22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 6, 1966 it-stowrenttt for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |28--Room and Board 30--Automobiles For Sale 35--Lest an ond oud 38--Coming Events S4-_-Apartinants Yor Geet {26---Apartnents for Rent Fete" cme ue eu ee SINGLE ROOMS | MERCEDES BENZ |trvsraatan: Veet P| rE eee ieee a a a and BOARD TORONTO | : B| NG $ $ $ $ $ MUST able' Decomuer." Telepnone 7364319 Ore. Move, heat nd "hyare" tron ' 100 DAVENPORT ROAD - ee eTe $7,450.00 / . Pls Apply: mornin Tasos attr oF apply 504 | SU't one. or two people. Ava PPIY : FiO TNE THREESREDRGON aps TWO. ANG. THRERRRDROOM war 25 Division St. 927-5030 = . {ee _ Santa Comes SUBLET by Felepene, Taba Pater a "eas tnd RY te ai Foe COLBORNE STREET EAST, 87 -- Room CONVERTIBLE TOPS : | N PRIZES Sere ere seaslon G and board for gentleman, . willing to f EC TWO - BEDROOM i private| share, Close to north GM, central to Nylon $89.00 up Early To D : Ist. vind let. Did apariment,_ priyate|TWo ;, SEBROOM apartment, feonone | downtown, 6 Repairs to all makes of cars. church on Feige og Street Eval or telephone 7as7617, | 7200121. ROOM board for gen entiemen Antique upholstery and. re- ; Waid Sa IT WOULD BE | THREE COMPLETE. furnlsned reone,| WOM IBD ROOM. aparim, mt willing to 'share, single beds, "apply 79] ANtGue lO CREDI TORS beavers wilt sels cs giao lags) hasan adh ger oa ait rah rae = ee ae! Mescusromaurormm | AND OTHERS Oshawa eas " = if AF OYROR_FINERT RORTIC Wy | i re, Lunches to check into this 17 BYRON a, Wh =" Fworoar lf [backed Telephone. 728-748. Dove 668-8101 Exe. 655-4575 sas Salk ediee Lions Club Five-room apartment with bath. ¢ vail June 1, one bedroom apartment. rained WHITBY -- Central location. Shared or SQUARE @ Modern Building MP BRUCE. Two-room apart ri: | bedroom apa: " In riment bul ty. "Soord aheoat rt Nanaia. Cars bought and Sold JANET LOUISE McKAY @ All Conveniences vate tworplece bethreom. entrance. Steveling, refrigerator, stove, Brossleem in i aL All persons having claims ang. frig. $45" monthly |ihingrooms balcony. 'valible now." 724-|ROOM AND BARD for gentlemen. avai! MORLEY STALKER ee ial Bonus To Suh Savor : 'woman Call Stier? 6 P.M | 2256. Hl vin Ar ne packed, Apply | MOTOR SALES = Fela ty tla 0 2 Jackpots G Movi 1 PHONE BRIGHT, modern, spacious three - room ra aN te wall prowgl ~ hag Wg ROOM AND son RO for two gentiemen. 137 KING STREET W, Town of Whitby, In the Coun- , eae' tee vd » Everyone ing In , ished, heat and |ator 'and stove, neat. New six-plex, tre Lunches, packed. 11 Columbus area, Tele OSHAWA ty of Ontario, spinster, de- Nos 52 and 54 Notice of funeral Before Christmas General 'Motors. Bus st sear. Seteonens edi arn Bee | ROOM rs = wine Sera wine| (eoedee = 723-8311 ceased, who died on or about ' ERN the 25th day of August iMMEDIATE. POSSESSION 728-5282 see et iS YE nee a Ree here emia | On the Spot Financing | 4720 hereby tified te ONE MUST GO THREE - BEDI py oe main savedenr $120 Telephone 728-14) VAUXHAI 1 and 2 bed Suites THANEROON ape re tor PaRNIaNaD el newly decorated aig wen ee ae, ys feme oe Wout winen ca a "lot re a Pore a *. a i fared S200 ies 2 Nhe, OF lees 4 z raior| FURNISHED clean newly decorated |seven + Male or femal J ersona' epresentative © and stove, at 240 ed South or riments, tiving room, -- bedreom, | phone phone Ta49077 i948 SLBIMOBILE Starfire. Fvily| . the said deceosed on or be- glad Hasctitat ence : Information apply rw anh kitchen, refrigerator, stove, modern. bath. ROOM AND SGARD, lunches packed, Ipped, A-1 shape, Ma' tM i & AVALIER APARTMENTS FOR maT. ome * a Tacit, aut Seleneornoes: De. South dlatlet, Falepnone Ts631. faulppet Waiter sume, vareck "st 's,| fore the 22nd day of py @ FREE . Wayne Street, Apartment. 