Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Dec 1966, p. 23

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it il RA aN A EE ESP CORSET RR ARERR RPE ed Sng reg Se OEM EEAEEE SATE TUNITY we ae toner 1 tte ata it coin nanepcemnn nme ay i ngiey 6A Ry PAR wie at aM PERERA yy sone * . reeves wae to } i Leslie, Murray Hofstetter, Jack)Rev. D. Arscott, of Courtice Ann, Hobkirk he THE OSHAW, Tuesday, December 6, 1966 9 OBITUARIES Baer, Jemen' Carson, Sprague |Unied church, ntermene wes| IM HLA WK WAY RESULTS 2 eee heey es 16 28. ' , Furey and Mervin Parkin, in Oshawa Union Cemetery. sizer. SIXTH RACE -- | Mile (Trot), Purse Bienen "g ELBRIDGE §. Ht. BAINES Home and School Association The honorary pallbearers me HOAN, me nc poral Mao, Eels senor, Sak Puree $900 AP ea ce ee a rclgnie, CRE "We The death occurred, wo! a bibl in FUNERAL OF were two , Lee and), nity Race --- 1 rot), PUrselmy Riddell, Elvis, Mac's Margaret, and Crusader, . 00 4.90 2.90 i 46 a sickness of three years, Dec.|School. She was a past presi-| Mas, EARL SHIPMAN [Clare Penfound. The _active|ti-tynaan candy, Waux 40 440 4§1|"Seconb™RAcR -- 1 Mile (Pace), tities oe geen wt 2 5, at Lager a S = dent o pet dived ag seer Whe funeral service for Mrs,|Pallbearers were two grande|*Crvste! Frast, hibaudau 470 2.90 Purse Oe Pea RH Steriod: Roy Me Spud. Chickmor, Uber Ne nd Wil Bronk, pidge 106 Oshawa Boulevard|David Reld Rollo, Nov. 14, 1963, {2&r! Shipman, Prestonvale|sons, Mark and Todd Penfound, sed se(taeerzene Au Pocey 2B Se) Seretcea Tatler pace =} Wile: (roms North. He was in his 90th year,|Mrs, Rollo is survived by two|Road South, Courtice, who diedjand William | Jewell, Alfred|She was prodecensed by f sie, dF ea pgal a crete TO ee eae ee OMLTe ateod sea Missttenes (Dee. 8, at the Oshawa General{Knowlton, Jack Penfound and|ter, Mrs. William Jacobi iy, Oration, : Macy. "Herrington ae x """ Hospital, was held at the Mc-|+orme cemounu, ' Vwi sey Se nee i a aoe State oe ve e roast wl Also surviving are four sis-|Intosh - Anderson Funeral) Mrs. Shipman is survived - hgrarel sg phi red , ian Meotagt a i ist] "Hial) Delsy > Hel, Jermite, ters, Mrs. Thomas McDonough|Home at 2 p.m. Dec. 5. her husband and a daughter,| arson or Seatveal ' 400 23) UB lttmn and nae b Neat for 4th postion. New and was mar:|(Ada) and Miss Elizabeth Con-| The service was conducted by'Mrs. 8. Penfound of Courtice. a if, @ " ; : ried in St, John's, N.B. He hadjway, both of Oshawa; Mrs. lived in wa for 42 years./Catherine Coleman and Mrs, A bridge mg 4 in NewjAnnie Thomson, both of Dun- Brunswick, Mr, Haines was ajdee, Scotland; a brother, Jamos foreman in the maintenance de-|Conway of Oshawa and six andchildren, She was pre ' St on ta eres wnere to Christopher of Oshawa and Wil- former Ida May Gray, Aug. 29,/liam of Scotland. Rigs " 1920, Mr. Haines is survived by| The memorial service will be two daughters, Miss Margaret|held at the Armstrong Funeral SD Eva: find. gitts for everyone caster, N.B. and Union Cemetery. Rey, G. W. C Stoney Ghook and Major Robert et gy OR Bib byteriai rch, condu Haines of Edmonton. the service, " ; FUNERAL OF 7 ' M y| CHARLES L, HINDMAN . a . The funeral was held Nov, .30 Ve : of Sault Ste. Marie; 10 grand-|from Northcutt - Smith Funeral oe | children and two