis- siles now deployed bef the Rus- sians are "remarkably accur- ate." He added that the error in assessing Moscow's missile- roduction plans has "no basic mpact" on U.S, requirements. McNamara's disclosures, made Tuesday as he talked with reporters at President Johnson's Texas office, followed his an- nouncement last month that the Russians are erecting an anti- missile defence around major cities, While admitting U.S. intelli- gence estimates on Soviet mis- sile deployment fell on the short side, McNamara took unusual pains to stress the United States can deal a crushing .nu- clear blow to any attacking enemy. OUTLINES SITUATION McNamara made points: --The U.S. still maintains a 3- to 4-to-} advantage over the Soviet Union in intercontinen- tal ballistic missiles. Even if new intelligence es- timates for mid-1968 Soviet nuclear strength are correct, the U.S. will hold a '"'substan- tial quantative and qualitative lead". without taking any ac- tions beyond those already these Wheat Bit Fails' NEW DELHI (Reuters)--Rus- sia hag mot replied to India's re- quest for 1,000,000 tons of emer- gency wheat and ithe Indian gov- ernment assumes the aid will not be forthcoming, it was re- ported Wednesday. Ties Strengthen TORONTO (CP) -- Premier pl d and fi --Hedging against a possible intelligence error, the U.S. there is a better feeling in Nova Scotia toward central Canada than at afy time since Confed- eration, He told a businessmen's luncheon that, although many of the new industries moving into Nova Scotia are foreign con- trolled, he did not mean over- seas capital was preferred to Robert Stanfield said Tuesday accelerated development of the submarine - launched Poseidon missile, pushed work on new penetration aids to ensure that missiles get through any enemy defence, leploy the improved, land-based Minute- and decided to man III ICBM. "Evidence indicates that the Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile strength today is almost exactly--and I mean within a few missiles, five to 10 missiles --of what our intelligence people predicted it would be a year ago," he said, Pentagon figures give the U.S. a wide bulge over the So- viet Union in iCBM's--about 1,600 for the U.S. to about 450 for the Russians. BERKELEY, Calif, (AP) -- The University of California's classroom boycott was called off Tuesday night after regents threatened to fire any faculty members who strike in the fu- ture, The truce flag was hoisted after members of the American Federation of Teachers (AFL- CIO), which represent many teaching assistants on ccampus, overwhelmingly voted suspen- sion of their strike, Student strike committeemen immediately called a "tempor- ary recess" to their boycott, saying they would nevertheless persist in demands for campus reform, The student committee's de- mands include advocacy rights on campus for certain non-stu- dent groups, and a promise that Canadian. Hospital Admits Queen Mother LONDON (Reuters) -- The Queen Mother was admitted to a hospital here for a check-up, it was announc ed today, She was in the King Edward VII Hospital for Officers and is ex- pected to remain there for day or two. Nature of the checkup has not been disclosed, The Queen Mother, 66, had her appendix removed in the same hospital nearly three years ago. She is being attended by the Queen's physician, Sir Ronald Bodley Scott, the announcement said, -. That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false Seth have euffered real ¢rm-arrassm: their pla bled at the alkaline (ceraeia) our plates. Hold false By @o they feel more 'boss not lor breath" FALSE TEETH te dropped. alipped or woos eae een cae dust sprinkle a little F. Ratt "sore PRESH PORK BACK RIBS 79: Nerrow end Meety PEAMEAL Good Nemes To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres, | SCHOFIELD-AKER | LTD. 723-2265 prctse secon TRADE-IN @ Repsirs to 39 PRINCE ST. Sales & Service To All Makes Electra Shaver Service & Supplies ACCEPTED all Mokes @ New York Is the Board Room of Big Business ... the Big League In Sports ... the Big Time in Show Biz. . . the Big Bargain In Shopping . . . the Big Town of:the World--and It's Just a /ittle way from where you live by Air Canada. Before you go, drop In to see your Travel Agent. our convenient flights to New York and explain our special discount fares for family travel, AIR CANADA (@&) _ Watch "Centennial Overture" on CBC - TV Thutadey, December 8th 4 He'll suggest one of Air Canada has 7 flights dally to New York from Toronto One-Way Economy: $28 See your Trave! Agent for further details of write to us in Toronto at 130 Bloor St., West. FOR RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA----WHITBY--BROOKLIN 104 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, PHONE 668-8867 728-4284 25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA CALL FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS WS TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE 723-7001 BACK BACON 75: PRIME. RIB ROAST 69: Red Juicy Short CANADA PACKERS WIENERS, 'BOLOGNA, HAMBURG 3 .; 1.00 u 39° University Teachers End California Class Strike called to the campus. sit-in and dents, outside police never again be} Mount Forest ..+.+ 28 The student committee called) Hamilton .....++«. 35 for a boycott Nov, 30 after ajst, Catharines ,.... 35 : ht jee wld ethyl Toronto .sssseseeee M5 presence ai studen' Peterborough ..... a navy recruiting table, Ala- es = meda County sheriff's deputies were called by an administra- tion officer and 10 persons were arrested, including six non-stu- FOREST CAN FEED tario, a, southern White mg over early or freezing to "--* the Winds light. River, Coch: and Thursday with snow rain in the , pases rane, 4 cold today with snow morn: ing and becoming mixed with freezing rain in the afternoon or evening, Winds light. Ottawa: Intermitrent rain. , Wi terly 20, Thursday mainly cloudy with a few flurries or showers, Mild. Forecast temperatures Low overnight, high Thursday Windsor wesccceses 38 St, Thomas eeeseers 35 LONdON sccrceseeecs a5 Kitchener .sseeee. 35 eeeeeeeee HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. Several hundred kinds of ed- ible wild plants grow in On- KEEP A WATCH out of the sea. SLICED SIDE BACON 69: Eversweet or Devon PORK Tenderloin 99: RIG, R Pa eig open and close their shells with the tides of their home waters, even when taken 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Trenton Killaloe syereseevee 18 Muskoka North Bay eeeneone Bt tages Winte Riv MOO8ONCO cooreeees Timmins ang colder twuay, Ciguaing | 4 weaneernee 30 eeeeeeenene soonsenees 1 erereeneee jy oe eR een eRe 5 ane soveee I » THE HEINTZMAN PIANO RENTAL PLAN Here's a novel plan for who wish to test their muPical RED end BLUE BRAND BLADE & SHORT RIB ROAST Chicken Legs and Breasts EAL BIG, BONUS BUY GOLD SEAL TUNA Fancy White Quelity i 3 ms 99° 9 aves 1,00 WIENER AND HAMBURG 2 xcs, 49° | MINCED STEAK or STEW BEEF CANADA PACKERS SHORTENING, MARGARINE, TENDAN? LA 4 1.00 PORK LIVER u 29° FREE TURKEY WITH EVERY SIDE OF BEEF COMMERCIAL BEEF SIDES Sides Ib. 49¢ Hinds _-- th. 58c Fronis tb. 43¢ BLUE BRAND BEEF Sides -- Ib, Bde Hinds -- Ih, GBe Fronts th. 470 RED BRAND BEEF Sides Hinds Fronts Ib. 660 Ib. 48¢ Heavy Commercial HINDS OF BEEF wu 90° LB. Heavy Red and Blue HINDS OF BEEF 59° Baby Beef Ib. B5e | Sides _-- Ih, G8e Hinds Fronts 43 to 85 4 100 -- 200 Tbs, 40 Ib. 63¢ Ib. 45¢ = ALL FREEZER ORDERS CUT AND WRAPPED FREE BRIDGELAND Meat-0-Rama 909 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA at the Crosswalk CALL 728-3361 "THE HOME OF THE KING OF NEATS"