9, elena ainda IM AND BOARD for femsle teach Whitby, 660-8001, =, se Ph a nol - PLUS at the Armstrong Funeral ones DROOM erg let girl. 5 da Close to|i968 CHEV, Bel Alrsedan, 6 cylinder elr cigims, imi } ith funeral ioe in HEALTH CLUB VISCOUNT ely. with elestric hee nt nd en oid | NEWLY "decorated apartment, Bua atop. Rarewst 1 ant Saylor areer Tele-|avtoraticy .edio, 'newal, " iow mile-| after the sold date the said | $10 per line both nies | hiraday, December 8.8 a8 completely furnished, or two ly | usin elty, Tele-|/Phene age. Personal Representotive will 1 Gome 7:45 bina agin east ont of ty ROOM AND ety Inches pack-|s7 CHEV., 6 cylinder, motor, new! -- distribute te 'ossets of the beet ponte eed Minimum $5, 00 wise, wih lo . FURNISHED Tight Fouseteening room ed share room, |tires, $95, Telep! 725-954, P @ SAUNA DIPLOMAT od ig rapertaren Chee te, ert oer Sioa ¢ et tran man. ore rn close to sguth iW FORD Galaxy FORD Galaxy "i, exc el 4 =~ one noe ae Per Line 2 $25.00 Full Cord poly, 136 Elgin. Street East, 5762917. |ROOM AND BOARD for trom | smickss redlaiors all car paras Late] Shall then have notice. $150 Jackpot Game ; T 'orn STEAM ROOM ments with Nertia Aoely 136 Elgin Street Bast. AMBASSADOR Gelimming peels fencha-in playground. #2 Fa ROOME crore GM. office or, tectory, Good, meals models our specialty. Courtice Aue} Dated at Oshowa, Ont., this | 20 Regular Games et $20.00 swimminy 1, fenced-in_ pia' ind, 822) TW: Glen Street or call Wea. Hight oveakeoping, Includ Including stove, re-| Telephone 7230 Wreckers, 723-5238, 17th day of November, 1966. Double in 15 Nos. or less @ SWIMMING eae oben 6 THUNDERSIND TARRACE -- Oh Di, al gentomn any $13 sin, contrat one [50 Automobiles for Sele | DELTA Oldsmobile Celebrity" Ca NATIONAL TRUST CO., Lest 5 Games $30 per gome POOL 2 inewe 2 suites 'with 'Uilifies toate hse share small house with working on YING A CAR? romere trunk relense," "asking $3.50 Pr Pri. 32 Si UMITED. ADMISSION 50c . sv fe f m broadloom in halls @ inter statically controlied In each room, under. of your own, furniture provided, BUY! vate. 728-7831, Oshawa, Onterie. Oia dedan Wil Moe ane com @ F.M. @ Balconies round Park available, 10 Nonquon food. costs Yanared, njoy the space of 8 SAVE DOLLAR used Road phone. 728-972. ause. 660-8747 evenings or weekends. cars, '55's and gg hE, By meni ond Simcoe Streets at iy, "Slcartoor 7 et 1oen8 & ae @ $99 ond up @ | NEUES. CORSE SONNET OC eee ion. FOUR - ROOM apartment, in private| BASEMENT apartment. Reasonable, Pri- TRY Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 BASTEDO, 7:00 and 7:18 p.m. 9H. ra" @ Free Hydro og hi able. Children. over|vate entrance. Two gentlemen preferred oor B. Close to shopping centre and |Dame Stree "Telephone atier «pins gf youn le. Apply S87 Harmony Ré. - ~~ 32 Simcoe St. S., Prayers iM @ Oshawa's Largest all schools, 728-9987, Saturdays anytime. T Yaxidae otter 6 iar MQWARGH." "aula, and powered, ' Oshawa, Ontario, | The