Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Dec 1966, p. 17

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f y { 4 SEPARATE SCHOOL STUDENTS RESPOND IN FRENCH TO QUESTIONS seeMadame Leblanc (Centre) Teaches At Five City Schools Vote Percentage 47.7 'Marka Tope Weather Main Factor ; 5, In Election An extra 10 per cent in votin: Finally tabulated jate yester-|the weather is bad, a lot of | ; " Sentennial year mayor Ernest Monday was missed by bad/day the voting percentage was|people just stay at home, Cen a ore ee weather, says city clerk and re-|fixed at 47,630 per cent of the) «7 don't consider that we in ne a gave » a Roy Barrand, electorate. have had a really good election ronday's oi ale tion but he 7 good weather I think) 'The ice, snow and rain) unless 65 to 70 per cent of the Ba vee peg " i : siting the election, if] SLOW. COUNT Ald. Christine Thomas won Sem ee) ee oe =| Mr, Barrand said the reason|!® Polls and tied for three INP ING & others, Mayor Gifford headed * * Council Seeks Advice = sis ocr aha, : [returning officers, They, for ob-). Ntr. 'MeCatlum topped 78 polis "-- . jand tied for five while Ald, tration, assessment, ac- when it came to counting board of control running and ELECTION ' , counting practice, finance)" the minister) "I don't think that we will| Mr, Dafoe, who didn't make it, executive control, planning and) | 1 Sm sree ne vot cap-lever have a really quick elec.|Placed fifth, you should perhaps § Gpposed a = other election," said Deputy) "I am not saying I am_ in| several others. to this cent council Meets) Reeve MoPherson. favor of a ward system, just!" Aid" Clifford Pilkey who ing : A Vetter from the depart-/that if there were we would /finished in last place, won three PUPILS SAY 'BON JOUR" AT SCHOOLS _ Pupils in five Oshawa separ: ate schucts are learning to say good morning the French way- during their 20«ninute conver: eational French classes, 'Ae wall ae a littl reading and writing in French, students are taught structures, (word phrases) ae, they can re ht appropriate situations an cravensetions" said F. W, Hum: phrey, inspector of separate eehools A great resounding . boom from 35 pupilé meets Mrs, Le: blane's cheerful French class entirely in a twoeway F conversation, Pupils must answer Mrs, Le- blanc's questions in complete, accurate and audible sentences, When she beckons "encore, encore," the class repeats a seer a Saw oCYeIn = =6'NO schools, k With the use of charts, tape recordings, records and drama: tization, pupils learn a number of useful structures for casual conversation, CONVERSATION Authorities of the department - of education feel that pupils ee = Vteevnewe hast he enenl_ ing it. "Phe teagher an 'pull conversation sounds like this: "Suzanne, | bgt jue?"':, aes ee, ' black. "C'est une image madame," or "It is @ picture, Madame", Suzanne ies; "Qui, mais c'est une de voi?" Suzanne must 'explain the content of the picture. Suzanne says it is @ picture of a house, ; "C'est une image de une mai- gon", ' many a "It's amazing how hamas hava' Franch 'These eager French, students. make a strong show of hands. as questions are posed at them but the inspector says the depart ment has no plans to introduce conversational French below grade seven. Centennial Parkway is -due for a thorough review, When the city's newly elected council takes office next month, Ald, Alice Reardon will be the only member who, based on past' statement, cah stand: up and say she is definitely in favor of the parkway, Everyone. else will be either firmly against it or asking for a review of the whole issue, At least three will be asking for a public plebiscite, "T can't wait until the new year," Ald. Reardon, told The Times today, "I :am for the parkway, I have been all along and will be when we get down to business at city hall again, "A lot of these new aldenmen are really going to get smartened up when they hear some of whe facts and figures about the expressway and other |issues "We have nine new alder men and they are going to have to learn a lot, I know I had to when I first started on council," OPPOSED Mayor - elect Erriest Marks has already signified that he is definitely against the building of an expressway in the creek valley, review or no