great-grand-|Home, for Charles Leonard ' . children. Hindman, of RR 6, Bowman- ; The memorial service will be}ville, who. died in Bowmanville held at the Armstrong Funeral|Memorial Hospital Nov. 28, in Home at 2 p.m., Dec, 8 Inter-|his 69th: year. ment will be in Oshawa Union| He was born in. Waubaushene), : aon! : Cemetery. Rev. John K, Mofat,/and was the son of Joseph Hind. |" RR 1 i minister of Simcoe Streetiman and Dorothy Durnford, } ; ey ND United Church, will conduct the/both of whom predeceased him. : ; service. = hoger myctee Motors - > : CYR ployee, Mr, Hindman was for . oe some years secretary of the ¥ j m : ee ret is none Hampton Home and School ing, at the Oshawa General Association. He belonged to Hospital, of Cyril 8, Johnson, Maple Grove United Church. He is 'survived by a widow, ' byl : 131 Switzer awe He was in aa. aaa. Weeks 8 oan : Orville; a daughter, Mrs. - } re Gifts for the Home Holiday Fun Holiday Food Gifts for Everyone Gifts for Her PEM TTL EOL EC NEL, . Amelia John- r son, of Oshawa and the late|Muriel Goodmurphy, and a sls- WA OLE COOOL LLL LLL LALLA ELLE LEC EE LOL EL Samuel Johnson, the deceased|ter, Mrs. S, (Lottie) Jackson, : (of H ler, His brother, Cap- j < =; was born Oct, 31, 1911, in Eng-|! Hespeler $§ brother, Cap A Gift That MAKE A DATE TO Make it a A Christmas Gift The gift she wants. ae land. A resident of Canada for|tain Ross Hindman, was killed oy SIZES 32 AG Viet iis a had lived in Osh-|!n an explosion, : bes f Enduri Beau i car toe yeah, There are six grandchildren: By ALICE BROOKS Keeps On phi MERRIER 4 Largest Selection Xf FASHION WI Da An employee of Bho win a ee Ge aaa and Newest fashion success for Giving +s GEORGIAN CHRISTMAS of Tropical Fish in Town jo pe By in the paint Douglas Goodmurphy. FOR FLATTERY pane . e ia Crochet cozy gee yee Pir age with tasty Many Rare Species H AIRPIECES control department, He was a|_ The funeral was conducted by By ANNE ADAMS jacket of knitting worsted. ming tethe' wake: APPLES Available For Christmas Giving member of St, Gregory the|Rev. John Romeril and burial) ,, AST tashinal 'Sast, a' seat Jacket of squares -- crochet "ooh e ALSO i , Great Roman Catholic Church,|was at Groveside Cemetery,| F:A--T fashion! Just 3 mainione at a time, join into 3 fiat Se Aiutik. inka dienibae F A greot selection of acces- He fs survived by his wite,|Brooklin, Among the wreaths|Partt for slimming, skimming/pleces, sew together! Pattern gee sang <a Aig rom tories ond beautiful aquatic the former Margaret Celia here two from the General oe He with ey urst pin oe 7089: sizes 32-34; 36-38; 40-42; 6 ue Gk es plants. We specialize in the : Mais tas mother, . two 8 25-Year Club and Maple |*adiating rom neckline. /44-46; directions; color chart. Coetatinch endl Mew Yenre ALGOMA complete Installation and de daughters, Mré. Leslie. Dobos|Grove Church, Choose wool, knit. THIRTY - FIVE CENTS ve id Wind how A maintenance of aquariums for A gift certificate will (Angela) of Port Hope and Mist|_ Pallbearers were: Alfred) aifoo lay 1411614, 184i, 2004 (herrnoy teaser te pacern ine CERTIFICATE THE GEORGIAN ORCHARDS | offices, hotel lobbies, ond | 'solve Ry) Janet Johnson of Oshawa and a/Randie, Cecil Burton, Ralphion' 'sie 191, requires 2%lcare of The Osh i Champlain and Thornto