biggest prize money {tome Suites ELLMA 1 heir Solicitors herein. | 798.4283 Sennen omar enOND PLaOR, marie 2 lca etre r Soicters hare. | inthe area for oS0e | Kindnen baend Fi A i ML arage Included, Adults only, central. i Pa within reach of a" » French Provincial TWO - BEDROOM apartment, built-in elephone 725-0492. cellent condition, low down payment, admission charge stove and refrigerator ori Fe | patil Easy terms. Licence 85080. Wellman . ge. Kitchens Apt. 111 | available. Located on "Eigin Cour"? Please |FURNISHED apartment, bedaliting MOTORS LTD. |for Rambler. 728-7351, | GERROW telephone 72 kitchen, private bath and Wired | 1948 OLOSMOBILE Jetstar, 4 door, hard: OF EVERY WEDNESDAY | FUNERAL CH APEL 340 Marland for and . Busin Indoor Parki THREE eat Smart self contain: preferred, Heat, hydro and 7% '4 For the BIGGEST jfop, power brakes and steering, mist ae : Sa, fetal Bat paring Socom NOR" einer. Ras. SAVINGS th town's: «Rede bee bmtae LAND All Proceed to Charity, | 390, KING STREET ee Gis Regency Towers sownanvici sean gana MEREPRORN the"ed, "eaciger| iach' or Yate SAS BY TENDER ldepnone 1208 e Parking ne 349 MARYLAND AVE. mediate Aonly Te Liberty 'Street S gin gee Went, hwar ntl ashi or e ° e PRIVATE. SALE. i986 Uincoln Premiet,| rue CORPORATION OF THE J ubjles Pavinen four-door, fully powered, In good 725-2227 TWO" ROOH Dasa aerial par | ro" RDROBH oral seta) "266 RAMEETE aor [emoe Meum "<1 the Comeretin of te cy | _IN Jo ly furnished, private entrance, near. south | entrance. One school age child welcome, rar -- TEN PERFECT Rental Information Premier 1 Maors and shepping centre. 165 |tmmedisie. possession. "Telephone even-| hardtop 327 engine automa- | CHEVROLET weet wort, emer) of Oshawa hereby invites 725-9453, Inge. 728-046e tie, full power, 8,000 miles, |guuleeed. excellant "orate inde or fers for the purchase from It 321 MARYLAND AVE | tinwe-noom APARTMENT, ervetelFo SUBLET, fwobedroom partment, oi uy Lic, Ne. sarap. uae "| of the following land: | CHANNELS see i] > i CALL 728-6722 azrance pat alanis October | sfove: and ratgnrter eraaizon, cal] Hee919 LIENS PAID OFF, We iy E "Gowh.| Parts of Lots 4, 5 ond 6, Plan Taleb aw hy A . jo dow' LMJ AVAILABLE DECEMBER 1), Duviex off : ° Choose from over 40 cars. ' Fikexl, ne P5I}] | tate, tic tees EEE RE elec tece| REDUCED $1,000 ae Bat OR) es ee Yee | i ete fas ae fhe and hydro supplied. New. |parking. Adulte only. 725906. reese [Grand tor Phone Whey a7"! 1966 RAMBLER fering asker Sim, west comer of King Street | ENTERTAINMENT |. "a rking. Adults only. 725-3026. Ground floor. Phone Whitby 668-276. _ body fa Ir, 668-4430 evenings, Ask for Jim.» 'ae re oe ee ee supplied. New- | parking only. SUBLET, Whitby. Twobedroom eper) Ambassador DPL. Hardtop 'a SNTIAC Parlilewne iwedeor here | West and Thornton. Road. E N tg ee ge A THREE-reom, self-contained irtment. 380-385 GIBB ST. Avaliable December 1. 