review, Air Pollution Provincial air pollution offi- clals will visit the Whithy Township plant of the Lake On- tario Steel Company next week to inspect its recently installed smoke control apparatus, "We have had problems with the system,"" A Lasco spokes. man said Monday, "The company's second fur nace was equipped with smoke control equipment about a month ago. Then, for a reason we haven't discovered yet, there was a small explosion in the system, "Tt wasn't much of an ex. we would have had at least 10/didn't help matters at all," said/ electorate vote," _-- ya adh of 154 polis and per cent more of the electorate) Mr, Barrand, "It doesn't mat: : poy4 = ee only four' polls and tied for two, due to two things. Tn the board of control it was 'ella bad 1 rolls former mayor Frank McCallum First we had 18 new polls! and Ald, Margaret Shaw all the . ® | Perienced as others, jShaw walked away with 58 and 0 a ement | And you know it is a long,/shared three, jhard day running. the booth.) Next in line was Robert Nicol | When it comes to counting it} who won six polls, followed by PICKERING (Staff) -- Pick-)tions, guide lines and cortrel/oan be rather hard work, former alderman Finley Dafoe Council will re-jcan only be established by! "gecondly there was a large|Who headed five and tied for ques the depart) council, and as this control is) number of candidates on the/one ment pe! municipal affairs on) presently lacking." | ballot, This really had an effect) Mr, Nicol placed fourth in the admin! Depetpinedie Mre, Joan Mc-|She ¢f leaking after, the at. tion count until we get 6 Wardl ine thicd board. of control. seat| ty Reeve Mrs. Jean MC-\tairg of Pickering Township|system in Oshawa," said Mr./ i) : . ; pped only two of the polls but a a comcier Tet) call an-| Barrand, his support was consistent in The "pesolution cons) tained in its preamble, clauses) like: "Whereas an obvious) need exists for re-organiza- tion of township administration| te obtain more efficiency for vital necessity te obtain max: * | imum efficiency from all town- ship departments; "Whereas some degree of confusion exists between de- partments as to the limits of their authority; whereas coun- cil is sometimes misinformed, and whereas policies, direc. NDP Candidate , Bator Cte) eS PS NOW mVallanie: The defeat of Alderman Ciif- ford Pilkey and John Brady in} the municipal election may have come as a sérvice te the Oshawa and District Labor Councii-e@ad the New Democra- tie Party, a labor official said Tuesday, Steven Melnichuk, acting chairman of the council's Poli- tical Action Committee, says "The Progressive Conserva tive Party, who gloried in the campaign, may have imadver tently done the labor council, and more specifically, the NDP party, @ service by making available to us a potential can didate and a sure-winner in the pending provincial election." Mr. Melnichuk said he was referriag Mainly to Mr. Pilkey whe, along with Mr Brady went dow to defeat in the board of contre! race t received last summer/ have a much quicker count a8) 9) agg ol adv /there would only be two or three [Pos and tied for first place in advised that this type of assis- tance was available. Councillor Ronald Chatien said there was an obvious need) direction, and it was for some the intention to degrade "T am net an expert," he said, "if you are, Mr, Reeve, my congratulations." "It's a strange thing to me that the administration was never questioned until the be- iginning of this year, and now jit is continuous, I am not an joaeers ~~ just a hard-working individual ing a job, If there is something wrong, then get tsomeone in, It gives the staff ithe feeling they are working in a Cidak and Gagger Operation, the kind of thing that can un. dermine morale." RESPONSIBILITY Councillor Harvey Spang said council should take a_ little more responsibility itself "We are elected to run Pick ering Township," he said, people are not satisfied, time." Couacillier John Willams said: that after sitting in the council, chambers as a spec tater for five years, and then! as a. member of council, everything has ndt been all right." "There is. nothing to lose," he said. "No employee has any- thing te lose," "We are merely asking for advice and assistance," said