bic aati hc how to give a, hairpiece.; son, David. Simpson, Keith Peters, Leonard/y aris 39.inch fabric, Needlecraft Dept, ¢ 'Froni| 10 Perfect Channels 709.4693. SENT BOXES OSHAWA eae Also gurviving are a sister,|Goodmurphy, and Robert. Bar-)" "hrory.ceNTS (50c) in coins|Street West, Toronto 1, Ontari Mrs. Richard Anderson|raball. Ha stampe, nlease) tor. tach |Gntaric Seabieutc' ead' ntario. (All Varieties) eS : A s 2c sales b) vee k pa) 3 sanity Dacre! FUNERAL OF pattern. Ontario residents additax, Print plainly PATTERN OSHAWA bs oh i in oe ae AQUARIUMS WO 0 DLYN geen MRS. MARY N. KELLY jc sales tax. Print plainly SIZE,|NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. CABLE TV o Celebrate ALGOMA ORCHARDS -- | 299 Simcoe Street South hg sc aemagy The 'memorial service for|NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE] 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL 7h3.8978 THE HOLIDAY SEASON R.R. No. 2, Whitby 725-4585 BEAUTY LOUNGE r. Johnson is at the Arm-/Mrs. Mary Neville Kelly, who|NUMBER. NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in Sack Gall Conti : 655-4961 81 'Simece N. 723-1143 Funeral Home for/died Dec, 2, at Hillsdale Manor,| Send order to ANNE ADAMS,|new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Ride With High Mass in St./was held at the Armstrong Fu-icare of The Oshawa Times,|Knit, crochet fashi afghans, 9 Church Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street |quilts, embroidery, toys, gifts, ect AY AXI oe ARTIST SUPPLIES Be A Christmas | ol West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Two Free Patterns, Send 25c to- WISH YOURSELF 7 |. Order Now for Christmas Easels --- Oi! Paint Sets -- "Belle". in a 'Holid FALL'S 130 BEST DESIGNS |day. -- lovely school, sport, career,| 12 kable hel 14 ALBERT ST. pad ant ly po r remarkable heirloom quilts MERRY Canales IANS Frodiorn: Tord FRANK HOAG Caves | joigge! ~ Moana HAIRSTYLE BY iy, . ment was in Glenwood Ceme-/glamor styles, all sizes, extra|-- complete patterns in color in " ,_ Friends are asked not to call/tery, Picton, where the commit-|features in new Fall - Winter Museum quilt Book Hy iting CHRISTMAS Rossland Rd. West bocher -- Reeves -- Wind- gen ten ea: at the funeral home before/ta) service was conducted by/Pattern Catalog. Clip coupon in|motifs. Send 60c. ith PARTY HELP Oshowa 725-6837 sor Newton. @ recent graduate of Bruno's shorioes. Prayers/Rey. Mr. Zufelt. Catalog -- choose one free pat-| Send also for Quilt Book 1 -- with a new Nect, efficient waitresses : at seg ot Aduaqund: ttle Dar [fine Pvp, taney | ee w complete pater We" | ECHO HOME | sists, Serauet. Wee | LIKE ARMCHAIR | Edger' Dacor Ce tre | Sli Bolom Solel" x ings, cocktail parties, Com- 1 q 4 Gan tar terion, Charing Bigs ih 34 King St. W; 723-7351 De fai a erranged also. Reserve now one & Wigs ond. Heirpieces °' N BIRD for private Banquets, Wed- For details on Gift Packs : eye Fj ee for New Year's, 576-1835. of SELECT APPLES MAKE IT. SALLAI~ °°. REAL ESTATE LTD. RED WING ORCHARDS "A TRAILER or ee HAIR ae | 723-0321 668-8941 BE.THE LIFE OF CHRISTMAS" 182 Simeoe Sk 725581 A THE CHRISTMAS PARTY EATEN STE LT LR NN RE Give 'Troller. Acsessbitds. - ey Tillie Ryan 728-2313 Learn to ploy the quiter, bess, {Gifts for Everyone i i the