107 Kelth St. pa 327 engine, automatic vinyl , Vib, automatic. Licence 42278. Btfec-| Site has 10,560 square feet, SPORTS Whitby, 668-4379. ming, poo, Demegs "depen Breve. roof, fell power tow mileoge: the unit December 4, $1498. Ted Cem | is zoned C-3 ond fronts 87 pit viee, apartment a tae uy z. Lic, No. Fir ALL CARS must be cleared by y, December 2 See 1346" on | Relayed directly 19 yout OSHAWA'S trance, | Immediate possession, ioreee, Wienite et hey ateben. ver REDUCED $1,100 |15- "closing "tor, Holldey 'Season, For a| rhomton Road, | home vie interference free in halls, ample [ely decorated, Taunton Road East. % 1 ave. Telephone Tp Rag pm. genuine dollar saving buy, see Ted Cem-| Offers for the purchase of the Cable TV. INEST spoce, close to Shop- CSuPLRTHLY iran snc rats 1966 RAMBLER Hien Motors. newe. ______| ebove land may be made en F pre, "Apply. or tele [Geena one (ccghoray ines, (OUR MONTEL (te cease) 580 4 Dobe, vB, automatic fo Fe ie Rp Rag gl nade eda hae doo sol _ ' a de ebove numbers, [water {ofyaro. end Neat. $00. Telephone |spaciment, modern bullding tee flear.| radia only 9,000 miles bal- |7/ Buckingham er phone 723-7187. pose by the Property Officer, Ph N } APARTMENTS 728-7643 after 5.p.m. 2 bathe. Saacioye rome, steve, frig. 6 sone eto mweceemmecene: | 4th floor, City Hell, Oshawa. one Now [728-7663 after Sem. _____|imonthiy, 'services included. 723-6 ance of new car warranty. |ise PONTIAC Sirato Chief, Two door,| Thy cioeine ote for tence ag pimtgigerdnd «2 apartment, avaliable rw BEDROOM apartment. Avallabie| Lic. No. 87.457, ° V8 automatic, radio, white walls, under-| | closing date for t rs qa place INDOOR FUR spertiment, eg ge 9 tli tg Re go $2,295 |sgeting. $2.80 or best efter. Telephone! is 5 p.m. E.S.T., Monday, your order HEATED URNISHED Jeniery Pe ene auntnanitdlaad Cray: |Diant, "Telephone. 723-5482 ' aS SeaTi sg | _Ducember 12th, 1966. All soi je Apt. " iat PONTIAC "gonvertibie, '327, floor shift.) offers shall be sent to L. R. POOL APARTMENTS [rreres "oivee certine, voleeorc ely privat sauna fiesr modern xit| 1966 AMBASSADOR Suciet seats, "Youonme. teers Borrand, City Clerk, City Cable COMFORT heated, peer 'shapping centres 720-ses. [erent yn Plenry of cusnoerds, gerege,| 990 4 Door Stati OT [crane peed, mechanical canaliions Taate,| Mall, Oshawa, in.@ sealed en- FOR modern apartment In| 725-7987. 11,000 miles, fully equippec. tires, Apply Russell's Texaco, King} velope, clearly. marked "Ten- CONDITIONED FOURRGOM apartment private bain,| New. Cor warranty. Lic. No. ast at Darlington, or phone 723-0851. der for Land' and shall be ip Fogg RENT duded, Immediate posses fp la cath Net oan wer ee| X8237. 2.895 |i THUNDERBIRD, convertible, @,| accompanied by a certified PHONE 723-5278 Double windows for, role wen "aduls env. 7A@1.___| hasiy #2 Sicon Sirest North. ° $2, rater ain" "™ | deposit cheque payable te | Oe Cable TV THREE-BEDROOM apartment. in private : Ji, 2 Se 10% of the amount offered, snawa Capie Apply 82 Simcoe S$! mediate jon, Apply oT" Marlend bo stat In each suite. AT Kye Apt 107 er telephone 723-6134. home. Close fe jeneral Motors.) 1966 RAMBLER | served. tek 5s ae : titst] The Corporation of the City OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY |THREE-ROOM apartment. peal = amen) cea' Door, 6 cylinder, |7i-eomD Galaxie 800, V4 aviomatic| Of Oshowe reserves the right SAT. end SUN. 11 @.m,-7 p.m. Gren ell Pita "BY Alber Set or flphone 7 Item. ves or Tate Rant Acs piece s| standard transmission. New | power brakes and sieering. Good condi: | to refuse ony or all. offers R | N | = ed sige threes aSarimanhy "clowe "tg\""Wanted" ed and get it! Dial Bae Car. warranty. Lic, No. | flon, Telephone 726-2924 after 5:20 p.m. | whether such offer is the Stesss Pe mnayet Ge eo S vare