Mr. Chatten. "If an expert re- ports that .everythiag is fine, this tewaship." FOUR GROUPS IN CITY... Labor Endorses 13 - - Seven Meet Defeat Seven of the 13 candidates endorsed by Oshawa and Dist Council were defeated ing president Clifferd Pil The labor council was o riett four groups which endorsed can- troa Affairs Commitiee supported 15 candi- didates in Monday's elec The Oshawa Civic dates and 12. including m elect Ernest Marks cessful The Citizen's Comm Creek Valley Conservation were municipal includ: ee the abor including mayer were successful key ie §=Goverament me of dersed 13 candidates aver suc The Ald tador Thomas council fear ported 16 candidates and elect Marks mayer -/oandidates for IMPROVEMENTS "T have already been thinking about the next we could improve the system, Li "Tt would be a good'idea, Iipon Horn said Tuesday he think, to have a mobile staff of) wants a $300,000 bonus to play figure! professional football, Hora, a 195-pound senior at people experienced in work and counting, each ward, a election and how WANTS 62, SAN DIEGO, Calif, ttle AllAmerica quarterback . Joba BIG BONUS Brady 'managed to tie for first place in only one poll (AP)-- San Major Review Of Expressway Likely In 1967 His board of control could woll be split on the issue, Two controllers, Robert Nicol and Mrs, Margaret Shaw, have said that they are opposed to the expressway, Frank McCallum and Ralph Jones, the other two controllers, have said they want to see the expressway reviewed, Among the aldermen only three, so far, have said that they. are definitely apposed to the building of the expressway. These are John DeHart, Nor. man 'Down and Dr, James Rundle, PLEBISCITE Several members: of the: new council have urged a plebiscite on the expressway question prior to any construction. Nine members of the 12man council are in favor of a com: iplete review of the whole issue. These include incumbent alder. man Gordon Attersley who voted for the expressway in council this year, Others for a review are Ruth Bestwick, John DeHart, Bruce Mackey, Charles Mcliveen, Gil- bert Murdoch, William Payn- ter, Ernest Whiting and Russell MeNell, Inspection : Arranged For Steel Plant fan, This is now being ired and we expect it back the end of the week, 'The system should be work- ing again next week when pro- vincial air pollution officials will be visiting the plant to check the system and its effec: tiveness." In the last six months LASCO has invested some $200,000 in installing smoke control appar- atus on its two furnaces, The plant's heavy amoke dur- ing furnace oxygen Diasts has been a source of frequent com- plaint' from Whitby Township plosion but it damaged the The owner of a four-press 'These people could go from| Diego State, will wind yp his|printing and Nthography com- one polling. station to another|brifiant two-year career with Montana State Saturday in. the Camellia arriving Bow! in Sacramento fresh on the job and would bejsaid he does not know which and generally ing "They would spark the countithe Aztecs be against Hora, 21, pany in Oshawa has rebutted a elaim made by board of con- trol candidate Clifford Pilkey that printing shops in the city are not entirely union operated, able to get things really mov-/team would select him, but he) R. D, Dodsworth, owner and has had several feelers ing." Lions Donate Fountain To Pickering Township PICKERING % ering Township Council them come ferth at. election CePted with gratitude an offer by the Rouge of a fountain front of the building, as the club's Centen nial project Jack Goss, of the Liens Club, made the formal proposition to Monday by president Buck, past president, each of whom formed part of the com council, companied Hogan, mittee. The fountain township nothing no one could be prouder than The Centennial next year, Mr (Staff) Hills Liens Club to be placed in new municipallief whe supply By Feb. wi be plaque, buildin aad 12, with He was ac Liens Bruce and = Jack / fountain ject, Mr Centennial concert on Sunday /Onto shop was entirely union afternoon, Feb, 12, when Metro /aperated (from the time mater. local jial entered the froat door until /the Maddock vehicle, Mary Lou ichoirs and local talent will eh./the time it left through the back | Pallant of 300 