Launching New Business Takes Imagination, Know-How By ROBERTA ROESCH "T'd like to. earn money at home, #0 I'm in the market for afew suggestions for selling ," Writes a reauer; "At the time I have about 30 new dresses that are up for sale. I also have some wr ustite tant as ees lent condition. "I've told my neighbors I am dresses and have asked them to spread the word, But I_hayen't nibble What do you think I should There are several things that woman can do, For in- stance, if she is looking for a term arrangement that will last just long enough to enable her to sell items she no needs, she can advertise ' in classified sections newspapers. PROMOTE SALES On the other hand, if she wants to go into a short-term selling project that has regular for several days, she can take a cue from the Garage Sales that were so popular in suburban areas during the past season, In the winter she can advertise a Basement Sale and, . for a period of several days, have her basement stocked with clothes or other items and open to the public for specific hours. If a basement shop appeals to a woman for a long-term home enterprise, the following things are essential to the es- tablishment of a successful home business, First, aias out a seiitying or appea name, such a 'Sue New ar New - To. You Shop.' Let your imagination im prove on this example, Then, after you select a name and have your plans in order, check with your local zoning board so your business won't be| =" stopped because of community ordinances, Third, create a decor and disy play that is so outstanding and distinctive that people will want to come to your shop. Once you have them in your inner sane; tum, offer retail stores competi- tion by making sure that people see bargains that are too good to pass up. Let customers know about r basement business by launching it with an open house, a morning coffee, a cheese-and- wine-tasting party, or what. you will. After you get it launched, keep the business in front of the public by promoting it through advertising, bulletin board no- tices, announcements at local meetings and word of mouth. Label your merchandise with price tags that will. sell it. If you are in doubt, about what to charge, seek advice from people who are experienced at pricing or selling new and used clothing or other items, Hang' on when you know: that you have a good thing, and re- mind yourself daily that success takes time. GRANNY GOWN the long gown for sleep- wear is destined for -popu- larity this winter, reversing the trend. of youthful day- time thigh-high styles, One manufacturer does this in an almost. medieval mood of soft brushed tricot of acetate and nylon. Exciting details are the soft bosom shirring under the wide inset banding of brushed filigree lace, and thé wide cuffed sleeves thrice lace- banded. The gown is machine - washable, drips dry, needs no ironing and comes in pink, aqua and maize colors, --~By Tracy Adrian The romantic appeal of THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Don't waste time on non- essentials during Wednesday's early hours. The aspects then will be highly propitious for get- iting 'big' things done, so make the most of them. During the iin.m., there. is.a.possibility of receiving some news irom afar; of interesting communica- tions generally, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your chart. shows fine indica- tions which should net monetary gains, career advancement and increased prestige before an- other birthday has rolled around, You may have to work a little harder than usual to igain all these benefits, and shoulder a few more res} i}. ities, but the extra effort should not prove too burdensome and the results will be very much worthwhile, For instance, there is promise of both job progress and financial gain between now and mid - February; further monetary progress in April, the first three weeks of September and throughout October, Novem- ber and next. December, Fur- ther good cycles on the occupa: tional front: The first three weeks of March, the last week of September, the first three weeks of October and all of No- vember and next January, Do be conservative in business mat- ters during the first three weeks of March and in June, however, | Personal relationships should jbe exceptionally har. |montous during the nest 12 months, with very strong em- cessful journalist, musician or business executive, on sentimental interests, est periods along these lines: The latter part of this month, February, June, late