cusassan Souneiens bos aegis | now. H92619, $1,995 MOST Seu -- nad aera Rieeeie: highest or not. soko DRIPRO HALL now, ; our door one P, G. MeDANIEL keane Why. Both, q runnien SHED Tworsem 'spariment, hear 27--Rooms for Rent cM oe ta hard oor Eos Property Officer EVERY TUESDAY -cSealy rinsed) by oy tan aah dnugtter. tn Bh Hh acd 1965 RAMBLER jephone 723-4702 NOTICE 7:30 P.M. 723-5111 ones SRESUDAGe--s A a ATTRACTIVELY AcRtasder S00, 4 oer, 6) ee eee NE aa rials nd drapes. No damage Sepout ay 'Avaliable , p 160 CHEVROLET, A-l condilon 850.| Toke notice thet the under- 'All: leila aarmasdh® --ZX TASTING TRIUTE December 1. 170 Park Rd. South. 723 FURNISHED ROOM cylinder, automatic, radio, jor best offer.. Telephone 668-3276, reg go 380-385 GIBB ST. jaa © © Available In private home. | in spotless condition, Lic. No. |'a METEOR Va aviomatic. 1am orig | Sioned shall net be respon. seas drama For Permanence end dignity Call between Sand 7 p.m. | 317.771. ee eh cee fia bébett toy any parson with ee $20 onsinien = PARKWOOD ohene aos ther: 82 PARK RD..N. ONLY $1,995 must SELL. "76 Chevrolet, four door.) out his authorization in writ- Good' service for greater woariment Ta 728-867 | 1965 RAMBLER tery, Sih, Telwohone Tas. | 06 Dated at Oshawa the and attendance. 660. Stationwagon. V8, auto- ine CHEVROLET coach, black, aute- y of December A.D. 1966. FREE ADMISSION rivate caine, Parking over : | MANOR Str anon ase nn AY De ungelow, Tenants tor anare iret feers| matic, radio, new car condi- | malic, 20 regi Wii waTMiepnane 7s an yin ~ aga DNIPRO HALL 723.2633 LOCKE'S FLORIST Te ROGNT copsiwant "Wait contal bony entiemen' preferred. Apply $16) tion Lic, No. X8418. 4887. NARD J. ROBERT, of 4h Cont AP ARTMENTS My cee ROO a apartment uit, sattcantain Wines hak ater 6 Rn, $1,995. lise BcvMOUTH Serlonneaon, Be re] i [ CEONARG a) aRT, of ry a Cora Corner Bloor and Edith Sts. ' igh 9 cl vunero a ' Very central, Couple only. Apply 14 Ash| TWO NICH large rooms in new home, i! ied ith Good bod . Tele APARTMENTS Saguenay Ave. pa -- fone te ee ne ce | 1965 RAMBLER phone 44307 ier Sam By etveng trai | "apne EUCHRE | fee floral {renames for. ell 1221 Simece St. N. 725-9934 Bochelor, 1 and 2 bedroom |Pacamber 7. Suitable for couple. Small|LARGE atfraclive furnished bedroom Inj 550, 4 Door 6 automatic, one | 31___Compact Cars for Sale =n ;_ Without my written consent, Woedview Community Centre 5 opts. Available immediately oa aaa oe oatabiter a i feges Serrely tecies "oniye, ABBY Wt owner trade, fully rere , ROGER A. MeQUAID, RR No, 3, Bow- WED" pre. N OSHAWA Fine sv For Prestige Living for edults only, Lowest rents |Central, Call 728125. mornings 91:00," |Ritton Road S. Telephone 728-2767, $1.995 | ZOLTANAND NICK'S Sarah oe Nee eepenaibe for any ; pis | 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE In town! ONE-BEDROOM apartment. Avallabie |MAIN FLOOR, large double: ream si : Your Authorized Datsun on er after this date Decembers, 1944 Lane ola Weta 728-65: Call 728-1678 days | December Newty eer eelceny. Apniy |tngs telephone 728-7130 atter_ six. 1964 CHEV and Fiat Dealer babe dian dindalyess <-¥ "Admission SOc After hours 725-7928 LA CONTESSA and 728-9217 evenings | superintendent, a 5, 108 Craydon Read, FURNISHED ROOM, private kitchen and} Stationwagon, V8, automatic, Specializing in Volkswagen Ss ih a wnitoy. ar Uk, Stree aren, "avaliable ne:| power ateering, excellent con- Repair and Service '38--Coming Events NEW hs TWO - BEDROOM vaper, duplex. leun- 73 Rea dition. Lic, No. X9605. 