rtevelbieeiyory 4 Lillien Cameron 668-6762 end drums, Lessons now evails | aNeeeneMenenneNNeRNeN Miller Trailers feminine gift ef alt i able. Age no barrier, Phone: PERFUMES: 942-5282 -- 728-3892 had previously lived in Sud- GIFT SUGGESTIONS ' GIFTS FOR THE ' ad previously in Su GIVE * * * your ELMER S HOBBYIST : bury for 30 years and for a time FOR CHRISTMAS at Fick s "The Christmas Store Mode! Automobile, Airplane, 7 i Nov. 19, 103 at ape cla, Ont PICTURES ....from $9.95 | Rory he 3 ov. 19, 1929 at Espanola, Ont. CEDAR CHESTS from $80.00 THE FESTIVE LOOK with. Gifts Galore" wig Vay Biggest Selec: ctor, Got gift problems! Drop inte POLLARD @ Chanel An ardent hunter and fisher- , SMOOTH-TOP : Fetal ot fo sot asa ReTTae a, EGS | Shows Seni Coe lp aly years a | Oaette quite : 725-1023 Elrwer's yporenin Hewwa, 4 92 Simcoe St. N., 723-9512 miei Mr. Kryzanowski is survived | from $37.00 120 Simcoe St. N., 728-2361 ideos 'er The Shas terse ROMAN CATHOLIC McCORDICK: S$ by his wife, the former Mary ee sare" ong Pick-Up ond Delivery . a ARTICLES ETC. PHARMACY ' 4 Yakiwchuk; a daughter, Mrs. T . CHAIRS, vely assortment of Rosar- i Pome gb HASSOCKS, PLAQUES, gor UE SEASON ELMER'S ies, crucifix and nativity sets, | 560 Wilson S. 725-8711 | oe seggelh ogg Bag SMOKERS, MAGAZINE PARKVIEW Sabana Fred Buchowski (Julia) of Sim-| -- soma Png BARGAIN. HOUSE VARIETY STORE Gifts for Him or Her coe, Ont. and three grandchil-| WILSON FURNITURE Motor City Cab STORE HOURS: 98 Olive Ave., Mrs. V. Boch- ee a dren, Carol, Grant and Nancy| 20 CHURCH ST. ait ee 2 pape nt ae ee ASK SANTA FOR A Goodrich. | . " . " | bey Mendey | CAawnaRennnenenemerene| PONY FOR CHRISTMAS 2 The memorial service will be} ee A t ; CARPENTRY 725-1127 Closed all Dey Monday Meris [bought end Hea at 1000 cme' Dee, HIMES ~ ACHON rpwork--reccows | SRY ero .6h, | 253 BLOOR ST. E. etcemeeeemmeasiagaes] ests Hey Rev. R. Panczenko, pastor of| r ADDITIONS == ROOFING Seas Selerant . HILLTOP RANCH thocar Church, will conduct the! 7 : R. H. COMPANY | ** Skeend' apy OSHAWA FLYING CLUB HANCOCK. RD. service. Interment will. be in COURTICE Christmas ys Te with Christmes list, give: Aim er 728-7768 or, 728-5738. St. Mary's Cemetery, Oshawa. assifie~ds . 725-3219 HEARD'S TAXI ENJOY CHRISTMAS | here thing gift certificate |Poneneng are McLAUGHLIN RUTHERFORD'S ate oo eneeeas TV PROGRAMMING for os tow a8 $5, Wc om With Your Own Antenna @ Private and Commercial EM RENAE EL an we ee awe Me. "< io oroure, _ ny rn mp ughlin, Street, , room, Dining Room. , |Ne PIN A HURRY? Place @ Flying Traini Ty) ; died suddenly in Plant City, $499, $599, $699. Eosy [Nelo Wanted od now by cialing 723s@2| HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED é let mh yore 5 000 TREES Florida, Dec. & in his Tsth year | e U S O U terms, Immediate delivery of (MeMnnneneenenenner!