Grenfell St, also will the cast Toronto Goss said, would not only mark 'tertain 12, The Committee for Good Civ supported candidates and 10 were elected In the municipal election two years age the laber council ¢n- for mun cipal office and Ll were elect: ed -- sik te city council supported Ad John Brady and Aki. Pilkey fo for board of centre, all ba il of whom were defeated. Four of. six al- candidates, Ald, Ce- William Werry, Joha and Genevieve Eymaan, also defeated ELECTED Ald. Alice Reardon aad Rus sell MeNeil, both endorsed by the laber council, were elected, as was T. D, Thomas and Lioyd Clarke to the beard of educa- tion; Terrence O'Connor to the separate scheal beard and Ray Fieming to the PUt Me a fined their cnadidates. deormanic phas day Black were three groups cor support te council 1967, prepared, A Silver g, with indirect the Lion's To raise funds fer this pro. /the city would have j Goss announced a/one more job. He said the Tor. |the truck was Lester MeCull- Band, The civie affairs aroup sup successful Marks, mayer; Frank Me Callum, Ald. Margaret Shaw and Robert. Nicol, beard of control; Gordon Attersley, Rath Restwick John DeHart, veen, Gilbert Murdoch, William Paynter and Ernest akierman, Unsuccessful in the aldermanic Hughes, Fred Bllegett and Ed Ww Vaare CREBK VALLEY The creek valley coaservation group, im a list similar te the ported -Mr Ald em: /@ blem, and wording by the com.) out of work mittee in charge, will be on the/ Mr operator of Dodsworth Printing | ™iand Lithography Company, says he and hie fanr amnlovess _ ~- including a female clerical worker--are all members of the Oshawa Typographical Union, He said Mr. Pilkey's state- ment last week at a Kinsmen Club Community Centre elec. tion forum not only is "damag- Pick-/Canada's 100th anniversary, but/ing to labor, but also to the) ac. 38 years of "Lionism," in Architects of the new munici- Ress pal building have agreed to de- sign the sculptared fountain in/ment after board of control keeping with the authentic lines candidate & water lighting, another board candidate, John/ Oshawa General Hospital Tues- a drawing Brady had their election cards /day after receiving treatment smali/printed in Toronto when there/for injuries received when her re printers in Oshawa who are | car was in collision with a truck administration end of my busi- Mr, Pilkey made the com. Shaw Pilkey and Mangaret charged that Mr Pilkey said he did. not think having the work done in created door) and that the cost of print _. . SUPPORTED CANDIDATES residents, Printing Shop Operator Says Employees In Union jing in Toronto was 20 to 30 per cent lower than it would be in Oshawa, Mr. Dodsworth says he has received numerous calls, one from a labor spokesman, asking what Mr, Pilkey meant by his statement or if it was true, The local printer added that his company could probably ihave done "oampaionine wark for nothing" if it had publica. tion rights for the Oshaworker, the official organ of Local 222, United Auto Workers of Amer ica, The Oshaworker is printed in Toronto. Woman Recovers; | Accident Injuries A 20 - year - old Oshawa woman was discharged from at the corner of Centre and Gibb Streets Monday morning. She is Miss Gail Maddock, of Adelaide Street West. Driver ough of Bowmanville who escap- ed uninjured, A passenger ia escaped uninjured. candidates, Mr cessfal Ald, Norman Down, Charles Mell Whiting, for for Reuce Dr. Me race were: Louis civie affairs Marks for McCallum, Nicol for board of control, For aldermen they wick, Ald, Down, Mr Mr. Murdoch, Dr Whiting, Dr, Meliveen and Mr. Paynter, Unsuccessful were: Mr, McCallum and Ralph Jones beard of control and aldermen Paynter, Reardon, group supported mayor and Mr, Ald, Shaw and Mr, he Oshawa Zimes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1966 The 1965-66 city council last night wrapped up its business and said goodbye. There was none of the usual cross-debate, bickering or arguing as in past meetings, Said Ald, Hayward, Murdoch; "the events of yesterday (elec- tion day) have cha the picture so much that it would be presumptuous of us to con- tinue any more," Council adjourned "sine die" but before. doing so ahthorized the 'city treasurer to pay accounts on approval of the