160 Simcoe South KINSMEN BINGO CARD OF THANKS APARTMENTS WYNNBROOK town "heat "snd water supplied." Advis pany tag ROOM for genTiogan $1,895 | 728-0051 | Central Council of No, 51 -- $250 : ' 20 gigaspaces cease ; aaa No. 55 -- $450 "APARTMENTS (Ome sol DROOM apartment. Private cate 1963 PONTIAC SABYAN | | Neighborhood Association SEE SATURDAYS AD refrigerator peuamaon upstairs apartment. Sep- i le Teaye walk arate entrance and bath, In east Oshawa,| 2 Door, 327 engine, stondard 2 controlled . H 3 nde MOTOR SALES LTD. EVERY TUESDAY 7:45 fencer Bay - by Modern electrically Ing distance from hospital. benenal | monthly, Avaliable immediately. 728- tren, achenicall Mehl tangs thy ole $1.00 ADMISSION e Free hydro end electric heated two bedroom ONE AND Two-BmDR 'Spariments| MODERN twobedroom, 2 bathroom) 176682 New and Used Cors In new building, Gouetnons 80 Willlam| apartment, $130 monthly, heat, hydro In- 49 334 RITSON RD, S. od 1 $1 F 5 | apartments. ie West. Telephone 725-9928 or 728- one, Children migecs. ---- pend 723-3461 vane Scth , Two turnisnea iitcnen with sink, | ROOMS FOR aT, nightly end weekly; 1960 CHEV Open. Evenings AT @ Swimming Pool For appointment call wove, 'and refrigerator, one | jady pre rates, A Apply Queen's Hotel, 47 Simese} 5 Door, ri standard, for wean | "VOLVO and PEUGOT | BIRTHS @ Rec Room 723-8771 FURIGREE -RPARTRRRT WON Wires |ELEANcontorOO room, suable tor pag > aia te MERCEDES BENZ OSHAWA CIVIC |, sucnanan --_witienn and merthe piece bath, Will sult one or two persone. (nee Urie) are happy te announce the No children, Close to downtown. Pr pnone + 5 i @ Febric Droperies fo" Tat mareeate a awceihak. $795 General Repair and arrival of @ daughter, sane Mat Marie 4 paar after 5 p.m. . ing, : FURNISHED lichen and one bedroom! Auto-Electric Service . A DIT Ri NM tos, on Friday December 1966, © Close to shepping, school | TWO old alert, Alas, lnmeomy. "Tee|ferame or tue seniomn. Absa 8) MANY OTHER MODELS | Joke and Bil's Garage ¥ Rt i, ler fr Gabon Liem. any EE THREE - ROOM Un | FURNISHED gate are ere teams] TO CHOOSE FROM | oghawa "Sy 38.0901 | Friday, Dec. 9th >) rosary -- nanaie and sige 'nee Veerald Waalen aarie aaat Privets| avelishie ot, te' Gu Motel. Tele 4 a ic a eva le # ewe VISIT Modern 1, 2 and 3 bedroom '|entranee, bath, Parking. Close to, south | phone 7239761. (= CORVAIR Monta, automatic, red e@pertments. Two bathrooms, nd bus stop. One baby TWO SINGLE ROME. silt Two gpnite, [wn bucket seats, back- oe lights, 1964 Lm, at the a al inced- 584 Str |motor, new tires, Telephone after 4.30 @) 1 Hospital, Man LA CONTESSA bulla roeiees saath -- UNFURNISHED taps een tae or Telephone "abaat9 mornings'. 723-2050 |.m. 668-6627, ver ceria: are borate = : Vote. betnroam. Central Park: South ere. | eee ELLMA ies ek Guam Wer een On| VANDERMALE--Tony and Nellie (nee ir D ror wire 140 Nonquon Road Telephone 725-0657 _|\e'chieren. Yeennore Tavs Oeivern|kanew fines, "erty Ww] AGTORe LTD, --_|taeobone Mesos" $5,000.00 sacha hele a" hen my or 728-2226 ikaw ow ea te worker 574 Crerar_Ave. 1M VAUXHALL Create, runs well, good U % | 7 Ths., » December 4, 725-1481 Ui SERA ee UME Same ee ae] «= Nonquon Rd ah ge eo | RZ RG | ae ine Et eal Ho e FOR RENT * oe fea aie Fadi ne, two men or working couple.; Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room [two : BEDROOM Ronn GnGLE-ROOM TOF Fant nat eemieman 728-7351 oo +H Al | $1,500 Jackpot i ; : : fe ive-ton, SHELDIAN | $e. Sek. ss He |S Sa ceheemeae een, meme -- Shaina Same wicteatitin 68 $500 Snowbal DEATHS ues, rl, 10:30 a.m. to | SBie Lathe her reet East. $30 MO, [and holst V-8 engine, "18,000, pound 're . 