® § T\/ TOWERS ' The son of the late James layaway. Gifts for the Home Oshawa Municipal Airport ON LOT Bg lg nN . a Sens So Y a . rm in Ennis- 186 Si th ; nt a Get A New TV Tower Order. Yours Today Chrysler Outboards ", Pruned Scotch Pines killen, He ran a general store : : in B r : and came to" Oshawa Ind A n yth INQ GET SPOT CASH SE PROGRAMIES T.R.1.0. fgg seed hanereesbpetiw Motors for ever 0 year | WITH TIMES OSHAWA T.V. TELEVISION See. Reo wk Sprayed eny Color. | He was a member of .a/ SUPPLY. LTD. Corner Bond and Division Special . . $488 For nominal Charge, Maseniec Lodge and belonged 10} Shdiin suns: Sehse thn Seail lelich dann, ahaa ACTION ADS RR ig its ty 728-5143 WILDE RENTAL SERVICE| 6.)0wa Garden Centre' banc 668-3226 | 1259 Simcoe St. N,, 7231161 OPEN EVENINGS u 728-1626 Nursery, Grown aa Street United C choca onvives or storage area lately? Well, chances are, if you ee | ALL THE LOVE a widow, the former Mary have you've probably noticed several articles that » and two sons, Raymond are of very little value to you now, but could be of GIFTS YOU'LL ADORE ASS See ee Gifts for Motorists ES senger gh alg some real use to someone else. ; ine os queseseeeuacestbeenes CHRIST a. There MAS w'Hle. was. predeceased b | ON EVERY FLOOR CLARK Give 365 Days of Motoring nd. Russell, The thing to do with these articles is sell them | Carpeting for the living ream, bedrooms end hells, A gift your Peeppetins and: Sorvion arn m TREES brothers, William and Russell. | : hoes rpeting ing reom, gift you ¥ The body will be resting at! fast . . . with an "Action classified ad in the OSH- whole family will enjoy. S TU D | O Oo M.L Aa Pruned Spruce ' the Northeutt and Smith Fu-| AWA TIMES. "Action" classifieds are inexpensive ND EXPERT INSTALLATION Sitti eppointment TMAS Gi ond Scotch Pine neral Home, B&B (onl ; FREE ESTIMATES A E NST, Le) ing by eppointment only CHRISTMAS GIFT . ' . Bowmanville, only 84c¢ based on our low six day rate) and read ALSO MEMBERSHIP: Prices, all sizes, $l from Wednesday evening. Fu- by people that you want to reach. © Custom 'Fromes Apply 18 Grenfell St neral arrangements have yet to | -GRAYDON winery eet oe 2 Saw eat af Bela ; 44 MRS. MARY ROLLO Why not, re in tomorrow @ éourteous "Ads 282 KING ST, W. 728-6254 325 BROCK ST. NORTH ONTARIO Poe as LEAGUE Shopping Centre Seriously sick for three visor" w' ppy to help you word your ad for 723-5203 728-8334 CHRISTMAS. TREES months, Mrs, Mary Rollo, for. fast results, This Year... Give Something CHRISTMAS ore ONS merly of 305 St. Elol Street, died this morning at the Osh- FOR THE HOME oe TF neh Tae MR RUNDLE . GARDEN: CENTRE, LTD. awa General Hospital. She was ae Pe vest at | CHECK THESE SUGGESTIONS © Pierced Eorrings e former Mary Conway, | Cedar Chests $78.50 Davenports $69.50 © Watches " 1015 King & 725.6551 © the deceased was a daughter of ; Mattresses $18.95 up Breakfast Sets $29.50 up @ Diamond Rings . MERCH ANT:- the late Christopher and Annie | Bedroom Suites $109 up Hostess Chairs $10.95 up @ Stone Rings : Conway. Born March 20, 1888, Desks $24.50 up Lomps $5.95 up And Many More Beoutiful cut spruce and, pine, 98c _v Reclining Chefs $64.50 up Rocker Swivels $29.95 up . cen . in Dundee, Scotland, she was Best Selection et Lowest Prices married there Feb. 15, 1917. A GIFT IDEAS This Space ' : from resident of met tor 48 years, CLASSIFIED A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR: PURCHASE GALBRAIT Available ahort time and had been a reri M. COLLIS JEWELLERS | For Your | dent of Oshawa for 43 years. os ey Pi) Fran | P HONE 123-3492 fi aan: oe FURNITURE CO, ied iaie eT Message Canadian Legion, she was ac- tive in this work es well as in eta

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