October and next December. Don't take May, September or November "romances" too seriously, how: ever, Creative workers in all lines will be star-blessed this year, with exceptionally profit- able periods indicated in May, September, Stars dv ee pe stich is the wav af travel, except for short trips, during the next 12 months, but if you want to take a longer journey, the early part of Jon- uary, the first three weeks of next May, November and De- cember will be highly auspicious for "taking off." A child born on this day will be endowed with the qualities needed to make a highly suc- NEED MORE DENTISTS There is one dentist for every 3,000 people in Canada, com- red with one to 1,700 in the inited States, PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE CONTINUES at NU-WAY RUG (Oshawa) LTD. 54 CHURCH ST, * it HEATING PADS Economy Pods, 3-heat switch' wosheble caver with dome fost oe cataaaa ies DOT ners for ) Christmas With cord and holder Relieves Muscular dvore B49 Sexe o/ Bay /eryul/TRASE ALL. TYPES OF HAIR tarmerns 8.95 ~ iN Sy\ sParmpee Tip jet uLtIN YY u 14.99 125 AFTER SHAVE Our Fine YARDLEY Ay YARDLEY Christmas Gifts from Yardley has Lavender Sprey Mist end Talc, Also available in Enchant her with o lovely gift set BLACK LABEL 1.50 Choose an Elegant Gift From AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC BLANKETS 'PROVIDE WARMTH WITHOUT WEIGHT FOR RESTFUL SLEEP Fully eutomatic with 2-yeer guarentee. Dieble Med Mas Singha Courrel Breathe Bad ian Bewbhe Comte 'SPECIAL 17.99 19 ph oe UAIMANT OR EMERAUDE PARFUM de TOETTE TORET SOAP 2.50 3.75 See the Complete of Gloriously Boxed Coty Gitt Sets "Prices Start at 2.00 BROXODENT GILLETTE with RAZOR BAND TAMBLYN YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH IS OUR FIRST CONCERN SUNI 'To maintain cision top la' PHILLIPS DEBUTANTE Medel Ne, ©. 8040 A complete package for the lady, with twin shaving 'jomplete with evening "wane 12.95 ie Compact, edges, Now effortless feminine groom: Never each hair into shaving head. AUTOMATIC ACTION TOOTH BRUSH 19.95 GENERAL ELECTRIC Automatic Tooth Brush 'The most Effective eer Method of Cleaning Testh Stir Sree 19.95 " BROWNIE FIESTA R4 CAMERA OUTFIT Haase. 11.87 Techmatic RAZOR BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS 'Twin heed shaving comfort, Exch» sive barber type trimmer, Six INSTAMATIC 104 OUTFIT cube rotates tomatically PERSONAL CARDS Modern Stim Line Your Choice of Four Greetings BEAM SHAVEMASTER Medel 777 pre» blades, On-off switch - flip tch for cleaning blades and LADY SCHICK ich, cut oF scrope, ck tae een 13.95 KODAK ghee curtit- with camera, Galet fim frome end bok 18.99 SO Sree Cords and Ailes. Selection 2.283 4.00 7,00 12.50 em Stointess Steel WILKINSON BLADES GIFTS by SHULTON SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK OLD SPICE AFTER SHAVE LOTION DESERT FLOWER SET Hand & Body Lotion Toilet Water BRYLCREEM Large Size 8% Vetus 67 BROMO. '" quinine "™ 89 mae «1.87 DESERT mgr 1.19 FLOWER COLGATE Dental Cream Y*'* BAYER ASP 6% hi 100 TABLETS 6] Lotion, Aerosol and tant ond Man's Colo 7.00 TOILET WATER, SOAP AND BUBBLE BATH Escapade, Desert Flower, Old Spice, 1 7 Friendship Garden ie AGAROL THE GENTLE LAXATIVE 1.09} | iin LADY PATRICIA 10 id SPRAY * \, FREE ALL-DAY DELIVERY Pi OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE - 728-5101 6 KING STREET EAST - 723-3143 ae HOUSEHOLD HINT dust thoroughly, wash and dry, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 6, 1966 177 To. mend a hole in: a cloth/then apply an iron-on patch on - _ vacuum cleaner bag, remove, ithe inside. i ~2A\E "Veo SPECIAL PURCHASE! Sitwer us SLIMS | FAMOUS MAKER Reg. 1L00 now 79Q Quality slims by one of Canada's leading pant manufacturers, Wool, Helanca and viscose stretch slims. Side zippers, Detachable foot straps, Black, navy, brown, green, orange. A very special purch Sizes 8-20. \ for Fairweather Sto "of comree you may charge it" FASHIONS FASHIONS \ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Your Christmas Gift Cenire QUALITY, SELECTION and VALUES IN EVERY STORE! SPECIAL ATTRACTION ONE WEEK ONLY (Monday, Dee. ie SEE" Dec. 10th) THE MIDGET'S CASTLE In The Centre Mall SANTA CLAUS is waiting for you in his trailer the mall to hear what you would like him to bring you for Christmas and has @ gift for you now, when you visit him, : > REGULAR BUS SERVICE % 5B STORES TO SERVE YOU % FREE PARKING FOR OVER 5,000 CARS ELLE LLL EL LLORES PE. EP renee seek OPEN EVERY NIGHT ™§P.Me"-- rs Patt ae eRe i isecmee -