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m. 773-8844. LARGE FURNIGHED room "with fet a a ed IL A ce. clare, trate $150 Special Game . or in, as mission, x le offer. Bisie MANSIONS LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION Neer Reteas poem Geareneny, Be north Bi se. Roos Petvies your 'choice! Telephone 723-5387, 11 am. + 4pm | $1,000 Escalator \anee eon aba A tenathy IRAseb at ruc it. ~ ve. tices awed - 885 OXFORD STREET = oe Sr ngOuARTahed COMPLETELY FURNISHED housekeep- BILL BENNETT |: 'throughout' 'Reoscnable" Ai cond! 20 Regular A asad {fhe soerporough, it al ONE apartment. Ing room, sultable for one or two gentle- MOTORS cepted. Telephone 728-5075. $5 each Within 'eats Distance Me CHEV. "one-ton Cd KEMPENAAR ~ The family tate Air, Suitable for one or wane | F men, All conveniences. Apply 303 Pacific . OR Spey ings and i 'ro gente 'Apply rk Road South, Phone 725-0803. ay WG Lan cuev. Witenene 8-3 ace ~ pick-up. 9 Early Bird Games Motors or THREE ROOM, selkcotaiad, hosted | CENTRAL, 2 Grew off King Bes. tr 3-03 ise CHEVROLET, on, sake Twas! 5 Late Games $50 each . . partment, private entrance and bath. | fo) Guiet gentieman. proving abete uae: ri with 19 pietform and rack, Good cond! ' Stew @ No Gomage deposit 12 ROOM HOUSE Inseeie, ofSreaet: vice ane | re. naw MORE CASH ee _.|._ Admission $1.00 (receive one |Srieti Schumacher, Me Mahan, Jere tae ¢ required 162 COLBORNE ST. | icnea auBasaia cae ticker wok SINGLE ROOM. furished, rj iaales @| Paid for Good Clean Cars. tie habeas ; Wanted | card for regular games). ine Jarrett "Scarborough" Chapel, 666/710) ar ei Sudan, onal @ Swimming. Pool Soa AGIAN | cluded. 'Parking Clee "0, south Gener Paces diote fp north GM oF hosplta,| Trade up or down. Liens paid. | <7 Beyaz) NTED | a! 95c double cerd--> ium. eid from Charles Randall. AIRE elephone. 7258150. CARS WANTE Snes 28c CE CE ee rs we avanch Sa *Kinaten Ra Rickey Pelishok scored the oe prereset §6DODD MOTOR SALE t 308 BLOOR STREET WEST -- Furnished s Buying A New Car ? except jackpot. Would be greatly epprecia only goal the -- as ONE BEDROOM APT wae he SERRE SORE ¥ -- Cor Dealer ond "Save". AY Alexandra Mariae and Geverat Nos-| Local 1500 beat Bathe-Mc- k ' A and P. ; ay door, electric heat, free ser- [A ® |Piee erator, stove, television, single Teds, "Your RAMBLER Dealer" 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 double cords. Mrs, Chester Ferrier r egana Dave Wilson and Dan Good- @ Free Parkin | japartment, downtown location, Available | : iM. Id. 9 872. : ______| December 15. Apply Black's Ladien Wear,|SINGLE ROOM, completely furnished: NICOLS Mstors Limited |gharge for towing. Telephone 774484. Share the Wealth---7:15 pum. | Binder, Oshawa. and John. Pinder, Gox| Banks Wlooring scored a 3-2 WHITBY, 200m self-contained apart-|227 Kendal Ave, Just West of Thickson Rd SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. cars : God . iment Mafland Cemetery, jerich, | George Goulding scored & goal 1-9 P.M. 1 end 2 bedroom apartments, | TNS EDROGM | setrivart tn wove, dre sh Apply 162 Colborne Bast after 4 iy, Hea ond Wate Wectuden, Setter: The cost of this After Bingo. @ Mode! suite furnished by * Wilson's Furniture Store ROYALE @ FM Music and ' FREE ONE-BEOROOM seine, ete ith Kitchen, #rig., steve, shower. 