different chairmen of the standing committees. There will be no meeting on Dee, 19, The new council takes over Jan, 9, 1967, Seventeen bylaws were quietly passed and 10 items were referred to the Centennial a council and board of con- trol, THANKS Mayor Lyman Gifford thank- the council for its work over the past two years and said it had been a pleasure working with them, VOTE DECLARED EMPTY CHAMBER tag stone ean ieaetek city rrand, ' elerk entered a vacant coun- ceil chamber to declare the re- nag of the 1966 civic: elec- tion, The procedure is required under the Municipal Act says Mr, Barrand but there never is anyone in the council cham- ber to hear the results. The clerk said that to date ho one has asked for a re- count, Candidates have 4 days in which to make appli- one and council has weeks, four cation to the county judge for jord Pilkey 7 Other than that. there were few exchanges of feelings ex- cept for. salutatory congratula- tions to the returning four in- cumbents by. the rejected seven and the retiring two (Ald, Murdoch and 'Ald, Richard Donald), A public works committee recommendation was adopted which said that the 1967 coun- ell should consider the con- struction of the 'culvert on Adelaide' Avenue East across the Harmony creek next year, The culvert, 'along' with a gravelled footpath, would de used ~! students attending the Eastdale Collegiate and would start from the intersection of Adelaide Avenue Bast and Wil: son Road North: PROHIBITIVE In a detailed study the works committee concluded: that the Nine Say Goodbye At Final Meeting. route would be used by stu. dents only for the current school term and the cost of construct- ing such a footpath and creek crossing would be prohibitive because of this, The cost of installing cul- verts capable of handling the heavy spring. run-offs in the creek was estimated at $21,000. Other alternatives would still cost from $15,000 to $20,000, the committee reported. The rate of development of subdivisions to the south of Adelaide Avenue would seem to indicate that Adelaide Ave- fue (across the creek) may be opened in 1967, The committee recommend ed that an adequate be constructed to accommodate students and the needs of fur ture subdivision development. Official Voting Total Released By City Hall Official voting figures in Mon- day's aldermanic, mayoralty, board of control and public utill- ties commission elections. were released today by city hall. There were no significant changes from the 'unofficial counting Monday in any of the figures, Mayoralty: Ernest Marks 9,- 581, ChristineThomas 5,583, Ly- man Gifford 4,250, Board of control; Frank Me, Callum 10,918, Margaret Shaw 9,896, Jones 7,991, Robé ert Nicol 7,913, Finlay Dafoe 7,828, John Brady 7,672, Cliff. Aldermanic: Gordon Attersley 10,525, Bruce Mac! 9,627, Gil- bert Murdoch 8,544, James Run« die 8,321, Charles Mcliveen 8,- 251, Norman Down 7,674, 'Alice Reardon Mage een, YW 037, Russell MoNoil 6,728, Rutt Bestwick 6,522, Ernest Whiting 6,321, William Paynter 6/188, William Werry 5,912, Alex Shes- towsky 5,850, Cephas Gay 5,760, Cecil Bint 5,707, Edwin Clark, 5,490, Louis Hughes 5,212, Jan Drygala 5,206, John Dyer 5,116, John Black 4,881, Eve Eyman 4,013, Fred Ellegett 3,694, 'Ed. ward Zalewski: 2,978, , Public Utilities 'Commission: Edwin Armstrong 12,701; Roy Fleming 11,467; Henry Baldwin 10,611;' Frederick Jones 9,211; ick Popham 7,838, « Sunday Sports question; Yes, 11,917; No, 4160, supported suc- Mrs. Best De Hart Rundle, Mr, cradidates Ald. Atlersiey, Mr, Murdoch, McNeil, Mr, Rundle and Ald Mackey Tiveen, Mr Dr DOLLS, CASH BRING CHRISTMAS Employees of Cole of Cal- ifernia admire dolls made by the Junior Red Cross and donated to the Osh- awa Christmas Cheer Com- mittee for distribution to weedy families: at Christ- mas, The Cole of Califor nia employees, represented here by Jean Huggins and Kay Bottomley, donated $72.58, which was matched- ed by the company, to the committee. The money was collected instead of the an- ' LW nual exchange of gifts Chatting with the Cole em- ployees are committee mombers Harold McNeill of Simceoe Hall Boys' Club and Harold Chesebrough, city welfare administrator. --Oshawa Times Photo

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