314 PARK RD, SOTH lier Com ONE MONTH'S RENT ay daliabi Inn orn Ten' minutes from South Sell your used car to "Ted" $100 in Door Prizes PINDgR, tre Emie Cay edged Local Two Bathr incall foe ' TWO - BEDROOM electrically heated, bd Bathrooms in all | Clean, quiet building. Bus ot Smee area," Pe pgpbenn se Te share with one working e yA. M. M, @ 'on Monday, Dec. 5, 1966 Deloved|Tellan got .single goal from vices, walk-out balcony 725- (SELF - CONTAINED, heated 3\s-room) $109 'weekly. Mary and Hill croft. 728-3109, pane *ILeundry facilities. Close to bob pertewn. Telephe On Highway No, 2 pert, iene Regular Games---8:15 p.m. [erich. Service at 2 p.m., Thursday, De |win over Keith Peter Realty as bought parts for sale, tron, and metals HAINES, Elbridge 5, each for Banks while Larry Available onytime. To view |and paved parking. and LEASING 6:30 pam, 7:00 p.m, 7:30 | Men beloved tus jscored for Keith Peter, FRED STONE , Hawkes defeated Rangers 6-1 General inere.. © One or two girls or 723-9421 9421 Talk "Cash to the New Plus 10 Turkeys tee shi A a a RO 1-0, 2 & 3 bedroom suites Rand P. Telephone 723700. TED CAMPIN MOTORS All games will be ployed en |Mite Gf the. late. Walter Pinder nanan |WANTED -- Cars tor wrecking. Ne downtown, Telephone 576-2105 e apply oe rf, A fae - J jcember @ at Stiles Funeral Home. Inter! Andy Cawker, Jim Miller and Mase. SUETE OPEN APARTMENTS [Passi iar Ws West. a oe with sink Very can! Whitby 668-3331 |Bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. | BUSES } | TWO-BEDROO? in apar aot |RURNISHED. or unfurnished rooms. tor USED CARS 34--Automobile Repair Leaving Bond and Simcoe St. : Hicks and Frank Donevan The first five families signing ster 7 pm. 0 'Availob! leoses receive something Please telephone 728-5282. | FicseoROoM eparitienl, S100 moni at) 5 HARRY DONALD Brooklin Phone 655-3653 ane 8:00 pm... Avonerte on a threegualt by Clare: Hi wa, Ara, Mac i -- lel) Lancaster, NB. Oshawa, special. FIVE-ROOM apartment. Avallabie Jany-| tained. 1247 Dundas St. East, od, daily for one 4 Arai Noberine : : . © . Se. | Bright and ale by John 728-7942 ary 1, Telephone 723-181! mornings 9| Telephone 668-8979 or 728-7680. J y jobyrt Haines ot eemonten, Alta.. Demareski, Victor Jenkinson > eveni Pinfitt Resiee W,. DO | 90th' year, Rest! t the Armstrong. F " Fil sane tt eying faaaaReon a eet COMPLETELY FURIAGEE tree ream See S ANT- ADS. N'T ay Home Oshawa with tuners serv-iand Wayne Bolahood while paying eperiment, heat, sup-| ba: Sperirments | grivete entrencs. You're seading| Oshawa and Whitby. ~ Dial Tem sow ter 8h ad-writer! piled, $100 monthly. One child Avail (Reip you phres an ac. Ficphsne 725-8448 after 6 om. ieee Cornel of vi No. yeor. Too smal! | | to be noticed?| ond Thickson Rood between | -@ Automatic Transmission | . @ Crankshaft end Valve COST -- THEY PAY {i223 cheeel on Thursday, December | Ranger's goal came from Ross 723-8321 Service. Camatery. McDonald. . 4 5 Fy i